Advanced Traveler Information System

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Advanced Traveler Information System for Hyderabad City

Praveen Kumar, Varun Singh, Student Member, IEEE, and Dhanunjaya Reddy
AbstractThe advanced traveler information system (ATIS) is a type of intelligent transportation system application areas that implements emerging computer, communication, and information technologies to provide vital information to the users of a system regarding trafc regulation, route and location guidance, hazardous situations and safety advisory, and warning messages. ATIS requires a large amount of data for processing, analysis, and storage for effective dissemination of traveler information to users. A geographical information system (GIS) allows large data to be effectively processed, stored, analyzed, logically associated, and graphical displayed. Thus, GIS-based ATIS provides a convenient and powerful tool for storage and graphical representation of information, which can be useful users. Further, by availing the powerful GIS functionalities, a user can conceive a problem and allow the appropriate software to assist him in the decision-making process regarding optimum route selection and trip planning. In this paper, the authors present a GIS-based ATIS for Hyderabad City, India. Development of this GIS-based ATIS has been carried under the ArcView GIS environment. This user-friendly system provides comprehensive information about Hyderabad City, such as road networks, hospitals, government and private ofces, stadiums, bus and railway stations, and tourist places within the city limits. This system can be used effectively in bus stations, railway stations, airports, and tourist information centers, as well as in personal computers to provide information to travelers and to facilitate travel. Index TermsAdvanced traveler information system (ATIS), geographical information system (GIS), intelligent transportation system (ITS), route planning.

I. INTRODUCTION RANSPORTATION functions are an indispensable basis for any countys development and have the ability to provide benets to the society. Generally, there is widely accepted link between economic well being and good transportation. Export and import, industry, agriculture, defense, social services (such as health and education), general administration, maintenance of law and order, exploitation of resources, mobility of persons and goods, etc. are some of the many areas of activity that are very closely linked to the availability of adequate
Manuscript received November 12, 2003; revised July 15, 2004 and August 10, 2004. This work was supported by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for the project on intelligent transportation system. The Associate Editor for this paper was F.-Y. Wang. P. Kumar is with the Transportation Engineering Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, UA 247667, India (e-mail: V. Singh is with the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, UA 247667, India (e-mail: D. Reddy was with the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, UA 247667, India. He is now with Abhinava Info Systems Pvt. Ltd., Gunwahati 781028, Assam, India (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TITS.2004.838179

transportation infrastructure. Policy makers, transport planners, trafc engineers, and the private sector engaged in developing new transport technologies are constantly looking forward to nd solutions to lessen the energy consumption, land usage, congestion, casualties, and money required to build new transportation infrastructure. As a result, developed countries have shifted their priority from infrastructure- and capital-intensive transportation strategies to more balanced and sustainable transportation solutions. This is where the intelligent transportation system (ITS) comes into play. It implicitly holds the promise of sustainability. ITS is an integrated system that implements existing or emerging computer, communication, information, and vehicle-sensing technologies to coordinate transportation systems in a safe and efcient manner, monitor trafc conditions, control trafc ow, and provide information to the motoring public about trafc conditions. ITS includes a wider application of technology to transit systems as well as private cars and highways. Benets given by ITS deployment to any transportation system are improved safety, improved trafc efciency, reduced congestion, improved environmental quality and energy efciency, and improved economic productivity. The advanced traveler information system (ATIS) is one of the most widely used ITS. ATIS implements a wide range of technologies, such as Internet web sites, telephones, cellular phones, television, radio, etc. to assist travelers and drivers in making informed decisions regarding trip departures, optimum routes, and available modes of travel. ATIS provides both pretrip and en route information to the users, both of which offer distinctive advantages. Table I gives an overview of ATIS [22]. The availability of pretrip information drivers enhances their self-belief to use freeways and allows commuters to make better-informed transit choices [22]. En route information and guidance saves travel time, helps a traveler avoid congestion, can improve trafc network performance, and is more efcient than paper maps or written instructions. In a 1999 survey, people using the Advanced Regional Trafc Interactive Management and Information System (ARTIMIS) telephone traveler information service in Cincinnati, OH, rated the ARTIMIS as a benecial service. More than 99% of people surveyed in that city said that they beneted by avoiding trafc problems, saving time, reducing frustration, and arriving at destinations on time and 81% said that they had recommended the service to someone else [24]. Some of the existing traveler information systems are as follows: 1) telephone information lines (prerecorded messages for a selected area or corridor); 2) invehicle navigation systems (global positioning systems and dynamic route guidance); 3) dynamic message signs (drive-time systems);

1524-9050/$20.00 2005 IEEE




planning by private automobile, mass transit, and ride sharing. The ystem was developed under the ARC/INFO GIS environment and census and graphic data are acquired from the topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing (TIGER) les from Union County, NJ. B. GIS-Based Transit Itinerary-Planning Decision Support System (GIS-TIPDSS) Li and Kurt [18] developed a GIS-TIPDSS for assisting passengers with itinerary decision-making. GIS-TIPDSS was designed and implemented within the MapInfo, Troy, NY, GIS environment. GIS-TIPDSS was implemented on a personal computer and intended for potential transit users. C. GIS-Based Decision Support Tool Wu et al. [16] developed a GIS-based decision support tool for modeling dynamic network congestion and conducting minimum cost routing. The system predicts network ows at a detailed level of temporal resolution, capturing dynamic congestion propagation effects. System works under ARC/INFO GIS software and custom Dynamic Trafc Assignment (DTA) . module written in C D. Road-Management System for Europe (ROMANSE) A GIS-based trafc monitoring and analysis system (ROMANSE) has been developed for Hampshire and Southampton, U.K. ROMANSE uses ArcView GIS extension, namely the Strategic Information System Client, for displaying an overview of transport environment using information from the urban trafc control (UTC) [9]. III. GIS-BASED ATIS DEVELOPMENT A. Methodology Developing ATIS under the ArcView GIS environment was the objective of current project. In this ATIS, GIS-enabled modules for the shortest path, closest facility, and city bus routes have been included. Besides these features, location-wise information and intercity traveler information, such as bus, train and airways timing, are also included. Methodology involved in the development of the system is described in later sections. 1) Route Planning: Route planning is a process that helps vehicle drivers to plan a route prior to or during a journey. In the shortest-path scheme for route planning, the objective is to select and implement vehicle routing algorithms for intercity and intracity route planning while addressing the following issues [9]: 1) shortest distance; 2) quickest route; 3) vehicle trafc restrictions; 4) drivers travel preferences. In the current ATIS, route planning is carried out by using a graphical user interface of the system. For the shortest path computation, length and speed limits of the road segments on that road are stored in a digital database and the travel time was calculated (distance/speed limit). The calculated travel time is used as travel cost in the performance of path optimization. The

4) Internet (congestion maps and clientserver applications). 5) radio and television broadcasts (pretrip and en route). Further advanced information technologies, such as the geographic information system (GIS) can be effectively implemented in ITS to improve the efciency and safety of the transportation infrastructure. GIS is the type of integrated information systems that consists of an organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efciently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS can be used effectively for route guidance, en route driver information, and identication of an incident location. GIS-based advanced traveler-information systems assist individual and eet drivers of changing trafc conditions en route by using wireless technologies and spatial databases. GIS-based ITS applications acquire real-time trafc data from global positioning system (GPS) units, video cameras, and road-monitoring units for en route trafc-information dissemination. II. OTHER GIS-BASED ATIS APPLICATIONS Commonly, GIS applications to ATIS are for solving tactical logistical problems of vehicle routing and scheduling and trafc-data dissemination. This section portrays some of the GIS-based applications to ATIS, specically in the eld of route planning and trafc-data dissemination. A. GIS-Based Multimodal ATIS (MATIS) Mouskos et al. [15] developed a GIS-based MATIS that provides travelers with access to information concerning route



travel cost represents the cost of traveling over the link or the measure of resistance to the movement of goods through the link and depends on many factors, such as distance, travel time, travel speed, and number of turns. Path optimization has been carried out using ArcView Network Analyst (AVNA). AVNA implements a modied Dijkstras shortest path algorithm with a -heap in combination with a custom memory-management scheme for nding the shortest path from a given starting node to a destination node , which has the lowest possible cost [19]. Heaps or priority queues are one of the types of data structure that allow the insertion of elements and extraction of the least element. The -heaps are the generalization of more commonly known binary heaps. All nodes of a -heap have children. A -heap requires time to do insert and decrease the time for each deleteMin Key operation, but needs operation. Dijkstras algorithm is implemented using -heaps with the value equal to 2. Using -heap, Dijkstras algorithm time. AVNA builds the topology, takes creates a travel-cost matrix, and then run the analysis. 2) Closest Facility: In the closest facility problem, route length and travel time (drive time) are considered as travel costs. Different facilities, such as hospitals, bus stations, and tourist places, have been taken as themes in the project. The closest facility algorithm calculates all the routes from the selected origin to facilities based on travel cost. It compares travel costs of these routes and gives one optimal route as output [25]. 3) City Bus Routes: City buses with their numbers are stored in a database in a compressed format because there will be more than one bus on one road segment. A search algorithm is used to nd bus service number from a selected origin and destination. According to the bus number, road segments on the map were selected and highlighted with different color. The schematic ow chart of the ATIS is shown in Fig. 1. B. Source Program The source program for this package has been written in the Avenue programming language. Avenue is an object-oriented scripting language for ArcView GIS in order to automate tasks, add new capabilities, and build applications. The source code is divided into many scripts; each is used for a particular purpose. C. Work Plan The following systematic steps are followed for the development of the ATIS: Step 1) collecting of maps; Step 2) scanning of maps; Step 3) georeferencing of scanned maps; Step 4) digitization of the road network; Step 5) database creation; Step 6) software development in ArcView GIS. D. Georeferencing Georeferencing is the process of registering a geographical data set to an established coordinate system [3]. Scanned maps does not usually contain information as to where the area represented on the map ts on the surface of the earth. The location information delivered with aerial photos and satellite imaginary is

Fig. 1. Schematic ow chart for the ATIS.

often inadequate to perform analysis or display in proper alignment with other data. To establish the relationship between an coorimage (row, column) coordinate system and a map dinate system, we need to align or georeference the raster data (image). The image-to-map rectication approach is used for georeferencing. This approach involves the measurement of the image coordinates of the reference cell and their corresponding ground control points [3]. E. Digitization Digitization is the process of converting paper or scanned maps into digital les in order to encode geographic features in coordinates [3]. In this paper, the georeferdigital form as enced raster images of Hyderabad City are digitized through an online digitization procedure using ArcView GIS 3.1. The road network of the study area is digitized as line features. Lakes and rivers are digitized as polygon features. Bus stations, railway stations, hospitals, places of tourist interest, ofces, educational institutions, and stadiums are digitized as point features. The spatial data above is organized as themes in this paper. F. Input Data ATIS development is carried out for the Hyderabad and Secunderabad twin cities. Hyderabad City is an administrative and commercial center, the capital of the Andhra Pradesh



state. It also is the fth biggest city in India. Secunderabad is the satellite town of Hyderabad City. The total area of the region (Hyderabad and Secunderabad) is around 500 km and it bounded by latitudes17 -30 -00 N and 17 -19 -48 Nand longitudes78 -22 -12 E and 78 -34 -48 E. The following data was collected and used in the development of ATIS: topographical maps of representative fraction (RF) of 1: 25 000 for NW, NE, SW, SE directions; time tables of intercity bus, train, and air services; speed limits on roads; road names; information of one-way road segments. G. Themes and Database For the current ATIS, all the important geographical details of Hyderabad City are categorized as separate features as depicted as follows: road networks; places of tourist interest; educational institutions hospitals and ofces; bus stations, railway stations, and the airport; lakes and the river. For the current ATIS, topographical maps are taken as data inputs; these features are spatially represented as themes. Each theme has discrete characteristics known as attributes that emphatically separate it from other themes. For example, attributes of a street might include its name, type, length, code, number of lanes, or pavement type. Features and their attributes are linked to each other; therefore, a user can access or locate any feature from its attributes. All the important information associated with each feature was entered into its themes attribute table, to analyze it in a later stage. This was accomplished by adding the required number of elds (columns) to the table and entering the data for all the features in their corresponding records (rows). Table II gives the details of elds. In the road network theme, more than 1200 roads were identied and digitized. Roads in the city were classied as highways, major roads, and minor roads. This classication was done by giving separate identication number (know as a label) to each category in the database. Roads that have names were identied and that data was stored in this database. More than one bus will travel on one road. Storing all bus numbers traveling on each road segment is an intricate task; besides, this increases the size of the database. All bus numbers in one road segment were stored in one eld in a compressed format. Three different city bus services (metro liners, metro express, and ordinary) are available in Hyderabad City. A database for these three categories was created and stored in three different elds. A database for one-way road segment length, speed limit, and drive time was created. Names of places of tourist interest, educational institutions, hospitals, bus stations, railway stations, ofces, lakes, and the river were stored in their corresponding databases. A description and information of elds in databases of different themes are given in Table II. Besides these databases for intercity bus services, databases for train and air services were also created.


Distances from Hyderabad, departure timings, and service name were included in these databases, which were created in Microsoft Excel.

IV. USING ATIS A. Menus A menu displays a list of commands that are available to the user. Because menus make commands visible and searchable, a user can use them to his advantage while recognizing commands without remembering them. A menu bar, one of the most common forms of a menu interface, is a special area displayed across the top of a graphic user interface (GUI) directly below the title bar. Table III gives a description of the menu on the general view of ATIS and their functionalities. B. Buttons and Tools Buttons and tools are used to provide quick access to specic commands or options. Their name and functionality are shown in a tool tip text when a user moves the cursor on them. Buttons and tools bars are shown in Fig. 2 and their description is given in Table IV.





line draws between those two points and the distance in kilometers is shown in the status bar. D. Viewing the City Location-Wise Clicking the by location submenu in the view Hyderabad menu or the location button by using the mouse console, the user can view information for the area, as shown in Fig. 4. The steps are as follows. Step 1) Click on the location button or on the by location submenu. Step 2) Select an area to view. The selected area will be zoomed with all details. For a full view of Hyderabad, click on the full submenu in the view Hyderabad menu.
Fig. 2. Menus, buttons, and tools.

E. Searching for Features in Hyderabad C. Using General Functions Fig. 3 gives the full view of map with all themes in the ATIS. Guidelines for general usage of the map are as follows. 1) Legend of the map is shown on the left side of the map. 2) Turn themes on and off by clicking a checked box in front it to view the desired themes. 3) Zoom in or out the map using zoom tools and buttons. 4) Click on the measure tool and any point on the map and move the cursor to the desired point on the map. A line drawn between those two points and distance in kilometers is shown in the status bar. 5) Click on a measure tool and on any point on the map and move the cursor to the desired point on the map. A Following are steps for searching desired features such as ofces, places of tourist interest, educational facilities, health facilities, etc., in Hyderabad. Step 1) Click on the

button or the search submenu in the view Hyderabad menu. Step 2) Select the type of features from the search for list. Step 3) Select the feature from the list.



Fig. 3. General view.

Fig. 4. Location-wise view of Hyderabad City.



Fig. 5.

Searching for features in Hyderabad City.

The selected feature will be highlighted in yellow in the map and if the image is available it will be shown in the searchs dialog box, as given in Fig. 5. F. Shortest Path Module The shortest path module for nding the shortest path with different options, i.e., either the user selects the origin or destination from the database or by clicking desired location on the map, as shown in Fig. 6. In this ATIS, four options are given for nding shortest path, as follows: 1) shortest path with the given origin and destination; 2) shortest path with a user-given origin and destination; 3) shortest path with a given origin and user-given destination; 4) shortest path with a user-given origin and user-given destination. 1) Shortest Path With Given Origin and Destination: Click on the shortest path submenu or on the

button. Select any with given origin and destination option in the shortest path dialog. Select the type of origin and, from that list, select the origin. Select the type of destination and, from that list, select the destination. Click on the

button and select travel cost (line length or drive time).

The shortest path will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions from the origin to destination will be displayed in the shortest path dialog. 2) Shortest Path With User-Given Origin and a Given Destination: Click on the shortest path submenu or button. Select the given origin and given destination option in the shortest path dialog. Select the origin by clicking any point on the road network. Select the type of destination and, from that list, select the destination. Click the run button and select the travel cost (line length or drive time). The shortest path will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions from the origin to destination will be displayed in the shortest path dialog. 3) Shortest Path With a Given Origin and Given Destination: Click on the shortest path submenu or the button. Select any with given origin and user-given destination option in the shortest path dialog. Select the type of origin and select the origin from the given list. Select the destination point by clicking any point on the road network. Click the run button and select travel cost (line length or drive time). The shortest path will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions from the origin to destination will be displayed in the shortest path dialog. 4) Shortest Path With User-Given Origin and User-Given Destination: Click on the shortest path submenu or button. Select any with given origin and user-given destination option in the shortest path dialog. Select the type of origin and select the origin from given list. Select the destination point by



Fig. 6.

Searching for the shortest path with a given origin and destination.

clicking any point on the road network. Click the run button and select the travel cost (line length or drive time). The shortest path will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions from the origin to destination will be displayed in the shortest path dialog. G. Closest Facility Path Module The closest facility module is for nding nearby facility (ofces, places of tourist interest, educational facilities, health facilities, etc.) from any location on the road network. Steps for nding closest facility are as follows. Step 1) Click on the closest facility submenu or button. Click on the

origin to destination will be displayed in the closest facility path dialog, as shown in Fig. 7. H. Site Tour Module The site tour module is for itinerary planning. When a traveler wants to visits several locations in the city, this module gives the traveler a systematic plan for travel, which is based on the shortest distance to different locations from the origin. Steps involved for itinerary planning are as follows. Step 1) Click on the site tour submenu. Step 2) Select places to visit from the places of tourist interest list in order of visit by holding the SHIFT key. Step 3) Click the go button. The optimum path for the site tour will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions will be displayed in the site tour dialog, as shown in Fig. 8. I. City Bus-Service Module This module is for nding city bus services that are available from one location to other in Hyderabad City. Fig. 9 shows the city bus-service module. The following are the steps for searching for available city bus services. Step 1) Click on the metro liner, metro express, or ordinary submenus in the Citybusroute menu according to the type of city bus services. Step 2) Select the origin point from the origin list.

button given in the dialog and select any point by clicking the road network. Step 2) Enter the range in kilometers where the closest facility is to be found. The default value is 0, which means the closest facility in the whole map. Step 3) Select the type of facility (hospitals, ofces, transport, etc.). The optimum path to the closest facility from a selected point will be displayed in yellow on the map and directions from the



Fig. 7.

Closest facility path module.

Fig. 8. Site tour module.



Fig. 9.

City bus-services module.

Step 3) Select the destination point from the destination list. Step 4) Select any bus number from the available bus numbers to view its route. Step 5) Selected bus numbers route will be displayed in yellow color on the map. J. Intercity Bus Services Module This module is for nding available intercity bus services from Hyderabad to other cities. The following are the steps for nding intercity available buses. Step 1) Click on the bus services submenu in the intercity menu. Step 2) Enter the destination city name. Step 3) Click on the go button. Distance and timings of buses will be displayed on bus services dialog. K. Intercity Railway Services Module This module is for nding intercity railway services that are available from Hyderabad to other cities. The following are the steps for nding available intercity buses. Step 1) Click on the train services submenu in the intercity menu. Step 2) Enter the destination city name. Step 3) Click the go button. Step 4) Train numbers to destination city will be displayed. Step 5) Select any train number.

Train name, arrival and departure times, and the trains starting station in the Hyderabad and Secunderabad twin cities will be displayed on the railway services dialog, as shown in Fig. 10. L. Intercity Airline Services Module This module is for nding intercity airline services from Hyderabad to other cities. Following are the steps for nding available intercity airline services. Step 1) Click on the air services submenu in the intercity menu. Step 2) Select the destination city name from the list. An airlines name, ight number, stopping details, departure time, and operating days of all ights will be displayed on the bus-services dialog. V. FUTURE SCOPE The proposed ATIS can be modied further to an Internet GIS-based application, so that the user can have easy access to it via Internet. Further, this ATIS can be provided with several routing systems to allow users to select from one of several travel objectives used to direct the path search. Typical options include minimizing travel time, minimizing travel distance, and maximizing use of freeways links. In the future, when the integration of highway systems with real-time trafc surveillance and control strategies will take place in India, this ATIS can be modied to provide route



Fig. 10.

Intercity railway services module.

choices based on actual or predicted trafc conditions with the help of real-time data acquisition from equipped road networks. VI. CONCLUSION ATISs are most widely deployed ITS application areas. With the rapid increase of the Internet and wireless communications in recent years, the application of Internet-based and wireless GIS-T applications to ATIS is growing rapidly (such as the ROMANSE project in Europe). Implementation of GIS in combination with other advanced communication computer technologies to traveler information systems enables the conspicuous dissemination of information pertaining to xed route facilities, such as ofces, educational institutions, health facilities, places of tourist interest, etc.; route planning and spatial and attribute information on other transportation facilities within the cities, including highways, airports, marine ports, and passenger rail systems. Developed GIS-based ATIS has a point-and-click graphical user interface and also is user friendly. The developed package has the following capabilities: nding the shortest path based on distance and drive time; nding the closest facility and its path based on distance and drive time; city bus routes; search enginewhich searches different facilities in Hyderabad city; provides intercity bus, train, and airways information (timings, distance, and service name); site-tour planning.

The developed package can be used in the following areas to give information to the travelers: bus stands; railway stations; airports; tourist information centers; in personal computers. REFERENCES
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Varun Singh (S04) received the M.S. degree in computer-aided design from the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, in 2002, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in advanced traveler information systems. He has coauthored eight papers in national journal and international conferences. His research interests include geographical information system (GIS)-based intelligent transportation systems, soft computing applications in trafc engineering, and Internet GIS. He is a Student Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and an Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers, India.

Dhanunjaya Reddy received the M.S. degree in transportation engineering from the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, in 2002. He is with Abhinava Info Systems Pvt. Ltd., Gunwahati, India. His research interests include Geographical information system (GIS)-based intelligent transportation systems and computer applications in transportation engineering.

Praveen Kumar received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from University of Roorkee (currently, the Indian Institute of Technology), Roorkee, India. He was with the Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India, as a Scientist from 1992 to 1998. He was an Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, from May 1998 to February 2004 and currently is an Associate Professor. He has published more than 100 research papers in national and international journals and conferences. His interests include transportation planning, pavement performance studies, intelligent transportation systems, and geographical information system (GIS) applications in transportation engineering. Dr. Kumar is a Member of the Six Member National Executive Committee, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY). He was the Recipient of the Young Teachers carrier award from All India Council of Technical Education, April 2000; the Outstanding Research Paper (Best) Award from the Indian Road Congress for 19992000; the Outstanding Paper Award, The Institution of Engineers (India) for 2002; Outstanding Teacher Award (Best Teacher) from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for 2003; and several other awards.

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