2012 Catalog of Palladium Books
2012 Catalog of Palladium Books
2012 Catalog of Palladium Books
Winter 2012-2013
! Zentraedi mecha & select spacecraft. ! Zentraedi warriors and their culture. ! Quick Roll Tables for Macross characters. ! Ordinary People O.C.C., new skills and more. ! Notable anime characters statted out as NPCs. ! Written by Jason Marker & Kevin Siembieda. ! Manga size for easy portability (5x7 inches). Available ! $15.95 256 pages. Cat. No. 551 ISBN 1-57457-138-9.
only in the USA and Canada.
! Written by Irvin Jackson. 8 x 11 inch book format. Avail! $16.95 96 pages. Cat. No. 555 ISBN 1-57457-179-6.
able only in the USA and Canada.
Explore new battle torn worlds, fight Invid and Inorganics, discover new alien people and civilizations and do it as the liberating heroes of the UEEF Marines. ! New weapons, mecha and vehicles. ! Alien worlds, people and more. ! Battles and adventure. ! Nuff said for now. ! Written by Irvin Jackson. 8 x 11 inch book format. Available only in the USA and Canada. ! Size, price and release date not yet known. Coming 2013.
There have been many post-apocalyptic games, but Chaos Earth is the apocalypse! Players go through the global and social carnage and mass destruction as the world of a near perfect, future Earth is torn apart and remade. Transformed into a world of magic, monsters and madness that, after a 200 year Dark Age, will become Rifts Earth, but even that is in the future. This is the moment of change. This is how it all began. The Great Cataclysm as it is happening. Rifts Chaos Earth is a complete setting and time-line in and of itself and takes place 300 years before the current Rifts setting with the Coalition States. Thus, Chaos Earth is truly unique and different, with new O.C.C.s, heroes, villains, magic and concepts. ! Overview and history of the Great Cataclysm. ! Introduction of NEMA the Northern Eagle Military Alliance heroes who struggle to save lives and bring peace to the chaos.
4 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
! 11 different character classes. ! NEMA power armor, robots, weapons, and equipment. ! Powerful life and death adventures. ! A Mega-Damage setting role-playing game. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and
guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Compatible with Rifts. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 660 ISBN 1-57457-084-6.
! 20+ demons and monsters specific to the Apocalyptic set! Information on Chaos Storms and Ley Lines. ! The Demon Plagues and Blue Zones. ! More on NEMA and the Demon Plagues. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $12.95 64 pages. Cat. No. 661 ISBN 1-57457-092-7.
ting. Day Demons and Night Demons.
now reside alongside humans and often compete for dominance over the land and its people. Beyond Rifts Earth is the infinite Megaverse worlds without end accessible through the dimensional Rifts! Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game that captures elements of magic, horror, and the supernatural combined with super-science, high technology and the ordinary. The game spans countless dimensions, making anything and everything possible. Players are truly limited only by their imaginations! Rifts may be used as a stand alone role-playing game or combined with characters and elements from the entire Palladium Megaverse. ! More than 30 unique Occupational and Racial Character Classes, including the Cyber-Knight, Combat Cyborg, Glitter Boy, Psi-Stalker, Dog Boys (mutant canines), Juicer, Crazies, Techno-Wizard, Ley Line Walker, Elemental Fusionist and many others. ! Supernatural and magical creatures, like dragons, are available as player characters, others are horrifying menaces from the Rifts. ! Bionics and cybernetics offer a vast range of mechanical augmentation. Meanwhile chemical enhancement (Juicers) and brain implants (Crazies) can turn a human into a superman, but not without tragic results. ! More than 80 different psychic powers, the source of the Burster, Mind Melter and Mystics abilities. ! More than 150 different magic spells at the command of characters like the Ley Line Walker, Shifter, Elemental Fusionist, Rifter and Techno-Wizard (who combines magic and technology). ! Super-technology with Mega-Damage body armor, energy weapons, rail guns, power armor, robots, cyborgs and human augmentation. ! The Coalition States: humanitys salvation or its own worst nightmare? ! Techno-Wizard device construction rules. ! Rules for surviving M.D.C. damage. ! Over 250 skills for making unique player characters. ! Expanded, Rifts-specific Insanity Tables (100 phobias). ! How to get started and use the Rifts time-line. ! Rifts supplement reference guide. ! Designer notes and more. ! Rifts Ultimate Edition provides more background, details, information, characters and artwork than ever before. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with psychic powers, magic spells, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! Written and created by Kevin Siembieda. ! $35.95 376 pages, 24 pages of color (75+ color illustrations). ! Cat. No. 800HC ISBN 1-57457-150-8. Hotter than ever.
big reference. Plus, maps, lists and indexes of O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, experience tables and more. ! 503 weapons, including explosives, plus E-Clips and ammo notes. ! 300 skills listed and described. ! 290 pieces of equipment. ! 104 suits of body armor. ! 182 vehicles. ! 86 suits of power armor. ! 58 robots. ! Optional combat rules and examples of play. ! Comprehensive index of O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, P.C.C.s, and Monsters. ! Experience tables for hundreds of character classes. ! Designer notes, rules clarifications and reference notes. ! Game Master tips and hints for running Rifts. ! Maps, adventure ideas, and a lexicon of terms. ! 352 pages of reference material galore. ! $26.95 352 pages. Cat. No. 845 ISBN 1-57457-067-6.
more. ! Magic herbs, plants, components and symbiotes. ! Shamanistic Magic, Fetishes, Talismans and more. ! Comprehensive index of Practitioners of Magic. ! Designer notes, comments, tips & hints for running magic characters. ! $26.95 352 pages. Cat. No. 848 ISBN 1-57457-069-2.
! The weapons and gear of Northern Gun. ! Angrar Robotics and Chipwell Armaments. ! A few Coalition vehicles. ! A mercenary adventure and more. Many adventure ideas. ! Written by C.J. Carella. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 813 ISBN 0-916211-70-3.
Rifts MercTown
MercTown is set in the Magic Zone, near the Federation of Magic, but is a town run by mercenaries and for mercenaries. Many of the townspeople and businesses cater to the mercenary trade, have secrets to preserve or intriguing pasts. Others have their own agendas and ties to merc outfits, the Black Market, the Ravenshome Thieves Guild, the Coalition States or other nefarious organizations. ! 220 locations and nine pages of maps. ! New mercenary groups, gangs, the Black Market & Thieves Guild. ! Magic, weapons dealers, job brokers & augmentation clinics. ! Interesting characters and countless adventure ideas. ! Written by Patrick Nowak and Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 863 ISBN 1-57457-105-2.
Rifts Mercenaries
This fan favorite sourcebook is packed with information about mercenaries, creating mercenary companies, merc O.C.C.s and a vast array of weapons, vehicles, armor and equipment. ! 9 O.C.C.s including Master Assassin, Smuggler, SuperSpy, Forger, Thief, Bounty Hunter and others. ! 6 Mercenary companies, including Larsens Brigade. ! The weapons and vehicles of Golden Age Weaponsmiths. ! The weapons and explosives of Wellington Industries. ! The weapons and vehicles of Iron Heart Armaments. ! The weapons, force fields and vehicles of Naruni Enterprises.
Bomb, and Palladium Fantasy RPG, and Ninjas & Superspies. Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 803 ISBN 0-916211-53-6.
Dark Conversions
The focus of Dark Conversions is on creatures of darkness and other monsters such as Alien Intelligences, Elementals, Werebeasts, vampires, weird supernatural beings, the Nightbane and others. If you are looking for practitioners of dark magic, villains, monsters and vile horrors to pit against your heroes, this is the sourcebook for you. ! 130 monsters statted out and described for your inclusion in Rifts, Chaos Earth, Phase World or any MegaDamage setting. ! Werebeasts, Gremlins, Gargoyles and spirits. ! Undead legions & demons from The Palladium Fantasy RPG. ! Conversions for creatures from the Nightbane RPG. ! Alien Intelligence creation rules and tables. ! Elemental beings of lesser and greater stature. ! Entities and monsters from Beyond the Supernatural. ! Dark Magic: Witches, Shifters, Diabolists, and Summoners. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda and others. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 852 ISBN 1-57457-079-X.
This fan favorite has been completely rewritten, reorganized, and expanded by original author Kevin Siembieda. Updated to 109 P.A., there is so much new material that it is a new book. It preserves most of the original characters, concepts and information while rewriting, clarifying and substantially expanding upon it all. ! Vampire Hunter O.C.C.s, all new. ! Vampires: Their strengths, weaknesses and powers. ! Vampire strategies and plans for conquest. ! Vampire minions, henchmen and protectors, all new. ! Rifts vampires, how they think, behave, fight and kill. ! Hero and Deluded Vampires as player characters, all new. ! The methods, weapons and gear to hunt and kill vampires. ! El Paso and Ciudad Juarez mapped and described. ! Vampire ruled towns and the hold they have over them. All new. ! Wild Vampires and the secret behind them. ! Town creation rules, tables and vampire domination. ! Vampire strategies and plans for conquest. ! Written, updated and revised by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 802-E ISBN 1-57457-186-9.
creating mystic weapons, animals & monsters. More than 50 magic tattoos & rules for creating new tattoo powers. ! Bio-Wizardry: Splugorth magic incorporating living organisms for transmutation, augmentation and the creation of magic weapons. ! 23 different Bio-Wizard parasites, microbes and symbiotes. ! Rune Magic, general types of weapons, a dozen specific rune items and other magic weapons, statues, gems, & creations of all kinds. ! Nearly 40 high-tech weapons, power armor suits and robot drones designed by the Kittani and others. ! Complete stats on the Splugorth and their many minions. ! Splugorth slave stock and 12 new species of Splugorth slaves. ! The lost continent of Atlantis, returned to Earth. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 804 ISBN 0-916211-54-1.
! 8 Triax Cyborgs plus bionic components. ! Gypsy O.C.C.s and their special abilities. ! The Gargoyle Empire and its technology & war machines. ! 21 notable weapons of the Gargoyle Empire and 4 R.C.C.s. ! Setting & regional overview, Brodkil, Gene-Splicers & more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda; 13 pages of comic book story. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 810 ISBN 0-916211-60-6. Rifts World Book 6:
Rifts Underseas
Rifts Underseas is a fabulous world as unique and expansive as any Rifts Dimension Book! Gamers may be surprised at the scope of characters, abilities and adventures available to them, both undersea and on dry land. Also good for campaigns set in the Great Lakes, along the Mississippi River and in the Gulf of Mexico, the Amazon or the Mediterranean Sea. ! 10 O.C.C.s like the Whale Singer, Ocean Wizard and Sea Druid.
! 20 aquatic R.C.C.s. like the Naut Yll, Sea Titan & Amphib. ! 40+ Ocean Magic spells, 20 Whale Songs & Dolphin Magic. ! Dolphins & whales, intelligent creatures sensitive to magic. ! Bionics, power armor, robots, weaponry, aircraft, subs & ! Tritonia, a floating city that survived the Great Catacysm. ! Atlantis underseas and the Horune Pirates along with their ! The New Navy, descendants of the old US Navy. ! The USS Ticonderoga submersible aircraft carrier and oth! NGR Navy and Triax underwater war machines. ! Gene-Splicer creations, mutants, Dead Pools, & more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda & C.J. Carella. ! $24.95 216 pages. Cat. No. 815 ISBN 0-916211-72-X.
er Golden Age technology in the hands of the New Navy. massive Dream Ships. ships.
! Juicer Wannabe O.C.C. and drugs that act like the juice. ! Written by C.J. Carella with Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 820 ISBN 0-916211-92-4. Rifts World Book 11:
! 11 New psychic O.C.C.s like the Psi-Ghost, Psi-Nullifier, ! 28 new psychic abilities and notes on psychic powers and ! 20 new monsters, some psychic, many just evil. ! Cybernetic psi-implants and side effects. ! Notable factions, villains, heroes and the Harvester of ! Psi-Cola, a highly addictive drink that can grant temporary psychic abilities along with various unexpected side effects. ! Psyscape, D-Bees, aliens, dark secrets and world info. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Cover by John Zeleznik. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 822 ISBN 0-916211-94-0. Souls. combat. Psi-Slayer, Zapper & others.
mystic arts of the Federation of Magic. Visit famed sites like the City of Brass and the Techno-Wizard enclave of Stormspire. ! 34 pages of brand new source material on the city of Dweomer. ! 8 magic O.C.C.s including the Magus and Mystic Knight. ! 28 Techno-Wizard weapons, vehicles, gadgets & gizmos. ! 7 Automatons, combat golems of incredible power. ! Stormspire, the capital of Techno-Wizardry in North America. ! Alistair Dunscon, diabolical leader of the Federation. ! Magic guilds, brotherhoods and secret societies. ! History and overview, cities and key figures. ! Written by Siembieda & Murphy. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 829 ISBN 1-57457-005-6.
Warlords of Russia
Rifts Russia is a savage wilderness infested by demons and other supernatural horrors. The Warlords and their cyborg legions have risen as Russias self-proclaimed saviors, but they are also its conquerors and tyrants. Hordes of monstrous cyborgs dominate the land, but protect the people from supernatural mon13
sters. This book focuses on the cyborgs, technology and people of Russia. ! Over 20 O.C.C.s. Includes new cyborgs like the Avenging Angel, Demonfist, Holocaust, Mantis and White Tiger. ! New cybernetic systems and bionics. ! The Warlords of Russia, their armies, politics & plans. ! The Sovietski, its history, weapons & war machines. ! Monsters and riding animals of the Russian steppes. ! World information, monstrous enemies & adventure ideas. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda & Kevin Krueger. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 832 ISBN 1-57457-010-2.
Rifts Australia is a savage and alien land reshaped by the Coming of the Rifts and the brutality of survival. A land inhabited by strange creatures and forces of magic. Humankind survives as Outbackers (low-tech survivalists and scavengers) and the CityGoers (the few who live amongst technological splendor after turning their backs on the rest of humanity). ! The Tech-Cities and Outback towns. ! Over 20 O.C.C.s like the Roadganger and Jackaroo. ! Mystic O.C.C.s include the Sham-Man and Songjuicer. ! Mutants, monsters, Dreamtime menaces and more. ! The Gods of the Dreamtime, returned to protect Australia. ! Tables for creating communities in the remote Outback. ! New weapons, technology and world information. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 834 ISBN 1-57457-018-8.
Mystic Russia
Russian mythology and magic come to life in this fan favorite Rifts World Book. The book includes all kinds of demons, monsters, new magic character classes (O.C.C.s), and nine different types of Gypsies some of whom are adventurers, others mystics and mages, some psychics and one is even a beguiling shape-shifter. Plus more background about Russia and the Sovietski. ! 36 Fire Magic spells. ! 29 Nature Magic spells. ! 18 Russian Demons, their powers and hierarchy. ! 10 Russian Woodland spirits, including the Man-Wolf and Werebeasts. ! The Night Witch, Hidden Witch and Born Mystic O.C.C.s. ! Necromancy and Necromancers expanded and their place in Russia. ! The Russian Ley Line Walker character class (O.C.C.). ! The Russian Shifter/Summoner O.C.C. (and all those demons to call upon). ! Mystic Kuznya O.C.C.: Warrior and maker of magic weapons. ! Plus Gypsy O.C.C.s, Sovietski combat vehicles & more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 176 pages. Cat. No. 833 ISBN 1-57457-011-0.
14 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
One of the strangest and most dangerous alien species on Earth is the Xiticix. Armed with new breeds of aggressive warriors, new weapons and legions of insectoids willing to fight to the death, people are beginning to wonder if they are the next threat to humanity. ! 9 different types of Xiticix, their hierarchy and society. ! Xiticix Hive Cities, defenses and plans for expansion. ! Xiticix powers, abilities and weapons. ! Psi-Stalker Tribes fighting the Xiticix & new R.C.C. data. ! Heroes and Hardcases: Groups and 15 Non-Player Characters. ! Fort Barron of the Coalition Army, mapped and described. ! Adventures, maps and many adventure ideas. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Breaux Jr. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 838 ISBN 1-57457-031-5.
China Two
Dinosaur Swamp
The swamps of Florida and other parts of the south are described and mapped for intrepid explorers and treasure seekers. Populated by mutants, monsters and dinosaurs from a forgotten time, Dinosaur Swamp is the ultimate nature preserve on Rifts Earth. The perfect place to do a little big-game hunting. ! Mega-Damage dinosaurs and monstrous mutants. ! 8 O.C.C.s, including Barbarians and Dinosaur Hunters. ! Eco-Wizards and Eco-Wizard weapons and magic. ! The Secrets of the Swamps Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. ! Man-eating plants, diseases, toxins and natural remedies. ! Region mapped and described, and adventure ideas. ! Written by Todd Yoho. Cover by John Zeleznik. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 862 ISBN 1-57457-104-4.
16 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
Mercs and vampires clash. The city-state of Arzno (located in Arizona) is completely mapped and described, along with the Arzno Mercenary Corps, a full mercenary company of TechnoWizard equipped Vampire Hunters. Opposing them is Xavier Stuart, a vampire general who dreams of spreading the undeath into Arizona and then all of North America! Key characters, villains, cults and Cyber-Knight clans. Plenty of adventure ideas. ! Arzno, a mercenary fort and city located along the Grand Canyon. ! The Arzno merc market, the perfect place for mercs looking to stock up, especially those interested in Techno-Wizard equipment. ! 16 strange new Techno-Wizard weapons and gadgets, including anti-vampire gear like the Stake Driver.
! 11 suits of Techno-Wizard magic armor & power armor. ! 7 Techno-Wizard vehicles & aircraft with mystic powers. ! Vampire General Xavier Stuart, his henchmen and their ! Fort Tombstone, Gen. Stuarts headquarters & vampire lair. ! The Blood Cult, Blood Priest and vampire worship. ! Coalition investigations into vampires, Arzno & the New West. ! The Black Swords, fallen Cyber-Knights who range over ! Regional monsters, wildlife and danger. ! Written by Jason Richards. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 868 ISBN 1-57457-157-5.
Arizona. mission.
reviewed and tweaked the new characters to be sure they fit our plans for Rifts. ! 35 brand new D-Bees (alien beings from other dimensions). ! 47 favorite D-Bees collected from past World and Sourcebooks, with all new descriptions, information, updates and insight. ! 82 alien beings in all for players to create characters, and G.M.s to use as villains, NPCs & foils for adventure. ! More world information & history behind every character. ! General information about D-Bees on Rifts Earth, their numbers and perspective on mankind. ! Written by Brandon Aten, Carl Gleba, Levi Johnstone, Jason Marker, John C. Philpott, Jason Richards, Kevin Siembieda, Josh Sinsapaugh, Taylor White, and Todd Yoho. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 874 ISBN 1-57457-170-2.
Rifts Madhaven is a place of terror and legend. Formerly known as Manhattan, it is a land so plagued by ghosts and monsters that no one has been able to conquer it in 300 years. Bold adventurers come to loot the ruins, but only half live to tell the tale. Ghosts, deadly monsters, weird mutants, and madness conceal and protect secrets of the past and present. ! 8 Mutant R.C.C.s that will boggle the mind. ! Mutant society and the various clans of Madhaven. ! 7 Ghostly Entities who torment the living. ! 11 strange monsters not found elsewhere. ! The Knights of the Order of the White Rose (4 O.C.C.s). ! The fabulous healing powers of the mystical White Rose. ! Techno-Wizard weapons and devices. M.D. Bone weapons. ! 51 Madhaven encounter ideas. ! The history, curse and inhabitants of Madhaven. ! Written by Brandon Aten, Taylor White, & Siembieda. ! $16.95 128 pages. Cat. No. 869 ISBN 1-57457-158-3.
Megaverse in Flames
The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet,
especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have a strong presence. Supernatural beings run rampant and wreak havoc across the world. Note: Part of the Minion War Crossover series. ! Demon plagues and global chaos. ! Soulmancy and Blood Magic revealed. ! Magical and demonic weapons and war machines. ! Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil. ! Hell Pits, Rune Forges and Demon Lords. ! Demonic and monster kingdoms and Hell holes on Earth. ! Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains. ! Battleground: Earth as demons and infernals amass their legions. ! Epic battles and adventure ideas galore. ! Written by Carl Gleba. Early 2013 release. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 876 ISBN 1-57457-171-0.
bidden Knowledge. Overview and history of the Chi-Town Burbs. Key people and places in the Burb of Firetown, with maps, stats, rumors and plenty of adventure hooks. $9.95 48 pages. Cat. No. 853 ISBN 1-57457-082-X.
town & the Tolkeen Crisis. Retribution Squads are out for blood, magic and forbidden books are flooding in from the fallen Kingdom of Tolkeen and trouble seems to be brewing in every corner. Revenge Squad Ragnarok, and more of Firetown described and mapped, with a ton of adventure hooks and rumors. $12.95 64 pages. Cat. No. 854 ISBN 1-57457-085-4. ! Rifts Adventure Sourcebook: Chi-Town Burbs The Black Vault. Learn about the mysterious Black Vault where the Coalition States lock away forbidden and dangerous magic items. The history of the Black Vault, its defenses and protectors, CS Anti-Magic Recovery Squads and 101 new magic items! $9.95 48 pages. Cat. No. 855 ISBN 1-57457-086-2.
Vanguard. The Vanguard, practitioners of magic born in the early days of Chi-Town before the formation of the Coalition States and who are loyal to the CS. Learn their history and their reasons for working for the Coalition, and why they kill and undermine other practitioners of magic. Six new Vanguard O.C.C.s, their methods of operation, adventure ideas and Vanguard agendas. Vanguard members as optional player characters, plus the Firetown Burb Part Three. $9.95 48 pages. Cat. No. 856 ISBN 1-57457-091-9. described on page 8 of this catalog. $12.95 64 pages. Cat. No. 867 ISBN 1-57457-124-9.
The Mechanoids
Archie 3 and Hagan Lonovich are two of the most beloved villains (anti-heroes?) in the Rifts Earth setting. This sourcebook highlights their strange relationship, plots and blunders. One of which is inadvertently unleashing the Mechanoids into the world! ! The prophecies of the Seven Dangers. ! 20+ Mechanoids and their robot legion. ! Optional Mechanoids Player Characters and character sheets.
! Archie Three and Hagan: Heroes or villains? ! The weapons and robot minions of Hagan Lonovich. ! New creations from Archie Three and Hagan, plus more ! Five adventures, random encounter tables and adventure
ideas. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 805 ISBN 0-916211-55-X. history and insight about the unlikely duo.
! 5 navy O.C.C.s including the Naval Infantryman, Nautical ! CS navy ranks, deployments and objectives. ! Sea SAMAS, Trident power armor, Sea-Spider Walker, ! CS warships, submarines, patrol boats, water sleds & more. ! Coalition aircraft carriers and naval aviation. ! Details on the Coalition States nuclear arsenal. ! 10 new sea monsters. ! 4 pirate and privateer O.C.C.s & information on pirate ! Written by Patrick Nowak with Kevin Siembieda. ! $16.95 128 pages. Cat. No. 828 ISBN 1-57457-003-X.
groups, operations & sanctuaries around North America. Navy body armor and other equipment. Commando and Sea Dog.
Rifts Sourcebook:
Coalition Navy
An in-depth look at the burgeoning power of the Coalition Navy, its robots, subs, ships, weapons, troops and organization. Can this fledgling military branch stand up to the power of the Splugorth? To Horune Pirates, sea monsters, and the looming prospect of a naval war with secessionist Free Quebec?
! Written by Josh Sinsapaugh. Additional text by Kevin ! $16.95 96 pages. Cat. No. 878 ISBN 1-57457-128-1.
Siembieda and Jason Marker.
Historically, gold collector editions only increase in value on the collectors market, and often quickly. This is the lowest number of a Collectors Gold Edition that Palladium has ever printed. ! Striking black leatherette cover with gold foil embossing. ! Limited Collectors Edition. ! 250 signed and numbered copies. ! 8 signatures, including main authors Kevin Siembieda, Matthew Clements and Carmen Bellaire, plus Chuck Walton and the Palladium staff. ! Exactly the same content as the softcover book described below. ! $60.00 192 pages. Cat. No. 886HC. Available now. Sold ONLY from Palladium Books via our online store and mail order.
! The Coalitions campaign of revenge. ! Bounty Hunters, mercenaries, adventure ideas and more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin. ! $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 840 ISBN 1-57457-046-3. Coalition Wars Three:
Sorcerers Revenge
The sorcerers of Tolkeen strike back in a murderous fury that stuns and bewilders the mighty Coalition Army. Combat and hatred heats up as both sides escalate the level of war. ! Secrets of the Dragon Kings. ! Shadow Dragons -- aggressive dragon-warriors fighting on the side of Tolkeen (as depicted on the cover of book one). ! Dozens of inhuman and magic wielding villains and NPCs; Tolkeens most notorious defenders (some would say madmen). ! Iron Juggernauts of the air and water. ! Tolkeens strategies and tactics. ! More background on the Kingdom of Tolkeen. ! World information and history. ! Adventure ideas galore. ! Written by: Kevin Siembieda with Bill Coffin. ! $16.95 - 112 pages. Cat. No. 841 - ISBN 1-57457-050-1.
Magic vs Technology. The infamous Coalition/Siege on Tolkeen story arc starts with this 160 page sourcebook. Not only does it lay the groundwork for the Coalitions all-out siege on the kingdom of magic, but it includes a vast number of TechnoWizard weapons and vehicles, powerful magic artifacts, demons, monsters, magic and a historic Crisis Time-Line from 12 P.A. to 106 P.A. ! Magic vs Technology: Coalition anti-magic devices and tactics. ! 50+ Techno-Wizard weapons, including Goblin Bombs. ! 15 Rift and Ley Line Magic spells. ! 10 Spells of Legend, 6 fabled magic artifacts, 11 maps. ! Techno-Wizard Iron Juggernauts robot-like war machines. ! Techno-Wizard vehicle construction rules & 12 specific vehicles. ! The war plans of the Coalition Army. ! Background on the Kingdom of Tolkeen and its inhuman allies. ! Key places, maps, adventure ideas and more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 839 ISBN 1-57457-045-5.
! Cyber-Knight O.C.C., secrets and powers revealed. ! In-depth examination of the Code of Chivalry. ! Cyber-Knight Factions and rules of combat. ! Crusaders, Fallen Knights, Robber Knights and Despoil! Lord Coake statted out, along with stats for other Cyber! Notable weapons and armor of the Cyber-Knights. ! Story background, adventure outlines, ideas and more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 842 ISBN 1-57457-051-X. Coalition Wars Five:
Knights. ers. The history and secrets of the Cyber-Knights, and more.
Coalition Overkill
The war escalates on both sides. A new breed of Coalition officers begin to come to the forefront, and with them, cruelty, murder and genocide. The Coalition Army is ruthless, but Tolkeen has a few tricks up its sleeve, like an alliance with a race of ancient demons known as the Daemonix one of Tolkeens unholy allies. ! Introducing the Daemonix demons. ! 40+ NPCs, Coalition combat squads and operations. ! Coalition Flying Leviathan Stratocarrier. ! Tolkeen strategies and tactics.
22 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
Shadows of Evil
In the aftermath of the Sorcerers Revenge there is a deadly calm before the quickening storm. Time to let us examine the Five Baronies of Tolkeen and key cities, towns, fortifications and people. Many fear Coalition retaliation while others believe the war is over.
very earth by elementals. ! Mad Town, a haven for adventurers, mercenaries and spies. ! Blueline and the industrial belt. ! Prisoner of War camps in Tolkeen. ! Detailed Random Encounter Tables and tips on adventure building. ! Notorious bands of heroes, villains and madmen. ! Maps, diagrams, adventure ideas and more. ! The fate of General Jericho Holmes. ! The last moments before the Final Siege! ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 843 ISBN 1-57457-052-8.
! The fate of the Tolkeen refugees, Daemonix and key fac! Resistence fighters and new trouble for the Coalition. ! Another Juicer Uprising led by Julian the First as he stares ! The appearance of Larsens Brigade. ! The continuing role of the Cyber-Knights. ! Castles in the clouds. ! Adventure ideas in and around Tolkeen. ! 50+ page updated World Overview, circa 109 P.A. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda with Bill Coffin. ! $24.95 208 pages. Cat. No. 846 ISBN 1-57457-068-4. Rifts Dimension Book 1:
down death. tions in the War.
Wormwood is a weird, decadent, and violent world ruled by demonic creatures and evil clergy who control powerful kingdoms of monsters and enslave humans. The demonic destroyers command the Crawling Towers and Life Force Cauldrons to do their bidding. One of countless alien worlds linked to Rifts Earth by the many dimensional gateways of the ley lines. ! 17 wild Occupational Character Classes & R.C.C.s, including the Apok, Holy Terror, Worm Speaker, & Symbiotic Warrior. ! Over 30 horrific monsters, villains and characters. ! Symbiotic magic, slime, Crystal magic, and weapons. ! A 20 page comic strip by Tim Truman & Flint Henry! ! Written by Siembieda. Concepts and characters created by Timothy Truman and Flint Henry. Art by Truman & others. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 809 ISBN 0-916211-59-2.
Rifts Aftermath
An overview of North America and the world after the fall of Tolkeen. How have things changed? The aftermath of the Coalition-Tolkeen War has put into motion a number of events and conflicts that will last long after the Final Siege. Its all spelled out here. A great reference that outlines most of Rifts Earth, circa 109 P.A.
Phase World
Phase World is an incredible trans-dimensional city that is also a space port located within the Three Galaxies. Visitors come not only from other dimensions but from the neighboring galaxies and other dimensions. Consequently, Phase World is one of the more unique ports in the Palladium Megaverse. En-
gage in cosmic adventure, space exploration, smuggling, bounty hunting and more. ! The people, empires and technology of the Three Galaxies. ! Dozens of new spaceships, power armor and weapons, including exotic alien and Techno-Wizard designs. ! Phase technology and spaceships, robots, weapons and equipment. ! Cosmo-Knights, Kreeghor and Prometheans. ! Over 30 new O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s. ! More on the Naruni and Splugorth. By C.J. Carella. ! $24.95 208 pages. Cat. No. 816 ISBN 0-916211-73-8.
! New superpowers, aliens, equipment and villains. ! For use with Rifts and Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Ed. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! Cover, interior art & concepts by John Zeleznik. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 830 ISBN 0-916211-78-9. Rifts Dimension Book 5:
Anvil Galaxy
This popular, fan-favorite Phase World sourcebook presents a dynamic overview of the Anvil Galaxy and its many alien races, technologies, conflicts and secrets. A great resource for any Phase World fan and valuable addition for campaigns involving the Minion War. ! Legends of the Cosmic Forge and the Forge War. ! Nearly 20 alien races & an overview of the Anvil Galaxy. ! Transgalactic Empire and Consortium of Civilized Worlds. ! Overview of the Three Galaxies. ! Planet Creation Tables and more. By Bill Coffin. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 847 ISBN 1-57457-019-6.
Three Galaxies
A guide to the Three Galaxies, this book takes a look at dozens of solar systems, notable planets, select alien races, people, civilizations and monsters, as well as space anomalies, spaceships and more. This is another sourcebook that is ideal for campaigns involving the Minion War, the Thundercloud Galaxy, Phase World and adventures in the Three Galaxies. ! An overview of the Three Galaxies. ! 16 O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s including the Obsidian Spell Thief and Space Warlock. ! A half dozen monsters plus the mysterious Necrol. ! Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more). ! More on the Intruders, Kreeghor, Splugorth and others.
Epic super-hero adventure on an alien planet, as alien heroes fight to liberate their world from the tyranny of the world-conquering space aliens known as the Tarlok. ! Invading Tarlok aliens, heroes and world information. ! 20 new O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s for player characters. ! 25 new weapons and vehicles.
! Draygon Industries and their weapons. ! Demon Stars, Demon Planets and magic starships. ! Notable spaceships and weapon systems. ! The monstrous Necrol, their living weapons and spacecraft. ! Notable equipment of the Three Galaxies & adventure ideas. ! Written by Carl Gleba. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 851 ISBN 1-57457-078-1. Rifts Dimension Book 7:
Megaverse Builder
Carl Gleba, author of the popular Phase World: Three Galaxies, has created a sourcebook and guide to help Game Masters create their own alien dimensions and worlds. A great tool for G.M.s and fun for players. ! Rules, suggestions and tables for generating dimensions. ! Dimensional anomalies and other strangeness. ! Shifter Revisited, Dimensional Familiars & new O.C.C.s. ! Many adventure ideas, including The Mechanoids. ! Written by Carl Gleba. Cover by Mark Evans. ! $16.95 96 pages. Cat. No. 859 ISBN 1-57457-099-4.
Thundercloud Galaxy
The Thundercloud Galaxy is a where several civilizations are making a mad scramble to claim and colonize thousands of worlds. Colonists flock to the Thundercloud filled with dreams. Space pirates and an array of cutthroats also flock to the galaxy, guns in hand, ready to rob and fleece the colonists. Lawmen and heroes are in great demand, and the opportunities for clever adventurers are said to be without limit. The galaxy is a place of discovery, adventure and treachery like no other. ! 17 new alien R.C.C.s plus the Elder Races, Dominators and more.
! 9 notable monsters and strange creatures, plus minions. ! Learn about the mysterious Elder Races, with stats. ! Dominator weapons, gear and salvage available to players. ! Gene-Tech and their alien gear available to players. ! Colony Creation and Indigenous People Tables. ! 101 Ruin Adventures and Monster Creation Tables. ! Notable spacecraft, weapons, power armor and gear. ! Overview of the Thundercloud Galaxy & adventure ideas. ! Any type of space opera & science fiction scenario you can ! Written by Braden Campbell and Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 883 ISBN 1-57457-183-4.
imagine can be played out in the Thundercloud Galaxy.
! 18 Deevils and 5 of them new. ! 7 Infernal War Steeds and other monsters. ! 5 Host races, plus the Ice Golem and Magma Golem. ! Deevil Lords and their plans for war. ! Magic weapons, Soul Gems, ancient magic and more. ! Key locations, weird phenomena and citadels of Hell. ! Encounter tables galore and countless adventure ideas. ! The hellish dimension of Dyval mapped and described. ! Companion to Hades; the next chapter in the Minion War. ! Written by Carl Gleba and Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 873 ISBN 1-57457-165-6. Rifts Dimension Book 12:
Dimensional Outbreak
This Minion War book is brimming with amazing source material, ideas, new demons, new Deevils, new magic spells, new spaceships, more about Phase World and Center, and the escalating Minion War. A companion to Hades and Dyval as war spills into Phase World, the city of Center and the Three Galaxies.
! Phase Worlds Center described and mapped. ! Demon Knights, Star Slayers, demonic legions & more. ! Demonic spaceships, magic weapons and new horrors. ! Deevil fortifications and defenses. ! Demon Magic (new). ! Spaceships, power armor and other gear. ! The plot for conquering the Three Galaxies and more. ! A stand-alone Dimension Book that is also the third step in
the epic, five book Minion War series. ! Written by Carl Gleba. Cover by John Zeleznik. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 875 ISBN 1-57457-166-4.
! The ability to empower worthy heroes into superhumans. ! 101 detailed super abilities (not reprints from other books). ! Hero Avatars, Hero Mentors, and their powers. ! Quick roll creation tables. ! Why the book must never fall into the hands of demons. ! Nearly a dozen NPC heroes and surprises. ! For use with Rifts and Phase World/the Three Galaxies,
as well as Heroes Unlimited, Palladium Fantasy RPG and other S.D.C. settings. Includes stats and conversions for M.D. and S.D.C. settings. ! Contains the names of nearly 2,000 real life gamers who purchased the special print during Palladiums Crisis of Treachery (and other heroes). ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 877 ISBN 1-57457-173-7.
Armageddon Unlimited
Armageddon Unlimited is the ultimate good vs evil setting and adventure. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and only you can stop its destruction as demons and Deevils fight for control of the Earth and bringing about the end of life as we know it. Armageddon Unlimited is more than an epic world-saving adventure, it is also a sourcebook jam-packed with new powers, magic, weapons and Power Categories that can be incorporated into any Heroes Unlimited campaign. This book can be used as a standalone adventure sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited or as a pivotal plot in an expansive Minion War campaign. Get a free sneak preview of the book from DriveThruRPG.com. ! 7 new Minor and 14 Major Super Abilities. ! Deevil and Demon magical Chaos Weapons. ! Enchanted Weapons of Order & a few Enchanted Objects. ! Demon Hunter Power Category and abilities. ! Crusader of Light Power Category and abilities. ! Heroic Hellion Power Category reformed demons. ! Hellion monster creation table. ! Magically Bestowed Variant Power Categories & abilities let you wield weapons that empower good and destroy evil. ! Doctor Vilde, mastermind behind the Armageddon plot. ! The secret island base of Doctor Vilde and 16 maps. ! More than a dozen NPC villains. ! The Chaos Generators the key to stopping Armageddon. ! The Armageddon scenario, adventure ideas and Minion War on Earth. ! Written by Carl Gleba. Cover by John Zeleznik. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 527 ISBN 1-57457-172-9.
Machinations of Doom is an epic story with new source material that reveals a dark plot that threatens to shake the foundation of magic on Rifts Earth. The Machinations are those of Doctor Desmond Bradford, the Doomed could be the Federation of Magic. ! 72 page comic/graphic novel. ! 43 pages of gaming source material. ! Dozens of adventure ideas and character stats. ! Game section written by Siembieda and Rosenstein. ! Plus pinups, concept sketches, and wrap-around, color cover by Ramon K. Perez. ! $18.95 128 pages. Cat. No. 871 ISBN 1-57457-125-7.
ladium Books, and John Zeleznik. A perfect birthday or Christmas gift for serious collectors and fans. ! Limited to 200 copies, half are already sold! Numbered and signed by John Zeleznik and Kevin Siembieda. ! The hardcover Masterwork book has a different color image on the cover and end sheets, plus the original pencil sketch by John Zeleznik. A unique collectors item. ! 128 pages of full color Cat. No. 2510-CML available only from Palladium Books and only while supplies last. ! $125.00 each, plus $15 for shipping in the USA, $20 to Canada, and $35 to all other countries for shipping. MUST be sent UPS, Priority Mail/Certified or some other way it can be tracked and is insured to arrive. ! Available on a first come, first served basis.
The Rifter
Gaming Guide & Sourcebook Series
The Rifter is your doorway to unlimited imagination and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It offers new heroes, powers, weapons, magic and adventure for your games. It presents new villains, monsters and danger to battle, and new ideas to consider. It helps you unlock your imagination by showing you what other gamers, just like you, have created. Thats right, many of the articles and source material are written by ordinary gamers and fans like you. Each issue features optional and/or official rules, adventures, characters, O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, psionics, magic, powers, villains, monsters, weapons and other source material for the entire Palladium Megaverse. Plus news, coming attractions, special offers, fiction and more. Frequent contributors include Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Jason Richards, Brandon Aten, Taylor White, Josh Sinsapaugh, John C. Philpott, Braden Campbell, Steven Dawes and others.
The Rifter comes out four times a year, is 96 pages (sometimes more), perfect bound, and looks like a regular Palladium sourcebook, and you cant find a sourcebook that size for $11.95 retail anywhere else. The Rifter Subscription Rate: Cover price is $11.95, but a subscription saves you money and you have the convenience of delivery right to your door. All prices are in U.S. dollars. ! $39.80 USA. Thats only $9.95 each, a savings of $8.00, and Palladium pays the shipping cost. Note: This rate is limited to subscribers in the USA only. ! $61.80 Canada. Thats $15.45 for each issue of The Rifter. Thats still not a bad price for a 96 page sourcebook. Our apologies, but Palladium Books can no longer cover the increased cost of postage to other countries. We hope you understand. ! $75.80 Overseas. Thats $18.95 for each 96 page issue. Sorry. We are only passing along the additional postage cost, but it is hefty. Our apologies. These subscription rates are good till December 31, 2013.
humans have been forced to turn to organic technology living weapons and armor to battle the world-dominating machines. ! Genetically grown power armor and weaponry that improve over time. ! Player characters sacrifice their humanity to save their race. ! 10 O.C.C.s like Skin Jobs, Packmasters, Biotics & Dreadguard. ! War Mounts, bio-weapons, Host Armor and augmentation. ! The machine mind and her legions of killer robots. ! 19 enemy robots of unique designs and combat capability. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, game rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! Mega-Damage system compatible with Rifts, Phase World and Robotech. ! Written by Carmen Bellaire. Some text by Kevin Siembieda. ! $23.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 200 ISBN 1-57457-112-5.
ings of all kinds and others! Cut loose and create every type of superhuman and hero conceivable! (See the Powers Unlimited series for even more powers and options.) Plus, there are a number of sourcebooks filled with heroes, villains, organizations, aliens and adventures. ! Creation rules for virtually every genre of hero, including mutants, experiments, magic users, psychics, aliens and robots. ! Over 100 super-abilities plus special skills and genius. ! Over 40 psionic powers and 100 magic spells. ! Cyborg and robot hero creation rules. ! Super-vehicle creation rules, gimmicks and high technology. ! Secret identities and secret organizations. ! Rules clarifications, tweaks and additional information. ! Steranko cover and dynamic interior artwork. ! Adventure ideas, guidelines and tons of fun. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with psychic powers, magic spells, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! Written & created by Kevin Siembieda. ! $26.95 352 pages. Cat. No. 500 ISBN 1-57457-006-4.
Mutant Underground
A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited
Advancements in genetic engineering have created an array of mutants and superhumans. Some are heroes. Some are villains. Others are monsters. Many have gone underground and begun to
30 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
build a secret mutant society and subculture. A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited. ! The Mutant Underground, its champions and its enemies. ! Genetic Mutation Tables for creating mutants of all kinds. ! The mutant slave trade. ! Mutant Recovery Teams and government agents. ! 20+ superhumans and mutant characters. ! New combinations of super abilities plus genetic mishaps. ! Mutant animals with super abilities and more. ! Background and campaign information. Many adventure ideas. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Based on ideas by Mike Wilson. ! $16.95 96 pages. Cat. No. 520 ISBN 1-57457-065-X.
unique Splugorth slaves? Demon henchmen? Take a look at Aliens Unlimited (and the Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide companion sourcebook); easy to adapt. ! Super abilities, spell magic and psionics. ! 85 alien races/R.C.C.s., plus a bonus alien. ! 15 alien monster races, plus NPC villains. ! Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more). ! Rules and tables for Creating Alien Characters. ! 90+ alien weapons plus miscellaneous gear. ! A handful of vehicles and miscellaneous equipment. ! UFO watch groups, alien spies, NPCs and more. ! Suggestions, rules and information for your galactic campaigns. ! Adaptable to Rifts, Phase World and Dimension Books. ! Written by Wayne Breaux Jr., additional text by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 208 pages. Cat. No. 515 ISBN 0-916211-76-2.
Century Station
The entire city of Century Station is described, complete with its resident heroes, villains, underworld, and notable people and places. With a higher population of superheroes than anywhere else on Earth, what does the future have in store for Century Station? ! Over 40 villains, 50 heroes, 101 adventure ideas. ! Over 90 NPCs: 51 villains, 40 heroes & others. ! Century Station described in full detail. ! Criminal masterminds, syndicates and organizations. ! Written by Bill Coffin. Cover by Zeleznik. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 517 ISBN 1-57457-040-4.
Gramercy Island
Gramercy Island is a penitentiary in the tradition of Alcatraz and Rykers, only it specializes in the containment of superhumans. A great sourcebook for G.M.s and players alike with scores of villains, Mega-villains, and lunatics. ! 90+ new super-villains & criminal masterminds. ! The prison and its superhuman containment systems. ! The superhuman prison culture and 101 adventure ideas. ! Gangs, groups and squads of superhumans. ! Written by Bill Coffin, additional text by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 518 ISBN 1-57457-055-2.
Aliens Unlimited
Aliens Unlimited brings alien beings to your Earth-based Heroes Unlimited setting and enables you to take your Earth heroes to alien worlds. This sourcebook has everything you need to launch an alien based campaign or galactic adventures, or introduce alien invaders, villains, heroes and campaign ideas. Aliens Unlimited also makes the perfect resource and companion to the Thundercloud Galaxy or any of the Rifts Dimension Books and Minion War series. Looking for some new space aliens, villains and monsters to add to your Thundercloud Galaxy or Minion War campaign? Need some
31 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
Armageddon Unlimited
A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited
The forces of good and evil face off when two warring factions of demonic beings invade the Earth and wreak chaos. Both fight one another in a war that has spilled into numerous worlds and dimensions. At least one of these demonic factions seeks to cause the Earths destruction in a maniacal plot to seize power and exact revenge upon their enemy, and only our heroes can stop them. The 4th chapter in the Minion War crossover series, but it is also a standalone sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited. ! New Crusader & Demonic Hellion hero categories. ! Demonic Mystically Bestowed Anti-Heroes. ! New super abilities and magic spells. ! Demonic magic, enchanted weapons, and magic items. ! Heroes, villains, ancient gods, dark forces & much more. ! Written by Carl Gleba. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 527 ISBN 1-57457-172-9.
Mystic China
China as you never envisioned it! Ancient magic, martial arts masters, supernatural predators, and the dark underworld of mystic China as you have never dreamed. ! 14 new classes of Chinese martial arts. ! Mudra, Atemi, Chi, Katas, Zenjoriki, & other mystic abilities. ! Over a dozen new character classes suitable for Rifts China, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, BTS and Nightbane. ! Chi Magic with 87 spells, Celestial Calligraphy & more. ! 10 different types of Immortals, adventures and ideas. ! New weapons, vehicles, computers and spy equipment. ! Written by Erick Wujcik. ! $24.95 208 pages. Cat. No. 526 ISBN 0-916211-77-0.
32 Derek Aubrey (order #4095095)
Erick Wujcik. $9.95 48 pages. Cat. No. 507 ISBN 0-91621134-7. Mutants of the Yucatan: Over 20 new mutant animals, more trouble from the Empire of Humanity, Empire vehicles and equipment, the Tribes of the Yucatan and adventures. By Wujcik. $9.95 48 pages. Cat. No. 511 ISBN 0-916211-44-4. Mutants in Avalon: King Arthur is back, but as a mutant animal! More mutant animals, mutant insects, druids, druid magic, invasion and adventure. $16.95 80 pages. Cat. No. 513 ISBN 0-916211-47-9. Mutants in Orbit: Killer satellites, space stations, a moon base, the planet Mars, the Asteroid Belt, new villains, monstrous insects, adventure ideas and more. Includes material for use with After the Bomb and Rifts. $16.95 112 pages. Cat. No. 514 ISBN 0-916211-48-7.
chised. Unable to turn a blind eye to people in need, they seek to learn more and fight supernatural evil in all its forms. The game drips with a creepy atmosphere that may be taken in whatever direction suits the player group, from psychic investigation and discovery, to supernatural conspiracy, to hunter-killer missions, to battling cultists and the creatures they serve, to the mystical and spiritual. Unravel the mysteries of the unknown and see the world through a whole new lens. ! 14 psychic character classes 42 occupations. ! More than 100 psychic abilities. ! The Lazlo Agency and Lazlo Society. ! Demons, ghosts and other creatures of darkness. ! Plenty of world background and setting atmosphere. ! New rules and twists, all easy to learn and play. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with psychic powers, magic spells, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 256 pages. Cat. No. 700 ISBN 1-57457-083-8.
Horror Role-Playing Game Series
The world was forever changed after Dark Day the day that was 24 hours of night. Earth has been invaded by a supernatural force known as the Nightlords and their minions, including Dopplegangers who can take a humans place without anyone being the wiser. These inhuman and evil minions have already infiltrated the top seats of most (all?) world governments and law
enforcement, while others lurk in the shadows, assume the shape of humans and work behind the scenes to enslave all mankind. The only ones who see the truth are the Nightbane teens and young adults who woke up one day with superhuman powers. The catch? To use their powers they must turn into an inhuman monstrosity that frightens their fellow humans and alerts the minions of the Dark to their presence. And although the Nightbane dont know how or why, they intuitively know that only they can fight the Nightlords and save humankind. A truly off-beat setting that combines elements of super-heroics with horror, conspiracy and suspense. ! Information about Dark Day and the Nightlords. ! Nightbane O.C.C.s; more than a dozen O.C.C.s in all. ! Nightbane Morphus Tables, talents (special powers) & magic. ! The Nightlords, their minions & other creatures of the night. ! Psychics, Vampires & Magic Users as characters & villains. ! Complete stand-alone RPG with psychic powers, magic spells, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings. ! World information and adventure ideas. By C.J. Carella. ! $24.95 240 pages. Cat. No. 730 ISBN 0-916211-86-X.
Nightbane: Nightlands
Visit the Nightlands, the dark dimension and frightening domain of the demonic Nightlords! Visit places like Doom Harbor, a twisted version of New York City, and Devil City, the Nightlands evil, mirror image of Los Angeles, and others. Discover the true power behind the Baal and their plans for Earth and the Nightbane. ! The Nightlands and the Nightlords revealed! ! Demons, monsters, and servants of the Nightlords. ! More Nightbane Talents, Morphus shapes and data. ! The Atlantis Foundation and other groups and characters. ! Campaign and adventure ideas. Written by C.J. Carella. ! $20.95 144 pages. Cat. No. 732 ISBN 0-916211-97-5.
phus, keeping secrets, making contacts, being hunted, recruitment by factions, more info about various factions, new Morphus descriptions and tables, new Nightbane Talents, new skills, and more. ! Nightbane survival tips. ! The world and life of the Nightbane. ! The Nightbanes role in the Hidden War. ! 25 new Nightbane Morphus Tables & Talents! ! New Nightbane Creation Guideline Tables. ! Nightbane history, theories of origin, and psychology. ! Rules for Nightbane Contacts. ! Rules for creating your own Nightbane faction. ! Faction Recruiting and new data about the factions. ! A complete adventure, adventure ideas and world info. ! Written by Mark Oberle and Irvin Jackson. Additional text, Morphuses, and ideas by Kevin Siembieda. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 735 ISBN 1-57457-145-1. ! Additional Nightbane Sourcebooks are currently in development as we intend to release more new sourcebooks for this dynamic game line.
! Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. ! Secrets of the Dead and tips on fighting zombies. ! Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals. ! 101 Random Scenarios, Encounters and Settings. ! 100 Random Corpse Searches and other tables. ! Quick Roll Character Creation tables (10 minutes). ! A complete role-playing game by Siembieda and others. ! $22.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 230 ISBN 1-57457-140-0. Dead Reign Sourcebook One:
Civilization Gone
It has been months since the dead rose to attack the living. Civilization has crumbled. There is no army, no government, no help coming. You are on your own and things are only getting worse. ! Madmen and Psychopaths including the Zombie Master, Ghost Walker, Backstabber, Messianic Leader, Zombie Lover, Deathbringer and others. ! Bandits and Raiders who prey upon other survivors. ! Street Gang Protectors and their mission to save lives. ! Phobia and Obsession tables. Many adventure ideas. ! House and home resource and encounter tables. ! Random encounter and survivor camp creation tables. ! Additional world information and survival advice. ! $12.95 64 pages. Cat. No. 231 ISBN 1-57457-146-X.
Dark Places
Secrets of survival, including using railroad tracks and the urban underground to travel unseen and undetected by zombies. ! Worm Meat, Bug Boy, Sewer Crawler and Impersonator Zombies. ! Live Bait zombie lures with human beings as bait. ! Traveling the rails and boxcar encounter tables.
! Sewer tunnels, steam tunnels & other dark places. ! The pitfalls and dangers of the urban underground. ! Diseases, infection and additional world information. ! Random encounter tables, boxcar content tables, and more. ! $12.95 64 pages. Cat. No. 232 ISBN 1-57457-176-1.
Endless Dead
Endless Dead says it all. The zombie hordes grow in number and strangeness. Can humankind survive? Where is the military? Whats next for the survivors of the zombie apocalypse? ! New types of zombies, including the Walking Mass Grave. ! New O.C.C.s like the Wheelman and Zombie Hunter. ! The military, their bases, soldiers and encounters. ! Random tables for military bases, police and more. ! Weaponizing vehicles and vehicle combat rules. ! Random encounter tables for military bases, police, gun stores, buildings, suburbs, industrial parks, small towns, farmland and wilderness. ! Tables for Survivor caravans, hideouts and more. ! Written by Siembieda, Clements and Rosenstein. ! $16.95 96 pages. Cat. No. 233 ISBN 1-57457-197-4.
! Magic unlike any youve ever seen before. ! 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells. ! 80+ psionic powers. ! 40 magic items plus magic potions, powders and fumes. ! 20 Curses and magical Faerie Foods. ! Summoner and the circles of power and summoning at his ! Diabolist and his Runes, Wards and Power Words. ! Mind Mage, Psi-Mystic, Psi-Healer and Psi-Sensitive. ! Poisons, herbs, potions and magic components. ! Men at arms with punch and power. ! Holy Swords and Rune Weapons. ! 100,000 years of history. ! A complete game with all the rules you need to play (additional sourcebooks, characters, abilities and settings optional). Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $26.95 336 pages. Cat. No. 450 ISBN 0-916211-91-6. command.
Wolfen Empire
A sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy RPG
This juicy adventure-sourcebook is authored by Erick Wujcik, Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin. It presents a comprehensive background and history of the Wolfen Empire, the Wolfen tribes, their military and their plans for the future. It also includes several adventures, strange animals, random encounter tables and more. Wolfen Empire is a fan favorite, and one of Erick Wujciks last published role-playing works. ! 101 Adventures Table.
Old Ones
A big sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy RPG
This is a massive adventure book with maps and descriptions of more than 50 locations in the Timiro Kingdom. As if that were not enough to make this the ultimate adventure book, there is also information about the Old Ones and a few O.C.C.s. ! 50+ cities, towns, and forts described and mapped. Each suitable as a place for adventure. ! 7 fully fleshed out adventures and scores of adventure ideas. ! Includes the fabled Place of Magic, an ancient Dwarven Ruin reputed to date back to the Elf-Dwarf War. ! Minotaur R.C.C., Illusionist P.C.C. and Monk/Scholar O.C.C. ! Background and rumors about the Old Ones and adventure galore.
! Travel notes, world information about Timiro and more. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 453 ISBN 0-916211-09-6.
! The maniacal Lord Axel and his evil minions. His goal: to ! More history and data about Changelings, their powers & ! Many adventures, adventure ideas and more. ! Written by Thomas Bartold and Kevin Siembieda. ! Easily adapted to Palladium Second Edition. ! $20.95 144 pages. Cat. No. 458 ISBN 0-916211-61-4. The Palladium RPG Book 7 (1st Edition Rules):
history. reshape the world in his own twisted vision.
Yin-Sloth Jungles
The infamous Yin-Sloth Jungles are finally mapped and described. This tome is filled with new character classes, monsters, skills, places, villains and adventures. ! Occupational Characters Classes, including the Undead Hunter, Witch Hunter, Enforcer and Beastmaster. ! Monsters, animals, villains and world information. ! The Yin-Sloth Jungles, towns and villages mapped and described. ! Five different adventures based around the Yin-Sloth Jungles. ! Written by Patrick Nowak & Kevin Siembieda. Brom cover. ! Easily adapted to Palladium Second Edition. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 459 ISBN 0-916211-81-9.
! Emperor Itomas and the Imperial House of Itomas pro! The Noble Houses of the Empire and their political in! New magic items, herbs, poisons and drugs. ! Adventures and adventure ideas. Maps and world infor! City generation rules and tables. ! Written by Bill Coffin for Palladium Second Edition. ! $24.95 224 pages. Cat. No. 462 ISBN 1-57457-015-3. Palladium Fantasy RPG Book 9:
mation. trigue. filed.
rather than a motley collection of misanthropes. Small races of the world beware, because the giants have joined forces. ! New player O.C.C.s and monster races. ! The Kingdom of Giants. More on the Gromek-Giant War. ! Giant clans and their relationship with the outside world. ! History and world information, maps, adventures and NPCs. ! Mount Nimrod, Mount Nimro, the Nimro Plains, the Old Kingdom Grasslands and the South Wind Marshes profiled. ! Written by Bill Coffin for Palladium Second Edition. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 464 ISBN 1-57457-028-5.
Baalgor Wastelands
This is an epic adventure sourcebook detailing the notorious Baalgor Wastelands, the massive desert of the Palladium world. Eandroth tribes, Gromek war bands, monstrous raiders, forgotten catacombs, pirates, Minotaurs and much more can all be found amongst the shifting sands. ! Eight monster races, many available as player characters. ! Monsters and giants of the Wastelands. ! Ancient ruins, buried secrets and inhuman assassins. ! History of the legendary Elf-Dwarf War. ! The cities of Troker and Ghurthasi. ! The Gromek-Giant War. Maps and world information. ! Pirate coves, Western Empire colonies and other places of note. ! Written by Bill Coffin for Palladium Second Edition. ! $24.95 216 pages. Cat. No. 463 ISBN 1-57457-022-6.
Mount Nimro
The Mount Nimro region is the domain of giants: Jotan, Nimro, Gigantes, Cyclops, Trolls and others. A gathering of clans, tribes and refugees that is quickly becoming a true kingdom
! 19 new ancient magic artifacts and 15 new winter magic ! The Vault of Destiny and the legendary Palladium of De! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 467 ISBN 1-57457-058-7. Palladium Fantasy RPG Book 14:
sires. spells.
Library of Bletherad
Library of Bletherad is an adventure sourcebook cleverly built around this legendary place of arcane knowledge and secrets. Bletherad is a stepping stone for mystery and intrigue that can carry adventurers around the Palladium World. ! The Library of Bletherad described and mapped. ! 21 legendary rune weapons. ! Shadowcasting and Fulmination magic. ! Spirit, Cold and Ice magic and more. Over 50 new spells in all. ! A dozen exotic monsters, history, secrets & adventure ideas. ! The Zealotry, the Monks of Bletherad and secret Guardians. ! History, political intrigue and conspiracies. ! Written by Bill Coffin. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 466 ISBN 1-57457-047-1.
Chaos Lands
The legendary Land of the Damned is presented as a pair of stand-alone books that explore and describe the various unexplored regions of this forbidding land. They also reveal the strange creatures and beings who dominate the Land of the Damned, many extinct elsewhere in the world, as well as the dark powers that rule over mortals and lesser beings. ! Key people and places; exotic new R.C.C.s. ! 20+ new monsters, demons and races (some from the Age of Chaos). ! Over a dozen new demons. ! Campaign ideas and Hook, Line & Sinker adventures. ! Written by Bill Coffin. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 468 ISBN 1-57457-059-5.
Eternal Torment
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! More than 50 new curses, along with over a dozen from the ! The enchanted forest known as the Darkest Heart. ! More than 100 adventure hooks and ideas. By Bill Coffin. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 469 ISBN 1-57457-061-7.
Palladium Fantasy RPG revised and expanded.
Weapons & Castles: Different types of bows and arrows, crossbows, siege weapons and 15 real world castles complete with basic floor plans. Moats, drawbridges and other defensive measures. ALL illustrated. $8.95 retail, 48 pages, striking color cover. Cat. No. 402. Weapons & Assassins: Ninja, Thuggee, Assassins of India, their background, training, and tools of the trade weapons, poisons, and tools of some of the most famous assassin guilds in history. ALL illustrated. Written by Erick Wujcik. $8.95 retail, 48 pages. Cat. No. 403. Weapons, Armor & Castles of the Orient is a beautiful, 48 page, comic book sized reference book packed with real world weapons, armor, castles, and data from ancient Japan, China and Malaysia. Includes samurai armor and several castles complete with floor plan diagrams. All illustrated. Written by Matthew Balent. Art by Mike Kucharski & Ed Kwiatkowski. Gorgeous cover by Scott Johnson. $8.95 retail, 48 pages. Cat. No. 404. Back in Stock 2013. Exotic Weapons offers more than 70 different strange weapons from around the world, plus bits of information and history behind them. Written by Matthew Balent. $8.95 retail, 48 pages, striking color cover. Cat. No. 406. Coming 2013.
Unlimited and Dead Reign. They are attractive, useful and make a fun collectible. Based on what similar bookmarks sell for, we figure the set of four should have an $8.00 value, but Palladiums price is only $5.00. ! Designed by Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Smith. ! Art by Scott Johnson (Rifts Ultimate cover), E.M. Gist (Dead Reign RPG cover), Mark Evans (Palladium Fantasy), and Tyler Walpole (Heroes Unlimited). ! Each is 2 x 6 inches, full color, printed on both sides. ! Four different bookmarks in the set. ! $5.00 per set of four Cat. No. 2554.
Rifts Pencil
Its silly, but fun. A standard No. 2 Pencil that reads: DO NOT REMOVE. PROPERTY OF THE CHI-TOWN LIBRARY. Obviously a relic and collectors item from before the famous library burned down. Erin Tarn has a whole desk drawer of these pencils. What about you? ! Offered for the very first time. Fun and useful. ! $0.50 per each pencil Cat. No. 2561.
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plastic bases $10.00
Coming in 2013
Tome Grotesque
Sourcebook for Beyond the Supernatural ! MI8021 Rifts Shadow Beast $12.00 ! MI8022 Rifts Mystic Knight $6.00 ! MI8023 Rifts Lord Magus $6.00 ! MI8024 Rifts High Magus $6.00 ! MI8025 Rifts Coalition Psi-Stalker (new-style Dead ! MI8026 Rifts Coalition Dog Boy in DPM-D1 Armor ! MI8027 Rifts Coalition Dog Boy #2 (with energy rifle) ! MI8028 Rifts Coalition Dog Boy #3 (with rifle and Vi! MI8029 Rifts Coalition Dog Boy #4 (German Shepherd ! MI8030 Rifts Coalition Dog Boy #5 (Bulldog with energy rifle and Vibro-Claws) $6.00 with rifle and Vibro-Claws) $6.00 bro-Knife) $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 Boy armor) $6.00 Tome Grotesque describes dozens of supernatural creatures great and small, but it is more than just a book of monsters. It provides the creatures motives, goals, habits and weaknesses, as well as a keen sense of how and why they operate in our world. Fiends and masterminds who often act invisibly or behind the scenes, where they corrupt and manipulate humans to work their evil. Creatures that possess frightening supernatural abilities, magic knowledge and a taste for blood. ! Horrific supernatural beings, great and small. ! Demonic psychic abilities, powers and magic. ! Characters who draw upon dark forces for their own power. ! Spectacular art by Russell, Dubisch, Clark and others. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Coming in 2013. ! $20.95 160 pages. Cat. No. 702.
Beyond Arcanum
Sourcebook for Beyond the Supernatural
Beyond Arcanum will take players on a journey of hope, darkness, magic and the bizarre. Magic is a choice, and those who choose it are often led down a dark and dangerous path. ! The Arcanist and other practitioners of magic. ! Magic spells specifically designed for the BTS world. ! Magic weapons, charms, items and rituals. ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Coming in 2013. ! $24.95 192 pages. Cat. No. 703.
! MI8031 Rifts Glitter Boy Power Armor $20.00; this is ! MI8032 Rifts Glitter Boy Pilot $6.00 ! MI8033 Rifts Kydian Overlord (Atlantis) $20.00; this
is a large, heavy figure. a large, heavy figure.
Splicers Sourcebooks
We plan to expand the Splicers game setting to epic proportions with six new sourcebooks planned for 2013. More on them in the months to come.
fender, Atlantean Voyager, Undead Slayer, Crystal Mage, Shadow Assassin and Shadow Mage. ! New Tattoos plus new categories of tattoos like Dimension Tattoos, Monster/Animal enhancements and new weapon enhancements. ! Notable clans and details about their home dimensions. ! Atlantean pyramids: A detailed layout of their pyramids, including new pyramids like the Healing and Power Pyramids. Three types of pyramids completely mapped out for Game Masters to use in their games. ! New weapons, gear and artifacts. ! Written by Carl Gleba. Coming 2013. ! Size, price and release date not yet known.
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Robotech RPG
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Rifts Miniatures
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