Physical Market in India
Physical Market in India
Physical Market in India
consumers or manufacturers. This covers physical handling and transport, initial processing and packing to simplify handling and reduce wastage, grading and quality control to simplify sales transactions and meet different consumers requirements, and holding over time to match concentrated harvest seasons with the continuing demands of consumers throughout the year. For the farmer, the strategic function of the marketing system is to offer him a convenient outlet for his produce at a remunerative price. To the consumers and the manufacturers of agricultural raw materials, assurance of a steady supply at a reasonable price is the vital service. Prices are determined through free market process by negotiations at rural purchasing, wholesale and retail stages, and represent a balance between the consumers ability to pay and the farmers need for incentive to produce. An effective marketing system will be geared toward expanding the range and types of consumer service, and will thus offer producers expanding outlets. Agricultural marketing also includes the marketing of production inputs and services to the farmers. Some of these include fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals; livestock feed; and farm machinery, tools and equipment. As the mass of small farmers in the developing world becomes aware of the value of these supplies, the organization of distribution systems adapted to their needs becomes vital. Through all the stages of marketing, financing and easy access to credit is vital if goods are to move freely and bargains be concluded without duress. An efficient marketing system is vital to a) provide an incentive to farmer to produce more; b) convey the changing production needs of the economy to producers to enable production planning; and c) foster true competition among the traders and eliminate the exploitation of farmers particularly the small and marginal ones, who predominate agrarian sector in our country. The present Expert Committee has examining the issues related to only output marketing to make suggestions to strengthen and develop agricultural marketing in the country.
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE The Rationale: Infrastructure consists of a combination of national assets which sustain the addition of place, time and form utilities to the products and services. These include apart from the Government institutions and organizations, roads, railways, warehouses, market yards, cold stores, processing units, research and training institutions, means of communication and transportation including air cargo, sea cargo etc. The basic rationale of any infrastructure is the sustenance it provides to production activity, income generation and social service supplies. It has also positive effect on income distribution because low per capita infrastructure limits the access of small and marginal farmers to the market. The relationship between agricultural development and investment in infrastructure has been long recognized. Roads stimulate agricultural change and modernization not only through their immediate effects on relative prices and marketing opportunities but also through backward linkages. The roads open up opportunities for commercial agriculture and encourage shifts to production of higher value, transport sensitive products (fruits, vegetables, dairy, poultry and marine products). Roads also improve access of the people to extension agents, banks, markets and health services. Market infrastructure is important not only for the performance of various marketing functions and expansion of the size of the market but also for transfer of appropriate price signals leading to improved marketing efficiency. Infrastructure facilities lead to reduction in marketing costs which is crucial for increasing the realization of growers and reducing the costs to the consumer. The infrastructural facilities can be classified as physical and institutional. The roads, railways, transport facilities, electrification and storage structures are physical infrastructure whereas cooperatives, local self-government, banking institutions, extension agencies, marketing organizations and market intelligence net work are institutional infrastructure. For over four decades after independence, the public sector in India held a monopoly in the provision of most of the infrastructures. Till 1991, when the current period of economic reforms started, electricity, railways, roads, telecommunications, postal services and ports were among the sectors reserved for the public sector. However, after 1991, virtually all sectors of infrastructure
have been opened to private investment. Nevertheless, for providing infrastructure in remote and difficult areas, the public sector would need to continue to play an important role. Market Surplus: In order to assess the adequacy of agricultural marketing infrastructure
in the country, it is imperative to estimate the availability of agricultural production and marketed surplus. Generally, there is positive association between production and marketed surplus. Several studies carried out by individual researchers and national and international organizations provide the projections of both demand and supply of agricultural commodities at different points of time. Projections for too distant a period involve several assumptions which may not hold good. The Committee has, therefore, used the projections of production of various farm products as given by Kumar and Mathur . From the view point of complete supply chain, from farm to the market, the infrastructure for all types of perishable horticulture produce is required at following levels: (a) Small pre-cooling units and or zero-energy cool chambers in the production areas
where the field heat of the produce is to be removed at fast rate to bring down the temperature of the produce to the desired level before putting the product in the cold storages. The refrigerated transport units from the farm to the cold storages are also utilized as mobile precooling units for this purpose; (b) (c) Collection Centers near to the farms; Medium to small cold storages having multi-product, multi-chamber facilities are the
most popular segment where horticulture produce is stored as transit godowns; (d) Specialized cold storage with facility of built in pre-cooling; high humidity and
Controlled/Modified Atmosphere are required for storage of the produce for a longer period. These specialized storages are essential for extended shelf life of the produce and without these storages the requirement of storing the produce to meet the demand in the off season is not feasible;
Other components like ripening chambers close to the markets and display cabinets at
retail outlets; (f) (g) Linkages for conversion of fresh produce in other marketable forms; Integrated Pack Houses to serve farms in respective regions having an area of around
5000-10000 hectare. Farms associated with each of the centers would collect farm produce and bring them to common cold storage centers, where these products could be given treatments, such as washing, sorting, grading and packing. These products will then be preserved in the appropriate cold storage facility. The services of these centers will not only increase the value of the farm product, but will also remove most of the unwanted biodegradable bio-mass from the horticulture products, which can be utilized as farm manure or even as cattle feed. The electronic trading would be more appropriate form of direct marketing between different buyers and sellers. Every market committee should be provided with facility of electronic trading by setting up a special kiosk for the purpose. The young entrepreneur who can set up portals on their own to provide such facilities could be supported financially through a plan scheme. Their responsibilities would include to inform the buyers and sellers about online demand of different products; product specifications with regard to quality, pack size, packaging material, quantity and the time frame of supply; the transport cost involved and the marketing charges likely to be incurred in the market where the goods are to be delivered; facilities available to the farmer in the buying market; Re-handling of the produce, if necessary, in the supplying market to suit to the requirement of the buyer market; the rules and regulations of the destination market, if it is located outside the state at distant place, and other specific information as may be conducive for the seller to transact the business with the purchasers; and the legal provisions related to storage, transportation, phyto-sanitary requirements etc. Telephone is the most convenient way of communication which can reduce cost of marketing besides meeting other needs in the villages. However, upto March 2001, only 59 per cent of 6,70,000 villages were connected by telephone. The tele-density i.e. number of telephones per
hundred population was only 3.5 per cent compared to an average of 16 in the world and 60 in the developed world. Though, it has been targeted to increase this to 7 per cent by 2005 and 15 by 2010, the progress seems to be slow. There is a need to speed up the investment in this regard. Telephone connection technology by telephone lines seems to be slow and requires heavy investment for laying telephone lines. Therefore, the option of wireless technology (WCL), should be examined. The Committee recommends that all the remaining villages should be connected within five years. Also, at the same time e-communication should be encouraged either through village panchayat or private entrepreneurs. Such communication or Cyber Caf or village kiosks can become information centers. Rural Connectivity: Rural roads constitute one of the most important marketing
infrastructure which reduce the cost of production and marketing by providing external economies to farmers, traders and public at large. It is well known that investment in infrastructure of this type has very high returns to the society. The status of rural roads in India indicates that only 47.83% villages were covered with roads till mid 90s as can be seen from the Table below:
Table Details of Road Connectivity in India Group of villages with population Villages connected with road % age villages connected of Villages not connected with roads <1000 1000-1500 >1500 Total 172062 44031 65698 281791 37.45 75.88 91.73 280733 13904 5713 300350 63.55 24.12 8.73 452795 57935 71411 582142 % age of villages not connected Total
Source : Govt. of India , Handbook of Transport Statistics in India , 1999, Ministry of Surface Transport. Therefore, there is an urgent need for investment in providing connectivity to remaining villages. Considering average road length as 4 km., to connect each village with the main road, public yard or sub-yard, the total length of rural roads required to connect to remaining 3.7 lakh villages comes to around 14.8 lakh kms. If average cost is taken as Rs.5 lakhs per km, the investment requirement is Rs.74,000 crores. Though the Government of India has made special provision for link roads in rural areas under Prime Ministers programme there is a need for additional investment. Physical Facilities in Markets: Agricultural produce markets established under market regulation programme have been playing an important role in providing market places to the farmers to dispose off their produce. These have also provided physical facilities and an institutional environment to the traders, processors and other market functionaries for conduct of their trading activities. The studies revealed that farmers, on an average, get a reasonably higher price by selling their produce in the regulated market yards compared to rural, village and unregulated wholesale markets. Most of the regulated market yards in the country at present lack facilities for handling the produce arriving there. The space for auction platform is less and the number of shops and godowns in the premises is small. It reduces the effective participation of traders. Absence of storage godowns at market level further perpetuates the problems of traders in general and continuous movement of goods in particular. The number of fruit and vegetables markets brought under regulation is small. Further the markets, which have been exclusively developed for handling of fruits and vegetable, do not have sufficient facilities for handling the produce available in the area. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection and several state governments have assessed the requirements of investment for development of market yards in respective states. Though several questions relating to the desirability of continuing with government sponsored market yards are being raised, the Expert Committee is of the view that creation of physical infrastructure at primary market places is absolutely essential irrespective of the institutional arrangements for managing these yards. As shown in Annexure-III, the investment
requirement for development of market yards/sub-yards during the next ten years is estimated at Rs.6026 crores. Specialised Markets: Apart from general purpose markets, there is need for developing
specialized markets for fruit and vegetables. It has been assessed that there are at least 241 such places in the country where fruit and vegetables markets should be developed. The infrastructure required for such markets depends on the volume of arrivals which in turn depends on the size of population to which these markets cater. The investment requirement for fruit and vegetables markets in the country is around Rs.970 crores. The details are tabled below: Investment Requirements for Development ofFruits and Vegetables arkets Size of Population No. of Markets (Rs. In crores) Investment Required 1 to 2 lakhs 2 to 5 lakhs Above 5 lakhs Total 126 72 43 241 252 288 430 970
Farmers Markets:
marketing by producers to the consumers. The states of Punjab , Haryana, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have established Apni Mandi in their areas. However, this has been promoted so far only at the state headquarters and at some district headquarters. There is a need to promote these in all the districts. The Committee recommends that farmers markets be promoted in all the districts of the country to accelerate the process of direct marketing by the farmers.
Rural periodic market is the first contact point for producer sellers for encashing their agricultural produce and buying other goods needed by them. There are in all 27294 rural periodic markets including those for livestock, in the country. But even minimum necessary infrastructural facilities do not exist in most of these rural periodic markets. There is urgent need to develop these rural periodic markets in a phased manner with necessary infrastructure amenities to have a strong base level link in the marketing chain. Once developed, these places, where periodic markets function, can also serve as farmers/consumers markets. The investment requirement for developing these primary rural market places is estimated at Rs.2146 crores Storage/Warehousing: Storage infrastructure is necessary for carrying over the
agricultural produce from production periods to consuming periods. Lack of adequate scientific storage facilities cause heavy losses to farmers in terms of huge wastage in quantity and quality of products in general and of fruit and vegetables in particular. Seasonal fluctuations in prices are aggravated in the absence of proper scientific storage facilities. Central and State Warehousing Corporations have constructed warehouses in the different States. Food Corporation of India and some State governments have also created warehousing facilities and godowns. The total covered storage capacity available with FCI., CWC and SWC is estimated at 26.4 million tonnes. In addition, storage capaciaty of around 25.3 million tonnes is available with public, private and cooperative sectors. In the background of 200 million tonnes production the available storage capacity of 52 million tonnes is quite inadequate. It is estimated that about 20 million tons of grains are stored in the form of CAP(Covered & Plinth). This clearly shows that the country needs much more facility than what is available now. This is specially more important for hill and remote areas in several states. For an additional 20 million storage capacity the investment required @Rs.2700 per tons is Rs.5400 crores. The private sector needs to be encouraged to enter the storage and warehousing activity and make investment of this magnitude. The Finance Minister in the 2001-2002 Budget has announced creation of Rural Godowns for non-perishables on the lines of construction of cold storages under the back-ended subsidy scheme implemented by the National Horticulture Board. In this connection, in the light of past experience, the Expert Committee recommends that definition of rural godown should include a
house, warehouse located in a rural area where a rural periodic market/market yard/subyard/collection centers for different agricultural commodities already exists. It may also include D class municipalities or harvesting centers. Any private entrepreneur, cooperative, APMCs, SWC/CWC, registered NGOs, Farmers Registered Organisations, Accredited microcredit organisations and shelf-help groups should be eligible to construct and operate rural godown under the scheme. The Godowns should be of viable capacity and rat proof with scientific storage following the specification drawn by CWC/SWC. The growers/processs, State procurement agencies, wholesalers, other agencies involved in PDS etc. should be included as potential users. The subsidy to the construction of godowns may be limited to 25% of the total cost. The godowns should be declared as deemed warehouses under the State Warehousing. APMC market fee, sales tax, purchase tax, octroi etc. should not be leviable on the goods stored. Similarly, provisions of Essential Commodity Act, Labour Act, Mathadi Act, Shop Establishment Act, Industrial Disputes Act etc. should not be applicable to these Warehouses. The material stored in rural godowns should be backed by warehousing receipts with common regulatory framework for negotiability. The godown owners/operators should be permitted to play the role of onlender so as to channel credit to potential users. Considering the importance of rural godowns to farmers, bankers/financiers should be allowed maximum spread of 2% or less over the NABARD refinance rate. Cold Storage: India produces 134.5 million tons of fruit and vegetables and the output is likely to go up during the next 10 years. It is a matter of concern that more than 30 per cent of fruits and vegetables produced in the country are lost due to lack of proper handling, stoarge and procesing facilities. Cold storages are most important infrastructural need for perishable and semi perishable commodities which need an immediate attention. Presently a total of 4199 cold storages are existing in the country with a total storage capacity of 15.38 million tonnes. The sector-wise availability of storage capacity is given below:
Sector-Wise Distribution of Cold Storage Facilities(as on 31st March 2001 ) S. No. Sector Number of cold storages 1 2 3 4 Private Co-operative Public Total 3739 310 150 4199 146.13 6.80 0.91 153.85 Capacity( Lakh MT)
The present storage capacity available is sufficient only for 10 per cent of total production of fruits and vegetables. In the next 10 years with the anticipated increase in production of fruit and vegetables and other perishable commodities, the cold storage capacity requirement would be much higher. Foreseeing the future requirements of the fresh/precooked/frozen fruits and vegetables and their products as well as anticipated change in the food habits in favour of processed food, the capacity requirement for post harvest management of perishables is estimated at more than five times the presently available capacity. In the next 10 years, 15000 additional cold storage units with a capacity of 45 million tonnes should be created. The additional capacity requirement would need an investment of the order of Rs.27,000 Crores. The investment should basically be made by the private sector only. In future, there would be a need for multi-chamber type of cold storage units for various perishable and other products. For encouraging private entrepreneurs there is a need to provide subsidy to make the units viable for some initial years. This apart, the regulatory arrangements should also be reviewed and simplified for attracting private investment in this venture. There is a need to provide incentives in reducing current expenses such as tax relief in electricity. Reefer Vans/Containers: The country would also require reefer container/vans for
transport of perishable items for domestic and export marketing. At present their availability in the country is negligible in comparison to the present production of perishable commodities. For handling the expected higher production in the next 10 years, at least 3000 reefer containers/vans with a capacity of 8 tons each would be required. This would require an
investment of Rs.600 crores, which should be encouraged in the private and cooperative sector. There is a need to encourage the investors in this area by providing incentives. Cleaning, Grading and Packaging: The importance of these facilities can be hardly over emphasized. At present, the grading facility is available only in 1321 markets out of total number of 7127 regulated markets. The quantity graded at producers level is almost negligible. There is a need to create facilities for cleaning, grading and packaging not only at primary level but also in the villages from where produce is brought to the market for sale. In the absence of such facility at the village level, the kind of pollution and congestion created at market yards during the peak arrivals period is well known. The APMCs should encourage private entrepreneurs to promote such units in or around the yard/sub-yards. There is need to promote proper packaging after grading so that further chances of adulteration or temptation may not be there. Besides this there is a strong need to educate the farmers for proper packaging and grading before they bring the produce to the market. Scientific packaging should be encouraged at the farm level through subsidy support. The Expert Committee feels that this is an important activity, and an investment of Rs.2000 crores should be earmarked for this purpose during the next 10 years. Export Zones and Food Parks: With a view to taking advantage of new international trade
environment, there is a need to encourage export of high value traditional/non- traditional products grown in various parts of the country. Commodities having export potential are several fruits and vegetables, raw as well as processed and packed spices like cumin, fennel, coriander and other farm products like fenugreek and hena for which there is significant demand by Indian Diaspora and others in several countries. However, there is a need to educate and train the growers of these crops in producing, grading and packing for overseas markets and create necessary infrastructure. A scheme of creating Export Oriented Agri-Zones (EOAZ) has been announced by the Govt. of India (Ministry of Commerce) which should be promoted by providing institutional and physical infrastructure in each of these as per the needs of the specific commodity. In some of EOAZs, there is also a need to establish what is called Food Parks. In these parks, some common facilities like electricity and warehouse should be created with central government assistance which will help in attracting investment by the private sector and the state government. While most of the investment should be made
by the private entrepreneurs, as a way of incentive, government should invest in common facilities, and quality certification. The estimated public investment is Rs.200 crores and private investment of around 400 crores on fifty such EOAZs. In identification of EOAZs and Food Parks , the Government of India, through APEDA and DMI should take an active stance, rather than leaving it to the state governments. The Committee further recommends that commodity wise export potential studies be commissioned before establishing EOAZs. Processing and Value Addition: Considering the increase in demand for value added and processed products, there is a need to enhance the capacity of agro-processing sector. This will not only help in stabilizing the prices realized by farmers but also in creating employment in rural areas. The food-processing sector alone provides tremendous potential in this area. For attracting private initiative and investment in food processing, the Government
of India through Department of Food Processing and National Horticulture Board have already formulated several schemes of assistance. A ten year tax holiday has been
announced. However, the state governments should also come forward and grant relief in terms of sales tax and other local taxes on processed products. Cheaper processed products will expand demand for such products. At present, value addition is estimated at only seven per cent and processing only two percent of the total production. Within next ten years, there is a need to increase value addition to 35 percent and processing to atleast 10 percent. Quality control and standardization will be extremely important in this endeavour. The Central government should establish or encourage a network of food analysis laboratories in the country. This will also be necessary to face competition from imported processed products. The investment potential in value addition and food processing is quite large. According to our esimates, the potential is Rs.150,000 crores. If conducive policy environment and incentive frame work is created, private sector can be attracted to make investment of this magnitude. The state-wise details of investment potential in food processing are given in
Sources of Investment:
considerable. The investment in agricultural marketing system will go a long way in making agricultural sector vibrant and enable it to face the competition of liberalized international trade environment without adversely affecting the livelihoods of those who depend on farming. However, for realizing the potential of investment, a major part of which need to come from the private sector, a conducive and favourable environment would have to be created. For attracting the private sector investment at a level visualized by the Expert Committee, there is a need for (a) making complementary investment by the State and Central government; (b) subsidizing a few activities to enable the private sector initiatives to attain viability; (c) active stance by the Central government in some initiatives; (d) reducing the regulatory controls and simplifying the procedures; and (e) ensuring adequate credit flows to agricultural marketing activities. It is in this context, that the Expert Committee recommends that agricultural marketing and trade activities like construction of storage structure; rural godowns; cold storages, reefer vans; cleaning, grading & packing houses; export oriented agri-zones; and agro processing and value addition should be included under the definition of priority sector for the purpose of lending by financial institutions.