Polysaccharides of Green Coffee Bean
Polysaccharides of Green Coffee Bean
Polysaccharides of Green Coffee Bean
Abstract Two independent procedures for the quantitative determination of the polysaccharide content of Arabica Caturra (Coffea arabica var. Caturra ) and Robusta ROM (Coffea canephora var. ROM) green coffee beans showed that they both contained identical amounts of polysaccharide. Cell wall material (CWM) was prepared from the beans and partial solubilisation of component polysaccharides was effected by sequential extraction with water, 1 M KOH, 0.3% NaClO2, 4 M KOH and 8 M KOH. The monosaccharide compositions of the CWMs were similar, although Arabica beans contained slightly more mannose than Robusta. In the latter, more arabinogalactan was solubilised during preparation of the CWM and the water-soluble fraction of the CWM contained higher amounts of galactomannan than in Arabica. Linkage analysis indicated that the galactomannans possessed unbranched to branched mannose ratios between 14:1 and 30:1 which is higher than previously reported. No major difference in the structural features of the galactomannans between species was found. The arabinogalactans were heterogeneous both with regard to the degree of branching and the degree of polymerisation of their arabinan side-chains. Compared to Arabica, Robusta appeared to contain greater amounts of arabinogalactans with longer side chains. It is concluded that there was no detectable difference between the Arabica and Robusta varieties of this study in their absolute polysaccharide content or in the gross structural features of their galactomannans. Differences were apparent both in the structural features and ease of solubility of the arabinogalactans but a more detailed study of several varieties of Arabica and Robusta will be required to determine whether these differences occur consistently between species. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cell walls; Polysaccharides; Coffee beans
1. Introduction Cell wall polysaccharides constitute half the dry weight of the native coffee bean but there is still much to be revealed about the detailed structure of individual polysaccharides and how they interact to give the integrated structure of the cell wall. Thaler1,2 and Wolfrom3 6
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 41-21-7858702; fax: + 4121-7858554. E -mail address: monica.scher@rdls.nestle.com (M. Fischer).
detected the presence of mannans, galactomannans, arabinogalactans and cellulose as the main polysaccharides in green and roasted coffee beans. A more recent study7,8 has reported detailed structural data on the two principal non-cellulosic polysaccharides. The mannan puried by Bradbury was composed of (1 4)-linked b-mannan chains substituted at O-6 with single galactose residues approximately every 100 residues. The arabinogalactan isolated by these authors had an arabinose/galactose ratio of 0.4/1
0008-6215/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 0 8 - 6 2 1 5 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 7 2 - X
and consisted of a backbone of (1 3)-linked b-galactose substituted at O-6 with arabinose and/or galactose residues. The side-chains contain arabinose and galactose residues with arabinose as terminal residue. These linkages are characteristic of type-II arabinogalactans, a polymer which is usually covalently linked to protein. Some more recent work9 has focussed on the polysaccharides from hot water extracts of roasted Arabica beans. An arabinogalactan and a mannan with similar structural features to the polymers described above were isolated despite the fact that structural modications were induced by roasting. Differences in total polysaccharide content as well as structural differences between Arabica and Robusta species have been discussed in the literature. Reliable values are difcult to obtain as they generally have to be extrapolated and recalculated from a series of values obtained after various treatments and extractions which are not comparable.8,10 12 Most of these sources report a lower polysaccharide content for Robusta compared to Arabica. Clifford11 reported a total polysaccharide content between 38 and 48% for Robusta and 4855% for Arabica, but experimental information detailing how the values were obtained is lacking. In contrast, Bradbury and Halliday8 report a total polysaccharide content of 48.1% for green Robusta coffee from the Ivory Coast and a lower polymeric carbohydrate content for Arabica beans. Clifford11 also reports that Arabicas may contain more arabinogalactan (913%) than Robusta (68%) and more galactomannan (25 30% vs. 1922%). He suggests that the galactomannan in Robusta is more highly branched and thus less crystalline but these speculations are not well substantiated. This is also used to explain why, for a same degree of roasting, Robustas generally produce more soluble solids than Arabicas.10 12 The present study compares the total polysaccharide content of a variety of Arabica and of Robusta and report data for the structural features of arabinogalactan and galactomannan isolated from each.
2. Materials and methods Raw material. Dry, depulped and deparched beans of Arabica Caturra (Coffea arabica var. Caturra ) and Robusta ROM (Coffea canephora var. ROM) coffee which were harvested at full maturity in Ecuador were used for this investigation. General. Polysaccharide fractions and cell wall material (CWM) were hydrolysed with 2 M TFA for 1 h at 110 C and converted to alditol acetates for GLC analysis as described in Ref. 14. Insoluble materials were hydrolysed using Saeman hydrolysis with 72% H2SO4 at room temperature for 3 h then dilution to 1 M H2SO4 and hydrolysed at 105 C for 2 h. The samples were then analysed by HPAE-PED liquid chromatography. Polysaccharides were methylated using a modication of the method of Ciucanu and Kerek.13 GLC MS of the partially methylated alditol acetates was accomplished as described previously.14 Isolation and fractionation of cell wall mate rial. Triplicate samples were taken of each species of beans. Unless specied, all operations were performed at ambient temperature. CWM was prepared and fractionated using procedures adapted from existing methods used for fruit tissue.15 Cryo-milled (IKA-Universalmu hle, Staufen, Germany) coffee beans were homogenised in two volumes of cold (4 C) (2:1:1 w/v/v) phenol AcOH water (PAW). The PAW-soluble fractions were combined, dialysed and the polymers recovered after freeze-drying. The residue, hereafter called CWM, was suspended in water and dialysed for 2 days at 4 C then freeze-dried. Before attempting to fractionate the polysaccharides, the CWM was defatted by stirring 1 g overnight in 100 mL of dichloromethane and air-drying. Defatted CWM (1 g) was sequentially extracted with 100 mL of water (2 h), 1 M KOH (2 h), NaClO2 (0.3 g/100 mL + 0.12 mL AcOH, under argon, 2 h, 70 C), 4 M KOH (2 h), 8 M KOH (2 h). All alkaline solvents contained 20 mM NaBH4. Solubilised polymers were recovered following neutralisation of the solution to pH 5.0, dialysis and freeze-drying.
Table 1 Yield of dichloromethane-soluble, PAW-soluble, PAW-precipitate and CWM fractions isolated during CWM preparation from Arabica Caturra and Robusta ROM coffee beans (mean values; n = 3) Fraction Amount (g per 100 g fwt) Robusta Dichloromethane PAW-soluble PAW-precipitate CWM 9.4 1.9 3.1 51.7 Arabica 9.7 4.8 trace 53.7
Size -exclusion chromatography. A column of Sephacryl S-300 (100 cm 16 mm) was used at a ow rate of 25 mL/h with a sodium acetate buffer, 0.05 M, pH 6 containing 125 mM NaCl. The column was calibrated using dextran standards. Samples corresponding to approximately 20 mg of carbohydrate material were dissolved in 1 mL of acetate buffer. Fractions were collected and analysed for total sugars using the phenol H2SO4 test. Selected fractions were pooled, freeze-dried and used for monosaccharide determination and methylation analysis. TCA precipitation of the PAW -soluble mate rial. Water (2 mL) was added to the PAWsoluble fraction (100 mg) followed by 2 mL of trichloroacetic acid 0.4 M (TCA). The samples were left for 2 h at room temperature, then centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 rpm. The supernatant was dialysed with a membrane cutoff of 3.5 kDa. The freeze-dried supernatant was then partially methylated and acetylated for linkage analysis. Total polysaccharide content. Green beans were cryo-milled to a ne powder and 10 g were reuxed in 100 mL of 80% EtOH for 15
min. The samples were centrifuged and the residue was stirred for 2 h in 100 mL of 80% EtOH at ambient temperature. The supernatants were combined and dried down. The residues were suspended in water and dialysed for 2 days in a membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of 3.5 kDa. The entire contents (residue and supernatant) of the dialysis bag were freeze-dried to give the total polysaccharide. The carbohydrate content of the total polysaccharide fraction was then determined by two procedures. By the phenol sulfuric assay and by GLC analysis of the alditol acetates after Saeman hydrolysis of the polysaccharide.
3. Results Preparation of CWM. CWM was prepared by a modication of an existing method used for the isolation of CWM from fruit tissue.15 PAW was used to inactivate endogenous enzyme activity and solubilise intra-cellular proteins which have a tendency to bind to the cell wall during its isolation. The CWM (Table 1) from Arabica and Robusta beans accounted for 53 and 52% of the starting material, respectively. Composition of CWM. The monosaccharide composition of the CWM was determined following Saeman hydrolysis (Table 2) and was essentially the same for Arabica and Robusta. However, there was the suggestion that Arabica contained slightly more mannose than Robusta. Mannose was the most abundant monosaccharide followed by galactose, glucose and arabinose. Composition of other fractions isolated from the coffee beans. The PAW extract separated into a soluble and insoluble fraction during
Table 2 Monosaccharide composition of CWM following Saeman hydrolysis (mean values; n = 3) a Sample Monosaccharide composition (mol%) Rha Robusta Arabica
Total (mg/mg) Xyl 0.6 0.8 Man 44.8 47.5 Gal 25.5 24.6 Glc 17.6 16.8 678 695
0.3 0.3
Protein content: 13.4 and 12.5% for Arabica and Robusta beans, respectively.
Table 3 Monosaccharide composition of PAW-soluble and PAW-precipitate fractions isolated during the purication of CWM from Arabica and Robusta coffee Monosaccharide (mol%) Rha Robusta PAW-soluble PAW-prec. Arabica PAW-soluble Fuc Ara Xyl Man Gal Glc Total (mg/mg)
402 27 121
Table 4 Monosaccharide composition and total polysaccharide content of green Arabica and Robusta coffee (mean values 9 SE, n = 3) Sample Fuc (mol%) Rha (mol%) 1.0 9 0.1 0.4 9 0.0 Ara (mol%) 12.2 9 0.4 10.6 9 0.1 Gal (mol%) 26.4 9 0.1 24.5 9 0.1 Glc (mol%) 16.3 9 0.5 16.7 9 0.1 Xyl (mol%) 1.0 9 0.2 1.1 9 0.1 Man (mol%) Total (ug/mg) 43.1 9 1.1 46.7 9 0.2 555 9 1.9 558 9 1.3
Robusta Arabica
trace trace
dialysis. In Robusta, the PAW-soluble fraction (Table 3) consisted of 40% polysaccharide most of which was arabinogalactan. The material that precipitated during dialysis contained very little polysaccharide and was predominantly protein (data not shown). PAW solubilised more polysaccharides from Robusta than from Arabica. Total polysaccharide content. The total polysaccharide content of the beans was measured after removing the low molecular weight carbohydrates by ethanolic extraction. The ethanol-insoluble material (total polysaccharide) was dialysed to remove the last traces of monosaccharide and recovered by freeze-drying. Total carbohydrate as determined by the phenol sulfuric assay gave identical yields of polysaccharide in Arabica and Robusta. This was supported by GLC analysis of the alditol acetates following Saeman hydrolysis of the total polysaccharide (Table 4). Thus, in contrast to previous reports,7,8,10 12 we found no evidence for differences between Arabica and Robusta in their total polysaccharide content. Composition of cell wall polysaccharide frac tions. The heterogeneous nature of the cell wall means that differences in the relative amounts and sugar compositions of individual polysaccharides may exist without any appar-
ent difference in the monosaccharide composition of the CWM as a whole. Therefore, individual polysaccharide fractions were isolated by sequential extraction of CWM with water, 1 M KOH, NaClO2, 4 M KOH and 8 M KOH and their monosaccharide composition determined (Table 5). The major variation in the yield of an individual fraction occurred in the water-soluble fraction which had a higher yield in Robusta. The mannose content of this fraction was high. Close to 10% of the total mannose from Robusta beans was solubilised in the water fraction compared to less than 1% from Arabica. Although there were signicant differences in the comparative amounts of the NaClO2-, 4 M KOH- and 8 M KOH-soluble fractions, these fractions accounted for only a small part of the total polysaccharide. Acidied sodium chlorite is traditionally used for delignication but has also been shown to be a good solvent for glycoproteins16 and it proved to be a good solvent for arabinogalactans. Increasing concentrations of KOH solubilised a mixture of polysaccharides. The composition of the residue which accounted for 60 and 77% of the CWM of
Table 5 Yield and monosaccharide composition of fractions of CWM isolated from Arabica and Robusta beans (mean values; n = 3) Fraction % CWM Monosaccharide composition (mol%) Rha Water -soluble Robusta Arabica Fuc Ara Xyl Man Gal Glc Total (mg/mg)
15.6 3.5
1.5 3.2 1.8 2.4 1.6 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 1.1 0.1 0.7
0.4 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 nd. 0.4
14.7 25.9 17.3 20.5 32.4 33.3 14.3 17.7 23.8 25.9 8.6 7.0
1.4 1.3 2.3 2.7 0.5 1.0 4.4 13.9 1.6 4.3 0.1 3.3
36.8 16.7 35.1 35.1 5.1 2.4 33.6 29.7 17.1 11.6 46.8 51.3
29.3 49.3 33.8 35.3 57.8 60.7 34.1 31.4 53.2 54.6 26.3 19.0
15.9 3.4 9.2 3.2 1.9 1.0 12.6 6.5 3.8 2.4 18.0 18.3
537 273 404 149 362 337 485 345 312 361 698 701
4 M KOH -soluble Robusta 4.4 Arabica 2.1 8 M KOH -soluble Robusta 5.5 Arabica 2.6
Residue Robusta Arabica 61.1 76.6
Robusta and Arabica respectively, resembled that of the original CWM, demonstrating the difculty of solubilising not only the galactomannan but also the arabinogalactan in coffee CWM. Linkage analysis of PAW -soluble arabino galactan. The arabinogalactans recovered in the PAW-soluble fractions were deproteinated by TCA precipitation, methylated, converted into partially methylated alditol acetates and examined by GLC MS (Table 6). The arabinose/galactose ratio was close to unity for both species as was the ratio of 3-linked to 3,6-linked galactose (0.9:1 for Robusta, 1.2:1 for Arabica). Arabinogalactan contained amounts of 5-linked arabinose indicating that the side-chains consisted of more than a single arabinose unit. The presence of terminal galactose indicated that some of the side-chains contained galactose as chain ending residues.7 Characterisation of indi6idual polysaccha rides. Selected CWM fractions were puried further by subjecting them to size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) on Sephacryl S-300 in preparation for structural characterisation by
linkage analysis. During SEC, the arabinogalactans generally eluted at a higher MW than the galactomannans (Fig. 1, Table 7), enabling recovery of the polysaccharides in a more puried form for methylation analysis. Pooled polysaccharide fractions recovered after SEC were methylated, converted into partially methylated alditol acetates and examined by GLC MS. Structural features of coffee arabinogalac tan. The glycosyl linkages in Table 8 are consistent with the documented structure of
Table 6 Linkage analysis of polysaccharide content of PAW-soluble fraction Linkage terminal-Rha terminal-Araf 5-Araf terminal-Xylp terminal-Gal 3-Gal 3,6-Gal 4-Man
Not detected.
Fig. 1. Gel-permeation chromatography on Sephacryl HR-300 of water-soluble and NaClO2-soluble fractions from Arabica (triangles) and Robusta (squares) beans.
an arabinogalactan which possesses a (1 3)linked galactose backbone with a proportion of the galactose residues substituted at O-6 by side-chains of arabinose and/or galactose residues. The degree of substitution as indicated by the ratio of 3:3,6-linked galactose ranged between 0.92 (Robusta Chlorite-soluble) and 1.5 (Robusta 8 M KOH-soluble). A similar range of degree of branching was shown by the arabinogalactan in the Arabica fractions, however the pattern of distribution of the branched arabinogalactans differed between Robusta and Arabica. For example, the water-soluble arabinogalactan in Robusta was more highly branched than the equivalent fraction in Arabica and these differences were also apparent in the arabinogalactans from the sodium chlorite and 8 M KOH-soluble fractions. The PAW-soluble fraction of Robusta contained greater amounts of arabinogalactan than the same fraction from Arabica. However, linkage analysis of these arabinogalactans did not reveal any marked differences in their structural features (Table 6). It was noticeable that the ratio of 5-linked arabinose to terminal arabinose also showed considerable variation among fractions. A higher proportion of 5-linked residues would indicate that the side chains of the arabinogalactans were more extended than those polymers with higher proportions of terminal arabinose. In general it seemed that the more extended the side-chains were the more easily the arabinogalactans were removed from the CWM. Thus, in Robusta, the ratio of terminal to 5-linked arabinose was highest in the watersoluble and 1 M KOH soluble fractions and
lowest in the 4 M and 8 M KOH-soluble fractions. Arabica exhibited a similar pattern, although the proportion of 5-linked arabinose was in general lower than in the same Robusta fractions. Structural features of coffee galactomannans (Table 9). Galactomannans were recovered in most of the CWM fractions, although in Robusta coffee a higher proportion was recovered in the water-soluble fraction. After the nal extraction with 8 M KOH, the residue still contained close to 50% of mannose. The water-soluble galactomannans had ratios of unbranched to branched mannose of 19:1 for Robusta and 29:1 for Arabica. In the other cell wall fractions, the material was more branched with ratios of unbranched to branched residues close to 10:1, except in the 4 M KOH fractions where the galactomannans were less substituted (20:1).
Table 7 Distribution of the main monosaccharides (mol%) in the fractions recovered after size-exclusion chromatography of the water and NaClO2-soluble fractions of green Arabica and Robusta CWM Ara Water -soluble fraction Robusta F1 29.3 Arabica F1 32.2 Robusta F2 8.2 Arabica F2 19.0 NaClO2 -soluble fraction Robusta F1 31.3 Arabica F1 38.2 Robusta F2 33.2 Arabica F2 47.2 Gal Glc Man
Table 8 Glycosyl-linkage analysis of the arabinogalactan-rich polysaccharide fractions from Arabica and Robusta coffee Fraction Linkage Water-soluble Robusta Arabica 18.1 9.0 trace trace trace trace trace 3.9 32.8 trace 1.8 22.5 trace 4.5 trace trace 1 M KOH-soluble Robusta 16.0 14.5 1.0 Arabica 14.8 10.7 trace trace NaClO2-soluble Robusta 22.8 7.6 1.0 trace 1.4 1.2 4.2 1.9 26.3 1.1 trace 24.9 2.4 1.4 2.9 2.7 22.3 trace 1.6 23.3 13.1 trace 1.6 0.7 27.7 2.1 trace 29.8 trace 1.9 Arabica 15.1 10.3 2.4 3.0 1.3 trace 9.9 30.0 1.2 1.3 20.6 4 M KOH-soluble Robusta 21.5 7.1 Arabica 16.3 8.7 8 M KOH-soluble Robusta 17.8 trace trace trace trace 7.0 2.7 29.2 trace 18.9 trace 4.3 1.1 trace 1.4 trace 2.5 3.1 3.8 3.8 24.0 2.2 17.8 4.3 0.9 3.4 trace trace 1.2 2.2 40.2 1.3 26.6 trace 6.8 2.0 1.8 27.6 1.4 25.7 4.4 Arabica 22.9 7.8 trace trace
terminal-Araf 16.0 5-Araf 12.2 2-Araf 3-Araf 0.2 2,5-Araf 1.2 3,5-Araf terminal-Xylp trace 4-Xylp 2.7 terminal-Gal 3-Gal 4-Gal 6-Gal 3,6-Gal 2.9 28.9 trace trace 20.9
terminal-Man trace 4-Man 6.2 4,6-Man 1.4 terminal-Glc 4-Glc trace 1.1
An attempt was made to solubilise more galactomannan by using an 8 M KOH extraction. However, as shown in Table 5, the 8 M KOH extract contained little mannan and was predominantly arabinogalactan. The presence of (1 4)-linked glucose moieties may be indicative of the presence of galactoglucomannans, xyloglucans or glucomannans since no starch was detected in the green beans. Linkage analysis of insoluble polymers. Structural features of the insoluble polysaccharides were investigated by repeated methylation of the residue. The main species detected were 4-linked mannose, 3- and 3,6linked galactose and 4-linked glucose. Typical results show a ratio of unsubstituted mannose to substituted mannose of 20:1, and of 1.7:1 for unsubstituted galactose to substituted galactose for both species. The average degree of branching of the galactomannans remaining in the residue was similar to that of the material extracted with 4 M KOH.
4. Discussion The results of this study showed no difference in the total polysaccharide content or any marked difference in the structural features of the galactomannans between Robusta ROM and Arabica Caturra. However, differences in solubility, particularly in relation to the arabinogalactans, did support the idea that the polysaccharides of Robusta beans were more easily extracted than those of Arabica. Robusta ROM contained amounts of a highly soluble arabinogalactan which possessed more branch points and more extended side-chains than arabinogalactans found in Arabica Caturra. This may be one of the reasons that the arabinogalactans of Robusta were more easily solubilised than those of Arabica. It is feasible that the accommodation within the cell wall matrix of a polysaccharide with more extended side-chains may produce a cell wall with different physicochemical characteristics (a more open matrix?) than one which does not possess such polymers. This
different architecture could effect not only the relative ease of solubility of the cell wall as a whole, but also its susceptibility to dissolution by enzymes or solvents. Both varieties possessed galactomannans with ratios of unbranched to branched mannose between 10:1 and 30:1. While the overall structures did not differ signicantly between the two varieties, higher amounts of the watersoluble galactomannan were recovered in Robusta ROM and it was more highly branched. The galactomannans which remained in the residue or were extracted with concentrated alkali had degrees of branching close to 20:1. Except in the water soluble fraction, no evidence was found to support the idea that Robusta contained more branched galactomannans than Arabica.10,11 The average degree of branching observed was higher than the 100:1 value reported by Bradbury and Halliday7,8 although they use harsher extraction procedures. The main difculty in characterising the mannans or galactomannans which are
present in the coffee bean lies in the high proportion of insoluble polymers, only about 1/3 of the total CWM was solubilised by the sequential fractionation process, despite the fact that an alkali concentration of 8 M was used. A certain amount of arabinogalactan remained in the residue despite its intrinsic solubility, pointing to the importance of cell-wall architecture in determining the physicochemical properties of its components. This was supported by the fact that arabinogalactans with similar structural features were recovered in all the cell wall fractions, indicating that the immediate environment of the polysaccharide had more inuence on its solubility than its basic structural features. The complex heterogeneity of the arabinogalactans shown in this study justies a more in-depth investigation of their structural features. In particular their association with protein, acidic monosaccharide content and interaction with the galactomannans are areas which need further study. Type II arabino-
Table 9 Glycosyl-linkage analysis of the galactomannan-rich polysaccharide fractions from Arabica and Robusta coffee Fraction Linkage Water-soluble Robusta Arabica 9.4 1.2 2.0 2.7 1 M KOH-soluble Robusta 14.0 4.6 2.3 Arabica 18.7 9.5 4.9 NaClO2-soluble Robusta 4.5 7.6 4.4 2.6 1.4 6.6 2.1 6.4 1.2 7.9 3.0 48.7 1.7 2.9 2.9 15.9 15.1 8.5 9.3 9.8 2.1 25.0 3.4 3.8 12.7 3.1 13.8 3.8 22.8 1.8 5.0 1.9 9.0 3.1 15.3 2.3 11.4 1.6 19.6 1.8 5.8 Arabica 18.6 7.8 9.6 6.2 2.0 5.6 8.3 3.5 10.4 1.5 7.8 3.3 9.6 1.1 1.9 4 M KOH-soluble Robusta 17.6 3.4 1.7 Arabica 16.9 5.2 2.4 8 M KOH-soluble Robusta 16.9 trace trace Arabica 16.1 8.1 3.2 2.3 7.3 2.0 3.7 17.3 2.8 12.7 4.2 16.2 trace 4.3
terminal-Araf 7.9 5-Araf 7.1 2-Araf trace 3-Araf 2,5-Araf 0.5 3,5-Araf terminal-Xylp 4-Xylp terminal-Gal 3-Gal 4-Gal 6-Gal 3,6-Gal 1.2 2.1 5.3 6.2 trace 7.1
trace 2.2. 6.9 3.3 15.7 trace 12.9 2.2 20.0 1.1 3.1 trace
1.5 3.0 6.3 2.8 17.4 1.2 14.4 2.1 15.4 0.8 2.3 2.3 1.1 2.9 33.2 1.5 23.4 1.1 14.5 trace 1.2
terminal-Man 2.7 4-Man 41.0 4,6-Man 2.2 terminal-Glc 4-Glc 1.5 5.9
galactans such as those identied in coffee beans are often linked to hydroxyproline or serine residues, but so far no such links have been identied in coffee.17 To date there has been a general assumption that the coffee bean consists of an amalgam of arabinogalactans, galactomannans and cellulose. The presence of additional and perhaps novel polysaccharides in coffee beans is seldom discussed. The difculty of solubilising the bulk of the cell wall polysaccharides indicates an intimate association between some of the arabinogalactans, galactomannans and cellulose. While this could be caused by noncovalent interactions between the different polysaccharides, it may also indicate the presence of covalent linkages and therefore the presence of a new class of polysaccharides possessing, as yet, undetermined structural features. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to John Rogers for providing the samples and for helpful discussions. We also thank Laurent Fay and Sylviane Metairon for their help with the GC/MS analysis.
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