Introduction To The Life Energy System
Introduction To The Life Energy System
Introduction To The Life Energy System
The human body is sustained by Life force energy which is referred to as Chi in Chinese medicine and Prana in Indian Medicine. This energy which has Electro-magnetic characteristics travels through Meridian pathways inside the physical elements of the body and feeds all the main organs, glands and ultimately every muscle, nerve, tissue and cell. Surrounding the outside of the body there are several electrical energy fields created by the Source Energy which are commonly referred to collectively as the aura. These comprise of the meta-physical elements of the body and which have Magneto-electric characteristics. Located on the mid-line of the body there are seven main transition points for distribution of the life force energy into the physical elements and these are known as the Chakras. The word Chakra means literally a wheel and this part of the system comprises of seven centers of rotating vortices of energy. There electrical function is to act like downline transformers to feed the higher voltage energy of the magneto-electric energy fields of the Aura into the sub-circuits of lower electro-magnetic energy of the Meridian system. The Meridian system comprises of twelve principle meridians which act like distribution paths for the energy and eight meridians which act like vessels to store the energy inside the body. The Chakra and the Meridian system are therefore intrinsically linked in order to form a distribution network for the Life force energy and it is this complex system of energy transfer and distribution that is the focus of tuning fork therapy. By definition every organ tissue gland and cell in the body depends on a regular and uninterrupted supply of this energy in order to carry out the process of sustaining Life. Ancient Chinese and Indian medicine both are advocates of unblocking and releasing energy disturbances inside and outside the body in order to alleviate the symptoms of disease - Application of Tuning fork sound therapy can act as a tool to bring about changes on all levels of this Energy system producing a remarkable healing effect as a result.
The above diagram shows the key relationships between the Chakras, Acupuncture Meridian and Endocrine Glands of the body.
The above diagram represents the Seven Gates of the human body comprising of the Chakra and Meridian Energy Systems which can be used for the purposes of Healing.
tuning forks on various parts of the body it can help to establish a new pattern of balance and erase the detrimental patterns caused by the negative resonance pattern of ill health. Sound has many other effects on both conscious and unconscious levels often evoking emotional responses - it has a counterbalancing action on the physical and emotional states of the body and mind. The power of Sound for instance can energise the body when tired or relax the body by soothing the nervous system when we are angry, it also has the amazing ability to lift our spirits in times of depression and grief. When the internal and external aspects of our lives become at odds with each other we become dissonant which is a lack of harmony or inflexibility - as flexibility is to all intensive purposes represents an easier and more harmonic pattern of life then rigidity is the opposite number being ultimately and literally death. Translated into its musical form Sound becomes the appreciation of its Universal power for it clearly helps us to become more harmonious and coherent - it is by these standards therefore a truly potent medium for healing.
The meridians are in pairs of Yang and Yin elements [positive and negative/light and dark] these are the opposing forces of energy that regulate the action of life force in matter. Each pair of meridians has a direct relationship with a particular Chakra, Musical note, Colour a specific Endocrine Gland as shown in the diagram previously. Photograph of the Acu-Sound Meridian Set of Tuning Forks
The tuning forks come in twelve different sets each one of which can be targeted at different systems in the body but for the purposes of this article the Acu-sound tuning forks are the mains set of reference in this article. The complete list of sets available are as follows : -
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Acu-Sound (Principle Meridians) Acu-Sound (Secondary Vessels) Chakra Sound Muscle Sound Spinal Sound Cosmic Sound (Planets)
Vital Sound Genetic Sound (RNA/DNA) OM/Cubit Sound Brain Sound Jaw/TMJ Sound Amino Sound
On a general level the appropriate tuning forks can be selected by the practioner using a number of different means including by intuition, using a dowsing pendulum, or by making a logical assessment of the patients symptomatic condition and then using the relevant fork or forks related to the Meridians or Chakra that may be involved. Other methods involve using Kinesiology muscle testing procedures and these fall into two categories that can be either very basic involving one or two forks or alternatively more advanced using multiples of tuning forks to correct many complex imbalances in the body.
The patients symptomatic pattern is also assessed at the time of the visit and thereafter to establish the changes taking place on a physical and mental levels over the course of Tuning fork sound therapy treatments. The following photographs show the before and after Kirlian Photographs of patients who have undergone tuning fork sound therapy treatment and as can be seen from these pictures the Aura has changed dramatically after the therapy.
[ All photographs kindly supplied by Prism Aura Imaging Telephone No: 01634-855478]
1] Human Bio-Dynamics the research and works of Alan Beardall DC. 2] Higher Vehicles lecture notes of Sheldon Deal DC. 3] Chakra Vital Force balance workshop notes by Terry Larder. 4] The law of Seven Gateways diagram by Angela Burr-Madsen. 5] Applied Physiology the workshop manuals by Richard Utt 6] Kinergetics 1-8 the workshop manuals by Philip Rafferty
Books : 7] Form, Sound, Colour and healing by Theo Gimbel 1987 published by The CW Daniel Co Ltd ISBN O 85207 186 8. 8] Healing Sounds the Power of Harmonics by Jonathan Goldman 1992 published by Element Books ISBN 1 85230 848 6.
Acknowledgements : 9] With grateful thanks to the information and guidance given to me in the book Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsch 1995 published by Hodder and Stoughton ISBN 0 340 69325 8.