God, I Iqye: Christian Fellowship Church
God, I Iqye: Christian Fellowship Church
God, I Iqye: Christian Fellowship Church
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God,i IqYe
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I John 4: 7-21 FerlinAbrohomson (nexl-Dorryl Hornillon)
"God ]sLove"
)undly )chool
News andNotes
Siewot lhe Senior's Cenlre Todov,lrish from I l:30o.m. 2p.m. io . NexlSundqvRink Curling Bowsmon ot Supperot 5:30p.m. storlingoi lp.m. Pofluck
ThankYou...... A Big
Toeoch ond everyone for oll lhe proyers, octs of concern,ond mony compossionote in regordslo JulioRose ond her fomily. kindness Wiih love from the Kroekers.
Maryat theCross
molher hoscommunicotion Every beyond lhe need of wordswith o son. mom willsoy,"He died doing whol A soldier's purpose wos'toservehiscounlry." wonled mostto do. His he to oslonishing commission Mory. FromGobriel's proyer,you knew. losl oll ihe woy 10Jesus' humon man. You knewthol He wos much more thon on ordinory, He business, soid. A mon oboul HisFolher's treosured ond ponderedoll of thesethingsin yourheort. Youwisely "l om the Woy ond the Truth ond the Life. except by meonsof Me. No one con gel to lhe Fother lf you hod knownwho I om, then you would hove known is. who my Fother Fromnow on you know Him ond hove seenHim,"JohnI 4 "And o swordshollpierceyourheorl." Luke2
-by JoyceCon Sledelbquer-
Rondv Neoinok
-Eosimon MoleChoir Spring concerl, Sundoy, Aprill4,Tp.m. Sleinboch Groce MennonileChurch,430 Sl.JoinMCC Monitoboond Groce 3d MennoniteChurchin Steinboch o nightof musicfeoturingthe Eostmon in Mole Choirwilh conduc'lorEd Hildebrond, pionist MorgoreleDyck,ond guestsoloisf VictorEngbrecht. Admission free ond on offeringwill be is lokenfor MCC. -Quills needed for MCC QuillShowin Moy- Eochyeor,MCC Monitobo hosts quiltshowond quilisore needed lo moke the showo success o ogoin thisyeor.Evenldeloilsond o registrotion formisovoilobleot htlp://rnccmonitobo.co/auiltshow . Regislrotion deodlineis Moy l /, is olthougheorlyregislrotion encourogedlo ensure thereisspoce for your limilyourregisirofion one fullsized enlry.Pleose to quili ond two smoller ilemsoer ouilter.