Amity University Rajasthan Amity Business School Term Paper: Human Resource Development
Amity University Rajasthan Amity Business School Term Paper: Human Resource Development
Amity University Rajasthan Amity Business School Term Paper: Human Resource Development
Certificate-------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------------04 Abstract-----------------------------------------------------------------------05 1. Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------06 1. Critical issues----------------------------------------------------------------- 08 2. Objectives of HRD----------------------------------------------------------- 09 3. Goals of HRD-----------------------------------------------------------------10 4. Importance/benefits of HRD------------------------------------------------12 5. Principles of HRD------------------------------------------------------------14 6. Functions of HRD------------------------------------------------------------ 15 7. Improving performance through HRD ------------------------------------17 8. Essentials of a good HRD system------------------------------------------21 9. Competencies of HRD Manager--------------------------------------------22 10. Role and responsibilities of HRD Manager -----------------------------24 11. Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------26 12. References-------------------------------------------------------------------27
This is to certify that the project entitled, HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT" submitted by "SAVITA DAGAR" in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of "BACHELORS OF COMMERCE" in "AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL" at the "AMITY UNIVERSITY RAJASTHAN" is an authentic work carried out by her under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the project has not been submitted to any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.
Date: 02-4-2013 Mrs. Preeti Yadav Senior Lecturer ABS AMITY UNIVERSITY RAJASTHAN
Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and there are no exceptions. The report being submitted today is a result of collective effort. Although the report has been solely prepared by me with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements there are in numerous helping hands behind it who have guided me on my way. First I thank our management for creating such an opportunity for the students to broaden their frame of skills. I am gratified with their efforts. My sincere gratitude also goes to my guide Dr. Mrs. Preeti Yadav who has helped me all through the project. Working on this project was fruitful as well as interesting.
This report deals with the basic concept of Human Resource Development along with its benefits and importance, functions, goals, principles, and other basics of HRD.
body, mind and spirit. Development combines the concepts of development (change and growth) and training (learning specific skills). Thus, Human Resources Development is the integrated use of training, organizational development, and career development efforts to improve individual group and organizational effectiveness. For making human resources development effective, besides choosing the right activities, one must pay adequate attention to their process, too. Process refers to the specific style, method or the way in which a particular activity is implemented. Human Resource Development is a process for developing and unleashing human expertise through organization and personnel training and development for the purpose of improving performance. By this employees of an organization are continuously helped in a planned way to; 1) Acquire or sharpen their present and future expected roles 2) Develop their general enabling capabilities as individual so that they are able to discover and exploit their own inner potential for their own and / or organizational development purposes and develop an organizational culture where superior-subordinate relationships, teamwork and collaboration among different subunits are strong, and contribute to the organizational health, dynamism and pride of employees. Thus from analytical study of all the above definitions, we may conclude that Human Resource Development is an organized learning experience, conducted in a definite time period, to increase the possibilities of improving job performance and growth.
Critical issues
These are identified by the top management team in different organization. It is found on a survey of the Indian organization that in the following fields human resource development has to be strengthened;
1) Recruitment and Promotion Policies of different organizations are to be reviewed on a recurrent and continuous basis. Merit and competence should be given greater emphasis in promotions. 2) Performance Appraisal systems in the organizations are to be modified so that the right persons are rewarded in the right manner and placed in the right posts. 3) Greater emphasis is to be laid on human resource development and training. 4) Communication system is to be improved 5) Motivation, morale, commitments and sense of belongings and involvement of employees at all levels should be enhanced. 6) Greater attention is to be paid regarding development of first line supervisors, second and third line executives. 7) Policies, Rules and Procedure of organizations are to be consolidated and reviewed on a consistent and recurrent basis.
Objective of HRD
The prime objective of human resource development is to facilitate an organizational environment wherein people come first and everything else comes next.
1) Equity Recognising human being as strategic asset, organizations have to create environment of respect, trust and sense of belongingness, HRD seeks to develop all employees irrespective of caste, colour, creed, religion, language, race, culture etc. actions should also be devoted to the disadvantaged categories of employee such as handicapped; social excluded, immigrated, unemployed, etc. besides according free development opportunities to employees, HRD must ensure that the organization creates achievement oriented organizational culture and provides equal opportunities to all employees in matters of career planning and development, quality of work life etc, to enhance their professional abilities. This will require both relational communications through open, supportive and interactive system. 2) Employability In todays highly competitive business scenario, employment has lost its true significance given high retrenchment, layoffs, voluntary retirement schemes, etc. and paved the way for employability as flexible employment is increasing. Employability means the ability, skills and competencies of an individual employee to seek gainful employment anywhere of his own. Therefore, HRD needs to continuously upgrade the skills and competencies of the employees to keep them motivated, engaged and retained but also make them employable. HRD should also accord appropriate opportunity of training for young people in search of first occupation and unemployed people.
resource development programmes affecting organizational culture change and evaluating and articulating policies that govern diversity. To do so display leadership that eradicates oppression of all forms. The result is enhanced productivity, profitability, and market responsiveness by achieving a dynamic organization and work force. This is the first goal of human resource development, to train the leadership. The main goals of HRD are as depicted below:
Human potential interest in every employee is vast; it can be further enhanced by various interventions like training, job-rotation, counselling, organization action, etc. The importance of human resource development is: 1) People are major assets and that an organization can make full utilization of individual potential by providing a developmental environment and opportunities by encouraging and rewarding innovativeness and creativity. 2) Such people who are unable to contribute to the organization fully due to reasons beyond their control can also give their best if they are taken care of and proper environment and conditions are provided. 3) Competency can be developed in people at any point of time and organizations must encourage competency enhancement. 4) Human resource development provides higher quality of work-life through opportunities of a meaningful career, job satisfaction and professional development. 5) Human resource development philosophy emphasizes human wellbeing and organizational growth. 6) Human resource development policies are relationship centered and the extent of relationship under human resource development is life long and not merely for 8 hours a day. 7) If any employee perceives a nurturing environment, automatically there would be a positive response to match individual aspirations with organizations needs. 8) Human resource development processes have to be planned and continuous in order to be effective. 9) A signal to the employees that management believes they are important and should motivate them to acquire new skills and consequent rewards.
10) Human resource development fosters commitments through the communication of values. 11) Human resource development facilitates with organizational goals through better employee understandings. 12) Human resource development provides for two-way, open and interactive communication between management and employees. 13) Human resource development focuses on needs satisfaction through achievement and recognition. 14) Human resource development provides job enrichment through training and the acquisition of new skills. 15) Human resource development increased awareness of the importance of change management and consequent adaptability of employees.
Principles of HRD
Functions of HRD
Human resource developments seek to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization in an effective manner through developing the employees of the organization. Therefore, HRD performs a number of functions in an organization as;
1) Development functions:
These functions relate to the development of the employees and their competencies for effective job performance. Given highly competitive nature of business today it is crucial for organizations to develop the skills and competencies of employees at all levels for achieving the goals and objectives of the organization effectively. Appropriate programmes such as training of workers and supervisors on job specific skills for improved job performance, management development programmes for managers for providing them with opportunities to learn, grow, and change, in hopes of producing over the long term a cadre of managers with the skills necessary to function effectively in the organization and fostering a learning environment wherein all the employees of the organization are learners, paving the way for permanent change of behaviour necessary to adopt to a highly dynamic business scenario. Human resources development programmes like career planning and development of employees is necessary to systematically match career goals and individuals capabilities with opportunities for their fulfilment so as to attract, engage and retain best professional necessary to achieve excellence and performance and potential appraisal helps to improve job performance on going basis and identify, develop and groom best talents. However, unless employees are empowered to perform their jobs, customers centric business orientation is difficult to practices. 2) Maintenance functions These functions relate to the maintenance of the employees satisfaction levels by removing grievances, difficulties, and problems, both at professional and personal front. This is necessary to maintain current performance levels of employees. Maintenance programmes such as counselling and coaching provides opportunities to employees to discuss their emotional problems with an objective of reducing it amicably. Other programme of mentoring helps employees to be supported by more experienced employees to help learn, adapt and become skilful and articulate in ones job. Human resource development function plays a vital role in fostering an human resources development oriented work culture,
which is conducive to professional and personal well-being through which all members of the organization, through appropriate channels of communication, have some say about the design of their jobs in particular and work environment in general. This implies the importance of quality of work life is a process by which all members of the organization, through appropriate channels of communication, have some ay about the design of their jobs in particular and work environment in general.
3) Control function;
These functions relate to the control mechanisms within the organization, established to keep synergy between various human resource development programmes, sub-sets and organizations mission and objectives. Human resource development helps senior leadership of an organization to keep tab on the current state of human resource development in attaining competitive advantages through people process, if any gap is found then immediate corrective action can be taken to rectify. Failure to do so may result in drifting away of human resource development processes and organizational strategy, which will ultimately result in business failure. In order to do so, human resource development audit is undertaken. Human resource development encompassing strategies, systems, practices, structures, competencies, styles and culture and their appropriateness to achieve the short and long term business goals of the organization. Being the conscience keeper for the organization, human resource development plays a pivotal role in upholding and adhering employees to ethical behaviour in business through training, motivation and education.
Organizations find themselves dealing with strong competitive markets and fast changing technologies. In response, their strategies focus on improving organizational flexibility. Human resources are regarded as a key to competitiveness. Employee learning and related strategies, such as knowledge management/knowledge sharing and creating a learning culture, are key issues for these organizations. The role of human resource development professional is changing from trainer to consultant. Their strategic role is to link human resource development closely to business; their practical role is to provide learning opportunities for employees. The execution of human resource development activities is a shared responsibility of human resource development professionals, managers and employees. Off-the-job training is still an important strategy, but it is complemented by strategies to support self-directed and informal learning and to link training with organizational strategy. People need fair compensation, but money alone does not improve performance. Studies indicate that the positive effects of a salary increase usually last for between six to seven weeks. Meaningful work that is integral to the goals of the organization, has the respect to fellow employees, and provides opportunities to develop individual skills result in a more sustained level of employee performance. A human resource development system that integrates performance management with organizational goals will ensure that the employees understand how their work relates to and contribute to the mission of their organization. A carefully planned and implemented human resource development system addresses the kinds of employee concerns that can affect performance. Human resource development can improve performance if the following components are an integral part of such system as elaborated below: 1. HRD responsibility for fairness in the workplace; One important managerial responsibility is making sure that all managers and employees apply human resource development policies on a day-to-day basis and distributes tasks and responsibilities fairly and equitably among employees. When developing an integrated human resources development system,
organizations job classification and related salary scales should be reviewed to ensure that salaries are appropriate to the level of responsibility and are competitive when compared with local economic conditions. In some cases it may be difficult to correct salary imbalances, but every effort should be made to take corrective action internally to ensure that all employees are receiving fair and equitable compensation. Organizations human resource development policies should be reviewed, updates as needed, and make the updated information available to all employees. In addition, it must be ensured that all supervisors and managers are informed about the new human resource development policy and that they apply the rules fairly and equitable to all employees.
An important element of a work planning and performance review systems is holding joint work planning and performance review meetings on a regular basis. The supervisor and employee should agree on specific agree on specific performance objectives during these meetings. These agreed-upon objectives become the basis of the next performance review. This system allows both the supervisor and the employee to evaluate performance and to plan ahead for training or other career development activities, if needed. A work planning and performance review systems can improve individual employee performance and increase employment motivation. Such a system becomes the basis for creating employee development plan, which the organizations goals. Ongoing supervision between the periodic work planning and performance review meetings is also the key.
HRD staff development responsibility; Making employee development a priority is an important component of a comprehensive human resource development system. Posting job opportunities within the organization and supporting internal candidates will send a signal that the current experience of employees is valued. A well-managed programme of training and reap many pay-offs. Formal, organized training
is only one vehicle for employees development. Other staff development strategies include: -On-the-job learning through, mentoring relationships; - Cross-functional assignments; -Membership in task forces and committees; -Additional job assignments; -Technical presentations and discussions at staff meeting. These can all provide the challenge and opportunity needed for personal and professional growth as well as increase the knowledge that people have in common and expose them to new ways of thinking and doing.
required to function effectively. Good interpersonal skills help to achieve the various goals and objectives of human resource development programmers.
consulting role in which HRD people perform both analytical and systems-design work. 9) Researcher: This role involves assessing HRD practices and programmes and their impact empirically. It also means communicating results so that the organization and its people accelerate their change and development.
To conclude on HRD, HRD function needs to focus on: 1) Managers should fulfil a key role in changing HRD practices. In short term, It is necessary to find strategies to involve managers in HRD, by changing their views on learning and increasing their motivation to support learning. In the long run, consideration should be given to incorporating HRD skills in all management training programmes. 2) HRD function should be more precisely defined and recognised by top management as a major part of the global development strategy of the organizations and seen as an investment rather than a cost. 3) Professional associations from different organizations and countries should organize events where HRD professionals can reach a common terminology, exchange ideas and collectively try to solve difficult challenges. 4) Since competence development is seen as a key element of implementing the concept of the learning organization, further research is needed to develop valid and useful competence profiles, better understanding of the facilitating and inhibiting factors in competence assessment and development, and in coping strategies of organizations that try to overcome problems in implementing competences systems.
from theory and practices of HRD by Tapomoy Deb from ninth edition of human resources management by Gary Dessler
Nadler L Ed. (1984). The Handbook of Human Resources Development, John Wiley and Sons, New York.