Compass Adjustor
Compass Adjustor
Compass Adjustor
Removing a bubble Quite large bubbles sometimes appear beneath the cover glass. They may shrink or enlarge as the temperature changes and, other than looking unsightly, may be no trouble at all. If they cause difficulties then the fluid will need topping up. Compass fluid may be added by means of the filling plug on the side of the compass bowl. Check the Compass maufacturers manual for what fluid is advised to be used for filling The 'A' Error Correct alignment of the lubber's line of the compass, gyro repeater, and pelorus with the fore-and-aft line of the ship is of major importance. Such a misalignment will produce a constant A error in the curve of deviations. All 'A' found may be removed by rotating the compass binnacle (or stand) in the proper direction as best possible Order of Adjustments (1) Flinder's Bar (2) Quadrantal correctors (3) Heeling error magnets (4) Fore & Aft magnets (5) Athwartships magnets The order in which you carry out adjustments is important as they are not totally independent, and the correctors themselves may interact (eg permanent magnetism in the quadrantal correctors may cause B and C deviation) 1 - FLINDERS BAR The main use of this corrector is to overcome induced B error caused by funnels & cranes The iron sections of Flinders bar should be continuous and at the top of the tube with the longest section at the top.Wooden spacers are used at the bottom of the tube to achieve such spacing. Residual Magnetization check of the Flinders bar The Flinders bar magnetization check is preferably made with the ship on steady east or west compass heading To make this check: (a) Note the compass reading with the Flinders bar in the holder (b) invert the Flinders bar in the holder and again note the compass reading. Any appreciable difference (2 or more) between these observed readings indicates residual magnetism in the Flinders bar. Such Flinders bars that show signs residual magnetism should be annealed (i.e. heated to a dull red and allowed to cool slowly) Quadrantal error from Finders bar. Since the Flinders bar is generally placed in the forward or aft position, it acts as a small minus D corrector, as well as a corrector for vertical induced effects. This means that upon inserting the Flinders bar in such a position, the regular spheres should be moved closer to correct for the increased plus 'D' error, or vice versa, if the Flinders bar is removed 2 - QUADRANTAL SPHERES Place the spheres at the best position as indicated by the previous deviation table. If the compass has never been adjusted, place the spheres at midposition on the bracket arms. Shift the spheres as described in the "What to Adjust" section of this program Residual Magnetization check of the Quadrantal Spheres This test may be made with the ship on any steady heading. Move the spheres as close to the compass as possible and slowly rotate each sphere separately. Any appreciable deflection (2 or more) of the compass needles resulting from this rotation indicates residual magnetism in the spheres. Such spheres that show signs residual magnetism should be annealed (i.e. heated to a dull red and allowed to cool slowly) 3 - HEELING MAGNETS Heeling error is the difference between a vessel's deviation when upright & when heeled on the same heading Adjust the positioning of the heeling magnet by means of a properly balaned dip needle, if available, OR Adjust the heeling magnet while the ship is rolling on north and south headings until the oscillations of the compass card have been reduced to an average minimum as described in the "What to Adjust" section 4 & 5 - FORE & AFT MAGNETS / ATHWARTSHIP MAGNETS Add/Remove or shift these magnets as described in the "What to Adjust" section after making the compass swing
WHAT TO ADJUST IN THE COMPASS Following the "How to Adjust", see what observed errors need correction on the Flinder Bar & Heeling Magnets THE FLINDERS BAR - Select the type of error you observed in the scroll box below 1 If no bar in holder then place required amount of bar forward Increase amount of bar forward if bar forward of binnacle Decrease amount of bar forward if bar aft of binnacle THE HEELING MAGNETS - Select the type of error you observed in the scroll box below 1 Raise the heeling magnet if red end is up or Lower the heeling magnet if blue end is up.
Cardinal Compass N NE E SE S SW W NW 000 045 090 135 180 225 270 315
C -1.5
D -0.5
1.5 -2.5
Variation 15.5
Sign Convention E is +, W is -
THE 'A' ERROR A is + (Deviation shown more than actual) This Error is less than 0.5 degrees and so will be impractical to correct THE 'B' ERROR B is - (Westerly on East & Easterly on West) Place required magnets red aft if no magnets or magnets are less Raise magnets if fore & aft magnets are red aft Lower magnets if fore & aft magnets are red forward THE 'C' ERROR C is - (Westerly on North & Easterly on South.) Place required athwartship magnets red to starboard no magnets or magnets are less Raise magnets if athwartship magnets are red to port Lower magnets if athwartship magnets are red to starboard THE 'D' ERROR D is + (E on NE'ly, W on SE'ly, E on SW'ly, & W on NW'ly) If first time or if no spheres then place spheres athwartship Move spheres toward compass or use larger spheres (if sphere's are athwartship) Move spheres outward or remove (if spheres are fore & aft) THE 'E' ERROR E is - (W on N'ly, E on E'ly, W on S'ly, & E on W'ly) The existence of a sizeable E error is rare, but if you really do need to correct this you have to slew the spheres If first time or no spheres then place spheres at starboard forward & port aft intercardinal positions Slew spheres counter-clockwise through required angle (if spheres are athwartship) Slew spheres clockwise through required angle (if spheres are fore & aft)
1. Adjust the heeling magnet, while the ship is rolling, on north and south magnetic heading until the oscillations of the compass card have been reduced to an average minimum. (This step is not required if prior adjustment has been made) 2. Come to an East (090) cardinal magnetic heading to remove all deviation. (See B Error) -1.5 3. Come to a South (180) magnetic heading. to remove all deviation. (See C Error) 1.5 4. Come to a West (270) magnetic heading. Correct half of any observed deviation by moving the B magnets. 5. Come to a North (000) magnetic heading. Correct half of any observed deviation by moving the C magnets. (The cardinal heading adjustments should now be complete.) 6. Come to any intercardinal magnetic heading, e.g. North-East (045). Correct any observed deviation by the spheres (See D Error) 7. Come to the next intercardinal magnetic heading, e.g. South-East (135). Correct half of any observed deviation by moving the spheres (The intercardinal heading adjustments should now be complete. More accurate results might be obtained by correcting the D error determined from the deviations on all four intercardinal heading) 8. Secure all correctors before swinging for residual deviations. 9. Swing for residual undegaussed deviations on as many headings as desired, although the eight cardinal and intercardinal headings should be sufficient. 10. Should there still be any large deviations, analyze the deviation's again using the "What to Adjust" to determine the necessary corrections and repeat as necessary steps 1 through 9 above Once completed,swing the vessel to get the new values of True Heading for the 8 Compass points. Input the new values of the TRUE HEADING into the calculation table (2-What to Adjust) for the eight (8) compass points Congratulations ! You've just completed adjusting your compass. Once your satisfied with the new deviation proceed to '4- Final Deviation Card' Fill in the details where appropriate in the "Final Deviation Card" & take a print out Don't forget to colour the magnets diagram (red & blue) for easy identification and sign it before posting it up.
DEVIATION TABLE Compass Deviation 000 045 090 135 180 225 270 315 360 -1.5 W -0.5 W -1.5 W
DEVIATION TABLE Dev 000 4.0 045 090 3.0 135 180 2.0 225 270 1.0 315 360 0.0
000 -1.0
045 -0.5 090
135 -0.5
Vessel Name MAERSK KALEA Position 17 25.2 S 061 42.7 E 15.5 W 13/10/2010 10:30 to 11:30 LT CAPT.S.ROYAN
-1.5 1.0 -0.3 2/OFF RANJITH.A 3/OFF ABHISHEK Variation Date & Time MASTER
Compass Adjustor
Sharan Desai DEVIATION TABLE Compass Deviation 000 045 090 135 180 225 270 315 360 -1.5 W -0.5 W -1.5 W -0.5 W 1.5 E 2.5 E 2.5 E -1.5 W -1.5 W
270.0 Position of Corrector Magnets Port 1 pce (4) Fore & Aft Stbd Fore 2 pce (1,3) 315.0 Athwartship Aft
Heeling Magnets
ompass Adjustor
Sharan Desai
Vessel Name