Pastor's Note : Easter Worship Opportunities 9 & 11:00 A.M. March 31 Light Meal Between Worship
Pastor's Note : Easter Worship Opportunities 9 & 11:00 A.M. March 31 Light Meal Between Worship
Pastor's Note : Easter Worship Opportunities 9 & 11:00 A.M. March 31 Light Meal Between Worship
I honestly wish I could remember where I saw this but its truth rings. I grew up sitting under large walnut and maple trees; their leaves green leaves all summer. In school I learned about how each leaf with is filled with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment which gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll enables the leaf to absorb sunlight converting water and carbon dioxide to oxygen and energy. This energy is used by the plant to sustain growth and development. Without it, plants would be unable to survive. However, there comes a time when the green pigment begins to dim. The sunlight and temperatures dwindle as Chlorophyll slows towards its coda. But as the green fades the leaf reveal a secret. Her secret is out and the leaf reveals her true color. And the street becomes lined with trees robed in brilliant colors, autumn colors, Gods colors. The beauty is always in a leaf but summers long hours of sunlight covers its many colors with Chlorophylls Pentecost green. With the sunlight diminished and colder temps Gods true colors reveal His glory. Life has its cycles of summer green and the fall of darkening cold. We are mortal and will experience the fall of life when vigor and gladness give way to a spiritual dusk. When our vibrant appearance gives way to paleness of trouble and heartache, let us never forget that just underneath are Gods dazzling colors. Gods best work is accomplished when the Chlorophyll of self gives way and you glimpse the glory of God and pure grace colors your world. Once again Good Friday is invaded by Easter. And we whisper a sigh of thanksgiving and remember how beautiful are the trees of fall.
Easter Worship Opportunities 9 & 11:00 a.m. March 31 Light meal between worship
Zion Lutheran Church Tel: 830-257-8411 Cell: (123) 456 7891
This year's quilting project is over. Everyone worked very hard on the final push for this project. A good portion of the work goes on year round through the efforts of the Thursday morning quilters. Everyone is welcome to help. Just come to the WOW room at 9:00 on Thursday mornings. We hope you all enjoyed the display of the quilts on the pews and everywhere in the sanctuary on February 17. There are 130 quilts waiting to be packed for shipment to Lutheran World Relief. In addition to the quilts we send Personal Care kits, Fabric kits, and Baby Care kits. We collect items for these kits throughout the year. See the note in the bulletin for the items needed each month. April 13 is the WOW Retreat in Seguin. Registration forms are available and are due in Seguin by March 31. We will carpool from the church parking lot, leaving at 6:30. Call Shirley Smith if you need a ride. SAVE SATURDAY, APRIL 27 for a great style show and luncheon. All the women of the church and their friends are invited. More information will be supplied later. Circle Meetings continue the first week in April. Naomi Circle meets at 9:30 on April 2. Sarah Circle meets April 2 at 7:00 Mary -Martha (Brown Bag) meets at 12:05 on April 5 in the conference room. Ruth-Rebecca meets at 9:30 April 4. Mary Louise Leach is hostess and Barbara Jones is the discussion leader. Dorcas-Elizabeth , Thursday April 4 at 2:00. Marilyn Thompson is both discussion leader and hostess. Esther Circle will meet at 2:00 with Dianne Theiss as hostess. Media Alta Bridges by M/M John Thompson Building Fund Lois Goodpasture by M/M Rod Dierking Alta Bridges by M/M Jonathan Baethge, M/M Bill Dendy, M/M Carlos Pfiester, Kitty O
March 23rd at 9:00 AM we will need willing hands to help set up Palms in the sanctuary, create the Palm banners, and set up the individual candles (ones used for Christmas Eve) for the Good Friday service. If you plan to attend, please bring your garden shears, if available, to be used to trim the palm stems as needed. Second, Wednesday, March 27th about 5:15 we will need to set up the communion tables for the Maundy Thursday service. Third, Friday, March 29th, we will need 8-9 assistants to assist with striping the altar towards the end of the Good Friday service. After the service we will be decorating the sanctuary for Easter Services and putting up the candles used during the service. If you are available to assist with these activities please sign up on the sheet in the Altar Guild room or let Linda Mann or Donna Shirley know. If you think you cant do these activities, think again, all activities are pretty easy and we are willing to teach you as many hands make the work more enjoyable. If we have several hands these activities should take about an hour each to complete.
Member Update
New Members
Gladys Rock 2300 Chalet Trail 1B Kerrville, TX 78028
Address Changes
Ada Brown Box 291784 Kerrville, TX 78028
Lois Anderson
Sincerely, Stephanie Cash, Director and the Board of Directors Larry Cattran, Gus Schill, Wally Freeman, Dena Theis, Beverly Fischer, Sue Nelms
Communion Servers
Walter Saunders Brenda Craig, Ute Rohleder Art Brown, Bibi Brown, Cathy Itz
Lay Readers
Barbara Vanderhoof Mark Bigott Marilyn Thompson Ward Jones
10 11:00 a.m. 17 9:00 a.m. Gay Klaerner, Mike & Shari Borchers Ward Jones, Sherri Jones, Bob Joines
24 11:00 a.m.
Pastor Don Rahut, Mark Bigott, Kent Bressler, Roger & Marilyn Lampman Donna Jenschke, John Dennis, Holly Shirley
Fran Turner
31 11:00 a.m.
Sherri Jones
9:00 a.m. Tammy & Jackie Gold 11:00 a.m. Lane & Johnna Taylor Altar Flowers March 3 March 10 March 17 Palms March 24 & 31 Easter Lilies If you would like to provide altar flowers on February 17 or 24 or on any Sunday in 2013, please, sign theowerchartin the narthex or call Chancel Choir Judy Johnson Communion Assistants Ward Jones Decorations Karen Kordzik Lay Readers Chancel Choir Judy Johnson Communion Assistants Ward Jones Decorations Karen Kordzik Altar Guild Linda Mann & Donna Shirley BellChoir Jim Abbatiello Altar Guild Linda Mann & Donna Shirley BellChoir Jim Abbatiello Lay Readers Evelyn Wilke Multimedia Misty Erlund Prayer Stations Rheba Schwarz Sacred Arts Judy Johnson TV/Radio Broadcast Gerd Rohleder Ushers Beverly Fisher Pam Raborn
March 2013
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1
Noon Brown Bag
Saturday 2 9
10:00am Prayer Cell 6:55pm Mens BSF
9:00 am Staff Mtg. 9:30 Naomi Circle
2:00pm Esther Circle 2:00 Dorcas-Elizabe 6:30pm Contemporary Serv. Rehearsal 8:00 pm N A Mtg.
10:00 ZLCC Chapel 9am LWR Sewing 9:30 Ruth-Rebecca 5:30 Sacred Arts
10:00 Mus/Wor Plg. 6:00 pm Bell Choir 10:00 Prayer Cell 6:15 Meal 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 7:00 Sarah Circle 8:00 N A Mtg. 6:30pm Youth JAM 7:00 Worship 7:45 Chancel Choir 8:00 pm C A Mtg.
10:00 Prayer Cell 10:30 Communion at Plaza Chapel 2:00 WOW Brd Mtg 6:55pm Mens BSF
9:00 Staff Mtg. 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 7:00pm Council 8:00 N A Mtg.
9am Wmns Brk 6:00 pm Bell Choir 6:15 Meal 6:30 Youth JAM 7:00pm Worship 7:45 Chancel Choir 8:00 pm C A Mtg.
9am LWR Sewing 6:30pm Contemporary Serv. Rehearsal 8:00 pm N A Mtg.
15 Newsletter
8:30am Quilt Guild 10:00 Prayer Cell Mens BSF
8:30am Quilt Guild 9:00 Staff Mtg.
9am LWR Sewing
9am Altar Guild
8:30am Quilt Guild 10:00 ZLCC Chapel 6:30pm Contemporary Serv. Rehearsal 10:00 Mus/Wor Plg. 5:30 Sacred Arts 8:00 pm N A Mtg. 10:00 Prayer Cell 6:00pm Bell Choir 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 1:30pm Knitters 8:00 pm N A Mtg. 6:15 Meal 6:30 Youth JAM 7:00 Worship 8:00 pm C A Mtg.
Palm Sunday
10:00 Prayer Cell Mens BSF
9:00 Staff Mtg.
5:15 Altar Guild
28 Maundy
Thursday 9am LWR Sewing 7:00 p.m. Worship 7:45 Chancel Choir 8:00 pm N A Mtg.
Good Friday
10:00 Mus/Wor Plg. 6:00 pm Bell Choir 6:30 Youth JAM 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 8:00 pm N A Mtg. 8:00 C A Mtg.
thdays h Bi r Marc
Waldon, Mason Emshoff, Diane Kies, Buddy Jung, Kay Williams, Eric Breen, Ethel Peese, Ruby Scharringhausen, Mark True, Billy Balser, Shelby Kramer, Gloria Robinson, Cole Taylor, Alvie Wilke, Evelyn Abbatiello, Brenda Harrison, Grace Baker, Esther Thompson, Philip Turner, Steven Schmedemann, Ivan McKeon, Kevin Smith, Rebecca Simon, Andy Moss, Christopher Abbatiello, Jimmy Evans, Louis Reichenau, Penny
3/1 3/2 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/13 3/14 3/16 3/17 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/20
Johnson, Joel Feldman, Zachary Waldon, Lynette Pearson, Irene Qualben, Steve Reichenau, Aubrey Christensen, Deanna Scherer, Mollie Theiss, Diane Bailey, Lois Brown, Ada Older, Liz Silliman, Robert Smith, David Erlund, Misty Rust, Doug Taylor, Jaclyn Bigott, Sharon Gutz, William Lowmiller, Danielle Stern, Diane Williams, Amy Young, Tatum Brougham, Gaelynn McMahon, Zachary Williams, Lewis
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ership Lead
Web page: Email: Office: Pastor: Youth: Church Council: Media Center: Judy Johnson: Misty Erlund: Childrens Center: Please notify the church office if your email address changes.
Staff Pastor-Michael Williams Assisting Pastors - Barbara Dierker, Rev. Donald Rauhut Office Secretary - Judy Sharp Financial Secretary - Mindy Williams Organist/Choir Director - Judy Johnson Contemporary Service Director - Misty Erlund Choir Accompanist - Jimmy Abbatiello Bell Choir Director - Jim Abbatiello Childrens Ctr. Director - Stephanie Cash Nursery Attendant - Katherin McCoy Superintendent - Steve Griffin Church Council Officers President Kent Bressler Vice President Bruce Motheral Secretary Nikki Kordzik Treasurer Sara McKeon Representatives: Benevolence Martha Kies Childrens Center Larry Cattran Evangelism Tim Sasman Fellowship Gay Klaerner Parish Ed June Oehler Property - John Dennis Stewardship - Mary Vestuto Worship & Music - Ward Jones Youth Ministry - Jess Erlund
Zion Lutheran Church 624 Barnett St. Kerrville, TX. 78028 830-257-8411 Fax: 830-896-3266 Office: