In the partial fulfillment of the award of degree of Bachelors of Business administration 2009-2012
Puja choudhary
Deepak sharma BBA-6th SEM ROLL NO.9423530
Forte Institute of Technology Green park, Mawana Road, Meerut Affiliated to UPTU Technical University Lucknow
I am Asha malya student of BBA 6th semester of FORTE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Meerut hereby declare that the project report titled Consumer behavior and agent behavior of parag original work and the same has not been submitted for the award of any other diploma or degree.
Place: Date:
Deepak sharma
The present report is based on the study Customer response In GANGOL SAHKARI DUGDH UTPADAK SANGH LTD. PARTAPUR MEERUT in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master Business Administration. It is matter of great pride for me that I got to complete my training in reputed company like Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. Partapur Meerut. . It is my sincere duty to express my deep sense of gratitude that supported and helped me in preparation of this project report. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. I.B. Thapliyal, Manager Marketing of Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. Partapur Meerut. who has been enough to allow me to undertake my project training in this prestigious Organization. Last but not the least, thankful to my friends and respondents for the effort they have put in for giving report its present shape. I am pleasant to feel great experience working in this organization
Deepak sharma
PREFACE The present report is assigned with the topic consumer & agent behavior with preference to GANGOL DUGDH UTPADAK SAHKARI SANGH LTD. PARTAPUR MEERUT. For the purpose of knowledge, which a student of marketing required and help to face the student more expertly, boldly and tactfully, whenever he face. It is right passage to enter the world of marketing. The topic is very interesting to introduce a fresher like me practically with the ever changing & west of marketing .Product planning which are the marketing device to stimulate demand for product cannot overcome in product style, quality packing design or function. Sales promotion is a way to increase the demand of a new product. It is also way of differentiating similar product. Milk is the product consumer both by mass & class in heavy quantity as it is nasality product but the selling of it is not so very easy as in the present age competition in every field is very typical. In the report in which has been investigated prominent of agent retailers & consumer of the city from different areas. I have to cover all reason by hard work o mine and help of several well wisher with the help of Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. Partapur Meerut. To make working smooth and increase the sale of product and hope that thee practical work and this report will help the management to make the position better in the market and spot up the sales of the organization product very soon.
1 Introduction.07-15
1 Introduction to the study 2 Objective 3 Importance 4 How the study help the company?
2 Company profile.............................................................................16-31
1 History of Parag 2 Structure of Organization 3 Mission of Parag
3 Product Mix32-44
1 Definition of Milk 2 Processing of Milk and Milk Product 3 Product Line 4 Marketing of Milk and Milk Product
10 Bibliographies..96-97
In old days, the importance of the study of consumer behavior was not realized by business and industrial enterprises. It was taken for granted that whatever is produced, can be easily in the market. It was further assumed that the customers have no choice or preference of their own and they purchase whatever is sold to them. It was considered enough for a marketer to collect the quantitative data of consumption. No need was realized for collecting and analyzing the qualitative data. Now, the time has changed, recognitions have changed and consideration has changed. The business and industrial enterprise have realized the importance of the study of consumer behaviors. They have come to realize that no marketing efforts can be successful if the choices, tastes and attitudes of consumers are not properly considered. Therefore the stress is laid upon marketing research and the study of consumer behavior. All the efforts are made to diagnose the needs and wants of consumers. Goods and services are produced accepting to the specifications of these needs and wants and these goods and services are distributed to the consumers at the right time and place through most suited channels of distribution. All the marketing activities of today go around the satisfaction of consumer needs. The importance of the study of consumer behavior may be explained as under:
1-Production Policies: The study of consumer behavior affects of the enterprise. Consumer
behavior discovers the habits, tastes and preference of consumers and such discovery enables an enterprise to plan and develop its products according to these specifications. It is necessary for an enterprise to be in continuous touch with the changes is consumers behavior so that necessary changes in products may be made.
2-Price Policies: An organization must study the behavior of his consumer very well before
fixing the price of his product because the consumer behaviors affects price policies of the enterprise to a great extent. For example some people purchase a product only because it increases their social prestige.
4-Sales Promotion Policies: The study of consumer behavior helps the enterprises in
knowing the buying motives of consumer. The decisions of the form, color, packing and labeling etc. of the products are directly affected by the motives for which the consumer buys the products. Above discussion makes it clear that the study of consumer behavior plays an important role in the determination of marketing policies of the enterprise. The milk plays an important role in human life. It is said to be the complete natural food. Milk is consumed in every house without any consideration of cost, creed, status, religion and age. It is consumed either in the shape of milk or in any shape such as ghee, paneer, butter, sweets etc, without it, life can not be imagined. Thus it plays an important role in civilized society.
The market research of any product means to analyze the size, character and trend of the demand . This is the first task of marketing research. It is also required for a second task viz., once the demand potential is established, further research is required as to be requirement for actualization the potential. This means through marketing research, data are to be collected on the method of distribution, promotional system, alternative pricing strategies, etc. The total market potential can be calculated by going through a detailed market research and analysis of gap between the consumers and the retail outlets. For the collection of data I have surveyed Meerut city consumers through a compressive questionnaire, which is given at annexure
To know the factors which influence a consumer to go for particular brand. To know the comparative analysis of parag with the other brands. To know the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats of parag product. To know the market of Parag product. To study the response and behavior of the consumer.
During my project work in Parag, I suggested new Questionnaires to know the satisfaction level of the customers and agent with the help of new Questionnaires. The company can make the changes or can modify the old Questionnaires for better results. The new Questionnaires contain more questions and are easy to understand that can be used for measuring satisfiction level of the customer.
Name of company Phone no. Fax no. Head Office of the Company :
: : :
Gangol Sahkari Dugdh Utpadak Sangh Ltd. 0121-2440822,2440158,2440097 0121-2440160 Predeshik Co- Operative dairy Federation ltd. 29 Park Road Lucknow, 0522- 2641540
Major product New Launching Turn Over Net profit Office Timing Production Work Supply of Milk Certification
: : : : : : : :
Ghee, Butter Kheer,curd 1969292326(2009-2012) 15196699(2009-2012) 10 am to 5 pm Continuously 24 hours in 3 shift 2 times in a day AN ISO 9001-2000 and HACCP 15000
Meerut Milk shed is situated in the hinterland of Delhi, the Nations capital. Since centuries it has formed part of the traditional supply line of agricultural products from the village to the big cities. Rich in its milk potential the milk shed has, in the course of last few decades been thoroughly exploited by small traders and powerful contractors and well organized private Dairies. Thus, while such intermediaries were retaining large profits, the rural milk producers found their position deteriorating day by day. In 1950 a Co-operative Milk Supply Union was organized in Meerut, which started collecting milk from village and supplied to Delhi and local markets. This Milk Union continued to function for about a decade. In the mean time, Government of India, to ensure cheaper milk to the population of Delhi, established Delhi Milk Scheme in 1959-60. The scheme started operating through 11 chilling centers in western Uttar Pradesh in the periphery of Delhi. These chilling centers were mainly located in the then districts of Meerut (which comprised of present-day Ghaziabad, Meerut and Bagpat districts) and Bulandshar. The milk was mainly collected through contractors. Ten Milk Unions were also formed almost at the same time, around each chilling center. These continued functioning in a rather lop-sided manner till 1977. Gradually all the Milk Union almost became days-functional and were supplying very little quantity of milk during the years 1970-77. Obviously contractors had monopoly and collected major share of milk that was either supplied to Delhi Milk Scheme or to the local population of the Metropolis.
This program (Operation Flood) was launched in Uttar Pradesh in 1972 and the implementing agency was the Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation limited which was framed in the year. The basic idea was to replicate Anand Pattern of cooperative milk societies in Utter Pradesh. In August-September 1972 organization of societies in Meerut District was taken up in Baraut, Binauli and Chhaprauli blocks. A Spear Head Team from National Dairy Development Board was posted at Meerut, which started functioning from April 1978 with a Team of 27 employees drawn from Meerut Milk Shed. Under the guidance of spearhead Team we organized 198 Milk Procurement Cooperative Societies by the year 1981, when Operation Flood-I Programme ended. Feeder Balancing Dairy, Meerut was set-up under Operation Flood-I programme with the specific purpose of supplying milk to Delhi Dairies and conversion surplus milk into various dairy products. This dairy is situated near village MRT about 15 km. from Meerut-city. The Dairy was commissioned in April 1978 and processed the liquid milk procured from the then milk shed comprising Meerut, Ghaziabad and Bulandshar district. The purpose of establishing Feeder Balancing Dairy, Meerut was to provide remunerative market for milk produced in the milk shed comprising districts of Meerut, Bulandshar, Ghaziabad and Muzaffarnagar as envisaged under operation Flood-I. Thus Feeder Balancing Dairy was obliged to receive entire surplus milk from the rural areas, through a network of milk coop. societies to be organized in phased manner and to supply milk to government owned Delhi dairies viz. Mother Dairy and Delhi Milk Scheme. In 1978-79 the average handling of milk per day at FBD-Meerut was 49,300kg. With peak handling of 1, 04, 950.00 kg in the month of February 1979. Initially the major function at FBDMeerut was to pasteurize milk and supply to Delhi Dairies with little emphasis on conversion into products.
In April 1981 FBD Meerut launched pasteurized whole milk packed in polythene sachets for local consumers. The supply of milk was gradually extended to Ghaziabad town and later to Delhi Metro also. As the basic idea of establishing FBD-Meerut was to convert surplus milk into various dairy products, this activity started in September 1978 with manufacture of Skimmed Milk Powder and Ghee. The manufacture of Table-Butter was started from April 1981. In view of Milk production, procurement and marketing potential of Meerut milk shed, an expansion programme had been undertaken by NDDB on turnkey basis. The targets set were as under:
1. Increasing processing capacity from 1 Lac to 4 Lac liters per day 2. Increasing Powder Plant capacity from 10 to 40 tones per day. 3. Increasing the capacity of Ghee Plant from 4 MT to 10 MT per day. 4. Increasing the capacity of Butter manufacturing to 16 MT per day. The work of expansion has been completed in 1989. The Newly expanded Dairy started functioning on full capacity in 1992-1993 year. The Liquid milk and Products are selling in the Market in the Brand name of PARAG. While P.C.D.F. Lucknow has marketed the Milk products, MRT Sahkari Dugdh Utpadak Sangh Ltd., Meerut has carried out the sale of Liquid Milk. In 1995 Dugdh Sangh Meerut entered into an agreement with Mother Dairy Delhi for custom packaging up to 50000 liters liquid Milk in half liter and one liter pouches on the basis of packing charges. This agreement has been renewed in December 2002 and the supply has increased to more than 1.0 Lac liters per day. Presently the Meerut Dairy handles about fifty percent of the total milk procurement of PCDF.
We, the milk producers and staff of Gangol Dairy, Meerut shall work to delight our consumers through. Setting and adhering to high standards of our milk and products and prompt delivery schedules. Ensuring that our milk and products are safe for the customer through application of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Continual improvement through empowered teams , training and application of improved technology. Establishing & reviewing quality objective Thus we shall lead the quality movement in the PCDF and enhance the brand image of parag.
The Organizaton:
Pradeshik Co-operative Dairy Federation Ltd., is more than four decades old in the Indian Dairy Industry. A Quasi Government Organization in the co operative sector, It is the leading organization in dairy sector of Northern India. To forge a direct link between the producer & the ultimate consumer a three tier cooperative structure has been evolved comprising of primary societies at the village level, Milk unions in the districts & Federation at the state level. The rural milk co operatives draw their inherent strength from the farmers committed participation. More than 5.91 lacks rural milk producer families of 12500 village level dairy cooperatives reaffirm their faith surplus milk to PCDF.
1 Administration Department It is the most importent part of dugdh sangh. Its main work is to administration control upon service rule, profit of staff/ officer in Meerut.
2 Factory department
This department has been divided into different sub- departments which areas are following:A- Stored department B- Engineering department C- Transportation department D- Quality control department E- Production department
A- Store department
It includes stationary lives stock feed, machinery the object equipments whole department receive the object by process of applications a/c to their need.
B- Engineering department
This department has the responsibilities for keeping and maintaining the machinery equipment.
C- Transportation Department
This department has the facility of jeep, Tanker for their use. This department has the responsibility to take care, maintenance of their transport and managing the diesel facility
E- Production Department
This department also play a crucial role by processing the raw milk into pasteurized and milk produce like Butter, Ghee, Panner , Mattha, Flavoured Milk, Khoaetc. and processing the milk procured/ received from different District.
F- Marketing Department
This department has the responsibility to organize/manage the present there are many Dugdh agents are involved in marketing of the milk products in Meerut.
G- Financial Department
The main work of this department is to keep record or maintain all the record of transaction. This department is doing all the payment and receipt. Balance Sheet are Prepared after the end of the year and auditing process are also done by this department.
GANGOL SAHKARI DUGDH UTPADAK SANGH LTD. PARTAPUR in cooperative sector. it works under Pradeshik Co operative Dairy federation Ltd.29, Park Road, Lucknow. The mission of all D.U.S.S. is : 1- To maintain the quality of milk product and to provide fresh and healthy milk and milk product to people without any adulteration. 2 -It works on no profit no loss base ,to maintain the price of milk and milk product in market 3 -Pasteurization: to provide milk and milk products fresh healthy and bacteria less.
Milk may be defined as the whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy milk animals, excluding that obtained within 15 days before or 05 days after calving. OR Milk, is an almost ideal food. It has high nutritive value. It supplies body-building proteins, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins and furnishes energy giving lactose and milk fat, besides supplying certain essential fatty acids. It contains the above nutrients in an easily digestible and assimilable form. All these properties make milk an important food for pregnant mothers, growing children adolescents, adults etc.
Energy Value:
Milk Fat Milk Protein Lactose 9.3 c/g 4.1 c/g 4.1 c/g
The Energy value of milk will vary with its consumption. On average cow milk furnishes 75C/100gm and buffalo milk 100C/100gm. OR Milk is well recognized substance in every walk of life due to its flavour andnutrien value. Milk actually passes through various channels of production such as milking, procurement, handling, transportation and storage. During this period a number of microorganisms even pathogens grow every moment and bring out various chemical changes that impair with quality In order to insure acceptable quality which is safe for human consumption. Certain tests are carried out to asses the bacteriological quality of milk. Dye reduction test, Presumptive colyform test and viable bacterial count are commonly used to judge the hygienic quality of milk. Thus microbiological analysis is very necessary to know the bacterial quality i.e. contamination and method to avoid/ remove i.e. make milk free from all microbes.
Milk plays an important role in the civilized society. It is said to be the complete food for all human beings. Before the launch of the Operation Flood scheme the per capita consumption of milk in India was about 70 gm. Now after the implementation of the scheme the per capita
consmption of milk has up to 110 gm. Since the milk production has increased due to crossbreeding program. The economic condition of farmers doing mixed farming including rearing of milch animal has been improved and in the state like Punjab , Gujrat and Maharastra dairy has been adopted by the farmers as a maintain source of their income. Since India has become the largest producer of the milk in the world since 3 last years. The role of marketing becomes very important in order to improve the economic condition of the dairy farmers and also in order to make availability of milk to all citizens of the country. In the past days the marketing of milk was not in organized sector & due to which reason the farmers were not getting reasonable price for their produce on other hand consumers are not getting sufficient quantity of milk on reasonable prices. The marketing of milk came into organized sector during the British period i.e. before independence when the milk was taken over by the co operative societies. But this scope was very limited. The farmers especially the community involved in animal husbandry programs are totally depending on the mercy of middleman.
A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention acquisition, use or consumption and that might satisfy a need or a want
Parag help you and your family to stay fit with an entire range of milk product which includes Full cream Milk, toned milk, Skimmed milk and array of indigenous product like Ghee, butter, mattha, flavored milk and other which gives you pure, natural and good health every day. Types of milk: Detailed Description Pasteurized full Cream Milk
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5 6
PARTICULAR Name of product Composition Packaging size Self life Usage Special feature
DETAILS Parag Full Cream Milk Fat 6.0% 1 Lit. ,500ml (Poly pack) 10-12 hours at room temp Drinking, Curd, Kheer and other product making Rich sources of vitamins, made from fresh milk, available in smaller pack for lower & middle class people.
S.N O. 1 2
3 4 5 6
500ml (Poly pack) 10-12 hours at room temp Drinking, Tea making,Coffe Making. Rich sources of vitamins, made from fresh milk.
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5 6
PARTICULAR Name of product Composition Packaging size Self life Usage Special feature
DETAILS Pasteurized Skimmed Milk Fat 0.1% 500ml (Poly pack),200ml 10-12 hours at room temp Most Suited Tea making. Rich sources of vitamins, made from fresh milk.Available for lower class family.
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5 6
PARTICULAR Name of product Composition Packaging size Self life Usage Special feature
DETAILS Parag Desi Ghee Fat 0.1% 500ml , 1Lit. 6 Months Ideal for cooking,baking, garnishing and sweet making. Made from fresh cream,has typical aroma and grandular texture.A rich source of vitamins,A,D,E,K 42
Table Butter
S.N O. 1 2
DETAILS Parag pasturised butter Milk fat 80% min,salt 2.5%,curd 0.8%,colorofic value 720k
3 4 5 6
cal./100gm 20 kg in polythene and corrugated box. 9 Months at (10 c) In cooking garnishing for icing in cakes,icecream. Made from fresh cream,has typical aroma and grandular texture.A rich source of vitamins,A,D,E,K
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5 6
PARTICULAR Name of product Composition Packaging size Self life Usage Special feature
DETAILS Parag SFM Fat 3.0% 200ml , bottles,polypack. 6 Months In drinking as such,in quenching thirst. Much more palatable than milk ,more nutritive value.
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5
DETAILS Parag Mattha Fat 0.8% 200ml polypack. 24 hours under condition An excellent quenching thirst.
refrigerated for
S.N O. 1 2 3 4 5
DETAILS Parag Panner Moisture :55-60% 100gm, 200gm, 1 kg 5 days under refrigerated condition For direct consumption, for vegetable making etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
PANEER (100gm) PANEER (500gm) PANEER(1 k.g.) KHOYA (500 gm) KHOYA ( 1 k.g.) CREAM (500 gm) CREAM (1 kg) SWEET CURD (100 gm) SIMPLE CURD (200 gm) SIMPLE CURD (100 gm) KHEER (100 gm) MILK FCM (500ml) MILK FCM (1Lt.) MILK STD (500 ml) MILK TOND (500ml) FLAVOURED MILK BUTTER (100gm) BUTTER (500gm) SALTED LASSI(200ml) DESI GHEE (1KG)
Distribution channel is an operation or series of operations, which brings produced or manufacture goods into the hands of the final consumer or user.
A channel of distribution is a chain through which a producer transfers the ownership of his goods and services to his consumers. Channels of distribution are also as middleman, agents of distribution and distribution is abridge to cover the gap between the manufactures and consumers.
Milk is a perishable item. It is required to be distributed immediately after its production and packaging hence milk should be distributed accurately. Parag Milk and milk product are made available to the consumer both in the morning and evening. this is done through effective distribution channels, which supplies the milk 47
In Meerut the milk is distributed through a chain of milk commission agents whose number is 450. A part from milk commission agent, there is a chain of milk bars where all types of milk and milk product are available. Every route has 40-45 milk commission agents where milk and the route vehicles supply a milk product as per their demand in the morning as well as in the evening. The collection of empty creates against the supply of milk and milk product is done in the morning only. The private transporter do the collection of sale proceeds and demand and it is their bounded duty to submit indeed of individual commission agents for their supply in time. The transporter also authorized to give commission to the commission agents on the sot everyday, to meaning thereby that transporter has to deposit sale proceeds after deduction commission to the cash section of the dairy everyday. The transporter also allowed to retain Rs 3900 fortnight as default for meeting out the collection hazards in day today collection. This amount is not deposit with the fortnight than the penalty clause is imposed on them. In other words, the entire distribution is by the transporter under the supervision of the marketing staff.
inviting the consumers specially students and housewifes for dairy plant visit and showing them the various steps in the procurement. Proceeding, distribution and of milk. A part from the above various medias re also the consumer aware the pure, hygienic and standard milk and also for various disadvantage of consumption of the raw milk. Some such medias which are by Parag are Newspapers, pamplates, exhibitions, trade shows etc.
In the study the design was exploratory one because the main aim of carrying out this research was to gain into level of satisfaction of the consumer.
All the findings and conclusion obtained are based on the survey done in the working area, within time limit; I have done collected data from the various customer Meerut on the questionnaire basis Sources of data: The research must determine what sources of information he will use. There are two types of data collection method use 1 primary data 2 secondary data
1- Primary Data: Primary data consists of originally collected in hand through questionnaire
and interview. The primary data is collected from stockiest, retailers and consumers.
Primary data is collected in three basic ways 1 -Survey 2 -Observation 3 -Experiments Here I selected Survey method for data collection
2- Secondary Data: Secondary data consists of information that ready exist somewhere
collected for some other purpose.They are not collected specially to achieve the objective of the particular project at hand sources are government publication, magazines etc. The survey was done through personal interview method because only in this method the researcher gets immediate information by face to face interviewing so the survey was done through personal interview method. For the survey method used by the researcher for to collection a primary data. He has prepared a questionnaire for to measuring the attitude of consumers.
4 Ganga Nagar 5 Pandav Nagar 6 Nauchandi 7 Buxer 8 Jaidevi Nagar 9 Rithani 10 Valley Market
Defining the universe or population from which the sample is to be an important part to carry out the research effectively. 54
All the items that comprise the field of enquiry constitute the universe. For this research work, the universe comprise of are the consumers of the parag milk as well as consumers of milk getting from other sources.
Sample Unit:
For this research work, the sampling units are respondent belonging to different backgrounds consuming milk from various sources.
Sample Size
Number of items related to the universe constitutes the sample size. For this research work, 100 (60+40=100) constitute the sample size.
generate interest of the person. I used both open and closed ended question. A sample questionnaire is appended in the annexes of this report.
Marketing research may be defined as collection, analysis and interpretation of relevant data to help a marketing manager in taking sound marketing decisions. It is scientific method of solving 56
the marketing problems. It includes all types of research in the field of marketing such as market analysis, sales promotion research advertisement research etc. It may also be conclude that marketing research is the systematic collection, recording, analysis, interpretation and reporting of necessary information method channels of distribution, media of advertisement, method of sales promotions and competitors. The object of marketing research is to prepare and amend the marketing policies strategies and programs in such manner that they provide maximum satisfaction the consumers.
The sales promotions includes all those activities, which attracts both the distributors and consumers towards the goods and services of the enterprise, so that the sale of enterprise may increase. Advertising publicity and personnel selling are excluded in sales promotions. Object of The sales Promotion: Some important object of sales Promotion are : To maintain a new product in the market and to attract new consumers to buy the product. To maintain the present consumers and to encourage them to buy more. To minimize the reduction in sales, during off seasons. To face the competition successfully. To provide the goods and services of high qualities to the consumers at reasonable price.
Free gifts Reduction in prices Special prices Cheap bargains Demonstration Money back Guarantee Decoration and display at the shop
A -Businessman B -Student C -Private Job D -Housewife E -Government service Business men student Private job Other 13 43 27 13
A- Up to 4 B- Up to 6 C- Up to 8 61
D- Above 8
Up to 4 Up to 6 Up to 8 Up to 4
44 41 12 3
17 30 23 30
When asked, which milk do you prefer to buy for your consumption? The resposes were: Parag Amul Gopal ji Other 40% 35% 20% 5%
According to the above graph it can be predicted that out of 100% population only 65% are such person who knows Parag milk the rest 35% are not know parag milk from.
According to the responces the maximum respondent said that the price or the rate of parag milk is very high only 30% respondent said that its price is normal.
When asked ,how is the quality of milk? The responses were: Good Poor 65% 35% 66
When asked ,If the quality is poor then why do you think so? Taste Smell Other 20% 60% 20%
According to the above graph t is clear the Parag milk is easily available in the market .Only few of the consumers said that some times face problem in getting Parag milk. But most it is easily available in the shops and milk bars.
Qus: When asked if parag milk is available at your doorstep, would you like to purchase it?
Ans: The responses were: Yes: 63% 69
When asked to the respondents, if parag milk is available at your door step, would you like to purchase it ? This means parag offering Home delivery facility to the consumers. The responses are very good 63% of the respondents said if such facility will be provided they will surely like to have parag milk.
According to the graph it can be said that only 55% of the people are consuming parag products while other said that they consume products of other brands as Amul, etc.
Normal Poor
: 20% : 5%
Accordingly ,25% are such population who said that the quality of Parag products are very good, 50% said that the quality is good, 20% said that the quality is normal, while the rest 5% said that the quality of parag products is almost poor.
30% 70%
Qus When asked, do you know about adulteration in milk and milk products?
Adulteration as we know that it deteriorates the quality of milk and sometimes it proved to be unhygienic. There are many types of adulteration done by the milkman such as mixing of water a very common form of adultration, mixing of urea, soda, salt and other similar things which are not good for health. According to the respondents answers above it can be said that out the total population of the Meerut city 70% are such peoples who knows adulteration.
Synthetic milk is the milk, which looks like milk, but it does not process any constituents of milk neither Fat nor SNF. This milk is made from colors and various chemicals. According to above graph it can be that only 68% of the meeruts population knows about synthetic milk while the rest 32% are totally unware.
52 42 6
Quantity of milk(Daily Basis): 6 How much quantity of milk you sale per day:
a upto 50 Lit. b 50 to 100 c 100 to 150 d more than 200
Up to 50 Lit.
34 20 8
When asked , are you satisfy the promotion policy of parag? The respondent were:
Yes No
15% 85%
46 14 24 16
8- Timely supply
a good b very good c satisfied d not satisfied
48 16 22 14
When asked, which milk products you sale? Milk Ghee Paneer Flavoured milk 96% 32% 35% 14%
20% 11% 9%
40 12 22 81
Not satisfied
25 15 35 25
Yes No
55 45
1 -Continuous feedback from the market should be done, so that the change in taste, pattern and preference of the consumer can come out in front of the manufacture. 2 -Packaging of the parag milk should also changed to unleakage packaging because most of the consumers and agents were not happy with the packing. 3 -since milk and milk products are perishable, it is better for the organization to provide refrigerators to agents and milk owners. 4 -Organizations should take steps to improve the parag milk quality.
1 Consumer wants the stability in the price of Parag milk. 2 Organization increases the commission of the agents.
Behavior of the deliveryman is not up to the mark hence they should provide proper training.
2 3
Proper co ordination should be maintained between the agents, transporters and the marketing department to reduce the spoilage of milk and milk products. Home delivery of products and milk must be introduced to provide convince to the consumers.
1 Refrigerators with printed brand name enable the organization to advertise the product and as well as help the agent to save the milk. 2 Organization should provide promotional tools like glow board, hoarding, poly bags etc to the agents. 3 Organization should introduce home delivery system in those areas where the sale of Parag milk is minimum.
The awareness of Parag milk is high As from the study about the Parag milk in Meerut, thus 39% out of 100% are consuming Parag milk. Majority of the people are satisfied with the quality and taste of Parag milk and milk products. Consumer wants the stability in the price. Consumer wants home delivery of milk.
1-Name: 2-Address: . 3- Age 4- Occupation(A)Business Man (C)Job 5-Number of Family member(A)Up to 4 (C)Up to 8 6-Family incomeA-Below 3000 C-Below 10000and above 6000 B-3000-600 D-Below 10000 (B)Up to 6 (D)Above 8 (B)Student (D)Other
7-Which milk do you prefer to buy for your consumption? (A)Parag (C)Gopal ji 8-Do you know about Parag milk? Yes9-What do you think about the rate of Parag milk? Normal10- How is the quality of the Parag milk ? Good Poor Excess No(B)Amul (D)Other
11-If the quality is poor then why do you think so? (A) Taste (C) Other 12- How is availability of Parag milk? Easily Available Not Available (B)Smell
13-If parag milk is available at your doorstep, would you like to purchase it? Yes14- Do you consume other products of parag? Yes15- How is the quality of parag products? (A)Very Good (C)Normal 16-How often you buy parag milk? DailyOcassionaly(B)Good (D)Poor NoNo-
17-Do you know about adulteration in milk and milk products? Yes18-Do you know about synthetic milk? YesNoNo-
2 Route No
3-Address: .. 4-Age: 5- Which brand of milk you prefer to sale: (A) Parag (B) Amul (C) any Other
6 How much quantity of milk you sale per day: (A) Upto 50 Lit. (C) 100 to 150 (B) 50 to 100 (D) More than 200 Lit.
8 -Agent opinion about Parag milk quality (A)Good (C)Satisfied (B) Very good (D) Not satisfied
9- Timely supply(A) Good (C) Satisfied (C) Very good (D) Not satisfied
. .
11- Sales man Behavior (A) Good (C) Satisfied (B) Very good (D) Not satisfied
12- Problem Handling(A) Good (C) Satisfied (B) Very good (D) Not satisfied
KOTTLER PHILIP Marketing Management. PRASAD L.M. Organization behavior. R.C. KOTHARI Research Methodology. PRASAD L.M. Principal & Practice Of Management.