Use of Oral Antibiotics: High Risk Low Risk
Use of Oral Antibiotics: High Risk Low Risk
Use of Oral Antibiotics: High Risk Low Risk
Low risk*
High risk**
High risk**
Low risk*
(*) = Clinically well, Absolute Neutrophil count and Monocyte>0.1 and expected to rise, Normal Chest X-ray, Near normal hepatic and renal function, Duration of neutropaenia<7 days, No hypotension, No IV line infection, Peak temperature<39 C, No neurological/mental changes, No abdominal pain or comorbidity complications. (**) = Absolute Neutrphil Count <0.1, mucositis; unstable signs. High dose chemotherapy Treat proven Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia with at least 14 days of flucloxacillin to prevent metastatic infection
Approved by Medicines Management Committee on 10 th April 2003 Review Date 10th April 2005