Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
A software package developed for optimum use of resources of an enterprise in a planned manner Integrates the entire enterprise starting
From the supplier to the customer Covering logistics, financial and human resources
A package for cost saving A single solution addressing the information needs of the whole organization
ERP- Features
Provides multi-lingual and multi-currency, multi mode manufacturing and multi- facility capabilities to compete and succeed globally
Used for Flexible reporting tools to extract information as and when needed without depending on MIS department For Electronic data interchange to accept information like Purchase Orders, Schedule amendments, cash payments, order acknowledgements, raising invoices etc.
ERP- Features
For Imaging to provide the ability to display drawings , specifications, store original sale orders, Purchase Orders, quotation etc. For Database creation starting with attendance reporting, monitoring and control of machines and post sale statistics Integration of new product introductions or changes to existing products fully into the enterprise system of Engineering Change Management, to include electronic approval, routing, change order process routing, revisionlevel control etc.
Seamless Integration
ERP- Features
Effective management of human as well as equipment resources Heart of any ERP system providing for data for employees, suppliers and customers
ERP- Scope
Financial accounting, treasury management, asset management and enterprise control Production Planning, Material management, Plant maintenance, Quality management, Project management & Distribution
Human Resources training and development and skills inventory Work Flow: Integrates the entire organization with flexible assignment of tasks and responsibilities to location, positions, jobs, groups or individuals
Marketing Accounting Production Logistics Product Design Order processing Finance Materials Human Resource Quality
Requirements of ERP
People in the organization have to be prepared. Skills, methods and attitudes of people are important.
ERP- Benefits
Reduction of lead time (up to 60%) On- time shipments Excellence in business Increase in inventory turn over to over 30% Reduction of cycle time to 80% Reduction of W-I-P inventory to 70%
ERP- Benefits
Better customer satisfaction Improved vendor performance Reduced quality costs Improved resource utilisation Improved information accuracy Improved decision- making capacity Integration of work-flow in the entire enterprise Transparency of decisions and Introspection
Large number of organization nationally and internationally have implemented already/ in the process of implementing
Cost of package from few lakhs to a few crores Needs of the company to be fully understood before ordering a package Implementation period varies from 12-24 months Building of right platform, right software vendor selection and right consultant for implementation essential to get the right ERP package
Major vendors are SAP, Oracle applications and Baan Others in the field include JD Edwards, People Soft, Scala, Ramco Marshal, QAD etc A very high commitment absolutely essential for a successful implementation of ERP
Personnel Turnover Re-engineering in business processes Expensive Sometimes it is too rigid and difficult to adapt. Less flexibility in implementation.
Enterprise Resource Planning is used world wide by companies to integrate business resources and thereby reduce costs and increase productivity ERP provides a total solution on an integrated system providing information needs of the entire enterprise Careful selection of the ERP package is extremely important to suit the specific business needs of the enterprise as it involves huge expenditure