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Js Lect3 PDF
Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. The generalized eigenspace decomposition Operators commuting with T The semisimplenilpotent decomposition Jordan normal form 1 2 5 7
1. The generalized eigenspace decomposition Let T : V V be a linear operator on a nite dimensional vector space. Denote the factorization of cT (X ) by f1 (X )e1 fs (X )es , where every fi (X ) is an irreducible, monic polynomial of degree di > 0, fi (X ) = X di + ai,di 1 X di 1 + + ai,1 X + ai,0 , where f1 , . . . , fs are distinct and where e1 , . . . , es are positive integers. Remark 1.1. The case we are most interested in is where each fi (X ) = X i , for distinct elements 1 , . . . , s F. This is always the case if the eld F is algebraically closed, e.g., if F = C. Lemma 1.2. If s 2, then for every 1 i < j 2, the polynomials fiei and fj j are coprime. Proof. Because fi and fj are irreducible, the only factors of each are scalar multiples of 1 and fi , resp. 1 and fj . Since fi = fj and each are monic, they are not propor tional (i.e., they are linearly independent). Therefore 1 is a greatest common factor of fi and fj . By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Theorem 3.2 from 11/10/04, there exist polynomials gi , gj such that 1 = gi fi + gj fj . Let e = maxei ,ej . Then 12e1 = (gi fi + gj fj )2e1 . Expanding the righthandside using the multinomial 2e1k formula, each term is divisible by fik fj for some 0 k 2e 1. At least one of e k, 2e 1 k is at least e. Gathering terms, the equation is 1 = 12e1 = hi fie + hj fj eei ei ej for some polynomials hi , hj . Therefore 1 = hi fi + hj fj , where hi = hi fi , eej ej ei hj = hj fj . By the Chinese Remainder Theorem again, fi and fj are co prime. Notation 1.3. For every i = 1, . . . , s, denote Ei = ET,fi (X )ei = ker(fiei (T )), as in Denition 2.3 from 11/10/04. Denote W = (E1 , . . . , Es ) as in Denition 1.1 from 11/10/04. If s 2, for every i = 1, . . . , s, denote, ri (X ) = fj (X )ej ,
1j s,j =i e
Proposition 1.4. If s 2, there exist polynomials g1 (X ), . . . , gs (X ) such that 1 = g1 (X )r1 (X ) + + gs (X )rs (X ). Proof. This follows from Corollary 3.3 from 11/10/04 and Lemma 1.2.
Theorem 1.5. The stuple of subspace (E1 , . . . , Es ) is a direct sum decomposition of V . Moreover, if s 2 then gi (T ) ri (T ) : V V has image Ei and is the unique linear operator whose restriction to Ei is the identity and whose restriction to Ej is 0 for 1 j s, j = i. Proof. First consider the case that s = 1. Then cT (X ) = f1 (X )e1 . By the Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Corollary 6.5 from 11/12/04, cT (T ) is the zero operator. There e1 (T )) is all of V . So W = (V ) is clearly a direct sum decomposition fore E1 = ker(f1 of V . Next assume s 2. By the same arguments from Section 4 from 11/10/04, the restriction of gi (T ) ri (T ) to Ej is the identity if j = i and is the zero transformation i. By the same argument as in Theorem 4.4 from 11/10/04, W is linearly if j = independent. The claim is that Image(gi (T ) ri (T )) is contained in Ei . This is the same as saying that fiei (T ) gi (T ) ri (T ) is the zero linear operator. Of course this is (fiei gi ri )(T ) = (gi fiei ri )(T ) = gi (T ) cT (T ). By the CayleyHamilton theorem, cT (T ) is the zero operator, thus gi (T ) cT (T ) is the zero operator, so Image(gi (T ) ri (T )) Ei . Because 1 = g1 r1 + + gs rs , there is an equation of linear operators IdV = g1 (T ) r1 (T ) + + gs (T ) rs (T ). For every v V , this gives, v = g1 (T ) r1 (T )(v) + + gs (T ) rs (T )(v). By the last paragraph, each vi := gi (T ) ri (T )(v) is in Ei . Therefore W is spanning. Since it is both linearly independent and spanning, W is a direct sum decomposition. To see that gi (T ) ri (T ) is the unique linear operator whose restriction to every Ej is either IdEi if j = i or else the zero operator if j = i, assume i : V V is also such an operator. Then i gi (T ) ri (T ) is a linear operator whose restriction to every Ej is the zero operator, i.e., ker(i gi (T ) ri (T )) contains Ej for every j = 1, . . . , s. Since these subspaces span V , the kernel contains all of V , i.e., i gi (T ) ri (T ) is the zero operator. Therefore i = gi (T ) ri (T ). 2. Operators commuting with T Denition 2.1. Linear operators T, T : V V commute if T T = T T , and the pair (T, T ) is a commuting pair. Lemma 2.2. (i) For every commuting pair (T1 , T ) and every commuting pair (T2 , T ), (T1 + T2 , T ) is a commuting pair. (ii) For every commuting pair (T, T ), for every a F, (a T, T ) is a commuting pair. (iii) For every commuting pair (T1 , T ) and every commuting pair (T2 , T ), (T2 T1 , T ) is a commuting pair. (iv) For every commuting pair (T, T ) of linear operators on V , and for every f (X ) F[X ], (f (T ), T ) is a commuting pair of linear operators on V .
Proof. (i) By distributivity of composition and addition, (T1 + T2 ) T = T1 T + T2 T . By hypothesis, T1 T = T T1 and T2 T = T T2 so that T1 T + T2 T = T T1 + T T2 . By distributivity of composition and addition, T T1 + T T2 = T (T1 + T2 ). Therefore (T1 + T2 ) T = T (T1 + T2 ), i.e., (T1 + T2 , T ) is a commuting pair. (ii) By distributivity of scalar multiplication and composition, (a T ) T = a (T T ). By hypothesis, T T = T T , thus a (T T ) = a (T T ). By distributivity of scalar multiplication and composition, a (T T ) = T (a T ). Therefore (a T ) T = T (a T ), i.e., (a T, T ) is a commuting pair. (iii) By associativity of composition, (T1 T2 ) T = T1 (T2 T ). By hypothesis, T2 T = T T2 , so that T1 (T2 T ) = T1 (T T2 ). By associativity of composition, this is (T1 T ) T2 . By hypothesis, T1 T = T T1 , so that (T1 T ) T2 = (T T1 ) T2 . By associativity of composition, this is T (T1 T2 ). Therefore (T1 T2 ) T = T (T1 T2 ), i.e., (T1 T2 , T ) is a commuting pair. (iv) The rst claim is that for every integer n 0, (T n , T ) is a commuting pair. This is proved by induction on n. For n = 0 this is trivial because T 0 = IdV and clearly IdV T = T = T IdV . By way of induction, assume n > 0 and the result is known for n 1, i.e., (T n1 , T ) is a commuting pair. By hypothesis, (T, T ) is a commuting pair. By (iii), (T T n1 , T ) is a commuting pair, i.e., (T n , T ) is a commuting pair, proving the claim by induction on n. Now let f (X ) = an X n + + a1 X + a0 . Then f (T ) = an T n + + a1 T + a0 IdV . By the last paragraph, each (T k , T ) is a commuting pair. Repeatedly applying (i) and (ii), (f (T ), T ) is a commuting pair. Proposition 2.3. For every commuting pair (T, T ) of linear operators on V , for every f (X ) F[X ], T (ET,f (X ) ) ET,f (X ) . In particular, T (ET,f (X ) ) ET,f (X ) because (T, T ) is a commuting pair. Proof. By Lemma 2.2(iv), (f (T ), T ) is a commuting pair. Therefore, for every v ET,f (X ) , f (T )(T (v) = (f (T ) T )(v) equals (T f (T ))(v) = T (f (T )(v)). Because v ET,f (X ) , f (T )(v) = 0. Thus f (T )(T (v)) = T (0) = 0. Therefore T (v) ET,f (X ) , i.e., T (ET,f (X ) ) ET,f (X ) . Notation 2.4. For every commuting pair (T, T ) and every f (X ) F[X ], denote by Tf (X ) : ET,f (X ) ET,f (X ) the unique linear operator that agrees with the restriction of T to ET,f (X ) . The relevance is the following. Let cT (X ) = f1 (X )e1 fs (X )es . For every i = 1, . . . , s, let Bi be an ordered basis for Ei = ET,f ei of size ni = dim(Ei ). Let i B = B1 Bs . By Proposition 1.5 from 11/10/04 and by Theorem 1.5, B is an ordered basis for V , in particular n = n1 + + ns . Let n = (0, n1 , n1 + n2 , . . . , n1 + + ni , . . . , n1 + + ns ) be the partition of n associated to n = n1 + + ns . Denote by A the n nmatrix, [T ]B,B . For every i = 1, . . . , s, denote Ti = Tf ei , i and denote by Ai the ni ni matrix, [Ti ]Bi ,Bi . Denition 2.5. Let j be a partition of n. A (j, j )partitioned n nmatrix, B , is a diagonal block matrix if Bi,j is the zero matrix unless i = j .
Proposition 2.6. The (n, n)partitioned matrix A has blocks, Ai , i = j, Ai,j = 0ni ,nj , i = j In other words, A is a diagonal block matrix and the diagonal block Ai,i equals Ai . Proof. For every i = 1, . . . , s and every 1 l ni , the (n1 + + ns ) ns + l column of A is the B coordinate vector of T (vi,l ), where vi,l is the lth vector in Bi . By Proposition 2.3, T (vi,l ) ET,f ei , thus it is a linear combination of vectors in i Bi . Therefore the only nonzero entries of the (n1 + + ns ) ns + l column occur in the (i, i)block. This proves that Ai,j = 0ni ,nj if i = j . Moreover, since Ti agrees with the restriction of T to ET,f ei , the B coordinate vector of T (vi,l ) equals the i B coordinate vector of Ti (vi,l ). This proves Ai,i = Ai . Corollary 2.7. The characteristic polynomial of T is cT (X ) = cT1 (X ) cTs (X ). Proof. For a block matrix A as above, clearly cA (X ) = cA1 (X ) cAs (X ), by cofactor expansion. Corollary 2.8. Assume cT (X ) = (X 1 )e1 (X s )es . For every i = 1, . . . , s, (ei ) ) = ei , the algebraic multiplicity of cTi (X ) = (X i )ei . In particular, dim(ET, i i . Proof. Let X be a linear factor of cTi (X ), i.e., is an eigenvalue for Ti . There exists a nonzero eigenvector v for Ti . The claim is that for every integer e 0, (Ti i Id)e (v) = ( i )e v. For e = 0 this is obvious. By way of induction, assume e > 0 and the result is true for e 1. Then, by denition of (Ti i Id)e , (Ti i Id)e (v) = (Ti i Id)e1 (Ti (v) i v). By hypothesis, Ti (v) = v. So this is (Ti i Id)e1 (( ) v), which by linearity equals ( i ) (Ti i Id)e1 (v). By the induction hypothesis, this is ( i ) (( i )e1 v). By distributivity of multiplication of scalars and scalar multiplication, this is (( i )( i )e1 ) v = ( i )e v. So the claim is proved by induction on e. By denition, (Ti i Id)ei is the zero operator. Thus, ( i )ei v = (Ti i Id)ei (v) = 0. Since v = 0, ( i )ei = 0. Therefore = i , i.e., the only linear factor of cTi (X ) is X i . By Corollary 2.7, cTi (X ) factors cT (X ), in particular it is a product of linear factors. Since the only linear factor of cTi (X ) is X i , cTi (X ) = (X i )ni , where (ei ) ). Therefore cT (X ) = cT1 (X ) cTs (X ) = (X 1 )n1 (X s )ns . ni = dim(ET, i Since also cT (X ) = (X 1 )e1 (X s )es , for every i = 1, . . . , s, ni = ei , i.e., ei dim(ET, ) equals the algebraic multiplicity ei . i Remark 2.9. It is true, more generally, that if cT (X ) = f1 (X )e1 fs (X )es is the the irreducible decomposition, then for every i = 1, . . . , s, cTi (X ) = fi (X )ei . The simplest proof uses basechange to the algebraic closure and Corollary 2.8.
e1 es Let (T, T ) be a commuting pair. Let cT (X ) = f1 fs . Let W = (E1 , . . . , Es ), where Ei = ET,f ei . Let f (X ) F[X ] and for every i = 1, . . . , s, dene WT ,f (X ) = i (ET ,f (X ),1 , . . . , ET ,f (X ),s ) by ET ,f (X ),i = ET ,f (X ) Ei .
Proof. Because W is linearly independent, and because each ET ,f (X ),i is contained in Ei , also WT ,f (X ) is linearly independent. Let v ET ,f (X ) . By Theorem 1.5, there exists an ordered stuple of vectors in W , (v1 , . . . , vs ) such that v = v1 + + vs . The claim is that for each i = 1, . . . , s, vi ET ,f (X ) . By Lemma 2.2(iv), (T, f (T )) = f (T )(vi ). By Proposi is a commuting pair. For every i = 1, . . . , s, denote vi tion 2.3, vi Ei . And,
v1 + + vs = f (T )(v1 ) + + f (T )(vs ) = f (T )(v1 + + vs ) = f (T )(v) = 0,
where the rst inequality is the denition, the second is by linearity, the third is by denition, and the last is the hypothesis that v ET ,f (X ) . Because W is linearly independent, v1 = = vs = 0. Therefore each vi ET ,f (X ) , i.e., vi ET ,f (X ),i . So WT ,f (X ) spans ET ,f (X ) . Thus WT ,f (X ) is a direct sum decomposition of ET ,f (X ) . 3. The semisimplenilpotent decomposition Denition 3.1. A linear operator N : V V is nilpotent of index e if N e is the zero operator. A linear operator N : V V is nilpotent if there exists an integer e > 0 such that N is nilpotent of index e. A linear operator S : V V is semisimple if there exists a nite ordered basis B for V such that [S ]B,B is a diagonal matrix. For a linear operator T : V V , a semisimplenilpotent decomposition is a pair (S, N ) of a semisimple and nilpotent matrix such that (i) T = S + N , (ii) (T, S ) is a commuting pair, and (iii) (T, N ) is a commuting pair. Lemma 3.2. Let (S, T ) be a commuting pair where S is diagonalizable. Then for every f (X ) F[X ], ET,f (X ) has a basis of S eigenvectors. Proof. Let cS (X ) = (X 1 )e1 (X s )es . Choosing a basis with respect to (ei ) = ES,i , the which S is diagonal, it is clear that for every i = 1, . . . , s, ES, i
s 1 ) is the sequence of , . . . , ES, i eigenspace of S . So the sequence W = (ES, s 1 s 1 ET,f (X ) , . . . , ES, i eigenspaces for S . By Proposition 2.10, WT,f (X ) = (ES, i i ET,f (X ) ) is a direct sum decomposition of ET,f (X ) . For every i = 1, . . . , s, let Bi be (ei ) (ei ) an ordered basis for ES, ET,f (X ) . Because these vectors are contained in ES, , i i they are i eigenvectors of S . By Proposition 1.5 from 11/10/04, the concatenation B = B1 Bs is an ordered basis for ET,f (X ) consisting of eigenvectors for S .
(e )
(e )
(e )
(e )
Theorem 3.3. Assume cT (X ) = (X 1 )e1 (X s )es . There exists a unique semisimplenilpotent decomposition (S, N ) for T .
s 1 ) is a direct sum de , . . . , ET, Proof. Existence: By Theorem 1.5, W = (ET, s 1 composition of V . Dene S : V V to be the unique linear operator such that (ei ) is i Id. For the basis B of for every i = 1, . . . , s, the restriction of S to ET, i Proposition 2.6, S is diagonal. i is Ti (i Id) = (Ti Id) = For every i = 1, . . . , s, the restriction of T S to ET, i i . So for every i = 1, . . . , s, i Ti = (i Id) Ti , which is the restriction of S T to ET, i
(e )
(e )
(e )
(e )
i i is in the the restriction of T S S T to ET, is the zero operator, i.e., ET, i i kernel of T S S T . Since W spans V , T S S T is the zero operator, i.e., T S = S T.
(e )
(e )
Dene N = T S . Because (S, T ) is a commuting pair, and because (T, T ) is a commuting pair, by Lemma 2.2, (N, S ) is a commuting pair. Therefore (ei ) (ei ) N (ET, ) ET, by Proposition 2.3. Moreover, denoting by Ni the restriction i i
i of N to ET, , by denition Niei = (Ti i Id)ei is the zero linear operator. Denote i e = max(e1 , . . . , es ). Then for every i = 1, . . . , s, Nie is the zero linear operator, (ei ) is in the kernel of N e . Since W spans V , N e is the zero operator, i.e., N i.e., ET, i is nilpotent of index e.
(e )
Uniqueness: Let (S , N ) be a semisimplenilpotent decomposition of T . By (ei ) (ei ) (ei ) (ei ) . ) ET, and N (ET, ) ET, Proposition 2.3, for every i = 1, . . . , s, S (ET, i i i i
i . Then Si (i Id) = Denote by Si and Ni the restrictions of S and N to ET, i (i Id) Si , i.e., Si Si = Si Si for every i = 1, . . . , s. Thus (S , S ) is a commuting pair.
(e )
Since (S , S ) is a commuting pair and (T, S ) is a commuting pair, by Lemma 2.2, (N , S ) is a commuting pair. Since also (N , T ) is a commuting pair, by Lemma 2.2 (N , N ) is a commuting pair. Let N be nilpotent of index e and let N be nilpotent of index e . Because N and N commute, the binomial theorem applies and (N N )e+e 1 = B N e + C (N )e for some linear operators B and C . Because N is nilpotent of index e and N is nilpotent of index e , B N e + C (N )e = 0 + 0, i.e., (N N )e+e 1 is the zero operator. By hypothesis, S + N = T = S + N , so S S = N N . Thus (S S )e+e 1 is the zero operator. In particular, for every i = 1, . . . , s, (Si i Id)e+e 1 is the zero operator.
i By Lemma 3.2, there is a basis of ET, of Si eigenvectors. If v is a eigenvector i i for Si , by the same argument as in the proof of Corollary 2.8, = i . Thus ET, i has a basis of i eigenvectors for Si , i.e., Si = i Id for every i = 1, . . . , s. Therefore S = S , and so also N = T S = T S equals N . So (S, N ) is the unique semisimplenilpotent decomposition of T .
(e )
(e )
Corollary 3.4. Let (S, N ) be the semisimplenilpotent decomposition of T . For every linear operator T , (T, T ) is a commuting pair i
i i for every i = 1, . . . , s, and ) ET, (i) T (ET, i i (ii) (N, T ) is a commuting pair. i i Proof. If (T, T ) is a commuting pair, then by Proposition 2.3, T (ET, ) ET, . i i i . Then for every i = 1, . . . , s, Ti commutes Denote by Ti the restriction of T to ET, i with i Id, i.e., Ti commutes with Si . Therefore T commutes with S , i.e., (S, T ) is a commuting pair. By Lemma 2.2, since (T, T ) and (S, T ) are commuting pairs, also (N, T ) is a commuting pair.
(e )
(e )
(e )
(e )
(e )
Conversely, suppose that T satises (i) and (ii). By the argument above, Ti com mutes with Si for every i = 1, . . . , s, i.e., T commutes with S . Since (S, T ) and (N, T ) are commuting pairs, by Lemma 2.2, also (T, T ) is a commuting pair.
4. Jordan normal form Let N : V V be a nilpotent operator. For every integer e 0, dene E (e) = (e) EN,0 = ker(N e ). Lemma 4.1. For every integer e 0, N (E (e+1) ) E (e) . For every integer e 1, E (e1) E (e) . Proof. If v E (e+1) , then N e (N (v)) = N e+1 (v) = 0, therefore N (v) E (e) . Therefore N (E (e+1) ) E (e) . Clearly E (e1) E (e) . Notation 4.2. Denote F (0) = N (E (1) ) E (0) . For every integer e 1, denote F (e) = N (E (e+1) ) + E (e1) E (e) . Lemma 4.3. For every integer e 0, there exists a vector subspace G(e) E (e) so that (F (e) , G(e) ) is a direct sum decomposition of E (e) . Proof. For every integer e, let B be a basis for F (e) . This is a linearly independent set of vectors in E (e) . By the basis extension theorem, there exists a collection of vectors B in E (e) so that B B is a basis for E (e) . Dene G(e) = span(B ). By Proposition 1.5 from 11/10/04, (F (e) , G(e) ) is a direct sum decomposition of E (e) . Notation 4.4. For every integer e 0, denote by Ae = (ve,1 , . . . , ve,re ) an ordered basis for G(e) , possibly empty (in which case dene re = 0). For ev ery vector ve,j , for every i = 1, . . . , e, dene ve,j,i = N ei (ve,j ), and dene Be,j = (ve,j,1 , . . . , ve,j,e ). Dene Ee,j = span(Be,j ). Dene W to be the sequence of all nonzero subspaces Ee,j . Theorem 4.5. For every e 0 and every 1 j re , N (Ee,j ) Ee,j . Moreover W is a direct sum decomposition of V . Proof. By construction N maps each element of Be,j either to 0 or to another element of Be,j . Therefore N maps Ee,j into itself. For every e 0 and every 1 j re , let v(e,j ) Ee,j be a vector such that (e,j ) v(e,j ) = 0. Let l 0 be the largest integer such that at least one element l l 0, if such an integer exists. For every (e, f ), dene v( N (v(e,j ) ) = e,j ) = N (v(e,j ) . l By the rst paragraph, each v(e,j ) Ee,j , and of course (e,j ) v(e,j ) = N (0) = 0. (1) Moreover, v( for every (e, j ). Therefore, for every (e, j ), v( e,j ) E e,j ) = a(i,j ) v(e,j,1) for some a(e,j ) F. Let e 0 be the least integer such that for some j , a(e,j ) = 0. Denote, we = a(e,j ) v(e,j ) ,
1j re
and denote,
we = we (e+1)
N e e (ae ,j ve ,j ).
e >e 1j re
Then N (E ) F , and N e1 (we + we ) equals (e,j ) a(e,j ) v(e,j,1) = 0. Thus we + we E (e1) F (e) So we = (we + we ) we is in F (e) . Of course also (e) (e) (e) we G . Since (F , G ) is linearly independent by construction, we = 0. But
(e) 7
by construction, (v(e,1) , . . . , v(e,re ) ) is linearly independent. Therefore a(e,j ) = 0 for every 1 j re . This is a contradiction, proving the integer l does not exist. Since there is no integer l 0 such that for some (e, j ), N l (v(e,j ) is nonzero, in particular for l = 0, for every (e, j ), v(e,j ) = N 0 (v(e,j ) ) is the zero vector. This proves W is linearly independent. By construction W is clearly spanning, thus W is a direct sum decomposition of V . Notation 4.6. For every integer e 0 and every 1 j re , denote by Ne,j : Ee,j Ee,j the restriction of N to Ee,j . Denition 4.7. For every integer n 1, the nilpotent Jordan block of size n is the n n matrix J0,n with, 1, 1 i n 1, j = i + 1, J0,n (i, j ) = 0, otherwise For every integer n 1 and every element F, the Jordan block of size n and eigenvalue is the n n matrix J,n = In + J0,n . Proposition 4.8. For every e 0 and every 1 j re , the matrix representative [Ne,j ]Be,j ,Be,j is the nilpotent Jordan block of length e, J0,e . Proof. Denote J = [Ne,j ]Be,j ,Be,j . By construction, Ne,j (ve,j,1 ) = 0, therefore the rst column of J is the zero vector. And for every i = 1, . . . , e 1, Ne,j (ve,j,i+1 ) = ve,j,i . Therefore the (i + 1)st column of J is the ith standard basis vector. This is precisely the denition of J0,e . Corollary 4.9. There exists a basis B for V so that the matrix representative [N ]B,B is a diagonal block matrix whose diagonal blocks are all nilpotent Jordan blocks. Proof. By Theorem 4.5, and by Proposition 1.5 from 11/10/04, the concatenation B of all the sets Be,j is a basis for V . By Theorem 4.5, the matrix representative [N ]B,B breaks up into diagonal blocks, [Te,j ]Be,j ,Be,j . By Proposition 4.8, each of these blocks is a nilpotent Jordan block. Corollary 4.10. Let T : V V be a linear operator such that cT (X ) = (X )n . There exists an ordered basis B for V such that [T ]B,B is a diagonal block matrix whose diagonal blocks are all Jordan blocks of eigenvalue . Proof. Dene N = T IdV . By the CayleyHamilton theorem, N n is the zero operator, i.e., N is nilpotent. By Corollary 4.9, there exists a basis B for V such that [N ]B,B is a diagonal block matrix whose diagonal blocks are all nilpotent Jordan blocks J0,e . Of course [IdV ]B,B = In . Therefore [T ]B,B = In + [N ]B,B is a diagonal block matrix whose diagonal blocks are all Ie + J0,e , i.e., a Jordan block with eigenvalue . Theorem 4.11. Let T : V V be a linear operator with cT (X ) = (X 1 )e1 (X s )es . There exists an ordered basis B for V such that [T ]B,B is a diagonal block matrix, whose diagonal blocks are (J1 ,e1,1 , . . . , J1 ,e1,m1 , J2 ,e2,1 , . . . , J2 ,e2,m2 , . . . , Js ,es,1 , . . . , Js ,es,ms ) where every for every i = 1, . . . , s, ei,1 ei,mi 1 and ei,1 + + ei,mi = ei . The matrix [T ]B,B is unique up to reordering of (1 , . . . , s ), but the ordered basis B is typically not unique.
Proof. Existence of an ordered basis B such that [T ]B,B is a diagonal matrix of Jordan blocks follows from Proposition 2.6 and Corollary 4.10. To compute the (ei ) (ei ) number of Jordan blocks Ji ,e , and form Ni : ET, , dene E (e) , F (e) ET, as i i (e) (e) above. Then the number of Ji ,e blocks is dim(E ) dim(F ). This depends only on T , not on a choice of basis. Therefore the sequence of lengths of Ji ,e blocks is canonically determined by T . Reorder the subbases putting T into diagonal block form so that ei,1 ei,mi 1 for every i = 1, . . . , s. Example 4.12. Let F and let T = TA : F3 F3 where, 0 1 A = 0 0 . 0 1 One basis putting A into Jordan canonical form is the set of columns of the matrix, 1 0 0 P1 = 0 0 1 . 0 1 0 Another basis putting A into Jordan canonical form is the set of columns of the matrix, 1 1 0 P2 = 0 0 1 . 0 1 1 In both cases, APi = Pi J , i.e., A = Pi JPi1 , 1 J = 0 0 0 where J is the Jordan normal form, 0 1 .
The Jordan normal form J is uniquely determined, but the changeofbasis matrices P1 and P2 are not uniquely determined.