Great English Romanian Dictionary of Idioms

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Cristian Sileanu Vasile Poenaru


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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

SILEANU, CRISTIAN GERDI : The Great English-Romanian Dictionary of Idioms : Marele dicionar englezromn de expresii / Cristian Sileanu, Vasile Poenaru. Bucureti : Editura Coresi, 2007 ISBN 978-973-608-991-6 I. Poenaru, Vasile 81'374.8=111=135.1

Printed in Romania
ISBN 978-973-608-991-6

To our wives, Maria Pilar Snchez-Llorente and Michiela Poenaru, who helped us in so many ways to give birth to this book

Table of Contents Cuprins

Foreword .......................................................... 008 009 012 013 017

Cuvnt nainte ................................................... How to Use this Dictionary ................................ Cum se folosete acest dicionar ...................

Section 1. English Idioms in Alphabetical Order .......

Seciunea 1. Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic ....... 017 Section 2. Index of English Idioms .................... Seciunea 2. Indexul expresiilor englezeti ........ Section 3. Index of Romanian Translations ........ Seciunea 3. Indexul traducerilor romneti ......... 547 547 867 867

Back in March 2000, when my life-time friend Cristian Sileanu, a writer and teacher of English, invited me to his house in Salinas, California, I discovered a great number of worn-out notebooks, of all sizes and colors, sitting on a couple of shelves in his study. Are those your novels and poetry volumes in the making? I asked him. He assumed a mysterious air and answered slowly and solemnly, That, my dear friend, is my survival kit! It turned out that Criss survival kit was an enormous collection of English idiomatic expressions, collocations, phrasal verbs, verbal clichs, dicta, famous quotations, proverbs, sayings, and what not. Everything he needed to know in order to integrate himself seamlessly in the American culture and be able to teach English to the native speakers of the language in their own country. Most, if not all, of them were translated into Romanian and illustrated with real-life sentences. That was the result of two decades of very hard on-going work. I suggested he could share his treasure with all speakers of both Romanian and English and right then and there we started the process that led to the present dictionary. Little did we know at that time that we would have to put another seven years of extremely strenuous and dedicated efforts into it before it could be sent to the printing press. Yet, it has been worth it. Now, dear reader, you have a marvelous tool in your hands. Read this book over and over again, and you will feel at home among speakers of English, if your mother tongue is Romanian. Or you will feel at home among speakers of Romanian, if your mother tongue is English. Use the information packed in this book to understand what your foreign friend or acquaintance means, when she uses a group of words whose overall meaning is (completely) different from the sum of the meanings of each word taken separately. Use the information packed in this book to understand when she is friendly, when she is polite, or cold, or rude, or ironic. Understand when she wants you but she is no hip-shooter to say it directly. GERDI makes you feel comfortable in any conversation and be advised that the kind of insights you get from this dictionary is not to be met with even during specialized University studies.

Cuvnt nainte
n martie 2000, cnd prietenul meu de o via, Cristian Sileanu scriitor i profesor de englez , m-a invitat n casa sa din Salinas, California, am descoperit n camera lui de lucru, pe cteva rafturi, un mare numr de caiete tocite de ndelung folosin, de toate mrimile i culorile. Astea sunt romanele i volumele de poezii la care lucrezi? l-am ntrebat. i-a luat un aer misterios i mi-a rspuns lent i solemn: Astea, dragul meu prieten, sunt ghidul meu de supravieuire! Ghidul de supravieuire al lui Cris era o imens colecie de expresii idiomatice englezeti, colocaii, verbe cu particul adverbial, cliee verbale, dictoane, citate celebre, proverbe, zictori i cte i mai cte. Tot ce i-a trebuit s tie pentru a se putea integra firesc n cultura american i pentru a-i putea nva limba englez pe vorbitorii nativi ai acestei limbi, n propria lor ar. Majoritatea expresiilor, dac nu toate, erau traduse n limba romn i ilustrate prin propoziii preluate din viaa real, din limba vorbit. Acesta era rezultatul a dou decenii de munc susinut, aflat n plin desfurare i la ora aceea. I-am sugerat c ar putea s-i mpart comoara cu toi vorbitorii de englez i romn i chiar atunci i acolo am nceput mpreun procesul care a dus la realizarea acestui dicionar. Habar nu am avut n momentul acela c vor fi necesari ali apte ani de eforturi susinute i dedicate nainte de a l putea trimite la tipar. Dar, a meritat. Acum, drag cititorule, ai n mn un instrument de lucru minunat. Citete aceast carte o dat, i nc o dat, i te vei simi acas printre vorbitorii de limb englez, dac limba ta matern este romna. Sau te vei simi acas printre vorbitorii de limb romn, dac limba ta matern este engleza. Folosete informaiile din aceast carte pentru a nelege ce spune prietena sau cunotina ta din strintate, atunci cnd folosete o mbinare de cuvinte al crei neles este (complet) diferit de suma nelesurilor cuvintelor care o alctuiesc. Folosete informaiile din aceast carte pentru a nelege cnd este ea prietenoas, cnd este politicoas, sau rece, sau grosolan, sau ironic. Vei nelege cnd te dorete, dar nu e suficient de ndrznea ca s i-o spun de-a dreptul. GERDI te ajut s te simi confortabil n orice conversaie, iar tipul de intuiii pe care le deprinzi din acest dicionar nu se ntlnete nici mcar n cadrul studiilor universitare specializate.

GERDI is special in several ways. Firstly, it is very full of life. Everything in it is fresh from the horses mouth, as Cristian Sileanu did his work in the field, putting down phrases used by native speakers in everyday situations, not in the library (which was my part of the bargain). Lots of last hour idioms, hundreds of them being for the first time entered into a dictionary, makes the work up-to-date, as well as very attractive and fun to read. Secondly, GERDI is very user-friendly. You are spared grammatical explanations, abbreviations, cross-references, and so on. You are given easyto-understand cues as to in which situation an idioms use is appropriate. And you have examples to guide you all the way. Thirdly, GERDI is very practical. It contains more than 18000 idioms, so it is very likely that, if you come across an idiomatic expression in real life, you will find its meaning in this dictionary. Then, once you need to look up a new English idiom, you can search it as it is or you can search it by the major word it contains. In many cases, when it seems difficult to choose one major word, two words have been selected and you have the phrase listed in two places, so that you do not miss it irrespective of which word you think is its semantic center. Also, if you want to find an idiom whose meaning is known to you in Romanian, but whose actual form has slipped your mind, you will be able to retrieve it by using the third section of the dictionary, Index of Romanian Translations. Last but not least, GERDI includes taboo words and phrases. English speakers resort to them often enough for foreigners to need to learn them and know when and how they are used. As a practical piece of advice, though, avoid using them yourself. Be aware that GERDI uses American spelling and grammar (we write color, not colour and use gotten alongside with got). We hope you will put the dictionary to the practical use it is intended for and derive useful information as well as pleasure from it. In case you quote anything from this work in your reports or essays, please think of the great efforts the authors have put into it and acknowledge GERDI as your source. Do send us your comments and suggestions by using one of the following e-mail addresses:,,,,, For updated information regarding GERDI, we invite you to check the site Vasile Poenaru
March 8, 2007


GERDI este deosebit n mai multe feluri. Mai nti, este plin de via, este foarte viu. Tot ce cuprinde este proaspt preluat direct de la surs. Cristian Sileanu i-a fcut munca pe teren, culegnd mbinrile de cuvinte folosite de vorbitorii nativi n situaii curente, i nu din bibliotec (care a fost partea mea de munc n acest proiect). O mulime de expresii de ultim or, multe dintre acestea fiind consemnate acum pentru prima dat ntr-un dicionar, fac ca aceast lucrare s fie foarte actual i n acelai timp atractiv i amuzant la lectur. n al doilea rnd, GERDI este foarte uor de folosit. Eti scutit de explicaii gramaticale, abrevieri, trimiteri la alte pagini i altele asemenea. i se dau indicaii uor de neles privind situaia n care este potrivit folosirea unei expresii. i ai exemple care s te ghideze de fiecare dat. n al treilea rnd, GERDI este foarte practic. Conine peste 18000 de expresii idiomatice, ceea ce nseamn c probabilitatea de a gsi aici o expresie pe care o ntlneti n viaa de zi cu zi este foarte mare. Apoi, cnd vrei s afli nelesul unei expresii o poi face fie cutnd expresia n forma n care apare ea (dar, de regul, punnd verbul la forma de infinitiv scurt), fie cutnd-o dup cuvntul cel mai important din expresie. n multe cazuri, cnd este dificil s alegi un cuvnt important, au fost selectate dou cuvinte, astfel c vei gsi expresia listat n dou locuri, aa nct s ajungi la ea indiferent de cuvntul pe care l-ai ales ca fiind centrul ei semantic. De asemenea, dac vrei s gseti o expresie al crei neles i este cunoscut n limba romn, dar a crei form real i scap, poi folosi a treia seciune, Indexul traducerilor romneti. n ultimul rnd, dar nu n cele din urm, GERDI include cuvinte i expresii tabu. Vorbitorii de englez recurg la ele suficient de des pentru ca strinii s aib nevoie s le nvee i s tie cnd i cum se folosesc. Ca un sfat practic, ns: evit s le foloseti tu nsui. S ai n vedere c GERDI folosete ortografia i gramatica englezei americane (scriem color, nu colour i utilizm gotten n paralel cu got). Sperm c vei folosi acest dicionar n scopurile practice pentru care el a fost creat, c vei gsi n el informaii folositoare i c-i va face plcere s lucrezi cu el. n situaia n care citezi din acest dicionar n referatele sau compunerile tale, eti rugat s te gndeti la marele efort depus de autori pentru realizarea acestuia i s citezi GERDI ca sursa ta de referin. Am fi bucuroi s primim comentariile i sugestiile tale la una dintre urmtoarele adrese de e-mail:,,,,, Pentru informaii de ultim or legate de coninutul dicionarului GERDI, te invitm s vizitezi site-ul Vasile Poenaru
8 martie 2007


How to Use this Dictionary

GERDI is divided into three sections: Section 1. English Expressions in Alphabetical Order; Section 2. Index of English Expressions; Section 3. Index of Romanian Translations. In the first section, the English idioms are arranged in their alphabetical order. They are given one or more Romanian translations, separated by a semicolon (;). Each idiom is used in one or more sentences, to make its meaning and usage clear. The use of a forward slash (/) has been restricted as far as possible. The aim has been to use it when only one word can be substituted for another one when they appear on the left and right side of the slash. However, a few cases could not be avoided: a cake walk / cakewalk: here the forward slash says that one should read either a cake walk or a cakewalk; back to back / back-to-back: read either back to back or back-to-back; get under way / underway: read either get under way or get underway; ceva / pe cineva: read either ceva or pe cineva; cuiva / a ceva: read either cuiva or a ceva; give me / gimme a break!: read either give me a break! or gimme a break!; etc. The metalanguage (the comments in brackets) is very easy to understand, as no abbreviations or highly specialized terms have been used. Only the use of (+Genitiv), (+Dativ) and of the word aproximativ, inserted after a Romanian translation needs special treatment here. The word aproximativ points to the fact that the translation does not replicate the grammatical structure of the original. For instance, it appears as one of the translations of the phrase gravity check: verificarea gravitaiei (cdere de pe biciclet etc); nu-i aa c ai vrut s faci un test de gravitaie? (aproximativ; glume); it draws the attention to the fact that in English we have a (compund) noun, while in Romanian we need a whole sentence to render the meaning of the original. We find similar disparity in this example (replete with instances of aproximativ):
have had ones day asta a fost odat (aproximativ); asta a fost pe vremuri (aproximativ); fost-ai lele ct ai fost (aproximativ); a nu mai fi la nlimea de altdat; a nu mai avea popularitatea de altdat; i-a trit traiul, i-a mncat mlaiul (aproximativ) He sold a lot of books in the 1980's, but he's had his day. // I dont care about myself, grandfather said, Ive had my day. But I am worried about my kids.

So aproximativ means that you need to paraphrase when you use the translation in a context.


Cum se folosete acest dicionar

GERDI este mprit n trei seciuni: Seciunea 1. Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic; Seciunea 2. Indexul expresiilor englezeti; Seciunea 3. Indexul traducerilor romneti. n prima seciune expresiile idiomatice englezeti sunt dispuse n ordine alfabetic. Fiecare are una sau mai multe traduceri n limba romn, separate prin punct i virgul (;). Fiecare expresie englezeasc este exemplificat prin cel puin o propoziie sau fraz, astfel nct nelesul su i modul de folosire s fie ct mai clare. S-a ncercat folosirea la minimum a barei oblice (/). Intenia a fost ca aceasta s apar numai n situaiile n care cuvntul din dreapta ei poate fi nlocuit cu cel din stnga sau invers. Totui, nu au putut fi evitate un numr de situaii n care regula nu se aplic: a cake walk / cakewalk: se citete fie a cake walk, fie a cakewalk; back to back / back-to-back: se citete fie back to back, fie back-to-back; get under way / underway: se citete fie get under way, fie get underway; ceva / pe cineva: se citete fie ceva, fie pe cineva; cuiva / a ceva: se citete fie cuiva, fie a ceva; give me / gimme a break!: se citete fie give me a break! , fie gimme a break! etc. Metalimbajul (comentariile dintre paranteze) este foarte uor de neles, pentru c nu s-au folosit abrevieri sau termeni de nalt specializare. Numai folosirea cuvntului aproximativ dup o traducere n limba romn i a mrcilor (+Genitiv), (+Dativ) necesit precizri. Cuvntul aproximativ arat c traducerea nu a redat structura gramatical a expresiei originale. De exemplu, acesta apare dup traducerea expresiei gravity check: verificarea gravitaiei (cdere de pe biciclet etc); nu-i aa c ai vrut s faci un test de gravitaie? (aproximativ, glume). n acest caz, aproximativ atrage atenia asupra faptului c n englez avem un substantiv (compus), n timp ce n romn ne trebuie o ntreag propoziie pentru a reda sensul expresiei originale. Gsim diferene de acelai tip n acest exemplu (n care aproximativ e folosit de multe ori):
have had ones day asta a fost odat (aproximativ); asta a fost pe vremuri (aproximativ); fost-ai lele ct ai fost (aproximativ); a nu mai fi la nlimea de altdat; a nu mai avea popularitatea de altdat; i-a trit traiul, i-a mncat mlaiul (aproximativ) He sold a lot of books in the 1980's, but he's had his day. // I dont care about myself, grandfather said, Ive had my day. But I am worried about my kids.

Aadar, aproximativ i spune c trebuie s parafrazezi atunci cnd foloseti ntr-un context traducerea marcat de el.


The labels (+Genitiv) and (+Dativ) appear in Romanian translations to show that a modifier or an object in the Genitive or Dative case respectively is needed there. Example:
as a deterrent to ca mijloc de intimidare / descurajare (+Genitiv) The US built up their arsenal of nuclear weapons as a deterrent to a Russian attack.

The label is not used when the preposition or prepositional phrase at the end of the phrase makes it clear what case the noun has to take:
in front of n faa She sat in front of me in Mr Cavanaghs History class.

In the second section, an English idiom can be found listed under one of the words that it is made up of. The word chosen as an index is the semantic center of the phrase, that is, the word that seems to give the phrase its special meaning. We call it the major word of the phrase. In those cases where it was difficult to decide upon one major word, the same phrase was listed under two (or even three) words. You find the phrase in the exact form that it has in the first section of the book, accompanied by its Romanian equivalent or equivalents. In the third section, the Romanian translations are given under major words they contain, accompanied by the corrresponding English phrases. This section can be used as a Romanian-English dictionary of idioms. However, although it proves very useful in that respect, please keep in mind that it is not a Romanian-English dictionary in its proper sense, as many Romanian translations are not idioms.


Mrcile (+Genitiv) i (+Dativ) apar n traducerile romneti pentru a arta c e nevoie n locul respectiv de un atribut sau un complement exprimat printr-un substantiv sau pronume la cazul respectiv. De exemplu:
as a deterrent to ca mijloc de intimidare / descurajare (+Genitiv) The US built up their arsenal of nuclear weapons as a deterrent to a Russian attack.

Nu se folosesc aceste mrci cnd cazul este impus fr echivoc de prepoziia sau locuiunea prepoziional de la sfritul sintagmei romneti:
in front of n faa She sat in front of me in Mr Cavanaghs History class.

n seciunea a doua, o expresie englezeasc poate fi gsit listat sub unul dintre cuvintele care intr n alctuirea ei. Cuvntul ales ca index este cel care reprezint centrul semantic al expresiei, adic acela care d expresiei nelesul ei special. L-am numit cuvntul cel mai important din expresie. n cazurile n care este greu de decis care cuvnt este cel mai important, expresia apare listat sub dou (sau chiar trei) cuvinte. n aceast seciune gseti expresia n exact aceeai form ca n seciunea nti, nsoit de traducerea ei n romn. n seciunea a treia, traducerile n limba romn ale expresiilor din seciunea nti apar dup un cuvnt considerat ca fiind cel mai important, fiind nsoite de expresiile englezeti crora le corespund. Aceast seciune poate fi folosit ca un dicionar romnenglez de expresii. Trebuie ns reinut faptul c nu avem de-a face cu un dicionar romn-englez de expresii n sensul propriu al cuvntului, deoarece multe dintre traducerile n romn nu sunt expresii idiomatice.


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

as can be as hell as they come as you please ct se poate de al dracului de (colocvial) ct se poate de foarte ...; extrem de ...; ct se poate de ...; ct ncape de ...; nevoie mare ... dracul s-l ia de (colocvial)

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

When my blind date showed up I was really thrilled. She was beautiful as can be! Learning Chinese is hard as hell. Henry is ugly as they come, but he has charm. // Women in these parts of the world are as pretty as they come. We heard rumors that the Hendersons were splitting up, but on Friday night we saw them together, hand in hand, happy as you please. Work be damned! Joe said and slammed down his tools. Tourists by the busload came to see the ancient monastery. By 20/20 hindsight, you mean to say that it's very easy to be wise or knowledgeable about the outcome of an event once the event has taken place. The 20/20 vision acuity is a way of medically expressing perfect vision. I saw Hank with a gorgeous looking babe last night. If Linda, that babe in the woods, tries to go into business with the Mandel brothers, they will eat her alive. Digging trenches for pouring in the foundation of the house was a back-breaker. "Victor says he cannot repair the kitchen faucet, as he has the wrong tools. "That so? No wonder: a bad workman always blames his tools. // I played badly because my shoes were killing me. Yeah, right. A bad workman blames his tools. "Victor says he cannot repair the kitchen faucet, as he has the wrong tools. "That so? No wonder: a bad workman always quarrels with his tools. // I played badly because my shoes were killing me. Yeah, right. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. Borrowing money to fix the states debt was only a Band-Aid solution. That bathroom scum took our money and never brought back the car he was supposed to. The old man who did our gardening was married to a regular battleax who took all his money and occasionally slapped him over the head, too. When the cops came with their sirens blaring the drug dealers scampered right away. A belled cat catches no mice. // Why do these silly cops turn on their sirens miles before getting to a crime scene? Dont they know that a belled cat catches no mice? Mike had a belly laugh, and he let it go without inhibition, no matter where he was. He looks like a big cheese, dont tread on his toes. Henry made a big chunk of change by selling posters at the street corner. // The real estate agent told us that the house was on the market for 2.8 million dollars, and Tim scratched his head and said that that was a big chunk of change. Our sides were splitting with laughter when we saw Jim, who is the shortest of us, dancing with that big drink of water, his head buried between her breasts. When the customers found out that they had been served horse meat they raised a big stink. We had a big time at the circus last night, especially with the musical clown. What do a free lunch and a wedding vow have in common? Well, in my friend Terry's opinion, they are both binding promises. Although she was surrounded by wealth and power, princess Diana most probably felt like a bird in a gilded cage. Keep your money, dont give it to the casino in the hope of becoming rich. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. // Simon suggested I gave up my job and went into business with him, but I told him that a bird in hand was worth two in the bush. // Maybe my present job is not the best I could get, but it puts food on my table, while the job in New York is not sure. I say that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Now, if you want to show me a German car, thats a bird of a different feather, I told the salesman. Korean cars dont appeal to me! Satellites give us a birds eye view of an area.

be damned! by the busload 20/20 hindsight (= twentytwenty hindsight)

autocare pline de ; n / cu sute de autocare; n mas; cu duiumul previziune ndeplinit ntocmai; e uor s spui la sfrit i-am spus eu!"

a babe a babe in the woods a back-breaker a bad workman (always) blames his tools


o gagic (colocvial); o puicu (colocvial) un biet copila nevinovat; o persoan naiv o munc pe deelate; o munc de ocna


meterul prost i blestem uneltele; meseriaul prost d vina pe uneltele sale; meterul Fofeaz care lucreaz: n-are din ce, n-are cu ce i nici nu prea se pricepe (glume) meseriaul prost se ceart cu uneltele sale; meterul prost d vina pe uneltele sale; meterul Fofeaz care lucreaz: n-are din ce, n-are cu ce i nici nu prea se pricepe (glume) o soluie provizorie un gunoi (despre o persoan); o javr (despre o persoan); o canalie o btrn certrea; o cotoroan

a bad workman (always) quarrels with his tools


a Band-Aid solution a bathroom scum a battle-ax

a belled cat catches no mice


pisica cu clopoei de coad nu prinde oareci (proverb)

a belly laugh a big cheese a big chunk of change

(euphemism, ironic, informal)

un rs copios un ef mare; un mare grangur; un batan bani frumoi; bani buni; o sum frumuic; o gleat de bani

a big drink of water

o prjin (despre o persoan)

a big stink a big time a binding promise a bird in a gilded cage a bird in hand is worth two in the bush

un scandal de pomin; un scandal de nedescris; un scandal monstru o distracie pe cinste o promisiune-legmnt; o promisiune care i creeaz o obligaie celui ce o face o pasre ntr-o colivie de aur vrabia din mn face mai mult dect cioara de pe gard; nu da vrabia din mn pe cioara de pe gard (zictoare)

a bird of a different feather a birds eye view

alt mncare de pete (figurat); cu totul altceva

o vedere general; o vedere de sus; o vedere de ansamblu


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a bit of luck a bit of this and a bit of that a bitch of a(n)
(slang, vulgar)

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

A ton of brain is not enough in life. Sometimes you need a bit of luck as well. The play had a bit of this and a bit of that, and in the end it was nothing at all. Mrs Homes was a bitch of a Math teacher. // Finding an honest mechanic proved to be a bitch of a problem.

un pic de noroc; un dram de noroc cte ceva din toate; cte puin din toate un dat naibii (colocvial); o dat naibii (colocvial); un dat dracului (colocvial); o dat dracului (colocvial); un scrbos; o scrboas; un spinos; o spinoas un hap greu de nghiit (figurat); ceva greu de acceptat tot rul spre bine; o situaie sau ntmplare aparent dezavantajoas care se dovedete avantajoas; orice ut n fund e un pas nainte (colocvial) o blond trsnet

a bitter pill to swallow a blessing in disguise

Admitting that I was wrong in front of all my friends was a bitter pill to swallow. Losing his job as a mailman was a blessing in disguise for Mike. He returned to college, got his degree and now is a famous lawyer. // When my first wife left me, I felt devastated. Later, when I remarried, I understood my divorce had been a blessing in disguise. Marilyn Monroe was a blonde bombshell who conquered the hearts of most Americans. His inappropriate behavior during his own wedding was a blot on his escutcheon. // Ted was a man of integrity whose only blot on his escutcheon was his arrest for speeding when he was 18. The new hotel with its 25 floors and its huge parking lot is a blot on the landscape of our beautiful city. Starting a business with your brother-in-law is a blueprint for disaster. The call from the police station was a bolt from the blue. Nobody in the household had expected that. // When they told him he had won the lottery it was like a bolt from the blue for him.

a blonde bombshell a blot on sbs escutcheon

o pat pe onoarea cuiva

a blot on the landscape a blueprint for success / disaster / etc a bolt from the blue

o urenie n peisaj o reet sigur pentru succes / dezastru / etc un eveniment neateptat, a crui veste te lovete ca un trsnet; o veste care te izbete n moalele capului; o lovitur picat din cer; o lovitur primit pe neateptate; o lovitur din senin un eveniment neateptat, a crui veste te lovete ca un trsnet; o veste care te izbete n moalele capului; o lovitur picat din cer; o lovitur primit pe neateptate; o lovitur din senin un ut n fund (colocvial) cel mai mic n rang; inferior celorlali paradisul; raiul pe pmnt un succes de cas o nclcare a bunelor maniere; o lips de respect o lips de comunicare aer curat; o gur de aer curat

a bolt out of the blue

The call from the police station was a bolt out of the blue. Nobody in the household had expected that. // When they told him he had won the lottery it was like a bolt out of the blue for him.

a boot up the backside a bottom feeder a bowl of cherries a box-office success a breach of good manners a breakdown in communication a breath of fresh air 1

After thirty years of working at the same factory all my father got was a boot up the backside when the ownership changed hands. I tried to forget it, but my fellow workers reminded me every day that I was a bottom feeder. This house here is a bowl of cherries for me. Although the movie was extremely nave and full of clichs it soon became a box-office success. Laughing and singing during mass is a breach of good manners. All our problems were created because of an initial breakdown in communication. A breath of fresh air came in through the open window. // So much smoke was there in the pub that I felt the need to get out for a breath of fresh air. Jim is like a breath of fresh air. You cant trust an important task like this on Jim, who has proved before to be a broken reed. Oh, man, I have no idea how I ended up with a bull bitch on my arm at last nights dance. The American football players who were wondering around in the museum seemed like as many bulls in a china shop: clumsy, and lost, and out of place. // Fred was again his own self, acting like a bull in a china shop, asking a poor middle-aged woman how old she was or why her husband left her. The locals enjoyed giving the visitors a bum steer because they really did not want so much tourism in their little town. Listen, bud! If you dont lay off my mother Ill give you a bunch of fives! I heard this story before and, believe me, its all a bunch of hooey. Is Dan coming to the party? He is a bundle of laughs, and we had a lot of fun with him last time we got together. Dont bother Daddy right now. The IRS has sent him an audit note, and he is a bundle of nerves. Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Please sit down. We have burning questions on todays agenda. // The burning question was not if the state was going to get its independence, but when. The newspaper reporter was like a burr under the Presidents saddle.

a breath of fresh air 2 a broken reed a bull bitch a bull in a china shop
(slang, vulgar)

o dulcea de fat; o dulcea de biat o persoan n care nu poi avea ncredere o femeie foarte masculinizat o persoan stngace i needucat care acioneaz sau vorbete ntr-o manier iritant; un om lipsit de tact

a bum steer a bunch of fives a bunch of hooey a bundle of laughs

(slang) (slang)

verzi i uscate; indicaii greite un pumn; o lovitur rahat cu smac (colocvial); basme de-adormit Miura (din Arghezi) o plcere (despre o persoan); un deliciu (despre o persoan); o ncntare (despre o persoan) un pachet de nervi o problem arztoare; o ntrebare arztoare

a bundle of nerves a burning question

a burr under sbs saddle

un cui nfipt n coasta cuiva (figurat)


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a cake walk / cakewalk a case of mistaken identity a cat has nine lives a cat in hells chance a cat in mittens catches no mice a certain party a chain is as strong as its weakest link

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

If you thought that building a house was a cake walk, well, think again! // Dancing is a cakewalk. The police let him ago, and admitted his had been a case of mistaken identity. I knew that Sam would come back from Vietnam in one piece. A cat has nine lives! Henry doesnt have a cat in hells chance of being elected mayor. Why do these silly cops behave so politely with the criminals? Dont they know that a cat in mittens catches no mice? And what did the certain party have to say about that? The researchers are trying to determine the behavior of the AIDS virus and then attack its weakest link. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. // Attack the weakest defender and you will score, as a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Their marriage began by a chance encounter in the market place. Marrying Mary, who is both beautiful and wealthy, is a chance of a lifetime for you, my friend. // I immediately saw that this job was a chance of a lifetime. His move to Italy proved out to be a change for the better. His divorce was a change for the worse. He had put in seventy-hour weeks at work, and felt he needed a change of air. // After so many months of hard work, I told Jim he needed a change of air. // Moving to Italy was a necessary change of air for that artist. Now with the change of life that was occurring to her, Linda had to give up the idea of having children, and focus on other things. I am so tired of seeing and hearing my family fight all day long Ive decided I need a change of scene. After a chapter of accidents due to his drinking problem, Mike ended up losing his drivers license. We all knew that without a proper education and good clothes Greg had a Chinamans chance to get the job. // Linda going to the winter ball with you? A Chinamans chance! I love her so much that I allow her to hurt me; my love for her is a chink in my armor. // The opposing party thought they had found a chink in the candidates armor: his youthful indiscretions. How could our chinless wonder compete with the real wrestlers that the other schools had? // Paul is a chinless wonder, he cannot do anything his family does not agree to. The mayors decision to fine the dogs owners for their pets litter drew a chorus of protests. It was clear from the moment he walked into the room that he, as a citizen of the world, was going to shine among the rest of the men of that city. That clap of thunder sounded so near I thought it hit our house. As usual Larry was a class act. He gave us a ride to school and bought us lunch, too. The doctors examined the President and gave him a clean bill of health. // They inspected the building and gave it a clean bill of health. When Della and I decided to go each our own way she wanted to see me from time to time, but I believed that a clean break was the way to go. Only during the 18th century did the profession of a merchant get a cloak of respectability. Tim did not win the race, but he came in a close second. Physics is a closed book to my sister. All this house needs is a coat of paint and it will look new. My role in the organization? Very minor: I am just a cog in the machine. In April Madrid was hit with a cold snap that surprised everybody. Im just a common man, I drive a common van, my dog aint got a pedigree. $30,000 dollars for that ring? That's a complete rip-off. In ancient Sparta unmarried women were allowed to berate and even beat up on confirmed bachelors. // Jims aunts brought many girls into his house hoping to see him get married, but Jim was a confirmed bachelor. All of us liked Jeremy because we thought him to be a coot cat.

floare la ureche; o nimica toat; simplu ca bun ziua un caz de confundare a identitii cuiva; un exemplu de confundare a identitii cuiva; o problem de confundare a identitii cuiva o pisic are apte viei ansa mortului; nici cea mai mic ans pisica cu clopoei de coad nu prinde oareci (proverb) persoan important, nu i spun pe nume elementul cel mai slab al unei structuri este elementul determinant; rezistena unui lan se msoar n cea mai slab za a sa o ntlnire ntmpltoare o ans cu care te ntlneti doar o dat n via; o ans / ocazie unic; o oportunitate o schimbare n bine o schimbare n ru o schimbare de aer / atmosfer / peisaj; o gur de aer curat

a chance encounter a chance of a lifetime

a change for the better a change for the worse a change of air

a change of life a change of scene a chapter of accidents a Chinamans chance


menopauz o schimbare de peisaj un ir / lan de accidente ansa mortului; absolut nicio ans

a chink in sbs armor

clciul lui Ahile; punctul slab al cuiva; punctul vulnerabil al cuiva; o fisur n armura cuiva; o fisur n aprarea cuiva; vulnerabilitate un aristocrat lipsit de vlag; un aristocrat ineficient; un aristocrat pap-lapte; un mormoloc; un mototol un cor de proteste un cosmopolit; un om umblat

a chinless wonder

a chorus of protests a citizen of the world

a clap of thunder a class act a clean bill of health


un tunet un domn; o doamn; o fat fin; un biat fin certificat de sntate; raport privind deplina siguran n folosirea unui utilaj sau a unei cldiri o ruptur complet / definitiv

a clean break

a cloak of respectability a close second a closed book to sb a coat of paint a cog in the machine a cold snap a common man a complete rip-off a confirmed bachelor

aparen / aur de respect al doilea, la o diferen foarte mic; imediat dup ctigtor o problem sau o materie de neneles pentru cineva; un mister pentru cineva un strat de vopsea; o pensul (figurat) o mic roti ntr-un angrenaj uria un val de frig un om obinuit / oarecare hoie curat; nelciune legat de pre un burlac nrit / autentic / convins; un celibatar nrit

a cool cat


un gagiu care n-are treab (colocvial); un tip marf (colocvial); un tip de gac (colocvial)


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a cool customer a cool dude a couch potato a couple of a creature of habit a creature of ones times
(informal) (slang)

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

You cannot make Ted angry no matter how hard you try. He is a cool customer indeed. Kelsey thinks that Billy Bob, who is the captain of the basketball team and who has a convertible Corvette, is a cool dude. He is a real couch potato! He spends hours and hours surfing the TV channels. Ive read a couple of books on the Prohibition. Its boring to be married to a creature of habit. Many people who turn their nose up at the way medieval kings treated their captives do not understand that they were creatures of their times. Governor Ventura told a huge audience that religion is a crutch for the weak. If you want this dish to come out right you must add a dab of pepper. We all have a dark page in our lives. Marla tried to make up for the mistakes she made with Jim, but it was a day late and a dollar short, so they split up. // Im sorry to say but your proposal of settling our differences in the negotiation is a day late and a dollar short. Her being the new head of the department was a dead cinch. He said that he hadnt eaten the marmalade, but the streak of red marmalade around his mouth was a dead giveaway. A dead-end job is a job with a low salary and no chance of promotion. He sold all his furniture in order to pay his debts of honor. I decided to put off the decision until Ive had a decent nights sleep. The Old Testament prophets considered Sodoma a den of iniquity. // Her mother told her that New York was a den of iniquity. I will never set foot in this store. It is nothing but a den of thieves. That so-called club is a den of vice.

o persoan care nu i iese niciodat din fire; un tip stpnit / calm un gagiu care n-are treab (colocvial); un tip marf (colocvial); un tip de gac (colocvial) o legum (figurat); un puturos vreo dou o persoan care face lucrurile mereu n acelai fel i la aceleai ore; un tipicar o persoan n pas cu epoca sa; un produs al epocii sale un sprijin pentru cineva o pictur de; un vrf de cuit de; un strop de un moment greu al vieii cuiva; o pagin neagr / ntunecat n viaa cuiva prea trziu i prea puin; care las de dorit; insuficient

a crutch for sb a dab of a dark page in sbs life a day late and a dollar short

a dead cinch a dead giveaway a dead-end job a debt of honor a decent nights sleep a den of iniquity a den of thieves a den of vice


o chestiune absolut sigur; o chestiune dat ca i sigur; o certitudine; un lucru sigur ceva care te d de gol o slujb de mizerie i fr perspective; un serviciu de rahat (colocvial) o datorie de onoare (fcut la jocurile de noroc) o noapte de somn odihnitor un loc de pierzanie un cuib de hoi un loc de pierzanie; un cuib de stricciune; un loc sau o activitate care favorizeaz imoralitatea sau viciul dialogul surzilor; discuie n zadar

(often humorous)

a dialogue of the deaf

The discussions between the two countries was a perfect dialogue of the deaf; neither country was paying attention to the requests of the other. Ive been to quite a few romantic places, but Venice is a different ball of wax. I wasnt too crazy about going to the movies, but playing cards is a different kettle of fish. // I thought you wanted to go to a bar, but going to the opera is a different kettle of fish. // If you had wanted to take a trip into the Himalayan mountains I wouldnt have allowed you. However, a vacation in Italy is a different kettle of fish. Did you say going to Greece for a vacation? I thought you wanted to go to France. Well, Greece is a different proposition altogether! The USA hasnt had a diplomatic presence in Teheran ever since the hostage crisis. Can you believe it? That dirty old man invited me to his house! We asked our neighbor for the bricks she had left over, but, like a dog in the manger, she threw them away and would not let us have them. The economy had been hit by a double whammy; high inflation and lack of jobs. Living in Rome was a dream come true for Chris. Ted had now found a dream job. All he had to do was go to the best restaurants in the city all expenses paid and then write a review about the food and the service. The prime minister used to have a drinking bout now and then. The ten dollars that Jim gave me was just a drop in the bucket compared to what I had lost. // A few food companies donated some cans of food for the poor, but there were so many hungry people that their donations were just a drop in the bucket. The ten dollars that Jim gave me was just a drop in the ocean compared to what I had lost. // A few food companies donated some cans of food for the poor, but there were so many hungry people that their donations were just a drop in the ocean. Although she had confirmation of her sons death in the war, Mrs Popper was like a drowning man clutching at any straw.

a different ball of wax a different kettle of fish

alt mncare de pete (figurat) alt mncare de pete (figurat)

a different proposition altogether a diplomatic presence a dirty old man a dog in the manger

alt mncare de pete (figurat) o prezen / reprezentan diplomatic un btrn libidinos cinele grdinarului (nici mere nu mnnc, nici pe alii nu i las)

a double whammy

o situaie n care dou lucruri neplcute au loc n acelai timp; o nenorocire nu vine niciodat singur (zictoare; aproximativ) un vis mplinit o slujb de vis

a dream come true a dream job

a drinking bout a drop in the bucket

o scurt perioad de timp petrecut tot ntr-o beie o pictur ntr-un pahar; o pictur ntr-un ocean; o cantitate infim; ceva ce nu ajunge nici la o msea (figurat) o pictur ntr-un pahar; o pictur ntr-un ocean; o cantitate infim; ceva ce nu ajunge nici la o msea (figurat) se aga ca necatul de pai; se aga ca necatul de scndur

a drop in the ocean

a drowning man clutches at a straw


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a face like a wet weekend a fair crack of the whip o fa trist; o fa mohort anse egale cu ceilali; tratament egal cu al celorlali

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

I knew right away we were in trouble when I saw Jim come out of the principals office with a face like a wet weekend. The competition was tight, yet the opposite team won and Jimmy, naturally enough, started to complain about not being given a fair crack of the whip. // All we wanted was a fair crack of the whip, nothing more. If we cant do the job we can always be fired. I did not trust them to give me a fair deal, so I did not buy their house. Life in Budapest was a far cry from life in Prague. Being thrown to jail for life was a fate worse than death. Sorry, Jim, I wont go to bed with you. I dont want to be a feather in your cap. On the 4th of July the whole city has a festive air. I swear that each time I try to talk to Mike I get the feeling that he is a few bricks shy of a load. They have almost finished the project, but there are still a few loose ends to be tied up. When we realized that Larry had had a few too many, we stood up and left. The Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords were engaged in a fight to the death. // They all knew that they would soon be in a fight to the death. All we wanted when we came to this country was a fighting chance, a chance to prove ourselves. // He was given a fighting chance to win the championship. His invitation to dinner at Buckingham Palace was, of course, a figment of his imagination. When I said that Paul and I are brothers it was only a figure of speech. A fine kettle of fish youve gotten us into, Laurel told Harvey. Dad was a firm hand in the house; everything was working smoothly, each thing is in its place. We were hoping hed be the next great champion, but he was just a flash in the pan. After winning two tournaments he disappeared from the game completely. // Marys first book of poems was a flash in the pan. All critics thought she would become a really accomplished poet, but she never again put pen to paper to write poetry. Most inventors have a flash of genius that makes them rich and famous. He wrote the whole symphony in a flash of inspiration in only three days. Whenever there was a flash of lightning Isabella put her head under the pillow and covered her ears with her little hands. A tremendous flight of capital occurred when the government confiscated all banks in the country. From noon to two oclock the restaurant had a flurry of activity, after which things calmed down a little. As a flying ace, Captain Green was handsomely paid by the American Airlines. When I was hired as a bellboy I knew I had gotten a foot in the door for my career in tourism. A good teacher gives his students a frame of reference before going into a story. Shaquille ONeill is not a basketball player. He is a freak of nature. His shoe size is 18! He has a free hand to buy and sell whatever he wants. When I was in trouble he came running to help. A friend in need is a friend indeed. If he is likes playing games with me, hiding my lunch box, thats all right with me! Thats a game two can play! The money Aunt Tricia sent us was a gift from the Gods. In the 60s landing on the Moon was still only a gleam in President Kennedys eye. As long as there is a glimmer of hope a patient will try to survive. A going concern in our community is the raise in the number of burglaries. If Bubba finds out that youve eaten his sandwich youre a goner. This little Japanese car was a very good buy. Ive seen a good deal of cities, but none of them is like Rome.

a fair deal a far cry from a fate worse than death a feather in ones cap a festive air a few bricks shy of a load a few loose ends to be tied up a few too many a fight to the death

o afacere cinstit; un tratament drept / onorabil departe de (figurat); cu mult diferit de mai bine mort; o soart mai cumplit ca moartea un motiv de a se mpuna; un alt trofeu la colecia sa un aer de srbtoare cu mintea n coluri; prost de d n gropi cteva mici detalii de pus la punct; chiibuuri rmase nerezolvate care trebuie finalizate mai mult dect trebuia o lupt pe via i pe moarte

a fighting chance

o ans mic, dar real dac se depune efort; o ans ct de mic un produs al imaginaiei cuiva o figur de stil; un fel de a spune mare ncurctur o mn ferm (figurat); persoan care controleaz riguros / exigent un succes trector; o stea cztoare (figurat); o tnr speran ntr-un domeniu, care dezamgete prin evoluia ulterioar; o activitate care ofer mari sperane de reuit la nceput, dar eueaz ulterior o scnteie genial un moment de inspiraie un fulger fuga / exodul capitalului o perioad relativ scurt de activitate intens un as al pilotajului; nentrecut n pilotarea avionului primul pas; ocazia de a ncepe ceva (o carier, un contract) un punct de referin o ciudenie a naturii mn liber

a figment of sbs imagination a figure of speech a fine kettle of fish a firm hand a flash in the pan

a flash of genius a flash of inspiration a flash of lightning a flight of capital a flurry of activity a flying ace a foot in the door a frame of reference a freak of nature a free hand a friend in need is a friend indeed a game (that) two can play a gift from the gods a gleam in sbs eye a glimmer of hope a going concern a goner a good buy a good deal of

prietenul la nevoie se cunoate (proverb) nici eu nu m las mai prejos; ce, crezi c eu nu pot s fac la fel! o pleac; man cereasc; un dar de la Dumnezeu; o binecuvntare divin o licrire (de speran) n ochii cuiva o licrire / brum de speran o nelinite / problem permanent; o nelinite / problem stringent terminat (despre o persoan) o achiziie / cumprtur bun o mulime de


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a good fuck a good many a good match a good pop upside the head a good sailor a good Samaritan a good scout a good sort a goose egg a great deal of

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

Everybody says that Jenny is a good fuck. A good many people believe that there is nothing wrong with bringing religion into the schools again. Both Karen and Joe are intelligent, artistic and kind. They are a good match. What this kid needs is not counseling, but a good pop upside the head. Tim proved to be a good sailor, and felt no nausea during the whole cruise. When out car broke down in the middle of the Arizona dessert a good Samaritan stopped over and gave us a ride to the next city. Lets invite Nick, too. He is not too bright, but he is a good scout. Ive always thought Fred to be a good sort. You know what Edwins score was in Economics? A goose egg! I accomplished a great deal of things last year, but that did not make me any wealthier. // I have seen a great deal of churches while I was traveling in Italy. The discovery of electricity proved to be a great leap forward for the economies of the whole world. A great many people believe that there is nothing wrong with bringing religion into the schools again. // Its hard to believe it, but a great many people still believe in ghosts. There is a growing concern that a man like him wont be able to run the company. You cant trust a story coming from a habitual liar like Pamela. The San Francisco Forty-Niners won the game through a hail-Mary pass in the last three seconds of the game. Tim walked into the bar and asked for a double bourbon as a hair of the dog that bit him! He is moving into a new house and is asking us to give him a hand up. The panel didnt want to hire Pamela because they realized she had the potential of becoming a handful in the future. After the loss the coach of the opposite team did not sound like a happy camper. The whole family rushed to the hospital to be present at the happy event, and were curious to find out whether it was a boy or a girl. He thought that drinking a lot or not drinking at all were extremes that he could not understand. Instead he said he had found a happy medium: a glass of red wine with his dinner. When he reached about fifteen Sam turned into a hard case who was in police custody every week. After the communist take over a lot of has-beens were sent to jail and their property was confiscated for no reason at all. The article in the newspaper was nothing but a hatchet job against an honest man. Many people were hospitalized after a head-on collision between a bus and a tram. // They survived the head-on collision only because they were wearing their seat-belts. My father insisted we all should do sports, because we needed a healthy mind in a healthy body. Next time add a heaped spoonful of sugar into your spaghetti. That banker has a heart of flint. Father Marin was a small man with a balding head, but he had a heart of gold, and nobody ever left his door without something to eat, or a few dollars. That banker has a heart of stone. Our principal wished the visiting professor a hearty welcome. What our team needed was a coach with a heavy hand. Mr and Mrs Brown realized that what their daughter needed more than anything was a hefty dose of common sense. She wanted to be a ballet dancer although she was short and plumb. Michael Jordan is a hell of a good player. // I had a hell of a day today. // The first Ali-Frazier match was a hell of a fight. Michael Jordan is a helluva a good player. // I had a helluva a day today. He is moving into a new house and is asking us to give him a helping hand.

o persoan bun la pat; o persoan care se fute bine (vulgar) foarte muli / multe o cstorie reuit (unde soii se potrivesc unul cu altul); o pereche potrivit o scatoalc zdravn; o chelfneal bun o persoan care are stomac bun; o persoan care nu are ru de mare un bun samaritean de-al nostru; biat bun; fat bun; biat de comitet; fat de comitet biat bun; fat bun; biat de comitet; fat de comitet; soi bun; de soi bun un zero; o nulitate mult; o mare mulime de

a great leap forward a great many

un mare salt nainte foarte muli / multe; o mulime de

a growing concern a habitual a hail-Mary pass

o ngrijorare ce se face tot mai simit sau ce cuprinde tot mai mult lume un inveterat / nrit o pas riscant dat n ultimele secunde ale unui meci prin care se poate ctiga sau pierde meciul (n special la fotbalul american) cui pe cui se scoate (zictoare) o mn de ajutor o persoan dificil
(ironic, slang)

a hair of the dog that bit him a hand up a handful a happy camper a happy event a happy medium

o persoan fericit / voioas naterea unui copil; o ntmplare fericit o cale de mijloc; echilibru n ceea ce faci / gndeti; nici prea-prea, nici foarte-foarte o persoan care creeaz multe probleme; o pacoste (figurat) un fost un atac maliios scris sau oral mpotriva unei persoane o ciocnire / coliziune frontal (ntre i ); lovire bot n bot (ntre i ) minte sntoas n corp sntos; mens sana in corpore sano o lingur cu vrf de ceva o inim de piatr o inim de aur

a hard case a has-been a hatchet job a head-on collision (between and ) a healthy mind in a healthy body a heaped spoonful of sth a heart of flint a heart of gold

a heart of stone a hearty welcome a heavy hand a hefty dose of

o inim de piatr un clduros bun venit o mn de fier; o persoan autoritar o doz serioas de

a hell of a a helluva a a helping hand


foarte; extrem de; al dracului de (colocvial); al naibii de (colocvial); dat dracului (colocvial) foarte; extrem de; al dracului de (colocvial); al naibii de (colocvial); dat dracului (colocvial) o mn de ajutor


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a heros welcome a hill of beans

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

The general received a heros welcome after winning the war. In its present condition this house isnt worth a hill of beans. // In Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart says to Ingrid Bergman, Ilsa, Im no good at being noble, but it doesnt take much to see that the problems of three little people dont amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. His hit song Love me as I love you brought him millions of dollars. His house was a hive of activity. His restaurant was a small hole in the wall, but it had a lot of repeat customers and did some brisk business. Henry found a home away from home amongst the Marines. He got on my nerves, so I told him a few home truths he will remember for a while. They gave him a honey of a deal. From Bucharest to Sofia is just a hop, skip and a jump. That office was a hornets nest, and nobodys life was sacred to the tongues of the women working there. I didnt like going to Paris. Now, going to Rome is a horse of a different color. This guy thinks he is a hotshot, but he aint nothing if you ask me. Franz was rumored to frequent a certain house of ill repute. Coca-Cola is now a household name in the whole world. The Greek diva Maria Callas had a huge success throughout Europe. The great warrior began to tell his story, and a hush fell over the crowd. Does Elliot know how to keep quiet about a hush-hush matter? When Mikes parents were away we organized a keg party in his house. The story did indeed have a kernel of truth. All this boy needs is a kick in the ass of the pants and hes going to do a lot better. His uncles death was a kick in the guts that left him depressed and nostalgic for months and months. What he really deserves for his stupidity is a kick in the pants. All this boy needs is a kick in the seat of the pants and hes going to do a lot better. The teacher worked hard to improve the students knowledge of spelling and reading, but when the parent teacher conference came all he got was a kick in the teeth from a few parents who were unhappy with the amount of homework their children had to do. Shawn and Lenny met at the local bar last Friday for a quick kick in the wrist before going home. Leila spends a kings ransom on cosmetics. // Careful! That Stradivarius violin costs a kings ransom. // A German car costs a kings ransom. // Careful with that vase! Its cost me a kings ransom. Todays women cannot afford to wait for a knight in shining armor to save them from all their troubles. // John behaved like a knight in shining armor last night. He fought against four men to save a young woman from being raped. // Oh, Joe, you have been my knight in shining armor! You saved my life! Educating migrant children has always been a knotty problem. The only thing that scumbag is going to get from me is a knuckle sandwich. Building the Golden Gate Bridge was a labor of Hercules. Mr Jenkins decided to see a doctor as soon as he realized that he had repeated lapses of memory. I put the ear-rings on a lay-away plan.

o primire / intrare triumfal nici doi bani; nici dou parale; nici ct o ceap degerat

a hit song a hive of activity a hole in the wall a home away from home a home truth a honey of a a hop, skip, and a jump a hornets nest a horse of a different color a hotshot a house of ill repute a household name / word a huge success a hush fell over the crowd a hush-hush matter a keg party a kernel of truth a kick in the ass of the pants / butt / rear a kick in the guts a kick in the pants a kick in the seat of the pants / butt / rear a kick in the teeth
(slang, vulgar) (slang, vulgar)

un lagr o activitate intens o bomb (figurat); o dughean / bodeg o a doua cas un adevr dureros o dulcea de; o frumusee de la doi pai; la o arunctur de b un cuib de viespi / vipere (i figurat) o cu totul alt poveste; alt mncare de pete (figurat) unul care-i dat dracului (colocvial); un mecher bordel marc renumit; nume recunoscut un succes epatant peste adunare s-a lsat tcerea un secret o petrecere unde se servesc buturi alcoolice un smbure de adevr un mesaj (de ncurajare sau avertizare) foarte energic; un ut n fund drept ncurajare o lovitur dur / demoralizatoare (figurat) un ut n fund (colocvial) un mesaj (de ncurajare sau avertizare) foarte energic; un ut n fund drept ncurajare o palm (figurat); o lovitur dur; un pumn n gur


a kick in the wrist a kings ransom


una mic (despre butur); o duc o gleat de bani; o avere

a knight in shining armor

Ft-Frumos din poveste; un prin pe cal alb; un brbat curajos care salveaz o femeie dintr-o situaie periculoas; un cavaler; un salvator

a knotty problem a knuckle sandwich a labor of Hercules a lapse of memory a lay-away plan

o problem complicat un pumn n gur un efort gigantic un lapsus; o pan de memorie plan de cumprare prin care plteti o arvun i i se pstreaz obiectul pn cnd ai toi banii ca s l cumperi un salt n necunoscut un efort de imaginaie o linguri ras

a leap in the dark a leap of imagination a level spoonful a license to print money a lick and a promise a lick of paint

Moving over to a new job was a leap in the dark for Mario. It takes a leap of imagination to see my little son in a military uniform. After beating the eggs, add two level spoonfuls of sugar. His night bar was a license to print money. Im not going to pay for a lick and a promise. All this house needs is a lick of paint.

o afacere foarte bnoas; o min de aur (figurat) o treab de mntuial un strat de vopsea


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a little bird (has) told me am eu sursele mele; mi-a optit / spus mie o psric (glume) o mic roti ntr-un angrenaj uria

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

How do you know that I went to a movie last night? A little bird told me. // How do you know Im getting married? A little bird told me! My role in the organization? Very minor: I am just a little cog in the machine. I grew up to understand that in reality the little tin gods of my childhood were people I had very little reason to admire. When she has a little visitor, she flies off the handle easily. The new boss has made our life a living hell. Have you ever heard such a load of rubbish? What do you think about the present immigration policy? one of the newspaper reporters asked, but the candidate immediately recognized that as a loaded question. I tried to have an intelligent conversation with a few men in the bar, but they were all local yokels and didnt know their ear from a hole in the ground. This year we have only a long chance to win the championship. I got angry when I saw my sister dancing cheek to cheek with a long drink of water. Lenny Andersen has been on the run from the long knives of the underworld for over a year now. Youd better be careful. Pamela has a long memory. I thought that finding his name in the register of voters was a long shot, but I had to try it anyway. Oh, that story happened a long time ago. The changes in the manner of paying the employees were a long time in coming, but they were very welcome once they were instituted. You are a long way from speaking like a native. The day when I retire is a long way off. Whenever I acted up when we had guests in the house mom would give me a look that would boil cheese. Huckleberry Finn seemed to be a lost cause. All the efforts that the widow spent on him went in vain. // Thinking about Robert after the horrible break-up is a lost cause, dont you think so, Mary? A lot is riding on this meeting with the heads of the company next week. Shes seen a lot of students come and go. How can I know what my first wife is doing now? A lot of water has flowed under the bridge. // A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we last said good-bye. Kevin and his mother had had a long love-hate relationship. After winning the lottery he is a made man. If you want to see the best museums in Madrid, ask Enrique. He is a man about town, and will send you to the right places. My father was a man and a half. The occupying army did not suspect a man of God of carrying weapons to the partisans. If James promised hed help you, he will. James is a man of his word. Michelangelo was in fact a man of many parts; he was not only a sculptor, but also an architect, a poet, and a heck of a painter. Mr Vargas has always dreamed that his daughter would marry a man of means, not one of the punks that had no money to his name. // When he was forty and a millionaire, Mr Jamison spoke and walked like a man of means. Mr Tortellini was not the real owner of the bar. He was just a man of straw who did the organized crime bidding. Mr Jenkins didnt care what his future son-in-law would look like. He just wanted him to be a man of substance. Everybody had to use decent language in the presence of a man of the cloth. Mr Peoples was a man of the world and wasnt easily shocked by what he saw. The terrorist knew that he was a marked man and tried to leave the country on the sly. I can still remember the days when there used to be a huge market for programmers in the Silicon Valley. Ken said that he was willing to allow his in-laws to live with them as long as they accepted that he was a master in his own house. // The inhabitants of Transylvania told the Austro-Hungarian authorities that they wanted to be masters in their own house.

a little cog in the machine a little tin god a little visitor a living hell a load of rubbish a loaded question
(slang, vulgar)

o persoan idolatrizat fr niciun motiv; idol de tinichea menstruaie iadul pe pmnt; un calvar o grmad de prostii o ntrebare capcan (formulat de aa natur nct s prind pe cineva n curs) un localnic (peiorativ)

a local yokel

a long chance a long drink of water a long knife a long memory a long shot a long time ago a long time in coming

puin probabil; o ans la un milion un lungan; o prjin (figurat) asasin; cuitar care nu uit uor (n special o insult) anse reduse / mici cu mult timp n urm ateptat de mult vreme

a long way from a long way off a look that would boil cheese a lost cause

foarte departe de foarte departe o privire care i nghea sngele n vine o lupt inutil; o cauz pierdut

a lot is riding on a lot of a lot of water has flowed under the bridge a love-hate relationship a made man a man about town a man and a half a man of God a man of his word a man of many parts a man of means

multe depind de o mulime de mult vreme a trecut; de atunci s-au petrecut multe lucruri; multe s-au ntmplat (de atunci) o relaie de ur i dragoste amestecate un om realizat un om umblat un om i jumtate; un om integru un preot un om de cuvnt un brbat cu multe talente un om nstrit; un om cu bani

a man of straw a man of substance a man of the cloth a man of the world a marked man a market for a master in ones own house

un om de paie un om cu cheag / bani un om al bisericii un om umblat prin lume; un tip experimentat un om luat n vizor o (cerere de) pia pentru stpn n propria-i cas


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a master of disguise a matter of course un artist n ale deghizrii

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

The spy was a master of disguise, and could just as easily make himself look like an old lady or a Turkish wrestler. Going to college is a matter of course for all the children in Dr. Finks family. // That you get your pay check every other Friday is a matter of course, I suppose; no need to mention it again. The increase in violence is a matter of great concern to us. It is only a matter of days before the season will change and it will start to rain. Getting the medicine to the patient on the boat in the middle of the ocean became a matter of life and death. // You must go to the police and report the murder; it is a matter of life and death. Fidel Castros reign of terror is not a rumor, but a matter of record. What people wear is a matter of taste. For Geoff, the job was simply a means to an end. As hard as I tried, I simply couldnt find a middle course to the situation and things were going from bad to worse.

o chestiune de la sine neleas; un lucru de la sine neles; mersul firesc al lucrurilor; un lucru stabilit o problem stringent o chestiune de ore / minute / zile / etc o chestiune de via i de moarte; o problem esenial un fapt stabilit o chestie de gust scopul scuz mijloacele o cale de mijloc; o modalitate de a mpca dou situaii; un mijloc de a mpca doi oameni aflai n conflict; o cale de a mpca dou pri aflate n conflict o adevrat min de informaii despre ceva; o surs bogat de informaii comoara unui avar att cu pri bune, ct i cu pri rele; cu avantaje i dezavantaje dou sau mai multe persoane care se admir / laud una pe cealalt un nume care impune respect tinerii vin cu idei inovatoare, dar btrnii contribuie cu experiena lor un om nou aduce un suflu nou tinerii vin cu idei inovatoare, dar btrnii contribuie cu experiena lor o faz nou; un capitol nou o noua faz; un nou punct de pornire; un nou nceput un succes efemer; un exemplu al faptului c orice minune ine trei zile o band de vagabonzi / boschetari; un grup de oameni ai strzii o gleat de bani o bucic bun (colocvial); o gagic mito (colocvial); o tip trsnet (colocvial) numai o umbr a ceea ce a fost odat un model de un grup de 3 / 4 / 5 / etc persoane (folosit n turism, la restaurant etc)

a matter of great concern a matter of hours / minutes / days / etc a matter of life and death

a matter of record a matter of taste a means to an end a middle course

a mine of information on / about sth a misers hoard a mixed blessing

The Internet is a mine of information about a lot of subjects. John was obsessed with saving as much money as possible so his five nieces expected to find a misers hoard after his death. Winning the lottery was a mixed blessing. Yes, they had a lot more money now, but the kids began to act up, and even refused to go to school any more. The two young men were a mutual admiration society, boasting of each others achievements. Julius Caesar is a name to conjure with, I tell you that. Your team should include both young and old, as a new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners. Lets put a young man in charge for as you know a new broom sweeps well. Your team should include both young and old, as a new brush sweeps clean, but an old brush knows the corners. Ronald promised that now that he was a married man he would start a new chapter of his life. The discovery of the A-bomb meant a new departure in the methods of war. The new basketball player was a nine days wonder. After the first two great games he ended up on the bench for the rest of the season. A pack of riffraff surrounded me last night and forced me to give them all the cash I had in my pocket. I paid a package for that Harley-Davidson, but that bike is worth every penny I spent. Check out the package Jim has come with. She stops the traffic, man! Nick has lost a lot of weight and looks haggard, a pale reflection of his former self. Mr Parkinson was a paragon of virtue. Table number 18 has been reserved by a party of 5. His parents thought that his infatuation with the theater was just a passing fancy, but he proved them wrong when he enrolled to study dramatic art at the local university. Tim, you have worked so hard all these days, you deserve a pat on the back. // And what did I get for all my efforts? Nothing. Not even a pat on the back. He spent all his money on easy women and ended up in a paupers grave. Mahatma Ghandi instructed his followers to demonstrate peacefully because he did not want to give the British authorities a peg to hang their violence on. // When his wife came late one evening, Sam thought he had found a peg to hang his divorce plans on. Mr Holcomb generally gives us a period of grace to turn in assignments. I will never accept to live under a petticoat government. Let me give you a piece of advice. // I have only one piece of advice. Dont ever tell your secrets to Pamela!

a mutual admiration society a name to conjure with a new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners a new broom sweeps well a new brush sweeps clean, but an old brush knows the corners a new chapter a new departure a nine days wonder

a pack of riffraff a package 1 a package 2 a pale reflection of ones former self a paragon of a party of 3 / 4 / 5 / etc a passing fancy

un capriciu / moft

a pat on the back

un bravo ie!"; felicitri; o strngere de mn; o felicitare groap comun un pretext pentru a face, a discuta sau a crede ceva; un motiv pentru ceva; o scuz pentru ceva

a paupers grave a peg to hang sth on

a period of grace a petticoat government a piece of advice

o perioad de graie o csnicie n care cnt gina n cas; o csnicie n care nevasta ia deciziile un sfat


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a piece of ass
(vulgar, rude)

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

Shoot, Joe, it was Saturday night, man, and all I wanted was to get myself a piece of ass, thats all. // He came to the party with a nice piece of ass. Learning to drive is a piece of cake. // Driving an automatic car is a piece of cake. // After all the training we did, running the mile was a piece of cake. // Dancing is a piece of cake. I wanted to buy a piece of furniture for that corner there, but on second thought I decided to keep it that way. I like space, you know! Let me give you a piece of information; the thief already left the country. I had only a piece of luggage when I moved out from my parents flat. Let me give you a piece of news; the thief already left the country. Shoot, Joe, it was Saturday night, man, and all I wanted was to get myself a piece of snatch, thats all. Shoot, Joe, it was Saturday night, man, and all I wanted was to get myself a piece of tail, thats all. I started this business on my own, but when the money began coming in all the members of my family wanted a piece of the action. The old fighter was thinking of going into the ring again and challenging the champion, but everybody knew it was only a pipe dream. After many years of suffering the refugees finally found a place in the sun for themselves. Ever since I came to the city I have been trying to find a place to hang my hat. When Jim and Frank came to me to be a judge to their ongoing dispute I thought, a plague on both your houses! // Ive been living in this city for five years and Ive seen the norteno and the sureno gangs fighting every day. As far as I am concerned, a plague on both their houses.

o gagic (colocvial); un cur de femeie (vulgar)

a piece of cake

o joac de copil (figurat); floare la ureche; uor ca bun ziua; simplu ca bun ziua; nimic mai simplu o pies de mobilier

a piece of furniture

a piece of information a piece of luggage a piece of news a piece of snatch a piece of tail a piece of the action
(slang, vulgar) (slang, vulgar)

o informaie un bagaj o tire o gagic (colocvial); o bucic bun (colocvial) o gagic (colocvial); o bucic bun (colocvial) o parte din banii adui de o afacere; o parte din profit un vis nerealizabil / intangibil

a pipe dream

a place in the sun a place to hang ones hat

un loc sub soare un loc unde s se poat simi ca acas; un loc unde s se poat simi n largul su; un loc unde s se poat simi linitit / confortabil
(W. Shakespeare)

a plague on both their houses!

s i dracul pe amndoi! (colocvial); din partea mea, pot s se duc dracului ambele tabere / familii! (colocvial); dracul s-i ia i pe unii i pe alii! (colocvial)

a plain Jane


o femeie nu prea atractiv; o fat / femeie uric Sheila was a plain Jane who found refuge in her work. // She was just a plain Jane who was too nervous to even come out on the beach in her bikini. // It was strange to see a handsome man like John dancing cheek-to-cheek with a plain Jane like his girlfriend. un joc de cuvinte o slujb de vis He made a play upon words. He meant a light housekeeper, not a lighthouse keeper. Ted had now found a plum job. All he had to do was go to the best restaurants in the city all expenses paid and then write a review about the food and the service. Defending one's family is a point of honor for any man. Terry? I wouldnt give him the time of day. He is pond scum. A bicycle is a poor mans car. What this kid needs is not counseling, but a pop upside the head. A large crow passed over their heads and they all considered it a portent of doom. The lawyer made a power of money by defending drug dealers. After the second bank robbery, the police put a huge price on the thiefs head. Jesus warns us that a prophet is no honor in his own country. Mrs Jenkins was 90 years old but she was not scared of any punk kid hanging around in her neighborhood. Jack assured Maria that the story about his going out with Linda was a pure fabrication. Now, Paula, thats a queer card for you! Instead of doing solid repairs, the builder did a quick fix. He has a quick temper, but he is not a bad man. Selma was tired of quickies with ugly men who picked her up from the street. Jack Andersen is a quitter. Hell never end what he starts.

a play upon / on words a plum job

a point of honor a pond scum a poor mans thing a pop upside the head a portent of doom a power of money a price on sbs head a prophet is no honor in his own country a punk kid a pure fabrication a queer card a quick fix a quick temper a quickie a quitter
(slang) (from the Bible) (slang)

o chestiune de onoare / principiu o javr (figurat); un gunoi (figurat); un om de nimic lucrul sracului o scatoalc; o chelfneal o piaz rea; un semn ru o gleat de bani un pre pe capul cuiva nimeni nu e profet n satul lui (din Biblie) un fraier; un puti cu ca la gur; o pulama o minciun sfruntat un tip ciudat; o tip ciudat o treab de mntuial; o treab superficial care se nfurie uor; iute la mnie un act sexual foarte rapid care nu i ine promisiunea; care te las cu fundul n balt (zictoare); care nu duce la bun sfrit ceea ce a nceput o curs contra cronometru o curs contra cronometru o curs pe o pant periculoas (figurat); o involuie


a race against the clock a race against time a race to the bottom

Ever since we received the deadline for finishing the project we have been in a race against the clock. Ever since we received the deadline for finishing the project we have been in a race against time. The present actions of this administration constitute nothing but a race to the bottom.


Section 1 English Idioms in Alphabetical Order

a raw deal a ray of hope a ray of sunshine a ready supply of money a ready wit a real bitch a real character a real deadbeat a red cent a red-hot mama a repeat customer a rib-tickler a riot a rip-off artist a roaring success
(slang) (slang) (often ironic)

Seciunea 1 Expresiile englezeti n ordine alfabetic

The new teachers complained that they got a raw deal. They had to teach the worst students, and the longest hours. The exam was a disaster but there was still a ray of hope in her eyes full of tears. And heres Henry. Aint he a real ray of sunshine? I dont know what profession he has, but he seems to have a ready supply of money at all times. It was a pleasure to have a conversation with a young man who had such a ready wit. This math exam was a real bitch. Now, Joe, he is a real character. He's a real deadbeat who's never had job for more than three days in succession.. Mr Rockefeller told his daughter that if she married Freddy he would not leave her a red cent. I saw Bob last night arm in arm with a red-hot mama. Unlike the food business, in the carpet business there are very few repeat customers. Gene was very good at telling a rib-tickler now and then. George was a riot last night. He made us laugh until our stomachs hurt. Dont buy anything from that rip-off artist. // A rip-off artist is a person or a company that steals from you or deceives you. In the role of Nora, Miss Yates had a roaring success that catapulted her to Hollywood. // The Greek diva Maria Callas had a roaring success throughout Europe. Ronald Reagans roast was so funny they made a video tape of it. He kept a rollaway bed in his closet for occasional visitors. How could he have anything when he has moved from city to city, from country to country all his life? A rolling stone gathers no moss. She has had a rough deal with her daughter leaving her like that. The sum they quoted us for remodeling the kitchen is only a rough estimate. I asked the mechanic to give me a rough guess about the cost of the repairs for my old car. Give me a rough idea of what I need to do in this job. After a perfect landing, the passengers gave the pilot a round of applause. // Every time the speaker mentioned higher salaries he got a round of applause. The tired boxer was now only trying to knock his opponent down with a lucky roundhouse punch. The television host organized a round-table discussion on the topic of immigration. With his nosey questions and his inquisitive ways my neighbor can be a royal pain in the ass sometimes. With his nosey questions and his inquisitive ways my neighbor can be a royal pain in the neck sometimes. You cant go to war having a rubber sock like David as partner. Randy made it clear to his wife before they got married that he did not want any rug rats for the first five years of their marriage. Whats that rum-dum doing at this meeting? I had a run of bad luck at the roulette and I lost all my money. The airline industry has been suffering from a run of bad mishaps. Weve had a run of good luck lately, but the next game will be much more difficult. Afraid that they will be left without money, the customers initiated a run on the local banks. Everybody thought that George W. Bush was a run-of-the-mill President. Todays youth generally display a sad lack of manners. Its a sad state of affairs when a hard-working man doesnt make enough to even pay his rent. // There arent enough funds, which is a sad state of affairs. It is a safe bet that she will be late; she always is. Stalin was a sanguinary tyrant who tortured his countrymen for a long time. All the scandal sheets in England were carrying the latest scandal in the royal family.

un tratament prost o licrire de speran; o raz de speran o raz de soare (figurat); o dulcea (figurat) o sum de bani disponibil o minte ager / sprinten o chestie / persoan dificil; o pacoste un tip original; un tip pe cinste; un tip de n-ai treab cu el (colocvial) un derbedeu sadea / adevrat o para chioar o gagic de milioane (colocvial) un client de-al casei un banc; o glum un tip haios / distractiv un escroc; un arlatan un succes epatant

a roast a rollaway bed a rolling stone gathers no moss a rough deal a rough estimate a rough guess a rough idea a round of applause

o petrecere unde un srbtorit este luat peste picior ntr-un mod amical un pat pliant piatra care se rostogolete nu prinde muchi

un tratament nedrept sau neplcut un pre / calcul aproximativ un calcul aproximativ o idee n mare o rund de aplauze

a roundhouse punch a round-table discussion a royal pain in the ass a royal pain in the neck a rubber sock a rug rat a rum-dum a run of bad luck a run of bad mishaps a run of good luck a run on a run-of-the-mill a sad lack of manners a sad state of affairs
(slang) (slang, vulgar) (informal) (slang)

o lovitur lateral ctre capul adversarului o mas rotund (figurat) o persoan enervant; un pislog; o persoan care te calc pe nervi o persoan enervant; un pislog; o persoan care te calc pe nervi o persoan timid prichindel; copil un beiv o pas proast o serie de accidente nefericite o perioad norocoas; o pas bun o mare cerere de nimic special de capul lui; un oarecare o lips de educaie lamentabil deplorabil; o situaie trist

a safe bet a sanguinary tyrant a scandal sheet

o chestiune destul de sigur un tiran sngeros un ziar de scandal; o fiuic de scandal


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