Csc430 Project Requirements
Csc430 Project Requirements
Csc430 Project Requirements
Your project should have a document, includes Title, Group Members name, picture and matrices number, Objectives of your program, Algorithm, Program in Hardcopy, and Program in Softcopy (CD). 2. 3. 4. For algorithm, draw a flow chart for your program (do not use pencil or pen) Program in softcopy should save in a folder named according to your group number. Selection of titles: 5. Hotel Billing program Cyber Caf program Simple Auto Teller Machine Electric/water billing program Book sales program system Bus service reservation Bridal Boutique (Wedding planner) system Retail store system Games Other suggestion: __________________________________
Students on a team are expected to participate equally in the effort and all members bear full responsibility for the completion of project.
programming project unless if any bad comments are received from your group members. 7. The group project will include the following phases: Phases Phase 1: Analysis and Flowchart Phase 2: Source Codes Marks 20 30
Phase 3: Presentation 25 Total 75 You have to submit both softcopy and hardcopy. Remember this project carries 30% of this subject mark. Marks will be deducted if your groups/from internet. project same with other
PHASE 1: ANALYSIS AND FLOWCHART (20marks) 1. Include a brief summary of the problem and your tasks to be completed in this project. 2. Analyze the problem to identify the requirements (what are the inputs/outputs and processes involved) and the features of the program (you can create sample user interface). 3. Example of analysis questions: o What problem are you going to solve? o What are the conditions given in the problem? o What information is given about the problem? o How can you use the conditions and information you've learned about the problem in developing your solution? 4. The flowchart should show the logic of an algorithm of your program/system. Make sure you use the correct symbol for each process, input, output, decision etc. Please use MS Visio (or any other similar software) to draw flowcharts. Deadline: FRIDAY, 9th December 2011, before 12.00 pm (Late submission will be penalized)
PHASE 2: SOURCECODE (30 marks) Your program is able to fulfill the following requirements: Appropriate explanations) Appropriate indentations Appropriate Variables declarations Input/Output (cin, cout) Calculation I/O Manipulators (setw() or setfill() or setprecision() or etc) comments (each statement that needs
User-defined Functions (call by value and call by reference) Control Structure (If-else) Array Loops (For loop)
PHASE 3: PRESENTATION (25 marks) Marks will be given based on these criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. User interface Run without error Correct Clear presentation Eye contact