Minimizing Difficulties Faced by Toronto Senior Homeowners During Trash Set-Outs

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013

Minimizing Difficulties faced by Toronto Senior Homeowners During Trash Set-Outs

Abstract Senior homeowners who live independently in the City of Toronto have difficulties with weekly trash set-outs. The current bin design and set-out procedure do not accommodate for the senior homeowners function capacity[15]. This leads to various problems related to safety, mobility, and convenience when senior homeowners attempt to set out the trash. These problems adversely affect the mental health of the senior homeowners, as they feel incapable of surviving independently. This directly affects their quality of life in a negative way.[20] The solution needs to improve measures in factors such as safety, mobility, and convenience while senior homeowners set out trash. The improvement of these factors ensures minimization of efforts and injuries that can be caused throughout the process of trash set-outs, including but not limited to slipping and falling during wet weather conditions and muscle damage caused by the heavy load. This RFPs purpose is to generate solutions to overcome these ergonomic difficulties faced during trash setouts by senior homeowners.

[15] Canadian Institute for Health Information. Health Care in Canada. Ottawa. Ontario. 2011 [20] Anna Hudakova. Mobility and quality of life in elderly and geriatric patients. Faculty of Health Care Branches, University of Preov, Preov, Slovakia.15 June, 2011

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013

Table of Contents
Key Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Section 1: Introduction........................................................................................................................... 2 Section 2: Identifying the Community and Its Problem ................................................................ 2 2.1 Identifying the Community 2.2 Legitimacy of the Community 2.3 Identifying the Need Section 3: Current Situations ............................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Present Solution 3.2 Present Bin Design Section 4: Scoping and Scaling of the Need ....................................................................................... 4 4.1 Ergonomics Associated With The Movement Of Trash Bins 4.2 Pivoting, Pushing, and Pulling Factors 4.3 House Front Yard Layouts 4.4 Weather Related Obstacles Section 5: Stakeholder ........................................................................................................................... 6 Section 6: Framing As an Engineering Problem ............................................................................... 9 Section 7: Design Requirements ........................................................................................................ 10 7.1 Objective 7.2 Constraints 7.3 Criteria and Metrics Section 8: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................. 12 References ............................................................................................................................................... 14

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013

Key Definitions
Community shall mean a group of people sharing something in common and belonging to a
certain age group and sector.

Quality of Life shall be defined by how well the needs are being satisfied. Availability of
resources and facilities that can be an asset (metrics: time, distance etc.).

Need shall mean something that is essential and significant for survival. A necessity of life. Canadian Seniors shall mean Canadian residence of age 65 and over.[2][15] Function Capacity shall be an indicator of a persons ability to achieve everyday essential

Set-out(s) shall mean the process in which the dweller sets the trash bins for pickup.

1. Introduction
This request for proposal addresses the issues concerning the difficulties for senior homeowners to properly set-out household trash. The purpose for bringing up this issue is to provide acknowledgement to the relevant stakeholders of the need and ultimately to formulate an alternative design for City of Toronto trash bin system. The various hindering physiological factors of elderly bodies will be discussed and compared to the movements needed for trash disposal. This document will also provide criteria and constraints for alternative City of Toronto trash system designs for the purpose of accommodating the senior homeowner community.

2. Identifying the Community and Its Need

This section provides insight, evidence, and discussions of the problem senior homeowners have with trash bin set-outs.

2.1 Identifying the Community

The document considers Toronto senior homeowners who live independently or with their spouse as the community in focus. This correlates to having to perform most everyday essential tasks independently. The seniors are assumed to have able bodies with common deficiencies due to aging.

2.2 Legitimacy of the Community

The Torontonian population consists of 14.4% seniors aged over 65, 93% of Canadian seniors aged over 65 live at home and more than a third (37%) live alone.[2][15] The majority (86%) of these seniors have healthy able bodies and are considered to have common seniors function capacity.[15] Therefore, the size of the community is sufficiently large considering the population of Toronto to be 2,615,050 in 2011.[2] The common characteristics of elderly age have resulted in the inability for completing essential tasks. Thus, the community requires extra care, attention and precaution.[16]

2.3 Identifying the Need

From regional sampling in the Eglinton West area, four senior (age 65+) homeowners in three different households had mentioned their problem with mobility affiliated to trash bin set-outs as a negative

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aspect to their quality of life.[3] The need of shorter trips and distance travelled for a weekly trash setout is commonly desired by residents with mobility issues.[3][4] The major factors degrading to the setout process are the number, weight, and size of the bins and the set-out requirements. The need was further investigated in a broader scale through senior organizations. Service requests for trash set-outs are made to senior services organizations, such as SPRINT and Comfort Keep, every week. Requests increase during wet and snowy weather conditions. These services require organization personnelles to be dispatched to the homes for performing simple tasks such as loading, relocating, and setting out the trash bins.[12][18] The need arises because most senior homeowners want to retain their independence for as long as possible in their own homes. This requires the level of support to increase in many aspects.[15] The failure to meet these levels of supports will take away their independence and bring negative feelings about the lack of meaning of life and will ultimately decline their quality of life.[20] Thus, this should impose the system to provide assistance to senior homeowners for trash set-out. To extrapolate, the senior population is one of the fastest growing groups in Toronto: age group 60 - 64 grew by 28.8% and 85+ grew by 27.5% from 2006 to 2011.[2] The overall population is estimated to consist 25% seniors over the next 25 years.[15] Thus, the need for various senior services will be increasing during the next 10 - 30 years. Nevertheless, the demand for the services can be reduced by providing indirect assistance for this urban life essential and the independence for senior homeowners.

3. Current Situations
This section discusses the current design of trash bins and service based solutions that have been implemented.

3.1 Present Solution

The present solutions to the problem of assisting senior homeowners to set out their trash depend extensively on the services from various organizations. As mentioned before, organizations for the care of seniors are required to dispatch members to assist senior homeowners set out their trash.[12][18] Such dispatches adversely affect the organization providing the service because the dispatches are time consuming and members have to travel considerable distances for simple tasks. The labour and time spent in doing such tasks could be utilized to perform various other important tasks. Hence, developing a solution that will enable senior homeowners to take the trash out themselves would be beneficial.

3.2 Present Bin Design

Approximate dimensions[1]

Height: 103.1cm 40.6 Width: 67.8cm 26.7 Depth: 71.4cm 28.1

Figure 1 - Recycling Bin Dimension

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013

As 311 said, bins for the City of Toronto are designed and manufactured by Rehrig Pacific Company.[13] The current bin has two handles on the top, which are beside the cover of the bin. There are two wheels at the bottom back of the bin. The bottom is flat and in contact with the ground to ensure the stability of the whole bin. The wheels and handles are on the same side of bin. When the users want to move the bin, they are required to hold the handles, put one foot as a pivot support, and then pivot the bin by pulling. The upper part of the bin is larger than the bottom part, and hence it is easy for the senior homeowners to control the bin during movement. The centre of mass is close to the upper part of the bin, (assume the bin is filled uniformly to the top) and thus the user is required to support a portion of the load weight. There is one metal bar on the forward face of the bin for it to be lifted by the trash arm of the garbage truck.[11] The set-out system contains three bins: grey for garbage, blue for recyclables, and green for organic waste. Three separate bins exist because different types of wastes can be easily dumped into the appropriate disposal channels.[11]

4. Scoping and Scaling of the Need

This section further analyzes various problems that may be experienced by senior homeowners with respect to the current waste collection system design.

Figure 1 - This flowchart shows the procedures required for a typical trash set-out, the actions associated with it, and the consequences associated with individual actions.

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013

4.1 Ergonomics Associated With the Movement of Trash Bins

The consideration of ergonomics is significant for the movement of trash/disposal bins to and from the front yard of the house. The garbage and recycling bins should be placed half a meter away from the organic container bin after they have been brought up to the curbside.[10] Also, consider that an average American produces 4.5 lbs of waste per day, which comes down to about 65 lbs per household a week, if not more.[5] Although this data is geographically irrelevant, the cultural similarities can be applied to Torontonians. This means senior homeowners have to travel about 18 metres (estimating the driveway to be at least 3 meters long) to pull/push three heavily loaded bins to the curbside. Moving these heavy bins on a regular basis may increase the possibility of senior homeowners having back and muscle problems and requiring frequent visit physiotherapists and chiropractors.[9]

4.2 Pivoting, Pushing, and Pulling Factors

Pivoting of the bins is vital to the issue of senior homeowners moving their trash bins from one point in the house to the front yard. Since the seniors have to support partial weight of the ~65 lb bin, it may potentially cause the seniors homeowners to invite leg problems on the limbs.[7] According to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Foot Pain Impairs Balance and Functional Ability in Community-Dwelling Older People, 117 out of 135 senior community dwellers (87% of the seniors) have at least one health problem related to feet.[19] This means that most senior homeowners who have feet related problems have a greater possibility of losing balance or slipping and falling while pivoting in the process of moving the trash bins from one point in the house to the front yard. Moreover, pulling or pushing bins can be tedious and an asset to back pain or muscle pulls, as the bins can be quite heavy for the senior homeowners.[9]

Figure 2 - This image illustrates the position required to move a large bin.

4.3 House Front Yard Layouts

The district of Don Mills and Finch, which contains high concentration of seniors, was chosen for the analysis of the front yard layout.[2] The front yard layouts contained many physical obstacles such as curbs, steps or slopes. Figure 3 shows an example of a common front yard layout in the district consisting steps and ~5 degrees incline. These obstacles increase the effort required to move heavily loaded bins and increase the risk of falling for senior homeowners, especially under slippery (wet/icy) weather conditions.

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Figure 3 - Common layout in the Don Mills and Finch area (Sloped driveway and steps), Google Maps

4.4 Weather Related Obstacles

Weather related obstacles is a crucial consideration for the issue of senior homeowners moving their trash bins to the front yard of the house. Conventional weather conditions such as slippery wet ground, snow piles, or icy driveways can result difficulties for the senior homeowners to move the trash bins outside. It can increase the risk of slipping and falling for the community. According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), of the adults over the age of 65 fall annually and about 20% to 30% of the the seniors who slip and fall experience bruises or head trauma. In many cases, this leads to hospitalizations, permanent disabilities, as well as death.[8] By personal judgement, the annual weather conditions in the City of Toronto are unpredictable and dangerous for the senior homeowners moving their trash bins to the front yard of the house.

Figure 4 - Tipped bin in snow

5. Stakeholders
This section discusses the involvement of various groups and organizations who hold stake in a new bin/trash set-out system design.

Senior Homeowners City of Toronto Solid Waste Management Trash Collection Companies Green For Life Waste Management Rehrig Pacific Company

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Chart 1 - Analysis of the design features and their relationship with the stakeholders Design Features Mobility Rank: 1 Definition The ability to move or be moved freely and easily.[21] In this case: The ability for senior homeowners to maneuver freely with a loaded bin. Justification of Importance As mentioned in sections 4.1 and 4.2, ergonomics associated with the movement of trash bins closely relate to the function capacity of the senior homeowners. The quality of mobility directly affects the chances for injuries of senior homeowners.[9] As mentioned in section 2.3, the current solution is inconvenient, because assistance is required for some senior homeowners to perform this essential task.[12] Stakeholder and Objectives Senior Homeowners: They need improved mobility for setting out the trash bins. All Other Companies: An alternate design of the bins can change the mobility experience of senior homeowners. [11][14] Senior Homeowners: The need for less trips, less effort and less obstacles.[3] Trash Collection Companies: Since the new design is implemented, garbage collectors might need to adapt or be notified.[11] Senior Homeowners: They need bins to provide safety measures. Trash Collection Companies: Provide safety measures for workers to operate with the bins. Senior Homeowners: The more economical the trash bins are, the easier it is for the senior homeowners to maintain them.

Convenience Rank : 1

The state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.[21] In this case: The state of senior homeowners operating the loaded bin with ease.

Safety Rank : 1

The condition of being safe; freedom from danger, risk, or injury. [21] In this case: Reducing the possibility of slipping and falling during the process of trash set-out

As mentioned in sections 4.2 and 4.4, the safety of senior homeowners while utilizing the bins is important to their health and independence.[7]

Maintainability Rank : 2

Capable of being maintained (Cause or enable a condition or state of affairs to continue).[21]

The easier to maintain and the more the duration between two successive maintenances, the better it is, as the senior homeowners

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013 In this case: The ability of the bin to remain in its original condition. would have to spend less effort and time. Rehrig Pacific Company: Bins can be designed and manufactured specifically to reduce the daily maintenance needed.

Capacity Rank : 2

The maximum amount of substance (in this case, garbage) that can be stored by a container In this case: The maximum volume of the bin.

Section 3.2 mentioned the dimensions of the current trash bin.[1] Capacity is crucial because the frequency of senior homeowners to set out their garbage depends on it.

Senior Homeowners: Large capacity of the bin can store garbage for a long period of time, so that the bin does not have to be moved to the front of the house, frequently. Rehrig Pacific Company: Bins with a larger capacity can be manufactured for increasing the amount of garbage stored.

Compatibility Rank : 2

A state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict.[21] In this case: - After the changing of design, the bin still has advantages of original design.

The compatibility of any changes with the rest of the system is important, because the problem it solves can be much less significant than the problem it creates.[11]

Trash Collection Companies: The pickup arm of the garbage truck needs to pick up the bins and different waste types need to go into different channels.[11]

Cost Rank : 3

An amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something [21] In this case: The amount spent to manufacture and design the bin.

Cheaper bins would be favoured, as the process of implementing the design would be more efficient.

Senior Homeowners: The cost will change the demand of the bins. The lower the cost of the bins/system, the more interest and demand there is.

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013 Rehrig Pacific Company: The cost will change the price of bin.[14]

Aesthetics Rank : 4

A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty [21] In this case: The looks and elegance of the bin to provide some intuition of the purpose of each bin.

Appearance and colour of the trash bins can mark the difference between different kinds of wastes making the collection process more intuitive while providing a positive image for the city.

Senior Homeowners: It can give them a better guidance to the different types of bins for different kinds of wastes. All Other Companies: Companies like the Rehrig Pacific Company and Solid Waste Management can design and manufacture the bins for a better indication of the difference.[11]

6. Framing as an Engineering Problem

This RFP frames the engineering problem as requirement for a change in bin design and/or the process of senior homeowners setting out the trash bins. Main Objectives:

Design of a new garbage bin (can include features added on to previous designs) Design an efficient system for the process of moving the trash bins from a point in the house to
the front yard for garbage collection. Deliverables: While addressing this RFP, there has to be a minimum inclusion of:

A new set of guidelines to design a safe and an efficient system A new design of the trash bin to ensure better mobility and safety with less effort from the user
(senior homeowners). Engineering design is a decision-making process (often iterative) of devising a system, component or a process to meet desired needs by converting resources optimally to meet a stated objective.[17] The main task of engineers is to apply their scientific and engineering knowledge to a the solution of technical problems, and then to optimize those solutions within the requirements and constraints set by material, technological, economic, legal, environmental and human related considerations.[6]

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013


This comes down to creating a new bin design or a trash set-out system to optimize the trash set-out process by the senior homeowners. Hence, designing a new trash set-out process to aid senior homeowners satisfies the definition of engineering design.

7. Design Requirements
The section provides the objective, constraints and criteria for the solution.

7.1 Objective
The objective is to improve the quality of life of the senior homeowners in Toronto by providing ergonomic assistance through an improved set-out process and/or bin design. The main purpose of this improvement is to minimize effort, movements, and provide safer measures for a senior homeowner to operate alone.

7.2 Constraints Must be able to hold and transfer household waste for proper collection.[11] Must be compatible with the main collection system (i.e. Truck arms and Waste Channels).[11]
The nature of the problem causes a very limited number of constraints to be imposed. Also, this RFP tries to minimize the constraints to leave a wide design space, enabling a varied possibility of solutions.

7.3 Criteria and Metrics

This section provides means of evaluating the quality of the solution. These criteria should be implemented during the set-out process. 1) Mobility: The solution should provide improved mobility. This implies that the solution should be able to easily maneuver and also decrease the effort (metric: force) required to transport equal amount of waste as compared to previous designs. 2) Safety: The solution should consider the significance of safety for the senior homeowners community in Toronto. i.e. provide support in slippery (wet/icy) weather conditions and yard obstacles; provide assistance with heavily loaded bins; etc. (metric: Percent chances of incurring ergonomic problems) (metric: rate of slipping and falling). 3) Convenience: The solution should provide further ease to the senior homeowners during trash setouts. It should be designed to minimize the time (metric: seconds) and the distance (metric: meters) it takes for a regular set-out. 4) Capacity: The solution should aim to provide enough space to store garbage produced for one week. Thus, senior homeowners do not need to worry about the lack of space in the garbage bin (metric: volume).

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5) Maintainability: The solution should aim to require less effort to maintain the bins and have a higher time gap between successive maintenances. (metric: maintenance frequency) 6) Cost: The solution should have a comparable cost to the existing design (metric: Canadian Dollar). 7) Aesthetics: Generally, waste is unappealing in regards to both sight and smell. The solution should aim to overcome such unappealing aspects to prevent any discomfort to the people around it. Furthermore, colouring and size of the bins should give an intuition of the type of waste each bin accepts. (metric: presence)

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, the main factors of convenience, efficiency, and safety of senior homeowners in the City of Toronto should be considered while devising a solution to improve the process of trash set-out. The solution should also consider both aspects involved in setting out the trash, i.e. the bin design and the systematic process of the senior homeowners to set out the trash.

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Appendix - Contacts, Sources and Interview Questions/Answer

Email Contact Questions

Do you have any special services for senior homeowner who have trouble
with weekly bin setouts?

Are the bin designed for the convenience of seniors? If no, are there any
future plans overcome this problem?

Would you be able to provide us the name and information of the design
firm and manufacturer of the bins? Reply From Arlin 311 Toronto: Solid Waste does have a program entitled, "Front or Side Door Collection." Front and side door collection of garbage and recycling and green bin is provided to those residents who are not physically able to carry their materials to the curb and who do not have an able bodied person living with them who can take the materials to the curb. (Eligibility is not age related). The bins come in various sizes, and the garbage and recycling bins have wheels so they can easily be rolled out to the curb. The green bin currently does not have wheels, but Solid Waste is conducting a pilot study to evaluate a new green bin design that would include wheels. We receive these bins from a contractor called, Rehrig.

Email Contract Questions Reply

Are there any stats on senior citizens undergoing any kind of a treatment
related to back pain, or muscle pull, or even about senior health. From Troy Melanson Stats Canada: Thank you for contacting Statistics Canada. Please note that you can access our free publication entitled A Portrait of Seniors in Canada (catalogue number 89-519-X) which will provide various data tables on seniors in canada. To access our free publication, please click on the following link: We also have several articles regarding caregivers and you can access them at the following links: Furthermore, at the link below, you will find information on hours spent, in the past week, providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors in own household and outside household, by age group and sex for 2008. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or at 1-800-263-1136. Regards,

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013


List of Phone Interviewees: City of Toronto Senior homeowner - Lan (Jan 25, 26 2013) Chiropractor - Julie (Feb 7, 2013)

Questions Ask During Phone Interviews:

Do you have difficulties when disposing garbage? Can you help us to get more information about disposing
garbage from more senior homeowners?

How often do seniors come for a chiropractic treatment?

and can you provide us with some stats on senior citizens undergoing any kind of a treatment related to back pain, or muscle pull?

What are some major causes of it? What is your opinion on senior homeowner having to
move heavy garbage bins for setouts? Green For Life Environmental Specialist - Chuck Knuc(Feb 7, 2013)

Would the change of formation of bins greatly affect the

collection system? for example, integrating the recycling and green bin into one unit.

Would you be able to provide us with the bins design

requirements document that you would provide a design firm? Organization for seniors (SPRINT) - Katie (Feb 7, 2013)

Are requests received from senior homeowners for help

with garbage disposal? Is there a record of statistics on the number of people requesting such help? -No explicit answer as records are not maintained. Do people have complaints regarding muscle related problems or request help with movement of heavy load?

Rehrig Pacific Company - Lise Beaudoin (Feb 11, 2013)

Are there certain design constraints and criteria about

bins?( documents or references) Does the design of bins consider ability of seniors to dispose garbage? Is there any potential of changing bin designs for the convenience of all citizens?

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University of Toronto Engineering Science ESC 102 - 2013


[1] City of Toronto. (1998). Bin Sizes [Online]. available: [2] 2011 Census: Age and Sex Counts, City of To., ON, Rep. May 2011. [3] Lan. City of Toronto resident, Personal Interview, Jan 25, 26 2013 [4] Jon Willing. (2012). Trash pickup policies need to consider seniors: Taylor [Online]. available: [5] Landon P. Boisclair.Environmental Protection Agency. American Recycling Facts. California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo. Dec.9 2009 [6] G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J. Feldhusen, K.H. Grote. Engineering Design A Systematic Approach [Third Edition] book online available: n+definition&ots=KtLCXXZAN&sig=ruK0zaWNtILe8N3Rynznixrto4A#v=onepage&q=engineering%20design%20definition&f=false [7]Markus Wenger. M.D. and Thomas-marc Markwalder, M.D. A novel surgical treatment of lumbar disc herniation in patients with long-standing degenerative disc disease. Volume 2. May, 2005 [8] Fall Prevention for Elderly Parents [Online]. available: [9] Julie. Chiropractor. Phone Interview. Feb 7 2013. webstite: [10] City of Toronto. City of Toronto Requirements for Garbage. Recycling and Organics Collection Services. May 2012 [11] Chuck Knuc. Green For Life Environmental Specialist. Phone Interview. Feb 7 2013 [12] Katie. Sprint. Organization for seniors. Phone Interview. Feb 7,2013 [13] 311 Canada (2013, Feb 6) Solid Waste Management Toronto. available: [14] Rehrig Pacific Company Waste, Recycling & Public Works[Online]. available: (suggestion from City of Toronto Solid Waste Management) [15] Canadian Institute for Health Information. Health Care in Canada. Ottawa. Ontario. 2011

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[16] Canadian Health Association. New Directions for Facility-Based. Ottawa. Ontario. 2009. [17] ABET Definition of Design [Online] available: [18]Comfort Keepers. Toronto In-home Care Service include trash take out. available: [19] Hylton B. Menz, BPod. Stephen R. Lord. Foot Pain Impairs Balance and Functional Ability in Community-Dwelling Older People. Volume 91. Number 5. May 2001 [20] Anna Hudakova. Mobility and quality of life in elderly and geriatric patients. Faculty of Health Care Branches, University of Preov, Preov, Slovakia.15 June, 2011 [21] Oxford University Press. (2013). Oxford Dictionaries. [Online]. available:

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