The Crusades Mini Supplement

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The Crusades cover a 200 year period of history, with some of the greatest historical figures involved in some of the most hospitable and inhospitable landscapes on earth and some of the bloodiest battles in history.

With acknowledgements and grateful thanks to Warhammer Historical and Rob Broom, to Jeremy Jenkins and especially to the late Heine Baekkelund with whom I was lucky enough to be involved with for Beyond the Golden Gate.

Lucky dice to all Chris Stone

INDEX Page 1 2-4 5-15 16-20 21-27 28-34 35-41 42-46 47-50 51-55 56-57

Introduction and Index Special Rules and Abilities Crusaders Byzantines Fatimid Egyptians Mamluks Ayyubid Seljuks of Rum Syrian Mongols Chronology

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WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT LIGHT LANCE In rule terms, the Light lance is treated as kontos: cavalrymen wielding them receive a +1 Strength bonus when they charge or counter-charge. Furthermore, they always strike first (unless, of course, they are engaged in an a-historical combat against pikemen!). When Light lance or armed cavalry dismount, their Light lances are treated as thrusting spears for rule purposes.

HEAVY MACES In rule terms Heavy Maces give a +1 Strength bonus to models wielding it. To reflect the considerable weight of such a weapon, Heavy Maces always strike last, even when charging. All types of lighter maces are treated as hand weapons.

LIGHT CROSSBOW Representing the lighter type and the less powerful crossbows, or those troops less proficient in the weapon. The lighter crossbow In rule terms, has a range of 24, a Strength of 3 and a -1 Save modifier. Note that the Light Crossbows can only be used while stationary, and only by troops in skirmish formation.

HALF-BARDING Half-barding is a lighter or lesser type of full barding and as such confers only +1 armour save to wounds inflicted in attacks to the front facing of the cavalry unit. Flank and rear attacks are not protected. Horses still lose -1 movement point for Half-barding.

MIXED WEAPONS Counts as a hand weapon and javelins (no re rolls)

WARHORSES M Warhorse 8

WS 3

BS -

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 3



These rules cover all cavalry described as Superior Cavalry, and portrays the improvements in Late Ancient and Early Medieval Cavalry; Rule 1: All types of Superior Cavalry may count their rank bonus up to +1. To reflect their experience and the precision and coordination of their charge, Superior Cavalry may re-roll any

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to hit dice that miss in the first round of hand- to-hand combat when they charge or countercharge. Cavalry manoeuvrability are portrayed by making two deviations from the main rules: formed cavalry units are allowed to march even if they have enemy infantry within 8 inches, and formed cavalry units armed with bows may use Massed Archery (as described in the rulebook, p. 23), even if they move at up to normal Move rate. The -1 modifier for shooting while moving still applies. The close combat capabilities of medium and heavy cavalry in this supplement is reflected by the Superior Cavalry special rule, with individual variants for the heavy cavalry of each army. The ability to re-roll failed hits and the +1 rank bonus goes to show the experience of the heavy cavalrymen and the impetus of an precise and orderly cavalry charge. The variants of the Superior Cavalry special rule are meant to portray the individual abilities.

Rule 2 Superior Cavalry were trained at charging and withdrawing repeatedly. To show this, Cavalry may choose to retire if they win a round of hand-to-hand combat, but fail to force their opponents to either flee or fall back. The retiring move is made as a normal Fall Back in Good Order move with the single exception that the retiring unit may only be pursued by opponents that have a Movement value greater than or equal to their own. This ability requires a fairly high degree of mobility - therefore, it can never be used by cavalrymen riding barded or half-barded horses.

Rule 3 Superior Cavalry were renowned for the ferocity of their initial charge. Therefore, the first formed enemy unit that is successfully charged or counter-charged by Superior Cavalry will automatically break if it loses the combat, but only if the enemy is outnumbered by the Superior Cavalry unit.

Rule 4 Superior Cavalry relied mainly on their bows to weaken and disrupt enemy formations. As they advanced they would shower the enemy with arrows, only increasing their speed right before impact. As a consequence, Superior Cavalry may shoot when they charge or counter-charge. This shooting attack is made after any enemy charge reactions, and counts as having taken place at short range. The -1 modifier for shooting while moving still applies. Enemy units that take 25% casualties or more must pass a Panic test or flee.

Rule 5 Superior Cavalry were renowned for their mobility. During their move, Superior Cavalry are allowed to turn any number of times without incurring any penalties on their move distance. They are permitted to change formation once during their movement by any number of ranks with no penalty to their move. They can even take advantage of these abilities while marching (not triple marching). Furthermore, Superior Cavalry may also perform Parthian Shot (see below).

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DIFFERENT EQUIPMENT The armies of the period covered in this book often fought in a mixed formation with a plethora of different weapons and armour. Units with the Different Equipment option may include models with many different weapons and armour. In close combat the attacker must declare which of his models in base contact attack specific models (such as an axe bearer model, a spearmen model etc). When removing casualties, the owner of the unit must either remove the model targeted in close combat or a model with the same equipment.

RIDING CAMELS OR HORSES Units that Ride Camels may move a further 6 onto the table after both sides have deployed and before the start of the first turn. After making this move they dismount and will fight the rest of the battle on foot. Troops that Ride Horses also employ the same tactics, except that they may move a further 8 onto the table. This cannot be combined with the extra movement allowed for skirmishers in some scenarios, such as in the Pitched Battle scenario.

MILITARY CUNNING STRATAGEM The tactical skill of some of the outstanding generals in the period covered in this book was, on many occasions, a decisive factor in defeating enemy armies. Carefully choosing the proper battleground and using deception tactics gave these renowned generals the slight, or sometimes great, advantage in battle. In armies that may use Stratagems, the following rules apply when fighting a scenario where a dice roll would normally determine who goes first and who goes second: The player may elect to either take the first or second turn, or to move up to two terrain features up to 6 each. If he chooses to move terrain features this must be done before any units are deployed, and he cannot use the Stratagem rule to move terrain features off the table. Note that if both armies are capable of using Stratagems, the tactical skill of the generals cancel each other out and the Stratagem rule does not apply. In battles against Crusading Pilgrims, the Stratagem rule still applies, but may not be used to move terrain features.

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Choosing an army. The Early Crusader list charts the early years and conquest by knights especially the Frankish Knights largely ignorant of the enemy and the dangers ahead. They travelled with volunteer soldiers and pilgrims. It covers up to the establishment of the military orders and the Kingdom of Outremer. The second, later list covers the introduction of heavier armour and barding, the times when the Holy Orders were militarized and the widespread hiring of native, foreign and Muslim forces. The third list covers the mass exodus of pilgrims to the Holy land and the fanatical behaviour of some of these followers

ARMY SELECTION Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points. Cavalry: At least 33%. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on either Allied & Mercenary troops, and on Ayyubid Regular and Volunteer Cavalry and City Militia Infantry only may be chosen Early Crusades Special Rules One unit of Frankish infantry may be upgraded to Elite (+1 pt) and may use Shieldwall may also have light armour (+2pts) no longer count as Levies One unit of Light Cavalry may be given Light Armour (+2 pts)

CHARACTERS 0-1 General The general represents one of those characters who came to the Holy Land and carved out the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Outremer against incredible odds. They held onto these possessions for 200 years. M 4 WS 6 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 6 A 4 Ld 9 Pts 200


Equipment: Hand weapon. throwing spear, light armour, shield, upgrade to heavy armour (+1 pt), exchange throwing spear for thrusting spear free, javelins(+2 pts), lance (+6 pts), warhorse(+4pts) Special Rules: Army General.

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0-1 Army Standard Bearer The general's personal banner bore his coat of arms and marked his position on the battlefield. The progress marked the tide of battle as it ebbed and flowed. The army battle standard provided a focal point and an inspiration. M 4 WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 6 A 3 Ld 8 Pts 115


Equipment: Hand weapon. throwing spear, light armour, upgrade to heavy armour (+1 pt), exchange throwing spear for thrusting spear free, javelins(+2 pts), lance (+6pts), warhorse(+4pts) (Note No shield) Special Rules: Army Standard.

Commanders The Crusades were full of Barons, princes, dispossessed nobles and counts and of course religious personalities. M 4 4 WS 5 5 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 3 4 W 2 2 I 6 6 A 3 3 Ld 8 9 Pts 110 140

Count Bishop

Equipment: Hand weapon, light armour, shield, upgrade to heavy armour (+1 pt), warhorse(+4pts) Count is armed with throwing spear, may exchange throwing spear for thrusting spear free, javelins(+2 pts), lance (+6 pts), Special Rules: Bishop: Any unit Bishop is with may re roll any failed panic tests. If a General has not been chosen you may upgrade one Count to Army General (+25 pts)

CAVALRY Frankish Knights Western knights were extremely well-armoured, but they could become very exposed to missile fire, and the intense heat could take its toll as well. M Mounted Knights 8 Dismounted knights 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Pts 30 14

Equipment: Hand weapon, light armour and shield. throwing spear or thrusting spear, Mounted Knights have warhorses. May have heavy armour (+1 pt) and exchange thrusting spear for lance (+4 pts). Special Rule: Mounted Knights have Ferocious Charge, and may count their rank bonus up to +1.

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Light cavalry Useful in the role of scouting and harassing enemy troops were the knights could not go. M 8 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 17

Light Cav

Equipment: Hand weapon javelins, shield may exchange javelins for throwing or thrusting spear (+2 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry.

INFANTRY Frankish Infantry Spear armed infantry were the backbone of the Crusader armies. Their numbers comprised a mix of armed volunteers and grizzled veterans of the European wars. M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 5

Frankish infantry

Equipment: Hand weapon, thrusting spear and shield. May have javelins (+1 pt) Special Rules: Levies; every other unit of Frankish infantry unit may exchange thrusting spear and shield for bow (free). Any unit of Frankish infantry may be designated Light Infantry (free)

Skirmishers These are Europeans who had some expertise in shooting, often huntsmen. They provided a handy skirmishing element for rooting enemies out of difficult terrain. Although not as powerful as the crossbow they could fire on the move and add the weight of fire to the crossbows when enemy horsemen approached. Muslims archers usually outranged them M 4 WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 5 Pts 3


Equipment: Hand weapon, javelins & buckler. May exchange javelins for a sling (free) or bow (+1 pt). Special Rule: Levies; Skirmishers.

ALLIES & MERCENARIES Mercenary Knights Knights out to make their fortune or reputation often joined crusading armies. M Mercenary Knights 8 Dismounted Knights 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Pts 27 13

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and shield. throwing spear or thrusting spear, Mounted Knights have warhorses. May have heavy armour (+1 pt) javelins (+1 pt)
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Special Rule: Mounted Mercenary Knights may count their rank bonus up to +1. Mercenaries Rule Any unit wishing to move charge or shoot for the first time must pass a roll of 2-6 on a D6 a roll of one is a fail and another attempt can be made next turn. When a roll is passed there is no need for further rolls with that unit. The unit may defend itself if attacked including shooting against chargers.

Mercenary Infantry Most Muslim cavalry and many infantry were bow armed allowing them to shoot down the crusaders long before close combat occurred. European Crossbowmen went some way to countering this. This powerful weapon was a hefty device and awkward to load on the move. What it lacked in mobility it more than made up for in sheer penetrating power. The iron bolt could punch through the heaviest Muslim armour with ease. Crossbowmen were much feared and prized mercenaries. M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 5

Mercenary Infantry

Equipment: Hand weapon, shield(+1 pt) light armour (+2 pts) javelins (+1 pt) throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt) or double handed weapon (swords/axes) (+2 pt) or bow (+2 pts) or crossbow (+5 pt). Special Rules: Any unit of mercenary infantry may be designated Light Infantry (free) Mercenaries Rule Any unit wishing to move charge or shoot for the first time must pass a roll of 2-6 on a D6 a roll of one is a fail and another attempt can be made next turn. When a roll is passed there is no need for further rolls with that unit. The unit may defend itself if attacked including shooting against chargers.

ARMY SELECTION Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points. Cavalry: Up to 75% of the available points. For every unit of Knights, a unit of Mounted Sergeants or Retainer Cavalry must be taken as well. Special Units: Up to 33% of the available points. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 33% of the available points may be spent on either Allied & Mercenary troops, Later Crusader Special Rules In Later Crusader armies, Knights and the Mounted Palace Guards may exchange light lance for lance (+2 pts). Such units cannot combine with archers, and no longer count as Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Instead of taking Light Crossbow, one unit of Skirmisher Veterans may exchange javelins or sling for a crossbow (+4 pts).

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CHARACTERS 0-1 General The general represents one of those larger than life warrior kings who typified European the leadership of the Crusades or one of the Grand masters of the Military Orders that the Crusades were famous for. Many were European kings such as Richard 1of England, Louis VII of France or the kings of Jerusalem. They re-conquered the Holy Land and carved out the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Outremer against incredible odds. They held onto these possessions for 200 years. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts General 8 5 5 4 3 3 6 2 9 150 Equipment: Hand weapon. warhorse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), throwing or thrusting spear (+2 pts), light lance (+3 pts), lance (+6 pts), shield (+2 pts) half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). King (Grand Master of the Order) as Army General: The General may be upgraded to King (Grand Master of the Order) (+10 pts, add +1 to Toughness). Special Rules: Army General.

0-1 Army Standard Bearer The general's personal banner bore his coat of arms and marked his position on the battlefield. The progress marked the tide of battle as it ebbed and flowed. The army battle standard provided a focal point and an inspiration. M 4 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 75


Equipment: Hand weapon. warhorse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) and shield (+2 pts). The warhorse may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Special Rules: Army Standard.

Commanders The Crusades were full of Barons, Princes and dispossessed nobles. M 8 8 8 WS 5 4 5 BS 5 4 4 S 4 4 4 T 3 3 3 W 2 2 2 I 5 5 5 A 2 2 2 Ld 8 8 8 Pts 85 60 70

Baron Noble Grand Preceptor

Equipment: Hand weapon. warhorse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), throwing or thrusting spear (+2 pts), light lance (+3 pts), lance (+6 pts), shield (+2 pts) and half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Baron as Army General: If no general has been chosen, a Baron may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Special Rule: Grand Preceptor must lead Military Order Knights (may fight on foot Move 4).

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CAVALRY Heavy Cavalry
Many Europeans of differing nationalities joined to make their fortunes or for religious reasons. This covers the secular knights and their followers. In later crusades the availability of good quality warhorses and horses and the hot climate meant knights often went to battle without barding or on inferior horses M 8 8 8 WS 4 3 3 BS 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 6 Pts 21 20 17

0-2 Knights Sergeants Retainer

Equipment: Hand weapon, light lance, light armour and shield. Knights may have heavy armour (+1 pt). Light Cavalry Option: Every other unit of Sergeants or Retainers Cavalry may be designated as Light Cavalry (free). They may take no further equipment. Special Rules: Combined Formation: Up to half the models may exchange light lance for bow (free), but may take no further equipment if they do so - archers are placed in the rear ranks. Knights and Sergeants are Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2.

Turkopoloi Turkopoloi were sons of Turks - that is, Christianized Turks. M 8 WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 25


Equipment: Hand weapon and bow. May have throwing spear (+1 pt), javelins (+1 pt), and either buckler (+1 pt) or shield (+2 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Nomad Cavalry.

INFANTRY Secular Infantry Spear armed infantry were the backbone of the Crusader armies. Their numbers comprised a mix of armed volunteers and grizzled veterans of the European wars. In battle their role was to support the knights, ensuring they did not become isolated and cut off as they were prone to do after an initial charge. Large numbers of Armenian infantry were also employed in this infantry role M 4 4 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 6 6 Pts 6 4

Veteran Volunteers

Equipment: Hand weapon, throwing or thrusting spear and shield. May have javelins (+1 pt) and light armour (+2 pts).

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Special Rules: Shieldwall. Combined Formation: Up to half of any Secular infantry unit may exchange spear for bow (free) - archers are placed in the rear ranks and may take no further equipment. Volunteers count as Levies.

Light Infantry Light infantrymen had a much better chance than spearmen against heavily armoured cavalry, especially if they had the opportunity to fight in broken ground and wooded areas. M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 6 Pts 7 5

0-2 Veteran Volunteers

Equipment: Hand weapon and shield. May have either throwing spear (+1 pt), javelins (+1 pt) or sling (+1 pt). Veterans may also have light armour (+2 pts). Special Rule: Light Infantry.

Skirmishers Veteran Volunteers M 4 4 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 5 5 Pts 5 3

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins or sling & buckler. May exchange sling or javelins for bow (+1 pt). Light Crossbow Option: Two units of skirmisher veteran may exchange javelins or sling for Light crossbow (+3 pts). Special Rule: Skirmishers. Volunteers count as Levies.

SPECIAL UNITS Military Order Knights They are usually knights and nobles who have given up all worldly ties and allegiances to serve the Order. They undertake charitable works and protection of pilgrims, healing the sick and wounded and 'policing' duties on the order's lands. They are warriors and garrison the order's castles. M 8 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Pts 34 14

Mounted Dismounted

Equipment: Hand weapon, light armour and shield. Thrusting spear if on foot, lance and warhorse if mounted. May have heavy armour (+1 pt). May ride barded warhorses (+4 pts). Special Rule: Mounted Military Order Knights have Ferocious Charge, and may count their rank bonus up to +1.

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0-2 Dismounted Military Order Sergeants Western infantry fought in support of their knightly masters. Their extensive use of the crossbow made them every bit as deadly as Turkish horse archers. (the term Sargeant is also used historically) M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 7


Equipment: A hand weapon, shield and thrusting spear. May have light armour (+2 pts). Two units may exchange shield and spear for either bow (free) or crossbow (+4 pts). Special Rules: Combined Formation: Sergeants with spears may combine with up to 50% archers or crossbowmen. Unless they are combined with spearmen, Sergeant archers and crossbowmen are Light Infantry. Sergeants may only be taken if at least one unit of Military Order Knights have been chosen as well.

Palace Guards Numbers of Knights and promoted Sargeants were given the duties of guarding their king these men were often fiercely loyal though mostly performing a ceremonial role were more than capable fighters . M Palace Guard 4 WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 9 Pts 15

Equipment: A hand weapon, thrusting spear and light armour. May have javelins (+1 pt), shield (+1 pt) and heavy armour instead of light armour (+1 pt). May exchange thrusting spear for double-handed axe (+2 pts), halberd (+1 pt). May be Riding Horses (+1 pt). Special Rules: Stubborn. Shieldwall. May only be used in armies led by an Army General.

0-1 Mounted Palace Guard As with foot palace Guard these troops would form the bodyguard of the King or the knights that accompanied the Grand Masters of the Military Orders. M 8 WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Pts 25

Mtd Guards

Equipment: A hand weapon, shield, light armour and either light lance or Heavy Mace. May ride warhorses (+3 pts), have heavy armour (+1 pt) and half-barding (+2 pts). Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Combined Formation: Every other model may exchange light lance or Heavy Mace for bow, but may take no further equipment if they do so archers are placed in the rear ranks. The Mounted Palace Guards must be the smallest cavalry unit in the army, and must be led the King (Grand Master of the Order) at all times.

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ALLIES & MERCENARIES Turcoman Cavalry Turcopoles were light horsemen fielded to scout, guide, forage, harass, pursue and fight the Muslim light cavalry on their own terms, something the knights simply couldnt do. Notably the Military Orders retained many. M 8 WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 22


Equipment: A hand weapon and a bow. May have throwing spear (+1 pt) or javelins (+1 pt), and a shield (+2 pts). Special Rules: Skirmishers. Nomad Cavalry.

Armenian and Syrian Cavalry The Armenians were Christian and therefore a natural ally to the Crusaders. They eventually backed the Mongols as the best hope of establishing a permanent Christian kingdom in the region. Syrians. Although not well thought of, and certainly not to be relied upon, many a king, prince or baron was forced to hire local Syrians. M 8 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 6 Pts 23 16

Armenian Cav Syrian Cav

Equipment: Hand weapon, a shield and bow. Armenian Cavalry also have light armour, throwing or thrusting spear, and may have heavy armour (+1 pt). Syrian Cavalry may have either thrusting or throwing spear (+1 pt) or javelins (+1 pt). Syrian Scout Cavalry Option: Syrian Cavalry may be upgraded to Scouts (+1 pt). Special Rules: Armenian Cavalry may count their rank bonus up to +1. Syrian Cavalry and Syrian Scout Cavalry are Light Cavalry. Syrian Scout Cavalry have Feigned Flight. 0-2 Native Tribesmen Some native tribesmen of the invaded regions threw in there lot with the Christians. Syrians also provided an abundance of light armoured and armed troops for the European armies to choose from. M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 5 Pts 5


Equipment: Mixed weapons (count as hand weapon and javelins) and shield. May have throwing spear (+1 pt). Special Rules: Warband, rule 1 and 2. Light Infantry.

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Attracting Nobles, Knights and Peasants alike the pilgrim crusade provided an odd assortment of travellers to the Holy land. This mob would usually run at the first sign of trouble often only to be rallied by the religious fever of one of the leaders. PILGRIM ARMY Characters: Up to 33% of the available points may be spent on Leaders and Religious Leader. Infantry: At least 33% of the available points must be spent on infantry. Cavalry: Up to 33% of the available points may be spent on Cavalry. One unit of Knights may be chosen. Crusading Pilgims Special Rule One Leader, Religious Leader, must be chosen from the character entries, and he must be upgraded to Pilgrimage Leader (+25 pts) who counts as the Army General.

SPECIAL RULES Pilgrim Camp Pilgrims moved as a mob and would often decimate food and supplies at any places visited on their travels. They formed huge camps effectively small towns wherever they stopped. To reflect this, the following rule applies to pilgrim armies: 1. Pilgrim armies may always place D3 patches of difficult terrain in their deployment zone. Each patch measures about 6 by 6, and must be placed before deployment begins.

CHARACTERS Leaders and Religious Personalities Knights making their own crusade with bands of followers or religious personalities with a following of those seeking a better life or their own god they all came to the holy land. M 5 5 WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 3 3 W 2 1 I 5 4 A 2 2 Ld 8 7 Pts 60 40

Leader Religious Leader

Equipment: A hand weapon and light armour. May have buckler (+1 pt), shield (+2 pts), either javelins (+2 pts) or bow (+3 pts), and either thrusting or throwing spear (+2 pts). May ride a horse (+8 pts). Army Standard Bearer Option: One Leader may be upgraded to Army Standard Bearer (+15 pts). Special Rule: Mounted Characters have Feigned Flight.

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INFANTRY Pilgrim Infantry and Followers From all over Europe east and west they came to find a better place. Some skilled in arms others came with a fanatical frenzy of their God. M 5 5 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 4 4 Pts 4 3

Pilgrim Infantry Followers

Equipment: Mixed weapons (count as a hand weapon and javelins) and shield. Every other unit of Pilgrim Infantry may have throwing spear (+1 pt) or bow (+2 pts) instead of javelins. Two units of Pilgrim Infantry may have either halberds (+2 pts), or double-handed weapons (+3 pts) - this goes to reflect the Pilgrim Infantrys use of any weapon to hand and differing backgrounds of the troops. Skirmisher Option: Any Pilgrim Infantry unit may be designated as Skirmishers (+1 pt). Pilgrim Infantry Skirmishers have Feigned Flight. Special Rules: Light Infantry. Warband. Pilgrim Infantry and Followers have Stealth.

CAVALRY Cavalry Mounted knights and few followers who owned horses who for their own reasons joined the Pilgrimage were often poorer equipped than there military counterparts. While there were some extraordinary well equipped and experienced knights and Men at arms these were often hindered and slowed by the rest of the Cavalry M 8 8 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 6 Pts 17 15

0-1 Knights Cavalry

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and buckler. May have shield instead of buckler (+1 pt), and throwing spear (+1 pt). Knights may have light armour (+2 pts). Special Rules: Skirmishers. Feigned Flight. If Knights are chosen, at least one unit of Cavalry must be taken as well.

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BYZANTINES (867-1042 AD)
ARMY SELECTION Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points. Cavalry: At least 25% of the available points. Special Units: Up to 25% of the available points. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on troops from the Early Seljuks army, and on Mongols lists Byzantine Special Rules Byzantine armies must be led by an Army General, and may use the Strategem special rule. One unit of Light Kavallarioi may be upgraded to Prokousatores (+1 pt). In the Prokousatores unit, no more than 25% of the models may take bows instead of spears. Prokousatores have the Feigned Flight ability. For each Kontaratoi unit in the army, one unit of Psiloi of up to ten models may be upgraded to Menaulatoi (+2 pts, increase Leadership by +1), who count as Light Infantry. Menaulatoi have a hand weapon, light armour, a menaulion spear and a shield - they may take no further equipment. The menaulion spears count as thrusting spears. However, to simulate their effectiveness against cavalry, the menaulion spears count as heavy throwing spears in a turn where an unegaged Menaulatoi unit is charged by enemy cavalry.

CHARACTERS Generals As in the early Byzantine period, the quality of the army depended highly on the quality of its commander. A good general was well-versed in the military treatises, knew his adversaries, and how to meet him on grounds that favoured the Byzantines. M 8 WS 6 BS 6 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 6 A 3 Ld 9 Pts 185

0-1 Domestikos

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), shield (+2 pts), and Kontarion (+3 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have Half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Emperor as Army General: Should the total army value exceed 2,000 pts, the Domestikos may be upgraded to Basileus (Emperor, Leadership 10, +25 pts). Special Rules: The Domestikos and the Emperor characters are Army Generals.

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Commanders Only the best junior and senior commanders were employed in the Imperial Tagmata. Especially in the late Thematic period, the overall quality Tagmata commanders was high. Tagmata Topoteretes Drungarios M 8 8 WS 5 4 BS 5 4 S 4 4 T 3 3 W 2 2 I 5 5 A 3 2 Ld 9 9 Pts 95 75

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), shield (+2 pts), and Kontarion (+3 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts).

0-1 Themata Army Standard Bearer Standards were used both for signalling and as a crucial rallying point. As in old Roman times, standard bearers was picked among the bravest soldiers. M 8 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 9 Pts 85


Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+2 pts), and shield (+2 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have Half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Special Rules: Army Standard.

CAVALRY Heavy Kavallarioi The Kavallarioi were the most common type of cavalry in thematic Byzantine armies, ranging from the elite heavy cavalry of the Tagmata to the lowliest provincial cavalrymen. As described in the Taktika by Emperor Leo VI, Byzantine cavalry still fought as Cursores (attackers, in open order formation), and Defensores (defenders, in close order formation). M 8 8 8 WS 4 4 3 BS 4 4 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 8 7 7 Pts 24 22 20

Tagmata Elite Themata Themata

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour, shield and Kontarion. May have heavy armour (+1 pt). Defensores & Cursores: For every two units of the same type and with the same equipment, the smallest unit may be designated as Cursores (free), who count as Light Cavalry. Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Combined Formation: Up to half of any unit of Kavallarioi may be Hippo-toxotai, who are placed in the rear ranks. May be Drilled (+1 pt).

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Hippo-Toxotai Backing their comrades from the rear ranks, the mounted archers were equipped with lighter gear. Avancing towards the enemy, the archers would shower the enemy with arrows before the unit increased its speed and charged. M 8 8 8 WS 4 4 3 BS 4 4 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 8 7 7 Pts 21 19 17

Tagmata Elite Themata Themata

Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and buckler. May have light armour (+3 pts). Tagmata and Elite Themata Kavallarioi Toxotai may have heavy armour (+4 pts). Special Rules: Combined Formation: Hippo-toxotai must combine with Kavallarioi, they cannot be taken on their own. May be Drilled (+1 pt).

Light Kavallarioi Light Kavallarioi skirmished in front of the main battle line. In case of enemy incursions they would shadow the advancing enemy, making hit-and-run attacks and setting ambuscades for enemy forage parties. They also acted as scouts, providing crucial intelligence on enemy army movements. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts Tagmata 8 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 21 Elite Themata 8 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 18 Themata 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 16 Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and shield. May may exchange javelins for either throwing spear (+1 pt), or Kontarion (+2 pts). May have light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Elite Themata Kavallarioi may be Drilled (+1 pt). Combined Formation: Any model may exchange javelins & shield for shortbow & buckler (free) - archers are placed in the rear ranks when formed.

INFANTRY Kontaratoi The importance of fielding heavy themata infantry gradually increased during the thematic period - though their main role was still to provide the cavalry with a safe rallying point. As in the cavalry regiments, the kontaratoi were backed by ranks of light infantry archers, shooting at advancing enemy units. M 4 4 4 WS 4 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 6 Pts 9 7 4

Elite Themata Themata Irregular

Equipment: A hand weapon, shield and thrusting spear. May have large shield instead of shield (+1 pt), and javelins or darts (+1 pt). One unit of Elite Themata Kontaratoi may have light armour (+3 pts).

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Special Rules: Shield wall. Combined Formation: Up to half of any unit may be Toxotai, who are placed in the rear ranks. Elite Themata Kontaratoi may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular troops count as Levies. Toxotai As in the cavalry regiments, the kontaratoi were backed by ranks of light infantry archers, shooting at advancing enemy units. M Elite Themata 4 Themata Irregular WS 3 4 4 BS 4 3 2 S 3 3 2 T 3 3 3 W 1 3 3 I 3 1 1 A 1 3 2 Ld 7 1 1 Pts 8 7 6

6 3

Equipment: A hand weapon, buckler & bow. Special Rules: Combined Formation: Toxotai must combine with Kontaratoi, they cannot be taken on their own. Elite Themata Toxotai may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular troops count as Levies. Psiloi Each unit of kontaratoi had an attachment of psiloi that skirmished in front of the spearmen, only withdrawing to behind the spearmen when the enemy reached charge distance. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts 0-2 Elite Themata 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 9 Themata 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 7 Irregular 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 3 Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins or sling & buckler. Every other unit of Psiloi may replace javelins or sling with bow (+1 pt). Psiloi armed with javelins may exchange their buckler with a shield (free). Solenarion Option: Elite Themata or Themata Psiloi with bows may have Solenarion (+1 pt) counts as light crossbow. Special Rule: Skirmishers. Irregular troops count as Levies

SPECIAL UNITS Varangoi Guards From the early 11th century and onwards, Norsemen from Scandinavia and Rus from around the great Russian rivers all went to Miklagard (the Great City), to serve in the emperors bodyguard as mounted guard infantry. M 4 WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 9 Pts 17


Equipment: A hand weapon, thrusting spear and light armour. May have javelins (+1 pt), shield (+1 pt) and heavy armour instead of light armour (+1 pt). May exchange thrusting spear for double-handed axe (+2 pts), or a Dane Axe (+1 pt), that counts as a halberd. May be Riding Horses (+1 pt). Special Rules: Stubborn. Fearsome. May form Shieldwall.

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0-1 Tagmata Kataphraktoi The most prominent and by far the most expensive formation in the cavalry-based armies of the 10th century was the Kataphraktoi. Drawn up in a highly mobile and hard-hitting wedge formation, these extra-heavily armoured cavalry struck fear in their Muslim opponents. M Kataphraktos 8 Archer 8 WS 4 4 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 9 9 Pts 30 20

Kataphraktos Equipment: Heavy armour, shield and a Heavy Mace. Ride barded horses. Archer Equipment: A hand weapon, shortbow and buckler. May have light armour (+3 pts), or heavy armour (+4 pts). May take half-barding for their mounts (+2 pts). Special Rules:. Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. May be Drilled (+1 pt). If Kataphraktoi are chosen, at least three units of Heavy Kavallarioi must be taken as well.

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The Fatimid Caliphate was established in 969 AD after the capture of Cairo The Fatimids were Shia Muslims and claimed descent from the Prophets daughter Fatima. This put them in direct conflict with the Abbassid Caliph in Baghdad who were Sunnis. The rift this caused in the Muslim world led to the break up of the Arab Empire. When the first Crusade dealt the Seljuks a series of terrible defeats the Fatimid Vizier could hardly contain his joy! Saladin is known to have considered the Egyptian Shias at least as important a threat as the Christian Crusaders. The Fatimid armies were considered inferior to both Seljuks and the Crusaders, although not without some good regiments. The Egyptians of the time were not a race of willing fighters and were barred from joining some regiments! Instead the Fatimids relied on their wealth to buy or hire their armed forces. Many of these were Ghulams, literally slave troops of varying types and from various races. Ghulams were bought and maintained at their owner's expense. Less reliable but less costly were the mercenaries, these would be hired in for a campaign only and then disbanded. ARMY SELECTION EARLY FATIMID EGYPTIANS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Early FatimidCavalry: Up to 50% of the available points. At least two units of bow-armed cavalry must be chosen. Dismounted Cavalry still counts as Cavalry. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points. At least 25% of the available points if any Dismounted Cavalry has been taken. Late Fatimid troops may not be chosen. Allies: Up to 33% of the available points may be spent on Allied troops: Mongols lists. Early Fatimid Egyptians Special Rules Early Fatimid Egyptians armies led by a Vizier may use the Strategem special rule. In Early Fatimid Egyptians armies, up to two Ghulam models may upgraded to Ghulam Unit Leaders (+5 pts). The Ghulam Unit Leaders may lead other units - one Ghulam Unit Leaders model may be assigned to lead each unit. Ghulam Unit Leaders must be paid for out of the character allowance. To represent the unruly and mercenary elements of Early Fatimid Egyptians, units of Abid Irregular and Skirmishers may count as Rural troops (free). To test the fickle mood of the Rural Troops each unit must take a Leadership test at the beginning of the battle. For this test they must use their own Leadership value - they cannot draw on the Leadership of any characters. If the test is failed the unit counts as Levies for the rest of the battle. If the test is passed, the Rural Troops have become especially eager to get to grips with the enemy - they do not count as Levies, but are subject to Warband Psychology, rule 2.

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LATER FATIMID EGYPTIANS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Later Fatimid Egyptian Cavalry: Up to 75% of the available points. Dismounted cavalrymen still counts as Cavalry. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points. Allies: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on Mongol list allies. Later Fatimid Egyptian Special Rules Later Fatimid Egyptian armies led by a Vizier or Grand Vizier (see below) may use the Strategem special rule. Later Fatimid Egyptian characters may exchange their light lance & buckler for light lance & shield (+1 pt), and may have Half-barding for their mounts (+2 pts). In Later Fatimid Egyptian armies exceeding 2,000 pts, one Vizier may be upgraded to Grand Vizier (+25 pts. Leadership 10). When led by the Grand Vizier, the Palace Ghulams may be upgraded to Royal Palace Guard (+4 pts), who wield Heavy Maces instead of Light lance They also have heavy armour, a shield and ride barded horses.

CHARACTERS Generals and Commanders The Fatimids were generally clever rulers. They produced wily politicians, devious diplomats and astute businessmen. Should the Vizier visit the battlefield he took the sensible precaution of keeping the Royal Guard close to his person. The emirs were part of the ruling elite, sometimes a relative of the Vizier. M 8 8 8 8 WS 6 5 4 4 BS 6 5 4 4 S 4 4 4 3 T 4 3 3 3 W 3 2 2 2 I 6 5 4 4 A 3 3 2 2 Ld 9 9 8 8 Pts 185 95 55 45

0-1 Vizier Royal Emir Emir Minor Emir

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts) or heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), javelins (+2 pt), and either thrusting or throwing spear & shield (+4 pts), or light lance & buckler (+4 pts). May have barding (+4 pts). Vizier and Grand Vizier may ride warhorses (+8 pts). Characters leading a unit of dismounted cavalry may dismount (-8 pts, reduce movement to 4). Special Rules: The Vizier and Grand Vizier is the Army General. Special Rule, Minor Emir: Bedouin Cavalry. The Minor Emir must lead and may not leave a unit of Armenian Cavalry.

0-1 Army Standard Bearer The armys standard bearer was chosen among the bravest soldiers in the army. Losing your standard was a great disgrace, and inflicted severe punishment on the bearer (if he had survived the battle!).
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ASB M 8 WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 85

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts) or heavy armour (+4 pts), buckler (+1 pt) or shield (+2 pts) and barding (+4 pts). Army Standard Bearers leading a unit of dismounted cavalry may dismount (-8 pts, reduce movement to 4). Special Rules: Army Standard Bearer.

EARLY FATIMID EGYPTIAN CAVALRY Heavy Cavalry Fatimid heavy cavalry fought in the traditional Arab style. They were mailed lancers used to charge directly at the enemy and break them. They were not as heavily armored and their lancers not as strong as those of the Franks. Ghulams (Plural Ghilman) were highly trained and fought as a professional body. M 0-1 Palace Ghulams 8 0-2 Ghulams 8 Arab Heavy Cav 8 ArabRegular Cav 8 WS 4 4 4 3 BS 4 4 4 3 S 4 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 I 4 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 1 Ld 8 8 7 7 Pts 26 24 21 19

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour, and either bow & buckler or javelins & shield. May exchange light armour for heavy armour (+1 pt). Palace Ghulams and Ghulams with bows may have light lance (+2 pts), and the Palace Ghulams may have barding for their mounts (+4 pts). Any Heavy Cavalry may either have throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt), or exchange bow & buckler/javelins & shield for light lance & buckler (free). Dismounted Heavy Cavalry Option: May dismount (-9 pts, reduce Movement to 4). Dismounted Heavy Cavalry with bucklers may exchange them for shields (+1 pt). Special Rules: Mounted Heavy Cavalry is Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Dismounted Heavy Cavalry with shields may form a Shieldwall. Units without light lance may be designated as Light Cavalry (free). The Palace Ghulams have taken an Oath of Allegiance, and must be led by the Army General at all times. The Palace Ghulams and Ghulams may be Drilled (+1 pt).

Light Cavalry The light cavalry typically served as scouts and foragers while on campaign. M 8 8 8 WS 4 3 2 BS 4 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 Pts 19 16 12

Arab Elite Cav ArabLight Cav Native Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins & shield. May have throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt). Special Rule: Light Cavalry.

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LATER FATIMID EGYPTIAN CAVALRY Heavy Cavalry Fatimid heavy cavalry fought in the traditional Arab style. They were mailed lancers used to charge directly at the enemy and break them. They were not as heavily armoured and their lancers not as strong as those of the Franks but were still a formidable cavalry force. Ghulams were highly trained and fought as a professional body. M 8 8 8 8 WS 4 4 4 3 BS 4 4 3 3 S 4 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 I 4 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 1 Ld 8 8 7 7 Pts 26 24 22 20

0-1 Palace Ghulams 0-2 Ghulams Arab Heavy Cav ArabRegular Cav

Equipment: Hand weapon, light armour, light lance and shield. May have heavy armour (+1 pt). The Palace Ghulams may also take bows (+2 pts), and either half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts) for their mounts. Dismounted Cavalry Option: May dismount (-10 pts, reduce Movement to 4). Defensores & Cursores: For every two units of the same type and with the same equipment, the smallest unit may be designated as Bedouin cavalry (free), who count as Light Cavalry. Special Rules: Combined Formation: Up to a third of the models in any unit may exchange light lance for either javelins (free) or bow (+1 pt) - archers are placed in the rear ranks. Mounted cavalrymen are Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Dismounted cavalrymen may form a Shield wall. The Palace Ghulams and Ghulams may be Drilled (+1 pt). The Palace Ghulams must be the smallest cavalry unit in the army, they cannot be fielded as Bedouin cavalry, and must be led by the Army General at all times.

INFANTRY Abids Spearmen Sudanese Ghulams were purchased and maintained in huge numbers by the Fatimid Caliphs. The earlier Fatimids had employed Berber tribes in huge numbers but increasingly Sudanese were used. The tactics often involved the archers shooting until the enemy became disordered, only then could they advance. Often the archers were combined with spearmen who knelt with shields. Whilst competent the Sudanese were poorly treated and never highly motivated by the Fatimid cause. M 4 4 4 WS 3 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 Pts 8 7 4

Sudanese Regular Berber Regular Irregular

Equipment: A hand weapon, throwing or thrusting spear and large shield. May have javelins (+1 pt). One unit of Regular may have light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Shield wall. Combined Formation: Up to a third of the models in any Abid unit may be Abid archers, who are placed in the rear ranks. Sudanese Regular may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular count as Levies.

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Abids Archers M 4 4 4 WS 3 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 Pts 6 5 3

Sudanese Regular Berber Regular Irregular

Equipment: A hand weapon and javelins. May have exchange javelins for bow (+1 pt), and have shield (+1 pt). Special Rules: Combined Formation: Archers must combine with Abid Spearmen, they cannot be taken on their own. Sudanese Regular may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular count as Levies.

Skirmishers As more Armenian troops were brought into Fatimid service so the number of Sudanese gradually fell, although they remained predominant. As well as heavy cavalry the Armenian contingent was mostly made up of light infantry archers, reliable and competent The most modest troops of the army was relegated to fire support, serving as archers, slingers and javelinmen. M 4 4 4 4 WS 3 3 2 2 BS 3 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 I 4 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 5 Pts 8 6 5 3

0-2 Armenian Sudanese skirmishers Berber skirmishers Irregular

Equipment: A hand weapon, sling or javelins and buckler. May replace sling or javelins with bow (+2 pts). Armenian with javelins may also have throwing spear (+1 pt), and replace buckler with shield (+1 pt). Light Crossbow Option: In Later Fatimid Egyptian armies, two units of Sudanese skirmishers may replace sling with Light Crossbow (+3 pts). Special Rules: Skirmishers. Armenian are Light Infantry. Irregular skirmishers count as Levies.

01 Egyptian Levy These are the less than enthusiastic mobs that were sometimes dragged along to dig earthworks, carry quivers full of arrows, and fight if called upon. M 4 4 WS 2 3 BS 2 3 S 3 3 T 2 3 W 1 1 I 2 3 A 1 1 Ld 3 4 Pts 3 5

Mob 0-1 Leader

Equipment: Armed with whatever they can lay their hands on (count as improvised weapons). Special Rules: Mobs and their Leader are subject to Warband Psychology, rule 1. mobs cannot Fall Back in Good Order, cannot benefit from the Leadership value of characters other than their Leader, and cannot use the re-roll benefit of the Army Standard. Mob Deployment: Mobs must be deployed last just before characters, and must be positioned the furthest possible distance away from the enemy.
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Rousing the Mob: As the mob is an untrained horde and is acting on their fleeting instincts they are driven by the passion of the moment rather than sound military order. To get them started they need something to fire them up and get them going, namely the impassioned oratory of their Leader. At the start of the Fatimid Egyptian players first turn the mob takes a Leadership test representing the mood of the mob. If this is passed the mob is roused! Then subtract the dice roll from the Leadership value. The higher the result the more determined is the mob! 0 - 3 In the first turn, the mob moves forward towards the nearest enemy unit, at least 4 inches. They are now subject to all Warband Psychology rules (not just rule 1). 4 5 Same result as when rolling 0-3, plus the mob Hates the enemy. Same result as when rolling 0-4, plus the mob is Frenzied.

If the test is failed the mob count as Levies for the rest of the game - they fear all enemies unless they either outnumber them by at least 2 to 1 or the enemy is Levies or Skirmishers. For example: a mob unit of 29 followers is led by a Leader. As both the followers and The Faction Leader are subject to Warband Psychology, rule 1, they have a Leadership value of 7 (Faction Leaders Leadership value 4, +1 for each rank, up to a maximum of 3=7). At the beginning of the first turn, the Fatimid Egyptian player tries to Rouse the Mob. He rolls a 2 and a 1 - resulting in a total of 3. As the total is less than the mobs Leadership of 7, the test is passed and the mob has been successfully roused - they are now subject to all Warband Psychology rules. When subtracting the dice roll from the mobs Leadership value, the score is a whopping 4 (7-3=4); The mob now Hates the enemy for the rest of the game

ALLIES As more Armenian troops were brought into Fatimid service so the number of Sudanese gradually fell, although they remained predominant. As well as heavy cavalry the Armenian contingent was mostly made up of light infantry 0-2 Armenian Cavalry M Armenian Cav 8

WS 3

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 6

Pts 17

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and shield. May have throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt). Every other unit may have light armour (+2 pts). Special Rules: Armenian cavalry with light armour are Bedouin Cavalry. All other Armenian cavalry are Light Cavalry and with Feigned Flight.

0-1 Armenian Infantry While some Armenians fought as cavalry, the poorer and less well equipped tribesmen fought on foot. M 5 WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 4 Pts 4


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Equipment: Mixed weapons (counts as a hand weapon and javelins) and shield. May have throwing spear (+1 pt) and large shield (+1 pt). One unit may exchange javelins for short bow (+1 pt). Special Rules: Warband Psychology, rule 1. Light Infantry. May only chosen if Armenian Cavalry has been chosen as well. 0-2 Berber Cavalry M 8 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 18

Berber Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and shield. Special Rules: Skirmishers. Feigned Flight. Mutatawwia Muslim armies attracted various bands of volunteers to their causes. The Fatimids were not great exponents of Holy War but nonetheless volunteers came forward from the Egyptian and Arab populous to fight for Islam. These fell into two distinct groups. The first were known as Jawarjaraya amongst Fatimid armies; these were religious zealots, highly motivated and highly aggressive. They sought to rid the Holy Lands of infidels or die trying, thereby earning a place in Heaven. The second variety, only marginally less fired -up were the Muttatawwi'a. They were the impoverished or ambitious who fought for a share in the spoils of war, pillage and ransom. M 8 8 WS 4 4 BS 4 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 1 Ld 8 7 Pts 22 19

0-2 Jawarjaraya Mutatawwia

Equipment: A hand weapon, throwing or thrusting spear and shield. Jawarjaraya also have javelins. Mutatawwia may have light armour (+2 pts) or heavy armour (+3 pts), and either take javelins (+1 pt), or exchange spear & shield for kontos & bucker (+1 pt). Dismounted Heavy Cavalry Option: May dismount (-8 pts, reduce Movement to 4). Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 3. Mounted Jawarjaraya are also Light Cavalry.

0-2 Mongols M 0-1 Nobles 8 Horse Archer 8 WS 3 3 BS 4 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7 Pts 24 21

Equipment: A hand weapon and bow. Nobles also have light armour and light lance. Horse Archers have shield (+1 pt), light armour (+2 pts), and either javelins (+1 pt) or throwing spear (+1 pt). Nobles may have buckler (+1 pt), and heavy armour instead of light armour (+1 pt). Dismounted Hun Option: May dismount (-12 pts, reduce Movement to 4). Dismounted Nobles may have shield (+2 pts). Special Rules: Mounted Hun Horse Archers are Light Cavalry and Nomad Cavalry. Mounted Nobles are treated as Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Dismounted Mongols without armour are Light Infantry. For every Noble model, at least two Horse Archer models must be taken as well.

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The Mamluk State would seem strange in any period of history. The Mamluks out lasted all of their contempories in the Middle East only finally capitulating to the Ottoman Turks. Since the effective end of the Crusades in 1295 the Mamluks continued ferocious wars with the Mongols The seeds of Mamluk success can really be found in the initial use of Ghulams by successive Middle Eastern rulers including the Caliphs of Baghdad and virtually anyone else who relied on the loyalty of professional slave troops to keep them in power. ARMY SELECTION EARLY MAMLUKS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Cavalry: At least 50% of the available points. Up to 50% of the available points may be spent on light cavalry. Light Mamluk Cavalry may not be chosen. Infantry: Up to 25% of the available points. Special Units: Up to 25% of the available points. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% of the available points. Early Mamluk Special Rules Early Mamluk armies lead by the Emir may include one unit of Royal Mamluk Cavalry. Early Mamluk armies led by the Sultan may include up to three Royal Mamluk Cavalry units.

LATER MAMLUKS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Cavalry: At least 50% of the available points. Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on light cavalry. Al Halqa and Turcoman Cavalry may not be chosen. Infantry: Up to 33% of the available points. Special Units: Up to 25% of the available points. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% of the available points. Later Mamluks Special Rules Later Mamluk armies lead by the Emir may include up to three units of Royal Mamluk Cavalry. Later Mamluk armies led by the Sultan may include any amount of Royal Mamluk Cavalry units. In Later Mamluk armies led by the Sultan, one unit of Royal Mamluk Cavalry may be upgraded to Royal Guard Mamluk Cavalry (+2 pts per model) who have a Leadership value of 9. Later Mamluk characters, Regular and Royal Mamluk Cavalry may have Half-barding for their mounts (+2 pts).

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To represent the less than enthusiastic Arab Tribesmen Cavalry in Later Mamluk armies, Arab cavalry count as having a Leadership value of 6 (-2 pts) not Arab Camalry. Later Mamluk used shorter spears than the light lance. To portray this, any unit of Later Mamluk Cavalry may exchange buckler for thrusting spear and shield (+2 pts).Later Mamluk Cavalry may dismount (-9 points reduce movement to 4 and fight on foot. Dismounted Cavalry may not take Heavy Mace

SPECIAL RULES Defences Lowly Mamluk foot archers and spearmen would often fight from prepared positions and use the protection of larger shields than that of normal infantry Troops armed with Defences count as being armed with large shields. Formed troops with Defences may form a shield wall instead of moving. As long as the unit is in a shield wall then all enemy attacks from the front of the unit (shooting and hand-to-hand) suffer a -1 modifier. The unit benefits from the shield wall as long as it doesnt move or lose a round of close combat. If a unit armed with Defences flee they abandon their cumbersome shields - the Defences are lost for the rest of the battle (and yes, this effectively means that the unit no longer have shields). CHARACTERS 0-1 Army General The Sultan was the head of the State and most often a Mamluk soldier through and through. This corporate slave empire produced some of the most successful generals of the age. It is no coincidence that Mamluk Sultans defeated both the Mongols and Crusaders. The Sultan is the head of the State and the principal battlefield commander; failure in either field would show weakness and possibly provoke rivals to depose him. M 8 8 WS 4 4 BS 6 6 S 3 3 T 4 4 W 3 3 I 5 5 A 2 2 Ld 10 9 Pts 165 125

Sultan Emir

Equipment: A hand weapon and light armour. Ride horses. May have heavy armour (+1 pt), bow (+3 pts) and either light lance & buckler (+3 pts), or shield (+2 pts). The horse may be barded (+4 pts). Special Rules: Army General. The Sultan may only be chosen for armies exceeding 2000 pts. Sultan and Emir may dismount (-3 pts, reduce Movement to 4), and/or be seated on a Throne (+35 pts): Throne Throne Throne Guards M 4 WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 9 Pts 10

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Equipment: The Throne may be guarded by up to five Throne Guards armed with a hand weapon, light armour and a shield at the cost of +10 pts per model. Special Rules: The Throne is placed on a small mound and surrounded by the Throne Guards, who must remain in base contact with the Throne. The Throne is immobile and does not count as a large target. Missile fire hits must be allocated: 1-3 the Throne is hit, 4-6 the Guards or the Army General is hit. The Army General is always the last to receive hits. If the Throne is destroyed the army general and any remaining guards are also removed. All fleeing Mamluk units that come within 6 of the Throne may immediately take an Rally test, even if in the middle of a flight. If the test is passed the unit Rallies, and may reform. Mamluk units that were pursued and caught but who managed to Rally do not count as destroyed - the pursuing unit counts as charging in the next turn of close combat.

0-1 Army standard Bearer The Army Standard of the Sultan or Amir should be entrusted to the hands of a particularly tough warrior. It marks out the General's position during the battle and provides inspiration by its progress across the battlefield. It is a rallying point when the army suffers a reverse. The enemy will want it broken or captured as a trophy. M 8 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 75


Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour. Rides a horse. May have heavy armour (+2 pts) and either shield (+2 pts) or buckler (+1 pt). The horse may be barded (+4 pts). Special Rules: Army Standard.

Leaders The Amirs were the leading officers and administrators of the Mamluk State. All had risen through the ranks themselves and earned large iqtas to provide income and status. They were responsible for providing further Mamluks, bought and paid for at their expense. M 8 8 4 WS 5 4 4 BS 6 5 4 S 4 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 2 2 2 I 6 5 4 A 2 2 2 Ld 8 8 8 Pts 85 55 40

Lesser Emir Minor Emir Principality Lord

Equipment: A hand weapon and light armour. The Minor Emir and Lesser Emir ride a horse. Minor Emir and Lesser Emir may have heavy armour (+2 pts), bow (+3 pts) and either shield (+2 pts) or light lance & buckler (+3 pts). May have barding (+4 pts). Principality Lord may only have either shield (+2 pts), Defences (+3 pts), and a bow (+3 pts). Lesser Emir as Army General: If no other Army General has been chosen, a Lesser Emir may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Special Rules: Minor Emir must lead a Al Halqa or a Mamluk Cavalry unit. Principality Lord must lead a City Militia or a Levy unit.
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CAVALRY Mamluk Cavalry The Sultan maintained a body guard regiment of Royal Mamluks at his own great expense. These were given the very best training and drilled constantly, they were the true elite. Sultans raised many of the most famous regiments such as the Bahri regiment founded by the Ayyubid Sultan al Salih. The reigning Sultan's regiment was known as the mushtarawat, those of previous Sultans were the mustakhdamun and were of lesser status. On campaign and in battle the Royal Mamluks formed the core of the army. Each Amir was responsible for raising a regiment of Mamluks at his personal expense. Once trained in the Mamluks were freed in to regimental life with full equipment. The regiment owed utter loyalty to the Amir. M 8 8 8 WS 4 3 3 BS 4 4 4 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 8 8 7 Pts 24 22 20

Royal Mamluk Cav Reg. Mamluk Cav Light Mamluk Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour, buckler & bow. Every other unit may have light lance (+2 pts). Mamluk Cavalry without light lance may exchange buckler with shield (+1 pt). Royal and Regular Mamluk Cavalry may have heavy armour (+1 pt), and barding for their mounts (+4 pts). Light Mamluk Cavalry may exchange bow & buckler for either throwing spear & shield (free), or javelins & shield (free). One unit of Royal Mamluk Cavalry may have Heavy maces (+2 pts). Special Rules: Royal and Regular Mamluk Cavalry are Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 4. Royal Mamluk Cavalry may be Drilled (+1 pt).

Light Cavalry Light horse archers provided crucial fire support to the more heavily armoured cavalry. M 8 8 8 WS 3 3 3 BS 4 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 4 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 6 Pts 25 21 16

Turcoman Cav Tribal Cav Militia Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon & bow. May have shield (+1 pt) and javelins (+1 pt). Militia may exchange bow for javelins and shield (free). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Turcoman and Tribal are Nomad Cavalry. Militia have Parthian Shot.

0-1 Al-Halqa The Halqa were non Mamluk elite cavalry. They were often the sons of Mamluks ,others were Arabs, some even native Egyptians. Sons of Sultans and Amirs also joined the Halqa if they chose a military life. M 7 WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Pts 22


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Equipment: A hand weapon, heavy armour and light lance. May have a buckler (+1 pt), and barding for their mounts (+4 pts). Special Rule: Cataphract: May count their rank bonus up to a maximum of +2. If they wheel more than 1 during the movement phase, Cataphracts may only move at their normal movement rate.

INFANTRY Spearmen Spearman regiments May have come from a number of sources including Syrian Ardath and were often poorly trained. M 4 4 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 6 5 Pts 6 4

City militia Levy

Equipment: A hand weapon, thrusting spear and large shield. Special Rules: Combined Formation: Spearmen may combine with up to 50% archers(from the same type), who are placed in the rear ranks. Spearmen combined with archers may upgrade to Defences (+1 pt) Levied spearmen count as Levies.

Archers Despite the proliferation of mounted archers from all nationalities, the Mamluks recruited infantry archers as well. The Nablus area of Palestine was notable for such troops. Bow armed troops were ideal for taking and holding areas of rough ground from which they could harass the enemy with a constant drain of casualties from their bowfire. M 4 4 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 6 5 Pts 6 4

City militia Levy

Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and shield. May exchange shield for Cane Shield (+1 pt). Special Rules: Light Infantry. Combined Formation. Defences. Levied archers count as Levies.

Skirmishers The Jabaliyya are hillmen from Aleppo and the Lebanon. The rough terrain of their native homeland meant that they were used to light infantry and skirmish tactics. These were skills the Mamluks did certainly not possess! The Jabaliyya came into their own when the Mamluks fought in Syria rather than Egypt. Syria was the usual field of operations against both the Mongols and Crusaders, such troops were ideal for raiding in terrain the cavalry found difficult. M 4 4 WS 2 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 2 A 1 1 Ld 5 4 Pts 5 3

City militia Levy

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Equipment: A hand weapon, sling and buckler. May replace sling with javelins (free), or with a bow (+2 pts). May replace buckler with shield (free). Special Rule: Skirmishers. Levied skirmishers count as Levies.

SPECIAL UNITS 0-2 Royal Infantry The Sultan had a small, elite infantry force that was both better equipped and trained than the militia spearmen. M Royal Infantryman WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 1 A 3 Ld 1 Pts 8


Equipment: A hand weapon and bow. May have a shield (+1 pt) or a Defences (+1 pt). Alternatively, Royal Infantrymen may take thrusting spear and large shield instead of bow (free). May have light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Combined Formation: Royal Infantry with spear and shield may combine with up to 50% archers, who are placed in either the rear or the front ranks. Spearmen who combine with archers may upgrade to Defences (+1 pt). Archers are Light Infantry when taken on their own. Royal Infantry may only be fielded if the Sultan is Army General. ALLIES & MERCENARIES 0-2 Mountainmen The best light infantry was recruited among the mountain tribe, troops experienced at fighting in rugged terrain. M Mountainmen 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 5 Pts 5

Equipment: A hand weapon, sling or javelins and a buckler. Any unit may exchange buckler for shield (+1 pt), and sling or javelins for bow (+1 pt). Special Rules: Light Infantry. Warband Psychology, rules 1 & 2. Stealth.

0-2 Daylami Light Infantry The fierce but unruly Daylami infantry were legendary. Fighting with one or more heavy javelins, they advanced behind a wall of shields. M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 7


Equipment: Hand weapon, javelins and shield. May exchange javelins for throwing spear (free). May have large shield/light armour (+2 pts), bow (+2 pts), and may be Riding Camels (+1 pt). May be Stubborn (+3 pts). Special Rules: Light Infantry. Warband. Shieldwall, Stealth.

Arab Cavalry
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Arabian tribemen they fought as armoured horse archers, although the poorer tribesmen took to the field with more modest equipment. M 8 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 18

Arab Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon and bow. May have a shield (+1 pt), light armour (+2 pts), and either javelins (+1 pt) or throwing spear (+1 pt). Special Rules: Arab cavalry with light armour are Bedouin Cavalry. All other Arab cavalry are Light Cavalry with Feigned Flight.

0-2 Arab Camel Riders Camels were by far the most useful beast of burden, but ill suited for battles. Although enemy cavalry shunned these smelly, drooling animals they were also hard to control, and had little value as war mounts. M Camel Rider 6 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 16

Equipment: A hand weapon and javelins. May have throwing spear (+1 pt) and either shield (+1 pt) or large shield (+2 pts). May exchange javelins for short bow (free) or bow (+1 pt). Special Rule: Cause Fear in enemy cavalry.

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The army of the Ayyubids represents the forces commanded by Saladin from Egypt against the last Syrian opposition to his rule and against the Crusaders. Saladins successors maintained the state and army although gradually increasing the role of its Mamluks in both. On 2nd May 1250 the Dynastys Mamluks murdered the last Ayyub Sultan and seized power for themselves. ARMY SELECTION EARLY AYYUBID ARMIES Characters: Up to 33% of the available points may be spent on Lesser Amirs, Shaikhs and an Army Standard Bearer. Mamluks/Daylami/Armenian and Syrian: None. Cavalry: Up to 33% of the available points. Turcoman Light Cavalry may not be chosen. Infantry: At least 50% of the available points. Guards and Levies may not be chosen. Four Mutatawwia units may be chosen. Special Units: None. Early Ayyubid Army Special Rules The only general available to an Early Ayyubid Army is a Lesser Amir upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Early Ayyubid Army characters may not ride warhorses, and may not take half-barding or barding for their mounts. Early Ayyubid Army Skirmishers may not take composite bows, but only short-bows. In Early Ayyubid Armies, formed Mutatawwia and Volunteers are subject to all the Warband Psychology rules (not just rules 1 & 2), and may be Stubborn (+2 pts). Volunteer Skirmishers have a Leadership value of 7 (free), and may have throwing spear (+1 pt).

MID AYYUBID ARMIES Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. No Companions may be chosen. Mamluks/Daylami/Armenian and Syrian: Up to 40% of the available points. Cavalry: Up to 50% of the available points. Infantry: Up to 75% of the available points. One unit of Mutatawwia may be chosen. If Mamluks have been chosen, no Guard units may be taken. Special Units: Up to 33% of the available points. Mid Ayyubid Army Special Rules Abbasid armies led by an Army General may use the Stratagem special rule. To represent Sword armed cavalry in Mid Ayyubid armies, Regular Cavalry may be upgraded to Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 5 (+2 pts). Such cavalry units may not take spears.

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LATE AYYUBID ARMIES Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. No Companions may be chosen. Mamluks/Daylami/Armenian and Syrian: Up to 33% of the available points. Infantry and Cavalry: Up to 66% of the available points. Two units of Guards may be chosen. Special Units: Only Naffatun may be chosen (see special rules). Later Ayyubid Army Special Rules As the best Abid infantry, two units of Guards may be chosen. All other Abid units should be represented by using the City Militia profiles. Abid (City Militia) skirmisher units may include up to two Naffatun (not just one). Later Ayyubid Heavy and Light Cavalry may not take thrusting spears.

CHARACTERS Generals and Commanders The Sultan is the leader of the army and the state. He represents one of the new breed of opposition to the Frankish invaders. The Sultan was accompanied into battle by his personal bodyguard regiment of Mamluks who took up the title of Royal Mamluks upon their leaders succession to power. M 4 4 WS 5 5 BS 5 5 S 4 4 T 3 3 W 3 3 I 6 5 A 2 2 Ld 10 9 Pts 165 110

0-1 Sultan 0-2 Amir

Equipment: A hand weapon. May ride a horse (+8 pts), a warhorse (+16 pts), and have light armour (+3 pts) or heavy armour (+4 pts), shield (+2 pts), short bow (+2 pts) or bow (+3 pts). Amirs may have thrusting spear (+2 pts). Mounted characters may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). for their mounts. Characters leading units of infantry or dismounted cavalry may be Riding Horses or Riding Camels (+2 pts). Amir as Army General: If no Sultan is chosen, one Amir may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Special Rule: The Sultan is Army General, and may only be fielded in Mid and late Ayybid armies exceeding a total value of 2,000 pts.

Sub-Commanders and Leaders The Amirs are appointed local governors and generals. They take a subordinate role to the Sultan on the battlefield. The position of Amir was a useful career step for the ambitious man so a distinguished military record could only help. Most Amirs retained their own regiment of Mamluks, bought and trained at their own expense. They were expected to bring these troops on campaign when called upon. M 5 4 WS 4 4 BS 4 5 S 4 3 T 3 3 W 2 2 I 5 5 A 3 2 Ld 9 8 Pts 85 55

0-3 Lesser Amir Minor Amir

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Shaikh 5 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 8 55 Equipment: A hand weapon. May ride a horse (+8 pts), a warhorse (+16 pts), and have shield (+2 pts), light armour (+3 pts) or heavy armour (+4 pts), thrusting spear (+2pts), and either short bow (+2 pts) or bow (+3 pts). May have a two-handed weapon, if on foot (+2 pts). Minor Amir may have half-barding (+2 pts) for their mounts. Characters leading units of infantry or dismounted cavalry may be Riding Horses or Riding Camels (+2 pts). Special Rule, Companions: Units lead by a Lesser Amir may re-roll failed Panic tests. The Lesser Amir is not subject to Warband Psychology. Special Rule, Minor Amir: Must lead a Qaraghulam/Kurd Cavalry unit.

0-1 Army Standard Bearer The army standard bearer carried the banner of the Sultan marking his position during the ebb and flow of battle. Personal courage and martial stature were vital as the loss of the Sultans standard was unpardonable; as such the honor often fell to a popular champion. M 4 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 75


Equipment: Hand weapon. May ride a horse (+8 pts), a warhorse (+16 pts), and have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) and shield (+2 pts). The Army Standard Bearer may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Standard Bearers leading units of dismounted cavalry may be Riding Horses or Riding Camels (+2 pts). Special Rule: Army Standard.

MAMLUKS Heavy cavalry formed the core of the army with infantry relegated increasingly to a supporting role and light cavalry deployed on the flanks or in front of the heavies. The Royal Mamluks are the personal bodyguard regiment of the Sultan and therefore the senior regiment of the army. Other Mamluks and Ghulams included Turkish slaves and increasingly Kipchaks purchased, retained and trained at great expense. Qaraghulams were North African Berber or Negro lancers; Halqa and Syrians were veteran heavy cavalry. Saladin sought to replace many of these troops with his own Kurdish regiments, represent these with either Mamluks or other heavy cavalry. Mamluk Cavalry M 8 8 WS 4 3 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 3 A 1 1 Ld 8 7 Pts 26 23

0-1 Royal Mamluks Mamluks

Equipment: A hand weapon, shield, light armour and bow. May have heavy armour (+1 pt), and either thrusting spear (free) or light lance (+1 pt). Royal Mamluks may take amud Maces (+1 pt, treat as Heavy Mace), and barding for their mounts (+4 pts). Dismounted Mamluks Option: May dismount (-12 pts, Movement 4), and may be Riding Horses (+1 pt). Dismounted Mamluks may not take maces

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Special Rules: Mounted Mamluks are Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 5. Royal Mamluks must be led by the Army General at all times. Armenian and Syrian Heavy Cavalry Armenians were famous for their martial skills throughout Byzantium and the Middle East they served in the personal armies of the Muslim khalifas and amirs alike. M 8 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 3 A 1 1 Ld 8 7 Pts 24 21

0-1 Armenian Cav Syrian Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour, light lance and shield. Armenians may have heavy armour (+1 pt). Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Combined Formation: Up to half of any unit of Syrian Heavy Cavalry may exchange light lance for bow (free) - archers are placed in the rear ranks.

Daylami Infantry Being some of the last to accept Islam, the Daylami people from northern Persia were famous for their fighting prowess. M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 8


Daylami Spearman Option: Daylami may be fielded as spearmen. Daylami spearmen have a hand weapon, throwing or thrusting spear and shield. They may have light armour (+2 pts), and may be Riding Camels (+1 pt). Daylami Spearmen without armour may be designated as Light infantry (free) Daylami Archer Option: Daylami may be fielded as archers. Bow-armed Daylami have a hand weapon, bow and shield, and may exchange bow for light crossbow (+2 pts) these must remain as skirmishers as per the light crossbow rule. Special Rules: Warband. Stealth. Daylami Archers are Light infantry, Daylami spearmen may use Shieldwall and may be Stubborn (+3 pts). Combined Formation: Up to half of any Daylami spearman unit may exchange their spears with bow (free) (not light crossbow) - archers are placed in the rear ranks.

CAVALRY Regular Volunteer and Militia Cavalry From the early years of the Muslim conquest, the pride of the Muslim army was its cavalry. The swift, hot-blooded Arab horses made Muslim cavalry extremely manoeuvrable; Arab cavalrymen were experts at outflanking their opponents, and drawing the enemy into ambuscades. M 8 8 8 WS 3 3 2 BS 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 6 Pts 19 17 15

Regular Volunteer City Militia

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Heavy Cavalry Option: Regular Cavalry may be designated as Heavy Cavalry (+2 pts). Heavy Cavalry have a hand weapon, light armour and shield, and may have thrusting or throwing spear (+1 pt). Light Cavalry Option: Any cavalry unit may be designated as Light Cavalry (free). They have a hand weapon, javelins and shield, and may either exchange their javelins for either a bow (+1 pt), or a thrusting or throwing spear (free). Special Rules: Heavy Cavalry count as Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 5. Light Cavalry are Light Cavalry with the Feigned Flight ability.

0-2 Nomadic Light Cavalry Nomadic horsemen armed with powerful composite bows and skirmishing in the central Asian tradition. Highly skilled and fierce, they showered opponents with arrows and harassed before closing to finish the disordered foe. These represent those tribes loyal to the Sultan. M Nomadic Cav 8 WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 21

Equipment: A hand weapon, shield and bow. May have throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt) and light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Parthian Shot. May only be used in Mid and Later Ayybid armies.

Arab Camel Riders Camels were as poor in combat as they were excellent while on the march. M Camel Rider 6 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 16

Equipment: A hand weapon and javelins. May have throwing spear (+1 pt), and either shield (+1 pt), or large shield (+2 pts). May exchange javelins for short bow (free), or bow (+1 pt). Special Rule: Cause Fear in enemy cavalry.

INFANTRY Volunteers As the fortunes of Muslim armies began to turn in their favour under a succession of charismatic leaders such as Zengi and Saladin so volunteers flocked to support their cause. These fell into two categories. The Ghazis were fervently motivated by religion and sought a place in paradise through battle with the infidel. Muttatawwia fought for the promise of the loot which victory could bring. M Mutatawwia 5 Volunteer 5 WS 3 2 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 6 Pts 6 5

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Equipment: Mixed weapons (counts as hand weapon and javelins) and shield. May have throwing spear instead of javelins (+1 pt). Every other unit may have large shield/light armour (+2 pts). May be Riding Camels (+1 pt). Skirmisher Option: Any unit may be designated as Skirmishers (free). Skirmishers may exchange their javelins, either for a sling (free), a short-bow (free), or for a bow (+2 pts) - they may take no further equipment. Special Rule: Subject to Warband Psychology, rules 1 & 2.

Abid Infantry The traditional spear- and sword-armed native Arab infantry warriors were soon replaced by non-Arab militias, and later by regular infantry regiments, such as the guards and the North African abid regiments. M 4 4 4 WS 3 2 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 Pts 6 5 3

Guard City Militia Levy

Equipment: Mixed weapons (counts as a hand weapon and javelins) and shield. May have throwing spear instead of javelins (+1 pt), City Militia and Guards may have large shield instead of shield (+1 pt). Guards may also have thrusting spear instead of javelins (+1 pt). Any unit may be Riding Camels (+1 pt). Special Rules: Combined Formation: In Mid and Later Ayyubid armies, up to half the models may exchange mixed weapons for bow (free) - archers are placed in the rear ranks and may take no further equipment. Levies count as Levies.

Skirmishers and Light Troops M 4 4 4 WS 3 2 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 5 5 Pts 7 4 3

0-2 Guard City Militia Levy

Equipment: Hand weapon, buckler & sling or javelins. May exchange sling or javelins for short bow (+1 pt), bow (+2 pts), and exchange buckler for shield (free). May be Riding Camels (+1 pt). Guards may exchange javelins or slings for throwing spear (+1 pt Light Crossbow Option: In Later Ayyubid armies, two units may replace sling or javelins with light crossbow (+3 pts). Special Rules: City Militia and Levy are Skirmishers. Guards are Light Infantry. Light Troop models with bows may not outnumber Light Troop models armed with other weapons. Levies count as Levies.

SPECIAL UNITS 0-1 Mountainmen Resilient and swift warriors from the mountain tribes of the Kurdish regions were often employed as light infantry and skirmishers.
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Mountainmen M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 6

Equipment: A hand weapon, sling or javelins and a shield. May exchange sling or javelins for bow (+1 pt). Special Rules: Light Infantry. Stealth.

Qaraghulams, Kurdish Cavalry M 8 WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 24

Qara/Kurd Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and bow. May have a throwing spear (+1 pt), and either buckler (+1 pt) or shield (+2 pts). Horses may have half-barding (+2 pts), or barding (+4 pts). Special Rule: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 4.

Turcoman Cavalry Turcomen formed the bulk of Syrian and Ayyubid light cavalry. Essentially nomadic horsemen armed with powerful composite bows and skirmishing in the central Asian tradition. Highly skilled and fierce, they showered opponents with arrows and harassed before closing to finish the disordered foe. These represent those tribes loyal to the Sultan. M 8 WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 22


Equipment: A hand weapon and a bow. May have throwing spear (+1 pt), javelins (+1 pt) and a shield (+2 pts). Special Rules: Skirmishers. Nomad Cavalry.

Naffatun Naft, a mixture of crude oil and other, unknown substances were first used in the mid-8th century. It saw use in the both Muslim navy and army, and could be a frightening and volatile weapon to friend and foe alike. M 5 WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 12


Equipment: A hand weapon, shield and nasty incendiary projectiles. Special Rules: Skirmisher. Naffatun must be incorporated in units of City Militia skirmishers. One Naffatun may be added to each unit. The incendiary projectiles thrown by the Naffatun are treated like javelins with a Strength of 4. As the burning liquid thrown by a Naffatun will penetrate even the best armour, no armour save is allowed. A unit that receives a wound from a Naffatun must take an immediate Panic test. If the unit panics it will flee an extra D6 to remove itself from the fire-slinging maniac!

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The Seljuks had converted to Islam in the 10th century. By the mid 11th century their seizure of Baghdad from the Abbasids in 1055 seemed to offer some hope of Muslim unity. To underline his authority the Seljuk warlord Tughril Beg made himself Sultan and re-established the caliphate to rule as one power over the Muslim world. In 1071 the Seljuks took the holy city of Jerusalem from the Fatimids. Next to feel the wrath of the Seljuks was the ancient Byzantine Empire. At the battle of Manzikert in 1071 Sultan Alp Arslan thrashed the Byzantine Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes. Much of the Byzantine army betrayed the Emperor and the subsequent Seljuk expansion almost reached Constantinople When the Crusaders stormed into Anatolia, enroute to Jerusalem, the Seljuks of Rum were the first Muslims they encountered. Frankish Crusade were just a tiny thorn in the side the vast world of Islam, which had far greater problems to deal with internally whilst a new menace grew in the east. The Mongols not the Crusaders eventually crushed Rum. Rum became a vassal state of the Mongols by 1256 and lost all independence by 1276. ARMY SELECTION EARLY SELJUKS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on the characters. An Army General must be chosen. Cavalry: At least 50% of the available point must be spent on cavalry. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points may be spent on infantry. Allies: Up to 25% of the available point may be spent on troops from the following lists: Early Crusades. Early Seljuks Special Rule In Early Seljuks armies, Heavy Guard Cavalry may have warhorses instead of horses (+3 pts per model).

LATE SELJUKS Characters: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on the characters. An Army General must be chosen. Cavalry: At least 50% of the available points must be spent on cavalry. Infantry: Up to 50% of the available points may be spent on infantry. Allies: Up to 25% of the available point may be spent on troops from the following lists: Mongols, Late Crusades. Units available to Late Seljuks: All except Daylami, Kurds, Ahdath, may be selected. Late Seljuks Special Rule

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In Late Seljuks armies, Heavy Guard Cavalry may have warhorses instead of horses (+3 pts per model). SPECIAL RULES Selujuk Axe and Mace Selujuk mace was a fearsome weapon used one handed at the start of the battle but later one used in both hands either from the loss of the shield or from exhaustion that forced the use of both hands. The mace used by the Seljuks are for this list only classified as follows: The smaller onehanded axes are hand weapons. The one-and-half ones are designated Seljuk Mace and they count as halberds. Finally, the great or two-handed Maces and axes that represents the large axes and goes under the rules for normal two-handed weapons.

Generals and Commanders The army general represents the Sultan or more likely a leading Amir. The Sultan rarely led his troops since the days of Great Seljuks. The Amirs are the Princes and leaders of the many city-states, which constituted Rum, previously Anatolia. Primarily politicians many were capable warriors and generals M 4 4 4 WS 6 6 5 BS 5 5 4 S 4 4 4 T 4 4 4 W 3 2 2 I 6 6 5 A 3 3 2 Ld 9 8 8 Pts 175 110 90

0-1 Amir Lesser Amir Minor Amir

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and a shield. May have heavy armour (+4 pts), throwing or thrusting spear (+2 pts), and either javelins (+2 pts) or a bow (+3 pts). If on foot he may have a double-handed weapon (+2 pts), an additional hand weapon (+3 pts) or a Seljuk Mace (+2 pts). May ride a warhorse (+16 pts). Army General Options: If no other general has been chosen a Lesser Amir may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). If the total army size is less than 2000 pts a Minor Amir may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Special Rules: Army General. If the army is led by a Amir it must contain the Askar or a unit of Daylami (depending on the chosen army list). The Amir must join the Askar (or the Daylami) and may not leave them as long as they are on the battlefield.

0-1 Army Standard Bearer M 4 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 95


Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and a shield. May have heavy armour (+4 pts), javelins (+2 pts) and may ride a warhorse (+16 pts). Special Rule: Army Standard Bearer.

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Principality Lord Principality Lords are either the leaders of smaller city-states and principalities or a general appointed by the Amir. M 4 WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Pts 20

Principality Lord

Equipment: A hand weapon and a shield. May have light armour (+2 pts), throwing or thrusting spear (+2 pts), javelins (+1 pts), double-handed axe (+2 pts), Seljuk Mace (+2 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+2 pts). May be Riding a Horse (+1 pts). Special Rules: May only be included in units of Daylami.

CAVALRY Heavy Guard Cavalry Bodyguards and retainers of the Elite. The Askar was a body of professional soldiers trained and kept at their employer's expense. Payment was now increasingly in the 'iqta', a grant of land as cash was short. Some were slave soldiers, some paid freemen including Turks, Kurds, Armenians, and Arabs. Such Askaris formed elite cavalry units and Amirs bodyguards. They were the shock troops of the army. Armed to the teeth they were able to shoot down enemies before delivering a devastating charge.

0-1 Askar Heavy Cav

M 8 8

WS 4 4

BS 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 4 4

A 1 1

Ld 8 8

Pts 29 24

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and a shield. May have thrusting spear (+2 pts) and either javelins (+1 pt) or a bow (+2 pts). Guard may also have heavy armour (+1 pt). Special Rules: All Askar and Heavy cavalry are treated as Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Askar cavalry are Drilled and Fearsome and worth an extra 100 VPs if destroyed, similar to an Army Standard Bearer.

Syrian Cavalry Allied cavalry that have left their territories to serve as mercenaries under the Seljuk M 8 WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 22

Syrian Cav

Equipment: Hand weapon and a bow. May have light armour (+3 pts), shield (+2 pts) or a buckler (+1 pt) and thrusting spear (+1 pt). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Expert Horsemen. May use Feigned Flight and Parthian Shot. One unit of Syrian cavalry may be chosen for each two units of Turcoman Light Cavalry.

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Turcoman Light Cavalry Turcoman Light Cavalry should be the most common type of light cavalry except in special circumstances. Militia on horses were generally of a poorer quality than the allied tribes. Turcomen formed the bulk of Seljuk armies since the time of the Great Seljuks. Essentially nomadic horsemen armed with powerful composite bows and skirmishing in the central Asian tradition. Highly skilled and fierce, they showered opponents with arrows and harassed before closing to finish the disordered foe. These represent those tribes loyal to the Seljuk Sultan. M 8 8 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 6 Pts 18 14

Tribal Cav Militia Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon. May have a shield (+2 pts) or a buckler (+1 pt), thrusting spear (+2 pts) and either javelins (+1pt ) or a bow (+2 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Tribal cavalry may use Feigned Flight, Parthian Shot and are Expert Horsemen. INFANTRY Daylami Originating from Daylam, south of the Caspian Sea, these excellent Muslim infantry were highly prized soldiers. They carried a brightly painted shield and javelins known as zhupin. Daylamis M 4 WS 4 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Pts 16


Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour and a shield. May have throwing or thrusting spear (+1 pt), javelin (+1 pt), double handed axe (+2 pts), or a Seljuk Mace (+1 pt). 0-1 unit may Ride Horses as mounted infantry (+1 pt ) Special Rules: Fearsome. Different Equipment: 25% of the models in the unit may be armed with two-handed weapons who must be placed in the front rank(s). Shieldwall. Each unit may contain up to three Principality Lords

Seljuk Infantry These represent the subjugated native Anatolian foot troops employed by their Seljuk masters. Seljuk infantry fought variously with bows and javelins skirmishing as light troops. Some were armed with spears of varying lengths. These formed up in more compact units and went 'toe to toe' with the foe. M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 6


Equipment: A hand weapon and shield. May have light armour (+2 pts). May have a thrusting spear (+1 pt) and javelins (+1 pt) or bow (+2 pts). Special Rules: Shieldwall. Levies. Different Equipment: Up to 50% archers allowed, who are placed in the rear ranks.

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Kurds The Kurds were overrun by the Seljuks and dispersed widely throughout the Middle East. Their warlike qualities made them good soldiers. Many Mamluks were of Kurdish origin, Saladin was Kurdish. M 5 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 5 Pts 5


Equipment: Mixed weaponry (counts as a hand weapon and javelins) and a shield.. May have either a bow (+2 pts) or thrusting spears (+1 pt). Southern Kurd Variant: The southern kurdish warriors were used to fighting in mountainous hill and broken terrain. Any Kurd unit may be designated as Southern kurds (free), who count as Light Infantry. Special Rules: Warband. Levies. Different Equipment allowed with up to 50% archers, who are placed in the rear ranks.

Ahdath Ahdath are an urban militia or city defence force, literally 'young men'. They were raised for a fixed period, usually one campaigning season and not often expected to fight far from the city. Arms and armour were issued from central arsenals so they could on occasion be heavily equipped. M 4 WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 5 Pts 3


Equipment: Armed with tools and farm implements (treat as a hand weapon) and a shield. May have thrusting spear (+1 pt). Special Rules: Levies. May not include a Musician or Standard Bearer.

Skirmishers A mixture of all types of troops both conquered and bought including allies. The skirmishing troops equipped with javelins. M 4 5 WS 3 2 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 5 Pts 7 5

Mercenary Skirmishers

Equipment: A bow and a hand weapon. May exchange their bows for javelins and shields (free). In Later Seljuk armies, Mercenary Skirmishers may exchange their bow for a crossbow (+4 pts), and may have light armour (+2 pts). Special Rules: Skirmishers. Levies. At least as many Seljuk infantry models as Mercenary Skirmisher models must be bought. As least as many Kurdish warriors as Skirmishers must be chosen. In Later Seljuk armies, the number of models armed with crossbows may not exceed those armed with bows.

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The Syrian list represent the Syrian city-states and the rise of a Syrian army hostile to Saladin after his capture of Egypt. As such you will not be short of opponents, being able to take on Crusaders, Seljuks, Fatimids, Ayyubids and other Syrians. ARMY SELECTION SYRIAN ARMY LIST Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Cavalry: At least 25% of the available points. Up to two units of Elite Syrian Lancers may be chosen. Infantry: Up to 66% of the available points. Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on Mongols Syrian army list Special Rules Armies led by an Amir or the Sultan may use the Strategem special rule. Any unit of Elite Syrian Lancers and Syrian/Ghulam Cav, and any character leading them, may be upgraded to Border Cavalry (+1 pt). Border Cavalry may not combine with Archer Cavalry, but have the Feigned Flight ability.

CHARACTERS Generals The general is the leader of the army and the state. He represents one of the new breed of opposition to the Frankish invaders and the forces of Saladin. M 8 8 WS 6 5 BS 6 5 S 4 4 T 4 3 W 3 3 I 6 6 A 3 2 Ld 9 9 Pts 185 120

0-1 Amir 0-1 Lesser Amir

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), shield (+2 pts), and light lance (+3 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Lesser Amir as Army General: If no Amir has been chosen a Lesser Amir may be upgraded to Army General (+25 pts). Sultan as Army General: Should the total army value exceed 2,000 pts, the Amir may be upgraded to Sultan (Sultan, Leadership 10, +25 pts). Special Rules: The Amir and Sultan is an Army General.

Commanders The Amirs are appointed local governors and generals.. Most Amirs retained their own regiment of troops, bought and trained at their own expense. They were expected to bring these troops on campaign when called upon

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Minor Amir Shaikh M 8 8 WS 5 4 BS 5 4 S 4 3 T 3 3 W 2 2 I 5 4 A 2 2 Ld 8 8 Pts 75 45

Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts), bow (+3 pts), shield (+2 pts), and light lance (+3 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Dismounted Shaikh Option: Shaikh may dismount (-8 pts, reduce movement to 4). Special Rules:

0-1 Army Standard Bearer The army standard bearer carried the generals personal standard marking his position during the ebb and flow of battle. M 8 WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Pts 75


Equipment: A hand weapon. Rides a horse. May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+2 pts), and shield (+2 pts). May ride a warhorse (+8 pts). The horse or warhorse may have half-barding (+2 pts) or barding (+4 pts). Army Standard: In armies led by the Amir or the Sultan, the Army Standard Bearer must be upgraded to Royal Palace Standard (+10 pts, +1 to Leadership). Special Rules: Army Standard.

CAVALRY Syrian armies were similar to those of the Seljuks of Rum and shared many troop types. The core was of cavalry, a sizeable proportion of which were the excellent horse archers. The tribes fell into two further categories, those loyal to the armys leader and those less loyal tribes hired on a mercenary basis Heavy Cavalry The native Syrian lancers wore armour and carried shields, sometimes riding barded horses. These were not mounted archers and therefore attacked at the charge hoping to break the enemy by shock and impetuous. The second type were the Ghulams. These were the forerunners of the Mamluks themselves. Middle Eastern rulers had for centuries often used Ghulams as a core around which to build armies and as a small standing force to keep themselves in power. Essentially Ghulams were professional slave troops trained, owned and maintained at great expense. Their skills were two fold, firstly as mounted archers and secondly as shock troops if armed with a long thrusting spear. M Elite Syrian Lancers 8 Syrian/Ghulam Cav 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7 Pts 21 20

Equipment: A hand weapon, light armour, shield and light lance. May have heavy armour (+1 pt).
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Scouts: For every two units of the same type and with the same equipment, the smallest unit may be designated as Scouts (free), who count as Light Cavalry. Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Combined Formation: Up to half of any unit of Elite Syrian Lancers and Syrian/Ghulam Cavalry may be Archer Cavalry, who are placed in the rear ranks. May be Drilled (+1 pt).

Archer Cavalry M Elite Archers 8 Syrian/Ghul Archers 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7 Pts 18 17

Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and buckler. May have light armour (+3 pts). Elite Archers may have heavy armour (+4 pts). Special Rules: Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Combined Formation: Archer Cavalry must combine with Heavy Cavalry they cannot be taken on their own. May be Drilled (+1 pt).

Light Cavalry Syrian Light Cav Light Cav M 8 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7 Pts 17 16

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and shield. May exchange javelins for either throwing spear (+1 pt), or light lance (+2 pts). May have light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Syrian Light Cavalry may be Drilled (+1 pt). Combined Formation: Any model may exchange javelins & shield for shortbow & buckler (free) - archers are placed in the rear ranks when formed.

INFANTRY Heavy Infantry Syrian armies were mostly mounted and cavalry usually formed the main arm. However the infantry were not without their place. The commonest was the Ahdath, a city militia, and these could be fairly heavily armed and armoured. Most Syrian cities kept a central arsenal that equipped the Ahdath when they were called upon. M Elite Ahdath 4 Ahdath 4 Irregular 4 WS 4 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 6 Pts 9 7 4

Equipment: A hand weapon, shield and thrusting spear. May have large shield instead of shield (+1 pt), and javelins or darts (+1 pt). One unit of Elite Ahdath may have light armour (+3 pts). Special Rules: Shieldwall. Combined Formation: Up to half of any unit may be Archers who are placed in the rear ranks. Elite Ahdath may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular troops count as Levies.
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Archers M Elite Ahdath 4 Ahdath 4 Irregular 4 WS 3 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 6 Pts 7 6 3

Equipment: A hand weapon, buckler & bow. Special Rules: Combined Formation: Archers must combine with Heavy Infantry, they cannot be taken on their own. Elite Ahdath may be Drilled (+1 pt). Irregular troops count as Levies.

Skirmishers Light infantry were mainly skirmishers with some useful Kurdish troops available. Lastly there are the volunteers who joined for either religious reasons or for a share in the spoils of war. M 4 4 4 WS 3 3 2 BS 3 3 2 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 2 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 6 5 Pts 8 7 3

0-2 Kurdish Regular Irregular

Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins or sling & buckler. Every 2nd unit of Skirmishers may replace javelins or sling with bow (+1 pt). Skirmishers armed with javelins may exchange their buckler with a shield (free). Special Rule: Skirmishers. Irregular troops count as Levies

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When Genghis Khan died in 1227 AD his vision of a single world Empire under Mongol rule was well underway. He had united the Mongolian and Turkish-speaking nomads of the east Eurasian steppe and proceeded with global conquest. This inevitability led to endless Mongol victories and huge wealth, which seemed to be self-perpetuating. The Royal family and possibly the tribal rank and file may well have deemed it their 'manifest destiny' to conquer and rule the world. The Mongol Generals exercised supreme control over their armies and enjoyed utter obedience from their troops. Their enemies soon learned that to resist was to reap a whirlwind of death. Even those of Royal or noble birth all Mongol males were trained swordsmen, archers and horsemen. They had access to the finest armour and weapons available in the known world. ARMY SELECTION EARLY MONGOLS Characters: An Army General and an Army Standard Bearer may be chosen. Cavalry: Any amount of points may be spent on cavalry. Infantry: Up to 20% of the available points may be spent on infantry if at least three Yurts have been taken as well. Special Units: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on Yurts and defenders. Allies: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on Subject Tribe Infantry and Armenian Heavy Cavalry and Turcoman Cavalry. Every other unit of Subject Tribe Infantry may be Riding Camels (+1 pt). Early Mongol Nobles Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and shield. May have light armour (+1 pt) and either javelins (+1 pt) or thrusting spear (+2 pts). Early Mongol Horse Archers Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and shield. May have either javelins (+1 pt) or throwing spear (+1 pt). Early Mongol Special Rule Early Mongol nobles with light armour are Expert Horsemen and may use Superior Cavalry rule 1. All other Early Mongol cavalrymen are Nomad Cavalry.

LATER MONGOL Characters: Up to 25% of the available points. Khans should be represented by using the Great Khagan entry. Cavalry: Any amount of points may be spent on cavalry. Infantry: None. Special Units: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on Wagons and defenders. Allies: Up to 25% of the available points may be spent on subject tribe infantry and Armenian Heavy Cavalry and Turcoman Cavalry

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Later Mongol Nobles Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and buckler. May have shield (+1 pt), light armour (+1 pts), heavy armour (+3 pts) and throwing spear (+2 pts). Nobles with heavy armour may have thrusting or throwing spear (+2 pts). Later Mongol Horse Archers Equipment: A hand weapon, bow and buckler. May have shield (+1 pt), light armour (+3 pts), and either throwing spear (+1 pt), or javelins (+1 pt). Later Mongol Wagon Defenders Equipment: A hand weapon, javelins and shield. May exchange javelins for a bow (+1 pt). Every other wagon defender model may be equipped with a crossbow (+5 pts per model). Later Mongol Special Rules Mounted Later Mongol are Nomad Cavalry, except Later Mongol with light or heavy armour, are Expert Horsemen and have Superior CavalryRule 1. Later Mongol Horse Archers fight as Skirmishers (not as Light Cavalry)Elite Horse Archers fight as Light Cavalry.

CHARACTERS 0-1 General These generals command their own troops, although Mongol armies came to rely more and more on subject states. Such reliance on unwilling subject states was to become a problem. M Khagan 8 Lesser Khan 8 WS 6 5 BS 6 6 S 4 4 T 4 3 W 3 3 I 6 6 A 3 2 Ld 9 8 Pts 185 130

Equipment: See equipment options of the selected tribe. May choose from the equipment available to Noble Cavalry. Great Khagan Option: As Army General in Later Mongol armies exceeding 2000 pts the Khagan may be upgraded to Great Khagan (+25 pts, Leadership 10). Special Rule: Army General.

0-1 Army Standard Bearer Whether it was a horse tail standard, a draco standard or something entirely different, the warbanner provided the nobles and horse archers with an easily recognizable rallying point. M 8 WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 8 Pts 85


Equipment: See equipment options of the selected tribe. May choose from the equipment available to Noble Cavalry, but may not take spear. Special Rule: Army Standard.

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Commanders The warlike society of the steppe peoples produced men that excelled in horsemanship, archery and martial combat. The very best of these warriors would head their own tribe, possibly even ending as the joint ruler of a tribal confederation. M Noble Comm. 8 Commander 8 WS 4 4 BS 5 5 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 2 I 5 4 A 2 2 Ld 8 7 Pts 65 50

Equipment: See equipment options of the selected tribe. May choose from the equipment available to Noble Cavalry. Special Rule: Noble Commanders must lead a unit of Nobles and may not leave voluntarily. CAVALRY 1 2 Units Nobles The wealthiest and most renowned warriors of any tribe were nobles - the best equipped and most experienced troops the army could muster. M 8 WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Pts 29


Equipment: See Noble Cavalry equipment options of the selected period. Special Rule: Light Cavalry.

2+ Units of Horse Archers The bulk of any nomadic army was horse archers, ranging from adolescent horsemen out on their first raid, to older and more experienced warriors, with many battles and skirmishes behind them. M 8 8 WS 3 3 BS 4 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7 Pts 26 22

Elite tribesman Tribesman

Equipment: See Horse Archer equipment options of the selected period. Special Rule: Light Cavalry.

INFANTRY Light Infantry Many tribes were equally at home fighting on foot. Although they were outclassed by heavy infantrymen they were experts in using the lay of the land to their advantage. M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 8


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Equipment: Hand weapon, bow and shield. May have either javelins (+1 pt) or throwing spear (+1 pt). Special Rule: Light Infantry.

ALLIES AND SUBJECTS Subject Tribesmen Vassals and subjects were generally less keen to fight on behalf of their masters, but at the prospects of looting rights they could be persuaded... M 5 5 WS 3 2 BS 3 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 4 4 Pts 5 4

Elite Tribesman Tribesman

Equipment: Mixed weapons (counts as a hand weapon and javelins) and shield. May have throwing spear (+1 pt). 0-1 unit may replace their javelins and shield with a bow & buckler (+2 pts), but may take no further equipment if they do so. Special Rules: Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Psychology, rule 1. Levies.

0-1 Armenian Heavy Cavalry The mountainous kingdom of Armenia had produced fine soldiers for centuries. After gaining independence during the fallout from the Byzantine defeat at Manzikert in 1071 the Armenians were then overrun by the Seljuks. Armenian troops crop up all over the place and featured in many armies. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts Armenian Heavy Cav 8 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 22 Equipment: A hand weapon and bow. light armour. May have javelins (+1 pt), and buckler (+1 pt). Armenian Heavy Cavalry may also have heavy armour (+2 pts), and either throwing spear (+1 pts) or light lance (+2 pts). Special Rules: Armenian Heavy Cavalry with throwing spear or light lance are Superior Cavalry Rule 1 & 2. Turcoman Turcomen formed the bulk of Seljuk armies since the time of the Great Seljuks who conquered so much of the Middle East. When the Mongols came many of these tribes were absorbed into the Horde being hardly any different from the Mongols themselves. M 8 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6 Pts 19

Turcoman Cav

Equipment: A hand weapon and bow. May have javelins (+1 pt), and buckler (+1 pt). Special Rules: Turcoman are Skirmishers and Nomad Cavalry.

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SPECIAL UNITS 0-5 Wagons, 15 pts per wagon Packed with the tribes worldly goods, and sometimes loot from a successful raid, wagons were sometimes used as a movable fortification. M 4 WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 4


Equipment: Each wagon may have up to five defenders with a hand weapon and javelins at the cost of 4 points per model. Wagon defenders may have shield (+1 pt), and exchange javelins for a bow (+1 pt). Wagon Deployment: The wagons are deployed as one unit and must be placed on the table as the first unit. The wagons are placed 3 apart in a circle or semi-circle, with two wagons at each end touching the nomad players table edge. The wagons do not block line of sight. Defender Deployment: All the defenders are Skirmishers, they count as one unit and may not take a Standard or a Musician. They are placed inside the wagon circle and may not leave voluntarily. As long as they remain inside the wagon circle they count as being behind hard cover. The wagons count as a defended obstacle until the defenders lose a round of close combat. Victory Points: For each undefended wagon at the end of the game the opponent gains an additional +15 Victory Points.

3-5 Yurts (felt tents), 5 pts per yurt Most nomadic tribes lived in yurts or similar constructions, covered by felt, leather or hide. M 4 WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Pts 4


Equipment: Each yurt may have up to four defenders with a hand weapon and javelins at the cost of 4 points per model. Yurt defenders may have shield (+1 pt), and exchange javelins for a bow (+1 pt). Yurt Deployment: The whole yurt camp is deployed as one unit and must be placed on the table as the first unit. The yurts are deployed 3 apart in a circle or semi-circle with at least one yurt touching the Nomad players table edge. The yurts do not block line of sight. Defender Deployment: All the defenders are Skirmishers, they count as one unit and may not take a Standard or a Musician. They are placed behind the yurts and may not leave voluntarily. As long as they remain inside the yurt camp they count as being behind soft cover. Victory Points: For each undefended yurt at the end of the game the opponent gains an additional +5 Victory points.

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The Crusades 1096-1099 first Crusade Antioch captured and Edessa seized, capture of Jerusalem by Crusaders Fatimids defeated by Crusaders at third Battle of Ramlah Crusaders capture The City of Tripoli. 1147-1148 second Crusade Second Crusade defeated outside Damascus. Shirkuh and Saladin defeat an army of Fatimids and allied Crusades in Egypt Saladin is taken by surprise at Montgisard by Baldwin. The scattered Ayyubids are almost annihilated. Renaud de Chatillon raids and pillages Red Sea coast. Saladin establishes full control over Egypt Saladin traps and defeats the Franks at Hattin where the Bishop of Acre was slain and the True Cross captured. Many were captured but Reynald de Chatillon was executed. Jerusalem surrenders. Tyre holds out. 1189-1192 third Crusade The Great Battle of Acre. The Frankish cavalry charge routs the Muslims besieging Acre and scatters in pursuit. Saladin rallies the Muslims and counter attacks. The scattered Franks flee in panic. Richard of England holds off Saladin's attacks at Arsouf. Kings Richard of England and Philip of France recapture Acre. Battle of which King Richard defeats Saladin's attempts to break up his army. 1193 Saladin dies. 1202-1204 fourth Crusade Crusaders take Constantinople the capital of Byzantium! Temuchin begins unification of nomadic Mongol tribes. Temuchin becomes Great Khan of the Mongols who are now united under him. He adopts the name Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan invades China. 1218-1221 fifth Crusade Fifth Crusade invades Egypt and is defeated Damietta captured. The Franks under King John (de Brienne) Genghis Khan defeats the last Khwarazmshah of Iran at the Battle of the River Indus. 1227 Genghis Khan dies 1228-1229 sixth Crusade The Teutonic Order establishes a base on the Vistula (modern Poland) Jaime I of Aragon takes Valencia. The Northern Crusades are launched against Prussian tribes Mongols conduct campaigns across eastern Europe. Teutonic Order defeated at Liegnitz Alexander Nevsky, leader of Novgorod defeats Teutonic Order at Lake Peipus The Battle of Gazza, Crusaders with Syrian and Bedouin allies defeated by the Amir Baibars with Mamluks and Khwarizmian Mercenaries. Jerusalem sacked. 1248-1254 seventh Crusade Damietta retaken by crusaders. Mamluks seize throne of Egypt. German Crusade launched to quell a new Prussian revolt. Mongols capture Aleppo and Damascus and occupy Syria.
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Syria is invaded by the Mongols Mongols invade Burma. Mamluks take and destroy Tripoli. Khalil takes Acre. The inhabitants are killed or sold into slavery. Crusader possessions on Syrian/Palestinian mainland collapse. The Kingdom of Jerusalem is extinguished by the Mamluks

Tim Dagnall Chris Stone 2009

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