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JAN-FEB 2012
Missisonary Spotlight
In an effort to be faithful stewards, we renew the HeartCry magazine mailing list every few years. It is our hope that you will continue to subscribe to the magazine and pray for those about whom you read. If you desire to continue receiving this publication, please provide us with your contact information as requested on the enclosed envelope. Please tear off the subscription form, fill in the required information, and then mail it back in the envelope. You will continue to receive the magazine until the next renewal date (approximately two years). Be sure to include any updates to your contact information so that we can make certain you receive all mailings and e-mail updates. If you do not return the form, your subscription will end with this issue. You may always renew at anytime Thank You
Understanding the Great Commission Our participation in the Great Commission must be founded upon a proper understanding of the Great Commission. by Paul Washer ................................ 4 JAN - FEB 2012 The Resources of a Great Apostle A powerful article on prayer by J.H. Jowett ..................................6 A View from the Field This section of our magazine is dedicated to reports, updates, and testimonies from our area coordinators and the missionaries on the eld .................................8
Africa / Marc Glass ...........................8 Asia / Matt Glass ............................12 Europe / Don Currin .......................16 Middle East / Marc Glass ................20 Russia - Siberia / Holden Barry........ 24 South America / Paul Washer ..........28 Misssionary Spotlight Meet Igor and Eliane Das, two Brazilians working in Peru, and Samuil and Ella L. ministering in Israel. by Paul Washer ..............................32
Dear Brothers & Sisters, Welcome to the Spring edition of the HeartCry magazine. It is our prayer that you might grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ; that His grace toward you might not prove in vain, but result in true piety and fervent labor for the Kingdom (I Corinthians 15:10). The last few months at HeartCry have been lled with struggle and blessing. God has met all our needs according to His riches and glory. However, once again we nd ourselves in need of His wisdom to do that which is according to His will and His way.We desire to do more, and yet our desire is tempered by the conviction that we must never advance at the expense of integrity and accountability. It is true that the need for missionaries is greater than ever. However, we cannot advance unless we are sure that the missionary candidates who are waiting to be deployed meet the requirements of the ministry (I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9), and that we are able to provide the proper accountabilty both on the eld and at home. It is a daunting task beyond the power of human skill or wisdom, therefore, we ask your prayers on our behalf. In the last year, God has moved two of our US staff to other elds of labor. Asian Director, Matt Glass is now serving as a fulltime HeartCry missionary in the country of Indonesia and South American Director, Brad White is now pastoring a church in Kentucky. Their departure has diminished our stength in the US ofce, and therefore we must work more efciently than ever (Ephesians 5:15-16). For this reason, we earnestly covet your prayers on our behalf! Although our current workload is as great as ever, we cannot complain. For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf (II Corinthians 5:14-15). For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lords (Romans 14:7-8). It is a privilege to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrice and service of the faith of the people of God (Philippians 2:17). Dear brothers and sisters, we must always remember that the time is short and nothing should be put off for tomorrow. We must live each day as though it were our last. We must work the works of Him who has called us as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4). Let us put our hand to the plow and not look back. For the joy set before Christ, He endured the cross, despising it shame. For the joy set before us, let us also endure the suffering and weariness that often accompany true discipleship and run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1-2). If we are to die in Christ without regrets, we must live for Christ without reservation!
HeartCry Magazine is a quarterly magazine free of charge to all who request it via phone or email. The primary purpose of our magazine is to share something of the great work that God is doing in the world through indigenous missions.
HeartCry is a missionary society with one great and overriding passion: that God's Name be Great among the Nations (Malachi 1:11) and that the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering (Revelation 7:9-10).
n any discussion of missions, it seems only appropriate that we begin with a proper definition of the Great Commission. The matter is not as unnecessary as one might think. It is very difficult to obey something if one does not understand the command or how it is to be carried out. Furthermore, there are many missionaries who have given their entire lives to fulfill the Great Commission without possessing a biblical understand of it! In the following, we will consider six important truths and then draw a definition from them. First of all, the Great Commission is not the Greatest Command, but it does flow from it. The greatest command given by our Lord is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is like it: We are to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Thus the Great Commission is a labor of love. As Christians, we are to love God and desire that His name be great among the nations. We are to love Christ and desire that He receive the full reward for His sufferings. We are to love our fellow human beings, be moved with compassion by his suffering, and desire his salvation. Secondly, the Great Commission is not about going, but about proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to all peoples and teaching those who believe to walk in obedience to Christs commands. The most complete and well-known of the Great Commission passages in the New Testament is found in Matthew 28:19-20:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. It is important to note that the phrase make disciples is the only command in this passage, while the word go is translated from a participle which is designed to explain only one aspect of how the command is to be fulfilled. We must go, but we must go with the right intent. In fact, there is no reason to go unless it is to make disciples through the teaching of the Scriptures. Regardless of the zeal and sacrifice that drove us to the field or keep us there, our ministries will prove to be hay, wood, and stubble if we are not endeavoring to accomplish the task for which we were sent: the making of disciples. Thirdly, the Great Commission is about teaching men to observe all that Christ has commanded. The Great Commission is primarily a theological and didactic endeavor. In other words, it has to do with teaching people about the person and will of God. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that if there is one primary and indispensable aspect to missions, it is the task of teaching the gospel and the full counsel of God to those who have yet to hear. Missions is not about sending missionaries, but about sending Gods
"...preach the gospel to every person in the world, to instruct in the full counsel of God those who believe, and to establish churches according to that counsel"
truth through missionaries who are the sky or send archangels to carry approved to God as workmen who do it to every corner of the globe. He not need to be ashamed, accurately robed Himself in flesh and became handling the Word of truth. a man. Now He sends us in similar Fourthly, the Great Commission fashion: flesh and blood to flesh and is not limited to the making of indi- blood. vidual disciples, but involves bringSixthly and lastly, the Great Coming each believer into an interdepen- mission is not only about going in the dent relationship with others in the will of God, but also staying in the context of a local church. Probably will of God. Obviously not all Chrismost who read this article will be tians are called or required to go to highly influenced by the individual- the foreign field as a full-time misism of Western culture. Therefore, we sionary. Some are called to stay! At must be careful to note that although the great risk of over simplification, Christianity appreciates and seeks to the Great Commission can be diuphold the uniqueness of individual vided into two separate tasks: Every believers, it is a religion of commu- believer is called to go down into the nity. The missionary is not merely mine or to hold the rope for those called to make disciples but also to who have gone down (William Carey). make fellowships of disciples who A believer should either go into the love and serve one another accord- mission field or stay at home and ing to the standard of the Scripture. support those who have gone. HowJesus said, By this all men will know ever, regardless of calling, every bethat you are My disciples, if you have liever must demonstrate equal devolove for one another. Such abiding tion to the Great Commission and be relationships are only possible within willing to suffer the same loss. Both the context of a local church. he who holds the rope above the Fifthly, we live in an age of media, mine and he who clings to it within internet, and cyberspace. In the last the mine will suffer the same scars several years, many of the advances on their hands. in technology have proven to be very What is the Great Commission? beneficial for spreading the gospel, It is the command of the Lord Jesus especially in areas that are normally Christ to the church to preach the off-limits to missionaries. However, it gospel to every person in the world, is a maxim carved into the stone of to instruct in the full counsel of God Scripture that these things will nev- those who believe, and to establish er replace the flesh and blood mis- churches according to that counsel. sionary. In other words, we cannot What is the primary means of acfulfill the Great Commission online! complishing this task? The sending Biblical missions is incarnational. It and going of missionaries! is about sending people to people. When God desired to reach out to humanity, He did not write the gospel in
For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, -- Phil. 1:19 t is good to be permitted to turn into a strong mans life and to examine his resources. It is a great privilege to be allowed to look into his treasury from which he gets his current coin to meet the urgent demand of circumstances. And that is our privilege with the Apostle Paul. Here is the great apostle in captivity in Rome. The greatest of all itinerant missionaries is now in bonds. He has roamed at large on enterprising ventures in the cause of the Kingdom of God. He has trudged through Asia Minor and through lands still more remote. He has crossed icy-cold mountains and fever-haunted plains. He has been a torch-bearer for the Kingdom of Light and genial fires have been kindled in every place in which he has ministered. And now he is in bonds. The missionary is a captive. The torch-bearer is confined. It looks as if his work is over. But no! To this man, the imprisonment of the body is not the paralysis of the soul. Even a blind alley may be a mystic thoroughfare. A chain may be the witness of a nobler freedom. A prison may be the birthplace of heavenly springs. That is his faith, and on what does he rely? I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayers and the supply of the Spirit of Christ. And so the Apostle finds a gracious part of his resources in the prayers of others. And so it comes
to pass that apparent weaklings can be the companions of mighty warriors. That is how the man with one talent can be the invisible helpmeet of the man with ten. Even a child can bring help to the Apostle Paul. This is the supreme application of the old fable the mouse can liberate the lion. We can, by prayer, liberate the powers of great men and women and make them mighty masters of difficult circumstances. We can, by prayer, impart to them a sovereignty by which they are able to handle circumstances and turn them to be ministers of salvation, to the glory of the Saviors name. I can, by prayer, become as a part of another man, and I can go forth with him to his battles and his conquests. I can
travel through Mongolia with James Gilmour, and I can help him to be lighthearted in the midst of appalling tasks. I can be a part of a statesmans personality when he is fighting some great iniquity or championing the children of oppression. I can be a great companion of some mighty preacher when he stands in the pulpit, and I can multiply his resources when he proclaims the Word of Life. Yes, I can, by prayer, league myself with another, and I can be a mighty helpmeet in giving him conquest over circumstances so as to make them the ministers of salvation. In this way, Onesimus can be a part of Paul, Aquila can be a part of Apollos, and any child can be a part of any great campaigner in the warfare of the Kingdom of God. Prayer is the appointed means by which rivers of energy are unsealed and directed to some crying needs. And therefore, vital prayer is not a word, it is an act. It is as much an act as the watermans lifting of a sluice-gate which lets the higher waters into the lock where the waters are low. Prayer prepares the ways for the supply of the Spirit of Jesus; and in that holy energy, we have the power which overmatches and conquers difficulties which are otherwise invincible.
Things seem to always be moving forward with our partners in Africa. We count it a great privilege to work with the men we do, and we pray for their continual progress in both their labors for the Lord and the life they live before Him. As many of you know, the Reece families returned to the United States in December of 2011. The same devotion to the Lord that led them to leave their homes and families behind to serve the Lozi has now brought them back to continue to serve God here. Our encouragement to them is that the Lord has providentially used them in ways that they may never know until eternity. In one of Brother Conrad Mbewes recent emails to me, he stated that the Reeces have opened the eyes of the Zambians to the work across Lozi land, and our arsenals are now turned in that direction. We are trusting the Lord to work in a special way in this tribe in the Western Province of Zambia. Through your giving to HeartCry, Kabwata Baptist Church will soon be purchasing a new residence for the students in their intern program. They will now be able to bring men for training from various countries throughout Africa and house them
while they are trained through Kabwatas preachers college. Ironically, the house that has been offered to them is the first house that Pastor Conrad lived in when he took up the pastorate at KBC. Finally, we have just been informed about a new church planter in Zambia who will be going to the Chilanga area of Lusaka. His name is Wege Sinyangwe, and he will be sent out by a sister church of Kabwatas named Mt. Makulu Baptist Church. Mt. Makulu is pastored by Victor Kanyense, who has been a great blessing to the men we work with in Kenya (see the report below) and to our future partners in Ethiopia. This new church planting effort speaks a great deal about Mt. Makulus zeal, since they themselves are still a young church. Pray for both the future church and the sending church in this endeavor. Please also remember to pray for Malamulo Chindongo in Malawi. Malas church, Antioch Baptist Church, has recently baptized four new believers. ABC had met and followed up with these individuals through their outreach program over the course of about a year. Praise the Lord for how He uses the foolishness of preaching to advance His great and glorious Kingdom.
PERCY CHISENGA ZOMBA, MALAWI Percy was a missionary out of Kabwata Baptist in Zambia and was serving in Zomba, Malawi as a church planter.
Over the last 6 months, HeartCry missionary-pastor Percy Chisenga suffered from severe health problems. Brother
| Pastor Percy Chisenga and his wife Betty In January, Brother Percy e-mailed us, asking us to continue praying for his health. At the beginning of February, only a few weeks after Percys prayer letter, Pastor Conrad Mbewe sent us the following update regarding Brother Percy and his health: hen our brother and church missionary Percy Chisenga came to Zambia in August for our annual church conference, he had already been informing us of some growth around the lower section of his abdomen that had been giving him problems. He had already sought medical attention in Malawi and had experienced some level of relief, but the problem was apparently still there. We decided that he should seek further medical attention in Zambia, with the help of doctors who are members of KBC. A whole barrage of tests commenced, and the final findings were that he had cancer of the bladder. He went in for an operation, and part of the cancer was removed to determine its type. He was then advised to commence radio- and chemotherapy. That was towards the end of November. Percy travelled back to Malawi for about a month and returned in December to commence his radioand chemotherapy. This has been going on for the last month and is expected to take a total of six weeks. In the meantime, he developed a vary rare infection that was causing him fevers. The cause was finally detected and cured two weeks ago. Last week, he began to show symptoms of heart failure, most likely due to the anaemia which is a result of the chemotherapy. He has become quite weak and is now also on medication for heart failure. Please continue praying for Brother Percy and for the Lord to heal him of his health condition. Pray that Brother Percy would be strong in the Lord and that the Lord would especially draw near to him and his wife Betty as they go through this trial. On March 1, as this edition of our HeartCry magazine was being finalized, Brother Conrad sent these sorrowful words: t is with a very heavy heart that I write to inform you that our beloved brother Percy Chisenga passed into the presence of the Lord at 4:00 this morning after his very brave battle with cancer. Percy had been getting weaker and weaker with the passage of time. Betty, his wife, reports that he was taken into the hospital yesterday, and was complaining of pain in his side and shoulders. Various tests were performed to determine the cause of the pain. However, he grew weaker and weaker as the day progressed into the night. In the early hours of the morning his breathing became labored, and he peacefully passed into the presence of the Lord. Zomba, Malawi
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and from various church backgrounds. The main conference speaker was Pastor Victor Kanyense of Mt. Makulu Baptist Church in Chilanga, near Lusaka, Zambia. The conference theme was Your Family Gods Way from Pauls letter to the Ephesians. This is a very urgent issue since the Christian family is under serious attack. To begin, Victor laid a very necessary foundation by demonstrating Gods work of salvation for us (chapter one), then Gods work of salvation in us (chapter two), and finally Gods work of salvation through us (chapter three). He then moved to the final three practical chapters of Ephesians, and with specific attention to chapter 5:22 through chapter 6:4, he very faithfully and ably expounded and applied Gods word to our hearts. He demonstrated to all that the key to a biblical marriage is our willingness to prefer the will of another over our own. He also spoke to the husbands and laid the primary responsibility squarely at their feet. He demonstrated that the commandment, Husbands, love your wives is the heaviest respon-
sibility laid upon a man, and that Christ is the standard by which we are measured. Finally, he addressed fathers and children, showing from the example of the Lord Jesus Christ
what obedience is and how it works. There were six main sessions, and all these were seasoned with plenty of relevant life illustrations.
LUSAKA, ZAMBIA | BY CONRAD MBEWE Each year Kabwata Baptist Church has a missions week to give their entire congregation a glimpse of the Lords workings throughout the entire year, as well as a vision for upcoming years. The following is a brief excerpt from Conrad Mbewe on the first event of the missions week: The Missionary Prayer Retreat. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. (Acts 13:2) esterday, all our missionaries trooped back to base for our annual in-house missions week. I remain most grateful that every year since we started this special missions week, we have 100% attendance by these men. Some of them are able to come with their wives, but others are not able due to family demandsespecially those with younger children who are still in school. The first event in the missions week is the missionaries prayer retreat. This began last night. We are hidden away at a lodge, reviewing the previous year and strategizing for the year ahead. Last night, it was a time of fellowship as we shared testimonies from the previous year and prayed for one another. This morning, presentations have begun. This will go on up to tomorrow evening. On Thursday, our missions conference begins. Ronald Kalifungwa, the pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church, will be our main preacher. He will be handling the theme, The Role of Ordinary Church Members in the Work of Missions. These meetings will go on up to Sunday morning, ending with an ordination service. We will be sending out our latest churchplanting missionary (Kasango Kayombo), who is presently one of our church deacons. Pray for us as we go through this week. The work of missions is
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so important that we would hate to see our members and missionaries going through this week as just one of those things. This is where Gods heart is. He gave His Son for the salvation of the world! We long to see our members going beyond Africas major cities. We want to reach Africas rural areas, where cults and ethnic religions are really flourishing. We want to get to the worlds citadels of Islam and Hinduism. We want to be used of God to reach the Jews in the Middle East and the atheistic communists in the Far East. These places desperately need to hear the worlds best news. May God make us relevant to the unfinished task!
by Matt Glass
Matt and Amanda Glass and their three boys are ministering in the country of Indonesia. Currently, they are working with our indigenous missionaries, building relationships with the lost, and learning the language. Pleas pray for them as they seek to glorify God in this predominantly Muslim country. and discussed among ourselves, one am thankful for another opportu- particular island keeps pulling at our nity to write and update you on hearts. This island is very needy and what the Lord is doing in Asia. there are very few workers. In spite of our weakness and times HeartCrys indigenous missionof unfaithfulness, the Lord remains ary team in western Indonesia, Asih faithful to build His church and glori- Pamitran (Fellowship of Love), has fy His name. Despite all the difficulty, settled into a new area. They have opposition, and apparent impossibil- been warmly received by the majorities, Gods purposes will be estab- ity of Muslims in this area, but have lished; His Word will not return emp- had some opposition from a local ty; His church will be pure and holy; dukun (sacred man who practices and every knee will bow and tongue magic). They now have the opporconfess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It tunity to meet regularly with the is in such unshakable promises that believers scattered throughout this Gods servants must trust as we seek area. Those who once had little felto be faithful each and every day. lowship and teaching are now enMy family and I just passed the joying church meetings every week seven-month mark of being in South- and spontaneous prayers meetings east Asia. We are slowly progressing almost every night. Praise the Lord in learning the language and adjust- that Asih Pamitran is able to do good ing to life in a new place. We praise to all the people in this area, espethe Lord for the birth of our third son, cially those of Gods household (Gal. Owen Jack Glass, on February 14th. 6:10). Please pray that we would be godly While it can sometimes be difparents and bring our sons up in ficult to get news from our brothers the fear and admonition of the Lord. working in Papua due to the remote Please also pray for us as we seek nature of where they live and work, I to discern the Lords will for where have recently heard that our brother to go after we are finished with our Jimi is in need of prayer. Although he language studies. As we have prayed continues to be faithful, it seems he
has entered a season of melancholy. Hopefully, I will also be able to give you more detailed updates later in the year about Yulianus, who is working in the Mamberamo River basin. Im planning to visit him in either the summer or early fall in order to see the work and teach in many of the churches. More and more God has given me glimpses of lifes brevity. We are given so little time here on earth to
serve Him, and every day we are either building for what will last in eternity, or we are carried away with the worlds distractions that numb our souls and take our eyes away from what really matters. Spurgeon once wrote of George Whitefield, He lived. Other men seem to be only half-alive. It is my prayer that the same would be written of us when we are finally laid to rest.
Last year, HeartCry began partnering with thirteen church planters in Nepal. The following is the most recent report from them. It gives a brief glimpse into their ministries and how the Lord is at work. reetings in the Name of our Triune God! I hope that all of you are doing well and serving the Lord. We are well and serving Him faithfully. Here is a brief report of our brothers labors in different locations. Pastor Tul is serving the Lord by worship service. Miss Manju is inministering to the seventy to eighty volved in teaching the youth and also members in the Pabitra Church. nurturing the womens fellowship. The church is growing without prob- The various activities of the church lems, and God is leading the church seem to be edifying and strengthenaccording to His plan. Along with ing the believers in the grace of God. Brother Tul, two other servants are The church is having challenges with working in the church. Mr. Tulsi is the youth and asks for prayer so that helping the church by taking the they might grow in the knowledge leadership role in cottage (home) and grace of God. Please pray for meetings, Sunday school, and the Pastor Tuls ministry, for his two children, and for his wife who is struggling with physical problems. Pastor Ghan Singh is serving the Lord among fifty-five to sixty members in Emmanuel Church. Along with him, Pastor Chandra is also working. Ghan Singh is focusing on house visitation and preaching Gods word. Different people groups are coming to his church, and God is adding new souls slowly. Recently, he has made new contacts with several unbelievers (Mr. Raju, Mrs. Shova, and Miss
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tor Sannus family members. Please pray that God will give them His knowledge and wisdom. Mr. Sarvajit is working in the local church called Ananta Church. There are fifty to sixty members in this church. Along with Mr. Sarvajit, Mr. Khem is also working, and God is adding new souls slowly. In this area, most of the people are facing demon possession and other physical problems, but God is answering our prayers. Mr. Gam is a man who faced the physical problem of not being able to hear, and he also could not sleep at night. However, God healed him, and he is now a regular member of the church. In this way, God is adding new souls to the church, and I [Sarvajit] am giving more time to teaching and preaching. Apart from that, I am giving attention to all the local churches and their ministry activities, problems, and needs. I have made a schedule to visit every local church, in order to see how Gods work is going. Last month, Pastor Ghan and I started to visit. We do visits every last week of each month. The first week of every month we have a fellowship meeting for the pastors. In this meeting, we share our vision and goals for the mission field. We are focusing on teaching and building up leaders for planting churches. We are working in unity to serve the Lord. Please pray for me so that I can help and lead these brothers in their ministry. Please also pray for me as I am praying for a godly wife. Finally, please pray for my safety when I have to travel alone from the mountains to the plains and back again. We all are very much thankful for the love and support from the HeartCry Missionary Society, and we are continually praying for this mission to reach throughout the world. We honor and give glory to our Triune God.
Puja). He is asking prayer for these new people so that they might take the Lord as their personal Savior and begin to grow spiritually. Please pray for his ministry, family members, and church members. Pastor Dal is serving people in his own community group in a church called Zion Samarpan Church. Altogether, there are eighteen to twenty people who are coming to the church. Right now, he is giving more attention to evangelizing people. The people groups he is working with are mostly orthodox Hindus. He is encouraging his members to share Gods word and to do house-to-house visitation. The Lord is working slowly in this area. Please pray for his church members and those orthodox Hindu people groups so that they may come to the saving knowledge of God. Pray for his family members and for spiritual growth. Pastor Sannu is serving the Lord along with Pastor Nil in Pabitra Church Mindada. Altogether, twenty to twenty-five members are coming. The members are growing slowly and praying to build some kind of structure where they can meet. Recently, God strengthened the believers faith when He answered their prayers for one of their members who was sick. God miraculously healed her. It was a great encouragement for all the believers. Please pray for the church and for the spiritual growth for Pas-
Hindu relatives; so we stopped going to the church and began to backslide. When I grew older, I began to
studying engineering. It was at that time that my one Christian friend and a nearby pastor began to talk with me about Christ. Through them, I saw my sinful life and the forgiveness and love of God. Because of this, I repented from my sins and testified to my faith through water baptism. After completing my degree in Mechanical Engineering, I was given the opportunity to work with a company in Hyderabad. After working for about two years, God opened the door for me to work in the Leprosy Mission in South India. After working there for more than two years, I was transferred to North India, Uttar Pradesh, where I met a Christian girl named Hepzibah. We became friends and were married in 2006. My brother is still a Hindu and he was not happy about my marriage, but I thank God for the wonderful gift of my wife. Her father is a pastor, and all her family is involved in the ministry. My father-in-law has helped me grow in faith, and I admire his dedication and zeal for the Lord and His people. While we were living at the Leprosy Mission campus, we realized that the majority of the people on the campus were only nominally Christian. For the sake of appearances, the campus would hold Sunday worship services and different spiritual activities without any God-fearing spiritual person to lead. My wife and I were earning an income and were provided a comfortable place to live on a lovely campus; however, there was no true spiritual fellowship. We realized that we were no longer growing in faith, and so we began to pray to God about what we should do. In the mean time, in February 2007, I received an opportunity to attend the national Haggai Leadership Seminar. The seminar was very useful and challenging for me. The sessions on evangelism pierced my heart and stirred me to ministry. God gave me a burden for the Gospel and showed me the need in Northern India. God
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spoke to me through His Word, but I did not know how and where to start. Since I had only a little knowledge of the Bible, I felt very unequipped and was very apprehensive about entering into full-time ministry. We shared with our family and pastors that we were contemplating serving the Lord in the ministry, and they recommended that we get some training before starting. Finally, the Lord opened the door for me to go to the United Christian Church of Dubai for training. After one year in their pastoral internship training program, we returned to Northern India where we serve the Lord in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
Our HeartCry missionaries in Eastern Europe are well. Every brother and sister remains faithful in their accountability of rendering a good stewardship to God for what He has entrusted to them. While some report more fruit than others, all remain faithful in the dispensing of gospel seed. While some endure unprecedented trials, all are pressing on through their love for Christ and the value they place on the gospel. Every affliction seems light when eternity is in view. At times, our men and women report with such reality the gracious streams of Gods grace that any reader would readily conclude that they are drinking deeply from Romans 8:18: that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. t is most encouraging to see through the eyes of our missionaries and feel through their hearts what they report from the field. Their ministries of openair preaching, literature distribution, church planting, and discipleship are not a monotonous routine. Our missionaries go forth with spiritual passion, heartfelt joy, and expectation. In spite of an outbreak of chicken pox among some of the people in the Providence Mission in Brasov, Romania, Sorin Prodan reports that the work continues to experience numerical and spiritual growth as he preaches through the book of Acts. A measure of the work of Gods Spirit has especially been apparent in the growth of the students who attend the church. Another evident manifestation
of the Spirit has been the collaboration of a number of HeartCry missionaries who travel to each others areas of labor in order to help with evangelism. The accountability and encouragement this has afforded the brothers has been invaluable to their ministries. Furthermore, we continue to see significant benefit in the ministerial training program that brother Sorin Prodan has established. The required reading of theological and practical books coupled with the engaging conversations they generate, serve to give the missionaries a greater understanding and confidence in their preaching and soul winning. On behalf of all our missionaries in Eastern Europe, we want to thank you for your prayers and support. Please know that the investments
which you make are yielding fruit that abounds to your eternal account
FIENI, ROMANIA lorin and his family serve in the town of Fieni where he is a street evangelist, church planter, and pastor. He is involved in multiple gospel ministries including traveling to other places in Romania to serve with other HeartCry missionaries in their evangelistic endeavors. He reports, By the grace of God we have entered a new year. I am very full of hope and faith that this year will be one of harvest. I am saying this because the Lord has encouraged me to see that from the very first month of this year, several people have started to come to church and are concerned about their souls. Brother Stan has felt led to start two new ministries. The first is to assist some of the families in church who need encouragement and spiritual growth. He says that they also need wisdom with housework and the wise administration of their time and resources. He wrote, I am glad to see them progress in this, and especially their humility in receiving advice. I really want every believer in the church to be a good testimony to those who do not know the Lord. The second ministry is related to visiting the unbelieving friends of the church members. He has made a few visits in which he has had the joy of sharing the gospel. Florin comments, It is not the first time that these people have heard it, but I hope that the seed that was sown again will contribute to their salvation. On Friday, January 27, Florin and his church had a medical goodwill outreach. They spread the word through the believers to invite friends or relatives. Those who came were exposed to the gospel during their wait to see the doctor. Florin reported
that three people were touched and that God has started a work of salvation in them. The following is Florins account of what happened in the life of one of the women who came: Flori is a middle aged woman with a husband who is an alcoholic. She has had a hard life with him. She was invited by her friend Elena who has been visiting our church for a long time. It is wonderful that this woman tells her friends about what she learns in the sermons and speaks so well of us. Flori listened to my message and seemed to radiate at the truth of the Word of God. While I was speaking, she was told that it was her turn to see the doctor; but rather than going in to see him she came back and listened to the end of my message. At the end, we had a long talk, and I answered many of her questions. She said that she wanted to come to church, but was afraid of the priest. I told her that she had a duty toward God and not men. I encouraged her to come and set up a meeting with her and Elena a few days later. Brother Stan relates a second story about a man named Cristi: Cristi is an alcoholic. His wife is
Europe Continued...
a believer and a member in another evangelical church. For 15 years, she has been praying for Cristi. She confessed that she had lost all hope that he would ever repent. But he came to our medical clinic and listened to the Word of God. During the sermon, I saw that he had tears in his eyes. I preached about how Jesus did not come into the world to judge it, but that the world might be saved through Him. Toward the end, I told my audience to believe in Jesus Christ and to follow Him with all their hearts. After the service, Cristi told me that he had decided to follow Jesus and that he would start coming to church. And indeed he did! He was there on Sunday morning and Sunday evening, and his faith was strengthened. I met him afterwards and started a process of discipleship with him. His wife told us that it has been several days since he has smoked or had any alcohol. Praise God for this great strength He manifested to save a soul burdened down by the devil. Florin has asked us to pray for these people who have just begun to believe.
GEORGE SERBAN STOENESTI, ROMANIA eorge and his wife, Donna, live in the village of Stoenesti where he serves as a church planter and pastor. Just behind their home, they have constructed a building to provide a place for the saints in the community to gather for worship. What an encouragement it has been to witness the growth of the church body in a community which is predominately Orthodox. One of brother Serbans objectives for 2012 is to recruit missionaries. He says, We would like to accomplish this in a spirit of prayer, without compromise, so as to represent Christs kingdom with honor. During this time of the year, he
and the church family are focused more on small group ministry. This provides discipleship for believers and an evangelistic context for the unsaved to hear the gospel. George reports, On Wednesdays and Fridays, we continue to have house prayer groups, and on Sundays, we gather at the church to listen to the Word. Recently, George began to coordinate the southern area of his county by appointing area leaders. He says, Our role is to see which villages in our area have not been touched by the gospel and to find open doors so that we might set up home groups and do village evangelism. Presently, George is reading Jonathan Edwards work on revival and plans to meet with other missionaries in the area to study exegesis and hermeneutics in order to sharpen their understanding of the Word of God. Your prayers for our brother and his family would be much appreciated. Like all pastors, he battles discouragement because of the falling away of some of the villagers in whom he has invested so much time. Although it pains him, he says that it has also challenged him to go after other people.
lie and his family live in the village of Chernovtsy where he serves as pastor of the Rock of Salvation Church. However, his love and commitment for Christ has also afforded him leadership opportunities in other local churches where he is often called upon for wisdom and direction. He is a man of great spiritual zeal who often returns to his homeland of Russia to do evangelistic work. On a recent visit to a group of believers in Kamenka, Russia, Brother Ilie arrived right after one of his non-believing cousins had died. Through this, he was able to meet a few of his friends from childhood and have a short dialogue with them concerning the Gospel. He intends to meet them again to further share with them the good news. He has asked us to pray for the right time and manner to share with them. Ilie reports that their Christian community began the new year like always with a week of prayer in all their ministries and home groups. He says that it seems that people are more prone to ponder spiritual member. After the visit, the wife was things at the beginning of the year overjoyed and praised God that her and are more likely to attend the husband had found a church. The children have already joined the Sunprayer meetings at that time. Recently, the charity ministry at day school class. Finally, Brother Ilie has also behis church visited a home for children with mental problems. He says gun to do evangelistic visits with that they bring their own children to another brother from a nearby town. this facility to remind them of how The work has been so fruitful that good God has been to them. He they have agreed to repeat these viscomments, We accomplish two pur- its over the following months. In adposes in that we do good to the poor dition to this, Brother Ilie continues people by bringing them clothes, to study training courses for his own food, presents, and a biblical word personal growth and understanding for the heart, and in that we remind of the Scriptures. our children of how fortunate they
are. We can already see improvements in their understanding and lives. Ilie has a special burden for children, and he recently led a prayer conference at church for the evangelization of children. He says, It was a wonderful evening. Through our prayers, we reached the children in the farthest corners of the earth, as well as those near us. Ilie and another elder recently visited a family which had moved next to the church. The father was converted in prison, and the children had come to the churchs summer camp. Since the father had been released from jail, he was looking for a church where he could be an active
Middle East
s I write this up- non that is less dangerous than the date, the turmoil popular route between Beirut and in the Middle Damascus. If he goes, he will take East continues to persist. There is this way and try to encourage Syrian currently an increasingly hostile situ- Christians by helping with their spiriation in Syria where recently large tual and physical needs. numbers of Syrian Christians have In Israel, Antony S. is continuing been targeted and killed. The Syr- his evangelistic program in Tel Aviv. ian internal conflict has now spilled Originally, they only traveled to Tel over into parts of Lebanon as well. Aviv once a week in order to hand out In Egypt, the government is sliding New Testaments and tracts to expamore and more toward Islam, and triates and refugees from countries the future will likely include hard such as Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. times for Egyptian Christians. Yemen In light of the growing need, they is just now coming to a resolution have now doubled their efforts and after almost a year of demanding are attempting to also feed the refua new president. There are also ru- gees. Many of them have made their mors of war as Israel is threatening way to Israel by foot from their home to attack Iran. countries, risking life and health to With all of these issues at hand, make it to a secure place. Antony one may ask how the Church is doing insists that their time is limited in in the Middle East. Though plagued helping these people, because the with troubles, she not only survives Israeli government is seeking to send but also grows. The Scriptures as- the refugees home (To support Antosure us that she will continue to do nys ministry directly, please contact: so until the Lord Jesus returns. Voice in the Wilderness at voice-wilderIn Lebanon, Walid B. is pray- ness.com). ing about going into Syria in order Please be praying for Michael to help some of the believers there in Israel. He has been supported with their basic needs. There is an by HeartCry for a number of years, alternate route into Syria from Leba- but has recently felt led of the Lord to work with Jews for Jesus. He is a good man, and we are certain that the Lord will bless his endeavors in the new mission. However, last week, his wife, who was in her early 30s and gave birth about a month ago, passed away. This is the second wife that Michael has lost and he is now a single father with three children, one of which is a newborn. He will need much grace and strength from the Lord. Please pray for our dear Walid (an Arab) and Antony (a Jew) brother. are witnessing in an Arab In Turkey, we have recently been neighborhood. able to help our missionaries pur20 HEARTCRY MAGAZINE VOL 70
chase approximately 650 Turkish Bibles. These will be distributed among ten different churches and given to seekers who are serious about wanting to know more about Christianity. In the past, such people have only been given a New Testament and were confused to later find out that there was another portion of the Scriptures they had not been given. In order to avoid this confusion, only complete Bibles will be give to people who are seriously seeking for truth.
Lastly, we have begun a translation project in partnership with some very dear brothers in Egypt. The goal is to get as much good theological literature translated into Arabic as possible. I will share more about this project in the future, but for now we can say that it is making good progress. Our Egyptian brothers already have a good portion completed of the book Justification and Regeneration by Charles Leiter. Please pray for those who are working on these translations.
by Marc Glass
s history progresses and the church advances, some from within her ranks feel the need to make continual modifications in her global mission strategy. Whether it is in the name of academic achievement or simply progress, there is a breed of missiologist that has crossed the sacred line between what is biblical and what is biblically condemned. While it may be a fine line at certain points, it is a line nonetheless, and crossing it means that you have syncretized Christianity with false religions and compromised the truth of the gospel. There is no instance in which this trend is more prevalent than in what an alarming number of western missionaries are doing among Muslims in the Middle East. This past month, Petrus, a HeartCry missionary in Turkey, wrote to me the following: There is one issue bothering the churches in our country recently. I do not know if you are familiar with the Insider Movement, but we have been dealing with the problems that they cause here. They translated the Gospel of Matthew into Turkish using a lot of Islamic terms and concepts. For example, they do not use the term Son for Jesus; instead, they use Vekil, which means ambassador. A Turkish Bible They totally mistranslate the verses about the Trinity in the Gospel and represent Jesus as a prophet like Mohammed. Also, they use the word abdest for vaftiz (which means baptism in Turkish). Yet, abdest is the ritual cleansing of Muslims before they enter the mosque for worship of Allah. There is not any connection between abdest and baptism. Even non-believers here will make this distinction. There are other examples in their translation which are not true at all. It is actually more of an interpretation than a translation.
in a two-hour torture session the killers filmed. They finally slit the Christians throats from ear to ear. Fikret, 40, now a pastor and church planter in _______, Turkey, tells Western mission agencies to be more patient for faith to ripen in Muslims in his country, and not to alter key biblical phrases in translations for the sake of outreach. The phrase Son of God is offensive to Muslims because it seems to imply that God was a physical father to Jesus through a sexual union with Mary, so some translators have sought to find alternate terms to describe that relationship. They get involved in these translations because they see that there is no fruit, Fikret said. We have results. But you have to be patient and take it really, really slow. He and his fellow pastors address the offensive connotations of Son of God by explaining what it really means. For centuries, he said, thats the way it went. (World Magazine, February 25, 2012, Vol. 27, No. 4) As reports come in each month to HeartCry about what is going on in the Middle East, it is the slow and steady plow-work that is most prominent among our partners ministries. HeartCry missionaries Petrus and Ester are working together out of the same local church in Turkey. Petrus, a pastor, and Ester, an evangelist, have both testified to the patience needed with young Turks and the gospel. In January, Ester commented on a young man with whom he has been sharing: Our friend O________ joined some of the activities. He is doing
well. Our brothers and I are still meeting with him. He understands and believes most of what we believe, but he still doesnt want to become a believer. Please pray for him as you always do. May the Lord draw O________ to Himself and convince him that he needs to be saved. Esters wife has also been dealing at length with some university students. Ester wrote the following:
My wife met three girls at one of the evangelistic nights we organized. They are our family friends, so they are more open because they trust us and accept us as a Christian family. We are going to meet with them next week, and we want to keep in touch with them. Please pray for them: May the Lord open their hearts to hear the truth of JeThe reality is that church planting sus Christ. And pray for us, too. We and evangelism in the Middle East is want to be a light of Jesus Christ. difficult work. The Lord certainly calls a special type of individual to work in HeartCry missionary Walid B. also the region and equips them for the testifies to similar truths in the min- work He would have them do. They istry that he is doing in Lebanon and must be men of prayer and faith who several other Middle Eastern coun- not only trust in God, but also trust tries: in the means which God has given them to win the lost: the preaching Our ministry in Lebanon is and teaching of the gospel. While it slow and in need of much prayer. is easy for these men to get discourThe Sunday services for the UNIFIL aged at times, they nonetheless plow (United Nations Interim Force in on in faith believing that the Lord of Lebanon) starts at 9 am, so I have the harvest will reward their labor. As to leave early for Tyre and then any good farmer knows, there are make my way to Nakoura, where no short-cuts to seeing an abundant the UNIFIL camp is located. We harvest. Please pray for these men. started with 15 people, who were
mostly unsaved; and now, a year later, we have 35 people, who are mostly saved. Each year, the UNIFIL changes soldiers, so this group will go home and another will replace it. I am hoping that the Lord will do the same and more with this group that is coming to replace the one leaving. I met the new commander last week, and we agreed to continue the work. Many times, we have tried to start a Bible study in Beirut, and it did not work. Recently, the Lord sent us six people to start a Bible study, and we are going to be studying the gospel through the whole Bible. We had our first study last week about God and Creation. I am hoping to see some that are not saved to be saved. Please pray that God will add to our numbers.
Russia | Siberia
It is a great joy for me to introduce to you HeartCrys newest region of mission work - Russia! For the past nine years we have been supporting only one missionary in Siberia. His name is Vladimir Radzihovski, and he has always be listed with our other missionaries in Asia. This is because Russia is a vast country which is divided into two regions by the Ural Mountains: European Russia in the west and Asian Russia (Siberia) in the east. In the last few months, according to Gods kind providence, we have begun to expand in this needy area of Siberia; and consequently, we have seen the need to make Russia and Siberia a separate region within HeartCry. It is a sad reality that Siberia is a forgotten part of the world in nearly every way, but especially with regard to the Great Commission. In the future, as we seek to make known to you the need and the gospel work that is being accomplished in Siberia, we pray that this vast area might no longer remain forgotten by you, your family, your church, your prayer groups, or your mission committees. We pray that you might be stirred up to pray earnestly for those laboring in Siberia and for more missionaries to be raised up according to the need. For the last two years, we have been asking the Lord to specifically give us more missionaries in Siberia. Our God is faithful and has been gracious to hear our feeble requests and answer with favor! In November of 2010, I made my first visit to Brother Vladimir in Nizhnevartovsk, Siberia, and it was there that I began to grasp more fully the great need for more la24
borers. In Siberia, there is hardly anything that would attract the masses, except oil. Although Siberia is a barren, cold wasteland with almost no native inhabitants, people from the surrounding areas have been relocating there for the past forty years as a result of the discovery of many large oil fields. These fields provide a great number of jobs and opportunities that many surrounding areas do not. As a result, villages and even large cities are springing up throughout Siberia, especially in the Western plain. Multitudes of poor and oppressed peoples have traveled to this land in search of money to support themselves, their families, and in many cases, their dreadful habits. They have little concern for Christ and His gospel and would scoff at the idea of living according to Scriptures. Among these are also many Muslims from neighboring Kazakhstan who are quick to erect their beloved mosques in every town in which they settle. As you can imagine, there are a vast number of villages and cities where there is literally no gospel witness, and children grow up never hearing of Christ! In the midst of this great darkness, we praise God that He is raising up men who are going out as lights into the darkness, spreading the gospel, and planting sound churches! Over the past few months, we have added six new missionaries and advanced into two other countries of the Former Soviet Union - Belarus and Kazakhstan. This brings our total to seven missionaries in the region: Five in Siberia, one in Belarus, and one in Kazakhstan. In the month of March, I plan to travel to Siberia and Belarus where I will meet with
each of these men. The purpose of this trip will be to further verify and document their respective ministries in order to learn how we can better help and support them in the future. In the next few pages, I hope to in-
troduce you to some of these men and the work to which the Lord has called them. Though the following summaries are brief, we hope to provide more information in the upcoming months.
eartCry began supporting Vladimir in 2002. Although he is not a new missionary with us, Vladimir is a key figure in our work in this new region, and we thought it wise to reintroduce him to our readers. Brother Vladimir and his wife Oksana went to Nizhnevartovsk at the invitation of a missionary named Yosef Bandaranka. Brother Yosef was arrested and thrown in prison for many years for preaching the gospel. He was released from prison during the time of political reform in Russia, and he used this time to start a ministry called Christ for the Peoples of Siberia. From 1992 to 1993, he rented a boat and organized missionary trips along two major rivers - the Ob and Urtesh. The Lord greatly blessed these efforts, and as a result of preaching the gospel in many different villages and settlements along the way, people were converted and transformed. Small groups of believers began to form, and the need for discipleship and establishing churches among them was growing. Vladimir and his wife were invited to help with a small group of believers in the settlement of Nizhnevartovsk which is located along the Ob River in Western Siberia. In 1993, two weeks after they were married, Vladimir and Oksana left their home i n Ukraine to serve Christ in the barren lands of Siberia. With Gods help, they were able to begin a small Bible study group and to reach out to the community. Originally, they thought that they would only remain in Siberia for a few years at most. As soon as a solid church was formed, they planned to move back to Ukraine. Vladimir now admits that they were terribly mistaken - Gods plans are not ours. Over the past nineteen years, they have remained in the very same settlement which has now grown into a city. They have endured many hardships and seen very little visible fruit; but by Gods grace, they have remained determined and steadfast, doing evangelism and pouring themselves into the church which consists of about twentyfive members. In the last year and a half, Vladimir and Oksana have seen more growth. Two young adults were baptized a few months ago, and one young man is currently meeting with Vladimir to study the Scriptures. There is evidence that the Lord has recently saved him, and he is now attending the worship services. Vladimir is a dear brother as well as a gifted teacher. It is our privilege to be a part of his life and ministry. He writes the following: We are grateful to HeartCry Missionary Society for the support and prayers that come to us from many believers around the world. We pray
OMSK, SIBERIA rother Konstantin was recommended to us by Vladimir Radzihovski. They have been friends in the ministry for several years. Konstantin lives and ministers in the city of Omsk, Siberia where he was born and raised. As a youth, he was thrust into a communist youth organization; but in Gods great mercy, at the age of fifteen, he came to have an understanding of his sin and his need of Christ. He secretly abandoned the organization and joined the Orthodox church, thinking that it
was his only option. However, soon he became disturbed by their practices, which caused him to separate from the Orthodox church and join the Evangelical Baptist Christian (EBC) movement in Russia. Years later, he helped pastor an EBC church from 1991-1995. Then, in 1995, he went
IRKUTSK, SIBERIA ccording to Pastor Sergey, one of the villages near Irkutsk is now ready for a full-time missionary-pastor. To fill this need, Pastor Sergey and the church which he pastors have decided to send one of
their own to fulfill the need. His name is Maxim Manakov. Brother Maxim has been training under Sergeys watchful care and has made frequent trips to the village with Sergey in order to preach and teach at the Bible study. For some time now, Maxim
has felt the Lord calling him to go to this village which has no churches. HeartCry recently began to provide for His support under the guidance of Pastor Sergey. This past October, Brother Maxim was married to Sergeys daughter Vera.
ANGARSK, SIBERIA rior to his conversion, Vsevolod spent much of his life as a criminal. Soon after becoming a believer in 1999, God called him to assist others on evangelistic trips into the Irkutsk region. In 2000, Vsevolod began preparing sermons and conducting Bible lessons at a juvenile detention facility. In 2008, he planted a church called the Resurrection Baptist Church of Angarsk, and he continues laboring as their pastor. Until this past December, Vsevolod was working a secular job full-time to support his family while still trying to pastor the church. Due to the economic decline, he was laid-off and
was without an income. Presently, the church, which consists of about twenty-five members, is too poor to support him. Sergey then notified us of the situation, and we were able to provide the support needed for Vsevolod and his family. As a result, he is now able to devote himself fulltime to the work of the church. Please Remember Now that you are acquainted with some of the men and ministries with which we are working in Russia, please remember and pray for them. Very few people pray for them because very few people know of them. Now that you know, will you pray?
| Pastor Vsevolod Gubin (back right with child) and the church in Angarsk.
South America
For the last four years, Brad White has faithfully labored as HeartCrys South American coordinator. However, in January of this year, he accepted the pastorate of a church in western Kentucky. We appreciate his life and ministry among us and will miss him and his beautiful family. In his absence, I have once again taken the role of coordinator. Although it adds to my workload, I embrace it with joy for the glory of God and for the Hispanic world which I love. Please pray that God might give me the strength to faithfully fulfill this new charge. For many decades in South America, Evangelical missionaries labored faithfully without seeing much apparent fruit. However in these days, their sacrifice and labor are being rewarded. God is doing great things in South America, especially in our beloved Peru. The time of harvest has come, and we are now reaping what others sowed with tears. Jesus said: Do you not say, There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true, One sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor. - John 4:35-38 Although it is impossible to share with you in a few pages what
the Lord is doing, I hope that the following highlights will at least give you a glimpse of what our twenty-nine missionaries in Peru and Argentina are doing in the Name of Christ, for the glory of God, and for the welfare of lost souls.
he Apostle Paul admonishes us to respond to the good and the bad with thanksgiving to God. I want to thank HeartCry for both the economic support that it gives me and the teaching which helps me to grow in the knowledge of Gods Word. I especially want to thank you for the last HeartCry conference in Lima and the support that was provided so that I might attend. A few weeks ago, my sister-inlaws mother passed away, and there was a large number of people who attended her funeral. I took the opportunity to preach to them the gospel. I emphasized Gods attitude toward the sinner and the profound mercies that He has shown us in the Cross. Five days after the burial, the family held another reunion in honor of the deceased. Many of them are not believers, but they invited me
to bring another meditation. Once again, I shared with them the grace of God through the preaching of the Scriptures. Many of those in attendance showed great interest to know more about the biblical teaching of salvation. As always, we continue to visit those near our church and to preach to them the gospel. At the moment, we are visiting the husband of a dear
sister who only recently began to attend our church. At first, he prohibited her from attending, but now he has invited us to his home to study the Bible with him. We also recently held an all-night prayer meeting with some of the members of the church. It turned out to be a wonderful time of prayer, Bible study, and thanksgiving for the many petitions which the Lord had answered. The Lord has given me clear direction to continue my work in Barranco and to reach out to a new church plant. There is a beautiful group of brothers and sisters in a neighborhood called Ate, which is two hours away from the church in Barranco. I am now ministering to this congregation as a teacher. I praise the Lord for this mercy! Aldo Benvidez, a beloved brother in the Lord will be ministering along with me. He is a precious instrument of the Lord and a dear friend to me. All the brothers in the congregation give good testimony about him, saying that his life is beautiful fragrance to the Lord. He has been a Barnabas, a son of encouragement, to many. Please pray that the Lord might use us to reach the people in Ate and even beyond. We are relying on His superabundant grace.
ately, I have seen the Lords discipline in my life, and it has brought me to repentance. Through the counsel of godly men, God has shown me that I had fallen into the sin of intellectualism. I was devoted to reading many hours a day, and I was learning many things, but my heart was not experiencing the joy and life that comes from true devotion to the Lord. Because of this, I had to pass through some hard times but God dealt with me graciously, and I experienced His comfort and love upon me. I have learned that the Lord will take us into the wilderness to teach us all the things that we cannot comprehend in more pleasant lands. He tests our hearts and our faith, even by fire so that they may be found to result in praise and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (I Peter 1:7). I praise the Lord for all His discipline. It gives me a great confidence before Him, because I am being treated as a son (Hebrews 12:5-11).
rom the first day of this new year, I have dedicated myself to the new church plant in the district of Los Olivos in Lima. I am very grateful to the Lord because I can see that He is working wonderfully in the midst of His people. He is enabling us to grow in the knowledge of Him and in our love, communion, and service to one another. Every Sunday and Thursday, we meet to-
gether to study the Scriptures, worship, and pray. Every Wednesday and Saturday, we go out into the neighborhood to evangelize the lost. This month, we have a special reason for glorifying God because He has given us a place to rent for our meetings. Throughout the month, we have been working along29
men worked on the building, the sisters prepared the food that the Lord had provided for us. At the end of the workday, we had a special time of singing psalms to our God, and then we went out in the streets to share the gospel with our neighbors. Although we were full of joy, it was also very sad to observe all the immorality and delinquency that abounds in the neighborhood. We know that God has placed us here to be light, and we are confident that He is able to make His light shine in the darkest places through the preaching of the gospel. Please pray for me that God might grant me to be a faithful worker who accurately handles the Word of Truth so that He might be glorified and His people might be edified. Please pray also that I might love my wife Angela as Christ loved the church, and that she might grow in conformity to the image of Christ.
lory to God for all the things that we are experiencing these days! The first month of the year was full of joy for us because of the many new believers that God has added to the church. We recently baptized seven new converts! Evangelism in the park is also bearing fruit. Many people that hear us in the streets are then coming to our church services. We are waiting on the Lord for their salvation. As always, our church in Barranco is doing open air preaching and evangelism on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, the new church plant in Los Olivos is beginning to imitate us. They are going out on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They are very encouraged at what they are seeing. Our Online School of Evangelism is now training many brothers and sisters from many denominations all over Latin America, and we are very encouraged that they are willing to preach the Gospel to every creature. Our pastoral responsibilities are being
carried out with great concern for the flock. We are exhorting and encouraging our brothers and sisters to live a life of holiness, sacrifice, and love for God and the church. We are seeking to grow in holiness, in a fervent prayer life, in the knowledge of God, in faithful evangelism, and in the care of the poor and needy among us. Please pray that the church of the book of Acts might be a reality within our congregation and that we might plant other biblical churches. My family is very well, growing in holiness and desiring to serve the Lord. Please pray for the salvation of my young children.
rejoice in the Lord to be able to share with you my appreciation for God and for the invaluable support that you send me each month. Thank you for this sweet-smelling sacrifice and for your prayers that are always a blessing to me. Because of you, I am not only sustained, but I am also able to work in the ministry. In addition, I am able to continue my treatment for arthritis and to pay for the medicine that the doctors prescribe. Thanks to our marvelous God, I am able to continue to knock on doors and visit homes in order to evangelize mothers, children, and youth. At this time, I am ministering personally to: Claudia and her mother, Sandra, Susana and her children, Melissa, Leidi, Antonia, Nelly, Adelaida and her three grandchildren, and several other young children. I am studying the Scriptures with them, but I know that only the Lord can do His work among His people. Please pray that they will come to understand the true Gospel and that they will learn to be faithful to God. Please pray for the children that I teach. Pray that they will listen to the Word of God. Besides visiting house to house, I am also helping the preachers who proclaim the Gospel in the open air. After they preach, I search for people who desire to talk and learn more about the Gospel. I am also working at the various camps for children and youth. I give thanks to God for this great privilege that is mine. I lack many abilities, but the Lord knows that I want to please Him and to bring the gospel to everyone that I can. Each day, I have been dedicating more time to the study of the Scriptures, and it has been a great help to me and my ministry of evangelism. Please pray for my health. Even though it is summer, I am often very cold and must
wear more clothing to keep me warm. Again, thank you for everything my dear brothers and sisters. May the Lord increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you (Deuteronomy 1:11)!
In this edition of HeartCry, we are excited to spotlight two new HeartCry missionaries: Igor Dias in Lima, Peru and Samuil L. in Israel.
was born in a middle class home and was raised under strict discipline with regard to morals and family life. My family is Catholic and of German descent. When I was seven years old, I began to train to play soccer. I gave all of my strength during my childhood and my youth to becoming a professional athlete. My parents supported me in this dream, and I ended up playing for well-known teams such as Gremio and Internacional of Porto Alegre. Although I was attaining my goals, I lived a perverse life, because in the world of soccer, there are many temptations and all kinds of sins. In other words, you have at your disposal all that the world can offer you: the vanity of fame and lots of money. I was in the world, sinking in my sins, empty, without hope, and feeling like a product whose purpose was to make money for the team. However, one day I was invited to take part in a religious group called Athletes for Christ. There I was taught a gospel that told me God loves me as I am and wants to forgive me. All that was necessary was that I let Him enter into my life, and then He would give me all of the desires
of my heart. I was never told about my sin and rebellion against a holy and righteous God. They never told me anything about Gods hatred for sin or His wrath directed against the sinner. Because of this, I continued with my life, playing soccer, believing that God was going to help me with my career and make me prosper. I worked with the young people at our church, and I invited many of my teammates to make their decision for Christ. However, I also continued desiring sin. I loved my body. I idolized it. I wanted to be the best at everything. I was living a somewhat moral life, and I thought that I was a Christian. Then when I was 19 years old, I received an offer to go to Spain to play soccer with a minor league team. When I got to Spain, I was given a tryout with the major league soccer team Real Mallorca. I did well, but since I did not have my visa, they put me on a minor league team called Poblense. While I played for this team, I had to practice at night and work during the day harvesting oranges. This was the only job that I could find as an illegal immigrant. At that point, I began to realize that I was nothing. After working in Spain for one year, I returned to Brazil to see my family and to wait on my work visa and my European residency. There I fell in love with my beautiful wife Eliane, and after three months, we were married. Not long after, we received our Spanish Visas and returned to live in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. There I began to train for soccer and to work in the fields. Eliane worked as a nanny for a Spanish family. The husband and wife loved us very much and even called themselves our parents. In time, we found a small traditional Baptist congregation, but we had many struggles because there was not much good teaching; everything was very cold, and most of all, they did not evangelize. We began
| Igor Dias and his wife Eliane with Brad and Cassie White in Lima, Peru. to be concerned because we could not find a good congregation where we could be fed and encouraged to live according to the Scriptures. We thought about what would happen if the Lord gave us children. We wondered how we would be able to educate them in such an idolatrous and pagan country. All the while, things were getting better for us and our financial situation improved. We were able to buy cars, and we changed apartments. But then, in September of 2009, everything changed. As I was going to work on my bicycle, I was hit by a truck. There was a police car and an ambulance nearby, and I was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, I just had a fracture in my neck and in my shoulder. I did eight months worth of treatment, and then I began to play soccer again, but it was never the same. I became dizzy easily, and I continued to feel that I was not pleasing God with my life. I realized that nothing mattered if I was not serving God with all of my being. Because of this, I began to pray that God might show me His will. At that time, I was offered two opportunities. The first opportunity was to play for a German soccer team. The second opportunity was to be a part of a sports ministry called Sports Ambassadors. As I prayed about it, I thought that the opportunity to serve the Lord through soccer was from God. Because of this, I left the German team to follow this path. However, my wife and I soon realized that the Christians we worked with dressed very immodestly, did not pray or read the Scriptures, and treated ministry as just a means of making a good living. They had a joy that did not come from the Lord, but rather from sports and from motivational talks. Because of this, we found ourselves in a great struggle of trying to decide what to do with our lives. My wife and I did not want to be a part of this ministry, but I wanted to serve the Lord. It seemed like nothing made sense until my wife became sick and was bedridden for three days. During that time, she cried out to the Lord because she also wanted to serve Him, but she did not see any clear options. She asked the Lord to show us His path for us. She prayed and then searched online for a good sermon to encourage her. She found the Shocking Youth Message by Paul Washer. She immediately called me. I came home and began to listen to all of the sermons about the true gospel. We thanked the Lord for opening our eyes to the Scriptures. It was wonderful. While we were still living in Spain, my wifes boss needed a kidney transplant and I offered to be a donor. This was a time of many tests and confirmations of the Lords work in our lives. Thankfully, the surgery ended up not being necessary, but the Word of God was shared in the
hen we arrived in Lima and saw the effort, love, fear of the Lord, and wisdom of the missionaries, it gave us joy in knowing that my calling and desire for the ministry was being fulfilled by the grace of God. It also formed in me the fear to not pursue ministry for the sake of myself, but for the glory of God and for others. As I spent time with HeartCry missionary Alfonso Nuez, I grew in my love for the lost and for taking the gospel to them. My daily classes and fellowship with other HeartCry missionaries (Junior, Walter, and Eder) awakened in me a desire to teach true doctrine and the true gospel. It also gave me a desire to know more of this great and beautiful God. I was also encouraged by observing the
Samuil and his wife Ella were both born into secular Jewish families in Kiev, Ukraine. Both of them studied to be engineers and worked in their field while raising two daughters. In 1989, Samuil was given a Bible while preparing lectures on atheism. Later, he was invited to meet some American Jewish believers. He was puzzled: Jesus was for Jews? Samuil became a believer that very evening. Though skeptical at first, Ella saw the changes in Samuils life, and began attending meetings with
him. In 1991, Ella also believed. In 1994, Samuil and Ella moved to Israel. Throughout the years, they have labored to share the Gospel to the growing numbers of Russian speaking Jewish believers in the land. Now Samuil is the pastor of the assembly Light of Life. od, in His sovereignty, is actively involved in the history of mankind, and even more acute is His involvement in the salvation of souls. We are very glad to be witnesses of the spiritual awakening happening in Israel.
| Samuil and Ella Resulting from the collapse of the Soviet Union, God has brought over one million Jews to the Promised Land from various republics of the previous Soviet empire. The rapid growth of Evangelical believers and congregations in the Land is directly related to this migration. Today, in almost every city of our country, there are believers who gather together for worship in growing congregations and home groups. Thirty years ago, it was estimated that there were less than a hundred believers in Jesus. Today, according to unofficial estimates, there are as many as 20,000 believers in 200 congregations. Praise God! Like many congregations that God has established in our country, our congregation began as a small group actually the compilation of several home groups that had been meeting in several different cities Rehovot, Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, and Petach Tikva. In November 1997, the
first gathering of these groups happened and the congregation we now know as Light of Life came into existence. The first years were filled with many joyful firsts for the congregation: the first outreach service, the first baptisms, the first holiday celebrations, the first childrens studies, etc. God brought more and more people to the meetings, and many were given new life. During these eleven years, there have been more than 200 people who have become believers through the outreach of the congregation. Almost every year now, it has become a tradition to go together as a group to a place on the Jordan River and have baptisms. About eighty baptisms have been done here and at other special services in other places. We have had the privilege of distributing over 2,000 Bibles during these years. God has given us experiences of bold outreach, Bible camps, Shabbat [Sunday] school, and even Seminary studies for some of the leaders. At this time, there are sixty-five adult members in the congregation and fifteen children. Considering our short history, most of the members are relatively new believers. Therefore, along with outreach, there is much attention given to the spiritual growth of those in the congregation. Developing leaders is also an important emphasis, so that we might start new congregations in other places in Israel as God directs. Please be praying for these things. | Light of Life Congregation