Discharge Plan
Discharge Plan
Discharge Plan
HEALTH TEACHINGS -Instruct patient to avoid eggs, dairy products, avocados, nuts and olives, gas forming vegetables and alcohol. -Advise to use only unsaturated energy vegetable oils.
-Protein: This is needed to restore blood -Encourage patient to consume volume and plasma proteins lost through non-expensive and quality bleeding from the surgery; to meet the nutritious food. increased needs for tissue repair and resistance to infection. -Water: To replace fluid loss. -Vitamins: Necessary for homeostasis -Advise patient not to skip meals. -Encourage to increase fluid intake as tolerated. -Emphasized patient to take vitamin C to promote wound healing and fat-soluble vitamins.
B. ACTIVITIES -Physical care: In patients who have undergone cholecystectomy, physical care (caring for the wound) is important to prevent infection. -Ambulataion: Activity is encouraged as -Instruct patient to check the wound site daily for signs of infection like purulent drainage, swelling, tenderness and redness.
soon as possible because it reduces the -Instruct patient to wash wound risk of post-operative complications. -Exercise: It improves circulation. site with mild soap and water. -Instruct patient to allow adhesive
strips on the wound site to pull off and not to pull them off. -Explain that normal activities can be resumed gradually: begin light exercise. -Instruct patient to avoid lifting objects for 4 to 6 weeks.
C. MEDICATION -Post-operative medications are used to prevent infection and for wound healing. -Enforce patient to follow medication regimen so that preventions are prevented and healing is
-Vitamins, antispasmodics and anticho- promoted. linergics are recommended in order to prevent potential complications and for continuous healing of wounds. -Discuss the dose, frequency and side effects of medication or any special consideration. -Advise patient to express concerns and queries about th medication intake.
D. FOLLOW-UP -The quality and quantity of follow-up is -Advise patient to make a calendar a critical factor in teh complete recovery of the patient since cholescystecof activities so that he will not forget the important dates of clinic and
tomy includes managing potential com- follow-up schedule. plications such as bleeding, making the patient comfortable and monitoring the patient's proper diet and activities -Emphasize the importance of keeping follow up appointments. -Remind the patient and family the
as days progress after surgery. -Follow-up are also necessary for continuous health education and promotion activities to prevent the recurrence of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.