Msds Patchouli Alchohol
Msds Patchouli Alchohol
Msds Patchouli Alchohol
He a lt h
1 1 0 A
Fire Re a c t iv it y P e rs o n a l P ro t e c t io n
CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call: 1-800-424-9300 International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887 For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400
Serious Skin Contact: Not available. Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical attention. Serious Inhalation: Not available. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention. Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location. Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab coat. Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill: Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product. Exposure Limits: Not available.
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Reactivity: 0 Personal Protection: a National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.): Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Specific hazard: Protective Equipment: Not applicable. Lab coat. Not applicable. Safety glasses.
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