SG Tutorial 1
SG Tutorial 1
SG Tutorial 1
Xilinx System Generator provides a set of Simulink blocks (models) for several hardware operations that could be implemented on various Xilinx FPGAs. These blocks can be used to simulate the functionality of the hardware system using Simulink environment. The nature of most DSP applications requires oating point format for data representation. While this is easy to implement on several computer systems running high level modeling software such as Simulink, it is more challenging in the hardware world due to the complexity of the implementation of oating point arithmetic. These challenges increase with portable DSP systems where more restricting constraints are applied to the system design. For these reasons Xilinx System Generator uses xed point format to represent all numerical values in the system. System generator provides some blocks to transform data provided from the software side of the simulation environment (in our case it is Simulink) and the hardware side (System Generator blocks). This is an important concept to understand during the design process using Xilinx System Generator.
This tutorial will demonstrate the process of creating a simple DSP system using Xilinx System Generator 13.2 The System Generator runs within the Simulink simulation environment which is part of MATLAB mathematical package. In this tutorial a simple DSP system will be simulated using Simulink and then a Cosimulation is performed using NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board. Co-simulation integrates Simulink simulation capabilities with a hardware implementation to verify the functionality of the system. The following steps are described in this tutorial: Starting System Generator with MATLAB. Creating a DSP system using Simulink and System Generator. Simulating the DSP system using Simulink. Preparing System Generator for Co-Simulation on NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board. Performing Hardware/Software Co-Simulation for the DSP system.
System Requirements
You must have the following software installed on your PC to complete this tutorial: Windows 7 OS. 1
ISE 13.2 System Generator 13.2 MATLAB R2007 with Simulink. Besides the following is required to complete this tutorial: Familiarity with Simulink Simulation Environment with MATLAB. Familiarity with Xilinx ISE and FPGA design ow. NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board and Xilinx USB download cable
Figure 1: Simulink and MATLAB The Simulink library browser shows a list of all the dierent Toolboxes installed within MATLAB. Xilinx System Generator components will appear under three categories: 1. Xilinx Blockset 2. Xilinx Reference Blockset 3. Xilinx XtremeDSP Kit The category Xilinx Blockset contains all the basic blocks used in various number of applications and will be used in this tutorial. Create a new Simulink model by selecting File New Model. 2
In this part of the tutorial we will create a simple DSP system that will be used to evaluate Equation 1: z = (5 x) + (3 y ) The main operations required to implement this system are: Two multiplication operations. One addition operation. Two storage elements to store the factors (5, 3). In this tutorial we will use a constant block for these two factors. For each of these operations a System Generator Block exists. Besides, any System Generator model requires a System Generator block to perform various hardware operations on the model. (1)
For the new model created in Section 2 we will place several block from the System Generator Blockset category in Simulink library browser: Xilinx System Generator Block: The rst block to be used in any System Generator model is the System Generator Block. This block can be found in the following Simulink category: Xilinx BlocksetBasic ElementsSystem Generator . Place the System Generator block in the new model window as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Creating a new Design Input/Output Gateways: are System Generator blocks that are used to convert data received from Simulink in the oating point format to xed point format used inside the hardware system modeled using System Generator. Later, they convert the system output back to oating point. There are two types of gateways provided by System Generator: 3
1. Input Gateways: are used at the input of the System Generator system to convert oating point data info xed point format. As show in Figure 3 the input gateway properties specify the details of the xed point format. Three important properties are:
Figure 3: Adding IO Gateways Output type: Three values can be assigned to this property: Boolean which is a single bit data representation, twos complement data representation and unsigned data representation. Number of bits: Number of bits to represent the data. The higher the number of bits, the higher the resolution of the system. Binary point: This is the position of the binary point in the xed point format. Select Xilinx BlocksetBasic ElementsGateway In. Place two input gateways in the model as shown in Figure 3. Double click on the input gateway to change its properties. The Gateway In properties window will show up. Set the output type to twos complement, the number of bits to 16 and the binary point to 12 as shown in Figure 3. You can change the block name by clicking on it. We will leave the block names unchanged in this tutorial. 2. Output Gateways: are used to transform the data generated from the System Generator in xed point format into oating point format required by Simulink. Output gateways automatically detect the xed point format from the system output and do not require any modication. Place one output gateway by selecting Xilinx BlocksetBasic ElementsGateway Out. Multipliers: Our model requires two multiplication operation. Xilinx System Generator Blockset provides several blocks for arithmetic operations. To place a hardware multiplier block select Xilinx BlocksetMathMult. Place two multipliers as shown in Figure 4. Double click on the Mult block to change its properties. As shown in Figure 4 there are two basic options for output precision in the basic properties: i) full and ii) user dened. In the full precision option, the multiplier block uses the input xed point format to determine the format of the output. In our case the full precision requires 32 bits with the binary point at bit position 24. In the user dened precision mode, the designer can specify a dierent format. In this case the designer needs to specify a rounding method for excessive data values. In this tutorial we will use full precision option.
Figure 4: Adding Multipliers Constants: The system we are building performs two multiplications between the two inputs (variables) and two factors. For simplicity we will use constants to represents these two factors. Although in a typical DSP application we might need to change these factors and we may need to use memory elements to do so. Constants are usually implemented using hardwired congurations. Place two constants by selecting Xilinx BlocksetBasic ElementsConstant. Double click on the constant block to display the constant properties and change the constants values to 5 and 3 as shown in Figure 5. If you use Fixed-point (Signed (2s comp)) then make sure you have enough bits to represent your number (Number of bits 16, Binary point 12) would allow you to represent fraction numbers +7 to -8. Connect the input gateways and the constant to the inputs of each multiplier. To
Figure 5: Adding Constants connect the input gateways to the multipliers input click on the output terminal of the input gateway and with the mouse button down drag the connection link to one of the multipliers input terminals. Using the same approach connect the constants output to the input of the multipliers as shown in Figure 5. Adder/Subtractor: The nal block we need to place in order to complete the system is the adder/subtractor block. Select Xilinx BlocksetMathAddSub to place AddSub block. The AddSub block performs addition and subtraction operations for two operands. The xed point format 5
of the output is determined from the inputs format as shown in Figure 6. Connect the outputs of the two multipliers to the inputs of the Adder.
Estimate Resources
You can estimate the resources used by the design using the Resource Estimator block with multiplier block implemented in LUTs/Multipliers with latency set to 2 and 3 by following these steps: 1. Double-click the System Generator token and select HDL Netlist for Compilation and set the Part related elds as: Compilation: HDL Netlist Part: Spartan6 xc6slx16-2csg324 2. Add the Resource Estimator block from Xilinx Tools library
Figure 7: Resource Estimator Block 3. Open the Resource Estimator block (As seen in Figure 7) 4. With Estimate selected from the drop-down box, click the Estimate button. 6
After completing the hardware system we will use Simulink environment to verify its functionality. Simulink oers a very exible simulation environment which allows building dierent testing scenarios. For simplicity, we will build a testing scenario for our system by applying a constant input to the system and display the result on a single value display. Inputs: Simulink provides several blocks that can be used as an input to models generated and simulated using Simulink environment. These blocks can be found under the following category: SimulinkSources . From this category select Constant and place two constants in the model. Connect these constants to the two input gateways of the system. We chose two arbitrarily values for the two constants as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Adding a Simulink Constant to apply an Input to the System Output: Simulink provides several blocks to display the simulation results of the model under investigation. These blocks can be found in the category: SimulinkSinks . From this category select Display which is used to display the value of a single output. Connect this block to the output of the system as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Display the Results in Simulink Figure 9 shows the complete model ready for simulation. Save your model to the le sg tut 1.mdl by selecting FileSave in the model window. 7
The simulation process can be started by clicking the Start Simulation button in the toolbar of the model window. The execution of the model can be performed using several methods. Simulink can be used to perform real time simulations (functional simulation). In our case we need to verify the functionality of
Figure 10: Simulating the DSP System in System Generator the model. For that reason no changes are required in the execution model. After starting the simulation process, System Generator starts to process each block in the model and generate a simulation model according to the specic congurations of each block as shown in Figure 10. This step is performed only once as long as the congurations for each block does not change. Using the values of 3.1 and 4.5 as inputs for both multipliers, the expected output of the system should be 29. This can be veried by inspecting the output of the model as can be seen in Figure 11. This veries the functionality of the DSP model generated by using Xilinx System Generator and Simulink.
In the previous section we veried the functionality of our simple DSP system using Simulink simulation models for dierent hardware component. Usually several issues may arise when the model is transformed into hardware. System Generator provides several methods to transform the models built using Simulink into hardware. One of these methods is called Hardware/Software Co-simulation. Hardware/Software Cosimulation enables building a hardware version of the model and using the exible simulation environment of Simulink we can perform several tests to verify the functionality of the system in hardware. HW/SW Cosimulation supports FPGAs from Xilinx on boards that support JTAG or Ethernet connectivity. Several boards are predened on System Generator for Co-simulation including the NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) board we are using in this tutorial.
For a specic FPGA board to be used for Co-simulation, the following is required:
Figure 11: Verifying the Simulation Results A Xilinx FPGA which has enough resources for JTAG/Ethernet communication. Support for either JTAG/Ethernet communication. A free running clock. Xilinx Parallel/USB Programming cable for JTAG conguration/communication.
Double click on the System Generator block. A dialog box will show up as shown in Figure 12. This dialog box allows you to select the type of the hardware generated using system generator. If the board is supported it will appear and you should follow the steps below. If the board is not supported then refer to Appendix A which describes in more detail how to congure System Generator to add your board. In the compilation list select Hardware Co-SimulationNEXYS3 Board Plugin JTAG. A new dialog box will show up highlighting the NEXYS3. Click Generate to build the hardware system. This step will generate a bit-stream that will later be used to congure the FPGA. ISE ow is used by System Generator to build this bit-stream. The progress of the process is displayed in the Compilation Statue window as shown in Figure 13. When the compilation is complete, a new library is created including one block as shown in Figure 14. The library name should be sg tut 1 hwcosim lib and the block name should be sg tut 1 hwcosim. The block has two inputs and one output as required by the DSP system. This block includes all the functionality required for the system to be executed on the FPGA. Now we are ready to perform HW/SW Co-Simulation for our DSP system.
Figure 12: Congure System Generator for HW/SW Co-Simulation - Compiling a new Board
Hardware/Software Co-Simulation
We congured System Generator for HW/SW Co-Simulation using NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board We generated a library with a new block that encapsulate the hardware implementation of the DSP system. This block is linked to a bit-stream that will be downloaded into the FPGA during CoSimulation.
In this section we will modify the DSP model to use the new Co-Simulation block and replace the simulation models used before. Make a copy of the model generated in Section 3.1 by Selecting FileSave as and use the le name sg tut1 co. In the model sg tut1 co replace all the hardware components with the sg tut 1 hwcosim from the library sg tut 1 hwcosim lib as shown in Figure 15. Double click on the sg tut 1 hwcosim block. The block properties window will appear as shown in Figure 15. For the download cable select Platform USB as the NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) boards uses Xilinx USB download cable. Click OK. 10
Now the design is ready for Co-Simulation. Click the Start Simulation button in the model window toolbar to start the Co-Simulation. The System Generator will rst download the bitstream associated with the block sg tut 1 hwcosim as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Starting HW/SW Co-Simulation When the download completes, System Generators reads the inputs from Simulink simulation environment and send them to the design on the board using the JTAG connection. System Generator then reads the output back from JTAG and sends it to Simulink for displayed.
Figure 17: Verifying the Results for HW/SW Co-Simulation After the simulation is completed the results should be displayed as shown in Figure 17. We can verify the results by comparing the simulation output to the expected output (the expected output is 29) as shown in Figure 17.
One of the advantages of Xilinx System Generator is the capability of generating HDL code from your designs. By following the steps below you should be able to generate the VHDL code and analyze the implemented design using reports generated in ISE Foundation. 1. Make sure the latency of the multiplier block is set to 2 and the embedded multiplier usage is checked, and the Use behavioral HDL option is checked. 2. Doubel click the System Generator icon (See Figure 18) and specify the following settings: Compilation: HDL Netlist Part: Spartan6 xc6slx16-2csg324 Synthesis Tool: XST Hardware Description Language: VHDL Target Directory: ./ise Create Testbench: unchecked FPGA System Clock Period (ns): 10
Figure 18: System Generator Parameters for Generating VHDL Code 3. Click Generate to generate the HDL code and ISE Project les. 4. Select Start All Programs Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.2 ISE Design Tools Project Navigator 5. Open the generated project by selecting File Open Project and select sg tut 1.xise in the ise project directory. 6. Highlight the top-level le, called sg tut 1.vhd, and double-click on Implement Design. 13
Build a simple DSP system using a basic DSP blocks from Xilinx System Generator Blockset within Simulink simulation environment. Simulate the DSP system using System Generator and Simulink. Congure System Generator for Co-Simulation using NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board. Perform Hardware/Software Co-Simulation for the proposed DSP system. By the end of this tutorial you should be familiar with Xilinx System Generator design ow.
In this tutorial we demonstrated the use of Xilinx System Generator to perform the following tasks:
There are two methods that can be followed to add your board to the System Generator.
Users can obtain the Nexys3 board from Xilinx. Unzip this le in temp. The plugin les are required to enable JTAG Co-simulation targeting the NEXYS3 board. Unzip Nexys3 board le in <xilinx13_2>\ISE_DS\ISE\sysgen\plugins\compilation\Hardware Co-Simulation directory
By following the steps below you will be able to setup NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board for HW/SW CoSimulation if it is not dened: Double click on the System Generator block. A dialog box will show up as shown in Figure 19. This dialog box allows you to select the type of the hardware generated using system generator. In the compilation list select Hardware Co-SimulationNew Compilation Target. A new dialog box will show up allowing you to congure a new board (System Generator Board Description Builder). Note that there are several boards predened in the list.
Figure 19: Congure System Generator for HW/SW Co-Simulation - Compiling a new Board
Figure 20: Congure System Generator for HW/SW Co-Simulation - Setup the NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board The System Generator Board Description Builder dialog box is used to congure a new board to be used for Co-Simulation. For each board the following information is required to dene the board for Co-Simulation using JTAG (See Figure 20): Board Name: The name of the board that will appear in the System Generator Co-Simulation list. Clock Pin Location: The FPGA pin number that is connected to the free running clock. Clock Frequency: The frequency of the free running clock. The FPGA part number: The FPGA part number. The FPGA position in the JTAG chain: The position of the FPGA in the JTAG chain. Note: If this is the rst time to use the System Generator you need to build the parts list and store them into MATLAB. Execute the command xlupdatepartinfo in the MATLAB command window as shown in Figure 21. For the NEXYS 3 Board use the following values: Board Name: NEXYS3 (Spartan-6) Board 16
Figure 21: Initialize Parts List Clock Pin Location: C9 Clock Frequency: 50 MHz The FPGA part number: Family: spartan3e Part: xc3s500e Speed: -4 Package: fg320
The FPGA position in the JTAG chain: 1 Click Install to build the required les to congure the board for System Generator. Note: You can save the congurations le into a compressed archive so that you can use it later to congure the board in case System Generator was reinstalled. Click Save Zip to create the compressed le. After installing the new board conguration, the board name NEXYS 3 Board should appear in the Co-Simulation list in the System Generator properties as shown in Figure 22. Select the board from the list. Note: Board conguration for Co-Simulation is required only once for each new board. The board name will always appear in Co-Simulation list every time you use System Generator.
Figure 22: Congure System Generator for HW/SW Co-Simulation - Selecting the new Board