Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Tissue Culture
Generally, the ratio of these two hormones can determine plant development: Auxin Cytokinin = Root development Cytokinin Auxin = Shoot development 2012
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Chapter- 2
Plant tissue culture is the aseptic method of growing cells and organs such as meristems, leaves, roots etc either in solid or liquid medium under controlled condition. In this technique small pieces of viable tissues called ex-plant are isolated from parent plants and grown in a defined nutritional medium and maintained in controlled environment for prolonged period under aseptic condition. The general technique of plant tissue culture involves four main stages. They are: Initiation of culture Multiplication (or) sub culture Development and differentiation Hardening
1. Intiation of culture The most important factor in tissue culture technique is the maintenance of aseptic condition. For this purpose the culture medium generally, a GR-free (growth regulator free) medium is used. Immediately after preparation the culture vessel has to be plugged and autoclaved at 121OC 15 psi (pounds per sq. inch) for an about 15-20min. The plant material has to be surface sterilized with a suitable sterilent. The transfer area should also maintained free of micro-organisms. Strict precautions are to be taken to prevent the entry of micro-organisms. The plug of a culture vessel is removed carefully to transfer plant material to the nutrient medium during sub culturing. After inoculation the cultures are incubated in culture room under controlled condition at 25 + 12OC temperature and 1000 lux light intensity generated by florescent tube and at a constant photoperiod regulated by automatic timers. 2. Multiplication / Subculture After 2-3 weeks the explants show visible growth by forming either callus (or) differentiated organs like shoots, roots (or) complete plantlets, depending upon the composition of the medium. Periodically subculturing of callus (or) organs (or) plantlets to the fresh medium is done to multiply the callus (or) organs (or) to obtain large number of plantlets from the callus. 3. Development and Diffentiation / organogenesis The concentration of phytoharmones in the medium are altered to induce differentiation in callus. A high cytokinins to auxin ratio induces shoot formation (Caulogenesis) (basal medium + low cytokinins / GA3 medium is used before they can be rooted. Higher concentration (>2 mg/l BAP) of cytokinins induce adventitious shoot buds and retard shoot growth. Very high auxins to cytokinin ratio induces root Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 7 Plant tissue culture formation (Rhizogenesis). The development of organ structures like shoot, roots etc. from the cultured cells (or) tissues is known as Organogenesis. Alternatively media composition can also be altered to induce the development of somatic embryos and the process is known as somatic embryogenesis. Further, an entire plantlet can be induced to grow on culture media by manipulating the phyto-hormone balance correctly and the process is called Regeneration. The regeneration may be either direct or callus mediated. The in vitro induced shoots must be transferred to the culture media that supports root induction. 4) Hardening: The in vitro cultured rooted plants are first subjected to acclimatization before transferring to the field. The gradual acclimatization of in vitro grown plant to in vivo conditions is called hardening. The plantlet is taken out from the rooting medium and is washed thoroughly to remove entire agar from the surface of plantlet as agar may attract microbes to grow and destroy the plantlets. The plantlet is now kept in a low minimal salt medium for 24-48hrs and transferred to a pot that contains autoclaved sterilized mixture of clay soil, coarse sand and leaf moulds in 1 : 1 : 1 ratio proportion. The pot containing plantlet is covered generally with the transparent polythene cover having holes for aeration to maintain the humidity. The plantlets are maintained for about 15-30 days in this condition. The plantlets are then transferred to the soil and are ready for transfer either to the green house or main field. Steps in plant tissue culture technique Selection of plant Isolation of explant Sterilization of explant Inoculation of explant Incubation Initiation of callus Sub culturing Regenaration Hardening Transfer of plantlets to Green house or open field
Applications of plant tissue culture in crop improvement 1. Micro propagation helps in mass multiplication of plants which are difficult to propagate through conventional methods. 2. Some perennial crop plants like ornamental and fruit crops can not be propagated through seeds. The vegetative propagation like grafting, budding are tedious and time consuming. In such crops micro propagation helps in rapid multiplication. 3. Rapid multiplication of rare and elite genotypes such as Aromatic and Medicinal plants. Isolation of in vitro mutants for a large number of desirable character Eg:- Isolation of biochemical mutants and mutants Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
BIO-TECHNOLOGY resistant to biotic (pest and disease) abiotic (salt and drought, cold, herbicide etc) stresses through the use of somaclonal variation 4. Screening of large number of cells in small space. 5. Cross pollinated crops like cordamum, Eucalyptus, coconut, oil palm do not give true to type plants, when multiplied through seed. Development of genetically uniform plants in cross pollinated crops is possible through tissue culture 6. In case of certain horticultural crops orchids etc seed will not germinate under natural conditions, such seed can be made to germinate in vitro by providing suitable environment. 7. Induction of flowering in some trees that do not flower or delay in flowering. Eg:- Bamboo flowers only once in its life time of 50 years 8. Virus free plants can be produced through meristem culture 9. Large amount of germplasm can be stored within a small space and lesser cost for prolonged periods under in vitro condition at low temperature. The preservation of cells tissues, organs in liquid Nitrogen at 196OC is called cryopreservation 10. Production of secondary metabolites. Eg:- Caffine from coffea arabica, Nicotine from Nicotiana rustica. 11. Plant tissue culture can also be used for studying the biochemical pathways and gene regulation. 12. Anther and pollen culture can be used for production of halploids and by doubling the chromosome number of haploids using cholchicine homogygous diploids can be produced. They are called dihaploids. 13. In case of certain fruit crops and vegetative propagated plants where seed is not of much economic impor tant, triploids can be produced through endosperm culture. 14. Inter specific and inter generic hybrids can be produced through embryo rescue technique which is not possible through conventional method. In such crosses in vitro fertilization helps to overcome prefertilization barrier while the embryo rescue technique helps to over come post fertilization barrier. 15. Somatic hybrids and cybrids can be produced through protoplast fusion (or) somatic hybridization 16. Ovary culture is helpful to know the physiology of fruit development. 17. Development of transgenic plants. Advantages of tissue culture Rapid multiplication within a limited space It is not time bound and not season bound Free from pests and diseases 2012
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Biotechnology 9 Plant tissue culture Limitations (or) Disadvantages Laborious, costly, risky and special skill is required.
The media used for plant tissue culture contain sugar as a carbon source there by attracting a variety of micro-organisms including bacteria and fungi. These organisms grow much faster than the cultured tissues and produce metabolic substances which are toxic to plant tissues. There are a number of sources through which the media may get contaminated which include culture vessels, instruments, media, explant, transfer area and culture room. Therefore sterilization is absolutely essential to provide and maintain a completely aseptic environment during in vitro cultivation of plant cells (or) organs. Sterilization is a procedure used for elimination of micro-organisms and maintaining aseptic (or) sterile conditions for successful culture of plant tissues (or) organs. The different techniques used for sterilization of plant tissue culture growth room chambers and instruments are: a) Dry sterilization b) Wet heat / autoclaving / steam sterilization c) Ultra filtration (or) Filter sterilization d) Ultra violet sterilization e) Flame sterilization f) Surface sterilization (or) chemical sterilization g) Wiping with 70% alcohol a) Dry heat sterilization : Empty glass ware (culture vessels, petriplates etc) certain plastic ware (Teflon, FFp), Metallic instruments (scalpels, foreceps, needles etc) aluminium foils, paper products can be sterilized by exposure to hot dry air at 1600- 1800C for 2-4hr in hot air oven. All items should be properly sealed before sterilization. b) Wet heat sterilization (or) autoclaving steam sterilization : It is a method of sterilization with water vapour under high pressure to kill all microbes by exposing to the super heated steam of an autoclave. Normally the tissue culture media in glass containers sealed with cotton plugs (or) Aluminium, foils, plastic caps are autoclaved with a pressure of 15psi at 1210C for 15-20 minutes. From the time the medium reaches the required temperature some types of plastic glassware can also be repeatedly sterilized by autoclaving (Good sterilization relies on time, pressure, temperature and volume of the object to be sterilized). The advantages of an autoclave are speed, simplicity and destruction of viruses, while disadvantages are change in pH by 0.3 0.5 units. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
c) Ultra filteration / Filter sterilization : Vitamins, amino acids, plant extracts, hormones, Growth Regulators (GR) are thermolabile and get destroyed during autoclaving. Such chemicals are filter sterilised by passing through a bacterial proof membrane filter under positive pressure. A millipore (or) seitiz filter with a pore size of not more than O.2 is generally used in filter sterilization. This procedure has to be carried out only in aseptic working space created by laminar air flow cabinet. Filter sterilised thermolabile compounds are added to an autoclaved media after cooling at about 400C temperature. Laminar air flow cabinets are used to create an aseptic working space blowing filter sterilized air through an enclosed space. The air is first filtered through a coarse free filter to remove large particles. It is then passed through HEPA filters which filters out all particles larger than 0.3 lm. This sterilized air blows through the working area in a cabinet at a constant speed of 1.8km/hr-1. These filters not only eliminate dust and other particles but also fungal and bacterial spores. Thus an aseptic environment is maintained at the time of tissue inoculation. d) Ultra violet sterilization: UV light sterilizes the interior portion of the inoculation chamber and eliminates atmospheric contamination. Materials like nutrient media, disposable plastic ware used for tissue culture and other similar materials are sterilized using UV rays to remove the contaminates. Flame sterilization : Metalic instruments like foreceps, scalpels, needle, spatula are sterilised by dipping in 95% ethanal followed by flaming and cooling. This technique is called flame sterilization. Autoclaving of metalic instrument is generally avoided as they rust and become blunt. These instruments are repeatedly sterilized during their use and time of inoculation to avoid contamination. The mouths of culture vessels are need to be expose to flame prior to inoculation (or) sub culture Chemical sterilization / Surface : The explant before its transfer to the nutrient medium contain in the culture vessels is treated with an appropriate sterilizing agent to inactivate the microbes present on their surfaces. This is known as surface sterilization. The most commonly used sterilizations for surface disinfection are Mercuric chloride 0.1% for 3-10min Calcium hypochlorite 5% for 20 min Sodium hypochlorite 0.5-1% for 15 min Bromine water 1% for 2-10min Chloramines 10-20% for 20-30min Other H2O2, AgNO3, Antibiotic, etc. are also used. The plant material to be sterilized is dipped in sterilant solution for prescribed period and then the explant is taken out and washed with sterile distilled water for 2-3 times thoroughly so as to remove all the traces of sterilant adhere to the plant material before its transfer to nutrient media. g) Wiping with 70% ethanol : The surfaces that cannot be sterilized by other techniques example plot form of laminar air flow cabinet, hands of operator etc are sterilized by wiping them thoroughly with 70% alcohol and the alcohol is allowed to dry. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Tissue culture is the culture and maintenance of plant cells or organs in sterile, nutritionally and environmentally supportive conditions (in vitro). Tissue culture produces clones, in which all product cells have the same genotype (unless affected by mutation during culture). It has applications in research and commerce. In commercial settings, tissue culture is primarily used for plant propagation and is often referred to as micropropagation. 1. The first commercial use of plant tissue culture on artificial media was in the germination and growth of orchid plants, in the 1920s 2. In the 1950s and 60s there was a great deal of research, but it was only after the development of a reliable artificial medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) that plant tissue culture really took off commercially. 3. Tissue culture techniques are used for virus eradication, genetic manipulation, somatic hybridization and other procedures that benefit propagation, plant improvement and basic research. Tissue culture has several critical requirements: Appropriate tissue (some tissues culture better than others) A suitable growth medium containing energy sources and inorganic salts to supply cell growth needs. This can be liquid or semisolid Aseptic (sterile) conditions, as microorganisms grow much more quickly than plant and animal tissue and can overrun a culture. Growth regulators - in plants, both auxins & cytokinins. Frequent subculturing to ensure adequate nutrition and to avoid the build-up of waste metabolites
Appropriate tissue (Explant) Explants: Cell, tissue or organ of a plant that is used to start in vitro cultures. Many different explants can be used for tissue culture, but axillary buds and meristems are most commonly used. The explants must be sterilized to remove microbial contaminants. This is usually done by chemical surface sterilization of the explants with an agent such as bleach at a concentration and for a duration that will kill or remove pathogens without injuring the plant cells beyond recovery.
Many plants are rich in polyphenolics After tissue injury during dissection, such compounds will be oxidized by polyphenol oxidases tissue turn brown/black Phenolic products inhibit enzyme activities and may kill the explants
Methods to overcome browning: adding antioxidants [ascorbic acid, citric acid, PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone), dithiothreitol], activated charcoal or presoaking explants in antioxidant 2012
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY incubating the initial period of culturing in reduced light/darkness frequently transfer into fresh medium
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
The growth medium has to supply all the essential mineral ions required for growth and development. In many cases (as the biosynthetic capability of cells cultured in vitro may not replicate that of the parent plant), it must also supply additional organic supplements such as amino acids and vitamins. Many plant cell cultures, as they are not photosynthetic, also require the addition of a fixed carbon source in the form of a sugar (most often sucrose). One other vital component that must also be supplied is water, the principal biological solvent. Physical factors, such as temperature, pH, the gaseous environment, light (quality and duration), and osmotic pressure, also have to be maintained within acceptable limits.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY Plant cell culture media Culture media used for the cultivation of plant cells in vitro are composed of three basic components: 1. Essential elements, or mineral ions, supplied as a complex mixture of salts; 2. An organic supplement supplying vitamins and/or amino acids; and 3. A source of fixed carbon; usually supplied as the sugar sucrose. For practical purposes, the essential elements are further divided into the following categories: 1. 2. 3. Macroelements (or macronutrients); Microelements (or micronutrients); and An iron source.
Complete plant cell culture medium is usually made by combining several different components, as outlined in Table 2. a. Media components It is useful to briefly consider some of the individual components of the stock-solutions. Macroelements: As is implied by the name, the stock solution supplies macroelements required in large amounts for plant growth and development. The elements required in concentration > 0.5 mmol/l. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sulphur (and carbon, which is added separately) are usually regarded as macroelements. These elements usually comprise at least 0.1% of the dry weight of plants. Nitrogen is most commonly supplied as a mixture of nitrate ions (from KNO3) and ammonium ions (from NH4NO3). Theoretically, there is an advantage in supplying nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions, as nitrogen must be in the reduced form to be incorporated into macromolecules. Nitrate ions therefore need to be reduced before incorporation. However, at high concentrations, ammonium ions can be toxic to plant cell cultures and uptake of ammonium ions from the medium causes acidification of the medium. For ammonium ions to be used as the sole nitrogen source, the medium needs to be buffered. High concentrations of ammonium ions can also cause culture problems by increasing the frequency of vitrification (the culture appears pale and glassy and is usually unsuitable for further culture). Using a mixture of nitrate and ammonium ions has the advantage of weakly buffering the medium as the uptake of nitrate ions causes OH ions to be excreted. Phosphorus is usually supplied as the phosphate ion of ammonium, sodium, or potassium salts. High concentrations of phosphate can lead to the precipitation of medium elements as insoluble phosphates. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 15 Plant tissue culture Microelements: Microelements are required in trace amounts for plant growth and development, and have many and diverse roles. The elements required in conc. < 0.5 mmol/l. Manganese, iodine, copper, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, iron, and zinc usually comprise the microelements, although other elements such as nickel and aluminium are found frequently in some formulations. Iron is usually added as iron sulphate, although iron citrate can also be used. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) is usually used in conjunction with iron sulphate. The EDTA complexes with the iron to allow the slow and continuous release of iron into the medium. Uncomplexed iron can precipitate out of the medium as ferric oxide. Organic supplements: Only two vitamins, thiamine (vitamin B1) and myoinositol (considered a B vitamin), are considered essential for the culture of plant cells in vitro. However, other vitamins are often added to plant cell culture media for historical reasons. Amino acids are also commonly included in the organic supplement. The most frequently used is glycine (arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, alanine, glutamic acid, glutamine, and proline are also used), but in many cases its inclusion is not essential. Amino acids provide a source of reduced nitrogen and, like ammonium ions, uptake causes acidification of the medium. Casein hydrolysate can be used as a relatively cheap source of a mix of amino acids. Other organic supplements used are: Organic acids: TCA cycle acids (citrate, malate, succinate, fumarate), pyruvate Complex substances: yeast extract, malt extract, coconut milk, protein hydrolysate Activated charcoal is used where phenol-like compounds are a problem, absorbing toxic pigments and stabilizing pH. Also, to prevent oxidation of phenols PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone), citric acid, ascorbic acid, thiourea and L-cysteine are used.
Carbon source: Sucrose is cheap, easily available, readily assimilated, and relatively stable, and is therefore the most commonly used carbon source. Other carbohydrates (such as glucose, maltose, galactose, and sorbitol) can also be used, and in specialized circumstances may prove superior to sucrose. Sucrose is better than sucrose because sucrose releases the carbon steadly. (Sucrose concentration 2-5%) Antibiotics: Some plant cells have systematic infection of micro-organisms. To prevent the growth of these microbes it is essential to enrich the media with antibiotics Eg:- Streptomycin or Kanamycin at low concentration effectively controls systemic infection and do inhibit the growth of cell cultures. Gelling agents: Media for plant cell culture in vitro can be used in either liquid or solid forms, depending on the type of culture being grown. For any culture types that require the plant cells or tissues to be grown on the surface of the medium, it must be solidified (more correctly termed gelled). Agar, produced from seaweed, is the Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
BIO-TECHNOLOGY most common type of gelling agent, and is ideal for routine applications. However, because it is a natural product, the agar quality can vary from supplier to supplier and from batch to batch. For more demanding applications, a range of purer (and in some cases, considerably more expensive) gelling agents are available. Purified agar or agarose can be used, as can a variety of gellan gums. pH Plant cells and tissues require optimum pH for growth and development in cultures. The pH effects the uptake of ions, hence it must be adjusted below 5-6.0 by adding 0.1N NaOH (or) HCl usually the pH higher than six results in a fairly hard medium where as pH below five does not allow satisfactory solidification of medium. Summary These components, then, are the basic chemical necessities for plant cell culture media. However, other additions are made to manipulate the pattern of growth and development of the plant cell culture. b. Plant growth regulators We have already briefly considered the concepts of plasticity and totipotency. The essential point as far as plant cell culture is concerned is that, due to this plasticity and totipotency, specific media manipulations can be used to direct the development of plant cells in culture. Plant growth regulators are the critical media components in determining the developmental pathway of the plant cells. The plant growth regulators used most commonly are plant hormones or their synthetic analogues. Classes of plant growth regulator There are five main classes of plant growth regulator used in plant cell culture, namely: (1) auxins; (2) cytokinins; (3) gibberellins; (4) abscisic acid; (5) ethylene. Each class of plant growth regulator will be looked at briefly below. Auxins Auxins promote both cell division and cell growth. The most important naturally occurring auxin is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), but its use in plant cell culture media is limited because it is unstable to both heat and light. Occasionally, amino acid conjugates of IAA (such as indole-acetyl-l-alanine and indoleacetyl-l-glycine), which are more stable, are used to partially alleviate the problems associated with the use of IAA. It is more common, though, to use stable chemical analogues of IAA as a source of auxin in plant cell culture media. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is the most commonly used auxin and is Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 17 Plant tissue culture extremely effective in most circumstances. Other auxins are available (see Table: 3), and some may be more effective or potent than 2,4-D in some instances. (There is inverse relationship between auxin concentration and degree of xylogenesis or xylem differentiation while cytokinin and gibberellins promote differentiation of xylem. Low conc. of auxin at 0.05mg/l stimulates xylogenesis. The balance of sugar and auxin level is important in vascular tissue differentiation.) Cytokinins Cytokinins promote cell division. Naturally occurring cytokinins are a large group of structurally related purine derivatives. Of the naturally occurring cytokinins, two have some use in plant tissue culture media (see Table :4), zeatin and N6-(2-
isopentyl)adenine (2iP). Their use is not widespread as they are expensive (particularly zeatin) and relatively unstable. The synthetic analogues kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) are therefore used more frequently. Non-purine-based chemicals, such as substituted phenylureas, are also used as cytokinins in plant cell culture media. These substituted phenylureas can also substitute for auxin in some culture systems. Gibberellins There are numerous, naturally occurring, structurally related compounds termed gibberellins. They are involved in regulating cell elongation, and are agronomically important in determining plant height and fruit-set. Only a few of the gibberellins are used in plant tissue culture media, GA3 being the most common. Abscisic acid
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY Abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits cell division. It is most commonly used in plant tissue culture to promote distinct developmental pathways such as somatic embryogenesis. Ethylene Ethylene is a gaseous, naturally occurring, plant growth regulator most commonly associated with controlling fruit ripening in climacteric fruits, and its use in plant tissue culture is not widespread. It does, though, present a particular problem for plant tissue culture. Some plant cell cultures produce ethylene, which, if it builds up sufficiently, can inhibit the growth and development of the culture. The type of culture vessel used and its means of closure affect the gaseous exchange between the culture vessel and the outside atmosphere and thus the levels of ethylene present in the culture. Plant growth regulators and tissue culture: Generalizations about plant growth regulators and their use in plant cell culture media have been developed from initial observations made in the 1950s. There is, however, some considerable difficulty in predicting the effects of plant growth regulators: this is because of the great differences in culture response among species, cultivars, and even plants of the same cultivar grown under different conditions. However, some principles do hold true and have become the paradigm on which most plant tissue culture regimes are based.
Auxins and cytokinins are the most widely used plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture and are usually used together, the ratio of the auxin to the cytokinin determining the type of culture established or regenerated (see Figure: 1). A high auxin to cytokinin ratio generally favours root formation, whereas a high cytokinin to auxin ratio favours shoot formation. An intermediate ratio favours callus production. c. Preparation of media: The following sequential steps are followed for preparation of media 1) 2) Appropriate quantity of Agar and sucrose is dissolved in distilled water. Required quantity of stock solution, heat stable growth harmones (or) other substances are added by continuous stirring 3) Additional quantity of distilled water is added to make final volume of the medium. 4) While stirring the pH of the medium is adjusted by using 0.1 NaOH (or) HCL 5) If a gelling agent is used heat the solution until it is clear. 6) Medium is dispensed into the culture tubes, flasks, (or) any other containers. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
8) 9) 10)
The culture vessels are either plugged with non-absorbent cotton wool rapped in cheese cloth or closed with plastic caps. Culture vessels are sterilized in autoclave at 1210C, 15Psi (1.06kg / cm2)for about 15- 20 min Heat labile constituents are added to the autoclaved medium after cooling to 30-400C under a Laminar airflow cabinet. Culture medium is allowed to cool at room temperature and used or stored at 40C (1or2 days)
a. Solid Medium:A solidifying or a gelling agent is commonly used for preparing semisolid (or) solid tissue culture medium. The plant material is placed on the surface of the medium. The tissue remains intact and the cell multiplication is comparatively slow. Advantages a) solid medium is most widely used in plant tissue culture because of its simplicity and easy handling nature. b) Acquires sufficient aeration without a special device since the plant material is placed on the surface of the medium. Disadvantages 1) Only a part of the explant is incontact with the surface of the medium. Hence there may be inequality in growth response of tissues and there may be a nutrient gradient between callus and medium. 2) There will be a gradiation in the gaseous exchange 3) Solid medium represent a static system. Hence there will be polarity of the tissues due to gravity and there will be variation in the availability of light to the tissues 4) Considerable damage to the tissues may occur during sub-culturing 5) Some physiological experiments which requires the immersion of tissues in the culture medium can not be conducted by using the solid medium b. Liquid medium:.All the disadvantage of solid medium can be overcome by use of liquid medium. It does not contain a gelling or solidifying agent. So the plant material is immersed in the medium either partially or completely. Liquid medium is used for suspension cultures and for a wide range of research purposes. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Advantages and limitations of media: Advantages 1) The tissue is more easily supplied with nutrients. 2) The culture of plant tissue in an agitated liquid medium facilitates a) Gaseous exchange b) Removes any polarity of the tissue due to gravity c) Eliminates nutrient gradient within the medium and at the surface of the cells 3) Toxic waste products can be easily removed 4) Growth and Multiplication of cells tissues occur at a faster rate 5) There will be less damage to the tissues while sub-culturing 6) Isolation of secondary metabolites is easy 7) Liquid media are suitable for studies on the effect of any selective agent on individuals cells. 8) Therefore screening can be done at the cellular level for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. 9) Liquid medium can be easily changed without re-culturing and are preferred for some plant species whose explants exude phenols from their cut surfaces Disadvantages 1) The explant gets submerged in liquid medium hence it requires some special devices for proper aeration. Usually filter paper bridge may be used to keep the explant raised above the level of the medium. 2) The cultures may be regularly aerated either by bubbling sterile air / gentle agitation on a gyratory shaker 3) Needs to be sub-cultured frequently
Cultures are generally initiated from sterile pieces of a whole plant. These pieces are termed explants, and may consist of pieces of organs, such as leaves or roots, or may be specific cell types, such as pollen or endosperm. Many features of the explant are known to affect the efficiency of culture initiation. Generally, younger, more rapidly growing tissue (or tissue at an early stage of development) is most effective. Several different culture types most commonly used in plant transformation studies will now be examined in more detail. a. Callus Explants, when cultured on the appropriate medium, usually with both an auxin and a cytokinin, can give rise to an unorganized, growing, and dividing mass of cells. It is thought that any plant tissue can be used as an explant, if the correct conditions are found. In culture, this proliferation can be maintained more or less indefinitely, provided that the callus is subcultured on to fresh medium periodically. During callus formation, there is some degree of dedifferentiation (i.e. the changes that occur during development and specialization are, to some extent, reversed), both in morphology (a callus is usually composed of unspecialized parenchyma cells) and metabolism. One major consequence of this dedifferentiation is that most plant cultures lose the ability to photosynthesize. This has important consequences for the culture of Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 21 Plant tissue culture callus tissue, as the metabolic profile will probably not match that of the donor plant. This necessitates the addition of other componentssuch as vitamins and, most importantly, a carbon sourceto the culture medium, in addition to the usual mineral nutrients. Callus culture is often performed in the dark (the lack of photosynthetic capability being no drawback) as light can encourage differentiation of the callus. During long-term culture, the culture may lose the requirement for auxin and/or cytokinin. This process, known as habituation, is common in callus cultures from some plant species (such as sugar beet). Callus cultures are extremely important in plant biotechnology. Manipulation of the auxin to cytokinin ratio in the medium can lead to the development of shoots, roots, or somatic embryos from which whole plants can subsequently be produced. Callus cultures can also be used to initiate cell suspensions, which are used in a variety of ways in plant transformation studies. b. Cell-suspension cultures Callus cultures, broadly speaking, fall into one of two categories: compact or friable. In compact callus, the cells are densely aggregated, whereas in friable callus, the cells are only loosely associated with each other and the callus becomes soft and breaks apart easily. Friable callus provides the inoculum to form cell-suspension cultures. Explants from some plant species or particular cell types tend not to form friable callus, making it difficult to initiate cell suspension. The friability of the callus can sometimes be improved by manipulating the medium components or by repeated sub-culturing. The friability of the callus can also sometimes be improved by culturing it on semi-solid medium (medium with a low concentration of gelling agent). When friable callus is placed into a liquid medium (usually the same composition as the solid medium used for the callus culture) and then agitated, single cells and/or small clumps of cells are released into the medium. Under the correct conditions, these released cells continue to grow and divide, eventually producing a cell-suspension culture. A relatively large inoculum should be used when initiating cell suspensions so that the released cell numbers build up quickly. The inoculum should not be too large though, as toxic products released from damaged or stressed cells can build up to lethal levels. Large cell clumps can be removed during subculture of the cell suspension. Cell suspensions can be maintained relatively simply as batch cultures in conical flasks. They are continually cultured by repeated sub-culturing into fresh medium. This results in dilution of the suspension and the initiation of another batch growth cycle. The degree of dilution during subculture should be determined empirically for each culture. Too great a degree of dilution will result in a greatly extended lag period or, in extreme cases, death of the transferred cells. After subculture, the cells divide and the biomass of the culture increases in a characteristic fashion, until nutrients in the medium are exhausted and/or toxic byproducts build up to inhibitory levels: this is called the stationary phase. If cells are left in the stationary phase for too long, they will die and the culture will be lost. Therefore, cells should be transferred as they enter the stationary phase. It is therefore important that the batch growthcycle parameters are determined for each cell suspension culture. The suspension culture broadly grouped as 1) Batch culture 2) Continuous culture
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 1) Batch culture A batch culture is a cell suspension culture grown in a fixed volume of nutrient culture medium. Cell suspension increases in biomass by cell division and cell growth until a factor in the culture environment (nutrient or oxygen availability) becomes limiting and the growth ceases. The cells in culture exhibit the following five phases of a growth cycle. i. Lag phase, where cells prepare to divide ii. Exponential phase, where the rate of cell division is highest. iii. Linear phase, where cell division shows but the rate of cells expansion increases. iv. Deceleration phase, where the rates of cell division and elongation decreases. v. Stationary phase, where the number and size of cells remain constant. When cells are sub-cultured into fresh medium there is a lag phase. It is the initial period of a batch culture when no cell division is apparent. It may also be used with reference to the synthesis of a specific metabolite or the rate of a physiological activity. Then follows a period of cell division (exponential phase). It is a finite period of time early in a batch culture during which the rate of increase of biomass per unit of biomass concentration (specific growth rate) is constant and measurable. Biomass is usually referred to in terms of the number of cells per ml of culture. After 3 to 4 cell generations the growth declines. Finally, the cell population reaches a stationary phase during which cell dry weight declines. It is the terminal phase of batch culture growth cycle where no net synthesis of biomass or increase in cell number is apparent. In batch culture, the same medium and all the cells produced are retained in the culture vessel (Eg. culture flask 100-250 ml). the cell number or biomass of a batch culture exhibits a typical sigmoidal curve. Batch cultures are maintained by sub-culturing and are used for initiation of cull suspensions. 2. Continuous culture:These cultures are maintained in a steady state for a long period by draining out the used (or) spent medium and adding the fresh medium. Such sub-culture systems are either closed (or) open type. a. Closed:The cells separated from used medium taken out for replacement and added back to the suspension culture. So that the cell biomass keeps on increasing b. Open:Both cells and the used medium are taken out from open continuously cultures and replaced by equal volume of fresh medium. The replacement volume is so adjusted that cultures remain at sub-maximal growth indefinitely. c. Protoplasts Protoplasts are plant cells with the cell wall removed. Protoplasts are most commonly isolated from either leaf mesophyll cells or cell suspensions, although other sources can be used to advantage. Two general approaches to removing the cell wall (a difficult task without damaging the protoplast) can be taken: mechanical or enzymatic isolation. Mechanical isolation, although possible, often results in low yields, poor quality, and poor performance in culture due to substances released from damaged cells. Enzymatic isolation is usually carried out in a simple salt solution with a high osmoticum, plus the cell-walldegrading enzymes. It is usual to use a mix of both cellulase and pectinase enzymes, which must be of high quality and purity. Protoplasts are fragile and damaged easily, and therefore must be cultured Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 23 Plant tissue culture carefully. Liquid medium is not agitated and a high osmotic potential is maintained, at least in the initial stages. The liquid medium must be shallow enough to allow aeration in the absence of agitation. Protoplasts can be plated out on to solid medium and callus produced. Whole plants can be regenerated by organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis from this callus. Protoplasts are ideal targets for transformation by a variety of means. d. Root cultures Root cultures can be established in vitro from explants of the root tip of either primary or lateral roots and can be cultured on fairly simple media. The growth of roots in vitro is potentially unlimited, as roots are indeterminate organs. Although the establishment of root cultures was one of the first achievements of modern plant tissue culture, they are not widely used in plant transformation studies. e. Shoot tip and meristem culture The tips of shoots (which contain the shoot apical meristem) can be cultured in vitro, producing clumps of shoots from either axillary or adventitious buds. This method can be used for clonal propagation. Shoot meristem cultures are potential alternatives to the more commonly used methods for cereal regeneration (see Case study 2.1, below) as they are less genotype dependent and more efficient (seedlings can be used as donor material). f. Embryo culture
Embryo culture is the sterile isolation and growth of an immature or mature embryo in vitro, with the goal of obtaining a viable plant. The first attempt to grow the embryos of angiosperms was made by Hannig in 1904, who obtained viable plants from in vitro isolated embryos of two crucifers Cochleria and Raphanus (Hannig, 1904). Sterile isolation and growth of an immature and mature embryo in vitro with role of obtaining viable plant is zygotic embryo culture. Embryo culture is now a well-established branch of plant tissue culture.
The following protocol for embryo culture is based on the method used for Capsella bursapastoris. With modification, this basic protocol should be applicable to embryo culture in general.
1. The capsules in the desired stages of development are surface sterilized for 5-10 minutes in 0.1% HgCl2 in a laminar air flow.
2. Wash repeatedly in sterile water. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
3. Further operations are carried out under a specially design dissecting microscope at a magnification of about 90 X. The capsules are kept in a depression slide containing few drops of liquid medium.
4. The outer wall of capsule is removed by a cut in the region of the placenta; the halves are push apart with forceps to expose the ovules.
5. A small incision in the ovule followed by slight pressure with a blunt needle is enough to free the embryos.
6. The excised embryos are transferred by micropipette or small spoon headed spatula to standard 10 cm petri dishes containing 25 ml of solidified standard medium. Usually 6-8 embryos are cultured in petridish.
7. The Petri dishes are sealed with cello tape to prevent desiccation of the culture.
8. The cultures are kept in culture room at 25 1 0C and given 16 hrs illumination by cool white fluorescent tube.
9. Subcultures into fresh medium are made at approximately four weaks interval. In case of fresh seed or dry and imbided seeds, the schedule is slightly changed. Seeds are cleaned by 5% Teepol for 10 minutes and dipped in 70% ethyl alcohol for 60 seconds. Surface sterilization in 0.1 % HgCl2 is followed by washing in sterile water, then the seeds are decotylated using a sharp scalpel and embryos are transferred to solid nutrient medium. There are two types of embryo culture: Mature embryo culture: It is the culture of mature embryos derived from ripe seeds. This type of culture is done when embryos do not survive in vivo or become dormant for long periods of time or is done to eliminate the inhibition of seed germination. Seed dormancy of many species is due to chemical inhibitors or mechanical resistance present in the structures covering the embryo, rather than dormancy of the embryonic tissue. Excision of embryos from the testa and culturing them in the nutrient media may bypass such seed dormancy. Some species produce sterile seeds, which may be due to incomplete embryo development. Embryos excised Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 25 Plant tissue culture from the developing seed at or near the mature stage are autotrophic and grow on a simple inorganic medium with a supplemental energy source. Immature embryo culture/ embryo rescue: It is the culture of immature embryos to rescue the embryos of wide crosses. This is mainly used to avoid embryo abortion with the purpose of producing a viable plant. Wide hybridization, where individuals from two different species of the same genus or different genera are crossed, often leads to failure. There are several barriers, which operate at pre- and post-fertilization levels to prevent the successful gene transfer from wild into cultivated species. The pre-fertilization barriers include all factors that hinder effective fertilization, which is usually due to inhibition of pollen tube growth by the stigma or upper style. Post-fertilization barriers hinder or retard the development of the zygote after fertilization and normal development of the seed. This frequently results from the failure of the hybrid endosperm to develop properly, leading to starvation and abortion of the hybrid embryo or results from embryoendosperm incompatibility where the endosperm produces toxins that kills the embryo. Raghavan (1976) has discussed evidence which suggests that embryos of in-viable hybrids possess the potential for initiating development, but are inhibited from reaching adult size with normal differentiation. Endosperm development precedes and supports embryo development nutritionally, and endosperm failure has been implicated in numerous cases of embryo abortion. Endosperm failure generally results in abnormal embryo development and eventual starvation. Thus, isolation and culture of hybrid embryos prior to abortion may circumvent these strong post-zygotic barriers to interspecific and intergeneric hybridization. The production of interspecific and intergeneric hybrids is the most conspicuous and impressive application of embryo rescue and culture technique, particularly for subsequent valuable gene transfer from the wild species.
The most important aspect of embryo culture work is the excision of embryo and selection of medium requirement necessary to sustain continued growth of the embryo. In most cases a standard basal plant growth medium with major salts and trace elements may be utilized. Mature embryos can be grown in basal salt medium with carbon energy such as sucrose. But the young embryo is addition requires different vitamins, amino acids and growth regulators and in some cases natural endosperm extracts. 1) Excision of embryo:a) Plant material:- Artificial pollination of freshly opened flower is necessary when embryos are to be cultured at the specific stage of development. For this one has to prepare a calander showing the relation ship between the stage of embryo development and days after pollination. When the objective is to obtain plants from otherwise aborted seeds the embryos should be excise for culture prior to onset of abortion. b) Sterilization:- Zygotic embryos being enclosed within the sterile environment of ovular tissue do not require surface sterilization. Entire ovules are disinfected following a standard method, the embryos are dissected out and transfer to culture medium under strictly aseptic condition. If the embryo is small and not possible to dissect it, the entire ovule can be taken. In orchids where the seeds are minute and lack a functional endosperm whole ovules are cultured and treated as embryo culture. Here whole capsules are surface sterilized and than seeds can be excised under aseptic condition. c) Excision of embryo
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY The mature embryos can be isolated by splitting open the seed. Seeds with hard seed coat are dissected after soaking them in water. To excise immature embryos from single ovule, the ovule is split longitudinally to isolate the half containing the embryo. By carefully keeping the part, the ovular tissue the entire embryo along with attached suspension should be removed. Presence of suspensor is critical for the survival of young embryos. For excising older embryo a small incision is made in the ovule on the side lacking the embryo and than a slight pressure is applied with a blunt needle to release the intact embryo Monnier in (1978) opined that very young embryos cultured without the suspensor showed necrosis and failed to develop Gibberillin (5mg/lit) is most effectively substituted for requirement of suspensor. II) Cultural requirements. The most important aspects of embryo culture is the selection of a suitable medium that would support progressive and orderly development of embryos excised at different stages of development. The zygotic embryos develop through the following stages Pro embryo Globular stage Hearted shaped stage Torpedo stage Coteledonary stage A fully developed embryo undergoes a period of maturation during which the embryo becomes hardy. Upto a certain stage Ex:- upto globular stage in capsella the embryo is heterotropic as it derives some part of its nutrition from endosperm. Beyond this stage the embryo becomes autotropic and is able to synthesis its biochemical needs from simple nutrients like salt and sugar. In general the older as embryo the simpler its nutritional needs. M.S medium supports maximum growth of embryos but surivival frequency is low. Monniers medium favours both good growth and survival. 1. Carbohydrates Sucrose is the best carbon source, produces energy and also maintains suitable osmolority. High osmolarity of the medium prevents precocious germination of embryos. Mature embryos grow well with 2% sucrose but younger embryos need high level of sucrose conc (8-12%) Mannitol at 120g/lit is suitable for for heart shaped embryos. 2. Amino acids and vitamins In general reduced Nitrogen in form of glutamine 400mg/lit (or) Aspargine is beneficial particularly for younger embryos. Caseine hydrolysate is widely used for embryo culture in Citrus. Hence of NH4 + in the medium is essential for proper growth and differentiation of embryo 3. Mineral salts Monnier (1978) modified the M.S. medium and it favours higher survival rate of cultured immatured embryos. This medium contains high levels of K+, Ca+2 and reduced levels of NH4NO3 and Fe EDTA 4. Natural plant products:Van over beak et al 1941 reported the importance of coconut milk (liquid endosperm of coconut) in promoting the growth of certain immature embryos. It was due to presence of some endosperm factors in Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 27 Plant tissue culture liquid endosperm of coconut. Extracts of Dates, Bananas, Tomato Juice and Wheat Glutin, Hydrolysate have been found to promote the growth of excised embryos of Barley. 5. Growth regulators:Auxins and cytokinins are not generally used in embryo cultures since embryos are usually autotrophic. In this respect ABA checks precocious germination and promoted embryo development and maturation. 6. PH of the Medium:It is critical for organogenic differention. The range of PH for growth of excised embryos is 5to7.5 The suitable range of PH for various crops is Barley 4.9 - 5.2 Rice - 5 - 9 Datura - 5 - 7.5 7. Culture Environment Embryo cultures are kept at temperature ranging from 250-30oC. Light does not appear to be critical in several cases but in Barley it suppresses precocious germination. Embryos developed into plantlets in 1430 days, if there is appropriate medium. once the plantlets are obtained the remaining procedure that is hardening, acclamatisation (or) propagation is normal
chromosomes. The evidences were : (i) The occurrence of cells in the embryo with more than seven chromosomes ; (ii) the percentage of seed set is higher than observed by induced parthenogenesis ; (iii) when diploid H. vulgare is pollinated with tetraploid H. bulbsomum, the percentage of seed set is similar of the diploid cross. Monoploid wheat has also been obtained by crossing Triticum aestivum (2n = 6x = 42) with diploid H. bulbosum (2n = 2x = 14) where the chromosomes of bulbosum are eliminated and haploids of T. aestivum are obtained (Barclay, 1975). This technique represents a considerable advancement in the production of barley haploids and it has a number of advantages over anther culture. The frequency of haploid formation is quite high by this method. In addition, no aneuploids are obtained by this method. But this technique has a disadvantage of being highly laborious because it involves crossing, embryo excision and then regeneration. In barley varieties namely Mingo, Rodeo, Craigand Gwylan have been released through bulbosum technique of chromosome elimination. The varieties were more tolerant to powdery mildew and barley yellow mosaic virus diseases and superior in yield contributing characters as compared to parents.
H. bulbosum 2n-14 BB
Zygote 2n=14 VB Chromosome elimination of H. bulbosum Young embryo (n = 7-V) Embryo culture Haploid plants of H. vulgare (V) Chromosome doubling using Colchicine
Doubled haploid plants of H, vulgare (completely homozygous plants) 2n=14VVA 3. Overcoming seed dormancy: Embryo culture technique is applied to break seed dormancy which can be caused by numerous factors including endogenous inhibitors, specific light requirements, low temperature, dry storage requirements and embryo immaturity. These factors can be circumvented by embryo excision and culture. In some fruit trees embryos required a dormancy period after ripening before
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 29 Plant tissue culture germination. Vegetatively propagated plants like banana and colacasia could develop seedlings from seeds by culturing its embryo aseptically. 4. Shortening of breeding cycle: Due to breaking the dormancy and as well as culturing the immature embryo we can get the seedling from the embryo 1-2 weeks earlier than the seed culture normally. Rose normally takes a whole year to come in flowering and through embryo culture it has been possible to produce two generation in a year. 5. Prevention of embryo abortion with early ripening stone fruits: Some species produce sterile seeds that will not germinate under appropriate conditions and will eventually decay in soil. E.g. early ripening varieties of peach, cherry, apricot, plum etc.. Seed sterility may be due to incomplete embryo development, which results in the death of the germinating embryo. 6. Propagation of orchid: Orchid seeds generally lack storage food and have naked embryo. So, sexual propagation of orchid is possible only balance of tissue culture technique.
Endosperm is a unique tissue in Endosperm majority of the - Most angiosperms form flowering plants. endosperm tissue Endosperm is - Consumed by the developing formed in most embryo or stored in seed cases by fusion of - Triploid tissue two polar nuclei - Homogeneous mass of and one of the parenchymatous tissue male gametes Endosperm culture resulting in a - To produce triploids tissue with - Seedless plants triploid number - Study of endosperm of chromosomes. biosynthesis and metabolism It is a homogeneous mass of parenchymatous tissue lacking the differentiation of vascular elements. It is the main source of reserve food for developing embryo and influences its differentiation. The endosperm, which lacks any organogenic or vascular differentiation, may be regarded as the second embryo which is modified to serve the nutrient requirements of the developing zygotic embryo. Potentiality of endosperm cells for unlimited growth and organogenic differentiation in vitro has been well established. It is the best method to get triploids. The most common method for triploid production is to cross tetraploid with diploid. Such a Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
One of the most important characteristics of triploid plants is seed sterility, and hence, the seed sterility is unfavorable for plants whose seeds are used commercially. However, triploids are of significant importance in trees and shrubs that are important for biomass and soil conservation, because they promote vegetative growth by preserving huge amounts of photosynthetic energy normally channeled to seed and fruit production. Similarly, seedlessness is used to increase the quality of several fruits, like banana, papaya, grapes, apple, etc. According to Morinaga and Fukushima (1935), triploids are more vigorous than diploids.
BIO-TECHNOLOGY cross may not always be successful due to strong crossability barriers and repeated production of triploid seed would be difficult. The technique of endosperm culture may be profitably exploited as an alternative to crossing tetraploid and diploid for arising triploids in crop improvement programs. The early attempt to grow endosperm tissue in culture was made by Lampe and Mills (1933). They grew young maize endosperm on a Nutrient medium enriched with the extract of potato. The first extensive work on growth and differentiation of corn endosperm was given by La Duel (1949). He reported growing tissue of young immature maize endosperm. Nikajima (1962) obtained mature plants from endosperm of Cucumis sativus. Mohan Ram and Satsangi (1963) from Ricinus communis.
Cereal endosperm proliferate only if excised during a proper period of development Eg : 4-7 days after pollination(DAP) in oryza sativa 6 DAP in Triticum aestivum and Hardeum vulgare 8-11 DAP in zeamays The mature endosperm in these plants is not amenable to culture. It is reported that certain physiological changes occur in Corn endosperm 12 days after pollination that renders its in capable of responding to the treatments in culture. Most of responding species belongs to Euphorbiaceae, Loranthaceae and Santalaceae. The species belonging to first two families, initial association of embryo was essential for inducing proliferation of endosporm from mature dry seeds. Shortly after the endosperm has started callusing, the embryo could be removed without affecting the growth of endospermic callus. If the germinating embryo is not removed at this stage the embryo may also proliferate resulting in a mixed callus (containing cells with difference ploidy levels). It is therefore advised to remove embryo soon after the endosperm cells has started to divide. The initial callus phase is followed by embryogenesis or shoot bud differentiation. The shoots and roots may subsequently developed and complete triploid plants can be established for further use.
Eg:- using Hardeum endosperm as a nurse tissue the young embryos of hybrid between Hardeum x Triticum Hardeum x Cicale Hardeum x Agropyron These can be induced to germinate and form normal hybrid plants
1. Triploid production through endosperm culture technique has been successful only in a limited number of species. In majority of species mature endosperm proliferation resulted in a callus tissue of unlimited growth. But the induction of organogenesis in endosperm culture has always being a challenging problem. 2. In cereals (or) crops where grains (or) seeds are used, triploids are undesirable h. Microspore culture Haploid tissue can be cultured in vitro by using pollen or anthers as an explant. Pollen contains the male gametophyte, which is termed the microspore. Both callus and embryos can be produced from pollen. Two main approaches can be taken to produce cultures in vitro from haploid tissue. The first method depends on using the anther as the explant. Anthers (somatic tissue that surrounds and contains the pollen) can be cultured on solid medium (agar should not be used to solidify the medium as it contains inhibitory substances). Pollen-derived embryos are subsequently produced via dehiscence of the mature anthers. The dehiscence of the anther depends both on its isolation at the correct stage and on the correct culture conditions. In some species, the reliance on natural dehiscence can be circumvented by cutting the wall of the anther, although this does, of course, take a considerable amount of time. In the second method, anthers can also be cultured in liquid medium, and pollen released from the anthers can be induced to form embryos, although the efficiency of plant regeneration is often very low. Immature pollen can also be extracted from developing anthers and cultured directly, although this is a very time-consuming process. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Some beneficial effects to the culture are observed when anthers are used as the explant material. There is, however, the danger that some of the embryos produced from anther culture will originate from the somatic anther tissue rather than the haploid microspore cells. If isolated pollen is used there is no danger of mixed-embryo formation, but the efficiency is low and the process is time-consuming. In microspore culture, the condition of the donor plant is of critical importance, as is the timing of isolation. Pretreatments, such as a cold treatment, are often found to increase the efficiency. These pretreatments can be applied before culture, or, in some species, after placing the anthers in culture. Plant species can be divided into two groups, depending on whether they require the addition of plant growth regulators to the medium for pollen/anther culture; those that do also often require organic supplements, such as amino acids. Many of the cereals (rice, wheat, barley, and maize) require medium supplemented with plant growth regulators for pollen or anther culture. Regeneration from microspore explants can be obtained by direct embryogenesis, or via a callus stage and subsequent embryogenesis. Haploid tissue cultures can also be initiated from the female gametophyte (the Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
BIO-TECHNOLOGY ovule). In some cases, this is a more efficient method than using pollen or anthers. Plants obtained from haploid cultures may not be haploid. This can be a consequence of chromosome doubling during the culture period. Chromosome doubling (which often has to be induced by treatment with chemicals such as colchicine) may be an advantage, as in many cases haploid plants are not the desired outcome of regeneration from haploid tissues. Such plants are often referred to as di-haploids, because they contain two copies of the same haploid genome.
Fig: callus of onion cell Uses of tissue culture: Plant tissue culture now has direct commercial applications as well as value in basic research into cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. The techniques include culture of cells, anthers, ovules and embryos on experimental to industrial scales, protoplast isolation and fusion, cell selection and meristem and bud culture. Applications include:
micropropagation using meristem and shoot culture to produce large numbers of identical individuals screening programmes of cells, rather than plants for advantageous characters large-scale growth of plant cells in liquid culture as a source of secondary products crossing distantly related species by protoplast fusion and regeneration of the novel hybrid production of dihaploid plants from haploid cultures to achieve homozygous lines more rapidly in breeding programmes as a tissue for transformation, followed by either short-term testing of genetic constructs or regeneration of transgenic plants
i. Ovary culture
It is the technique by which ovules are aseptically isolated from ovary and are grown on chemically defined nutrient medium under controlled conditions. Maheshwari (1958) isolated ovules of papaver somniferum and cultured them on nutrient medium. Purpose
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
It is tried in those cases where the embryo aborts very early. Embryo culture is not possible due to difficulty of its excision at very early stage Difficulty of arriving at the right kind of complex nutrient medium for culturing hybrid Embryos. Depending upon the stage, at which the embryo aborts, the ovules have to be excised at anytime from soon after fertilization to almost developed fruits. In some cases the medium may need to be supplemented with some fruits and vegetable juice, to accelerate initial growth. Applications:1) To obtain interspecific and intergeneric hybridseg Eg. Cotton The hybrid embryo between Tetraploid and diploid was rescued and obtained plants. Gossypium barbadense x G. arborium Gossypium hirsutum x G. herbaceum 2) Orchid seed germinate only in association with fungus, but the cultured fertilized ovules germinate even in the absence of fungus 3) Test tube pollination and fertilization is possible through ovule culture 4) It helps in the development of several embryos in Citrus and other crop plants 5) Culture of unfertilized ovules helps in the formation of haploid callus. Ovary culture Culture of unfertilized ovaries to obtain haploid plants from egg cells or other haploid cell of the ES is called ovary culture and this process of haploid production is termed as gynogenesis. The first report of gynogenesis was by San Noem Lu 1976 in case of barley subsequently haploid plants were obtained from ovary / ovule cultures of rice, wheat, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, tobacco etc. Purpose : ovary culture is often used for: 1) in vitro pollination and fertilization 2) For embryo rescue when embryo culture and ovule culture fail (or) not feasible due to their very small size. Culture procedure In most cases, the optimum stage for ovary culture is the nearly mature embryosac, but in case of rice ovaries at free nuclear embryosac stage are the most responsive. Generally culture of whole flowers, ovary, ovule attached to placenta respond better, but in Gerbara and Sunflower isolated ovules show better response cold treatment (24-48 hr at 40C in sunflower and 24 hr at 70C in rice) of the inflorescence before ovary culture enhances gynogenesis. Growth regulators are crucial in gynogenesis and seems to depend on species. For example in Sunflower GR-free medium is the best. Sucrose level also appears to be critical, in Sunflower 12% sucrose leads to gynogenic embryo production, while at lower levels somatic calli and somatic embryos were also produced ovaries / ovules are generally cultured in light but in some species dark incubation favours gynogenesis. Haploid plants generally originate from egg cells in
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
most of the species (in vitro parthenogenesis), but in some species Eg. In Rice, they arise mainly from synergids and antipodals (Allium tuberosum) produce haploid plants (in vitro apogamy). Application 1) Interspecific hybrids have been successfully obtained in several genera including Brassica species (B. compestries x B,oleracea) seeds with well developed embryos have been obtained when ovaries are cultured 4 days after pollination in whites medium contain casein hydrolysate. For inter specific and inter generic crosses ovaries are excised at zygote stage (or) at two celled pro embryo stage. 2) It is used for the study of understanding of physiology of fruit development. 3) The effect of phyto harmones on the development of parthenogenic fruit or haploids from the cultures of unpollinated flower can be studied. 4) It is successful in inducing poly embryony. Limitations 1. So far ovary culture has been successful only in less than two dozen species. 2. The frequency of responding ovaries is low (1-5%) the number of plantlets for ovary is quite low. (1-2%) 3. The somatic origin of embryos / plant lets can be identified only by studying the progeny of regenerants.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
In summary: Plant cells can be grown in isolation from intact plants in tissue culture systems. The cells have the characteristics of callus cells, rather than other plant cell types. These are the cells that appear on cut surfaces when a plant is wounded and which gradually cover and seal the damaged area. Pieces of plant tissue will slowly divide and grow into a colourless mass of cells if they are kept in special conditions. These are:
initiated from the most appropriate plant tissue for the particular plant variety presence of a high concentration of auxin and cytokinin growth regulators in the growth media a growth medium containing organic and inorganic compounds to sustain the cells aseptic conditions during culture to exclude competition from microorganisms
The plant cells can grow on a solid surface as friable, pale-brown lumps (called callus), or as individual or small clusters of cells in a liquid medium called a suspension culture. These cells can be maintained indefinitely provided they are sub-cultured regularly into fresh growth medium. Tissue culture cells generally lack the distinctive features of most plant cells. They have a small vacuole, lack chloroplasts and photosynthetic pathways and the structural or chemical features that distinguish so many cell types within the intact plant are absent. They are most similar to the undifferentiated cells found in meristematic regions which become fated to develop into each cell type as the plant grows. Tissue cultured cells can also be induced to re-differentiate into whole plants by alterations to the growth media. Plant tissue cultures can be initiated from almost any part of a plant. The physiological state of the plant does have an influence on its response to attempts to initiate tissue culture. The parent plant must be healthy and free from obvious signs of disease or decay. The source, termed explant, may be dictated by the reason for carrying out the tissue culture. Younger tissue contains a higher proportion of actively dividing cells and is more responsive to a callus initiation programme. The plants themselves must be actively growing, and not about to enter a period of dormancy. The exact conditions required to initiate and sustain plant cells in culture, or to regenerate intact plants from cultured cells, are different for each plant species. Each variety of a species will often have a particular set of cultural requirements. Despite all the knowledge that has been obtained about plant tissue culture during the twentieth century, these conditions have to be identified for each variety through experimentation.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
This stage consists of identification of mother plant and their preparation in such a way that they provide more responsive explants suitable for establishment of contamination free cult ures. Cultures are initiated from various kind of explants such as meristem shoot tips, nodal buds, internodal segments leaves, young inflorescene etc. but meristem, shoot tips and nodal buds are most prefer for commercial micro propagation. Meristems < 0.2mm (or) 0.2-0.4mm are devoid of pathogens and thus result in the production of disease, virus free plants through micro propagation Selected explants are surface sterilized and asptecally cultured on a suitable medium. During this stage a simple medium without harmones and with low levels of both auxins and cytokinins is used. In general the explants taken from Juvinile plants respond better. Cultures are incubated in a room maintained at 25+ 1oC temperature 16/8hr light/dark 3000-5000 lux light intensity and 50-70% Relative humidity. After 2-4 weeks of incubation, the effective cultures resume their growth. 2) Proliferation of shoots from the explant on medium / Multiplication of propagules
Effective explants from stage I are subcultured on to a fresh medium. The time and concentration of auxins and cytokinins in multiplication medium is an important factor affecting the extent of multiplication. In vitro multiplication of shoots can be achieved by the following main approaches
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
a. b. c. d.
Multiplication through callus culture Multiplication by adventitious shoots Multiplication by apical and axillary shoots Multiplication by somatic embryo genesis
a) Multiplication through callus culture A large number of plantlets can be obtained from callus either through shoot and root formation (or) somatic embryogenesis. Mass production of callus followed by shoot regeneration would be ideal method for large scale propagation of desired plants but there are two serious drawbacks a. Due to repeated subculturing the capacity of mass calli to form the regenerable shoots is diminished (or) even lost. b. Degree of aneuploidy, polyploidy and development of genetically aberrant cells increased progressively resulting the regeneration of plant that differs from parent type. Therefore multiplication of shoots through callusing is less preferred method. This approach was successively used in citrus and oil palms. b) Multiplication by adventitious shoots Adventitious shoots are stem and leaf structures which develop naturally on plant at places other than normal leaf axil regions. These structures include stems, buds, tubers, corms, Rhizomes etc. In many horticultural crops, vegetative propagation through adventitious bud formation is in commercial practice for Eg:- In nature shoots develo p on of leaves of Begonia and some other ornamental plants. In culture also similar type of adventitious shoot formation can be induced by using appropriate combination of growth regulators in media. Adventitious buds can also be induced on the leaf and stem cuttings of even those species which are normally not propagated vegetative Eg:- flax, Brassica species. Development of adventitious shoots directly from excised organs is preferred for clonal propagation as compared to callus formation method because in the former diploid individuals are formed but in the later often cytologically abnormal plants are produced. However in varieties which are genetic chimeras multiplication through adventitious bud formation may lead to splitting the chimeras to pure type plants.
c) Multiplication by apical and axillary shoots Apical shoots are those that occupy growing tip of shoots whereas axillary shoots are those that develop from their normal positions on the plant in a axil of each leaf. Every bud has got potentiality to develop into a shoot. Apical dominance plays an important role in the development of axillary buds and is governed by the growth regulators. In the species where the apical dominance is very strong removal or injury of terminal bud is necessary for the growth of axillary bud. To initiate culture, shoot tips are placed on the medium containing low levels of cytokinins (0.05 to 0.5 mg/lit BAP) and auxin (0.01 to 0.1mg/lit, IBA), the level of cytokinins is progressively raised at each subculture, until the desirable rate of
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
proliferation is achieved, In cultures, the rate of shoot multiplication can be enhanced by culturing the shot tips on the medium containing cytokinins In such cases the cult ured explant transforms into the mass of branches. By further subculturing, shoot multiplication cycle may be repeated and culture may be maintained round the year and proliferating shoots of many species have been maintain upto 10-15 years. The enhanced axillary branching method of shoot multiplication may be initially slower than the other two methods. But each passage, the number of shoots increased. This method is popular for clonal propagation of crop plants because the cells of shoot apex are uniformly diploid and are least susceptible to genetic changes d) Multiplication by somatic embryo genesis Development of embryos from somatic cells in culture, whose structure is similar to zygotic embryos found in seeds and with analogous embryonic organs such as cotyledonary leaves or cotyledons. Multiplication by somatic embryogenesis in nature is generally restricted to intra ovular tissues. Eg:- Any cell of gametophytic or sporophytic tissue around the embryo sac, cells of nucellus or Integument of members of the family Rutaceac can develop into embryos. However in plant tissue cultures embryos can develop even from somatic cells like epidermis, parenchymatous cells of petioles (or) secondary phloem etc. Somatic embryos are formed by either of the two ways (Sharp et al. 1980) Direct embryogenesis:- the embryos initiate directly from explant tissue in the absence of callus proliferation.
Indirect embryogenesis :- Cell proliferation that means callus is formed from explant from which embryos are formed. Somatic embryo genesis encompasses various stages from callus initiation to embryo development and maturation and subsequently plantlet formation. The media compositions of each of these stages are different, somatic embryos can be used to produce artifical seeds. Somatic embryogenesis as a means of propagation is seldom use because 1) There is a high probability of occurrence of mutations 2) The method is usually rather difficult 3) The chances of losing regenerating capacity becomes greater with repeated subcultures 4) Induction of embryogenesis is often very difficult (or) impossible with many plants species 5) A deep dormancy in seeds often occurs in the somatic embryos that may be extremely difficult to break. 3) Transfer of shoot to a rooting medium : Shoots proliferated during stage II are transferred to a rooting medium. In general rooting medium has low salt. All cytokinins inhibit rooting. Eg:- half (or) even 1/4th salts of M.S medium and reduced sugar levels. In most species 0.1 mg/lit NAA. IBA is required for rooting. The availability of IBA induces primary / secondary roots whereas NAA induces root hairs Generally individual shoots are approximately 2cm are transferred to rooting medium plantlets with 0.5 1cm roots are usually transplanted into pots since longer roots tend to get damaged during the transfer. 4) Transfer of plants to soil / normal environment
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
transfer of plantlets to soil is the most critical step in micropropagation. The plantlets are maintained under highly protected conditions in in vitro i.e. high humidity, low irradiance, low CO2 levels and high sugar content. The ultimate success of micro propagation on commercial scale depends on the capacity in the transfer of plants to the soil at low cost and high survival rates. The heterotrophic mode of nutrition and poor physiological mechanisms. lack of cuticle on leaves to control water loss, tender the micro propagation plants vulnerable to the transplantation, plants are acclamatised in suitable compost mixture (or) soil in pots under controlled conditions of light temperature and humidity. Inside the Green house the plants increase their resistance to moisture stress and disease. The plantlets have to become autotrophic in constrast to their heterotrophic state induced in micro propagation culture. Transfer of plantlets to soil is the most critical step in micro propagation. The plant lets are maintained under highly protected conditions in in vitro i.e. high humidity, low irradiance, low CO2 levels and high sugar content. Shoot Meristem Culture Cultivation of axillary or apical shoot meristems, particularly of shoot apical meristem, is known as meristem culture. The shoot apical meristem is the portion lying distal to the youngest leaf primordium, it is upto about 100 m in diameter and 250 m in length. The first application of meristem culture was to obtain virus-free plants of dahlias; in 1952, Morel and Martin isolated 100m long meristem from virus -infected plants, and cultured them to obtain virus -free shoots. Since then the technique of meristem culture has been greatly refined and used for obtaining plants free from viruses, viroids, mycoplasma and even fungi and bacteria in a range of crops. In India, some valuable clones of potato, sugarcane, etc. have been freed from virus infections through meristem culture. Care must be taken to remove the apical meristem with as little surrounding tissue as possible to minimize the chances of virus particles being present in the explant. This application of meristem culture is of great value, particularly in the maintenance of breeding materials and germplasm exchange, which are invaluable for any breeding programme. Procedure of Meristem culture 1. Considerable expertise is required to dissect out the shoot apical meristem with only one or two leaf primordia (100-500 m in length). 2. Care has to be taken to prevent desiccation, and contamination by the virus present in the surrounding tissue. 3. Generally, growth regulators (usually, small amounts of an auxin and a cytokinin) are added to the medium to support shoot growth from the cultured meristems. 4. In general, the larger the meristem explant, the greater the chances of its survival and shoot development. But the risk of infection by the virus also increases with explant size 5. Therefore, a comprom ise has to be reached between these two opposing forces in deciding the explant size. 6. Viruses are eliminated by thermotherapy of whole plants, in which plants are exposed to temperatures between 35-400C for a few minutes to several weeks depending on the host-virus combination. 7. Thermotherapy is often combined profitably with meristem culture to obtain virus free plants. In general, shoot-tips are excised from heat-treated plants, but cultured meristems may also be given thermotherapy; the former is preferable since larger explants can be safely taken from heat-treated plants. 8. A prolonged exposure to a low temperature (50C), followed by shoot-tip culture, has proved quite successful in virus elimination; this is often called cryotherapy.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
9. Some chemicals, e.g., virazole (ribavirin), cucloheximide, actinomycin D, etc., which interfere with virus multiplication, may be added into the culture medium for making the shoot-tips free from Viruses; this is known as chemotherapy. Applications and limitations 1. Virus elimination generally improves the yield by 20-90% over infected controls. 2. Virus-free plants serve as excellent experimental materials for evaluating the detrimental effects of infections by various viruses. 3. The virus free bulbs grew more rapidly, plants were more vigorous, and they produced a greater number of larger flowers that had richer colour than the virus infected stock. 4. The virus -free plants are deliberately infected by known viruses, and effects of the infection on performance of the host are assayed. 5. Meristem culture can also help eliminate other pathogens, e.g., mycoplasmas, bacteria and fungi. Bacteria and fungi present in explants show up when they are cultured in vitro since tissue culture media provide excellent nutrition for the microbes.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
6. Meristem culture has been used to eliminate systemic bacteria form Diffenbachia and Pelargonium, and Fusareum roseus from carnations.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
1) Microbial contamination Bacterial and fungal contamination in culture does not allow propagules to grow and contaminated cultures have to be usually discarded. Such a problem can be overcome by growing the donar plant in growth chamber, by effective sterilization of explants, by performing inoculation in the laminar air flow cabinets and by using sterlised surgical instrument. Fumigation of inoculation with dilute formaldehyde solution helps to minimize this problem. 2) Callusing Callus formation is highly undersirable as it often effects the normal development of shoots and roots and may lead to variability among the regenerated plants Additon of tri-iodo-benzoic acid, flurogauicinol and flurorizin into the culture medium (or) reduction of inorganic salt concentration helps in overcoming this problem. 3) Tissue culture induced variation The Micro propagation plants exhibit genetic (or) epigenetic variations which may be a major problem in getting true to type plants. It can be controlled by careful selection of initial explant, tha t is selecting meristems and controlling the cultural environment favouring slow multiplication rates. 4) Browning of medium In may species phenolic substances leach into the medium from the cut surfaces of explant. These phenolics turn brown on oxidation and lead to browning (or) blackening of medium and or explants. These oxidation products are detrimental to the cultures as they cause necrosis and eventually death of the cultures This problem is very common incase of woody species particularly when explants are taken from mature trees. This problem can be overcome by one of the following ways. i. Frequent subculture (every 3-7 days) of explants on Agar medium ii. A brief period (usually 3-10 days) of culture in liquid medium is effective in many species Eg:- Apple, Eucalyptus iii. Antioxidants like citric acid (150 mg / lit) may be used to check the oxidation of poly phenols iv. Adsorbents like activated charcoal (0.5-2g/lit) (or) PVP (poly vinyl pyrrolidon) may be used to adsorb the poly phenols secreted in to the medium v. Culture incubation in dark may be helpful since light enhances polyphenol oxidation as well as polyphenol bio -synthesis. 5) Vitrification Some shoots developed in vitro appear brittle glassy and water soaked. This is called vitrification (or) hyper hydration. The plants appear abnormal because of abnormal leaf morphology. Poor photosynthetic efficiency malfunctioning of stomata, reduced epicuticular waxes. It can be reduced by reducing the relative humidity in culture vessels. Reducing the cytokinins level (or) NH4 levels (or) salt concentration in the medium, addition of flurorizin, fluroroglucinol (or) Cacl2 in medium etc Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
6) Vulnerability of micro propagation plants to transplantation shocks High mortality rates upon transferring the tissue culture derived plants to soil continuously to be a major bottle neck in micro propagation of many plants species. Conservation of moisture by creating high humidity around the plant, partial defoliation, application of antitransperants have met with good success. Advantages:1. To get genetically uniform plants in large number 2. Only a small explant is enough to get millions of plants with extremely high multiplication rate 3. Rapid multiplication of rare and elite genotypes 4. This technique is possible alternative in plants species which do not respond to conventional bulk propagation technique 5. In plants with long seed dormancy micro propagation is faster than seed propagation 6. Useful to obtain virus free stocks 7. In dioecious species plants of one sex is more desirable than those of other sex. Eg:- Male asparagus and Female papaya, In such cases plants of desired sex can be selectively multiplied by this technique 8. This technique is carried out throughout the year independent of seasons 9. Undesirable juvenile phase associated with seed raised plants does not appear in micro propagation plants of some species 10. Considerable reduction in period between selection and release of new variety. 11. Maintenance of parental lines (male sterile lines especially) for the production of F1 hybrid seed. 12. Facilitates speedy international exchange of plant materials 13. Meristems have been identified as an excellent material for germplasm preservation of some species 14. In case of ornamentals tissue culture derived plants give better growth, more flowers and less fall out Limitations: 1. This technique has limited application because of high production cost 2. At each stage the technique has to be standardized 3. Suitable techniques of micro propagation are not available for many crop species 4. Somaclonal variation may arise during in vitro culture especially when a callus phase is involved egbanana
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 5. Vitrification may be problem in some species 6. Browning of medium is a problem in woody (Adult trees) perennials 7. Requires highly advanced skills 8. Requires a transitional period before the plants are capable of independent growth 9. The plants obtained are photosynthetically not self sufficient 10. The plantlets are susceptible to water losses in external environment and they have to be hardened to the external atmosphere 11. Acclimatization is difficult process to get high percentage of survival of plants 12. Continuous propagation from same material for many generations may lead to many off types in culture 13. This is available for lab scale not for commercial scale 14. Inspite of great care taken during culture there are chances of contamination by various pathogens which could cause vary high losses in a short time Applications:1) Micro propagation of a hybrid has the greatest multiplication advantage since it can be result in large number of elite plants from a very small tissue clump taken from the hybrid plant. 2) Maintenance of inbred lines for producing F1 hybrids 3) Maintenance of male sterile genotypes of wheat and onion are useful in hybridization. 4) Selective propagation of dioecious plants Eg:- female plants of papaya, male plants of Asparagus 5) Multiplication of particular heterozygous superior genotype with increased productivity Eg:- oil palm 6) Shoot cultures of some species are maintained as slow growth culture for germ plasm conservation 7) Rapid production of disease free material 8) Tissue culture can be used to minimize the growing space in commercial nurseries for maintenance of shoot plant
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
The genetic variability present among the cultured cells, plants derived from such cells or progeny of such plants is called somaclonal variation or the variability generated by the use of a tissue culture cycle has been termed somaclonal variation. This term is introduced by Larkin and Scowcroft in 1981. However first report of morphological variation in plants regenerated from cell culture was made by Heinz and Mee in 1971 in sugarcane Larkin and Scowcraft proposed the term Soma -clonal variation to describe all those variations which occurs in plants regenerated from any form of cell culture (or) it refers to the heritable changes which accumulated in the callus from somatic explants and expression in the progeny of invitro regenerates obtained from callus. The plants derived from cell and tissue cultures are termed as somaclones and the plants displaying variation as somaclonal variants. The plants regenerated from tissue culture are designated as R0 generation and their successive sexual generation as R1 and R2 and so on. The somaclonal variation may be transient (epigenetic) or genetic only the latter is transmitted to the next generation and is thus important for crop improvement. The epigenetic changes are expressed at cell culture stage but usually disappears when plants are regenerated to reproduced sexually, Somaclonal variation is a wide spread phenomenon reported in Monocots (wheat, rice, and maize) Dicots (Tomato, Tobacco, and Brassica) and asexually propagated crop plants except sugarcane. Schemes for obtaining somaclonal variation: Two schemes, with and without in vitro selection, have been generally followed for getting somaclonal variation in crop plants. Without in vitro selection An explants is cultured on a suitable medium, such as small shoot segments (1-2 cm) of sugarcane, cotyledons, hypocotyls, protoplast, leaves embryos etc. The basal medium is supplemented with growth regulators, which support the dedifferentiation stage, i.e., callus. Normally these cultures are subcultured and then transferred to shoot induction medium for plant regeneration. The plants so regenerated are transferred to pots, grown to maturity and analyzed for variants. The approach is to find somaclonal variants among the regenerated plants for various characters. Here no directed approach is used and appearance of desirable variant is a chance event. In such a method, both dominant and homozygous recessive traits can be directly selected. If the regenerants are heterozygous, then recessive traits can be selected in the progenies of regenerants. Epigenetic variation will also be avoided when progenies are used. Thus, in case of self-fertilizing crops it is recommended to screen the progenies of the regenerants. Unfortunately, a disadvantage of this approach is that it is time consuming due to the fertilization step and requires screening of many plants. Explant
Shoot regeneration
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Fig: a flow diagram for generation of somaclonal variation without in vitro selection With in vitro selection It is now well known that in vitro culture of higher plants can be used for selection of mutants. Protoplast, cell suspension and callus cultures are handled like microorganisms to search for biochemical mutants. Selection for resistance is the most straightforward method for mutant selection, whereby resistant cells in a large population can be selected by their ability to grow in the presence of an inhibitor while the sensitive cells do not. The protocol has been described in below figure. Here the differentiated culture (callus) is subjected to selection against inhibitors like antibiotics, amino acids analogs, pathotoxins, etc. These compounds are put in the medium at a concentration such that some cell population survives and can be further grown on a selective medium. Different selection cycles are performed to get tolerant cells/callus cultures that are subsequently regenerated into plants. These plants are then in-vivo screened against the inhibitor. If the plants are resistant to the inhibitor, then stable transmission of that character is analyzed in subsequent generations. In this approach, variants for a particular character are selected rather than the general variation obtained in first case where selection is done at the plant level. Explants Pathogen
Multiplication of callus
Selection cycles Tolerant calluses Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Agronomic trials
Factors influencing somaclonal variation: When attempting to produce somaclones for a new crop plant, some factors that are valid for both the schemes must be considered. 1. Genotype: The genotype of plants used for somaclonal variation is an important variable. Genotype can influence both frequency of regeneration and the frequency of somaclones. 2. Explants source The source of explant has a chromosome mosaic, propagation by stem cuttings can result in plants with variable chromosome number. In addition, since not all explants are equal in terms of regenerability, it is likely that different selective pressures would be exerted against different explants. This could result in different frequencies and spectrums of somaclonal variation among plants from different explants. 3. Duration of cell culture Chromosome variation has been reported for many established plant cell cultures. It is widely accepted that most long-term cultures are chromosomally variable. Polyploid and aneuploid plants have been frequently recovered in large number of species e.g., Geranium, Nicotiana, tomato, alfa alfa, Saccharum, etc. It has been stated that variation increased with increasing duration of culture 4. Culture conditions It has been known that growth regulator composition of the culture medium can influence frequency of karyotypic alteration in cultured cells. The growth regulators 2,4-D, NAA, BAP, etc. have been most frequently considered to be responsible for chromosome variability.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY All the above variables are important in the recovery of somaclones among regenerated plants. In many species, these variables cannot be modified and still permit recovery of plants. However, these variables should be carefully examined.
The following factors are important during in-vitro selection of somaclonal variants/ Technique of somaclonal variation: a. Selective propagule b. c. d. e. f. g. Selective agent Selection technique Regeneration of plants In-vivo testing Agronomic analysis Resistance stability
Types of somaclonal variation Based on the tissue from which variation originate Somaclonal variation can be divided into the following types: 1) Gametoclonal variation : variation observed among the plants regenerated from gametic cultures a) Androclonal variation observed among the plants regenerated from anther (or) pollen culture b) Gynoclonal variation:- from ovule (or) ovary culture 2) Protoclonal variation:- variation observed among the plants regenerated from protoplast cultures 3) Calliclonal variation:- variation observed among the plants regenerated from callus cultures Origin of Somaclonal variation Somaclonal variation may occurs either for single trait (or) more than one trait at a time. Variation may arrives due to any one (or) a combination of following mechanisms: 1) Somaclonal variation may occur due to chromosomal abnormality in cultured cells and plants regenerated from them. 2) The chromosomal abnormality may be due to changes in chromosomal number (ploidy level) and chromosomal structure. Gene mutations Variation may also be due to additive effects of mutated genes change in base sequence (or) activation of some gene amplification results alternation in gene expression. Changes in plasmagenes which include plasmagene mutations and rearrangement in cytoplasm gene can also be altered by: in vitro culture condition - Activation of transposable elements - DNA methylation - Mitotic crossing over Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 49 Plant tissue culture The variations observed in the plants regenerated from cultured cells are derived broadly from two sources 1) Pre existing variability Some of the variation could be due to the inherent cellular heterogeneity of explant 2) In vitro induced variability Culture conditions may bring about new genetic changes Advantages of somaclonal variation 1) Frequency of variation under in vitro condition are often considerably higher than the incidence of spontaneous mutation or Chemically induced mutation. 2) Sometimes unique mutations have been generated through tissue culture which could not be obtained through crossing because of their non availability in germplasm Eg:- Jointless pedicel mutant in tomato 3) Use of Somaclonal variation may reduce the time required for release of new variety by two years as compared to mutation breeding. 4) It can be used to isolate new genotype that retain all the favourable characters of the existing cultivers while adding one additional trait that means it may not involve a drastic change in genetic background. 5) It occurs for trait both nuclear (or) cytoplasmic origin. 6) Saves time by reducing lengthy procedures of hybridization and selection. 7) In wide crosses it provides a mechanism of gene integration. 8) Mature embryos of the wide cross can be callused and the desirable gene integrated plants can be selected. 9) Highly efficient as it can screen very large, number of cells rapidly with small effort time, cost labour, and space requirement. 10) Characters can be selected at the cell level which cannot be allowed at plant level. 11) This is the only approach for isolation of biochemical mutants in plants. 12) It is a simple and cheap form of plant biotechnology as compared with somatic hybridization and genetic transformation. 13) The in vitro regenerates Eg:- of tomato and potato showed increased rates of recombination. This could be useful in generating novel genetic variation by breaking undesirable close linkages and by shuffling the genes linked in the repulsion phase. Limitations of somaclonal variation 1) It is a serious limitation in exploitation of the full potential of in vitro technique for micro propagation where the main aim is production of large number of uniform and true to type plants. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
2) Reduced (or) No regeneration capacity of resistant clones. 3) This technique is applicable to only those species whose cell cultures could regenerate complete plantlets. 4) Somaclones show undesirable genetic changes such as reduced fertility, growth and even overall performance. 5) The phenotype expressed in selected cells may not be expressed by plants regenerated from them. 6) Certain genes may not be active at the single cell level specific tissue function may occur only when he cell is an integrated part of the intact plant. Therefore the characters for which the cells have been selected must be re-check at the whole plant level. 7) Usually a large portion of variant clones are unstable and lose their variant phenotypes once the selection pressure is withdrawn (epigenetic variance). 8) Only a small and variable proportion of clones are stable and the plants regenerated from them express variant phenotypes and transmit variant feature to their progeny. 9) Selection approach can be applied only to those traits which are expressed at cell level and whose expression at the cell level is highly correlated with that at the plant level. 10) Most of the variation may not be novel and may not be useful. 11) Many somaclonal variants arise as a result of pleotrophic effects and may not be true variants. 12) Superior variants for most agronomic traits Eg:- yields and quality can be selected only by screening the progeny of tissue culture derived plants. 13) There is generally a poor correlation between glass house and field performances of somaclonal variants. Applications: 1. Somaclonal variation has been described for a variety of both qualitative and quantitative traits. 2. Isolation of regenerants resistant to diseases. Maize lines having Texas male sterile cytoplasm are susceptible to southern leaf blight caused by Helminthosporium maydis which produces a toxin that binds to mitochondria. Maize cells resistant to this toxin have been selected and plants regenerate from them was resistant to leaf blight caused by Helmithosporium maydis. Note: Production of disease free plant: 1. Virus free plant development - Meristem culture (100-1000 m size meristem) - Heat treatment (Thermotherapy) Hot water treatment Bud Dry air treatment - 30-400C - Chemotherapy Malachite green Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 51 Plant tissue culture Thiouracil Acetyl salicyclic acid Actinomycin-D Combination of thermo+meristem culture Cryotherapy low temperature treatment 4-9oC
2. Virus indexing: Detection of presence of virus in plant using various techniques. Sap transmission test - Test (er) plant - Indicator plant (virus susceptible var of which plant has to be tested) Grind test plant and take sap and spray to the indicator plant. If indicator plant is susceptible, test plant is virus. 3. ELISA test/ Serological test: Centrifuge the sap and take the superficial 1 drop sap and test in test-tube with anti-serum with one drop. If precipitation = virus presence No precipitation = no virus 4. DNA fingerprinting: Self study 3. A tomato line resistant to bacterial wilt caused by psuedomonas solanacearum were isolated by screening of plants regenerated from un selected calli. 4. A fiji disease resistant sugarcane line were isolated from the variety pindar is released as a new variety called ono. 5. Variation may arise for useful morphological characters. An improved scented Geranium variety named velvet Rose has been developed from Robers lemon rose. 6. Isolation of variants resistant to abiotic stresses. Plant tissue culture techniques have been successfully used to obtain salt tolerant cell lines (or) variants in several plant species plant cells resistant to 4 to 5 times the normal toxic salt concentration (NaC1) have been isolated. In many cases, the plants regenerated from them were also tolerant to saline condition. Eg:- Tobacco plants regenerated from high salts (0.88%) tolerant cell lines were also salt tolerant. 7. Low temperature is another important environmental factor effecting survival and performance of crop plants. Cell lines resistant to chilling have been isolated in several cases. Eg:- Chillies, Nicotiana sylvestris. 8. Development of varieties with improved seed quality. A variety Ratan of Lathyrus which has low neurotoxin content has been developing through somoclonal variation. j. Isolation of mutants for efficient nutrient utilization. Tomato cells line which is able to grow normally in phosphate deficient condition due to high secretion of enzyme. Acid phosphatase have been isolated through in vitro selection.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Anther culture is a means of obtaining haploids from the pollen grains. They are of special interest to geneticists and plant breeders because they contain single set of chromosomes, used for developing new crop cultivars. Haploids have been obtained from anther cultures of a number of species belonging to the families solana ceae, poaceae and Brassicaceae. The first pollen-derived haploid callus was obtained in anther cultures of Tradescantia refleca by Yamada et al. (1963) Guha and Maheshwari (1964) Induction of haploid embryos from pollen grains pared the way for production of androgenic haploids. Bourgin and Nitsch (1967) were the first to obtain mature flowering plants of pollen origin in N.tobaccum and N.sylvestris Haploid plants may be obtained from pollen grains by placing anthers or isolated pollen grains on a suitable culture medium is called anther or pollen culture. Angiosperms are diploid and the only haploid stage of their life cycle is being represented by gametophytic tissue with gametic chromosome number. An individual (or) a cell that has gametic chromosome complement of the species is known as haploid. Haploid production through anther culture is known as Androgenesis Procedure 1. Experimental plants for anther or pollen culture should be grown under controlled conditions of temperature, light, humidity and nutrients. 2. Anthers should be taken from younger plants, 3. Draw a routine correlation between stage of pollen development and certain visible morphological features of bud such as the length of corolla tube, emergence of corolla from the calyx etc. These external markers can be used for selecting buds of approximately required stage. However the correlation is never absolute and therefore it is always necessary to crush one of the anthers from each bud (in acetocarmine) to access the exact stage of pollen development. 4. The selected buds are surface sterilized with suitable disinfectant. 5. Anthers are excised under aspectic conditions and placed horizontally on medium in sterilized. Petriplate. 6. The most popular medium for anther culture is N6 medium. 7. It is important to take adequate care to avoid injury to the anthers during the entire operation and injured anthers may be discarded because wounding often stimulates callusing of anther wall tissue.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Biotechnology 53 Plant tissue culture 8. The anthers are cultured generally maintained in alternating periods of light (12-18hr, 5000-10000 lux m2) at 280C and darkness 12-6 hr at 220C. However the optimum culture conditions vary from species to species. 9. In responsive anthers, the wall tissues gradually turn brown and depending on species after 3-8 weeks, they burst open to the pressure exerted by the growing pollen callus (or) pollen plants. 10. After they have attained a height of about 3-5 cm the individual plantlets (or) shoots from callus are separated and transferred to medium which would support good developme nt of root system. 11. The rooted plants are transferred to sterilized potting mix in small pots (or) seed trays followed by acclimatization. Identification of haploids:Haploids can be identified by cytological studies at callus stage (or) at plant level Bio chemical studies Marker genes linked with haploidy. In general the haploids are much weaker highly sterile and difficult to maintain when compare to the normal plants of concerned species. Therefore chromosome numbers of all haploids are doubled usually by treating with calchicine to produce doubled haploids which have the normal somatic chromosome complement (2n) of the species and are fully fertile. The double haploid plants are completely homozygous and fully vigorous and can be used for the evaluation of performance and selection for desirable traits. Pollen or Microspore culture Isolated pollen grains when cultured in vitro give rise to haploid embroys (or) calli. This approach is called pollen culture. The two methods of pollen isolation are: 1. Naturally shed pollen in culture medium after pre culturing of anthers and 2. Mechanical means by crushing (or) magnetic stirring Nurse culture technique : Sharp et al (1972) successfully raised haploid tissue clones from isolated pollen grains of tomato through nurse culture technique without the nurse anther pollen did not form colonies. Buds were surface sterilized by hypochlorite solution. Anthers were then removed aseptically and placed horizontally on the top of basal medium. A filter paper disc was placed over the anthers. Suspension of pollen from anthers of another bud was prepared in liquid medium (10 pollen grains in 0.5 ml of medium) and about 10 pollen grains are placed on the filter paper. After about two weeks clusters of green paranchymatous cells forming haploid clones appeared on the disc.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 3. Products from different pollen grains, ordinarily do not get mixed up. This eliminates the risk of chimeras. 4. Higher yields of plants per anther could be obtained Factors affecting Androgenesis:1) Genotype of donar plant:Genotypic differences among the donor plants greatly affect the ability of pollen grains to form haploid plants. The genotypic differences existed at genera, species (or) varietal level. In Nicotiana / Tobacco, N.langsdorffii only few pollen embryos could be induced than in other species. Eg:- In rice Japonica types respond better than indica types. Generally hybrids are more androgenic than their parents. The anther culture ability is genetically controlled. 2) Physiological status of donar plants:Physiology of the donar plant is affected by: a) Its age b) The environmental conditions under which it has been grown significantly influences the androgenic response a) Age:- Generally the buds from the first flush of flowers show better respond than those born subsequently. Eg:- In cereals the anthers collected at the commencement of flowering season from primary tillers have been found to be more responsive. Early flowering plant with numerous flowers generally produces viable pollen that is more responsive to in vitro culture. In case, if it is necessary to continue experiments over an extended period, the plants must be maintained young and the unused buds should be removed from plants to prevent fruit formation. b) Environment:The response in culture is predominantly influenced by different climatic conditions during various seasons of donor plant growth. Critical environmental factors are, light intensity, photo period temperature, nutritional status and concentration of co2. Androgenic response was greater when the anthers were taken from plants are grown in short day (8hrs) with high light intensity as compared to those grown in long days (16hrs) with low light intensity. In Brassica napus growing of donor plants under comparatively low temperature improve the yield of pollen embryos The variation in response of anthers from plants grown under different environmental condition may be due to the differences in the endogenous levels of growth regulators. 3) Stage of pollen development:Selection of appropriate stage of pollen grain is very critical in the induction of pollen embryo (or) callus, The optimum stage of pollen varies with the species and in several species the optimum stage has been the anthers containing pollen at early to mid uninucleate stage. Generally the bud size is used as an index of the pollen stage 4) Size of anthers: Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Spikelets and texture of spikelets are correlated with the optimum development stage of the pollen. However it is important to note that the size of the bud enclosing pollen at the optimum developmental stage may vary with the growing conditions and age of donor plant. 5) Anther wall factors The anther wall, whole anthers (or) extract of anthers were found to play an important role in androgenic response. Anther wall has an influence on the development of microspores in it by acting as a conditioing factor. 6) Culture medium The media requirements vary with the genotype, age of anther and the conditions under which the donor plants are grown. Basal medium of MS, Nitsch and Nitsch, white, N6 for solonaceous crops, B5 and its modifications for Brassica and B5, N6, LS and potato 2 medium for cereals have been used. Sucrose is essential for androgenesis, the usual level of sucrose is 2-4%. However higher concentration of 6-12% favours androgenesis in cereals. High sucrose level may play an osmoregulatory role during induction. But it is not necessary (or) even detrimental during embryo development. Chelated Iron play an important role in differentation of globular embryo in to heart shaped embryo and further into complete plants. Activated charcoal in the medium enhances the percentage of androgenic anthers in some species presumabily by removing the inhibitors from the medium. 7) Growth Regulators:Different growth regulators may be required for better results with different plant species. Generally the growth harmones are needed in monocots, whereas high amount of phytoharmone, autotrophy is present in dicots. The presence of an auxin may determine the mode of subsequent development of androgenic cell masses. Wheat anthers cultured on the medium having 2.4 D produce callus, while those kept in coconut milk supplemented medium gives rise to embryos. Kinetin (or) other cytokinins are essential for induction of pollen embryos in solanaceac 8) Cultured environment:-. Anther cultures are generally maintained in alternating periods of light (12-18 hrs 5000-10000 lux m2) at 280 and darkness (6-12 hr) at 220C, but the optimum conditions vary with the species. In tobacco, the optimum temperature is around 25oC. Pollen embroyes are not formed in Datura innoxia anthers cultured at 20o and below. In some species ex;- Grape, Potato, Datura etc the exposure of anthers to light during their first 24 hrs of culture enhances the frequency of haploid callus (or) responding anthers. 9) Pre-treatment of anthers The induction of androgenesis is enhanced by giving certain treatments to the whole spikes (or) flower bud (or) to anthers. In rice pretreatment of panicle with ethrel for 64 hrs at 100C increase the androgenic response. In Barley 28 days of treatment at 4oC (or) 14 days of treatment at 7oC gave good results. As a result of cold treatment, weak (or) non-via ble anthers and microspores are killed and material gets enriched in vigorous anthers. Cold pretreatment retards aging of anther wall allowing a higher proportion of micro spores to change their development pattern from gametophytic to sporophytic Floral buds or entire plants in some species when subjected to high temperature (30oC for 24 hrs (or) 40oC for 1hr ) stimulates embroyogenesis Eg:- Brassica
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 10) Dissection of anther: After pre treatment, the anthers are dissected under sterile conditions. In plants with minute flowers Eg:Brassica and Trifolium it may be necessary to use a stereo microscope for dissecting the anthers. In case of cereals whole panicles may be inoculated in the medium. 11) Orientation and density of anthers: Anthers should be placed horizontally and not in upright position usually about 50-60 anthers should be placed in 10ml of liquid medium Anthers can also be plated on solid agar media at the rate normally 1020 anthers in a 6 cm petridish.
Haploids AB, Ab, aB, ab. The doubled haploids AABB, AAbb, aaBB, aabb Doubled haploids derived from pollen cultures expressed genetic variability to an extent, the new varieties have been synthesized in respect of Barly, Brassica, Rice, Maize, Potato, Pepper and Asparagus. Production of homozygous doubled haploid lines saves four years time when compare to conventional methods. Selection among double haploid lines is atleast 6-8 times as efficient as that among the segregating population. It reduces the size of breeding material. By haploid induction followed by chromosome doubling it is possible to obtain exclusively male plants in dioecious species Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 57 Plant tissue culture Eg:- Asparagas officinalis in which androgenic haploids produced from male Asparagus plants are either Y-chromosome or with X-chromosome. Doubling of Y results in fertile males (YY) which can be vegetatively propagated. If (Normal ) xx is crossed with yy (fertile ) plants the progeny will be all male (xy) lines. Using this method high yielding male lines of Asparagus are developed. In case of Asparagas, plants are xx and plants are xy. The spears (young shoots that will bear inflorescence) produced on plants are preferred by consumers to those produced on plants. XY Male asparagus Anther culture X Haploid plants Chromosome doubling XX Normal fertile male XY all male population YY Y
1. Dihaploid production through bulbosum technique is successful in barley. 2. Through the induction of genetic variability (gametoclonal variation) haploids (or) plants with various ploidy levels and mutants are obtained. 3. selection of mutants resistant to disease. Haploids provides relatively easiest system for the induction of mutations. Therefore they can be employed in rapid selection of mutants having traits for disease resistance. Eg:- Tobacco mutants resistant to Black shank disease and wheat lines resistant to scar. Fusarium graminorium 4. Developing asexual lines of trees (or) perennial species. 5. Pollen derived rubber tree is taller by 6m which could be multiplied by asexual propagation 6. Transfer of desired alien genes / genetic transformation. 7. Chromosomal instability in haploids makes them potential tool for introduction of alien chromosomes (or) genes during wide crossing programme. haploids are used for the development of substitutional and additional lines. 8. Double haploids are used for QTL mapping and construction of genetic linkage maps etc. Limitations of Anther culture or Haploid production:1) Often anthers failed, to grow in vitro (or) initial growth is followed by abortion of embryos Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
2) The tissue (or) callus develop from anthers generally comprises a chimera of Tiploid, Tetraploid and Haploid cells. 3) Selective cell division must take place in the haploid microspores conveniently restricting proliferation of unwanted diploid and polyploid tissues. This selective cell division is often impossible. 4) It is difficult to isolate a haploid from a mixtrue of haploids and higher ploidy levels since the polyploids out grow haploids 5) The recognation of haploids often requires cytological analysis 6) Formation albinos in anther cultures especially with cereals. 7) The technique of inducing haploids in vitro is not economically viable due to law success rate 8) Callus derived from anther or pollen in a medium supplemented with growth regulators is usually detrimental for haploid production. Sometimes deleterious mutations may be induced during in vitro phase. 9) The doubling of haploids is time consuming and may not always result in production of homozygote. 10) Double haploids, sometimes exihibit segregation in their progeny. 11) Occurrence of gametoclonal va riation may limit the usefulness of pollen embryos for genetic transformation / genetransfer. 12) Specialized skill for carrying out the various operations are required. 13) A sophisticated tissue culture laboratory and a dependable green house are essential for success. 14) High cost of obtaining haploids and doubled haploid is still a major problem. Achievements In Japan an excellent commercial variety of Tobacco N. tabaccum F-211 has been produced by anther culture. This variety is resistant to bacterial wilt and has mild smoking quality In china, 81 varieties and strains of rice have been developed through anther culture. a. Hua yu-1 possess, characters of high yield, resistant to bacterial blight and light adoptability Xin-Xiu is high yielding variation and has been released in 1lakh ha other variation b. Xinxu is with high yielding and blast resistance has been released in one lakh ha. The other varieties xhonghua -8 and xhonghua-9 with high yield and blast resistance have been produced. In Europe rice variety Maria na and wheat variety Florin, Tobacco variety Biopreslavana. In china wheat variety Hua pei-1, Lung Hua-1 etc.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
The technique of hybrid production through the fusion of protoplast from different genetic backgrounds is known as somatic hybridization or parasexual hybridization and protoplast fusion. Development of hybrid plants through the fusion of somatic protoplasts of two different plant species/varieties is called somatic hybridization The technique of somatic hybridization is of special significance for the improvement of vegetatively propagated plants such as banana, cassava, potato, sweet potato, and sugarcane. The production of somatic hybridization involve a number of steps 1. Collection of explants 2. Protoplast isolation 3. Protoplast fusion 4. Selection of Hybrid cells 5. Culture of Hybrid cells 6. Regeneration of plants from hybrid tissue 7. Characterization of Hybrid and cybrid plants. 1) Collection of explants The most preferable tissue for protoplast isolation fresh and healthy leaves (Mesophyll tissue). 2) Protoplast Isolation Isolation of protoplast can be achieved by treating cells / tissues with a suitable mixture of cell wall degrading enzymes (pectinase or macerozyme and cellulase). The osmotic concentration of enzyme mixture and of subsequent media is elevated (by adding 500-800 mm / lit. -1 sorbitol or mannitol) to stabilize the protoplast and to prevent them from bursting. The cells and tissues are incubated in the enzyme mixture for 16-18 hours, naked protoplasts devoid of cell wall are gradually released in the enzyme mixture. A schematic representation of various steps in somatic hybridization Leaf surface sterilized Lower epidermis peeled, leaf cut into small pieces
PEG dilution
Protoplast fusion
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY Culture of hybrid cells Plant let regeneration Characterization and evaluation of regenerated plants
3) Protoplast fusion The fusion of protoplasts may be of two types 1) spontaneous fusion. 2) Induced fusion. a) Spontaneous fusion:During the enzymatic degradation of cell walls some of the adjacent protoplasts may fused together to form homokaryons (or) heterokaryocytes, each with 2-40 nuclei. These spontaneous fusion however is strictly intraspecific and has no significance. b) Induced fusion Somatic hybridization is generally used for fusion of protoplasts either from two or different species (interspecific fusion (or) from two diverse sources belonging to same species) Freshly isolated protoplasts can be induced to undergo fusion irrespecitive of their origin with the suitable chemical agents called fusogens. These include Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) polyethylene glycol, poly vinyl alcohol, Dextron and high PH with the high Ca+2 ions. Among all these fusogens polyethylene glycol has received wide acceptance because of high frequency of heterokaryon formation and low cytotoxicity. The polyethylene glycol induced fusion is non-specific and has been successfully used to fuse protoplast from wide variation of plants species. Fusion of protoplast include three distinctive stages 1) Agglutination 2) Membrane fusion 3) Rounding off of the fused protoplast Protoplast X Protoplast
Membrane fusion
During agglutination, the plasma membrane of protoplasts come in close contact with each other followed by membrane fusion at localized places. This results in the formation of cytoplasmic channel. The fused protoplasts begin to become round due to expansion of cytoplasmicbridges thus forming spherical hetero (or) homokaryons. Fusion between the isolated protoplasts of same species gives homokaryons, where as fusion between isolated protoplasts of different species results in heterokaryons. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 61 Plant tissue culture Carlson et al 1972 for the first time fused the leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana glauca and N. longsdorfi and successfully regenerated interspecific hybrid plants. Since then several interspecific and intergenetic hybrid plants has been raised through protoplast fusion. 4) Selection of hybrid cells The Protoplast suspension recovered after the treatment with fusion inducing agent (fusogen) consists of following cell types a) unfused protoplasts of the two species / strains b) Homokaryons (two or more protoplasts of same species) c) Heterokaryons (hybrid protoplasts) Somatic hybrids can be characterized on the basis of morphology, chromosome number and isozyme pattern, chloroplast DNA, Ribosomal RNA analysis, A number of strategies have been used for the selection of hybrid cells. They are 1) Visual markers 2) Staining the protoplast with florescent dyes 3) Complementation 4) Transgenic selectable markers 5) Culture of entire protoplast population followed by identification of hybrid plants after regeneration 6) In a crosses between Tobacco and Carrot green protoplast of the tobacco and red anthocyanin of Carrot were used as markers. Similarly in protoplast fusion between grape seed, and soybean plastids have been used as selective markers. 5) Culture of hybrid cells The isolated hybrid cells may be cultured on a suitable medium and can be induced to develop a new cell wall, divide and regenerate either through embryoid formation (or) production of calli. 6) Regeneration of plants from hybrid tissue:Once the hybrid calli (or) embryoids are obtained, the plants are induced to regenerate from them since this is a pre requisite for exploitation in crop improvement. Further, the hybrid plants must be at least partially furtile, in addition to having some useful property to be of any use in breeding schemes. The hybrid plants thus obtained through somatic hybridization may be 1) Symmetric hybrids 2) Asymmetric hybrids 3) Cybrids Scheme for the production of somatic hybrid (or) cybrid plants Parent A Parent B
Selection of somatic hybrids cells and culturing Callus formation Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Regeneration of plants
Symmetric Asymmetric Cybrids Hybrids hybrids 7) Characterization of hybrid (or) cybrid plants. The regenerated plants are characterized using morphological, cytological. Biochemical and Molecular biology techniques. a) Symmetric hybrids:When normal protoplasts of two species are fused, the resulting somatic hybrid plants may retain the somatic chromosome complements of both the fusion parents. Such somatic hybrids called symmetric hybrids, immediately give rise to a new species Example:- pomato obtained by the fusion of potato and tomato mesophyl protoplast. Some of the symmetric hybrids may be superior to their parents in some traits of economic value, and could be ultimately develop into useful crops, but they may more often serve as useful sources of valuable genes. Many somatic hybrids have been produced between sexually incompatible species. Some of these hybrids possess and express useful genes, and are fertile. Some of these hybrids possess and express useful genes, and are fertile. Symmetric hybrids provide the following opportunities in crop improvement programmes 1) Production of hybrids between non flowering or sterile lines 2) Widening of the genetic base of an allopolyploid species 3) Creation of a superior somatic hybrids 4) Gene transfer from related species into cultivated species 5) Generation of novel materials for scientific studies. 6) Symmetric hybrids can also be used in a backcross programme for cytoplasm transfors b) Asymmetric hybrids Many somatic hybrids exhibits the full somatic complement of one parental species while all or nearly all chromosomes of other parental species are lost during proceding mitotic divisions. Such hybrids are referred to as asymmetric hybrids. Such hybrids are likely to show a limited introgression of chromosome segments from the eleminated genomes due to drastically enhanced chromosome aberrations and / or mitotic crossing over in vitro . Asymemtric hybrids are produced due to spontaneous chromosome elimenation in certain fusion combinations. Asymmetric hybrids are essentially cytoplasmic hybrids (or) cybrids except for the introgressed genes (or) chromosomes, intensive somatic hybrids is being carried out in Brassica and potato either to generate new sources of cytoplasmic male sterility (or) to transfer genes for disease resistant (or) other treatments. c) Cytoplasmic hybrid (or) cybrid Cybrid or cytoplasmic hybrid may be defined as cell (or) plant which is produced by fusion of protoplast of one parent and cytoplast of another parent. Cybr id posses nuclear genes from only one parent and cytoplasm from both parents. In cultures cybrids may be produced by one of the following means. 1) fusion of a normal protoplast of one species withan enucleated protoplast (cytoplast) (or) a protoplast having an inactivated nucleus of other species. 2) Elimination of nucleus of one species from a normal heterkokaryon or gradual elimination of chromosome of one species from a hybrid cell during the subsequent mitotic divisions. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 63 Plant tissue culture 3) The objective of cybrid production is to be combine cytoplasmic genes of one species with nuclear and cytoplasm of genes of another species. This provides an unique opportunity 1) for transfer of plasmagenes from one species into nuclear background of another species in a single generation. 2) The cybrid approach has been used for the transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility from N. tabacum to N. sylvestris from petunia hybrid a to petunia axillaries etc. and even in sexually incompatible combination. 3) Recovery of recombinants between the parental mitochondrial or chloroplast DNAs (genomes).
1. Mechanical method
2. Enzymatic method
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Mechanical method: Used for vacuolated cells like onion bulb scale, radish and beet root tissues Low yield of protoplast Laborious and tedious process Low protolast viability
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
2. Enzymatic method Used for variety of tissues and organs including leaves, petioles, fruits, roots, coleoptiles, hypocotyls, stem, shoot apices, embryo microspores Mesophyll tissue-most suitable source High yield of protoplast Easy to perform More protoplast viability
Applications of somatic hybridization 1. Production of novel interspecific and intergeneric crosses between the plants that are difficult (or) impossible to hybridise conventionally. Eg:- Tomato x Potato = Pomato
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 2. Transfer of desirable genes for disease resistance. Eg:- potato protoplast have been fused with those of Solanum brevidens and Solanum phuraja and lyco persicon the resulting somatic hybrids are resistant to potato leaf roll virus, potato virus and Erwinia soft rot. Somatic hybrids resistant to Phomalingam (Black log disease) were produced by the fusion of protoplast of Brassica napus with those of Brassica nigra (resistant to pomalingam) 3. Transfer of desirable genes for Abiotic stress resistance, Atrazine (resistance) has been transferred from wild species of tomato lycopersicon peruvianum into cultivated species (Lycopersicon esculentum) 4. Transfer of desirable genes for quality characters: somatic hybrids produced between Brassica napus and Erucasativa were fertile and had low concentration of Erucic acid. 5. Transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility : Male sterility can be induced by alloplasmic association. It results in interaction between nucleus of onespecies and cytoplasm of another species. Male sterile lines were developed by fusing protoplast of N. tabacum with X-ray irradiated protoplasm of N. Africana. 6. Overcoming sub in compatable barriers : Hybrids between two sexually incompatable species posses some desirable features that may make them commercially useful. Eg:- somatic hybrids between Datura innoxa x D. discolor and D. innoxa x D. stramonium show heterosis for alkaloid content (20-25%) higher then their parents. 7. Production of auto tetraploids 8. Protoplast of sexually sterile plants (haploid, triploid, anueploid) can be fused to produce fertile diploids and polyploids. 9. Hybridization become possible between plants that are still in Juvenile phase 10. Production of unique nuclear cytoplasmic combinations 11. Production of heterozygous lines with in a single species that normally could only be propagated by vegetative means Eg:- potato, other tubers root crops 12. Photosynthetic efficiency of plants can be enhanced through the transfer of efficient foreign chloroplast into the plants having less photosynthetic systems. Advantages 1. Symmetric hybrids can be produced between species which cannot be hybridized sexually. These hybrids can be readily used in breeding programmes for transfer of useful genes to crops (or) may be useful as new crop species 2. Hybrids can be produced even between the such strains, which are completely sterile Eg:- Monoploids 3. Cytoplasm transfers can be effected in one year, while back cross may take 5-6 years. Even where back cross is not applicable cytoplasm transfer can be made us ing this approach. 4. Mitochondria of one species can be combined with chloroplast of another species. This may be very important in some cases, and is not achievable by sexual means even between easily crossable species. 5. Recombinant organellar genomes, especially of mitochondria, are generated in somatic hybrids and cybrids.
Constraints (or) Limitations Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 67 Plant tissue culture 1. The technique of protoplast isolation, culture, fusion and regeneration are not available for many important crop species like many cereals and pulses. 2. Lack of an efficient method for the selection of fused products 3. In many cases, chromosome elimination occurs from somatic hybrids leading them asymmetric hybrids. Such hybrids may be useful but there is no control on chromosome elimination 4. Many somatic hybrids show genetic instability which may be an inherent feature of some species combinations. 5. Many somatic hybrids either do not regenerate often sterile, misformed, unstable such hybrids are useless for crop improvement. Achievements Somatic hybrids developed in crop plants belonging to four major families. 1) Brassicaceae 2) Fabaceae 3) Poaceae 4) Solanaceae Interspecific hybrids have been obtained in Nicotiana, Brinjal, Potato, Tomato, Brassica Medicago, Soyabean, Sugarcane, Datura, Petunia, Sorghum etc. Intergeneric hybrids are obtained between Tomato x Potato, Tomato x Tobacco, Festuca x Lolium, sugarcane x Bajra, Wheat x Bajra, Brasica x Eruca etc. Inter tribal hybrids have been developed between Brassica x Arabdopsis and Brassica x lesquerella Fendleri
Protoplasts are spherical, nacked plant cells obtained by the removal of cell wall. Protoplasts are surrounded by plasma membrane and potentially capable of cell wall regeneration, growth and division. Torrey and Landgren (1977) define protoplasts of higher plants as cells with their cell walls stripped off and removed from the proximity of their surrounding cell. The protoplasts are an excellent tool for synthesis of novel combination of genes and are essential part of the overall processes required for the genetic engineering of plants. Isolation o f protoplasts Protoplast can be isolated either by mechanical (or) enzymatic methods.
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY 1) Mechanical method The cells are kept in a suitable plasmalyticum and protoplasts are isolated by cutting the plasmolysed tissues with a sharp blade so that protoplasts are released from cells through the cell wall when the tissue is again deplasmalysed. This method is suitable for isolation of protoplast from highly vacuolated cells of stor age tissues, Example:- onion bulb, scales, raddish roots etc. However this method has certain limitations 1) Only a small number of protoplasts can be isolated 2) Method is tedious and time consuming 3) Not useful for isolating protoplast from meristematic tissues, mature and less vacuolated cells 4) Viability of protoplasts is low because of the presence of substances released by damaged cells. Advantages It eliminates the unknown effects of enzymes on protoplasts. 2) Enzymatic method Cocking (1960) demonstr ated the possibility of enzymatic isolation of protoplast from higher plants. He used concentrated solution of cellulase to degrade the cell walls. Takebe et al (1968) for the first time employed commercial enzyme preparation for isolation of protoplasts and subsequently regenerated plants in 1971. By using this method protoplast can be isolated from any part of plant body but it is easier to isolate protoplast from the mesophyll of leaf and pollen mother cells (or) tetrads. Young cell suspensions are particularly ideal for isolation of protoplasts in large quantities. The enzymatic isolation of protoplasts can be performed in different ways 1) Two step (or) sequential method The tissue is first treated with macerozyme or pectinase enzyme which separates the cell by degrading the middle lamella. These free cells are then treated with cellulase which releases the protoplasts, cellulase enzyme digest the cellulose in plant cell walls while pectinase enzyme breakdown the pectin holding cells together. 2) One step (or) simultaneous method:The tissue is subjected to a mixture of enzyme in first step reaction which includes both macerozyme and cellulose. The first step method is generally used because it is less labour intensive while the yield of protoplast isolated by two step method are better for culture studies Advantages 1) Large quantity of protoplast can be isolated 2) Osmotic shrinkage is minimum and the deletorius effects of excessive plasmolysis are minimized. 3) Cells remain intact and are not injured a s observed in mechanical method . 4) Sometimes the mechanical method and enzymatic techniques are combined to isolated protoplast where cells are first separated mechanically and later used for isolation of protoplast through enzymatic treatment 5) Enzymetic digested mixture would contain subcellular debris, undigested cells, broken protoplast and healthy protoplast. This mixture is purified by the filtreation, centrifugation and washing. The isolated protoplasts should be healthy and viable in order to undergo sustained divisions and regeneration. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 69 Plant tissue culture Culture of Protoplasts 1) Protoplasts may be cultured either by liquid drop method (or) plating method. 2) In a liquid drop method, droplets, of protoplast suspension are placed in liquid medium in microchamber. The protoplast may be transferred to a semisolid medium after a few division M.S. medium (or) Nagata and Takabes medium with the same modification are commonly used for culturing protoplast. 3) Plating method is most commonly used method of protoplast culture A 2ml suspension of protoplast suspended in liquid culture medium is poured into a Petri dish and mixed with equal volume of same culture medium containing 1.2% agar. The temperature of medium is maintained at 40oC. The Petri dishes are sealed with paraffin to avoid desiccation. The dishes are incubated in a inverted at 25-28oC at continuous light intensity of 2300 lux. During isolation and culture protoplast required osmatic protection until they regenerate a strong wall. Inclusion of an osmaticum in both isolation and culture media prevents rupture of protoplast. A variety of ionic as well as nonionic solutes have been tested for adjusting the osmotic potential of various solution used in protoplast isolation and culture. The most commonly used osmaticum in protoplast culture medium as well as in enzyme mixture are sorbitol, mannitol, glucose (or) sucrose. Note:
Spontaneous Fusion
Protopl astfus es pontaneousl yduringis olati onpr ocess mai nl yduetophysic alc ontac t
Induced Fusion
Chemofusion-fusion induced by chemicals
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Types of fusogens
PEG NaNo3 Ca 2+ions Polyvinyl alcohol
Induced Fusion
Mechanical FusionPhysical fusion of protoplasts under microscope by using micromanipulator and per-fusion micropipette Electro-fusion Fusion induced by electrical stimulation
Pearl chain of protoplasts is formed by low strength electric field (10kvm-1) Fusion of protoplasts of pearl chain is induced by the application of high strength electric field (100kvm-1) for few microseco
Presenceofchloroplast Nuclearstaining
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
Cell wall formation and division Protoplast in culture generally start to regenerate a cell wall within a few hours after isolation and may take several days to complete the process under suitable conditions. A freshly formed cell wall is composed of loosely arranged microfibrils which later on organize to form a typical cell wall. Protoplast increase in size and numerous cytoplasmic strands developing during and before the early stages of cell wall regeneration. There is considerable progress in number of cell organelles respiration, synthesis of RNA and polysaccharides Majority of cell organalles aggregate around nucleus The synthesis of microfibrils occurs on the surface of plasma memberane. Endoplasmic reticulum may also be involved in the synthesis of wall material. The first cell division generally occurs within 2- 7 days of culturing and multicellular colonies are formed after 2-3 weeks. These colonies are transferred to an osmatic free medium to develop a callus. The callus may then be induced to undergo organogenic (or) embryogenic differentiation leading to the formation of plants. Regeneration and organogenesis Plants from the protoplasts may be rege nerated either through embryoid formation or through the production of calli. In carrot, protoplasts when cultured on the medium containing 2,4-D produce cell aggregates and give rise to embryoids. These embryoides develop into small plant lets, when transfer to 2,4-D free medium developed into carrot plants. Takabe et al 1971 for the first time reported regeneration of plants from isolated protoplasts from Nicotiana tabacum. Since then plant regeneration has been achieved from cultured protoplasts in member of families Solanaceae, Rutaceae, Apiaceae, Brassicaceac, and Euphorbiaceae.
The process of embryo development is called embryogenesis. Under certain Exceptional conditions, the cells of angiosperm sporophyte behave like a zygote and development into embryo like structure in culture in vitro. Since embryo like structures derived from the s porophytic or somatic cells of plant, is known as somatic embryogenesis. Haccius (1978) defined Somatic embryos as a non-sexual development process which produces a bipolar embryo from somatic tissue. Steward and Reinert first reported the Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
BIO-TECHNOLOGY production of embryos from cell suspensions of carrots. Somatic embryogenesis differs from organogenesis in the embryo being a bipolar structure with a closed radicular end rather than a monopolar structure. The embryo arises from a single cell and has no vascular connection with the maternal callus tissue or the cultured explant. Further, induction of somatic embryogenesis requires a single hormonal signal to induce a bipolar structure capable of forming a complete plant, while in organogenesis it requires two different hormonal signals to induce first a shoot organ, then a root organ. Somatic embryogenesis has been induced in variety of explants namely stem, leaf, root, hypocotyls, flower bud, seed, embryo, Nucellus, endosperm Somatic embryo is two types 1) Direct embryogenesis 2) In direct embryogenesis 1) Direct embryogenesis It refers to the development of an embryo directly from the original explant tissue without an intervening callus phase. This occurs through pre-embryogenic determined cells (PEDC) where the cells are committed to embryonic development and need only to be released. Such cells are found in embryonic tissues. (Eg. Scutellum of cereals, ovules, zygote etc.) Eg. Nucellar cells of polyembryonic variety of citrus Epidermal cells of hypocotyls in wild carrot and Ranunculus scleratus 2) Indirect embryogenesis It is the formation of embryos from callus (or) cell suspension (or) from cells (or) group of cells (or) of cell or somatic embryos Eg:- Secondaryphloem of carrot Inner hypocotyle tissues of wild carrot Leaf tissues of coffee, Petunia, Pollen of rice etc The cells from which embryos arise are called embryogenically determined cells and forms embryos which are induced to do so, also called as (IEDC) induced embryogenic determined cells. The somatic embryos regenerating from explants (or) callus are termed as primary somatic embryos. In many cases, embryos regenerated from tissues of other somatic embryos (or) parts of germinating somatic embryos are called secondary somatic embryos. Ordinarily somatic embryos originate from cells at the surface of callus (or) explants. Eg:- From epidermal cells Ranunculus scleratus Embryos formed in cultures have been referred to as embryoids, supernumerary embryos, Adeventive embryos and Accessory embryos. Kolenbach (1978) classified embryos into the following category: 1) Zygotic embryo :- Embryos formed by fertilized egg (or) Zygotic 2) Non-Zygotic embryos:- Embryos formed by cells other than zygotes these are further classified into: a) Somatic:- embryos formed by sporophytic cells b) parthenogenetic:- embryos formed by unfertilized egg c) Androgenetic:- embryos formed by male gametophyte ( pollen grains (or) micro spores) Developmental pattern of somatic embryos Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
Biotechnology 73 Plant tissue culture In the ca llus cultures somatic embryogenesis is initiated with the differentiation of a single meristematic cells. These meristematic cells are distinguishable from surrounding cells in having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei. Further division in these cells resulting in the formation of group of cells.
Each proembryoid cell posses the capacity to pass through the some stages of embryo development (globular, heartshaped, Torpedo, cotyledonary etc) as observed in zygote development. Somatic embryos are bipolar structures in that they have a radicle and plumule. The radicular end is always oriented towards the center of callus or cell mass, while the plumular end always sticks out from cell mass. In contrast a shoot bud is monopolar as plumular it does not have a radicular end. In many somatic embryos radicle is suppressed, so that they often donot produce roots. In such cases roots have to be regenerated from shoots produced by germinating somatic embryos. Somatic embryos can be germinated readily on nutrient medium without harmones until plantlets reach a suitable size for transfer to soil. Comparison between shoot buds and somatic embryos Character 1) Origin 2) Polarity 3) Vascular connection with callus (or) explants 4) Separation from callus (or) explant Not easily separated unless cut off . Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis Growth regulators In most species an auxin (generally, 2,4-D at 0.5-5 mg/1) is essential for somatic embryogenesis. The auxin causes dedifferentiation of a proportion of cells of the explants which begin to divide. In the presence of auxin, the embryogenic clumps (ECs) grow and break up into smaller cell masses, which again produce ECs. But when the auxin is either removed or reduced (0.01-0.1 mg/l) and cell density is lowered, each EC gives rise to few to several SEs; each SE is believed to develop from a single superficial cell. The ability to regenerate SEs, i.e., totipotency, is acquired by cells during dedifferentiation in response to high auxin treatment. In many species like carrot, coffee, alfalfa, etc. somatic embryogenesis is a two step process; (i) SE induction occurs on a high auxin (upto 40-60 mg/l 2,4-D) medium, and (ii) SE development is achieved on a low auxin or GR-free medium. In the SE induction phase, explant cells dedifferentiate, become totipotent. Low pH of the medium is essential for maintaining the embryogenic potential of the culture. Carrot PEMs cultured on a GR -free medium buffered at pH 5.8 promptly develop into SEs, while those cultured at pH 4.0 remain in the embryogenic state. 2,4-D is particularly effective for the establishment and maintenance of embryogenic cultures. Easily separate d since the radicular end is cutinised Shoot bud Develops from a group of cells Monoploar with only plumular end Present Somatic embryo From a single cell Bipolar with radicular e and plumular ends Absent
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus
BIO-TECHNOLOGY When ECs are transferred from induction medium to an appropriate medium, SE differentiation proceeds from globular, heart-shaped, torpedo to cotyledonary stages; this is called SE development phase. In some species, SEs are produced in response to pea, etc. In some species, SEs regenerate superficially from cotyledons and hypocotyls of developing SEs and even from germinating SEs and plantlets; this is termed as secondary embryogenesis or recurrent embryogenesis. Nitrogen source In carrot, NH+4 has promotive effect on SE regeneration. The presence of a low level of NH+ 4 (in carrot 10 m mol/l is optimal) in combination with NO-3 is required for SE regeneration. In carrot, NH+4 is essential during SE induction, while se development occurs on a medium containing NO-3 as the sole nitrogen source. But in case of alfalfa, there is an absolute requirement for NH+4 during induction as well as differentiation of SEs; 5 mM NH+4 is optimum for SE induction, and 10-20 mM is optimum for SE differentiation. Genotype of explant Explant genotype has a marked influence on SE regeneration. For example in the case of species like carrot and alfalfa, almost any and every explant shows embryogenic potential. But in many other species, embryogenic potential is confined to embryonal or highly juvenile tissues; cereals like wheat are good examples, where immature ZEs have to be used for a consistent and high frequency response. In case of wheat, chromosome 4B is important in regeneration. In the cases of wheat, rice and maize cytoplasm has a strong influence on regeneration. In wheat, this effect appears to be associated with mitochondrial genome. Explant The type of explant has a strong influence on embryogenesis. Immature ZEs have been found to be best explant for embryogenesis, e.g., in cereals, legumes, conifers, etc. In case of wheat, the optimum stage of ZE development is 11-14 days after anthesis. But in few species like alfalfa and carrot, almost all explants show embryogenesis. Other factors Certain other factors are reported to affect SE regeneration. For example, high K + levels and low dissolved O2 levels promote SE regeneration in some species. In some other species, e.g., Citrus medica, some volatile compounds like ethanol inhibit SE regeneration. In soybean, low sucrose concentrations (5 and 10 g/l) promote SE regeneration as compared to high concentrations (20 and 30 g/l). In alfalfa, use of maltose as carbon source improves both SE induction and maturation (including germination) as compared to those on sucrose. Applications 1) Somatic embryogenesis may replace micropropagation for the rapid propagation of economically important plants. 2) Somatic embryos can meet specific breeding objectives by rapidly multiplying germplasm that is initially present as embryonic material Eg:- maternal embryos, haploid embryos and interspecific hybrid embryos that normally abort due to non availability of endosperm tissue. 3) Raising somaclonal variations from tree species Embryos formed directly from preembryonic determined embryonic cells appear to produce relatively uniform to clonal material, where as the indirect pathway involving in callus proliferation and differentiation of embryogenic cells generate a high frequency of somaclonal variants. Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus 2012
4) synthesis of artificially synthetic seeds 5) Source of regenerable protoplast system. 6) Embryogenic callus, suspension culture and somes have been employed as sources of protopla st isolation for a range of species. 7) The nucellus usually degenerated during the development of seeds but in citrus species embryogenic callus derived from nucellus remains totipotent for many years, can be used as source material for regeneration of plants. 8) Non-chemical mutants may be obtained through adventive embryogenesis in tissue cultures as somatic embryos develop from a single cell. 9) Disease free plants can be obtained by using the nucellar embryos. In citrus certain viruses which infect the vegetative tissue are eliminated from nucellar cells during ovule development. Somatic embryos developed from nucellar cells produce rejuvenated clones which are therefore, also virus free. 10) The possibility of chimeric embryos arising from transformed and non transformed tissues of the callus can be by-passed through the process of repetitive somatic embryogenesis 11) The repetitive embryogenesis is of potential use in the synthesis of metabolites such as pharmaceuticals and oils Limitations 1) In many species somatic embryo maturation and convertion remain problematic and resolution of this bottle neck is critical to the practical utilization of somatic embryogenesis. 2) Occurance of somaclonal variations in indirect somatic embryo genesis. 3) Somatic embryos are without seed coat. In vitro development of somatic embryos species are contaminated with microbes and dessicate when they are subjected to field condition. Therefore to get rid of this problem they are encapsulated by a protective gel. These encapsulated embryos can resist unfavourable field conditions without dissication. The seeds so developed behave like true seeds and are used as a substitute of natural seeds. They can also be sown directly in the green house and in fields. 4) Abnormalities exhibited by somatic embryos which include double and triple vascular system, secondary embryogenesis and pluri-cotyledonary 5) Large scale production is difficult 6) SE quality is often poor 7) Field conversion frequencies of SEs and artificial seeds are low (15-20%) 8) Synchronisation of somatic embryogenesis is inadequate
Prepared By: Shree Krishna Adhikari, Bsc.Ag 7th semester. IAAS, Rampur Campus