Cults Freemasonry Exposed

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Masonry Exposed

5 January 2005

Dr. Stanford Murrell, Pastor

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
705 Frederick Court
Apollo, PA-15613

Dear Pastor Murrell,

I wrote you awhile back (one year) requesting a CD you offered. Art Alexander, pastor in
Lima, Ohio passed out several at a pastor's meeting I was at and ran out. I received several from
you by return mail. I wish to thank you for such.

On the disk, you had many files, one of which was "Cults, Origin of Freemasonry". I'm
sending you, as a token of my appreciation, articles I believe you'll find interesting. You may
wish to include them on/in a file concerning the Masons. I was a member of the Masonic Lodge
in years gone-by prior to my salvation and thankfully left it after finding out I was expected to
teach (as truth) lies.

There is much in bookstores about the Lodge, but not the Oaths. Needless to say, I wasn't
a popular fellow when they found out a I was publishing the Oaths. I speak on it when ask,
whether a one on one situation or more. I want those in the lodge, claiming to be my brother in
Christ, to hopefully realize they are being lied to. Should you have any questions concerning the
information. Feel free to write or call.

By His Grace Alone,

Eugene M. Baker
10245 Milton-Potsdam Road
(937) 698-5350
West Milton, Ohio-45383

P.S. I was pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Phillipsburg, Ohio for 22 years before retiring. My
wife and I now are members at Union Baptist Church in Englewood, Ohio-45322.
May 6, 1 970

To the members of Lodge # _____,

Once again it's time to pay dues and once again I'm refusing to pay. That's right, I'm
refusing to pay because I'm still waiting for THAT MAN that you people were to send to answer
some questions. A few of you were in attendance several months ago when I submitted a list of
questions to be answered and none of you were able to answer them to my satisfaction. I stated,
"The God of the Masons and the God of the Bible is not the same God." I had several examples
of which you disagreed with and we finally stated the meeting wasn't fruitful and you'd find a
minister in Dayton to answer.

Gentlemen, I received a notice on Feb. 16th that as of Feb. 28th - I would no longer be a
member of your great Lodge because of non-payment of dues. IF YOUR WORD ISN'T ANY
MORE STABLE THAN IT WAS SHOWN - then I will be quite happy to be dropped as a

You teach falsehood of the only hope you'll see the Bible grant the veil of blindness be
"Great Architect" be shown. All of your claims as such are contained within the Old Testament.
Christ is revealed as The Way, The Truth, and The Life in the New Testament. So as you may
see - you miss the mark for the route to the Master of Whom you seem to base some concepts.

The Great Light of Masonry reveals the only way unto God, but the Lodge is to busy with
inspections and the raising of candidates to seek the depth of understanding the Great Light has
to offer. (John 3:19-20) The Great Light (Bible) says darkness (which is unbelief) will not have
anything to do with light (which is the Spirit of truth) because light reveals what ever is hidden.

As for the character of the men in the Lodge - I have only seen three in the lodge which
seem to have searched, or are searching beyond their noses for the RIGHT the Bible does
declare. Those three are: Mr. S, Mr. S and Mr. K. They are concerned and do seem to want the
lodge to stand on what is RIGHT. There's still depth they need, because the search ends only
when Christ is there to lead. Christ said, "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Gentlemen, you have not Christ as your leader. He (the Way) is not declared in the lodge.
Yet - you wear a symbol of His innocence - the lambskin apron as a sign of purity - that apron
should be black as sin - if you have refused Him as your guide. Bible says, "He who has the Son
has life, he who has not the Son has not life and the wrath of God abideth in him." Maybe this
will give you "all" a brief idea of why I ask questions of a lodge and it may also reveal why the
lodge has failed to find the man to answer my questions.

Scriptures and call it fact. I can in the true light and that God will lifted and the true route
to the These are statements to several members: Mr. P - you must have lost interest, you never
called back, or ask for a personal meeting. Mr. S - was the statements confounding - you never
answered or called either.
Re-read after a prayer for understanding and you may see. Mr. H - it does indeed make a
difference what you believe. If you die without Christ - you die in your sins and Christ died in
vain. If you believe not what He stated - you make God a liar. Examine very carefully your

Mr. D - trust is the key word for our conversation. You lack the trust that God could, can
and did directly inspire men to write word for word the words necessary to lead to Christ.
Translations cannot distort one thing - "Christ died for my sins, that I will stand justified before
the throne of God - righteous in Christ." WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD, THERE

Gentlemen - I've stated all this out of concern for the falsehood I've seen and not from
hate, so in closing I say this; "I'd rather have you as Brothers in Christ - than Brothers in

I wait an answer,

Eugene M. Baker
121 Vine St., Box 81
Ludlow Falls, Ohio-45339

P.S. Sorry - I left one man out.

Mr. C - It would be very nice if you sought the honor of God as you seek the praise of
man. God's honor would last forever~ but that necklace you wear will pass from your hands into
someone else's upon death. Where are your treasures stored Mr. C?

Current address (Jan. 2005)

Any questions call or write:

Eugene M. Baker (retired Baptist

10245 Milton-Potsdam Rd.
(937) 698-5350
West Milton, Ohio-45383

Southern Baptist Advocate

September/October 1984

R. Alan Streett, Ph. D.

The history of Freemasonry, officially known as the Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons.

is somewhat vague. Most authorities agree, however. it had its beginning in Europe between

1300 to 1400 AD. Stonemasons who journeyed to distant lands to build castles. abbeys and

cathedrals founded private lodges where they would gather after a hard day's work to relax,

discuss various aspects of the trade and retire for the night. Only stonemasons where allowed to

enter the lodge.

Early masonry soon took on a religious flavor, and required all members "to love God

and the Holy Church." In 1583, an official statement was adopted which bid "true men to love

God and the Holy Church and use no error or heresy." This requirement was relaxed somewhat

about a hundred years later, and Masons were obliged only to obey the moral law, believe in a

supreme deity, and ascribe to a set of religious beliefs upon which all men could agree. .

By the early 1700's men of every occupation were admitted into membership. Soon only

a few true stonemasons were left within the ranks. Freemasonry was transformed into a social

and political club for the elite. It remained quasi-religious in nature. But broke entirely with

Christianity. It developed rituals, oaths and symbolisms based upon ancient Egyptian and Greek

mystery religions. This caused Pope Clement XII to sign an edict forbidding any Roman

Catholic to join the order. Punishment for the offender was excommunication from the church.

Clement stated in his decree that the doctrines of Freemasonry were "paganism or deistic, at

best, and that the oaths and secrecy were anti-Scriptural."

Immigrants from Europe brought teachings of Freemasonry to the North American

continent. Prominent men such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin belonged to the

Masonic lodge. By the mid-1700's there were approximately 6.000 masons in the colonies. The

figure has since risen. Today more than 4.000.000 men attend the 15,770 lodges located

throughout the United States. There are three primary degrees in Freemasonry:

1) Entered Apprentice,

2) Fellowcraft. and

3) Master Mason. In each degree the candidate swears by oath to keep all the secrets of

masonry. Should he fail he is under no less a penalty than death by mutilation. These

first three degrees make up the Blue Lodge Freemasonry.



Although many members deny that Freemasonry is a religion. The official documents

and journals of the order declare otherwise. In his book. History and Evolution of Freemasonry,

Demar D. Darrah, a 33rd degree mason and past Grand Master. states categorically:

"The RELIGION of Masonry knows neither creed, nor dogma, nor sectarianism and

established as its tenets the great truths to which all men can ascribe. Those early founders of

Masonry conceived a system of moral religion at whose shrine all men might worship; the

Christian, the Catholic, the Protestant, the Confucius, the Buddhist, the Mohammedan as well as

all others who are willing to acknowledge a supreme being and live a life of moral rectitude.

Thus there has evolved a RELIGIOUS SOCIETY, which has been charitable enough to recognize

good whether it be found in the Bible or the Koran or the Moral Code of those who have sought

the higher things of life. "

One can see clearly that Freemasonry is considered by Masonic writers to be religious in

nature. Likewise, it is observable that the society is NOT Christian, but eclectic in philosophy,

Dr. Albert G. Mackey, considered to be the foremost interpreter of Freemasonry, writes in his

Encyclopedia of Masonry:

"If Masonry were simply a Christian Institution, the Brahmins, the Moslems, the

Buddhists could not conscientiously partake of its illumination, but the UNIVERSALITY is its

boast; as its altars all religions may kneel, and to its creed every faith may subscribe. "

Another Masonic writer declared. "I boldly aver that Freemasonry is a RELIGION... "

(J.S.M. Ward in Freemasonry: Its Aims and Ideals). It is this very point that sets Freemasonry
apart from such civic organizations as the Lion's Club, Kiwanis and Rotary. Freemasonry sets

forth a system of religious tenets, whereas the others do not.


The one major doctrine that all candidates into Freemasonry must affirm is the belief in a

supreme being. This leads to an important question: "Does the Hindu mason believe in the same

god as the Christian?" The answer is obvious. Albert Pike, the man who formulated the ritual for

the Scottish rite, suggested that a belief in Zeus or Orisis would qualify one to be a mason. The

York Rite, the so-called "Christian" path in Freemasonry, offers to the mason an esoteric or

Gnostic form of Christianity, whose god does not resemble the one of the Bible.


Upon completing his first degree the initiate is given a lambskin apron and told: "This

Lambskin or white leather apron ... is an emblem of innocence ... The Lamb in all ages has been

deemed such. He therefore, who wears the Lambskin as the "Badge of a Mason" is continually

reminded of that purity of life and conduct, which is so essentially necessary to his gaining

admission into the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the universe presides."

Masonry offers a plan of salvation based upon character and human effort. Freemasonry

perverts the gospel of grace and rejects Christ's atoning death as the sole basis of salvation. J.D.

Buck. M.D. in Symbolism or Mystic Masonry writes:

"Every soul must work out its own salvation... Salvation by faith and the vicarious

atonement were not taught as now interpreted, by Jesus, nor are these doctrines taught in

esoteric scriptures. They are later and ignorant perversions of the original doctrines."
Thomas Milton Stewart, another Masonic author, in his book Symbolic Teaching or

Masonry and Its Message concurs: "Did Jesus, himself, conceive of himself as a propitiatory

sacrifice, and of his work as an expiation? The only answer is clearly he did not. He does not

call himself the world's priest, or the world's victim."

"I boldly aver that Freemasonry is a religion." we earlier quoted J.S.M. Ward as saying.

He concluded his statement: "Yet in no way (does it) conflict with any other religion, unless that

religion holds that no one outside its portals can be saved. "

It is at this precise point where biblical Christianity and Freemasonry meet head-on!

Jesus Christ, claims orthodoxy, is the ONLY avenue to God (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

Freemasonry is dedicated, on the other hand, to universalism. Henry C. Clausen (33 degree), the

Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council-33 degree, Mother Council of the World,

write in New Age magazine that Masonry desires, "to bring about the Fatherhood of God, the

Brotherhood of man and the making of better men in a better world."


If all religions lead to God and all people are already His children, as Freemasonry suggests, then

there is no need to send forth missionaries. Since everyone is on the road to heaven, the

missionary imperative is lost.


All Masons must promise by oath to keep the secrets of Masonry or else come "under no

less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and

buried in the rough sand of the sea..." To this the candidate binds himself with an oath

concluding, "So help me God."

If the mason takes the oath seriously, he is declaring openly that he is willing to put his

life on the line for Masonry and willing to uphold the execution of a fallen member. In addition,

he asks for divine help to keep the oath. If the mason is not serious when taking the vow, he is

asking God to witness a lie. Such a presumptuous act is blasphemous, at best.


Every investigator who has researched Masonry has discovered its link to the occult. The

degree work in the Blue Lodge is almost identical to the three degrees found in Rosicrucian and

Theosophy, two occult systems that have their origins in the ancient mystery religions. Albert

Pike, the formulator of the Scottish rite, was a known occultist who claimed to make contact with

the devil. His book Morals and Dogma, which explains the symbolism of the Scottish Rite, gives

in vivid detail the occult meanings of Masonic signs, code words and emblems.

The world was. stunned in May 1981, when it was revealed that the coalition government

of Italian Premier Arnaldo Forlani was toppled by the secretive P-2 Masonic Lodge. What many

people do not realize is that the Masonic order is very influential in world affairs. Although

Freemasonry accounts for less than two percent of the United States population, its members

virtually hold sway over the U.S. government. While present figures are not available, it is

known that in 1959, six of the President's Cabinet were masons, five of the Supreme Court

justices were masons and twenty-nine of the forty-nine state governors were masons. In additions

189 of the 430 United States congressmen belonged to the Masonic order.


In some denominations a clergyman has a difficult time moving up the ecclesiastical

ladder without Masonic credentials. On the local level, elder boards and deacon boards are often

controlled by masons. In recent days it was brought to this writer's attention that a pastor of a

Southern Baptist Church was removed from his position of authority because he questioned

Masonic beliefs. Within days he was replaced by a pastor who was a master mason. One of the

initiation services in the Southern Baptist Royal Ambassador handbook (for Crusaders and

Pioneers) strikes a remarkable similarity to the initiation ceremony conducted in the Masonic

Blue Lodge. For years the leaders of the Christian faith have warned about the dangers of

Freemasonry. Such distinguished men as Charles Finney, John Wesley, Dwight L. Moody, Billy

Sunday, Paul Rader, Harry A. Ironside and R.A. Torrey have stood opposed to the order. They

believed Freemasonry to be contrary to the spiritual lives of Christians.


Many believers are masons. They either joined the society before being saved, or joined

without discerning the organization's true nature. Every mason who claims the name Christian

should be challenged to independently investigate Freemasonry. He should read books by

Masonic authors; especially books dealing with group's philosophy and worldview. He should

likewise read the Scriptures; allowing the Holy Spirit to show him where Freemasonry deviates

from orthodox Christian beliefs.



I, ___________ of my own free will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God and

this worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do here-by and

here-on, most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hale, ever conceal

and never reveal, the secrets of this degree, or any part there-of, to any person in the world,

except it be to a true and lawful brother of this degree, or in a legal Lodge of Entered.

Apprentices and not unto him or them until after strict trial, due examination of lawful

information, I shall have found him or them as justly entitled to the same as I am myself. I

furthermore promise and swear that I will not write, print, paint, stamp, stain, cut, carve, mark or

engrave them or cause the same to be done, upon anything movable or immovable, whereby the

secrets of Freemasonry may be unlawfully obtained. To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely

promise and swear, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut, my

tongue torn from its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark,

where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours should I ever be guilty of willfully

violating my solemn oath or obligation of and Entered Apprentice, so help me God and keep me


I, _________________ of my own free will and accord, in the presence of Almighty

God and this worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do here-

by and here-on, most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will not communicate the

secrets of this degree, or any part thereof, to any person in the world, except it be to a lawful

brother of this degree, or in a legal Lodge of Fellow craft and not unto him or them until after

strict trial, due examination of lawful information, I shall have found him or them as justly

entitled, to the same as I am myself. I furthermore promise and swear, that I will conform to and

abide by the rules and regulations of the Fellow craft degree as far as they may come to my

knowledge. To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, binding myself

under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart taken thence and

given a prey to the vulture of the air, should I ever be guilty of willfully violating this my solemn

oath or obligation of a Fellow craft, so help me God and keep me steadfast.


I ______________ of my own free will and accord in the presence of Almighty God and

this worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do here-by and

here-on, solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will not communicate the secrets of

this degree or any part thereof to any on in the world, except it be to a true and lawful brother of

degree, or in a legal Lodge of Master Masons and not unto him or them until after strict trial, due

examination of lawful information, I shall have found him or them as justly entitled to same as I

am myself. I furthermore promise and swear that I will not cheat, wrong or defraud a Lodge of

Master Masons, or brother of this degree.

Furthermore, I will not have illicit carnal intercourse with a Master Mason's wife, his

mother, sister, daughter, knowing her to be such. Furthermore, I will not give the substitute for

the Master Mason's word in any other manner or form than that in which I shall receive it.

Furthermore, I will not be present at initiating, passing or raising of a woman, an old man

in dotage, a young man under age, an atheist, madman or a fool, knowing her or him to be such.

Furthermore, I will answer and obey all lawful signs and summons sent to me from a

Lodge of Master Masons or given me by a brother of this degree, if within the length of my cable


Furthermore, I will aid and assist all worthy, distressed Master Masons, their widows and

orphans, so far as I can without material injury to myself or family.

Furthermore, will keep the secrets of a Master Mason when received by me as such;

murder, treason and other felonies excepted.

Furthermore, I will maintain and support the laws, rules and regulations of this, r any

other Lodge of Master Mason's of which I may become a member, the constitution, laws and

edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same shall be holden, so far as they may come to my

knowledge. To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, binding myself

under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence

and burned to ashes, and those ashes scattered to the four winds on high, that no more

remembrance may be had of me among men or Masons forever, should I ever be guilty of

willfully violating this my solemn oath or obligation of a Master Mason, so help me God and

keep me steadfast.

I, ______________ do here-by and here-on solemnly swear, that I have been regularly

initiated, passed and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a just and lawful manner,

and that I am not now under sentence of suspension or expulsion, and know of no reason why I

should be. Furthermore, I am not a member of, nor do I hold allegiance to bodies claiming to be

Masonic which have been declared by the Grand Lodge of Ohio to be clandestine, so help me





Boaz is the name of the left hand pillar of King Solomon's Temple (letter & halving it - Az-Bo)

Bible reference: 1 Kings 7:21


.Jachin is the name of the right hand pillar of King Solomon's Temple

Bible reference: 1 Kings 7:21

The Jews used shibboleth as a password

Bible reference: Judges 12:6


Tubalcain an instructor in iron and brass

Bible reference: Genesis 4:22

Mah-hah-bone (used only in the lodge)

Bible reference: NONE.


Ja-bel-on (Password)

Ja - short for Jehovah

Bel - a heathen god's name

On - a heathen god's name


"Jehovah" is said after communicating the above "under" the Royal Arch

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