Equip and FurnReferenceDataGuide

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Equipment and Furnishings

Reference Data Guide

Version 2007 (7.0)

January 2007


Copyright 2002-2007, Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp. 1986-2007. All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface.................................................................................................................................4 SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set...............................................................................5
Administrative Guides ........................................................................................................ 5 User's Guides ...................................................................................................................... 6 Reference Data Guides ....................................................................................................... 7 ISOGEN Guides ................................................................................................................. 8

Documentation Comments ...........................................................................................9 What's New in Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data......................................10 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data: An Overview .......................................12 Equipment Parts: An Overview .....................................................................................14
GenericAides Sheet........................................................................................................... 17

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview ..................................................................19 Add Equipment to the Catalog ...................................................................................22 Index..................................................................................................................................23

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 3


This document is a reference data guide for the SmartPlant 3D Equipment and Furnishings task. The purpose of this document is to describe the reference data delivered with the software for this task. Reference data includes both catalog data and specification data. Catalog data includes the parts that you place in the model, such as piping components and equipment. Specification data includes the rules that govern how those parts are placed and connected.

4 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide


SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set

The SmartPlant 3D documentation set is available as Adobe PDF files. The content of the PDF files is the same content as online Help. To access these PDF documents in the software, click Help > Printable Guides. The documentation set is divided into four categories:

Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and troubleshooting SmartPlant 3D. User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each SmartPlant 3D task. Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference data. ISOGEN guides

Administrative Guides
Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the model, managing interference detection, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, controlling duplication and consolidation of plants, tools for synchronization, regeneration of report databases, and version upgrade. SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide - Provides information about the error messages in the database integrity reports, including meaning, cause, and possible corrective action. SmartPlant 3D Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and the databases to work in a workshare environment. SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the software on both the client and server computers. SmartPlant 3D/IntelliShip Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom commands, naming rules, and symbol programming. SmartPlant 3D Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring, and using SmartPlant 3D in an integrated environment. SmartPlant 3D Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring, and using the interference detection service.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 5

Preface SmartPlant 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to interpret human piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping specification in the software. SmartPlant 3D Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS with SmartPlant 3D. Topics include referencing active PDS projects in SmartPlant 3D, exporting PDS data and importing that data into SmartPlant 3D, converting PDS reference data to SmartPlant 3D reference data, and converting EDEN symbols to Visual Basic symbols. SmartPlant 3D Release Bulletin - Provides what's new, hardware/software requirements, and support information for the current release. SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you may encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and to do list messages.

User's Guides
Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data and select lists (codelists). Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, navigating in the model, precision input, filtering, manipulating views, and running reports. Drawings and Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating drawing and report deliverables. Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit. Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment. Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid planes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines. Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, cableway, and conduit supports in the model. HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct. Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe joints. Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing volumes (such as drawing volumes, obstruction zones) in the model. 6 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Preface Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data. Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members such as: beams, columns, braces, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails. Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and their hierarchies and selecting which specifications are available for each system type. SmartPlant 2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating cross section symbols.

Reference Data Guides

Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports reference data. Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit reference data. Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipment reference data and name rules. Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers and supports reference data. HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data. Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including piping specifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, piping symbols, and name rules. SmartPlant 2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the twodimensional symbols used in all tasks. SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility, codelists, and the reference data common to several disciplines. SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the Visual Basic Part Definition Wizard and the three-dimensional symbols used in all tasks. Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space management reference data.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 7

Preface Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data and name rules.

AText Reference Guide - Provides information about alternative text for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN. Option Switches Reference Guide - Provides information about the ISOGEN option switches for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN. Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

8 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide


Documentation Comments
Send documentation comments or suggestions to PPMdoc@intergraph.com.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 9


What's New in Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data

Version 6.1

In the Equipment_SE.xls workbook, the following part classes have been renamed:

HorizontalTubeExchangerAsm to HorizTubeExchangerAsm HorizontalTubeExchanger2Asm to HorizTubeExchanger2Asm HorizontalTubeExchanger3Asm to HorizTubeExchanger3Asm

In the Equipment_SE_Sym.xls workbook, the following part classes have been renamed:

HorizontalTubeExchanger to HorizTubeExchanger HorizontalTubeExchanger2 to HorizTubeExchanger2 HorizontalTubeExchanger3 to HorizTubeExchanger3

In the Equipment_xls and EquipmentComponent.xls workbooks, the following part classes have been renamed:

E205_CVerCylEqpSkCompAsm to E205_VVesselMTComAsm E210_SVerCylSkirtCompAsm to E210_VVesselComAsm E230_SphericalVesselCompAsm to E230_SphVesselComAsm E245_SimHorCylVesCompAsm to E245_HVesselComAsm E325_PlateExchgerCompAsm to E325_PlateExchgerComAsm E332_InDAirCoolerCompAsm to E332_IDAirCoolerComAsm E334_FrDAirCoolerCompAsm to EE334_FDAirCoolerComAsm E405_HorRotEqpDvrCompAsm to E405_HorRotEqpComAsm ExchangerShellBodyCompAsm to HSTExchBodyComAsm FallFilmVertShellTubeExchAsm to FallFilmVSTExchAsm ForDraftAirCooler2BayAsm to FDAirCooler2BayAsm ForDraftAirCooler3BayAsm to FDAirCooler3BayAsm ForDraftAirCooler4BayAsm to FDAirCooler4BayAsm HoriShellTubeExchanger02Asm to HSTExchanger02Asm HoriShellTubeExchanger03Asm to HSTExchanger03Asm HoriShellTubeExchanger04Asm to HSTExchanger04Asm

10 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide


HoriShellTubeExchangerAsm to HSTExchangerAsm IndDraftAirCooler2BayAsm to IDAirCooler2BayAsm IndDraftAirCooler3BayAsm to IDAirCooler3BayAsm IndDraftAirCooler4BayAsm to IDAirCooler4BayAsm LiftingLugwithBackingPlateAsm to LiftingLugBackPlateAsm PlateFrameExchanger01Asm to PlateFramExchanger01Asm PlateFrameExchanger02Asm to PlateFramExchanger02Asm PlateFrameExchanger03Asm to PlateFramExchanger03Asm VerticalVesselPlatformAsm to VVesselPlatformAsm VertRotatingEquipmentAsm to VRotatingEquipAsm VertShellTubeExchangerAsm to VSTExchangerAsm

In the Shapes.xls workbook, the following part classes have been renamed:

TruncatedRectangularPrism to TruncatedRectPrism EccentricTransitionElement to EccentricTransitionEle EccentricRectangularPrism to EccentricRectPrism

In the Equipment.xls and EquipmentComponent.xls workbooks, the following interface names have been renamed:

IJUAExchangerAngularSupportLocation to IJUAExchAngularSupportLocation IJUAEquipmentThirdSupportLocation to IJUAEquipThirdSupportLocation

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 11

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data: An Overview

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data: An Overview

Before working with equipment and furnishings reference data, you must be familiar with how the software handles reference data in general. If you have not already done so, read and understand the following important concepts and procedures described in the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide:

Custom attributes Codelists Naming rules Bulkloading

For example, before you can define pumps in your reference data, you must understand how pump data relates to data on the custom interfaces sheet, and how that information relates to parameters defined when the pump symbol is created. The equipment and furnishings reference data is defined in the following Microsoft Excel workbooks:

Equipment.xls EquipmentComponent.xls Equipment_SE.xls ElectricalEquipment.xls

The Equipment.xls and EquipmentComponent.xls Excel workbooks are delivered locally in the workstation setup to the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles folder. Equipment_SE.xls is delivered to the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\Bulkload\AdditionalData folder. The ElectricalEquipment.xls workbook is delivered to the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\Bulkload\SampleData folder. Notes

The Place Nozzle command uses reference data defined in the StandardNozzleData.xls spreadsheet. See the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide for more information. The Place Shape command uses reference data defined in the Shapes.xls spreadsheet. See the SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide for more information.

12 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data: An Overview Reference data determines the physical representation of the equipment objects that you place in the model. For example, when you place a pump in the model, properties, such as base plate thickness or motor width and diameter, are determined by values that have been defined in the reference data.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 13

Equipment Parts: An Overview

Equipment Parts: An Overview

Almost all equipment parts are represented by symbols. You can find which symbol is used for a particular delivered part by looking in the SymbolDefinition column (usually cell C4) of the part sheet. For example, if you look at the VesselwithSkirtAsm sheet, you will see that SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm.CVesselWSSym is the symbol definition. Symbols are named after the text that comes before the period. In this example, the part uses symbol SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm. For more information on equipment symbols, see Equipment Symbols: An Overview in the SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide, accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. Common Properties Below is a listing of the common properties that you will see on a part sheet. The common properties are listed in the order that they appear, from left to right, on the part sheet. Name - Enter the part number for the equipment part. The keyword Name must be respected in the spreadsheet, but it is actually equivalent to the PartNumber. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. An example is BA106E 42309-1. Important

All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the equipment part. An example is Centrifugal Pump, 10" suction, 8" discharge. MirrorBehaviorOption - Type the mirror behavior code for the horizontal vessel. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Mirror Behavior Option sheet in the Codelist Number column. ReplacementPartNumber - Specify the replacement part number for the equipment part. ProcessEqTypes(i) - Type the coded process equipment type for the part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Equipment Types sheet in the Codelist Number column. For example, 365 is the equipment type code for a Vertical centrifugal pump. SymbolDefinition - Type a definition of the Visual Basic symbol you are creating for the equipment part. An example is SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm.CVesselWSSym. Definition - Type a definition of the Visual Basic class you are creating for the Custom Assembly Definition for an equipment part. An example is SP3DVesselWSkirt.Asm.CVesselWSDef.

14 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Equipment Parts: An Overview UserClassName - Sets the user name for the part class. You can use this field to give more meaningful names to the user classes, if necessary. This name appears in the Catalog browser. OccClassName - Sets the occurrence name for the part class. This name appears on the filter dialog boxes in the software. SymbolIcon - Specifies a graphic file for the part class. You can view this graphic in the Catalog task interface or on a Properties dialog box in the software. Dry COG X - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the xaxis when the part is empty. DryWeight - Enter the empty weight of the part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value. WaterWeight - Enter the water weight of the equipment part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value. Note

For Equipment, the Weight and CG property "Wet Weight" is the sum of Dry Weight and Water Weight. The dry weight and water weight values are catalog properties entered on the part sheet for the equipment.

DryCOGY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the yaxis when the part is empty. DryCOGZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the zaxis when the part is empty. WaterCOGX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the x-axis when the part is filled with water. WaterCOGY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the y-axis when the part is filled with water. WaterCOGZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the z-axis when the part is filled with water. Tip

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to an equipment part. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, such as Nozzle(1):EndPrep, Nozzle(2):EndPrep, and Nozzle(3):EndPrep for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties into the workbook, substitute a number for (i) to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 15

Equipment Parts: An Overview Nozzle(i):NPD - Type the nominal piping diameter for the particular nozzle connection. Unless you specify otherwise, the software defines nozzle 1 as the primary nozzle. Nozzle(i):NPDUnitType - Specify the units for the nominal piping diameter of the nozzle. For example, type mm for millimeters or in for inches. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle connection. Valid end preparation codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the End Preparation sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):EndStandard - Type the coded end standard for the nozzle connection. Valid end preparation codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the End Standard sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):ScheduleThickness - Type the schedule thickness (wall thickness) short description code for the nozzle. Valid codes and short descriptions are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the ScheduleThickness sheet in the Codelist Number and Schedule Thickness Short Description columns. If you enter the wall thickness directly, include the units. For example, type 7mm. Nozzle(i):PressureRating - Type the coded pressure rating for the nozzle connection. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Pressure Rating sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the coded flow direction for the nozzle. Specifying the correct flow direction code for each part port is very important, because the software automatically orients the part to the flow direction of the pipe or port to which the part is connected. Note

In Version 6, the nozzles may (totally or partially) or may not be driven by the symbol. If the position and orientation of a nozzle is controlled by the symbol, a nozzle place holder must be created in the symbol and the real nozzle created in the CAD (Custom Assembly Definition) by way of the EquipmentCADHelper will follow the place holder. The corresponding properties (or more, such as the NPD) must be made read-only in the CAD. If none of the properties are driven by the symbol, the nozzle must be entirely defined and controlled by the CAD.

16 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Equipment Parts: An Overview

GenericAides Sheet
The GenericAides sheet in the Equipment.xls workbook defines the generic equipment objects in your catalog. Generic equipment objects can include such things as a truck, a trailer, or even a person. Name - Specifies the part number for the equipment object. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. Important

All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the equipment object. MirrorBehaviorOption - Type the mirror behavior code for the equipment object. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the MirrorBehaviorOption sheet in the Codelist Number column. ReplacementPartNumber - Specify the replacement part number for the equipment part. ProcessEqTypes(i) - Type the coded process equipment type for the part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Equipment Types sheet in the Codelist Number column. For example, 365 is the equipment type code for a Vertical centrifugal pump. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the equipment object. Definition - Type the Custom Assembly definition for the equipment object. UserClassName - Sets the user name for the part class. You can use this field to give more meaningful names to the user classes, if necessary. This name appears in the Catalog browser. OccClassName - Sets the occurrence name for the part class. This name appears on the filter dialog boxes in the software. SymbolIcon - Specifies a graphic file for the part class. You can view this graphic in the Catalog task interface or on a Properties dialog box in the software. DryWeight - Enter the empty weight of the part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value. WaterWeight - Enter the water weight of the equipment part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value. DryCOGX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the xaxis when the part is empty.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 17

Equipment Parts: An Overview DryCOGY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the yaxis when the part is empty. DryCOGZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the zaxis when the part is empty.

18 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview

A variety of equipment parts modeled in Solid Edge are also delivered with the software. The equipment and furnishings reference data for these Solid Edge parts is defined in the Microsoft Excel workbook called Equipment_SE.xls. The software delivers this workbook to the [Product Directory]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\AdditionalDataFiles folder. Common Properties Below is a listing of the common properties that you will see on a part sheet. The common properties are listed in the order that they appear, from left to right, on the part sheet. Name - Enter a part number for the Solid Edge equipment part. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. An example is HorizontalDrum D801. Important

All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the Solid Edge equipment part. An example is Variable Volume Air Distribution Assembly. ProcessEqTypes(i) - Type the coded process equipment type for the part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Equipment Types sheet in the Codelist Number column. For example, 305 is the equipment type code for an Elevated hydrocarbons liquid burner. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the Solid Edge equipment part. An example path is Sp3DImportSE.CSym|SolidEdgeParts\SEVVADA.asm. Definition - Type the Custom Assembly definition for the Solid Edge equipment part. It must be SP3DImportSE.CDef. UserClassName - Sets the user name for the part class. You can use this field to give more meaningful names to the user classes, if necessary. This name appears in the Catalog browser. OccClassName - Sets the occurrence user name for the part class. This name appears on the filter dialog boxes in the software. SymbolIcon - Specifies a graphic file for the part class. You can view this graphic in the Catalog task interface or on a Properties dialog box in the software. DryWeight - Enter the empty weight of the Solid Edge equipment part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 19

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview WaterWeight - Enter the water weight of the Solid Edge equipment part. Be sure to specify the units when entering this value. DryCOGX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the x-axis when the part is empty. DryCOGY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the y-axis when the part is empty. DryCOGZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the z-axis when the part is empty. WaterCOGX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the x-axis when the part is filled with water. WaterCOGY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the y-axis when the part is filled with water. WaterCOGZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the Solid Edge equipment part along the z-axis when the part is filled with water. Tip

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to an equipment part. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, such as Nozzle(1):EndPrep, Nozzle(2):EndPrep, and Nozzle(3):EndPrep for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties into the workbook, substitute a number for (i) to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):NPD - Type the nominal piping diameter for the particular nozzle connection. Unless you specify otherwise, the software defines nozzle 1 as the primary nozzle. Nozzle(i):NPDUnitType - Specify the units for the nominal piping diameter of the nozzle. For example, type mm for millimeters or in for inches. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle connection. Valid end preparation codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the End Preparation sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):EndStandard - Type the coded end standard for the nozzle connection. Valid end preparation codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the End Standard sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):ScheduleThickness - Type the schedule thickness (wall thickness) short description code for the nozzle. Valid codes and short descriptions are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the ScheduleThickness sheet in the Codelist Number and Schedule Thickness Short Description columns. If you enter the wall thickness directly, include the units. For example, type 7mm. 20 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview Nozzle(i):PressureRating - Type the coded pressure rating for the nozzle connection. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the Pressure Rating sheet in the Codelist Number column. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the coded flow direction for the nozzle. Specifying the correct flow direction code for each part port is very important because the software automatically orients the part to the flow direction of the pipe or port to which the part is connected. Note

There is no way to customize the behavior of the nozzles for the Solid Edge equipment. By default, they are associated to a place holder placed by the SP3D dedicated symbol. Their properties other than position and orientation are editable for the occurrences.

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 21

Solid Edge Equipment Parts: An Overview

Add Equipment to the Catalog

1. Open one of the Equipment and Furnishings reference data workbooks. 2. Select the Index sheet. 3. On the Index sheet, click the link to the sheet to which to add an equipment part. For example, to add a pump, click the link to the Pump sheet. Tip To add a new equipment part class, you must add a new sheet to the workbook and specify the class location in the Catalog hierarchy. For example, to add a distillation column class, add a sheet named DistillationColumns. For more information on common sheets, see Adding Part Classes to the Catalog: An Overview in the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software. 4. Insert a new row in the Head/Start/End section.

5. Specify the properties for the equipment part that you are adding. 6. In column A of the new row, type the letter A to indicate to the Bulkload utility that you are adding a new object. 7. Bulkload the workbook in the Add/Modify/Delete mode. Tip

For more information on bulkloading data, see Loading Reference Data into the Catalog in the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide.


The PartNumber must be unique for all parts in the catalog. Look on the Custom Interfaces sheet to find more information about part properties, such as type and units.

22 Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide


adding equipment to Catalog, 22 equipment adding to Catalog, 22 Equipment reference data What's New?, 10 Equipment.xls GenericAides sheet, 17 GenericAides sheet, 17 overviews parts, 14, 19 parts overview, 14, 19 preface, 4 What's New?, 10

Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide 23

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