39 MovGen (TS2007)
39 MovGen (TS2007)
39 MovGen (TS2007)
Guido Gentile
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade
Daniele Vigo
The quantification of the freight movements occurring in each traffic zone disaggregated by
supply chain and of the corresponding Origin-Destination trip tables connected with the urban
delivery of goods, is essential to evaluate the effects of any city logistic policy in terms of vehicle
congestion and polluting emissions, based on the assignment of truck flows to the road network. To
this end in this paper we propose two innovative demand models: the first one for movement
The movement generation is addressed through an extension of category index models, which
takes into account the hierarchy within the classification system of the economic activities, thus
avoiding to aggregate the many classification codes into pre-specified groups. The trip distribution
is addressed through an adaptation of gravity models, which takes into account that deliveries are
This approach has been successfully applied to the case of Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy,
where an extensive campaign of surveys has permitted to calibrate both models for several towns
Keywords: urban delivery of goods, estimation of freight O-D matrices, category index models
A relevant issue in city logistics is concerned with the efficient transport of products, from
industrial and stocking sites to retail local units, and then to offices and houses. To better
understand this problem it is worth examining the physical itinerary of important items such as
grocery and household articles, which generally make up more than one third of the total freight
traffic in urban areas (see, e g. Strauss-Wieder et al, 1989). The goods are transported to the shops
in the city either by private carriers (i.e., by the manufacturing companies themselves), or by
logistic agencies, each owning a fleet of vehicles to provide the delivery service, as well as by
autonomous transporters, often owning a single vehicle. In many cases along this journey
transhipment occurs at logistic centres, located near or within the city, where load rearrangement is
performed, i.e., the goods are dropped off from heavy trucks, possibly stocked, and then transferred
to smaller vehicles for the distribution in town. These flows of goods are organized into different
supply chains depending on their characteristics and service requirements (e.g., fresh foods, frozen
foods, dry foods, household articles, …). In the last step, which is not addressed in this paper, the
goods are purchased by final consumers who personally bring them home.
City logistics may be analyzed by two different points of view, each one rising different
problems. For logistic agencies the most relevant aspect is that of minimizing the shipment
industrial costs. Therefore, one of the main problems is that of finding the optimal routes to be used
by the vehicles that shall provide the delivery service. This family of problems, know as Vehicle
Routing Problems (VRPs), has been extensively studied in the context of Operations Research.
Several algorithms for the solution of the main variants of VRP have been proposed in the literature
(see Toth and Vigo, 2002; and Cordeau et al., 2007; for recent surveys) and some of them are
implemented within commercial packages for pickup and delivery planning. Vehicle routing models
are highly disaggregate and require fine-grained data on demand distribution and on the service
requirements. They are mainly suitable for supporting the operational management of a delivery
service, or analyzing mid-term problems such as fleet sizing.
On the other hand, for the Public Administration the most important aspect is that of moderating
the social costs generated by freight mobility in the urban area. These are primarily connected with
the impact on traffic congestion of the circulating vehicles for delivery tours, as well as with the
road capacity reductions caused by the stationary vehicles for loading or unloading operations, also
called movements in the following. Then the problem consists either in increasing the number of
logistic centres or in establishing effective policies for the regulation of freight traffic. This latter
option may be implemented by imposing temporal and/or spatial limitations to circulation and/or
parking of trucks and by creating dedicated stopping areas to let freight vehicles perform the
The quantification of freight demand in terms of movements and flows on each link of the road
network due to the urban delivery of goods is essential for evaluating the effects of any city logistic
policy. In the following we briefly review the main approaches that were proposed in the literature
to model the transport of goods in the urban case. For a detailed survey the reader is referred to
Russo and Comi (2004) and to the extensive bibliography compiled by the Oak Ridge National
In general, the demand models used in the context of freight transport can be classified into three
main types: gravity (Hutchinson, 1974; Ogden, 1992; Taylor, 1997; He and Crainic, 1998; Gorys
and Hausmanis, 1999), spatial price equilibrium (Oppenheim, 1995; Nagurney, 1999), and input-
output (Harris and Liu, 1998; Marzano and Papola, 2004). In any case, the resulting O-D matrices
can be adjusted to match truck link flows. However, some of the above approaches seem to be more
suitable for regional and national planning, than to the context of urban freight shipment, since
many factors (e.g. historical traditions, urban constraints) beside accessibility influence the location
of shops.
Demand models may be further divided into truck-based and commodity-based approaches.
Truck-based models (see Zavettero and Waseman, 1981; Habib, 1985; Ogden, 1977; Slavin, 1976)
yield a direct estimation of the trip rates, but suffer transferability problems. Although the average
quantities of consumed goods per inhabitant usually do not vary too much from one city to another
in a same country, the organization of logistics in terms of shop and truck dimensions may indeed
differ considerably.
Commodity-based models (see Taniguchi and Thompson, 1999, 2003 and 2006 Holguin-Veras
and Thorson, 2000) estimate the quantity of goods sold in each traffic zone, which is strictly
correlated to the number of employees in the commerce sector, under the assumption that consumer
demand, which is instead related to the number of residents, must be satisfied, thus reproducing the
require a loading model to convert the tons of goods into the number of vehicle trips (Noortman,
1984, for example, uses a fixed share of the truck capacity, which may vary according to the
commodity type, although such a simplification is not acceptable for most of the goods travelling in
the urban context, as observed by Button and Pearman, 1981), as well as a complementary empty
trip model to take into account this crucial aspect of logistics (as described, for example, in:
Hautzinger, 1984; Holguín-Veras and Thorson, 2003a and 2003b; Holguín-Veras et al., 2005).
Input-output and spatial price equilibrium models are typically commodity-based or even monetary-
based; in the latter case a value to quantity model is required to convert the currency amounts into
tons of goods.
In practice, most urban models are based on the same “four-steps” approach of sequential models
(generation, distribution, modal split, and assignment) used for passenger transport. For example,
the demand generation and attraction of every supply chain is first determined for each traffic zone
through a regression model, then a gravity model for distribution is applied to obtain an Origin-
Destination (O-D) matrix to be assigned on the road network taking into account access restrictions,
while mode choice usually reduces to the vehicle dimension which depends strongly on the supply
This classical approach involves two open questions. The first one is intrinsic in the
approximation introduced by arbitrarily aggregating the many different economic activities into a
few groups of categories. The second one lays in the fact that many deliveries are performed by a
commercial vehicle within the same tour, so that before assigning the demand flows to the network
one has to transform the pickups and deliveries into an O-D matrix of direct truck trips. Both issues
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we outline the overall approach underlying
the proposed models. In Section 2 we describe the generation model, whereas in Section 3 we
describe the distribution model. Finally, Section 4 presents the application of the overall
methodology to the city of Bologna, capital of the Emilia-Romagna Region, and Section 5 draws
some conclusions.
The quantification of the external effects produced by freight mobility in urban areas is currently
an important field of research but, in contrast to what has happened with people mobility, no
consolidated methodology of analysis is yet available. In order to fill this gap some attempts were
recently carried out in Europe. The information collected from some German towns within the
Bestufs Project, financed by the European Union, led to the Wiver model (Meimbresse and
Sonntag, 2000), now integrated within the Viseva software package (Friedrich et al., 2003). The
Good Trip model (Boerkamps and Van Binsbergen, 1999) has been developed in The Netherlands,
while the French Government promoted the development at the Laboratoire d’Economie des
Transportes in Lyon of the Freturb model (Routhier and Aubert, 1998; Ambrosini and Routhier,
2004). In this latter case, the statistical analysis of the data collected through surveys performed in
three important cities (Marseilles, Bordeaux and Dijon) produced an aggregated model that allows
for evaluating a set of impact indicators, based on the average number of movements produced by
each category of economic activity as a function of the employees. For example, to evaluate the
occupation of parking slots for freight movements it is assumed that the total number of stopping
hours spent within a given traffic zone is the sum, over all categories of shops and vehicle types, of
the products among: a) the number of shops of that type present in the zone; b) the number of
movements each shop generates for that type of vehicle; c) the average duration of such
In this paper we present a new model for the overall analysis of urban freight demand and the
evaluation of its external effects which originates from the intensive collaboration between the
authors and the Council on Transportation of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy, that in the recent
years promoted an extensive survey, partially financed by European projects CityPorts and Merope,
on the logistic activities in nine out of its thirteen towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Almost
all surveys were performed according to the methodology developed within the CityPorts Project, in
which the phenomenon of urban freight shipment is faced from different points of view, thus
including specific interviews to commercial local units, to logistic operators and classical on-road
interviews to truck drivers. The result is an extensive and homogeneous data source that represents
The CityPorts Project proposes a methodological framework for the planning of initiatives to
support city logistics, such as new transhipment infrastructures or regulatory policies, referred to as
logistic actions, whose relative impacts are measured through the so called traffic Zones-Supply
chains (Z-S) matrix associated with the town under study (Gentile and Vigo, 2006). Each element
of the Z-S matrix yields the total number of, say annual, movements for a given supply chain in a
certain traffic zone. Indeed, any specific logistic action affects only a subset of traffic zones and of
supply chains. For example, access restrictions to freight vehicles may be applied to the city centre
and not to other zones, while a logistic centre may serve only a part of the whole town and some
supply chains. Therefore, the overall impact of a logistic action may be easily determined by
computing the total number of movements that it “covers” on the Z-S matrix.
The determination of the Z-S matrix as well as its use as a starting point to obtain the Origin-
Destination matrices of truck flows, that can be assigned on the road network, will be addressed in
the remainder of this paper by proposing specific generation and distribution models. These two
models aim, respectively, to find the movements generated by each traffic zone for each supply
chain, and the direct truck trips from each origin zone to each destination zone between two
consecutive vehicle stops, taking into account the structure of the delivery tours, that in general
depends on the supply chain at hand. To this end it should be considered that: a) each local unit
(e.g., shop, office …) generates movements belonging to several supply chains; b) local units are
classified in the available databases according to a hierarchic code that identifies with successive
specifications the sector of economic activity (e.g., the NACE system adopted in Europe, and the
NAICS system adopted in North America); c) the generated movements are organized into truck
tours that begin and end at given portals (logistic centers, or access roads to town) and may serve
The main difficulty that prevents the use of a direct statistical analysis to determine the number
of movements for each supply chain generated by every activity code is represented by the fact that
generally the classification systems include hundreds of different codes (e.g., in the NACE system
more than 1500). Therefore, the universe of all possible individuals (in our case all possible activity
codes) is typically partitioned into groups, or categories, and an average for each group is retrieved
from a sample of individuals. However, when many categories are defined one cannot expect the
Category index models are an evolution of the above approach based on simple aggregation. The
main idea is to take into consideration the correlation among categories, if present, so as to provide
a better estimate for groups that are not adequately covered by the sample. The classic case is when
the categories are defined on the basis of several attributes, where the correlation among categories
arises naturally from sharing the same value for some attribute. In our case, however, there is only
In this paper we introduce a new demand generation model for the determination of urban freight
movements that extends the category index approach avoiding any a-priori aggregation of activity
codes into a predefined limited number of groups and assuming as correlated those categories that
have some relationship in the tree of activity codes, thus exploiting the hierarchical structure of the
only explanatory attribute we use. Our approach is indeed based on the explicit consideration of the
tree-based structure adopted by most classification systems for local units, that typically include a
progressive levels of disaggregation represented by the subsequent digits in the code associated
with each economic activity. The main assumption here is that the number of movements generated
by a given activity code is correlated with those generated by activity codes that are associated with
its descendant and ascendant nodes in the classification tree, i.e., those representing its
disaggregations or aggregations.
The second contribution of this paper is a distribution model that implements the gravity
paradigm in the case of urban freights, taking into account the average number of deliveries made
along shipping routes of each supply chain. Every route of a vehicle serving a certain supply chain
is assumed to begin at some portal, make a specific number of stops to perform the deliveries (or
the pickups, in the case of reverse logistics), and end at the same portal. Therefore every section of
the tour between two successive stops, included the first and the last leg from and to the portal
respectively, must be associated with a direct trip in the O-D matrix from the traffic zone of the
previous stop to the traffic zone of the following stop. In other words, each movement occurring in
a given traffic zone must be associated to one direct trip that terminates in that zone and with
another direct trip that originates in the same zone. For each supply chain, the total number of tours
is given by the total number of movements divided by the average number of stops per tour. These
tours are associated to the different portals proportionally to their relative importance, measured for
example by the truck traffic that they generate. Then, the number of direct trips originating and
terminating at each portal is equal to the number of tours associated with it. The probability that a
tour leaving a given zone will reach another zone through a direct trip is assumed to decrease with
the distance on the network between the two zones, for example measured by the generalized travel
Without loss of generality we will refer to the case where the operations performed by a same
vehicle are homogeneous deliveries of the same supply chain, since from a modelling point of view
the case where the operations are pickups, as in reverse logistics and garbage collection, is
The two demand models, along with a classical assignment model, have been integrated into a
software tool called CityGoods, and were calibrated with the data of the Emilia-Romagna surveys.
In this section we describe a demand generation model aimed at the estimation of the number of
trips produced by each local unit for freight shipment and collection activities in urban areas. It
should be noted that in the case of freight urban shipment the movement generators are actually the
destinations of the goods, i.e., the shops, whereas in modeling the passenger transport the traffic
generators are typically the origins of the trips, i.e., the homes, since we usually refer to morning
The main characteristic of the model we propose is that it does not require any a-priori
aggregation of the local units into a limited number of categories. Indeed, our model explicitly
considers a fine-grained classification, such as that informing the coding systems adopted by most
countries to identify the economic activity in census statistics. Classification systems have normally
a hierarchic structure which reflects the progressive disaggregation of the economic sectors into
sub-sectors; specifically, each disaggregation level is associated with an additional digit of the code
that identifies the economic activity in the system. For example, the Italian specification of the
NACE system, called ATECO, identifies 15 main categories further disaggregated into sub-
The hierarchic relationship between a sub-category and its immediate aggregation in the higher
level is clearly unique, i.e., each sub-category is originated from the disaggregation of a single
category; hence, the portion of a classification system relative to a main category may be suitably
represented as a tree. The union of these category trees, i.e., the whole classification system, can be
Formally, the classification system is here represented as a tree T = (N, A), i.e., an acyclic
oriented graph, where the set N includes a node for every category plus a special root node r , which
is the only node with no entering arcs, while all the other nodes have a single entering arc. The final
nodes of the arcs exiting from the root represent the main categories, which can be considered
independent from each other in terms of any relevant feature. The hierarchic relationships among
economic activities within the classification system are represented by the set of oriented arcs, A,
connecting the nodes. More precisely, each node i∈N\{r} is associated with another node, called
father, which represents its immediate higher level in the hierarchic structure and is denoted by
f(i)∈N. Therefore, the set of oriented arcs constituting the tree is A = {(i, j): j∈N\{r}, i = f( j)}. The
predecessors P(i) of node i∈N\{r}, are the nodes included in the unique path in T connecting the
root node r with node i, except the root itself, i.e., P(i) = {…, f(f(i)), f(i), i}. Similarly, the
successors S(i) of node i∈N are all the nodes whose predecessors include i, except node i itself, i.e.,
S(i) = {j∈N: i∈P( j)}\{i}. The children, FS(i) of node i∈N are the nodes whose father is i, i.e., FS(i)
= { j∈N: f( j) = i}. The leaves L of the tree are the nodes having no children, i.e., L = {i∈N: FS(i) =
P(11) FS(11)
r 1 11 111
12 112
13 S(2)
2 21 211
22 212
3 31
32 321
Figure 1. Graph representation of a classification system. The root is black, the leaves are grey.
Given the universe U of local units that are present in the specific area under analysis, each node
i∈N\{r} is associated with the probability βi that it is the child of his father f(i), to be evaluated as
follows. Each local unit u∈U is characterized by a category n(u)∈N. Let ωi be the number of local
units in the universe belonging to the category associated with node i∈N, and Ωi be the number of
local units belonging to any category associated with a successor of node i and with i itself, that is:
The number of local units Ωi and the probabilities βi may be computed in linear time by visiting the
tree in reverse topological order, i.e., from the leaves up to the root. We can then define the
relationship ψji of any successor j∈S(i) of node i∈N with i itself as the probability that j is the
associated with a given activity code of the classification system, i.e., with a given node of the tree,
is correlated with the number of movements generated by the codes of its predecessors and
successors nodes. To specify the form of this correlation we assume that a non-negative number of
movements mj is associated with each arc of the tree (f( j), j), j∈N\{r}, so that the number of
movements Mi generated by the generic node i∈N in the reference period (e.g. one year) is obtained
as the sum of two different terms: Hi , given by the sum of the movements associated with the arcs
entering each predecessor j∈P(i) of i, and Wi , given by the sum of the movements associated with
the arcs entering each successor j∈S(i) of i suitably weighted by their relationship ψji with i. In
other words, although the main output of the model is the number of movements Mi produced by
each node of the tree, these variables are correlated among each other due to the hierarchic structure
of the classification system. Therefore, the relevant independent variables to be estimated become
the number of movements mj associated with each arc of the tree, that express the contribution to
the demand generation common to node j and to all and only its successors. Indeed, each arc of the
tree represents an additional specification of economic activity that identifies a category, and thus
contributes with a specific number of movements to its demand generation as well as to those of all
the sub-categories obtained through its further disaggregation. Based on the above assumptions any
portion of the classification system relative to each main category, i.e., every tree of the forest, is
Mi = Hi + Wi , (4)
Hi = ∑ j∈P(i) mj , (5)
To clarify the physical interpretation of the model we can observe that: a) the number of
movements generated by a leaf is given by the sum of the movements associated with the arcs
entering its predecessors; b) the correlation among two leaves is given by the sum of the movements
associated with the overlapping arcs in the two paths connecting the root to them; c) a node which is
not a leaf synthesizes all the leaves in its successors, indeed it generates the average number of
movements relative to the leaves in its successors weighted by the relationship of each leaf with it.
While (7) derives directly from the model (4)-(6), (8) could be easily proved through a recursive
For the two contributions, respectively, we can state the following local and recursive formula:
Indeed, it is:
Hi = mi + ∑ j∈P(f(i)) mj , (11)
The triangular system (9) can be solved by processing the nodes in topological order, while the
triangular system (10) can be solved by processing the nodes in reverse topological order. On this
The system (4)-(6) expressing the dependent variables Mi in terms of the independent variables
where πij represents the unit contribution of mj to Mi , which can be determined as follows.
The matrix π can be computed directly from the probabilities βi without introducing explicitly the
for each i∈N
loop until j = r
ψ = ψ ⋅ βj
πij = 1
j = f( j)
πji = ψ
The formulation as a linear system turns out to be useful for the calibration of the model. Let zq
be the movements generated by the generic element q∈Q of the sample Q⊆U. The calibration
process can be addressed by solving the following least square problem through the algorithm
where Π = [πn(1)T , … , πn(q)T, … , πn(|Q|)T]T, πi is the generic i-th row of matrix π, with i∈N, and
However, in practice the number of movements associated with an arc is left to zero by the
calibration process whenever no element of the sample requires to introduce that specific
disaggregation for distinguishing its category from those in the rest of the sample. In such a case,
the number of movements generated by that category is equal to the number of movements
The proposed model can be considered a particular application of the category index approach,
since for each economic activity we deduce the rate of freight movements produced for every
supply chain by averaging the sample data through a procedure that introduces a correlation among
the category codes, taking into account the hierarchic structure of the classification system.
This model does not exploit any attribute of the local unit other than its code to explain the
considering some attribute expressing the dimension of the local unit, such as the number of
employees or the available selling surface; in general, E can be a size function (see Ben Akiva and
Lerman, 1985).
The proposed approach is easily extended to obtain a linear model with respect to a given
In this version of the model the variable Mi expresses the minimum number of movements that local
units of the category associated to node i∈N generate in any case regardless of their dimension,
whereas Xi expresses the additional number of movements generated per each dimension unit, while
the variables mi and xi referred to the arc entering node i allow to express the correlation among M
where Eu is the dimension attribute of the generic local unit u∈U, and E = (E1 , … , Eq , … , E|Q|)T
Once we have calibrated our disaggregated model which allows to associate a number of
movements to each local unit given its economic activity and dimension, the application to a study
area typically requires to aggregate all the movements generated by each local unit present in a
single traffic zone z∈Z, where Z denotes the set of zones in which the study area is partitioned. Let
z(u)∈Z be the zone where the generic unit u∈U is located. Since each local unit generates a yearly
number of movements Mn(u) + Eu ⋅ Xn(u) , the total number of movements Dz generated in the generic
we shall build a specific model for each supply chain, given that every category may produce
movements of several supply chains. To this end we simply have to add the required index to all
The proposed model has been validated on a dataset of 315 surveys carried out in the framework
of the CityPort European Project to assess the movements produced by retail shops (i.e., the sub-
tree rooted at code 52 of the NACE tree) in the city centre of Bologna, Italy. The validation has
been performed by randomly choosing a subset of the surveys, including 5%, 10%, 20%, or 50%, of
the whole sample. Our model without size function factors (e.g., employees), is calibrated on the
complementary fraction of the sample (i.e., 95%, 90%, 80%, 50%), and the output is compared with
the actual values. This process is repeated 1000 times for each size of the sample subset and only
total movements are considered for the comparison; indeed a model based solely on the activity
code may not provide an accurate estimation for the single shop. This is consistent with the actual
need of proving the quality of the method at a rather aggregated level, since in practice it will be
applied to estimate the movements generated by all shops of a given traffic zone.
The average of the relative gap, defined as |sample - model output| / sample, in terms of total
generated movements (depicted by white bars in Figure 2) decreases from 16.4% for 5% of the
sample (16 shops) down to 7.1% for 50% of the sample (157 shops). As expected, the average
number of generated movements tends to become more stable for larger populations of shops. In
any case, the goodness to fit shown by the model can be considered satisfactory, since a relative gap
of 10% in demand modelling is suitable for most applications. Moreover, the distribution of the
relative gap (without taking the absolute value) among the random samples (depicted by white
diamonds in Figure 4), shows that the for most of the experiments the result lays within the interval
To investigate the convenience of the proposed hierarchic approach with respect to a classical
category index model, we extended the validation analysis to a simple aggregation of local units
based on the third digit of the activity code and to the trivial model where all shops are aggregated
into one group: this latter yields the mean of the calibration sample, and is taken as the basis for the
comparison. The main results are reported in Figure 3, where the ρ2 (rho square) indicator is defined
as the complement to one of the ratio between the relative gap of a model and the relative gap of the
basis: ρ2 = 1, identifies a perfect model, whereas ρ2 = 0, identifies a useless model which is not
As far as the relative gap is concerned, all three models that we examined proved to be suitable
for many engineering applications, especially at high aggregation levels. This result tells us that
sophisticated generation models (e.g. consumer acquisition based models), which typically require
lots of expensive data (either in terms of modelling efforts or in terms of survey costs), have a hard
life proving to be really better than simple models, that already have sufficient quality. However, as
expected, the aggregation is better than the mean, and the proposed model is better than the
aggregation. This is true regardless the sample, although the differences among the three model
decrease with its dimension. In conclusion, the proposed model is better than simple ones, but does
not require additional data since there is no explanatory variable other than the activity code.
30.0% mean
simple aggregation
25.0% hierarchic model
5% 10% 20% 50%
Figure 2. Fitting of the hierarchic model, compared to the simple aggregation and the mean, in
terms of the average relative gap for increasing shares of the sample.
5% 10% 20% 50%
Figure 3. Improvement of the fitting obtained by the hierarchic model and by the simple
aggregation with respect to the mean, in terms of the rho square for increasing shares of the sample.
5% of the sample mean 10% of the sample mean
simple aggregation simple aggregation
hierarchic model hierarchic model
-100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
-100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Figure 4. Statistical distributions of the relative gap obtained with the three models, for
The distribution model we propose in this paper repeatedly applies a gravity model so as to
better approximate the main characteristic of urban freight shipment (or collection, that is its
reverse). In this case the direct trips that vehicles perform from one point of the study area to
another without intermediate stops do not satisfy a specific mobility demand to travel from one
origin to a destination, as in the transport of passengers, but are merely the legs of a delivery tour
between two consecutive movements. Moreover, the delivery movements occurring at local units,
i.e., the intermediate stops of the tours, are densely located within the urban environment, whereas
the pickup movements occurring at logistic centres are much more dispersed in the territory, being
often out of town or even further away in other towns close to the production centres. Therefore it is
preferable to define a limited number of tour terminals, called logistic portals, located at the town
boundaries along the main routes followed by the trucks entering the city or at logistic centres
within the study area. Each portal is associated with a weight to represent its relative importance,
given for example by the average number of commercial vehicles passing that road section or
Also in this case we will discuss the model for generic movements, without distinguishing them
by supply chain. However, specific distribution models that allow for the O-D matrix estimation of
a particular supply chain may be easily obtained by using the related generation data and adding the
Given a set C of centroids that act as generators and attractors of freight traffic, the gravity
model allows to determine a demand matrix of, say yearly, truck flows Fod from each origin o∈C to
each destination d∈C, by using a vector of trips Go generated by each origin o∈C, a vector of trips
Ad attracted by each destination d∈C, and a LoS (Level of Service) matrix of generalized travel cost
Tod from each origin o∈C to each destination d∈C, which may in turn be expressed by a linear
which also imply that the total generation and attraction are at equilibrium, i.e.:
where Go and Ad play the role of the masses, while the monotonic function λ(Tod) of generalized
travel costs plays the role of the distance square. In our analysis we have considered the following
distance function:
where γ is a parameter to be calibrated, and the generalized travel costs is that of the shortest path
on the road network computed with respect to link costs at the user equilibrium.
In a origin-constrained model the structural coefficients ao have to be consistent with equation
In a doubly-constrained model the structural coefficients ao and bd have to be consistent with both
The non-linear system defined by (24)-(25) can be conveniently seen as a fixed point problem that
turns out to be a contraction, i.e., it can be easily solved by initially setting the coefficients to
arbitrary values, e.g. ao = bo = 1 for each o∈C, and then calculating (24)-(25) iteratively until
convergence is achieved. The above solution approach is also adopted in Bablu and Sanat Kumar
In our case, the set of centroids is partitioned into two subsets, namely the set Z of traffic zones
and the set P of logistic portals, so that formally we have: C = Z ∪ P, Z ∩ P = ∅. The urban freight
shipping from the portals to the local units is performed by vehicles that leave from a specific
portal, visit some units possibly located in more than one zone, and return to the same portal.
Therefore, the same vehicle may perform during one tour not only a trip from a portal, origin of the
freight, to a single zone, destination of the freight, and backward, but also trips between different
We are interested here in estimating the number of direct trips between centroids, but not in
deriving the actual structure of vehicle routes which, being the result of VRP algorithms, is out of
the scope of the demand oriented methodology proposed in this paper. However, the gravity model
is not conceived to yield O-D flows that satisfy the topological constraints of tours. To force such a
structure we will consider a sequence of gravity models, each one representing implicitly a further
stop of the delivery tour.
From the generation model we know the total number of movements Dz occurring in each zone
z∈Z. Moreover, we assume to known the average number μ of movements per route, for example as
a result of a specific survey. The total number of performed tours will then be:
R = ∑ z∈Z Dz / μ . (26)
Each portal p∈P is associated with a weight wp to represent its relative importance. We can
Rp = R ⋅ wp / ∑ s∈P ws . (27)
Clearly, the average number μ of movements per route and weight wp of each portal p∈P are
In the proposed model M1, the flow of vehicles in terms of direct O-D trips results from the
contribution of the successive legs of delivery tours, which are implicitly represented by each loop
each portal o∈P and is null for each zone o∈Z, while the attraction Ao is equal to the total number
of movements Do of each zone o∈Z and is null for each portal o∈P. Then, the probability that the
next stop of any delivery tour carries out a movement in zone d∈Z is given by the origin-
constrained model expressed by equation (28), where the attraction is the number of delivery
movements to be still covered in d at each step of the algorithm. But if the resulting movements Qd
exceed the deliveries to be performed in zone d∈Z, then only a share of the vehicles are moved
there, as implied by (29). To take into account the last legs of the delivery tours needed for going
back to the portal, i.e., to represent the empty trips, we consider the doubly-constrained model (30),
where the attraction Ao is equal to the number of heading tours Ro of each portal o∈P and is null for
each zone o∈Z, while the generation Go of each centroid o∈C is that resulting at the end of the main
It is interesting to observe that, for μ → 1, the number of tours tends to the total number of
movements so that the proposed model collapses into a classical gravity model between origin
portals and destination zones (and back), without direct trips among zones. Instead, for γ → ∞, the
model can be regarded as an approximate solution to the corresponding VRP with the relaxation
that the number of stops per route is satisfied only on average; indeed in this case the gravity model
is a solution to the corresponding transportation problem (Bablu and Sanat Kumar, 2006).
In the following alternative model M2 the latter relaxation is removed, under the simplifying
assumption that each movement occurring at zones has the same probability to be the k-th stop of
The probability that the first stop (and symmetrically the last stop) of any delivery tour carries out a
equal to the number of heading tours Ro of each portal o∈P and is null for each zone o∈Z, while the
attraction Ao is equal to the number of first (or last) stops Do / μ of each zone o∈Z and is null for
each portal o∈P. The probability that an intermediate k-th stop of any delivery tour carries out a
movement in zone d∈Z is given by the doubly-constrained model (32), with symmetric generation
and attraction equal to the number of k-th stop Do / μ of each zone o∈Z and null for each portal
o∈P. Since these μ gravity models are identical to each other, we compute one of them and
The model calibration, i.e., the estimation of parameter γ, is performed by maximizing the
likelihood, which is defined to be the joint probability that the model associates to the independent
events revealed in the sample. In this case, the event is a vehicle performing a particular tour, so that
the generic element k∈K of the sample is a sequence of zones {z(1, k), z(2, k), … , z(μ, k)} and a
portal p(k). The probability ηk(β) that the model associates to such a tour is:
ηk(γ) = Fp(k) z(1, k) / Dp(k) ⋅ Fz(1, k) z(2, k) / Dz(1, k) ⋅ … ⋅ Fz(μ-1, k) z(μ, k) / Dz(μ-1, k) ⋅ Fz(μ, k) p(k) / Dz(μ, k) , (33)
where the dependency from γ is implicit in the flows resulting from (21) through (22). The
parameter shall then be determined by solving the following unconstrained nonlinear optimization
which we suggest to address simply by determining the objective function values for a suitable
interval of γ values through fixed steps.
We illustrate the behaviour of the two models M1 and M2 by means of a simple numerical
example, depicted in Figure 5, that includes two logistic portals (nodes 1 and 5) and three nodes.
The figure reports the results obtained with two different levels of the coefficient γ (0.01 and 1),
which expresses the relevance of travel costs in the trip distribution. By its nature, model M2 tends
to spread more the flows between centroids. In the case γ = 1 travel impedances force the flow
distribution towards a sort of vehicle routing solution with minimal logistic costs.
1 110
γ = 0.01 γ=1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
242 8.8 20 100 100 13.2 242 8.8 20 100 100 13.2
1 8.8 0 1.737 3.531 3.531 0 1 8.8 0 8.8 0 0 0
model M1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
242 8.8 20 100 100 13.2 242 8.8 20 100 100 13.2
1 8.8 0 1.307 4.097 3.395 0 1 8.8 0 2 6.8 0 0
model M2
Figure 5. O-D matrices resulting from the application of models M1 and M2 to a simple example
The models presented in the previous sections have been developed and preliminarily validated
within a study about city logistics for the Emilia-Romagna Region, located in northern Italy.
Emilia-Romagna has about 4 Million inhabitants and a surface of 22,000 square Km. Given its
geographical position, the region plays a central role in the North-South communication system and
is characterized by several mid-size towns with various economic and industrial vocations: from the
mainly tourist town of Rimini to the industrial harbour of Ravenna, from the capital Bologna with
one pf the oldest universities in the world to the towns of river Po valley that combine agriculture
Since a long time, the regional authority of Emilia-Romagna has been very active in the
investigation and planning of mobility in the region and in the more recent years has devoted an
increasing attention to freight mobility. In particular, within two European Research projects of the
InterReg Programme, denominated CityPorts and Merope, and other initiatives directly sponsored
by the regional authority itself, a large and systematic survey regarding the urban freight
movements has been undertaken in 2004 for nine out of the thirteen towns of the region with more
than 50,000 inhabitants. These surveys were performed according to a homogeneous interview
scheme and included specific questions for demand generators (shops and other economic activities
located in the urban area), demand attractors (distribution centres and shipping companies), and on-
The initial purpose of the survey was to improve the knowledge on freight distribution activities
in Italian towns by obtaining information disaggregated over the main supply chains so as to
support the impact analysis of infrastructures and policies. The richness of the data that have been
collected was indeed very promising, reporting on the freight movements generated by a given
economic activity with respect to different supply chains and with many information on commercial
vehicles, time windows, parking habits, delivery features, etc. However, the available funds have
considerably limited the size of the samples, hence making impossible its direct statistical use, and
motivating the development of an appropriate modelling tool that would allow for the extension of
the observations to the universe in a structured way. In particular, the overall number of interviews
to demand generators was about 1700 and, for example, in the town of Bologna the sample included
some 300 activities out of more than 30,000. In addition, about 80 freight distribution facilities and
companies as well as 3500 trucks were interviewed. More details on the whole data set and its
As previously mentioned, the quantity and quality of logistic information associated with the
observed sample is very rich, whereas very little is available for the whole universe, that is census
data reporting the localization of each economic activity, its category code according to the
ATECO/NACE classification system, and its size measured in terms of employees (but in many
cases not highly reliable). An extensive preliminary testing and validation of the demand generation
and distribution models presented in this paper has been performed during the years 2005-06 on
various towns by using these data for the calibration. In particular the analysis has considered 6
supply chains and has allowed to determine the average number of freight movements generated
yearly in each traffic zone of the town and the specific O-D matrices of freight vehicles serving
each such supply chain, which are then assigned to the road network jointly with private cars. As an
example of the output, Figure 6 depicts the total number of movements and their disaggregation
over the different supply chains for the town of Bologna. The figure clearly shows the different
behaviour of the various zones both in terms of overall number of movements and of their
subdivision over the different supply chains. In addition, Figure 7 shows the localization of the
logistic portals for the distribution model and Figure 8 depicts the flow chart of trucks on road links
Figure 6. Plot of the Z-S matrix, for the town of Bologna.
Figure 7. Localization of the logistic portals for the application of the distribution model to the
Figure 8. Flow chart of trucks, for the town of Bologna.
The calibration of the generation and distribution models using the rich database of Emilia-
Romagna Region has made available a set of models for different city typologies, from small to
middle size with various urban structures, which are representative of most Italian and European
towns. As a consequence, the proposed demand models, along with a standard traffic assignment
model to load the truck flows on the road network, have been incorporated within an overall GIS-
based software tool, called CityGoods, that is currently used by the regional authority.
In this paper we have introduced new models that are able to describe generation and distribution
of freight movements in urban areas. The main characteristic of the generation model is its direct
use of the hierarchical structure informing the classification system of the economic activities to
introduce a correlation between the freight generation behaviours of the various economic activities,
disaggregated by supply chains. The approach does not require an a-priori mapping of the economic
activities into supply chains and fits very naturally with the scarce data available for the universe of
potential freight generators, producing fine-grained information that proved to be reliable when
aggregated for traffic zones. The distribution model incorporates another important issue of urban
freight shipment related to the fact that vehicle tours are headed out of the urban area and make
several intermediate stops in town, whose number depends on the specific supply chain.
The proposed models represent a sound and practical tool that fits within well-established
modelling paradigms and requires easily available data, such as census information on the economic
activities and commercial street networks, that favour its usability by practitioners and decision
The authors thanks Rino Rosini, Paola Bartolini and Monica Zanarini from the Council on
Transportation of the Emilia-Romagna regional authority for their helpful and active support in
producing this research. The authors also gratefully thank the anonymous Referees and the Editors
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