Artal Catalogue PDF
Artal Catalogue PDF
Artal Catalogue PDF
ZERO Introduction ONE Organic matters and humic acids TWO Complexes and chelates THREE Aminoacids FOUR Biostimulants FIVE Foliars SIX Others SEVEN Organic fertilizers
ZERO. Introdution
Fruit of this labour, in 2004, we were honoured by the Region of Murcia with THANIT Award in recognition for the technological research in the agricultural production.
Costa Rica
1.1 Fertiorgan Calcium 1.2 Fertiorgan Humus 1.3 Fertiorgan Microelements 1.4 Fulvital 1.5 Fertiorgan Boron 1.6 Fertiorgan Molybdenum
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FERTIORGAN CALCIUM is a product made out of complexed calcium with lignosulphonates, which allows its assimilation, and rich in organic matter, coming from conifers from northern Europe, which works increasing microbian activity of the soil, improving its physical and chemical properties, its cationic interchange capability (CIC) and moving sodium ions (Na) of the clay-humic complex, activating the assimilation of other soil nutrients needed by the plant. FERTIORGAN CALCIUM is specially indicated for crops that are more sensitive to calcium insufficiency, to prevent and correct deficiencies of this element. It can be applicated during the whole vegetative cycle, from transplant in horticultural crops, cereals and ornamental crops, at the beginning of vegetative activity in fruit trees and citrus. FERTIORGAN CALCIUM is also a great saline corrector, it is specially recommended for soils that are poor in organic CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
DOSAGE Root application L/Hectare 90 - 100 L/Hectare 80 - 90 L/Hectare 80 - 90 L/Hectare 80 - 90 L/Hectare 70 - 75 L/Hectare
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days. From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 20 days, pre-blooming and fruit formation. From sprouting, repeat every 15 20 days, pre-blooming and fruit formation. From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN CALCIUM is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, iron chelates and highly acid reaction products.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FERTIORGAN HUMUS is a product made out of humic and fulvic acids coming from the decomposition and transformation process of vegetal matter, obtained from Leonardite, which works increasing the microbial activity of the soil, improving its physical and chemical properties, and also increasing its ionic interchange capability (CIC), the assimilation of other nutrients that the plant needs and strengthening the clay-humic complex. FERTIORGAN HUMUS promotes the formation of complexes with mineral cations, improving its absortion by the plant and also enhances the padding capability of the soil. It can be applicated during the whole vegetative cycle, from pre-transplant in horticultural crops, cereals and ornamental crops, at the beginning of vegetative activity in fruit trees and citrus. FERTIORGAN HUMUS is specially recommended in soils with low organic matter contents, given that it improves
the soil properties and the assimilations of other nutrients that are present in it and that are necessary for the proper nutrition of the crops. CROPS FERTIORGAN HUMUS is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FERTIORGAN HUMUS can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Dosage must be adequated to the kind of soil and the crops phenology. It should be applicated several times during the vegetative cycle. General application dosages: Localized irrigation 4-7 applications, 5-15L/Hectare until completion of 25-60 L/Ha and cycle of crop, applications with 15-21 days interval. Hose irrigation 2-3 applications, 30-40L/Hectare until completion of 100-120L/Hectare.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 7 applications, since pre-transplant and every 10 15 days. 4 7 applications, since pre-transplant and every 15 20 days. In pre-sprouting, pre-blooming and fruit formation, every 15 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 20 days, preblooming and fruit formation. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 20 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN HUMUS is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products. Do not mix with mineral oils and highly alkaline reaction products or products whose label indicates incompatibility with organic matter.
proves the soil properties and the assimilations of other nutrients that are present in it and that are necessary for the proper nutrition of the crops. CROPS FERTIORGAN MICROELEMENTS is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FERTIORGAN MICROELEMENTS can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It should be applicated several times during the vegetative cycle. General application dosages: Localized irrigation: 4-7 applications, 10-15L/ Hectare until completion of 75-100L/Hectare. Border irrigation: 2-3 applications, 20-25L/Hectare until completion of 100-150L and cycle of crop distributed into several applications with 15-21 days interval.
DOSAGE Root application L/Hectare 75 - 100 L/Hectare 75 - 100 L/Hectare 75 - 100 L/Hectare 75 - 100 L/Hectare 60 - 75 L/Hectare
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 7 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days. 4 7 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days Beginning of spring and beginning of summer every 15 days. End of winter-beginning of spring every 15 days. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN MICROELEMENTS is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils or sulphur.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 -21 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 -21 days. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FULVITAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and highly alkaline reaction products or products whose label indicates incompatibility with organic matter.
cROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Injection to soil
DOSAGE Root application L/Hectare 15 - 25 L/Hectare 15 - 25 L/Hectare 20 - 50 cc per tree 20 - 50 cc per tree 10 - 15 L/Hectare 300 - 500 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 1-3 applications, repeat after 15 30 days. 1-3 applications, repeat after 15 30 days. 2-3 applications post-blooming, repeat after 15 21 days. 1-2 applications. Before and after blooming. 1-2 applications, repeat after 15 30 days. From beginning of vegetative cycle.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN BORON is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, poli-sulphides, zinc sulphate, nor with Manganese sulphate.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENUM is a product made out of Molybdenum with lignosulphonates, which allows its assimilation, and rich in organic matter, coming from conifers from northern Europe, which works increasing microbian activity of the soil, improving its physical and chemical properties, its cationic exchange capability (CIC), activating the assimilation of other soil nutrients needed by the plant. FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENUM is specially indicated for crops that are more sensitive to Molybdenum insufficiency, to prevent and correct deficiencies of this element. Also for acid soils or soils with problems in its mobilization. FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENO is specially recommended in soils with little organic matter, acid or those whit problems to mobilize Molybdenum, given that it improves the soil properties and the assimilations of other nutrients
that are present in it and that are necessary for the proper nutrition of the crops. CROPS FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENUM is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENUM can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Although its maximum efficiency is obtained by root feeding. Avoid its application by foliar way during high insolation hours, the best time to applicate it is the afternoon. Make sure all of the foliar mass is properly soaked. It should be applicated several times during the vegetative cycle. General application dosages: Root 3-5 L/Hectare and application, applications with 15-21 days interval. Foliar: 100- 300 cc/100 litres of water, applications with 15-21 days interval.
cROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 1 -3 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 1 -3 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 1-3 applications, before blooming and postblooming. 1-3 applications, before blooming and postblooming.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN MOLYBDENUM is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
2.1 Flowal Calcium 2.2 Flowal Zinc 2.3 Flowal Magnesium 2.4 Flowal Manganese 2.5 Flowal Fe 2.6 Nutriartal 2.7 Microponic 2.8 Microponic GH
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FLOWAL Ca is a product made out of highly concentrated complexed Calcium developed for its use as a source of this element and to correct insufficiencies due to deficiencies or imbalances in the assimilation of calcium. Thanks to its complexing agent, it is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop. The pH interval for which a good stability of the complexed fraction is guaranteed is from 3,5 to 12. FLOWAL Ca has been specially developed for preventive and curative control of aseptic blossom end rot on tomatoes, cucumbers and olives. Deficiency cracking on some fruits, foliar necrosis on lettuce, against Bitter-Pit on apple trees, black heart on carrots and celery, broom roots in nurseries, etc. It is also applied in herbaceous and wooden crops, specially citrus, fruit trees and horticultural crops.
It is advisable to applicate it during the whole cycle preferably, during fruit formation and during the main development stages of the fruit. CROPS FLOWAL Ca is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FLOWAL Ca can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 200-300cc/100 liters of water. Root: 3-5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 10-25 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 250-350cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FLOWAL Ca is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or alkaline reaction products. It is not advisable to mix it with manures containing phosphates.
CROPS FLOWAL Zn is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FLOWAL Zn can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 200-400cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-4 L/Hectare and applied until completion 5-10 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-400cc /100L 200-400cc /100L 200-350cc /100L 200-350cc /100L 200-400cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FLOWAL Zn is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FLOWAL Mg is a product made out chelated copper developed for its use as a source of this element and to correct insufficiencies due to deficiencies or imbalances in the assimilation of Magnesium. Thanks to its complexing agent, it is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop. The pH interval for which a good stability of the complexed fraction is guaranteed is from 1 to 10. FLOWAL Mg is specially developed for the preventive and curative control of magnesium deficiencies which take place in acid soils, sandy soils or because of the presence of antagonist elements. It is advisable to applicate it during sprouting and during the higher development stages of the crop. Dont applicate during blooming.
CROPS FLOWAL Mg is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FLOWAL Mg can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 200-400cc/100 liters of water. Root: 3-6 L/Hectare and applied until completion 15-20 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-400cc /100L 200-400cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 200-400cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FLOWAL Mg is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or alkaline reaction products.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-400cc /100L 200-400cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FLOWAL Mn is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or alkaline reaction products.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
250-350cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FLOWAL Fe is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur, alkaline reaction products and calcium salts.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS NUTRIARTAL is a microelements complex, with Manganese and zinc (in chelated form) balanced formula, enriched with Nitrogen developed for its use as a source of these elements and to correct imbalances in their assimilation. Thanks to its chelating agent properties, it is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop. NUTRIARTAL is recommended to provide a proper Manganese and Zinc balance in crops, increasing their potential, given that these microelements are catalysts of respiratory reaction, take part in photosynthesis and in several enzymatic reactions, among other processes. It is advisable to applicate it during sprouting, before blooming and during the main development stages of the crop.
CROPS NUTRIARTAL is specially recommended on citrus, but its use is indicated for all kinds of crops. Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, NUTRIARTAL can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-150cc/100 liters of water. Root: 3-5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 15-20 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
250-350cc /100L 250-350cc /100L 250-500cc /100L 250-500cc /100L 150-200cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES NUTRIARTAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, dinocap and alkaline reaction products.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
150-250cc /100L 150-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 150-200cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES MICROPONIC is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
150-250cc /100L 150-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 150-200cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES MICROPONIC GH is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
THREE. Aminoacids
The application of amino acids allows energy savings and improved performance of the plant to carry out its physiological activity.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Fertirrigation
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 200 - 300 cc/100 L 200 - 300 cc/100 L 200 - 300 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 4 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. 2 4 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. Prefloration, petal fall and fattening. Sprouting, pre-floration, fruit formation and ripening.
24 applications, along with post-emergency weedkillers, at beginning and end of tillering. Apply 10 to 15 L/Hectare
INCOMPATIBILITIES VEGEAMINO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Dont mix with mineral oils, sulphur or copper solutions, except on olive trees, where it can be used along with copper.
(young plants or recently transplanted), during critical stages of growth and to face stress situations. CROPS AMINOTAL is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, AMINOTAL can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. It is also recommended to use it along with a nutritional product adapted to the crops needs. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages Foliar (with 15 to 21 days interval): 200-400cc/100 liters of water. Root: 10-15 L/Hectare and crop cycle distributed in several applications with 15 to 21 days interval.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Fertirrigation
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 200 - 400 cc/100 L 200 - 400 cc/100 L 150 - 300 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 5 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. 2 4 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. In prefloration, petal fall and during fruit formation. Sprouting, pre-floration, fruit formation and veraison (Envero).
24 applications, along with post-emergency weedkillers, at beginning and end of tillering. Apply 10 to 15 L/Hectare
INCOMPATIBILITIES AMINOTAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Dont mix with oils, nor with alkaline or copper solutions, except on olive trees, where it can be used along with copper, use minimum dosage with sulphur.
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Free amino acids: 30,0% w/w = 37,2% w/v Total Nitrogen (N): 9.00% w/w = 11.16% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.) Present amino acids: ASP VAL GLU (9,0%) PHE SER ILE GLY LEU THR LYS ARG HIS ALA PRO TYR HYP MET PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS AMINOTAL SUPER is a Bioactivator made out of free amino acids obtained by acid hydrolysis. The elements contained in this product work both activating the biological processes of the plant and as a fast supply source of Nitrogen. It contains a balanced aminogram that allows its use at any time during the crop development. AMINOTAL SUPER improves the assimilation of other mineral nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Microelements, etc.), and also reinforces the action of fungicides, insecticides and contact weedkillers, so that its application along with them is recommended. AMINOTAL is specially recommended in cold periods, because it promotes and speeds up the crop development, reinforcing the plants vigour and improving their resistance to cold and certain diseases. It is also recommended to promote the crop development during its first stages (young plants or recently transplanted), during critical stages of growth and to face stress situations. CROPS AMINOTAL SUPER is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, AMINOTAL SUPER can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. It is also recommended to use it along with a nutritional product adapted to the crops needs. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar (with 15 to 21 days interval): 50-150cc/100 liters of water. Root: 5-6 L/Hectare and crop cycle distributed in several applications with 15 to 21 days interval.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Fertirrigation
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 100 - 150 cc/100 L 50 - 100 cc/100 L 100 - 150 cc/100 L 50 - 150 cc/100 L 125 - 150 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 4 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. 2 4 applications, active growth and along with phytosanitary products. In prefloration, petal fall and during fruit formation. Sprouting, pre-floration, fruit formation and veraison.
24 applications, along with post-emergency weedkillers, at beginning and end of tillering. 5 to 6 L/Hectare
INCOMPATIBILITIES AMINOTAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Dont mix with oils, nor with alkaline or copper solutions, except on olive trees, where it can be used along with copper, use minimum dosage with sulphur.
30 32
FOUR. Biostimulants
Strengthen the crop during its development, making them less susceptible to diseases and improving crops yield. 4.1 Algaton 4.2 Algaton 20 4.3 Anital 4.4 Enraizal 4.5 Fosfital Extra 4.6 Fosfital Mg 4.7 Fosfital Ca 4.8 Moloflora 4.9 Bonamine 4.10 Majesto 4.11 Tronver G 4.12 Tronver 4.13 Dulzee
34 ALGATON Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Total Nitrogen (N): 6.00% w/w = 7.80% w/v Phosphorus (P205): 3.00% w/w = 3.90% w/v Potassium (K20): 10.00% w/w = 13.00% w/v Molybdenum (Mo): 0.30% w/w = 0.40% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.) Seaweed extract 30% PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS ALGATON is a N-P-K biostimulant made out of natural extracts of marine algae, enriched with Molybdenum. This product has a high stimulating power, because it contains algae extract that provides a high ratio of natural phytohormones (cytokinins, auxins, gibberellins, ), amino acids and carbohydrates (alginic acid, mannitol, laminarine, ) which, once applied, permeates the cellular tissues and has an influence in the plants physiological processes, stimulating its growth and blooming. ALGATON is recommended as a stimulant of the plants metabolic activity, because the elements it contains promote the process related with blooming, fruit formation and fruit ripening, and also helps to get over adverse conditions or stress situations. It also promotes the fruits homogeneity and their transport resistance. It is recommended to use ALGATON since sprouting, in pre-blooming, blooming and in the stages of higher development of the crop. CROPS ALGATON is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, ALGATON can be applied by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 150-300cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-4 L/Hectare and applied until completion 10-15L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Root application
2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application --
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
150-200cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 150-300cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES ALGATON is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or acid reaction products.
ALGATON 20 Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Total Nitrogen (N): 6.00% w/w = 7.80% w/v Phosphorus (P205): 3.00% w/w = 3.90% w/v Potassium (K20): 10.00% w/w = 13.00% w/v Molybdenum (Mo): 0.30% w/w = 0.40% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.) Seaweed extract 20% PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS ALGATON 20 is a N-P-K biostimulant made out of natural extracts of marine algae, enriched with Molybdenum. This product has a high stimulating power, because it contains algae extract that provides a high ratio of natural phytohormones (cytokinins, auxins, gibberellins, ), amino acids and carbohydrates (alginic acid, mannitol, laminarine, ) which, once applied, permeates the cellular tissues and has an influence in the plants physiological processes, stimulating its growth and blooming. ALGATON is recommended as a stimulant of the plants metabolic activity, because the elements it contains promote the process related with blooming, fruit formation and fruit ripening, and also helps to get over adverse conditions or stress situations. It also promotes the fruits homogeneity and their transport resistance. It is recommended to use ALGATON 20 since sprouting, in pre-blooming, blooming and in the stages of higher development of the crop. CROPS ALGATON is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, ALGATON 20 can be applied by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 150-300cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-4 L/Hectare and applied until completion 10-15L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
DOSAGE CROP Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
Root application
2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application --
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days.
150-200cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 150-300cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES ALGATON 20 is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or acid reaction products.
36 ANITAL Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Phosphorus (P205): 14.00% w/w = 18.50% w/v Potassium (K20): 16.00% w/w = 21.00% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.)
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS ANITAL is a biostimulant made out of phosphorus, potassium and developed as a source of these elements, it is also enriched with natural phytohormone precursors which promote the fruit formation and development in all kinds of fruit trees and in horticultural fruit crops (strawberry, pepper, courgette, bean, melon, watermelon, ) It is recommended to use ANITAL since blooming or when it is convenient to promote the fruit formation and development. It should be applicated several times during the vegetative cycle.
CROPS ANITAL is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus and horticultural fruit crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, ANITAL can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 40-60cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-3 L/Hectare and applied until completion 5-6L/ Hectare and cycle of crop.
DOSAGE CROP Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines
Root application
2 L/Hectare per application 2 L/Hectare per application 3 L/Hectare per application 3 L/Hectare per application
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY Application since first flowers, every 10 15 days. Application since first flowers, every 10 15 days. 2-3 applications, since sprouting. 2-3 applications, since sprouting.
INCOMPATIBILITIES ANITAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
36 34
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS ENRAIZAL is a biostimulant made out of amino acids enriched with NPK, Boron, Manganese and Zinc. It also contains purine and pyrimidine bases, which grant a biostimulant activity, applicated after transplant it promotes root development and mycorrhization. Its acid nature produces nutrient unlocking, and this effect is enhanced by the complexing power of its amino acids. It is recommended to use ENRAIZAL since transplant, or whenever it is convenient to promote root development, it also has a positive effect in adverse situations (drought, frost, deficiency states, hail, ...) or whenever it is necessary to empower the growth and development of the crop during its first stages. DOSAGE CROP
CROPS ENRAIZAL is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, ENRAIZAL can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 200-400cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-4 L/Hectare and applied until completion 10-15L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Root application
2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application --
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY Application since transplant, every 10 15 days. Application since transplant, every 10 15 days. 2-3 applications, since sprouting. 2-3 applications, since sprouting. Application since transplant, every 10 15 days.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-300cc /100L 250-350cc /100L 250-400cc /100L 250-400cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES ENRAIZAL is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or copper solutions, except on olive trees, where it may be advisable to mix it with copper compounds. Dont use on plum trees or cut flowers.
37 35
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOSFITAL EXTRA is a biostimulant made out of Calcium phosphite which presents a double function over crops: on one hand it acts as a source of phosphorus and potassium. On the other hand, because of its contents in phosphorus in phosphite ion form, it stimulates the selfdefense mechanisms of the plants roots, neck, stems and fruits against pathogenic fungi. It is recommended to use FOSFITAL EXTRA when there is an increased consumption of these elements, like during formation of the root system, blooming, fruit formation, fattening and ripening. It prevents damping and rot diseases in horticultural crops.
CROPS FOSFITAL EXTRA is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FOSFITAL EXTRA can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-400cc/100 liters of water. Root: 4-5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 15-25L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
DOSAGE CROP Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
Root application
4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOSFITAL EXTRA is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or products containing copper. In the latter case, after the application of a copper compound, wait at least 15 days before application.
34 38
Root application
4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
200-250cc /100L 300-350cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 250-400cc /100L 200-300cc /100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOSFITAL MAGNESIUM is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or products containing copper. In the latter case, after the application of a copper compound, wait at least 15 days before application.
35 39
DOSAGE CROP Root application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application Foliar application cc/100L 200-250cc /100L 300-350cc /100L 300-400cc /100L 250-400cc /100L 200-300cc /100L NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOSFITAL CALCIUM is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulphur or products containing copper. In the latter case, after the application of a copper compound, wait at least 15 days before application.
40 34
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS MOLOFLORA is solution highly enriched with boron, molybdenum and stimulants. The content of Molybdenum is in mineral form and Boron in boroethanolamine form. MOLOFLORA is recommended for favouring the flowering and the setting of fruits. MOLOFLORA is specially intended for vegetables (tomato, bean, soya, melon,courgate,pe pper,eggplant). We recommend to apply it when sunset. CROPS MOLOFLORA is recommended in every kind of crops but specially in horticultural crops.
APPLICATION AND DOSAGE MOLOFLORA due to its totally asimilable formula can be applied by foliar and root irrigation systems althought we recommended to apply by foliar application. General Foliar application doses: 1 application directly to cluster when 3 5 of its flowers have opened.
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY Directly to flowers when its flowers have opened. 3 5 of its flowers have opened.
INCOMPATIBILITIES MOLOFLORA is compatible with most known phytosanitary products used but is suitable to make a previous test. It is recommended not to be mixed with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
41 35
BONAMINE Aminoacids
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Free aminoacids 6,0 % w/w = 6,42 % w/v Total Nitrogen (N) 1,0 % w/w = 1,07 % w/v Organic Nitrogen 1,0% w/w = 1,07% w/v Soluble Liquide (L.S.)
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS BONAMINE is a fast-absortion bioestimulating and liquid organic fertilizer which it is used in crops as a growth initiator activating the assimilation of other mineral nutrients. It is recommended as a complement of the deep fertilization, specially in crops and moments in which is suitable to favour the flowering, the setting and the development of the fruit. BONAMINE is specially intended for vegetables (tomato, bean, soya, melon, courgate, pepper, eggplant).
CROPS BONAMINE is recommended in every kind of crops but specially in horticultural crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE BONAMINE due to its totally asimilable formula can be applied by foliar and root irrigation systems althought we recommended to apply by foliar application. General Foliar application doses: 1 application directly to cluster when 3 5 of its flowers have opened.
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY Directly to flowers when its flowers have opened. 3 5 of its flowers have opened.
INCOMPATIBILITIES BONAMINE is compatible with most known phytosanitary products used but is suitable to make a previous test. It is recommended not to be mixed with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
34 42
MAJESTO Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Total Nitrogen (N) Potassium Oxide (K2O) Phosphoric Anhydride (P2O5) Free aminoacids Polysaccharides Soluble Liquide (L.S.) 1,15% w/w 6,00% w/w 7,00% w/w 6,00% w/w 20,00% w/w
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS MAJESTO is a biostimulant, bioactivator and a fast absorption liquid fertilizer, and can be applied by the roots and also by FOLIAR SPRAYING. It is a fertilizer with amino acids and PK liquid, saccharides and plant growth regulators like auxines and citokinines. Therefore, once applied, comes into the cellular tissues acting in the physiologic process of the plant, stimulating the growth and the development of the plant. All the components applied after the transplanting, enforce roots development and the mycorrhization. The presence of potassium stimulates the fruit rippening, favouring the formation of sugar, improving the quality of the production. We recommend the application of MAJESTO as a complement of deep fertilization because of the elements that it contains that favour the process of flowering setting and ripening of the fruit. CROPS MAJESTO is recommended in every kind of crops: pip and pit fruits, citric trees and horticultural crops.
APPLICATION AND DOSAGE MAJESTO due to its totally asimilable formula can be applied by foliar and root irrigation systems Strawberry and squash: Every week since the sprouting of the first flowers, apply 80 c.c. per 100 liters of water in foliar spraying. In drip irrigation, 2-3 liters/Ha every 15 days. Other horticultural crops (pepper, tomato, melon): In drip irrigation apply 2-3 liters per hectare every 10-15 days since pre-flowering until harvesting. On hydroponic culture system, reduce recommended doses till the 50%. Pip and pit fruit trees and citrus trees: Apply via the roots, in pre-flowering, with the following doses: drip irrigation: 3 liters/hectare.
INCOMPATIBILITIES MAJESTO is compatible with most known phytosanitary products used but is suitable to make a previous test. It is recommended not to be mixed with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
35 43
TRONVER G Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Total Nitrogen (N): 10.00% w/w = 13.20% w/v Manganese (Mn): 2.00% w/w = 2.60% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.) Complexing agent: Organic acids
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS TRONVER G is a biostimulant made out of carbohydrates and other natural organic compounds, it also contains nitrogen and manganese which improve the products assimilation and produce a strengthening action on the plants. This product has a high stimulating power, empowered by its balanced component ratio, which activates the plants defensive system. TRONVER G is specially recommended during growth periods, when the plants nutritional requirements are higher, to stimulate the plants metabolic action, given that it is a high penetration organic nutrient which supplies elements related to the growth factors like manganese.
CROPS TRONVER G is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. Also for plantations and nurseries. It is convenient to applicate it at the beginning of the ripening of the fruits and on cut flower it should be applicated by fertirrigation, not by foliar application. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, TRONVER G can be applied by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-500cc/100 liters of water. Root: 5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 1525 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Root application
-5 L/Hectare per application 5 L/Hectare per application 5 L/Hectare per application
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 1 application 10-15 days after germination. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening.
Nursery Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops
INCOMPATIBILITIES TRONVER G is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils.
34 44
TRONVER Biostimulant
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Total Nitrogen (N): 5.00% w/w = 6.40% w/v Copper (Cu): 1.80% w/w = 2.30% w/v Manganese (Mn): 0.80% w/w = 1.02% w/v Zinc (Zn): 0.60% w/w = 0.77% w/v Soluble Liquid (L.S.) Complexing agent: Organic acids PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS TRONVER is a biostimulant made out of carbohydrates and other natural organic compounds, it also contains nitrogen and microelemnts, zinc, manganese and copper, which improve the products assimilation and produce a strengthening action on the plants. This product has a high stimulating power, empowered by its balanced component ratio, which activates the plants defensive system. TRONVER is specially recommended during growth periods, when the plants nutritional requirements are higher, to stimulate the plants metabolic action, given that it is a high penetration organic nutrient which supplies elements related to the growth factors, such as zinc and manganese, which also stimulate sprouting. CROPS TRONVER is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. Also for plantations and nurseries. It is convenient to applicate it at the beginning of the ripening of the fruits and on cut flower it should be applicated by fertirrigation, not by foliar application. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, TRONVER can be applied by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-500cc/100 liters of water. Root: 5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 1525 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
Root application
-5 L/Hectare per application 5 L/Hectare per application 5 L/Hectare per application
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 1 application 10-15 days after germination. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening.
Nursery Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops
INCOMPATIBILITIES TRONVER is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils.
35 45
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS DULZEE is a biostimulant made out of polysaccharides enriched with Calcium, Magnesium and microelements, it also includes uronic acids that promote the products absortion and fast assimilation by the crop. It has a stimulative effect over the crops, improving their uniformity and the color of the fruits, as well as their consistency. It promotes sugar formation, raises the sugar contents of the fruits, reducing acidity and therefore speeds up the ripening of the fruits. It is recommended to applicate DULZEE twice: 60-70 days and 30-40 days before harvest to stimulate the plants metabolic activity and promote the fruits ripening. Also, because of its high Calcium contents, it promotes the fruits consistency and resistance to handling and transport. DOSAGE CROP Root application 2 L/Hectare per application 3 L/Hectare per application 4-5 L/Hectare per application 3-4 L/Hectare per application
CROPS It is recommended to use DULZEE on fruit crops, if we want to speed up fruit formation and/or raise sugar contents (degrees Brix). APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, DULZEE can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 2 applications of 5L/hectare, regardless of the ammount of water used on each application. Root: 10-12L/Hectare and crop cycle, distributed into 2-3 applications.
Foliar application cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L 300 - 350 cc/100 L 300 - 400 cc/100L 250 - 400 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY Application since first flowers, every 10 15 days. Application since first flowers, every 10 15 days. 2-3 applications, since fattening. 2-3 applications, since fattening.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines
INCOMPATIBILITIES DULZEE is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or alkaline reaction products.
34 46
FIVE. Foliars
Complement the various macro and micro nutrients that plants need for right development.
5.1 Foliartal K 50 5.2 Foliartal L-24 5.3 Foliartal Cuaje 5.4 Foliartal 17-7-6+Micro 5.5 Foliartal 9-27-9+Micro 5.6 Foliartal 10-5-12+Micro 5.7 Foliartal 15-15-15+Micro 5.8 Foliartal Boro 5.9 Vasto 24
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOLIARTAL K 50 is a liquid foliar fertilizer that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop, rich in Potassium, specially developed as a source of this element. Thanks to its formula and the properties of the stabilizing agent, the absortion and assimilation of Potassium is enabled. Its application enhances the quality, appearance, size and uniformity of fruits. FOLIARTAL POTASIO 50 is recommended as a complement for basal dressing, specially when the crops Potassium nutritional needs are higher, such as sprouting, fattening and ripening of the fruits. Its application is also recommended whenever it is needed to correct insufficiency states due to deficiency or imbalance in the assimilation of Potassium. CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Fertirrigation
CROPS FOLIARTAL K 50 is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FOLIARTAL K 50 can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-300cc/100 liters of water. Root: 10-15 litres/ hectare and application.
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 200 - 250 cc/100 L 250 - 300 cc/100 L 250 - 500 cc/100 L 150 - 200 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 - 3 applications, since fruit formation. 2 - 3 applications, since fruit formation. 2 3 applications, fattening and ripening. 2 3 applications, fattening and ripening. 2-3 applications. Applicate 10 15 L/Hectare and application
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL K 50 is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, suphates or acid reaction products.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOLIARTAL L-24 is a liquid foliar fertilizer that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop, rich in Calcium and with Boron, specially developed as a source of these elements. Its application promotes the quality of the fruits and prevents nutritional imbalances due to calcium deficiency. FOLIARTAL L-24 is recommended as a complementary source of Calcium and Boron for crops which need large inputs of these nutrients. It avoids BITTER PIT in apple trees, fruit cracking and blossom end rot in horticultural crops.
CROPS FOLIARTAL L-24 is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FOLIARTAL L-24 can be applied by foliar feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 250-500cc/100 liters of water.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Post-harvest
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L 250 - 500 cc/100L 300 - 500 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 - 5 applications, since fruit formation. 4 - 5 applications, since fruit formation. 4 - 5 applications, since fruit formation. 4 - 5 applications, since fruit formation. 2 - 3 applications, since fruit formation.
Cate with a Drencher 500 cc/100L, keeping the fruit In contact with the solution for 20 - 40 Seconds.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL L-24 is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOLIARTAL CUAJE is an NP liquid foliar fertilizer that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop, with Molybdenum and Boron, specially developed for its use as a source of these elements. It works inducing blooming, promoting fruit formation and its subsequent development in all kinds of crops, and also formation of the root. The application of FOLIARTAL CUAJE is recommended as a complementary source of Molybdenum and Boron for those crops that need large inputs of these nutrients (cucurbitaceous and solanaceae) and in those moments when the presence of Molybdenum and Boron is more important, such as pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening of fruits. It is also recommended for the preven-
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 100 - 200 cc/100L 150 - 200 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L 200 - 250 cc/100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 3 applications, since first leaves developed 2 3 applications, since first leaves developed 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, post-blooming and fattening 2-3 applications Pre-blooming, post-blooming and fattening 1-2 applications
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL CUAJE is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils or with highly acid or highly alkaline reaction products.
48 50
CROPS FOLIARTAL 17-7-6 + MICRO is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FOLIARTAL 17-76 + MICRO can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dos-
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Fertirrigation
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 150 - 300 cc/100L 150 - 300 cc/100L 200 - 350 cc/100L 200 - 350 cc/100L 150 - 300 cc/100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 - 3 applications, since transplant. 2 - 3 applications, since transplant. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and petal fall. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fruit formation. 2-3 applications. Applicate 4 5 L/Hectare and application
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL 17-7-6 + MICRO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils or highly alkaline reaction products.
49 51
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Watering and fertilization
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 250 - 300 cc/100L 250 - 300 cc/100L 250 - 500 cc/100L 250 - 500 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 - 3 applications, since pre-blooming. 2 - 3 applications, since pre-blooming. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, blooming and fruit formation. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, blooming and fruit formation. 2-3 applications. Applicate 4 5 L/Hectare and application
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL 9-27-9 + MICRO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils or alkaline reaction products.
48 52
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Watering and fertilization
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 250 - 300 cc/100L 250 - 300 cc/100L 250 - 500 cc/100L 250 - 500 cc/100L 200 - 300 cc/100L
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL 10-5-12 + MICRO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils or alkaline reaction products.
49 53
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOLIARTAL 15-15-15 + MICRO is a liquid foliar spray fertilizer which can be mixed with water in any ratios without leaving residual waste. For this reason, it can be applied through any irrigation system. It is recommended as a complement to basal dressing, particularly when nutritional needs are greater, during pre-blooming, setting and fruit forming. It is a feeding supplement when the plant can not obtain satisfactory nourishment through its roots.
CROPS FOLIARTAL 15-15-15 + MICRO is recommended in every kind of crops: pip and pit fruits, citric trees and horticultural crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE The general dose is between 250 and 500 c.c./100 Litres of water. Avoid the application during the sunniest hours of the day. It can be applied with other treatments and trees should be well moistened.
CROPS Horticultural greenhouses Horticultural open field Ctric trees and Subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and Ornamentals Fertirrigation systems
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 150 - 300 cc/100 L 150 - 300 cc/100 L 200 - 350 cc/100 L 200 - 350 cc/100 L 150 - 300 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2 3 applications from transplanting 2 3 applications from transplanting 2 3 applications, blooming, pre-flowering and petals fallen 2 3 applications, blooming, pre-flowering and Setting. 2 3 aplicaciones.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL 15-15-15 + MICRO is compatible with most known phytosanitary products used but is suitable to make a previous test. It is recommended not to be mixed with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
48 54
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FOLIARTAL BORO is a liquid foliar fertilizer that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop, rich in Boron, specially developed as a source of this element. Its application stimulates the growth of cambium tissues and apical meristems, promotes calcium movility and assimilation, and also the production of pollen and fertilization. FOLIARTAL BORO is recommended as a complementary source of Boron for crops which need large inputs of this nutrient. It is also recommended for the preventive and curative control of insufficiency states due to deficiency or imbalance in the assimilation of Boron.
CROPS FOLIARTAL BORO is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals , cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FOLIARTAL BORO can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Its application by foliar feeding is recommended for maximum efficiency. Avoid its use during high insolation hours. General application dosages: Foliar: 150-300cc/100 liters of water. Root: 1-2 litres/hectare and application.
CROPS Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals Watering and fertilization
DOSAGE Foliar application cc/100L 100 - 200 cc/100 L 100 - 200 cc/100 L 150 - 200 cc/100 L 150 - 300 cc/100 L 100 - 200 cc/100 L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 1 3 applications, since first leaves. 1 3 applications, since first leaves. 2 - 3 applications, since post-blooming. 2 3 applications since bud opening. 4 6 applications after each cut. Applicate 1 2 L/Hectare and application
INCOMPATIBILITIES FOLIARTAL BORO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, alkaline reaction products, calcium sulphides, sulphates and products containing this components.
49 55
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS VASTO 24 is a liquid fertilizer, rich in nitrogen and microelements, recommended for using in deep and covering fertilization or in fertirrigation, as much in prevention as in the control of deficiencies or unbalances in the nitrogen assimilation. It favours the vegetative development and the assimilation of others nutrients. Due it contents nitrogen in 3 different forms, it guarantees the supply, at the same time, fast (nitric), and prolongated (ammoniacal and ureic). Its use is recommended in the moments in which crop need more quantity of nitrogen, such as in stages of active growth.
CROPS VASTO 24 is recommended in every kind of crops but specially in horticultural crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE VASTO 24 is recommended in covering fertilization in cereals and in fertirrigation, distributing the resultant dose of the fertilizer planning in 2 or 3 irrigations. In fertirrigation, dont exceed the dose of 1 liter per 100 liters of irrigation water, being the most usual dose of 300-500 cc per 100 liters of water.
INCOMPATIBILITIES VASTO 24 is compatible with most known phytosanitary products used but is suitable to make a previous test. It is recommended not to be mixed with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
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SIX. Others
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS REDUCTAL is a product based on an acid solution of nitrogenous fertilizers with sulfur and serving as special corrector added to irrigation water or water for making broths plant, improve its characteristics making that pesticides and fertilizers are more effective. It helps to decrease water and soil pH improving its structure, promoting the release and absorption of nutrients absorbed by crops. It also prevents or reduces clogging in irrigation systems and has a high fertilization power because it is an efficient source of nitrogen and sulfur. Thanks to its formulation is not as corrosive as other acids and its use provides the following advantages. REDUCTAL is specially developed as a regulator of water or soil pH, to clean irrigation facilities and as nutrient solution. CROPS REDUCTAL can be applied for all types of cultures: (pip and pit fruit-trees), Citrus trees, Horticultural plants, Cereals and Ornamental plants.
APPLICATION AND DOSAGE REDUCTAL can be applied in irrigation water or mixed with phytosanitaries products. Although the dose should be established in each case by the technical service according to characteristics of irrigation water and soil, as general doses: Cleaning drippers and irrigation systems: Apply 1L/ 10.000L irrigation water (100-250 cc/1000L concentrated solution 100 times, ie, 10-25L/container-tank of 1000L), reserving higher doses to water more alkaline or higher pH. As a conditioner or lowering of water pH for mixtures with phytosanitaries products, applied 25-250 cc/1000L directly into the tank or backpack until the pH reaches 6 and 6.5, after that the phytosanitaries and/or fertilizers can be added. It is recommended to make a preliminary test to determine the appropriate dose in each case. As lowering of pH in the soil applied 20-25L/Ha to decrease half unit of pH in the first 40 cm of soil.
INCOMPATIBILITIES REDUCTAL is compatible with most of fertilizers and phytosanitaries products known, although it is recommended to pre-test. Do not mix in the same container with ammonia fertilizer, calcium nitrate or with products containing chlorine.
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Organic Matter: 20,00% p/p = 26,50% p/v Calcium Oxide (CaO): 8,00 % p/p = 10,6 % p/v Soluble Liquid (S.L.) Complexing agent: Polihidroxicarboxilic Acids
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS POLIXAL 20 8 is a complexed calcium product with Polihidroxicarboxilic Acids rich in organic matter which acts by increasing soil microbial activity, improving their physical and chemical properties, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and displacing sodium ions (Na) of clay-humic activating the assimilation of other nutrients necessary for the plant. POLIXAL 20 8 is recommended in the crops to be more prone to suffer from a lack of calcium to prevent and correct deficiencies of this element. It can be applied throughout the growing season from transplanting in Horticultural, cereal and Ornamental plants and at the beginning of the vegetative activity in Citrus Fruit.
CROPS POLIXAL 20 8 is recommended for all types of cultures: (pip and pit fruit-trees), Citrus trees, Horticultural plants, Cereals and Ornamental plants. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE POLIXAL 20 8, due to its formula is fully assimilated, can be applied via radicular or foliar through any irrigation system. Although its maximum effectiveness is obtained in root application. Avoid foliar application during the peak sun hours, it is better to do it at sunset time. Make several applications throughout the growing season. General application and dosage: Radicular 75-100 L/ Ha and cycle of cultivation, with an interval of 7-15 days. Foliar: 400- 500 cc/100 liters of water, applications with an interval of 15-21 days.
CROPS Greenhouse Horticulture Open field Horticulture Citrus trees and subtropical plants Fruit, Vine and Olive trees Cereals and Ornamentals
DOSES Radicular Application L/Ha 90 - 100 L/Ha 80 - 90 L/Ha 80 - 90 L/Ha 80 - 90 L/Ha 70 - 75 L/Ha
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS / FREQUENCY Since transplanting, apply each 7 - 10 days Since transplanting, apply each 7 - 10 days Since the beginning of sprouting, apply each 15 -20 days, pre-blooming and fruit setting. Since the beginning of sprouting, apply each 15 -20 days, pre-blooming and fruit setting. Since transplanting, apply each 7 - 10 days
INCOMPATIBILITIES POLIXAL 20 8 is compatible with most of fertilizers and phytosanitaries products known, although it is recommended to pre-test. Do not mix with mineral oils, chelated Iron and highly acidic reaction products.
PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS CuPROTAL is a copper-based product complexed with lignosulfonic acid and gluconic acid. Contains natural extracts of PINOFHYTES favoring assimilation and enhance the effects of the product. It is developed for use as a source of this, and in correcting deficiencies due to deficiencies or imbalances in copper assimilation both foliar and root. Thanks to its complexing agents and natural extracts containing, is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop. The pH range for which guarantees a good stability of the complexed fraction is 2-9. CuPROTAL is specially developed for the preventive and curative control of copper deficiencies that promotes the synthesis of phytoalexins and phenolic substances. It is advisable to apply it from the beginning of the growing
season when the culture has sufficient leaves to retain the spray. CROPS CuPROTAL is recommended for all crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE CuPROTAL, fully assimilated by its formula, can be applied both foliar and root path through any irrigation system. It is preferably recommend foliar application because it is not phytotoxic. Avoid application during peak hours sunshine. General implementation dosage: Foliar: 200-300 cc/100 liters of water. Root: 2-2.5 L/Hectare and application, multi-applications.
Horticultural greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olives trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
2 6 applications every 7-10 days. 2 6 applications every 7-10 days. 2 4 applications. 2 4 applications. 2 4 applications.
INCOMPATIBILITIES CuPROTAL is compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides known, although it is advisable to make a preliminary test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulfur and alkaline reaction products.
Fertorgan Calcio Eco Fulvital Eco Cuprotal Eco Microponic Eco Nutriartal Eco Foliartal L-24 Eco Algaton Eco Dulzee Eco Tronver Eco
Fertiorgan Calcio Eco Fulvital Eco Cuprotal Eco Microponic Eco Nutriartal Eco Algaton Eco Tronver Eco
FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO Saline Corrector Organic Matter With Complexed Calcium
GUARANTEED CONCENTRATIONS Organic matter: Calcium oxide (CaO): Soluble Liquid (L.S.) 30.00% w/w = 39.93% w/v 7.50 % w/w = 10.1 % w/v
Product allowed in organic agriculture as a fertilizer, according to the requirement of (EC) n 889/2008, Annex I (European Union) Foliar treatment of apple trees, after identification of deficit of calcium. PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO is a product made out of complexed calcium and rich in organic matter, coming from conifers from northern Europe, which works increasing microbian activity of the soil, improving its physical and chemical properties, its cationic interchange capability (CIC) and moving sodium ions (Na) of the clay-humic complex, activating the assimilation of other soil nutrients needed by the plant. FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO is specially indicated for crops that are more sensitive to calcium insufficiency, to prevent and correct deficiencies of this element. It can be applicated during the whole vegetative cycle, from transplant in horticultural crops, cereals and ornamental crops, at the beginning of vegetative activity in fruit trees and citrus. FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO is also a great saline corrector, it is specially recommended for soils that are poor in organic matter and have salinity problems, because it works CROP Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals improving its properties and the assimilation of other nutrients needed for the crops proper nutrition. CROPS FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO is recommended for all kinds of crops: Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, horticulturals, cereals and ornamental crops. APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Because of its totally assimilable formula, FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO can be applicated by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. Although its maximum efficiency is obtained by root feeding. Avoid its application by foliar way during high insolation hours, the best time to applicate it is the afternoon. It should be applicated several times during the vegetative cycle. General application dosages: Root 50-75 L/Hectare and application, applications with 7-15 days interval. Foliar: 400- 500 cc/100 litres of water, applications with 15-21 days interval.
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days. From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 20 days, preblooming and fruit formation. From sprouting, repeat every 15 20 days, preblooming and fruit formation. From transplant, repeat every 7 10 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FERTIORGAN CALCIO ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, iron chelates and highly acid reaction products.
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NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 21 days. From sprouting, repeat every 15 21 days. 3 5 applications, since transplant and every 15 21 days.
INCOMPATIBILITIES FULVITAL ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and highly alkaline reaction products or products whose label indicates incompatibility with organic matter.
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DOSAGE CROPS Root application 0.5 - 1 L/Hectare 0.5 - 1 L/Hectare 1 - 1.5 L/Hectare 1 - 1.5 L/Hectare 0.5 - 1 L/Hectare Foliar application cc/100L 50-100cc /100L 50-100cc /100L 100-350cc /100L 100-350cc /100L 50-100cc /100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
INCOMPATIBILITIES CUPROTAL ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or alkaline reaction products.
DOSAGE CROPS Root application 2 - 3 L/Hectare 2 - 3 L/Hectare 3 - 5 L/Hectare 3 - 5 L/Hectare 2 - 3 L/Hectare Foliar application cc/100L 150-250cc /100L 150-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 150-200cc /100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
INCOMPATIBILITIES MICROPONIC ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils and alkaline reaction products.
DOSAGE CROPS Root application 3 - -5 L/Hectare 3 - -5 L/Hectare 3 - -5 L/Hectare 3 - -5 L/Hectare -Foliar application cc/100L 250-350cc /100L 250-350cc /100L 250-500cc /100L 250-500cc /100L 150-200cc /100L
NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications. 2-4 applications.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
INCOMPATIBILITIES NUTRIARTAL ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, dinocap and alkaline reaction products.
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DOSAGE CROPS Root application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application 2-4 L/Hectare per application -Foliar application cc/100L 150-200cc /100L 200-250cc /100L 200-300cc /100L 150-300cc /100L 200-300cc /100L NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 2 3 applications, pre-blooming, fruit formation and fattening. 3 4 applications, since transplant and every 10 15 days.
Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops Fruit trees, olive trees and vines Cereals and ornamentals
INCOMPATIBILITIES ALGATON ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, copper, sulphur or acid reaction products.
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Nursery Horticultural Greenhouse Horticultural open field Citrus and subtropical crops
1 application 10-15 days after germination. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 4 6 applications, since transplant and every 21 30 days. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening. 2 3 applications, sprouting, pre-blooming and fattening.
INCOMPATIBILITIES TRONVER ECO is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, eventhough it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils.
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Manufactured by - fabricado por: Francisco R. Artal S.L. I Villa de Madrid, 14 I Pol. Ind Fte. del jarro I 46988 Paterna - Valencia (Spain) I Tel. +34 96 134 0365 I Fax. +34 96 134 0705 |