PH2610 2001aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
PH2610 2001aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
PH2610 2001aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Answer QUESTION ONE and TWO other questions No credit will be given for attempting any further questions
PH2610A and PH2610R/41 Royal Holloway and Bedford New College 2001
GENERAL PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Permeability of vacuum Permittivity of vacuum 0 0 1/4 0 Speed of light in vacuum Elementary charge Electron (rest) mass Unified atomic mass constant Proton rest mass Neutron rest mass Ratio of electronic charge to mass Planck constant c e me mu mp mn e/me h h = h/2 Boltzmann constant Stefan-Boltzmann constant Gas constant Avogadro constant Gravitational constant Acceleration due to gravity Volume of one mole of an ideal gas at STP One standard atmosphere P0 k R NA G g = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 4 10-7 8.85 10-12 9.0 109 3.00 108 1.60 10-19 9.11 10-31 1.66 10-27 1.67 10-27 1.67 10-27 1.76 1011 6.63 10-34 1.05 10-34 1.38 10-23 5.67 10-8 8.31 6.02 1023 6.67 10-11 9.81 2.24 10-2 1.01 105 H m-1 F m-1 m F-1 m s-1 C kg kg kg kg C kg-1 Js Js J K-1 W m-2 K-4 J mol-1 K-1 mol-1 N m2 kg-2 m s-2 m3 N m-2
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ANSWER ONLY FIVE sections of Question One. You are advised not to spend more than 40 minutes answering Question One.
Evaluate the increase in the entropy of 1kg of water, when it is heated from 0C to 100C. If it is heated reversibly, what is the total entropy change of the universe as a result of this process? [The specific heat capacity of water is 4190 J kg 1 K 1]. One mole of an ideal gas, at a temperature 300 K is compressed isothermally and reversibly from an initial volume 1m3 to a final volume 0.1m3. State the factor by which the pressure increases. Evaluate the work done on the gas and the heat entering the gas in this process. State the Boltzmann-Planck equation for the entropy of an isolated system in terms of the number of accessible microstates. Using this equation find the entropy of NA localised spin-1/2 particles (where NA is Avogadro s number) in zero magnetic field. Explain briefly how the third law of thermodynamics leads to the concept of the unattainability of absolute zero. Discuss briefly the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation in an ideal gas of bosons. Sketch the form of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular speeds of a classical gas, and indicate how it changes with the temperature of the gas. Calculate the root-mean-square speed of an oxygen molecule (O2) at 300 K. [The atomic mass of oxygen is 0.016 kg/mole].
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(a) (b)
State the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and briefly explain their meaning. Give a full description of the Carnot cycle and derive an expression for the efficiency of a Carnot engine in terms of the temperature of the two thermal reservoirs. An air conditioning unit must extract 10kW of power from a room in order maintain its temperature at 20C. What is the minimum power consumption of this unit when the outside temperature is 25C.
Explain the significance of this equation, defining the symbols used. Write down the expression for Z. (b) The hydrogen nucleus has a nuclear spin S = 1/2 and an associated magnetic moment = 2.79 N , where the nuclear magneton N = 5.05 10 27 JT 1. Explain why the nucleus has two possible quantum states of energies = B, in an applied magnetic field B. Evaluate this energy, , when B = 1T. (c) For a system consisting of N such localised spins, determine the ratio of the populations of these two states N + / N and hence show that the fractional population difference, ( N N + ) N , is approximately 7 x 10 6 at a temperature of 300K. Discuss the internal energy of this system in the limits kT >> B and kT << B. Calculate the internal energy of this system, as a function of the applied field B and the temperature T. Sketch the temperature dependence of the energy at a given field. Sketch the temperature dependence of the entropy at two different magnetic fields, showing the limiting behaviour (kT >> B and kT << B). Using your sketch, briefly explain how this system cools in an adiabatic, reversible demagnetization. By plotting the entropy versus energy, or otherwise, discuss the meaning of negative temperature in this system. If the system at an initial temperature of 1K is put in contact with a thermal reservoir at 10K, state qualitatively how the temperature evolves.
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(a) (b)
Why are both the 3He atom and the electron fermions, whereas the 4He atom and the photon are bosons? The Fermi-Dirac distribution function for fermions is given by n ( )= 1 . exp[ ( )] +1
Briefly discuss the meaning of this expression, explaining the symbols used. Discuss its behaviour at T = 0. (c) (d) Discuss the conditions under which an ideal gas of fermions behaves as a quantum rather than a classical gas. The energy density of states, and the Fermi energy, for a system of N fermions, with spin , confined to volume V are given by:
[4] [4]
3 N 1/ 2 g ( )= 2 E 3 / 2 F
h 2 32 N EF = , 2m V
Show that the internal energy of an ideal Fermi gas at T = 0 is given by E = (3/5)NEF. (e) Estimate the increase in this energy at a temperature T << EF/kB. Compare your result with the temperature dependence of the energy of a gas, when this is calculated in the classical approximation. Estimate the electronic heat capacity of one mole of a monovalent metal, at a temperature of 300 K, and compare with the classical result. The Fermi temperature of the electrons is 5000 K.
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Consider a vessel containing a liquid in thermal equilibrium with its vapour. Briefly state, qualitatively, what happens if the volume is decreased isothermally. Given that for both phases dG = SdT + Vdp + dN, where G is the Gibbs free energy, and is the chemical potential, explain why G = N . Show that under conditions of constant temperature and pressure the chemical potentials of the two phases are equal. Sketch the generic phase diagram of a material in the pressuretemperature plane, showing the stable regions for the vapour, liquid and solid phases, and indicating clearly the triple point and critical point. From the result derived in part (b) show that the slope of the liquid-vapour coexistence line is given by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
dp S = , dT V
where S, V are the differences in molar entropy and molar volume of the liquid and vapour phases. (e) Hence, with suitable approximations, derive an expression for the temperature dependence of the vapour pressure. Calculate the ratio of the vapour pressure of vodka at 25C to that at 5C. [Take the latent heat of vaporization of vodka to be 4 104 J/mole].