There Are Several Words That May Be Confusing Because They Are Similar in Meaning or Pronunciation But Have
There Are Several Words That May Be Confusing Because They Are Similar in Meaning or Pronunciation But Have
There Are Several Words That May Be Confusing Because They Are Similar in Meaning or Pronunciation But Have
or pronunciation but have different meanings. This is another important section on which questions will be asked in different formats. The candidates should be very careful in answering this section. Knowledge of the meaning of both the words is essential. For this a list of some words that are often confused is given below. 1. Accept - agree Except - to exclude 2. Accede - agree Exceed - surpass 3. Adapt - adjust Adopt - approve 4. Advice - opinion Advise - to counsel 5. Affect - change Effect - result 6. Allude - to suggest indirectly Elude - to dodge or escape 7. Allusion reference Illusion - false belief 8. Alter change Altar - a raised paltform 9. Ascent - the act of climbing up Assent - consent 10. Atone - to make amends Attain - to reach or achieve 11. Avert - to anticipate and ward off Overt - not concealed 12. Bare plain Bear - endure 13. Beside - next to Besides - also, additionally 14. Birth - the process of being born Berth - a bed on a train 15. Brake - device to lock the wheels Break - smash 16. By law - according to law Bylaw - rules adopted byorganization 17. Cannon - very large gun Canon - an ecclesiastical code of laws 18. Canvas - cloth used for painting Canvass - solicit votes 19. Caret - a proof-reader's symbol Carat - purity of gold Carrot - an orange root vegetable 20. Carpus wrist Corpus - body 21. Cell - small room Sell - exchange for money 22. Censor - to prohibit free expression Sensor - feeler Censure rebuke 23. Chord - a group of notes sound together Cord - a string 24. Cite - to quote or mention Site - a place Sight - view 25. Course rough Course - a series of lectures on one subject 26. Complement - to supplement or make complete Compliment - to praise or congratulate 27. Corps - an organization of people dedicated to a single goal Corpse - a dead body 28. Decedent - deceased person Dissident - one who disagrees 29. Depositary - one who receives a deposit Depository - place where something is deposited 30. Desert - dry area of land covered with sand Dessert - the last part of a meal 31. Engross - to absorb full attention In gross -existing independently, in a large quantity or sum 32. Forego - to precede Forgo - to give up 33. Formerly previously Formally - officially 34. In jure - according to law Injure - to harm 35. Lesson - a piece of instruction Lessen - to reduce 36. Lose misplace Loose - not fastened 37. Lumbar - relating to vertebrae Lumber - encumber, timber ready for use 38. Misogamy - hatred of marriage Misogyny - hatred of women 39. Opposite contrary Apposite - appropriate; relevant 40. Overseas - beyond or across the sea Oversees - surveys; supervises 41. Pause - a temporary stop paws - feet of animals 42. Peace - freedom from war Piece - a part of a whole 43. Peak - summit; highest level Peek - a brief look 44. Pendant - something suspended as an ornament Pendent - supported from above 45. Pole - a rod Poll - casting of votes 46. Principal - main Principle - law 47. Procede - to surpass in rank Proceed keep, to continue 48. Quite - wholly Quiet - calm 49. Rein - to check or stop Rain - to pour down Reign - to rule 50. Stair - a flight of steps Stare - look fixedly
51. Saver - one who saves Savor - enjoy, the taste or smell of something 52. Sever - to separate, detach Severe - grim, stern 53. Side lateral Sighed - uttered a sigh 54. Summary - quickly executed, review Summery - fit for summer 55. Team - to yoke, band Teem - to abound 56. Troop - a group of soldiers Troupe - a group of theoretical performers 57. Vain worthless Vein - blood vessel 58. Vice - a moral fault Vise - a tool with tight-holding jaws 59. Waist - part of the body Waste - rejected material 60. Waive - to strike off Wave - to motion with hand PRACTICE TEST 1. The ________of teachers in the college will reduce the student-teacher ratio. The new ________of this book is now available in the market. (addition/ edition) 2. The company was ________by the government to bring the new product to the market. Pease speak ________so that everyone can listen to your talk. (aloud/ allowed) 3. Christians use an ________in worship. I want to________the entire plan in order to complete it. (alter/ altar) 4. The Sahara is the biggest ________in Asia. The best part of the dinner was the special ________. (desert/ dessert) 5. He can easily play that ________. The dog is tied to the pole with a ________. (cord/ chord) 6. The painter has brought the________to life. All the candidates do not___________ successfully. (canvass/ canvas) 7. The ________ of the car is not working. Be careful otherwise the glass will ________. (break/ brake) 8. What I am presenting is nothing but ______________ truth. He cannot ________ this pain. ( bare/ bear) 9. It is good to use ________. You should not ________ at strangers. (stare/ stairs) 10.Every ________ of science is based on objective, observation and analysis. He is the____________actor of this drama. (principle/ principal) 11.The first ______ of this course begins with a diagnostic test. This medicine may _______ your blood pressure. (lessen/ lesson) 12.The devastating tsunami has ________ the lives of thousands of people. The ________ of tsunami can be seen in several countries of the world. (effect/ affect) 13.If you want to join in this organization ________, you need the recommendation of an existing member. I am pleased to introduce Mr.Dhawan who was ____________ a member of this society. (formerly/ formally) 14.You have put on ________. I cannot ________ for the bus now. (wait/ weight) 15.I have ________ the peon to the post office. I have not used ________. (scent/ sent) 16.This is an appropriate _______ for the factory. You may ________ statements from the report to prove your point. (cite/ site) 17.I have not ________ him for many days. This is a memorable ________. (seen/ scene) 18.The doctor will ________you in this matter. He is ready to offer his_______ to them. (advice/ advise) 19.You can save your conveyance allowance if you do not ___________ the speed of 8090 km per hour. Sujatha will ________ to the wishes of her parents. (accede/ exceed) 20.Please don't ______ me when I'm reading. The loud colour will ______ from the beauty of the house. (detract / distract) 21.This is the _____ room where we eat every meal. The sound of the dog barking was _______ in my ears. (Dining / dinning)
22.Gagan is an ______ photographer. The storm is __________. Please get to safety. (eminent / imminent) 23.I must run this _______ before I made dinner. Please correct your _______ behaviour. (errand / errant) 24.He is quite _______. We will have to put a ___________ on the property. (lean / lien) 25.He wanted to try ______ my workload. Did you see the streak of _________? (Lightning/ lightening) 26.He had a ______ of dust in his eye. The castle is surrounded by a deep ____________. (mote / moat) 27.His ___________ code is very high. ______ is quite high among the workers. (Moral/ Morale) 28.He is a ______ for gold. She will be a _______ until she turns twenty-one. (Miner/ minor) 29.I get up early every ________. She is in _______ because her great aunt died. (Morning/ mourning) 30.Cook _____ until it is no longer pink. Can you _____ me after work? (Meat/ meet)