Safety Management System
Safety Management System
Safety Management System
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations Reliability of internal and external reporting Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
A Safety Management System identifies the specific elements that are necessary to achieve objectives in the area of occupational safety.
The safety management systems described above all conform to a number of internal and external specifications or standards. The OPG Safety Management System framework is consistent with OPGs policy on Management Systems and the British Standards Institutions OHSAS 18001: Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Management System Requirements. Both the OPG Policy on Management Systems and the OHSAS 18001 are based on a Plan DoCheckReview cycle of management. The OHSAS 18001 specification is consistent with the ISO 14001 model for Environmental Management Systems. Development of the OPG Safety Management System also considers our current
organizational culture and business processes. See Figure 1 below for a description of the elements of OPGs safety management system. OPG has implemented these safety management systems to result in: compliance with applicable legislative or corporate requirements to allow demonstration of due diligence the implementation of minimum corporate level operational control requirements which provide the necessary assurance to the OPG Board of Directors and President/CEO that significant safety risks are being mitigated. However, the Businesses are allowed the necessary flexibility to operationalize the requirements to meet their unique business environment the application of sound business management processes to the management of safety, and continuous improvement of safety performance in OPG through a regular cycle of PlanningDoingChecking and Reviewing, resulting in improvement initiatives that are further developed throughout the cycle.
Scope The Corporate level Safety Management System applies to all workplaces under the control of OPG will address the management of all safety risks associated with OPGs businesses excluding ionizing radiation The scope does include the management of industrial health or industrial hygiene issues, NOT the management of wellness types of health issues.
While the scope of the OPG Safety Management System includes contractor safety, this risk area is also managed under the OPG Contractor Management Program Although the OPG Safety Management System also includes public safety in its scope, Public Safety is managed through Business and site level programs and governance. Current Status An OPG Health and Safety Policy has been developed and maintained that is the foundation of the framework. An OPG safety management system program document has been developed to explain the managed system and requirements. OPG is proud of two corporate level governing documents that further operationalize the requirements of the Health and Safety Policy. These two documents have been developed and approved jointly with our two major unions: The Power Workers Union and The Society of Energy Professionals of Canada. They are:
The Work Protection Code - establishes the conditions which, when combined with appropriate work practices, procedures and works methods will provide employees with a Safe Work Area. It is applicable to all individuals required to perform work on OPG owned property, circuits or equipment and may be used by OPG employees when working on customer-owned equipment. The Corporate Safety Rules - apply to all employees across OPG. They provide a common set of safety requirements on both general safety subjects and specific high risk areas. Their purpose is to protect employees, contractors and members of the public from occupational health and safety risks associated with our operations. They are based upon two fundamental principles: the five Safety Basics and Safe Work Planning. All OPG contractors must follow the Common Rules, and any Risk-based Rules deemed applicable to their work environment. In addition, a number of minimum standards for high risk areas or critical processes have been developed. Safe work planning
Using the Corporate level governance described above, the Businesses develop their own specific site procedures as required to align with the requirements. At present all hydro-electric generating sites and Nanticoke GS have received 3rd party registrations for their safety management systems according to the OHSAS 18001 requirements. Other sites have also developed safety management systems consistent with OHSAS 18001.
For questions or comments related to the content of the Safety Management Site, please email Cathy Catton.
Figure 1 Ontario Power Generation Safety Management System OHSAS 18001 Based
Activities associated with developing plans to control safety hazards and mitigate risks RISK MANAGEMENT
Hazards identified and risk assessed Threats identified to 'Safety of employees Results of employee H&S surveys Risks prioritized
Business Planning
Control of safety workplace hazards and risk mitigation during business operations SERIES OF CORPORATE OPERATIONAL CONTROL STANDARDS & PROCEDURES
Employee Competence and Qualifications Managed
Other Inputs
Business Goals Results of Management Review -Audit Finding -Safety Performance Improvement Goals Employee H&S Surveys Accident/Incident Review
Describe means of communication of safety information
Involvement of Employees and their Reps in specific safety activities described (e.g. JHSC)
Audit of Safety Management System Compliance Audits
Review of: - Audits - Performance Results - Risk Assessment - Progress on meeting objectives and planned commitments
Accident/Incident/Non-Conformance reporting and investigation and follow up of corrective action Communication of lessons learned to prevent reoccurrences
Recognition of exemplary performance in safety of employees or groups