Manchester PG Referee Report
Manchester PG Referee Report
Manchester PG Referee Report
Please type or use CAPITAL LETTERS in black ink and write inside the boxes
Please complete this section of the form. You should ensure that each of your referees (as named on your application form) is given a copy of this form to submit with their letter of reference.
Note: For taught programmes, give full title of your proposed programme. For research programmes, give broad subject area or research theme/grouping. Please include level of study, eg MA, PhD. School in which you wish to study Surname / Family name First / Given name(s) Signature Date D D M M Y Y
Intellectual Ability
Referees Signature
Please attach the completed form to your letter of reference. Return to the applicant who will forward it with his/her application. If this is not possible, send this reference direct to: Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.
Thank you.