EasyFast Installation Manual Rev4

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Installation Manual

Revision 4 May 2009

1.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... page 2.0 CONNECTION OF THE INJECTORS CUT-OFF WIRING. ........................................... page 2.1 CONNECTION OF THE INJECTORS CUT-OFF WIRING ON THE ORIGINAL WIRING OF THE CAR ......................................................................................... page 3.0 EASY FAST LPG 3-4 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ......................................... page 4.0 EASY FAST LPG 5-6 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ......................................... page 5.0 EASY FAST LPG 8 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................ page 6.0 EASY FAST CNG 3-4 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ........................................ page 7.0 EASY FAST CNG 5-6 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ........................................ page 8.0 EASY FAST CNG 8 CYLINDER PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM ........................................... page 9.0 EASY FAST LPG 3-4 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM................................................. page 10.0 EASY FAST LPG 5-6 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM................................................. page 11.0 EASY FAST LPG 8 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM .................................................... page 12.0 EASY FAST CNG 3-4 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................ page 13.0 EASY FAST CNG 5-6 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................ page 14.0 EASY FAST CNG 8 CYLINDER WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................... page 15.0 OPERATION OF THE SWITCH..................................................................................... page 16.0 EASY FAST INTERFACE SOFTWARE ........................................................................ page 16.1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE ............................ page 16.2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .............................................................................. page 16.3 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. page 16.4 MAIN MENU ........................................................................................................ page 16.5 CAR CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................... page 16.5.1 CONFIGURATION. ................................................................................... page 16.5.2 SWITCHING. ............................................................................................ page 16.5.3 SENSORS ................................................................................................ page 16.5.4 MAP .......................................................................................................... page 16.5.5 ADJUSTMENTS ....................................................................................... page 16.5.6 DIAGNOSTICS ......................................................................................... page 16.6 DISPLAY .............................................................................................................. page 16.6.1 ACQUISITION. ......................................................................................... page 16.7 SELF-CALIBRATION. .......................................................................................... page 16.8 SAVE CONFIGURATION..................................................................................... page 16.9 LOAD CONFIGURATION. ................................................................................... page 16.10 NEW FIRMWARE. ............................................................................................... page 16.11 LANGUAGE. ........................................................................................................ page 16.12 DIAGRAMS.......................................................................................................... page 17.0 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................... page 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 24 25 28 30 32 33 34 36 40 40 41 41 41 42


GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Before installing the gas system, disconnect the battery earth cable (unless specied to the contrary by the car maker). Attention: this may delete the car radio and telephone memories and jam the centralised door locking and anti-theft systems. In this case, you may connect the battery temporarily.

Always smooth holes after drilling and apply anti-rust to the edges. Apply silicon to each cable through-hole to prevent water from entering the interior. Install the control unit as far away as possible from areas where water could inltrate, far away from heat sources (e.g.: exhaust manifolds), far away from high-voltage cables and, wherever possible, with the connector pointing downwards. If the fuse blows, do not replace it with one of a higher current rating. Do not attempt to open the control unit as this could cause irreparable damage. LOVATO declines all liability for injury to people or damage to property should its equipment be tampered with. In this event the warranty shall also be invalidated. Always make electrical connections using the relative joints or soft solder them to prevent the formation of false contacts. Always observe the current laws and/or regulations in the State where the LPG system is mounted. Remember that, as per the relative standards, all the assembly instructions refer to the driving position. Before mounting the electronic control unit, make sure the relative fuses are disconnected. Do not wash the engine after installation. WARNING FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL MAY CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO WORK INCORRECTLY OR NOT WORK AT ALL. THIS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO LOVATO COMPONENTS AND INVALIDATE THE WARRANTY.

2.0 CONNECTION OF THE INJECTORS CUT-OFF WIRING. There are different types of wirings for the connection of petrol injectors to the gas control unit.
CODE 1080011 1080012 DESCRIPTION WIRING EMU EASY FAST 4 UNIV. WIRING EMU EASY FAST 4 INJ. BOSCH REMARKS Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars without connectors Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with connectors type BOSCH and injector control on the right. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with connectors type JAPAN and injector control on the right. Injector cut-off wiring for 3 cylinder cars with connectors type BOSCH and injector control on the right. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with single connector to be used on Fiat Stilo and Dobl 1.6, Peugeot 1.4 and Citroen C3 1.6. Injector cut-off wiring for 3 cylinder cars with connectors type BOSCH and injector control on the left. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with connectors type BOSCH and injector control on the left. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with connectors type BOSCH and injector control on the left. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with single 5 way AMP connector. To be used on Fiat Grande Punto and Fiat Bravo. Injector cut-off wiring for 4 cylinder cars with single 5 way AMP connector and T-Jet injection system. To be used on Fiat Grande Punto T-Jet and Fiat Bravo T-Jet.

















To establish which wiring shall be used, it is necessary to verify the type of connector installed on the car, as well as its polarity. To verify the polarity of the injectors act as follows: 1 Disconnect all connectors of the original injectors, 2 Prepare a multimeter to measure the direct voltage with full range equal to 20V and connect the negative lead to the ground, 3 Place the positive lead on one of the contacts of the connector injector, 4 Insert the panel and check on the multimeter the measured voltage value. If the reading is about 12V, that is the positive cable. WARNING FEEDING OF THE INJECTORS IS TIMED; THEREFORE, AFTER SOME SECONDS FROM SWITCHING ON OF THE PANEL, IT IS DISABLED. IT IS SUGGESTED TO VERIFY THE POLARITY OF ALL INJECTORS, SINCE SOME CARS HAVE AN INVERTED INJECTOR WITH REFERENCE TO THE OTHERS. After having veried the type of the injectors, it is possible to select the suitable wiring.

+ - + 1 2

Use the wirings 1080012, 1080013, and 1080014 when the positive lead of the injectors is on pin 1 and the negative lead on the pin 2 of the original connectors. If the original connectors are not numbered refer to the drawing.

- + - +
1 2

Use the wirings 1080016, 1080017, and 1080021 when the positive lead of the injectors is on pin 1 and the negative lead on the pin 2 of the original connectors. If the original connectors are not numbered refer to the drawing.

If the original connectors are not compatible with the connectors of the wirings or the installation of the wiring with connectors results to be difcult, use the wiring 1080011. Verify in any case the polarity of the injectors. The wires to be cut-off are the negative ones. 2.1 CONNECTION OF THE INJECTORS CUT-OFF WIRING ON THE ORIGINAL WIRING OF THE CAR Cut the connectors of connection to the electro-injectors. The wires of a single color have to be connected to the injectors; while the corresponding ones with a black stripe have to be connected to the gasoline injection control unit. Respect the matching between the sheath of the injector emulator wiring and the gas injector. On the injector control, where the gas injector A has been connected pneumatically, it is necessary to connect the wires of the sheath A of the injector emulator wiring. The same is valid for the other injectors. In case of connection on a 3-cylinder car, the YELLOW AND YELLOW/BLACK wires have to be left disconnected.






















15.0 OPERATION OF THE SWITCH The switch supplied with the kit is equipped with a push-button, 7 luminous LEDs, and an internal buzzer.
RED LED Reserve GREEN LEDS Quantity of gas Changeover switch GREEN LED Car running on gas and diagnosis indicator ORANGE LED Car running on petrol

PUSH-BUTTON It is used to select the type of feeding (petrol or gas). By pressing it, it is possible to switch from one type of fuel to the other. FUNCTIONS OF THE STATUS LED ORANGE LED GREEN LED
ON xed ON xed OFF ON xed ON xed OFF Blinking ON xed Blinking OFF

OFF OFF OFF Blinking Blinking

Petrol operation. Petrol operation. Control unit prepared to switch automatically to gas. Gas operation Petrol operation. Diagnostics have been operated. Petrol operation. The control unit has performed the automatic switching to petrol because gas is nished. Petrol operation. The vehicle is working with petrol and doesnt switch to gas because it doesnt detect the motor revolutions signal.




SWITCHING TO PETROL DUE TO GAS LOW PRESSURE When the switch reaches the reserve and the gas pressure falls under a pre-set value, the control unit switches automatically to the petrol feeding. This occurs to avoid that the engine can operate with a too weak mixture damaging in this way the catalytic converter. Before switching again to the gas feeding, perform a fuel lling. The switching to petrol due to GAS LOW PRESSURE is signaled by the switch with the switching-on of the ORANGE LED (petrol operation), the alternated switching-on of the RED LED indicator and of the 4 GREEN LEDs and by the acoustic warning given by the internal buzzer. To restore the switch to the normal operation, it is necessary to press the PUSH-BUTTON once; the ORANGE LED remains switched-on to indicate that the car is petrol fed, and the buzzer stops buzzing. EMERGENCY Should the car not be able to start with petrol feeding (e.g. due to problems on the petrol pump, etc.), it is possible to start it directly with GAS feeding. To do this, just start the car keeping the switch pushbutton pressed. WARNING DIRECT GAS STARTING IS TO BE CONSIDERED AN EMERGENCY OPERATION. ITS REPEATED USE CAN LEAD TO DAMAGES TO THE CATALYTIC CONVERTER OR THE SWITCHINGON OF THE CHECK ENGINE WARNING LAMP. DIAGNOSIS Should a diagnosis error be detected and the feeding be consequently switched to petrol, the ORANGE LED is xed ON (petrol feeding), the GREEN LED blinks and the buzzer buzzes intermittently (the LEDs of the level indicator are OFF). To interrupt the acoustic signaling it is necessary to press the push-button of the switch.


16.0 EASY FAST INTERFACE SOFTWARE 16.1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPUTER TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE Operating system Windows 98 2nd edition or following versions Memory (RAM) At least 16 MB Hard disk At least free 20 MB upon installation Screen resolution 800 x 600 or higher Moreover, it is necessary to have installed Internet Explorer 5.5 or later versions. 16.2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To install the calibration software insert the CD-Rom in the reader of the computer and wait until the guided installation window appears. Should the installation program not start, select Start from the Application Bar. Select Execute and enter: D:\setup.exe (where D indicates the CD-Rom reader). During the installation you will be asked to select the folder in which the program shall be installed. We suggest not changing the pre-set folder. After the installation, the program icon is created automatically on the desktop. 16.3 INTRODUCTION The calibration software works by hardware key code 7155002 and can be opened without being necessarily connected to the control unit. To connect to the control unit, it is instead necessary that the PC and the control unit are correctly connected by a serial cable (Code 0570001 Installation kit) and a serial USB adapter, if the PC is not equipped with a Serial port (Code 4685001 Serial USB adapter). Alternatively you can use the SERIAL KIT WIRELESS cod. 1685001. Moreover, the control unit has to be connected to the +12 volt battery (RED - BLACK wire), to the ground (BROWN wire) and to the 12V under key (dashboard ON - engine OFF). 16.4 MAIN MENU From this menu, it is possible to access all sub-menus of the calibration software that are given and individually described here below:

On the lower part of the page there is the following information: 5 2 3 4 6 1



This indicates if the control unit is connected or not to the calibration software. It is important to remember that all settings and regulations being performed with the disconnected control unit will be lost upon connection, unless they are previously stored in a conguration le. When the program is opened, it automatically tries to connect to the control unit. If the program does not connect, an error window appears. At this point, verify: - the connection of the serial interface; - that the control unit is connected to the battery and to the ground; - if the under-key has been disabled for more than an hour, to connect, it is necessary to enable the panel for some seconds of to star the car. By clicking on the icon 1, it is possible to enable (Ctrl+C) or disable (Ctrl+D) the communication. This indicates the software version. This indicates the rmware version. To update it access the sub-menu NEW FIRMWARE and select the wished rmware among the suggested ones. NB: This operation is possible only if INTERNET EXPLORER 5.5 or later version is installed. This is the name of the car conguration. If a previously saved conguration is loaded on the control unit, the name of such conguration will appear. If the control unit is new, appears the message StandardLovato#1 followed by LPG. Click on this icon to exit the program. You will see this icon if you are using the wireless serial device. If you click on it the wireless conguration window will open (see the instruction sheet of the serial wireless device).

2) 3)


5) 6)

16.5 CAR CONFIGURATION This menu consists of 4 screen pages in which it is possible to set the parameters managing the behavior of the gas control unit. On the upper part of all pages, there is a summarizing display of the current values of the general operation signals of the system.

1) 2)



This box shows whether the car is PETROL or gas fed, as well as the gas level indicator; moreover, there is the push-button allowing the switching via software. This box shows: REVS These are the engine revolutions measured in real time by the gas control unit. T GAS This is the gas temperature detected by the temperature sensor positioned on the lter. T RED This is the temperature of the gas reducer, detected by the temperature sensor positioned on the gas reducer. This box shows the gas (gas time) and petrol (Petrol time) injection times. For each variable, it is possible to have one or two values according to the number of main bearings set in the drop menu Number of main bearings of the window Sensors. This box shows: GAS PRES This is the pressure difference between the gas present in the gas injectors, and that present in the suction manifolds, detected by the pressure sensor inserted in the lter. MAP This identies the suction pressure present in the manifolds detected by the sensor existing in the lter.




This box shows the values of the voltages of the lambda probes read through the connection of the WHITE and WHITE/BLACK wires. If these latter are not connected, no value (n.a.) is displayed. Within this box there are three warning lamps, which light when the car is in the conditions of EXTRA-INJECTION, CUT-OFF and DIAGNOSTICS. EXTRA-INJECTIONS If the program detects any extra-injection, the corresponding warning lamp lights with YELLOW color and becomes GREEN for 2/300 ms, so that it is visible for the operator when the extra-injection occurs. CUT-OFF The warning lamp lights in RED color, when the car is in CUT-OFF status. DIAGNOSTICS The warning lamp lights in RED color, when an error is detected by the diagnosis system of the plant. By clicking on Diagnosis, the diagnosis window is opened to monitor the type of error.

16.5.1 CONFIGURATION. In this window it is possible to set the parameters that characterize the car.

WARNING ALL PARAMETERS HIGHLIGHTED IN BLUE HAVE TO BE MODIFIED WITH DISABLED PANEL AND OFF SWITCH. TYPE OF FUEL This selection is used to initialize the control unit with the characteristic parameters previously set for the correct operation with the type of fuel used. Select: GPL for cars with LPG feeding. METANO for cars with METHANE feeding. By selecting LPG or METHANE, moreover, it changes also the folder where the conguration les are saved (see Load conguration). INJECTION TYPE This function allows selecting the enabling strategy of the gas injectors with reference to the type of system: SEQUENTIAL (SUGGESTED OPTION) The GAS injector is enabled at each PETROL injection. FULL GROUP The GAS injector is enabled every 2 PETROL injections. INJECTORS TYPE This window allows selecting the type of GAS injectors supplied with the Installation kit. Should a previously saved conguration be loaded, this window shows the type of gas injectors


foreseen in the conguration le. If the type of gas injectors previously saved in control unit does not correspond to the ones shown in this window, a warning message is displayed. To solve the problem, it is necessary to load a conguration le, which foresees the installed injectors, or to change the type of gas injectors set in the control unit. Should the injectors installed on the car not match the selected ones, the injectors are piloted by wrong parameters causing gas malfunctions or the damaging of the same injectors. It is possible to select between MATRIX injectors and LOVATO injectors. TYPE OF REVOLUTION SIGNAL It pre-arranges the control unit for the detection of the revolution signal by means of the BLACK wire: STANDARD Select this option when the BLACK wire is connected to one of these signals: - revolution counter wire with square wave signal 0 12 V; - coil negative. WEAK SIGNAL Select this option when the BLACK wire is connected to one of these signals: - revolution counter wire with square wave signal 0 5 V; - static switching-on signal with square wave signal 0 5 V. These signals can be identied only using an oscilloscope. TYPE OF START This parameter is used by the control unit to calculate correctly the engine standard operation, which varies according to the type of start on which the BLACK wire is connected. Set: SINGLE COIL for cars with a coil every cylinder, if the BLACK wire is connected to the negative pole of one of the coils; DOUBLE COIL for cars with a coil every 2 spark plugs, if the BLACK wire is connected to the negative pole of one of the coils; REVOLUTION COUNTER for cars with a coil and mechanical distributor, if the BLACK wire is connected to the negative pole of this coil, or on all the cars where the BLACK wire is connected to the wire signal revolution counter. REVOLUTION COUNTER 2 set this option when on one car with 6 or 8 cylinders with BLACK wire connected to the revolution counter, the engine revolutions are not measured correctly. NUMBER OF CYLINDERS (NUMERO CILINDRI) This parameter is used to indicate to the control unit how many cylinders has the car and, therefore, how many gas injectors shall it control; set 3 CYLINDERS or 4 CYLINDERS in function of the number of cylinders of the car. Should one use a control unit for 5-6-8 cylinders, in the selection window also these options are displayed: select 5 CYLINDERS, 6 CYLINDERS or 8 CYLINDERS according to the number of cylinders of the car. RESET By clicking on the push-button of program reset cancel all settings of the control unit and loads the default conguration.


16.5.2 SWITCHING. This window allows selecting the switching mode from petrol to gas and vice versa.

SWITCHING During acceleration The switching from PETROL to GAS occurs during acceleration when the car exceeds the number of revolutions set under REV THRESHOLD FOR SWITCHING. During deceleration The switching from PETROL to GAS in this case can occur following any of these two conditions: - When the number of engine revolutions exceeds the reference set under REV THRESHOLD FOR SWITCHING and then falls under such reference. - When a Cut-Off condition occurs with the number of engine revolutions higher than the reference set under REVOLUTION THRESHOLD FOR THE SWITCHING REV THRESHOLD FOR SWITCHING. This identies the engine revolutions at which one wishes to perform the petrol-gas switching. TEMPERATURE OF THE REDUCER FOR SWITCHING. This indicates the temperature that the pressure reducer has to reach in order to allow the switching to gas. Under this temperature, the control unit DOES NOT PERFORM THE SWITCHING TO GAS. If during the gas operation the temperature falls under the set reference, the control unit remains in any case operating by GAS feeding. We suggest setting a temperature ranging from 20 and 45, because: - by setting a too low temperature the PETROL-Gas switching would occur when the reducer is not enough hot for a correct gas feeding; - By setting a high temperature, a too long time would pass before the switching to GAS. SWITCHING DELAY WITH WARM ENGINE. This indicates the minimum time from the start of the engine for the switching from PETROL to GAS. We suggest setting a time not shorter than 25 seconds to assure the correct operation of the system. SWITCHING TO PETROL FOR LOW GAS TEMPERATURE If the temperature of GAS falls below the threshold set, the ECU switches to the petrol mode and the corresponding diagnosis is activated (code S110). The ECU automatically back to gas mode when the gas temperature allows it


ANTICIPATE INJECTION SEQUENCE. This is a guided procedure allowing the automatic acquisition of the injection sequence, as well as the enabling of an advance phase shift of the gas injection; the entity of the phase shift depends also on the command Number of main bearings of the page F3 Sensors. This advance can increase the car operation above all in case of gas injectors far from the suction manifold. This function is to be used only if really necessary, since it disables the characteristic of GRADUAL PETROL-GAS switching performing such switching instantaneously. IDLE OPERATION. GAS - By enabling this function, the car at minimum always works by GAS feeding (default and suggested option). CHANGE BACK TO PETROL - During the return to minimum the car switches for some seconds to petrol and then returns to gas feeding, avoiding in some cases the shut-off during this phase. It is suggested to use this function only if necessary. The value Revolutions for identications of the minimum (Giri per identicazione del minimo) determines the number of revolutions under which this procedure is enabled. PETROL - The operation at minimum, under the set value of revolutions, is always by petrol feeding. The restoration of gas operation occurs when the revolutions exceed the set value. This function has to be used only when the operation at minimum by gas feeding is impossible, instable and results in frequent shut-offs. The indication that the system is working by petrol feeding does not occur by means of indication on the switch that remains on gas feeding, but by the reading on the computer of the gas injection time that becomes null. In fact, in this phase the switch keeps signaling the gas operation and the gas solenoid valves remain enabled. In case of presence of the advance converter, which remains fed in this phase, it is necessary to pay attention that introduced advance does not disturb the operation of the system. OPERATION AT HIGH REVOLUTIONS GAS - The car works on gas. If the gas time limit is reached (gas exceeds the time of cyvle), a small correspondent quantity of petrol is added at the same time. The signalling on the switch remain on gas operation. Removing the cue from the check box you disable this function and if the gas time limit is reached the car automatically changes back to petrol with consequent signalling on the switch. PETROL - The car temporarily runs on petrol mode at high rpm and high engine loads. You can set the number of rpm and the injection time over which car will run in petrol: both conditions must be met to run on petrol mode. In this case, the switch is on gas mode PETROL CONTRIBUTION You can make a small contribution of petrol during gas mode. You can set the injection time beyond which you can get the petrol contribution and set the milliseconds of contribution. This contribution is then subtracted from the petrol injection time before calculating the corresponding gas injection time


16.5.3 SENSORS In this window, it is possible to congure the level sensor and the Lambda probe.

NUMBER OF BANKS. This selection is necessary to set the number of the main bearings in which the engine is subdivided. SECOND BANKS CORRECTOR. By setting the number of the main bearings on two, this item appears. On cars equipped with two front lambda probes, this allows modifying (strengthening or weakening) in percentage the GAS carburetion concerning the second main bearings when the two main bearings work slightly unbalanced. In detail, by acting on this parameter, in case 4-cylinder cars the carburetion of the gas injectors B and C is unbalanced with reference to that of the gas injectors A and D. In case of cars with 6 or 8 cylinders it is instead unbalanced the carburetion of the gas injectors connected by the wiring identied by the RED STRAP with reference to that of the other gas injectors. FRONT LAMBDA PROBE TYPES. By setting correctly this parameter, the control unit is able to detect the operation of the Lambda probe. Before selecting the type of Lambda probe, it is necessary to check their operation with a digital multimeter. With probes with a 0-1 Volt, 0-5 Volt, 5-0 Volt, 0.8-1.6 Volt voltage, in case one wishes to read only their value, proceed as follows: Connect to the Lambda probe the WHITE wire without interrupting the original connection (then leave the YELLOW wire disconnected). Should one use lambda probes of the type UEGO, it is not possible to perform the reading of the probe voltage value. (In this case, use an OBD palmtop). 01 V - Select this option if, on the signal wire, the voltage oscillates between these voltage values: - about 0 0.2 V with weak mixture; - about 0.8 1 V with rich mixture. 05 V - Select this option if, on the signal wire, the voltage oscillates between these voltage values: - about 0 0.2 V with weak mixture; - about 4.8 5 V with rich mixture. 50 V - Select this option if, on the signal wire, the voltage oscillates between these voltage values: - about 4.8 5 V with weak mixture;


- about 0 0.2 V with rich mixture. 0,81,6 V - Select this option if, on the signal wire, the voltage oscillates between these voltage values: - about 0.7 0.8 V with weak mixture; - about 1.4 1.6 V with rich mixture. LAMBDA PROBE 1 - LAMBDA PROBE 2. Allows you to read and emulate the oxigen sensors both front and rear ones. INPUT SIGNAL WHITE WHITE/BLACK EMULATION YELLOW YELLOW/BLACK

LAMBDA PROBE 1 LAMBDA PROBE 2 NOT CONNECTED The oxigen sensor value is not visualized and any type of emulation is activate. FRONT The front oxigen sensor value is displayed only when the car is running on LPG. (Except for UEGO oxigen sensors). In this case connect only WHITE (or WHITE/BLACK) cable. REAR The rear oxigen sensor value is displayed and the emulation is automatically activated only when the car is running on LPG. This action is suitable to solve the problems of check engine on for inefciency of catalyst. GAS LEVEL INDICATOR TYPE. This indicates to the gas control unit what type of level sensor has been used: LOVATO1050 - set LOVATO/AEB 1050 if to the gas control unit it is connected a sensor with standard output signal LOVATO1050. For the connection refer to the assembling diagram of the gas control unit. LOVATO 526025 - set LOVATO if to the gas control unit it is connected a sensor with standard output signal LOVATO1050. For the connection refer to the assembling diagram of the gas control unit. 0 - 90 ohm - set 0-90 ohm if to the gas control unit it is connected a sensor with output signal ranging from 0 to 90 ohm. For the connection refer to the assembling diagram of the gas control unit. Not standard - Set this option if it is connected a LPG or METHANE resistive sensor with a variable STRAIGHT signal (lower value (Ohm) with empty level and higher value (Ohm) with full level). Not standard inverted - Set this option if it is connected a LPG or METHANE resistive sensor with a variable INVERTED signal (higher value (Ohm) with empty level and lower value (Ohm) with full level). References for the not standard indicator - This option appears only if, in the box TYPE OF GAS LEVEL SENSOR it is set NOT STANDARD or NOT STANDARD INVERTED. Set the reference values necessary for the setting of the level sensor as follows: - manually shift the indicator of the sensor starting from the full value and write down the indicated value for each reference (RESERVE, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4). - enter the noted values in the corresponding boxes. - press the push-button ACCEPT. On the switch, it is therefore possible to see the following changes: Reserve = LEVEL value when the LED of


1/4 switches off and the one switches on. Reference 1/4 = LEVEL value when the 2/4 switches off. Reference 2/4 = LEVEL value when the 3/4 switches off. Reference 3/4 = LEVEL value when the 4/4 switches off.

reserve LED of LED of LED of

GAS PIPE FILLING TIME. Usually, the gas control unit, to prevent the possible shut-off of the car during the switching from one type of fuel to the other, enables the gas solenoid valves 5 seconds before performing the switching: this allows a greater lling of the piping. It is possible to disable this function. In this case, the gas solenoid valves are enabled only for about 1 second. WARNING IT IS SUGGESTED NEVER TO DISCONNECT THE PETROL PUMP

TIME ADVANCED PROCESSOR SUPPLIED BY DEDICATED TANK VALVE WIRE You use this function if you use a time advanced processor supplied by dedicated tank valve wire (BLUE/WHITE wire). In this way the time advanced processor is activated at the same time as the gas injectors. This avoids running on petrol at tick over or running switching to gas. The activation of this function automatically disables the diagnostics on the wire to rear electrovalve.

16.5.4 MAP This menu allows performing a numerical display of the multiplication coefcients called K used by the control unit in the calculation of the gas injection time.

The table shows on the vertical axis the petrol injection times, while on the horizontal axis there is the number of engine revolutions. The red point shown on the map identies the revolutions references and the petrol injection times with which the engine is working (with gas feeding the point is green). By increasing the value of K, at same PETROL injection time, the gas injection time is strengthened, while reducing the value of K, the contrary operation is performed obtaining a weaker mixture in the system. To modify the values of K, select one or more boxes of the map and press the key enter. A window appears with the following modication modes:


ABSOLUTE - it allows bringing the map exactly back to the value corresponding to the one entered. LINEAR - It adds or deduces (in case a number with negative sign is entered) the entered value to/from the one already present in the selected box(s). PERCENTAGE - It adds or deduces in percentage the entered value to/from the one already present in the selected box(s). EXTRA-INJECTIONS SENSITIVITY. The EXTRA-INJECTIONS are very short injections performed additionally to the normal injection and are carried out during the petrol feeding, usually during acceleration, to enrich slightly the carburetion increasing the engine yield. The extra-injections can be recognized by observing the signaling LED or the movement of the point. During the gas operation, if we manage the extra-injections as a normal injection we could enrich too much the carburetion risking to increase the engine revolutions jagging (this occurs above all in the methane plant; in the LPG ones this problem is usually less relevant). By enabling the tick next to EXTRA-INJECTIONS SENSITIVITY it is possible to modify the parameters concerning the gas extra-injections increasing or decreasing the opening time of the gas injectors during the extra-injection. By shifting the slider towards the negative sign (-), the extrainjected gas time decreases and the mixture becomes weaker. By shifting the slider towards the positive sing (+), the gas extra-injections time increases and the mixture becomes richer. By not enabling the tick, the extra-injection is not considered as such and the gas control unit manages the impulse as a normal fuel injection. ENRICHMENT IN ACCELERATION. In some car models, by accelerating suddenly, the PETROL injection time shifts quite simultaneously from a medium-low value to a high value (e.g. 15-16 ms). This, during the use by GAS, can cause malfunctions since the carburetion would be greatly enriched. To avoid this problem, use the slider Enrichment during acceleration as follows: - By shifting it towards the positive sing (+) the control unit will follow the changes in the PETROL injection time always quicker. - By shifting it towards the negative sing (-) this change will be more and more limited and ltered. LEANING ON MAZDA. On some MAZDA models, during the petrol feeding during acceleration, a switching occurs from a SEQUENTIAL type injection mode to a half-group injection mode with opening by pairs of the petrol injectors. This condition can be easily recognized observing during the acceleration the movement of the RED point on the map or the PETROL injection time. During the switching from one injection mode to the other, it is possible to observe that the injection time usually displayed acquires a value equal to about the half of the one previously carried out (for example from about 8 ms it shifts to about 4 ms) and a continuous variation of the RED point is displayed between these two values or, in some cars, such point remains xed on a given number of revolutions to return consequently to the initial PETROL injection time. During the gas operation this work condition can cause malfunctions since when the injection switches from a sequenTIAL mode to a half-group mode (low injection time), the GAS carburetion tends to enrich very much causing rips. Therefore, to avoid this problem, just enter under Weakening on MAZDA a proper value to contrast this trend. TARGET By pressing the push-button REC, it is possible to store on screen the petrol time (PETROL time) (with petrol feeding) on a given area of the map to ease the comparison with the petrol time (PETROL Time) (with gas feeding) in the same condition.



TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENTS These sliders should only be used if absolutely necessary (for ex. in very cold condition). The user should understand exactly how the sliders effects on the gas injection time calculation. By moving the cursor to LESS the temperature correction is reduced. By moving the cursor to PLUS the temperature corrector is increased. On corrector vectors you can see, when you move the sliders, such as percentage changing in the correction coefcients applied then on the map. ADJUSTMENT RE-ENTRY FROM CUT-OFF After you return from a CUT-OFF is possible strengthening or weakening the fuel mixture for a number of injected. Editing the parameter Adjustment re-entry from CUT-OFF, you can increase or decrease in the percentage the coefcients of the map. This change remains for the number of injected set in the parameter Number of injected phases. 16.6.1 DIAGNOSTICS. This page shows all parameters that the control unit controls through the diagnosis. When the gas control unit detects a diagnosis error on the read parameter, it performs the action corresponding to the detected error. ERROR MESSAGES


CODE S100 S101 S102 S103 S104 S105 S106 S107 S108 S111

ACTION Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol Switching to Petrol None Switching to petrol with system ready to switch on gas. The detected diagnostic errors can be deleted from the memory of the control unit simply by pressing the key on the bottom right Errors resetting. By enabling or disabling the ag Rear solenoid valve with dedicated wire it is enabled or disabled the diagnostic on the solenoid valve of the multi-valve. The detected error will be signaled to the driver by the switching-on with xed light of the YELLOW LED and the slow blinking of the green LED on the switch. Moreover, to ease the identication of the alarm status, it is enabled the buzzer present within the switch itself. To disable the acoustic alarm, press the push-button of the switch switching the car feeding from gas to petrol. To return to GAS operation, it is necessary to shut-off and re-start the vehicle. In the case of diagnosis Gas temperature too cold (S111) the display is different: the switchover indicates the switch to gasoline, but the system is ready to re-switch to gas as soon as the conditions for switching to gas are restored INJECTORS TEST

DIAGNOSIS Gas injectors Connection of petrol injectors Tank solenoid valve Reducer solenoid valve Gas pressure sensor Map sensor Gas temperature sensor Water temperature sensor Switch presence Gas temperature too low

Petrol injectors signal diagnosis - You can check if the wiring of petrol injectors have some problems (verifacation of the emulator cable wiring) Verication of gas /petrol injectors correspondance When the car is gas powered, you can exclude a gas injector and activate the correspondent petrol injector: if the connection arent correct a cylinder isnt powered and another is double powered (gas and petrol) with obvious anomalous operation of cars engine. When you exit from thi window the gas injectors are activated. If the advance of injection sequence is activated, it isnt possible to execute this test.



Operating gas time The absolute and partial hours of gas operating are visualized. The counter hours of maintenance can be reset by pressing the RESET button. To achieve 360 hours of operating a gas (which correspond on average to about 15.000-18.000 km) a short double beep happens when the key is off to signal the need of service. Operating petrol time The absolute hours of petrol mode operating are visualized. Forsed gas star The number of forced gas start is visualized. If you use ve time forced gas start, if you use ve time forced gas start, this function is unable to be used in order to safeguard the cars carburation. Only with a PC you can reset the counter for enable again this function.


16.6 DISPLAY This page shows all signals managed by the control unit 1 14 15 2 13 12 11 3 16 10 9 8 4 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 5 6 7

This shows the number of engine revolutions in real time (rpm); This shows the temperature of the gas reducer (expressed in C); This shows the gas temperature (expressed in C); This shows the MAP pressure present in the suction manifold (bar); This shows the gas pressure present in the lter (bar); This shows the gas injection time in real time (ms); This shows the petrol injection time in real time (ms); This shows the work position of the Lambda probe 2 (if connected); This shows the work position of the Lambda probe 1 (if connected); This shows the level of gas present in the tank; This allows the switching from petrol to gas by computer; This indicates whether the car is working in gas or petrol mode; This supplies useful hints on the correct dimensioning of the nozzles installed on the gas injectors; 14) This supplies a visual indication on some operation statuses of the car and of the plant with gas CUT-OFF, extra-injections, diagnostics or to enable the acquisition function. 15) This allows returning to the main menu. 16) This shows the presence or not of the key-on signal. A red cross will apear over the key if the signal is not present.


16.6.1 ACQUISITION. By clicking on acquire, the window displays opens the following window.

By clicking on REC the program starts to record the tracks of the various set variables. When the push-button STOP is pressed, the program ends the recording and opens the window to save the recording.

By clicking RUN the signals are showed into the SCOPE window, while clicking STOP the acquisition is stopped. You can store the acquisition by using the SAVE button. With the LOAD button you are able to view a chart previously saved. Its possible in the settings window to set the time resolution and the amplitude, while into the legend you can enable or disable the display of individual tracks. The program also offers the possibility to zoom a part of the graph and print it.


16.7 SELF-CALIBRATION. In this section, it is possible to perform the automatic calibration of the gas control unit in order to obtain a averagely correct carburetion of the car during the gas operation. Before starting the self-calibration procedure it is necessary to verify that the car is in good petrol feeding conditions, since the gas feeding system bases on the petrol one. By pressing the push-button Self-calibration the following window opens.



Disconnect any timing advance processor. Switch off all engine loads (air conditioner, lights, fan, etc).

To perform the self-calibration follow these instructions: 1) Start the car with petrol feeding and wait until the engine reaches the operation temperature (T RED. >60 C). 2) Start the self-calibration procedure by pressing the key ENTER and follow the instructions given on screen.



During methane autocalibration you must store the maximum gasoline injection time to idle. So we need to press the accelerator pedal 4-5 times. Between an acceleration and the subsequent, wait that the rpm are stabilized around at the minimum value.

Leave the vehicle idling on petrol








After having concluded the SELF-CALIBRATION test the car with gas feeding verifying that it works correctly and correct if necessary the carburetion acting on the map as previously described. During the self-calibration, the car is brought to gas feeding automatically and the slider gives an indication of the self-calibration progress status. The slider moves forward rapidly during the rst calibration and then slowly during the nal calibration.


16.8 SAVE CONFIGURATION. In this submenu it is possible to save in a le all calibration parameters set in the menu car conguration. This le can then be used to congure other control units installed on cars of the same model and with the same type of fuel, METHANE or LPG. Remark: the selection of the number of cylinders (on the bottom of the window) appears only if the control unit is not connected to the computer. If the control unit is connected to the computer, this information is automatically stored.

To save select the brand of the car from the drop menu, if you wish to le the conguration on the specic folder of the brand; specify the Name of the le to be saved and click on SAVE. By selecting a conguration from the list of the available ones, it is possible to send by e-mail the le that will be automatically attached to the message. 16.9 LOAD CONFIGURATION. From this submenu, it is possible to load onto the control unit an already existing conguration. The conguration les are contained in two separate folders: one for LPG congurations and the other for the methane congurations.


Before loading a conguration, it is necessary to access VEHICLE CONFIGURATION and select under Fuel type methane or LPG according to the conguration that one wishes to load. The selection of the number of cylinders (on the bottom of the window) appears only if the control unit is not connected to the computer. If the control unit is connected to the computer, the lists suggests only the congurations available for the model of control unit automatically recognized. Select the le that you wish to load and click on LOAD. 16.10 NEW FIRMWARE. Allows you to update the rmware of the EASY FAST control unit.

Select the needed rmware and follow the the instructions. 16.11 LANGUAGE. You can choose the language of the software by selecting the one you wanto on the men. 16.12 DRAWINGS. You can see the electrical and pneumatical diagrams of the various conguration by choosing the one you want on the men.







Check the connectivity of ECU (fuse & Check that the USB-COM USB-COM port (problem with PC Port) Replace the ECU or the power supply) port of PC are running or Connectivity of Serial Interface or ECU PC or the Serial Interface Check the connectivity and functionali- virtual N device is number Functionality of Serial Interface or ECU Device as the case ty of serial interface device from 1 to 9 ECU Input Data File Use a correct model of ECU Input Data File corrupted Replace the le Check the version of Internet Explorer. Its requires the presence of Internet Explorer version 5.5 or next, with encryption at least 128 bit. Check the power ECU supply and try again to program ECU Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Input Data File corrupted Replace the le Input Data File corrupted Replace the le Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Turn off the power supply and try again to program ECU Replace the ECU Reinstall the Calibration Software Tool

P02 P03

Communication Error Communication Error

ECU is incompatible Cant opening Input Data File Error in decrypting of le of programming

None None

Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description

ECU doesnt communicate Update rmware not possible


Communication Error


Pop UP window with error code and description

Update rmware not possible

Operation System on the PC


Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error Programming Error

Wrong voltage of programming Error cancelling ash Error during initialization Error during initialization Error during start programming Empty size of input data Wrong mode of encryption Generic programming error Error during Record programming


Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description

ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run ECU Programming doesnt run

Internal ECU Power Supply

Replace the ECU



ECU Microprocessor

Replace the ECU



ECU Microprocessor

Replace the ECU



ECU Microprocessor

Replace the ECU



ECU Microprocessor

Replace the ECU



Input Data File



Input Data File

P12 From P1000 to up


ECU Microprocessor


ECU Microprocessor

Replace the ECU


Connection Error

Communication missing


Pop UP window with error code and description

ECU doesnt communicate

Check the connectivity of ECU (fuse & Check that the USB-COM USB-COM port (problem with PC Port) Replace the ECU or the power supply) port of PC is running and Connectivity of Serial Interface or ECU PC or the Serial Interface Check the connectivity and functionali- virtual N device is number Functionality of Serial Interface or ECU Device as the case ty of serial interface device from 1 to 9 Check the connectivity of ECU (fuse & Replace the Serial InterfaConnectivity of Serial Interface or ECU power supply) ce Device or the ECU as the Functionality of Serial Interface or ECU Check the connectivity and functionalicase ty of serial interface device Firmware of ECU PC Software (calibration tool) Use the correct Input Data File Upgrade the software version


Connection Error Connection Error Connection Error

Error loading the identication data of the ECU Firmware version not compatible Software version not compatible


Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description Pop UP window with error code and description

ECU doesnt communicate ECU doesnt communicate ECU doesnt communicate

C03 C04

None None





System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error


System Error

INDICATOR LAMP DIAGNOSTIC WINDOW DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM ON SWITCH ON SOFTWARE BEHAVIOUR Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is is light on light on Gas injector Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Diagnosis red lamp is light on Connection of The corresponding Usual status displayed Error Code and Descrippetrol injector gas injector is disable tion are showed in the Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is is light on light on Reducer HP Valve Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is light on is light on Reducer LP Valve Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced tion are showed in the blinking Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is is light on light on Gas Pressure Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced Sensor blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is is light on light on MAP Sensor Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is Gas is light on light on Temperature Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced Sensor blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Orange petrol-status led Diagnosis red lamp is Water is light on light on Temperature Green gas-status led Error Code and Descrip- Petrol status forced Sensor blinking tion are showed in the Long buzzer beep Diagnostic Table Diagnosis red lamp is light on Presence of None ECU dont work in gas Error Code and DescripSwitch (All LEDs are off) mode tion are showed in the Diagnostic Table Reserved for OE application Reserved for other type of ECU Diagnosis red lamp is Orange petrol-status led light on Gas temperature is light on Error Code and Descriptoo cold Green gas-status led tion are showed in the blinking Diagnostic Table






Gas Injector (short circuit or open circuit)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the integrity of coil and replace it if necessary

Replace the ECU

Connectivity Petrol Injector

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the petrol system

Replace the ECU

Coil of High Pressure Electrovalve (short circuit or open circuit)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the integrity of coil and replace it if necessary

Replace the ECU

Coil of Low Pressure Electrovalve (short circuit or open circuit)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the integrity of coil and replace it if necessary

Replace the ECU

FSU lter: Gas Pressure Sensor (short circuit or open circuit or power supply failure)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check presence of +5V power supply of sensors

Repale the FSU lter or the ECU if necessary

FSU lter: MAP Sensor (short circuit or open circuit or power supply failure)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the +5V power supply of the sensors

Repale the FSU lter or the ECU if necessary

FSU lter: Gas Temperature Sensor (short circuit or open circuit)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Replace the FSU lter

Coolant Temperature Sensor

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Replace the sensor

Change Over Switch (problem with connectivity or power supply failure)

Check the connectivity with gas ECU

Check the +5V power supply of the Change Over Switch

Replace the Switch or the ECU as the case

S109 S110

System Error System Error


System Error

Petrol status forced Ready to switch gas

Gas is too cold

Car power exceeds the power reducer (use a post-heating or a major reducer)

Check water heater circuit


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