The Latin name Ferula means " carrier" or "vehicle" and has
been derived from a related species f. vulgaris that is
considered to be the same plant, which helped Prometheus
to carry the stolen fire form the sun to earth and hence has
great significance in the Greek mythology. All central Asia
from Iran to Afghanistan has the use of Ferula as important
spice in food and as an essential ingredient for home
remedies. Although the smell of fresh asafetida does not
seem to qualify as a valuable food enhancement, but after
frying (and in small dosage) the taste becomes pleasant.
Name in International
Persian Angustha- Gandha
French: Ferule Asafoetida
Germa Stinkendes
n: steckenkraut
Arabic: Tyib, Haltheeth
Sindhi: Vaghakkyani,
Hindi: Hing
Hindi Name : Pudina
The name basil has been derived from the Greek word
basileús meaning "king" because of the royal fragrance of
this herb. In Indian and South - East Asia basil is considered
to be sacred and is mainly used for religious (dedicated to
Vishnu) purposes apart from its culinary usage. Genus
Ocimum has a widespread growth all over Asia, Africa and
Central and Southern America but was probably first put to
cultivation in India.
Name in International
Spanish: Alba Laca
French: Basilic
German: Basilienkrant
Swedish: Basilkort
Arabic: Raihan
Dutch: Basilicum
Italian: Basilico
Portuguese: Manjericao
Russian: Basilik
Japanese: Meboki
Chinese: Lo- le
Bay leaves
Name in International
Spanish: Laurel
French: Laurier
German: Lorbeer
Swedish: Lager
Arabic: Ghar
Dutch: Laurier
Italian: Alloro
Portuguese: Loureiro
Russian: Laur
Japanese: Gekkeiju
Chinese: Yuch-kuei
Bishop's Weed
Name in International
Latin: Trachy Spermum
Persian Zinian, Nankhwah
Arabic: Kamme Muluki
Cardamom (large)
Commercial part
Fruit (Capsule) . In India, black cardamom is felt superior for
spicy and rustic dishes and can be used in liberal amounts.
Black cardamoms enhance and intensify the taste of other
ingredients if used after crushing a bit and then used.
Name in International
Spanish: Cardamomo
French: Cardamome
German: Kardamom
Swedish: Kardemumma
Arabic: Hal
Dutch: Kardemom
Italian: Cardamomo
Portuguese: Cardamomo
Russian: Kardamon
Japanese: Karudamon
Chinese: Pai-tou-k'ou
Cardamom (small)
Cassia is the spice that has its mention in the bible and
hence is regarded as the first cinnamon species that was
known and used centuries ago also. It is believed that cassia
made its way to Europe during the time of Alexander the
great. Before this era, cassia was transported to Egypt and
Israel and it was an important part of the mummification
mixtures used for the pharaohs.
Name in International
Spanish: Aipo
French: Celeri
German: Sellerie
Swedish: Selleri
Arabic: Karafs
Dutch: Selderij
Italian: Sedano
Portuguese: Apio
Russian: Syel'derey
Japanese: Serorii
Chinese: Chin
In Hindi : Loung
Clove is one of the oldest spices in the world, is the dried, unopened flower
bud of a small evergreen tree. It is indigenous to the Moluccas Islands of
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are the main Clove producing states in
The aroma of this fruit is warm, nutty and spicy while the
leaves have a strong odor. As a fragrant spice, coriander is
today valued as much for its medicinal properties as for its
use as a condiment. Coriander finds extensive application in
several kinds of foods, beverages, liquors and perfumes and
requires full exposure to sunlight but with less heat and
medium-to-heavy loamy soil, good drainage and well-
distributed moisture.
The main importers are USA, the UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri
Lanka and Middle East. Besides coriander as such, India also
exports its powder and essential oil.
Name in International
Spanish: Culantro
French: Corriandre
German: Koriander
Swedish: Koriander
Arabic: Kuzhbare
Dutch: Koriander
Portuguese: Coentro
Russian: Koriandr
Japanese: Koendoro
Chinese: Hu- sui
Cumin is one of the most typical spices for India and is fried
or roasted before usage. Legumes, especially lentils are
normally flavored by cumin fried in butterfat. Cumin also
forms an essential part of the curry powder and of the
Bengali spice mixture, panch phoron, besides being used in
Northern Indian tandoori dishes. In imperial North Indian
cuisine (Mughal or Mughlai) the mixture of cumin is prepared
to relish sweet and aromatic flavor. This spice mixture is
sometimes used for cooking, but more frequently sprinkled
over the dishes before serving.
Curry leaf
Hindi Name : Curry Patta
The sweet taste of dill has made it popular all over Europe,
Western, Central and Southern Asia. In Europe it is mostly
used for bread, vegetable, pickles and fish. Among the
components of sour vinegar also dill is an essential
Name in International
Spanish: Eneldo
French: Aneth
German: Dill
Swedish: Dill
Arabic: Shibith
Dutch: Dille
Italian: Aneto
Portuguese: Endro
Russian: Ukrop
Chinese: Shin- Lo
Hindi Name : Saunf
Name in International
Spanish: Hinojo
French: Fenouil
German: Fenchel
Swedish: Fankal
Arabic: Shamar
Dutch: Venkel
Italian: Finocchio
Portuguese: Funcho
Russian: Fyenkhel
Japanese: Uikyo
Chinese: Hui-Hsiang
Name in International
Spanish: Alholva
French: Fenugrec
German: Bockshorklee
Swedish: Bockshornklee
Arabic: Hulba
Dutch: Fenegriek
Italian: Fieno Greco
Portuguese: Alforva
Russian: Pazhitnik
Japanese: Koroha
Chinese: K'u- Tou
Hindi Name : Kokam
In Hindi : Pudina
Mint is the erect plant with dark green leaves with pleasant flavour. The
main species are peppermint, spearmint, apple mint and corn mint. Among
these, peppermint and spearmint are commercially popular and significant.
Vanilla and citrus are considered as the world's most popular flavour and
mint stands next in place.
Mint has an important place in Indian cuisine. A few dishes prepared with
mint leaves are mint-coriander chutney, rasam, sambar, meat, fish, poultry
items and biryanis. Being a carminative, mint is often used in dishes made
with peas, dals and other food stuffs which is difficult to digest. Both fresh
and dried leaves of mint are used.
The main producers of mint are Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh. It is produced as a garden crop in Ooty, Tamil Nadu. Indian
export of mint mostly consists of essential oils, which have more
commercial value than leaves.
Hindi Name : Peeli Sarson
Name in International
Spanish: Mostaza
French: Moutarde
German: Senfsaat
Swedish: Senap
Arabic: Khardal
Dutch: Mosterd
Italian: Senape
Portuguese: Mostarda
Russian: Gorchitsa
Japanese: Shiro Karashi
Chinese: Chieh
In Hindi : Piyaz
In Hindi : Ajmoth
Name in international
Spanish Pimienta
French Poivre
German Pfeffer
Swedish Peppar
Arabic Filfil Aswad
Dutch Peper
Italian Pepe
Portuguese Pimenta
Russian Pyerets
Japanese Kosha
Chinese Hu- Chiao
In Hindi : Anardana
In the ancient times poppy was valued for the oil obtained
from its seeds; yet the narcotic and analgesic power of
opium was well known to Greek medicine. Opium as a drug
is a comparatively young development in Europe. In today's
world poppy oil is an unusual specialty and is produced only
in small quantities. The most common use is a cold-pressed
quality suited for salads.
Name in international
Spanish Adermidera
French Pavot
German Mohn
Swedish Valln
Arabic Khashkhash
Dutch Slaapbol
Italian Papavero
Portuguese Dormideira
Russian Mak
Japanese Keshi
Chinese Ying Shu
In Hindi : Rusmary
Name in international
Spanish Azafran
French Safran
German Safran
Swedish Saffran
Arabic Zafran
Dutch Saffraan
Italian Zafferano
Portuguese Acofrao
Russian Shafran
Japanese Safuran
Chinese Fan Hung- Hua
Vanilla pods are the fruit of the vanilla planifolia and are the
only orchid to produce an edible substance. Vanilla pods are
long, thin and filled with beans that are virtually flavorless in
their unripe state. The pods must be cured for several
months until vanillin crystals are emitted. The fragrance from
the vanillin permeates the inside of the pod that eventually
turns dark brown. The beans are then scraped from the
inside of the pod and are ready for use. The complicated
processing of vanilla (because fresh vanilla pods do not have
any taste) and the need of manual pollination makes vanilla
one of the most expensive spices.
In Hindi : Dalchini
Cinnamon is the dried bark of an evergreen busy tree. There
is a particular season for pealing of the bark. It is considered
superior compared to cassia though they belong to the same
Shine International
Exporting and supplying Indian spices, cooking spices and all varieties of rice. Also
supply natural herbs and henna.
Address: Shop No. 25, First Floor Baake Bihari Market, Lahori Gate, New Delhi - 110 006, India
Phone: +(91)-(11)-23918015 Fax: +(91)-(11)-23921551
A. K. Enterprises
Exporter of cooking spices like red chillies, jeera seeds, cumin seeds, coriander,
cinnamon, garlic, dry ginger, cloves, nutmeg, turmeric, black pepper, tamarind, saffron,
cardamom. Also supply variety of basmati, non basmati rice, pulses and groceries.
Address: E-2/10, Sector-7, Rohini, New Delhi - 110 085, India
Phone: +(91)-(11)-27933201 Fax: +(91)-(11)-30945863
Royal Agro
Wholesale exporter and supplier of all kinds of traditional Indian spices.
Address: 1510, S. P. Mukerjee Marg, New Delhi - 110 006, India
Phone: +(91)-9310025406 Fax: +(91)-(11)-27696384/51530507