On A Probabilistic Approach To Rate Control For Optimal Color Image Compression and Video Transmission

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International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 4||

www.ijceronline.com ||April||2013|| Page 82

On a Probabilistic Approach to Rate Control for Optimal Color
Image Compression and Video Transmission
Evgeny Gershikov

Department of Electrical Engineering, Braude Academic College of Engineering,
Karmiel 21982, Israel

Color image and video compression has become a major task in todays communication environment.
Usually color images are represented by the three RGB color components, which are highly correlated [4], [7],
[10], [15], [22]. Naturally, it is a naive approach to compress each color component separately. To improve the
information distribution in the image data, usually a color components transform (CCT) is used. The RGB to
YUV transform is employed for example in JPEG [20] and JPEG2000 [13], while the Karhunen Loeve
transform (KLT) is used in [5], [8] and [21]. Nevertheless, these transforms are presently used arbitrarily since
no optimization process has been proposed so far for color image compression. Part of the reason has been the
lack of a model for color images and their Rate-Distortion (R-D) curve. Recently, such a model has been
introduced for the analysis of color compression and its optimization [3]. The model has been proposed in the
context of the widely used subband transform coders. Based on the model, a color compression algorithm has
been presented, outperforming commonly used algorithms. In this work we present an improved compression
algorithm based on the new Rate-Distortion theory and on a probability model for the distribution of the
subband transform coefficients. We also present an application of the R-D model for rate-control of the
compression. This application can be used to achieve a certain compression ratio or target rate. This approach to
image compression is applicable to both still and video coding.

The structure of the work is as follows. In Subsections 1.1 and 1.2 we briefly review subband
transforms and the Rate-Distortion theory of subband transform coders. In Section 2 we present the new
compression algorithm for color images and compare its performance to that of presently available algorithms
including [3]. In Section 3 the new rate-control algorithm is presented and its performance is measured for still
images, and in Section 4 the algorithm is considered for video sequences. Finally, conclusions and a summary
are given in Section 5.
1.1. Subband transforms - definitions
Subband transform coding is an efficient approach to image compression. Fig. 1 presents a filter bank
interpretation of the general tree structured subband transform. The input signal is decomposed by passing
through a set of analysis filters and down-sampling by a factor . Then its low frequencies subband
is decomposed by the same filters and so on in an iterative fashion until depth of the tree is reached. The
signal can be reconstructed iteratively as shown in Fig. 2 by up-sampling the outputs
( ) of the analysis filters at level by a factor of , filtering them through a synthesis filter-
Based on a recently introduced Rate-Distortion model for color image compression, optimal
color coding and bit allocation are derived. We show that this Rate-Distortion model in conjunction with
the probability distribution of subband coefficients can be used to develop an efficient algorithm for
coding color images and video sequences. We demonstrate this approach for subband coding using the
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and a Laplacian distribution as the probability model. We show how
the model can be used for rate-control, applicable to still images and to controlling the bit-rate or
bandwidth of video transmission. Visual and quantitative results are presented and discussed to support
the efficiency of our algorithms, which outperform other available compression systems.
Keywords: color image coding, subband transforms, rate-distortion model, discrete cosine transform,
Laplacian distribution, rate-control, video coding
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bank and summing up the results to obtain the low pass subband at level ( ). The original signal
can be considered as the subband in this context, i.e., it is obtained using a reconstruction algorithm
on the subbands at level . Compression can be achieved by quantization of the subband components and
possibly omission of the less significant subbands.
The DCT [14], the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) [11] and filter-banks used for audio coding (e.g. [16])
readily fit into this typical structure.
1.2. The Rate-Distortion model
A brief presentation of the theory developed in [3] is summarized here. Given a color image in the RGB
domain, we denote each pixel by a 3x1 vector . The RGB correlations are usually high for natural
images [1], [4], [7], [10] and hence, a preprocessing stage of a color components transform (CCT) is usually
performed prior to coding. Assuming that a CCT is applied to an image, denoted by a matrix , we
obtain for each pixel a new vector of 3 components , denoted . Thus is related
to by:


Figure 1. Tree structured subband transform: Analysis.

Figure 2. Tree structured subband transform: Synthesis.
Each component in the C1, C2, C3 color space is subband transformed, quantized and its samples are
independently encoded (e.g., entropy coded). This description corresponds to typical image compression
algorithms such as JPEG [20] and JPEG 2000 [13], when applied to a color image up to and including the
quantization stage. Denote by the reconstructed image in the RGB domain, the error covariance matrix in
the RGB domain is given by

Assume that we have subbands in the transform for each color component, indexed by
and is the index of the color component. Then the average MSE (Mean Square
Error) between the original and reconstructed images in the RGB domain is:

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where stands for the rate allocated for the subband of color component and is this subbands
variance. is the sample rate of subband , meaning the ratio of the number of coefficients in this subband and
the total number of coefficients in each component. is the energy gain of subband equal to the squared
norm of the subbands synthesis vectors [19]. is a constant dependent on the distribution of the subband
transform coefficients in each color component and, finally, . Considering the optimization problem
of minimizing (3) under the constraint for some total image rate and using Lagrange
multipliers method, the Lagrangian to be minimized is:


where is the Lagrange multiplier. By minimizing (4), one can derive the optimal subband rates and the
target function for the optimal CCT. The optimal solution for this target function is image adaptive. A sub-
optimal solution is the DCT as a CCT [2], as used in this work. It is of interest to note that this result (without
proof, however) was also found to be most efficient in [6].
In practice, some coding systems such as JPEG perform down-sampling on part of the color components prior to
coding. For such systems the down-sampling can be taken into account by introducing down-sampling factors
, so that the global rate constraint for the image is

where the down-sampling could be, for example, by a factor of 2 horizontally and vertically and then
We thus wish to minimize the MSE of (3) under the rate constraint of (5). Additional constraints are the non-
negativity of the rates: Using the Lagrange multipliers method, we have to minimize:

where and are the Lagrange multipliers for the rate constraint and the non-negativity constraints,
Minimizing the Lagrangian for the rates requires knowing the rates that are positive and those that are
zero. We denote by the set of all the active subbands in the color component , that is, those subbands with
positive rates:

We also define the following:

i.e., the relative part of the coefficients in the active subbands from the total signal length ( ) and the weighted
geometric mean of their variances (corrected by the energy gains ) . It can be shown that the solution
for becomes:
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The determination of the active subbands can be done according to the algorithm given in [3].
Based on the Rate-Distortion theory, a DCT-based algorithm for color image compression is proposed.
This algorithm employs the DCT as the color components transform and utilizes the optimal rates expression of
(9). It consists of the following stages:
1. Apply the CCT (DCT) to the RGB color components of a given image to obtain new color components
2. Decimate the 2 color components with minimal energy (variance) by a factor of 2 in each direction.
3. Apply the two-dimensional block DCT to each color component
4. Quantize each subband of each color component independently using uniform scalar quantizers. The
quantization step-sizes are chosen so that optimal subband rates are achieved according to Subsection
1.2. The rates are calculated using the Laplacian distribution model for the coefficients of the DCT
subband transform.
5. Apply lossless coding to the quantized DCT coefficients. Coding techniques similar to JPEG [20] can
be used: differential Huffman coding for the DC coefficients and zigzag scan, run-length coding and
Huffman coding (combined with variable-length integer codes) for the AC coefficients.

2.1. The Laplacian distribution
We say that a stochastic variable has Laplacian distribution if its probability distribution function is

for some positive constant . For such a variable, we can derive the variance and entropy as functions
of :

Thus the following relationship holds:

Assume that is quantized by a uniform scalar quantizer with a step size to the discrete variable . The
probability distribution of is

and hence:
( )
0 . 5
0 . 5 0 . 5
, 0 1


e e e n



Defining and using (9), we can derive the entropy of :


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Note that the parameter in (15) can be expressed by the standard deviation of using (11) as
2.2. DCT coefficients distribution
When examining the coefficients distribution of the 2D block DCT, it can be concluded that the
distribution of all the subbands, except for the DC subband, can be modeled by the Laplacian distribution [9].
Using this model we can benefit in 2 ways:
1. An algorithm for the calculation of the quantization step sizes for optimal rates can be introduced based
on the approximate connection [19]:

2. where is the entropy of subband of the color component prior to quantization and is its
quantization step. The quantization steps initialization can be chosen according to (11) directly by
substituting the right hand side of (7) for , i.e., we get an expression that can be easily calculated:

3. where is the initial quantization step and is the optimal rate of subband of color component
. Following the initialization, the optimal quantization steps can be calculated iteratively using the
update rule:

4. based on (11), where and are the current quantization steps and rates respectively, and are
the updated steps. This update rule can be repeated until the optimal rates are sufficiently close, i.e.,
for some small constant . Note that the rates are measured by the entropies of
the subbands. Those can be calculated as follows.
5. The entropies of the quantized DCT coefficients can be approximately calculated according to (10)
without the need to calculate the subband histograms. We use the Laplacian distribution assumption also
for the DC subband, although its distribution is usually not Laplacian. The use of the approximated
entropies reduces the number of the calculations required, thus reducing the run time of the algorithm - as
discussed in Subsection 2.4.
To assess the performance of the proposed approach, simulation results of the new algorithm with
estimated rates (entropies) according to (10) are presented and compared to JPEG.
2.3. Simulations and Comparison
2.3.1 Comparison to JPEG
Similar to the PSNR (Peak signal to Noise Ratio): we use the PSPNR
(Peak Signal to Perceptible Noise Ratio), defined as

where (Weighted Mean Square Error) for each color component, is calculated as:

Here denotes the visual perception weight of subband and is its MSE distortion. We have taken the
WMSE suggested in [19] for JPEG2000, so that the subbands in (20) are of the Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT). We consider 256x256 size images displayed on a screen as 12cm x 12cm size images and a viewing
distance of approximately 50 cm. The PSPNR used here is the mean PSPNR of the three color components.
Simulation results for several images are summarized in Table 1. It can be seen that the new algorithm
outperforms JPEG by 1.5dB PSNR and 1.85dB PSPNR on average. These results are not limited just to the
compression ratios of Table 1. Fig. 3 shows the algorithms mean performance gain for a range of compression
ratios corresponding to the major range of PSNRs.

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Table 1. PSNR and PSPNR results for the DCT-based compression algorithm with estimated rates (New
Alg.) and JPEG at the same compression ratio (CR).
Image New Alg. JPEG New Alg. JPEG CR

Lena 30.030 29.486 39.048 37.192 44.84

Peppers 29.971 28.277 37.818 35.439 33.77

Baboon 30.024 26.306 38.273 36.023 16.62

Fruit 30.024 29.268 39.048 36.974 46.53

Girl 29.987 28.719 38.407 36.871 52.56

House 30.006 28.573 38.788 37.073 54.36

Tree 29.987 28.798 39.210 38.072 14.19
Mean 30.004 28.490 38.656 36.806

Figure 3. PSNR and PSPNR gains of the new algorithm (New Alg.) with estimated rates on JPEG for
various values of PSNR.
Visual results for the House and the Tree images are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that JPEG
introduces color artifacts in both images. These are significantly less visible in our new algorithm at the same
rate. Furthermore, quantitatively, there is a gain of 1.25dB PSNR and 1.6dB PSPNR by the new algorithm for
the Tree image. For the House image the gain is even larger: 1.55dB PSNR and 2.1dB PSPNR.
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2.3.2. Comparison to the algorithm in [3]
Another comparison is to the algorithm in [3]. The compression results for several images are displayed
in Table 2. It can be seen that the algorithm proposed in this work always outperforms the algorithm in [3] with
a mean gain of 0.522dB PSNR and 0.278dB PSPNR. The gain for an individual image can be as much as 2dB
PSNR as for Baboon.
The new algorithm is superior to the one in [3] also with respect to the execution times. This is
elaborated in Subsection 2.4.
2.4. Run time of the algorithm
The run-times for the new algorithm, the algorithm in [3] as well as JPEG are shown in Table 3 for
several image sizes. As expected, the use of estimated rates improves the run-time of the compression algorithm,
especially for smaller images (15.7% improvement for 256x256 images, 3.5% improvement for 512x768
images). The new algorithm is also comparable with JPEG (14% slower for 256x256 images, 6.9% slower for
512x768 images).
Having introduced a DCT-based color compression method that outperforms the baseline JPEG
algorithm, it should be noted that this application does not target rate control. Since we can derive the
expression for the optimal rates for some given image rate as in Equation (9) and we can calculate the
quantization tables to achieve these rates, an application for rate control can be designed. Next we describe such
an application, based on the DCT block transform, aimed to achieve a given rate with performance higher or
equal to JPEG. Although this algorithm employs the DCT as a CCT as well and designs the quantization tables
for optimal rates, it codes the subbands differently: each subband (DC or AC) is coded independently using the
size/value representation of the baseline JPEG [20]. The sizes are coded using adaptive arithmetic coding and

Table 2. PSNR and PSPNR results for the new algorithm (New Alg.) and the algorithm in [3] at the same
compression ratio (CR).

Image New Alg. Alg. in [3] New Alg. Alg. in [3] CR

Lena 30.011 29.765 39.038 38.671 45.07

Peppers 29.971 29.770 37.818 37.489 33.77

Baboon 30.024 28.056 38.273 37.859 16.92

Cat 30.019 29.172 40.066 39.603 21.97

Sails 29.990 29.923 39.018 39.012 14.61

Monarch 29.975 29.721 38.221 37.871 27.08

Goldhill 29.999 29.928 40.519 40.499 13.23
Mean 29.998 29.476 38.993 38.715

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Figure 4. The House and the Tree images - from top to bottom: original, compressed by JPEG and
compressed by the new algorithm.
PSNR for the House image: 29.45dB for JPEG and 30.98dB for the new algorithm. PSPNR: 38.01dB and
40.10dB, respectively, at CR=45.15.
PSNR for the Tree image: 28.73dB (JPEG) and 29.98dB (new algorithm). PSPNR: 37.99 and 39.56dB,
respectively, at CR=15.36.
Table 3. Run-times in sec. for the algorithm in [3], the new algorithm and JPEG.
Image Size The alg. in [3] New Alg. JPEG
1.53 1.29 1.13
7.73 7.46 6.98

the values as variable length integer (VLI) codes similar to JPEG.For the decoder to be able to reconstruct the
sizes, the numbers of appearances (or counts) of each size are sent with the compressed image data to the
decoder. The number of bits for these counts as well as the number of bits for the quantization tables (adaptively
designed for the image) have to be taken into account. This bits overhead can be considerably reduced,
especially at high compression ratios by sending the quantization steps and counts only for the active subbands
(with optimal rates in addition to bit vectors signifying which subbands are active This requires,
however, calculating the optimal rates as described below.
The stages of the rate control algorithm are:
1. Apply the CCT (here DCT) to the RGB color components of a given image and obtain new color
components .
2. Apply the 2D block-DCT to each color component (using block size of if comparison to JPEG is
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of interest).
3. Calculate the optimal rates corresponding to the given total rate (using (9)). Assume here that no bits are
sent for the quantization steps and the counts (of the arithmetic coding) to find the rate for the actual
compressed image data.
4. Using the optimal rates of the previous stage, find the number of active subbands in each color component
and calculate the number of bits needed both for the quantization tables and the counts. Then recalculate the
rate for the actual image data and find the optimal subband rates accordingly.
5. Quantize each subband of each color component independently using uniform scalar quantizers with
quantization steps designed as in Subsection 2.2.
6. Encode the quantized DCT coefficients in each subband similarly to JPEGs coding of the DC subband, but
without using delta modulation. Delta modulation can be used, but for the DC subband only (see below).
Each coefficient is split into size and value representation when the sizes are coded arithmetically and
contain the information of the number of bits in the coefficient while the following values are coded by
VLIs (1s complement). For applications where rate control precision is of primary concern, we allow
optional non differential coding of the DC subband of the maximal energy color component (denoted ).
Such coding requires more bits, however, it allows achieving the required total rate more accurately,
especially at high compression ratios. The decision whether to code the DC subband differentially or not is
made according to a comparison between the sum of the real rates allocated to the subbands of and
the sum of optimal rates . The decision can be made according to

1 1
1 1
0 0

E l s e
If u s e n on d i f f e r e n t i a l c od i n g
u s e d i f f e r e n t i a l c od i n g
b b
b b
R R c

= =

where is a constant close to 1, e.g., 0.98.
The image data bitstream at the end of the algorithm consists of the bit vectors signifying the active
subbands, the quantization tables, the arithmetic coding counts and the encoded DCT coefficients (in addition to
potential headers, etc.). Note that optional down-sampling of some of the color components (usually and
) can be performed between Stages 1 and 2.
3.1 Rate-control Results
When considering, for example, images of size 256x256 and a target compression ratio (CR) of 30 (or
total rate of 0.8bpp), the results of the algorithm are shown in Table 4. Here the accuracy of the algorithm is
measured and a comparison of its performance to JPEG is given in the PSNR and PSPNR sense. The rate-
control algorithm succeeds to achieve the desired compression ratio with a relative absolute error of 1.464% and
mean of 29.995. The standard deviation is 0.524 or 1.747% of the target CR. Its performance is superior to
JPEG with a gain of 0.360 dB PSNR and 1.129 dB PSPNR on average.
Note that all the relative measures are relative to the target CR, i.e., the relative absolute error for example is the
ratio of L1 norm of the error and the CR value.
3.1.1. Accuracy of the algorithm
When applying the algorithm to the same images for other compression ratios, the results are given
graphically in Figs. 5 and 6. It should be noted that the algorithm is more accurate at medium compression
ratios: 20-110 where the mean relative error is approximately 1% or less, the mean relative absolute error is in
the range 1-2% and the relative standard deviation (STD) is below 2% for compression ratios below 100, and
grows up to 2.6% above it. At high compression ratios (above 110) and at low ratios (below 20) the accuracy
decreases. Note that for each value of target CR the mean relative error describes the shift of the mean CR
relative to the target value (in % of this value) while the relative STD describes the width of the data distribution
around the mean CR. Finally, the absolute relative error is a measure of the actual mean error when all errors are
absolute value averaged.

The main difficulty at low rates is that there are many active subbands and since the size/value coding
of each subband usually achieves slightly greater rates than plain entropy coding, the results are that the more
subbands are coded the greater the error in the bit rate. At high rates the number of active subbands becomes
small and therefore the decision how the C1 DC subband is coded becomes of greater importance: if the DC
subband is coded differentially, the resulting compression will be greater than the target CR since the DC rate
will be smaller than the subbands (non-differential) entropy. On the other hand, coding the DC non-
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differentially results in a greater number of bits than needed for the DC information and often in a compression
ratio that is too low. If the algorithms complexity is of lower priority than the rate-control accuracy, both
options for the DC subband coding can be always tested and the more precise one chosen. Then the precision at
high rates improves as demonstrated in Table 5 - it is higher in terms of (lower) mean relative absolute error and
also the CRs distribution is narrower in terms of standard deviation. Note that the original algorithm usually
reduces the complexity (in terms of run-time and storage capacity) by running the differential DC coding and
checking the condition in (21).

Figure 5. The mean CR for the set of images in Table 4 vs. the target CR. The solid line describes the
target CR, while the points describe the achieved mean CR and the error bars are of standard deviation
(STD) size.

Figure 6. Accuracy measures for the rate-control algorithm: mean relative error (%), mean relative
absolute error (%) and relative standard deviation (%).
Table 4. Results for the rate-control algorithm on medium size images for target CR=30. From left to
right: The obtained CR, Relative Error, PSNR for the new algorithm, PSNR for JPEG at the same CR
and same columns for PSPNR.
Image CR Rel. Err.(%) PSNR PSPNR
New Alg. JPEG New Alg. JPEG

Lena 30.586 1.952 31.921 31.925 40.824 39.950

Peppers 29.785 -0.718 29.982 29.271 37.696 36.515

Baboon 30.860 2.868 24.553 24.462 35.226 33.766

Cat 30.291 0.970 27.052 26.881 37.749 36.662

Sails 29.500 -1.667 26.311 25.595 35.879 33.923
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Tulips 29.482 -1.727 25.826 24.987 33.784 32.431

Monarch 29.581 -1.395 28.287 28.228 36.494 36.176
Goldhill 29.876 -0.413 24.716 24.422 36.289 35.487
Mean 29.995 -0.016 27.331 26.971 36.743 35.614

Table 5. Accuracy measures for the rate-control algorithm at high values of target CR: original algorithm
and with both DC coding options tested.
Original Algorithm Both DC coding options tested
Target CR Mean Rel. Err. (%) Mean Rel. Abs.
Err. (%)
Rel. Std
Mean Rel.
Err. (%)
Mean Rel. Abs.
Err. (%)
Rel. Std (%)
100 -0.713 2.085 2.483 0.401 1.679 2.149
110 -0.772 2.025 2.663 0.958 1.743 2.191
120 -1.027 2.937 3.665 0.820 2.072 2.410
We should also note that if the application requires a compression ratio not less than a given value, as
perhaps can be the case in mobile applications, only differential coding should be used. In any case the
algorithms results are comparable to [18] especially at the middle range of compression ratios.
3.1.2. Performance (PSNR and PSPNR) of the algorithm
Fig. 7 describes the performance gain of the rate-control algorithm vs. JPEG in the PSNR and PSPNR
senses. Since the algorithm is based on the optimal rates, it indeed outperforms JPEG. In cases of CR = 10 the
reconstructed images for both our algorithm and JPEG are visually identical to the original one (e.g. when the
) and thus of limited interest.

Figure 7. PSNR and PSPNR differences between the rate-control algorithm and JPEG vs. target CR.
Along the whole range of values checked the new algorithm outperforms JPEG.
Consider a group of frames (GOF) of a video sequence, to be encoded similarly to the MPEG standard
[17]. Here, instead of applying JPEG to the frames or their prediction errors we would like to use the DCT-
based compression technique of [3]. We assume for simplicity that the GOF structure is: I,P,P,P,... where I
denotes an image coded using intra-frame techniques only and P stands for an image coded using the inter-frame
correlation with a previous image. The correlation can be exploited using standard motion estimation. Suppose
that the frames are to be coded at a given rate in bits/sec. We consider frames of the GOF and assume that
these images are allocated some total number of bits denoted by . Denoting by the MSE of the
reconstruction of frame , the average MSE of the frames is simply:

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Here we have used (3) for denoting by and the variance and rate, respectively, of
subband of color component of frame . If frame is an I-frame, the variances are simply of its DCT
subbands. However, if we consider a P-frame, then the variances are of the DCT subbands of the image of
prediction errors. In any case what is important is that the MSE of the reconstruction of the frame is only the
result of its DCT-based compression and not the prediction method used (the motion estimation). The prediction
technique affects only the magnitude of the variances . Note that stands here for the CCT as usual (
for example, the RGB to YUV transform or the DCT). Substituting and for the DCT subband
transform and slightly rewriting (22) we have:

Similarly, the rate constraint for the frames can be written as:

where here again we have used of the DCT transform. Considering (23) and (24), we conclude that the
problem is similar to the case of still images. Assume for a moment that each color component has subbands
instead of , and that these subbands have variances and rates ( ,
). Then finding the optimal rates allocation for these subbands will give us the subband rates
allocation for our frames. Here we can see the significance of the choice of . If we take a higher value for
we can expect better performance of the rate-control algorithm since we will be able to allocate the bits budget
more flexibly. If, for example, one frame is coded with a small number of bits, its spare bits can be allocated to
a greater choice of other frames. However, it leads to a more complicated optimization problem since there are
subbands to consider. Similarly, a smaller value for reduces the order of the optimization problem,
however, it also reduces the flexibility of the bits allocation.
Using the same algorithm of Section 3 produces the results described in the next subsection.
4.1. Video rate-control results
We consider a CIF (Common Intermediate Format) color video sequence of spatial
resolution at the frame rate of 25 frames/sec. We would like to encode the video at 1.055 Mbit/sec (compression
ratio of 55). Original and reconstructed frames for the video sequence "Hall Monitor" are presented in Fig. 8.
We consider here a GOF starting at frame 100 of the sequence and show the first 4 frames in the GOF. The is
chosen to be 5. The rate is 1.073 MBit/sec with an error of relative to the desired one. The motion vectors
have used of the total bits budget.

With the introduction of a Rate-Distortion model for color image compression, it has become possible
to optimize subband transform coders both in the preprocessing stage and in the encoding stage itself. The
optimization process leads to the use of the DCT as a color component transform in the preprocessing stage (in
addition to its role in subband coding) and provides optimal rates allocation for the coding. These rates can be
then used to design optimal quantization steps [12]. We have shown that the quantization stage can be further
optimized by applying a Laplacian model to the distribution of the DCT coefficients. This model allows for
efficient initialization and faster calculation of the optimal steps by estimating the subband entropies, thus
reducing the run-time of the algorithm compared to the use of real entropies, as well as improving the
compression performance in terms of PSNR and PSPNR. We have also presented an algorithm for optimized
image coding with rate-control. This algorithm can be used to achieve a desired compression ratio and for
controlling the bit-rate or bandwidth of video transmission. The presented simulations demonstrate that the
proposed algorithms outperform JPEG, both visually and quantitatively. Our conclusion is that based on the
newly introduced Rate-Distortion model, optimized compression algorithms can be designed with compression
results superior to presently available methods.

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This research was supported in part by the HASSIP Research Program HPRN-CT-2002-00285 of the
European Commission, and by the Ollendorff Minerva Center. Minerva is funded through the BMBF.

Figure 8. Original and reconstructed frames 100-103 of the Hall Monitor sequence. PSNR = 35.99dB,
34.23dB, 33.90dB and 33.41dB for frames 100, 101, 102 and 103 respectively.
[1] Gershikov E. and Porat M., Does Decorrelation Really Improve Color Image Compression?, the International Conference on
Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTASC05), Malta, 2005.
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