Ok Vertical Roller Mill V 3
Ok Vertical Roller Mill V 3
Ok Vertical Roller Mill V 3
The grooved roller profile has two grinding zones, an inner and an outer. This creates a high and concentrated grinding pressure on the outer path, allowing air to escape into the grooved centre. The inner path serves to prepare the grinding bed, by compressing the feed material as it moves under the rollers into the high pressure grinding zone. Segmented roller wear parts are made of the hardest possible material without risk of cracking and are very well suited for hard facing. Re-positioning of rollers is possible for evening out wear. These features ensure maximum longevity. Operating advantages The rollers are in a lifted position when the mill is started, ensuring trouble-free start-up. This eliminates the need for an auxiliary drive. A control system monitors the machinery and facilitates operation.
Feed inlet
Grinding roller Nozzle ring Grinding table Roller stopper Main hydraulic loading system
Mill design for versatile applications, simple operation and long life
Mill arrangement This schematic illustrates a typical grinding installation. The arrangement is very simple and the operation is correspondingly flexible and reliable. To maintain the appropriate temperature in the mill circuit for example to ensure adequate dehydration of the gypsum when grinding cement the layout is prepared with provisions for recirculation of hot exit gas to the mill inlet. In case the mill feed is wet slag or includes a significant portion of wet additives, additional heat must be provided, for instance from a heat generator. Otherwise, if the mill feed is very hot, the mill exit temperature controls a damper for cold air intake. Nozzle ring bypass system For slag grinding, a specially designed nozzle ring bypass allows the iron particles to segregate through nozzles without airflow and subsequently be removed by a magnetic separator to minimise wear of the mill internals. One mill, many products The OK mill efficiently grinds blended cements, with a wide range of additives such as slag, puzzolana, limestone and fly ash. Its versatility is demonstrated by the ability to switch between a wide variety of mixes, and to vary the particle size to meet individual needs. Particle size distribution Examples of adjustments of particle size distribution when grinding to the same Blaine surface. The required steepness of the particle size distribution curve is attained by adjustment of the separator rotor speed, the mill airflow rate and the grinding pressure, in combination with the appropriate height of the dam ring.
3 4
Finished product Hot air for drying Cold air intake
Air inlet
E Plant
Optimisation of operation Adjustment of mill airflow and grinding pressure for optimisation of the operation, including adjustment of particle size distribution, can be made imme diately. Adjustment of the dam ring, however, requires a mill stop, but only for a few hours. Switching between different types of products, for example from portland cement to slag, only requires easily made operating adjustments. Adjustment of the dam ring is not required. However, if the mill is to operate for a long time with one specific product only it may be expedient to adjust the dam ring to optimise the mill for operation with this specific product. Wear liners The wear liners of the grinding table and the rollers are of the segmented type and are therefore easy to replace when worn out. For mills grinding very abrasive materials, like slag, hardfacing is an interesting and viable means of achieving a high availability of the grinding system, optimising the grinding process and saving refurbishment costs. Hardfacing is an economical alternative to changing wear parts and is very suitable for the high chrome cast iron grinding parts used in the OK mill. Being of the segmented type the wear liners can be hardfaced numerous times throughout their life.
95 96 97 98
99 1 10 100
OK mill at PSD
Hardfaced segments
155 145 225 220 115 110 255 245 275 260 195 190 430 420 350 330 425 425
OK 30-4 Installation
19-3 22-3 25-3 27-4 30-4 33-4 36-4 39-4 42-4 51-6 54-6 58-6 62-6 800 1000 1300 1800 2350 3000 3750 4600 5500 6500 7800 9500 11000 35-50 45-65 50-75 60-110 70-140 110-170 130-210 160-240 200-300 310-400 385-485 480-595 550-685
120 140 170 205 240 Airflow mill outlet, Nm /s 14 20 30 40 50 65 80 100 Production, Cement Motor size slag, kW Production slag, 8% moist 3200 blaine and depending to the feed composition 950 1200 1545 2160 2830 3590 4450 5420 6490 7800 9500 11000 13200 25-35 30-45 40-60 55-80 75-110 75-135 120-170 140-205 175-250 210-300 252-355 295-420 355-500
OK mill, size A, height B, height seperator outlet C, seperator width D, width 25-3 27-4 30-4 33-4 36-4 39-4 42-4 51-6 54-6 58-6 62-6 13,7 13,9 15,5 17,3 19,0 20,6 23,7 26 30 32 35 12,1 12,2 13,5 15,3 16,8 18,4 21,2 22,2 23,3 25,4 27,8 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,7 8,4 9,2 11 12 13 14 16 8,2 7,3 7,9 8,6 9,4 10,2 10,9 11,6 12,4 13,3 14,2
OK mill number represents mean grinding track diameter
- Proven technology - Flexible operation - Designed for grinding blended cements or slag - Excellent drying capacity - Easy maintenance and optimum utilisation of wear parts
The OK mill is manufactured by FLSmidth under patent & license from Earthtechnica Co., Ltd & Taiheiyo Cement Corp. Copyright 2013 FLSmidth A/S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a (registered) trademark of FLSmidth A/S. This brochure makes no offers, representations or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.
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C 03-13 300-2-ENG V3