Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric Surgery
Case Presentation
A 24 year old white female presents in a coma, one year after gastric bypass surgery. She was non-verbal, made no spontaneous movements, and was ventilator dependent but required no sedation. Her post-operative course had been complicated by nausea and vomiting. She had recently developed a peripheral neuropathy and was undergoing treatment for Guillain Barr syndrome.
Bariatric Surgery
Members: 258 in 1998; 2929 in 2007. Procedures: 16,000 in 1990; 200,000 in 2006. Indications: BMI > 40. BMI > 35 with comorbidities.
Centers of Excellence
Ashland: Kings Daughters Medical Center Florence: St. Luke Hospital Georgetown: Georgetown Community Hospital Lexington: Saint Joseph East Louisville: Norton Hospital Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital Bariatric patients admitted to other hospitals with complications will not be at a center for excellence. Hospitalists and medical consultants will provide the majority of their care.
Overall 10% complication rate. Symptoms: GERD, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, weight gain. Gastric Prolapse: 2%-4%. Band Erosion: < 2%. Obstruction / Esophageal Dilation: <1%. Port Problems
Gastric Prolapse
Symptoms Heartburn Intolerance of solids, liquids Nausea Vomiting Abdominal, back, shoulder pain Diagnosis History Plain radiographs Contrast esophagram Upper endoscopy
Gastric Prolapse
Band Erosion
Obstruction may be relieved by band deflation. Esophageal dilation may initially be asymptomatic but lead to permanent motility problems. Yearly esophagram is recommended in lap band patients.
60 150 cm
Abdominal Pain / Nausea Marginal ulcer Obstruction (Nausea / Vomitting / Abdominal Pain) Internal hernia Anastomotic stricture Adhesions Weight Gain Staple line disruption / gastrogastric fistula Diarrhea Dumping syndrome Small bowel bacterial overgrowth Bile acid diarrhea
Marginal Ulcer
Incidence 3%-15%. Pain, nausea, anemia, rarely bleeding. Causes: Acid (large pouches) Gastrogastric fistula Roux-limb tension Ischemia NSAIDS H. pylori Smoking
Treatment: Risk Factor Modification + Proton Pump Inhibitor (pH < 4) Carafate (pH > 4) Surgery
Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 200Mar;34(1):105-25. Nutr Clin Pract. 2007 Feb;22(1):29-40.
Related to ulcer. Weight regain. Less frequent in divided stomachs. A reversal method.
Anastomotic Stricture
Incidence 1%-15%. Nausea, vomiting, obstruction. Usually occurs at the GJ. Defined as the inability to pass a 9 mm endoscope. Treatment is dilation with a TTS balloon dilator to 12 mm.
Anastomotic Stricture
Internal Hernia
Incidence 2%-5%. Intra-abdominal spaces are created during surgery and enlarge with weight loss. The intestine migrates into an intra-abdominal space and obstructs. Variety of presentations. Exploratory surgery.
Explosion # 1
Usual causes should be excluded. Dumping Syndrome: Postprandial lightheadedness, flushing, watery diarrhea. Start meals with protein, avoid simple sugars. Octreotide for refractory cases. Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth: Postprandial bloating. Breath test or EGD with small bowel aspirate for quantitative culture. Rotating antibiotics. Bile Salt Toxicity: Watery diarrhea. Cholestyramine.
25% bariatric patients have had a prior cholecystectomy. 25% have cholelithiasis noted on their pre-operatively. 10%-42% of patients without gallstones will develop them. 32.5% of surgeons perform concomitant cholecystectomy. Ursodiol 600 mg daily for 6 months reduced postoperative gallstone formation from 32% to 2%, but its use is limited by cost ($600 yearly) and non-compliance. ERCP is difficult after gastric bypass and may require laparoscopic access to the stomach.
Incidence: NAFLD 91% NASH 37% unexpected cirrhosis 1.7% (1-7%) Hepatomegally makes bariatric surgery technically difficult. A pre-operative very low carbohydrate diet may reduce left lobe liver volume making surgery easier. Bariatric surgery can potentially reverse fatty cirrhosis. However, the initial rapid weight loss following bariatric surgery can cause hepatic decompensation in patients with NASH.
J Hepatol. 2006 Oct;45(4):600-6. Surg Endosc. 2007 Mar 1. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Apr;22(4):510-4. Dig Dis Sci. 2004 Oct;49(10):1563-8.
Explosion # 2
Over ingestion of low-nutrient high-calorie foods. Low ingestion of high nutrient-density foods (vegetables, dairy, legumes, whole grains, fish, nuts, etc.). High fat diets with low Vitamin A, C, and folate. Low sun-light exposure due to decreased activity causing low vitamin D. Low-grade chronic inflammatory state. Type-II DM increasing renal hyperfiltration with micronutrient loss.
Fe deficiency found in 44% (female > male). Vitamin D deficiency (< 20ng/mL) in 91% on winter & 24% on summer.
Low retinol & beta-carotene (vitamin A) in 12.5% Low vitamin E in 23% Low Folate in 0-6% in USA (folate enriched foods)
Low vitamin B12 in 18%. Low thiamin (Vitamin B1) in up to 7% in Caucasians, 31% in African Americans, and 47% in Hispanics. Prevalence of low vitamins B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine) is not known. Low vitamin C in 36% Low Zinc in up to 28%. Low Selenium was found in 6-58%. Copper deficiency has not been found.
Complete Hemogram Liver Enzymes Glucose Creatinine Electrolytes Fe, Transferrin, Ferritin Vit B12 Folate
Ca Intact PTH 25-OH D Albumin/Prealbumin Vitamin A Zn Bone Mineral Density & Body composition Consider: thiamine, Se, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.
Nutritional Considerations
Mandatory 6 month weight loss programs VLCD Correction of nutritional deficiencies. Liquids-- minimize trauma, maximize healing Food intake less than before Well balanced, small portions 64 oz. fluid daily 60-120 grams of protein daily
Immediate Post-Op
Long term
Vertical Banded Gastroplasty Adjustable Gastric Band (AGB and LAGB) Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Jejuno-Ileal Bypass (not done anymore) Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion (anastomosis 50 cm from IC valve) Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion with Duodenal switch (anastomosis 100 cm from IC valve)
0 14 10 0-19 48 10-25 30-40 0-11 N/S 0-32 N/A N/A N/A
12 10 0-12 33-58 10-50 10-52 30-50 0-22 N/A 25-50 37 3 N/A
0 N/A 5 22 N/A 61-69 40-100 4-5 68 21-26 10-50 14.5 70
Edema: Protein malnutrition, Vit C. Skin Rash: Vit A, vit B6, Vit B2, Vit C, Zn, Biotin. Hair loss: protein malnutrition, Zn, Biotin. Stomatitis/glossitis: Fe, Folate, Vit B6, vit B2. Altered Taste: Zn, Cu. Night blindness: Vit A, Zn. Diarrhea: Folate, Zn. Anemia: Fe, Vit E, Folate, vit B12, Thiamine, Vit B6, Cu.
Neuropathy: Vit E, Vit B12, Thiamine, Vit C, Cu, Biotin. Abnormal gait: Thiamine, Vit D, Cu, Biotin. Muscular weakness: Vit D, Vit E, Thiamine, Vit C, Se. Osteomuscular pain: Vit D, Vit C. Depression, Memory problems, Confusion:
Vitamin B12, Folate, Thiamine, Vit B6, Biotin, Zn.
Cardiomyopathy/ Heart Failure: Thiamine, Se. Poor wound healing: protein malnutrition, Vit C.
Dehydration and protein-calorie malnutrition are rare in the absence of vomiting and diarrhea.
RYGB with limb < 150 cm rarely causes hypoalbuminemia (< 5%). Hypoalbuminemia is seen after RYGB with limb > 150 cm in 13%, and in BPD+/-DS in up to 18%.
Deficiency causes edema, alopecia, and poor wound healing. Recommend to eat 60-120 gm protein a day with >/= 30 gm in at least 2 meals/d (to initiate protein repletion). Monitor Albumin + Pre-albumin twice a year after RYGB or BPD+/-DS.
If protein-calorie malnutrition develop, it is difficult to catch up as patients can not eat or drink quickly in large volumes.
Revisional surgery or even reversal may be necessary for extreme and refractory cases.
Tablets are better absorbed after 30 min dissolution in water, or as liquid or chewable preparation.
More frequent in females and in younger age < 25 (79%). Routine Multivitamin/Mineral preparations are NOT enough to correct Fe deficiency; Deficiency may cause weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, pallor, restless legs, brittle nails, sore tongue and dysphagia. Need oral Fe sulfate 325 mg (65 mg Fe) BID or TID with Vitamin C, or IV Fe. Monitor Fe, TIBC, Ferritin twice a year.
Deficiency causes osteomalacia with aching pain in lower spine, hips, pelvis, legs, and ribs. May give weakness of arm and legs with waddling gait. Prevention: Give Vitamin D3 1000 -5000 IU/d to maintain levels. If deficient, needs 50000 IU/day until normalization, then 5000 IU/d. Monitor plasma 25OH-D twice a year after RYGB or BPD+/-DS
Calcium depletion: calcium levels are usually normal but elevated intact PTH is common (29% after RYGB, 63% after BPD+/-DS).
Clinical hypocalcemia is rare because of secondary hypoparathyroidism, which increases bone resorption. Administration of biphosphonates without previous correction of low vitamin D and without Calcium supplements may trigger symptomatic hypocalcemia. Prophylaxis: Oral intake of 1200 2000 mg/d of Ca Citrate is recommended. Monitor intact PTH twice a year after RYGB, & BPD+/-DS.
Vitamin A deficiency is rare and mild after RYGB; after BPD+/-DS deficiency occurs in 61-69%.
May cause xerophthalmia, nyctalopia (night blindness) and follicular hyperkeratosis. Supplements of 5000-10000 IU/d are recommended after biliopancreatic diversion. Monitor twice yearly Plasma Retinol after BPD+/-DS. (Normal = 28-86 mcg/dL).
Vitamin A Deficiency:
Follicular Hyperkeratosis
May cause sensory neuropathy, spinocerebellar ataxia, areflexia, skeletal myopathy and hemolytic anemia. Monitor twice yearly plasma alfa-tocopherol after BPD+/-DS (Normal alfa tocopherol > 5mcg/mL or 0.8 mg/g total lipids) Prevention: 400 IU/day after bilio-pancreatic diversion.
May cause easy bleeding or bruising. Monitor twice yearly PT after BPD+/-DS. Prevention: 1 mg/day after bilio-pancreatic diversion
Folic Acid deficiency is rare after Bariatric Surgery, due to bacterial production of folate and use of multivitamins.
Deficiency causes macrocytic anemia, glossitis, diarrhea, depression, confusion, palpitations, fatigue and, in pregnancy, neural tube defects. Recommend 400 mcg/day (in multivitamins). If deficient, give 1 mg/day. Monitor plasma or RBC folic acid and for elevated homocysteine (also affected by B12, B6, renal insufficiency and genetics) twice a year.
Deficiency causes Pernicious Anemia, paresthesias, neuropathy, depression, paranoia, delirium, and dementia. Prevention: Supplement with oral 350 mcg/d, 1000 mcg IM q 3 months, or 1000 mcg/week intranasal. Monitor plasma B12 twice a year after RYGB, or BPD+/-DS. In low-normal values (200-350 pg/mL), an elevated serum Methylmalonic acid supports B12 deficiency (in absence of renal failure). Treatment of symptomatic deficiency: 1000 mcg/d IM x 5 days, then 1000 mcg IM every 3 months, or 1000 mcg/week intranasal.
May occur after as little of 2 weeks of persistent vomiting or as a result of bypass of the jejunum Deficiency may cause:
Peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, irritability, Wernicke encephalopathy (ophtalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia, apathy, coma), Korsakoff psychosis (confusion, dysphonia and confabulation), Dry beriberi (bilateral symmetric, stocking-glove distribution paresthesias, dysesthesias, muscular cramps and muscular wasting) , Wet beriberi (vasodilation, tachycardia, wide pulse, warm skin, lactic acidosis, CHF and shock) and Anemia.
Evaluate by measuring erythrocyte transketolase activity and MRI of brain looking for T2 abnormalities in the dorsomedial thalamic nuclei, periaqueductal grey matter and mamillary bodies (sensitivity 53%, specificity 93%). No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms. Prevention: 50 mg a day Deficiency: Treat with thiamine 500 mg IV 3 times a day x 3 days, then 250 mg IV daily until improved, followed by 50-100 mg 3 times a day orally thereafter.
May cause seborrheic dermatitis, glossitis, cheilosis, depression, confusion, EEG abnormalities, and seizures. May also cause anemia (normocytic, microcytic or sideroblastic) Measure plasma pyridoxal-5 phosphate. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms.
May cause angular stomatitis, cheilosis, seborrheic dermatitis in naso-labia, eyelids, scrotum and labia majora, lacrimation and photophobia. Measure urinary excretion of riboflavin. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms.
Early manifestations are lassitude, weakness, irritability, weight loss, and vague myalgias and arthralgias. Late manifestations are follicular hyperkeratosis, coiled hair, and perifollicular hemorrhages. Wounds heal poorly. May develop femoral neuropathy, leg edema, and painful joint effusions. Could measure plasma ascorbic acid; levels < 0.6 mg/dL are marginal, and < 0.2 mg/dL are deficient. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms. Treatment: standard multivitamins BID should be enough.
Vitamin C Deficiency
Causes acrodermatitis enteropathica rash, abnormal smell and taste, hair loss, diarrhea, night blindness, and altered memory. Diagnosis is by serum Zn levels. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms.
Selenium deficiency is almost universal after JIB, and is found in 28% after LAGB, and 15% after RYGB.
Deficiency may cause acute severe heart failure due to selenium-deficient dilated cardiomyopathy. May cause muscular weakness and muscular cramps. Diagnosis: Measure RBC glutathione peroxidase activity, and RBC selenium. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms.
Copper deficiency can occur after gastrectomy, and is found in 15% after RYGB, but is usually mild.
Manifestations are anemia, leukopenia, ageusia, ataxia, myelopathy, and peripheral neuropathy with paresthesias in feet +/- hands. Is diagnosed by serum copper levels. Zn and Fe supplementation may aggravate Cu deficiency. No monitoring required. Investigate after symptoms. Treatment: 6 mg orally daily x 1 week, then 4 mg daily x 1 week, then 2 mg/d thereafter. If oral replacement fails, give IV copper 2 mg/day x 5 days. Then continue oral Cu. Discontinue Zn supplements.
Recommended Periodic Testing After Bariatric Surgery J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:4823-4843,2010
Complete Hemogram Liver Enzymes Glucose Creatinine Electrolytes Iron/Ferritin/Transferrin Vitamin B12 Folic Acid Calcium Intact PTH 25-OH Vit D Albumin/Prealbumin
Vitamin A Zinc Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Other tests trigger by symptoms (Cu, Se, Cr, )
Micronutrient deficiencies are common preoperatively due to a nutrient-poor diet and renal losses from obesity and diabetes associated renal hyper-filtration. Post-operatively, reduced food intake and absorption compound the problem. For example, up to 30% of patients may be zinc deficient pre-operatively. Other key nutrients include: iron, folate, B12, calcium, vitamin D, thiamine.
Neurologic Complications
B12: 24%-70% (1-7 yr); paresthesias, ataxia, weakness Thiamine: 18% (1 yr); neuropathy, encephalopathy
Pyridoxine: 18% (1 yr); neuropathy, seizures, confusion Vitamin D: osteomalacic myopathy Vitamin E: sensory neuropathy / myopathy Copper: myeloneuropathy, ataxia, neuropathy, ageusia Carnitine: encephalopathy Vitamin C: femoral neuropathy Zinc: night blindness, dysgeusia. Others: Vitamins B3, B5 and B7; chromium.
Am Surg. 2006 Dec;72(12):1196-202; Muscle Nerve. 2006 Feb;33:166-176.
Acute Post Gastric Reduction Surgery Neuropathy Bariatric Beriberi / APGARS Neuropathy
Painful symmetric sensorimotor lower extremity polyneuropathy with objective weakness and often with hyporeflexia, burning feet syndrome, and/or vomiting.
Incidence: 3.6% at 14 months, 4.6% at 20 months. Surgery: gastric bypass > gastric banding. Micronutrient deficiencies: thiamine, B12;
Typically occurs after protracted vomiting (ulcer, stricture). Frequently misdiagnosed as Guillain Barr syndrome.
possibly others (B7 Biotin, B6 pyridoxine, B5 pantothenic acid, B3 niacin, vitamin E, copper, chromium, carnitine).
Neurology 1987;37:196-200. Clin Nutr 1986;15:181-184. Obes Surg 2004 14(2):182-9. Muscle & Nerve 2006 33:166-176.
Wernickes Encephalopathy
Muscle Nerve. 2006 Feb;33:166-176. Arch Neurol. 2004 Aug;61(8):1185-9. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1997 Jan;62(1):51-60. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1998 Oct;171(4):1131-7.
Hematologic Complications
Anemia occurs in 37% of patients. It occurs earlier (6 mo vs. 1 yr) and more commonly in menstruating women than men. Iron: 16% (estimate) B12: 24%-70% Folate: 40% Copper, Pyridoxine The most common endoscopic findings: #1 Normal 35% #2 Marginal Ulcer 25%
Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2005 Mar;34(1):25-33. Obes Surg. 1999 Apr;9(2):150-4. Muscle Nerve. 2006 Feb;33:166-176. Obes Surg. 2006 Sep;16(9):1232-7.
Endocrine Complications
Vitamin D deficiency (63% yr 4) & calcium depletion may lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism (50% yr 20) and biopsy proven osteomalacia (20%). Symptoms: diffuse bone pain (microfractures) but may also feature weakness from a proximal myopathy, arthralgia, synovitis.
Chromium deficiency.
Cardiac Complications
The prevalence of obesity is still rising. The number of bariatric surgeries is rising accordingly. Gastrointestinal and nutritional complications of the surgeries are common and may present years later. Given the Center of Excellence model, the internist should be prepared to diagnose and treat these problems. No matter what the presentation, always consider the possibility of nutritional deficiency.