Guidelines For Part 1 FCPS Exam
Guidelines For Part 1 FCPS Exam
Guidelines For Part 1 FCPS Exam
So you are about to attempt for Part 1 FCPS. Lots of questions and queries, so which book to study and which to skip. To study in home, CPSP or in group. Here is only list of books from which you can clear Part 1 FCPS in first attempt. Author Richard S. Snell Comments When you keep this book with you while solving MCQs Book, you will be surprised to know that all MCQs come word by word from this book. After going through all text the student will conclude that CPSP Examiners uses only this book as standard to make their questions. This is only book which you can easily read and understand. Unlike other short books which are hard to memorize and difficult to interpret with past questions. All MCQs come word by word from this book. This book is easy to understand and revisable. All MCQs come word by word from this book. This is the most concise and revisable book on pathology. Most of MCQs come word by word from this book. This is only book which is rated as A+ by students who opt for international medical exams. Although non revisable, students find it difficult to memorize all its content. So it is advisable to go through MCQs of this book along with answers which have been uploaded in one PDF file and is only found on this page. All MCQs come word by word from this book. While solving past papers, only this book came out to be standard reading book. All MCQs come word by word from this book. Why this Book? The reason being in a secret that, this book is best to make concepts. Without going through this book, one cannot conceptualize and interpret Physiology. Students are confused regarding subjects of Embryology Pharmacology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Behavioral Sciences. Very few questions come on all these topics for which its not wise to go through all text books. First Aid is good enough for all subjects mentioned above. Every time questions on these subjects which are easily found in past papers and MCQs books.
Richard S. Snell
Langmans Embryology 12th Edition BRS Pathology 5th Edition Rapid Review Pathology Revised Reprint 3rd Edition
These are MCQs book based on past papers. One easily gets confused as which MCQs Book is best. So one no need to worry about the selection, as there is 30-50 % similarity in the MCQs of all books. Because they dont make MCQs by their own, instead they compile data from different sources. Regarding authenticity of the correct answers, one should not rely solely on their answer keys as there are many errors within them, and one should use his knowledge and interpretation capability to rectify them. There is not even a single question which comes from Clinical Subjects except those students who opt for Anesthesia, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, and ENT who may require reading from standard authors for that subject. New Students might think as this is a mystery or a matter of luck to pass FCPS Part 1. As if one fails, he would say that he has just sit, no good prep. And if one passes, then he would be like a trendsetter and advices total irrelevant books. So one should follow evidence based results rather than on presumptions. Sometimes students think that, they need to study Baileys and Love for surgery and Davidson for medicine, which is totally wrong. This part 1 is related to all subjects up to 3rd prof or 4th year, which are basic medical science subjects. This is a trend going on that every fresh pass out opt to give part 1, and few of them pass out in their first attempt. The reason being that they have started their prep in their house job. The best time to give part 1 is that one must be sure that he can solve all the past papers with least or no mistakes. At this level of preparation, one can easily clear the exam of FCPS Part 1.