Pittsford Congregational Church United Church of Christ 121 Village Green Pittsford, VT 05763 Vol. 10 No. 6 June 2013
Pittsford Congregational Church United Church of Christ 121 Village Green Pittsford, VT 05763 Vol. 10 No. 6 June 2013
Pittsford Congregational Church United Church of Christ 121 Village Green Pittsford, VT 05763 Vol. 10 No. 6 June 2013
6 June 2013
Thought for the Month Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Worship God if you want to best; worship opens doors to all his goodness. - Psalm 34:8-9 From the Pastors DeskI returned Sunday after the Southwest Associations Annual Meeting in Dorset, feeling wonderful about the mission of the Association and the mission of our church here in Pittsford. I could really see the Lord at work in the thoughtful presentations provided for all the Association clergy, delegates and guests. Attendees, including our own delegates, Ava Pehm and Rishi Connelly, and guest, Dorothy Terwilliger, were treated to presentations on relevant topics to todays churches. Jim Thomas, the Associate Minister for Stewardship, Church Vitality & Finance for the Vermont Conference, shared current thinking on what church vitality means today and how to measure ones success. What was very interesting was the shift away from the idea that church vitality is only measured by the number of members, the number of people attending worship, the number and amount of pledges, and the number of paid staff to the idea that church vitality can be more effectively measured by the number of people touched by what the church does (i.e. the average number of people who attend community dinners, are helped through the food shelf, who attend AA, Historical Society, or Grange Meetings at the church, etc.) and the number of hours members and friends give to the mission and ministry of the church beyond Sunday morning. The idea that the life of the church can best be seen in the stories of its people and their energy and commitment. This is quite a shift for those of us who have been in churches for many years. We used to think that it was the numbers in our pews that made a difference. We were not being told that this isnt important, but we are being urged to think of church vitality as being more than simple numbers. In fact, Jim shared that a vital congregation is one that makes a real difference in the lives of its members and the wider community; it is a church that is working for social justice and being a moral beacon in the community; and it is a church that is increasing its participation in the wider church. Other sessions that were attended by our members were: Stewardship: Telling the Story of Your Churchs Mission and Ministry by Jim Thomas; The Future Church: How Will We Account for Membership and Other Details? by the Revs. John and Tracy Weatherhogg; Positive Psychology by the Rev. Mary Lee-Clark; and The Challenges Facing Small Church Ministry in the 21st Century by the Revs. Holly and Rob Noble. Each session provided food for thought and offered some ideas for churches to pursue in having dialogs within their own churches. The business meeting was short and new officers for the Association and delegates to the Conference were elected. I will continue to fulfill a three year term on the Nominating Committee and have been elected to the Executive Committee as Member-at-Large for a one-year term. Everyone was energized when Jim Thomas announced that the Southwest Association, as a whole, is the most active association of the eight associations in the Vermont Conference. In addition, the Pastors Group is known for its strong model of collaboration, fellowship, and spiritual support. I can attest to this, since I have attended the monthly meetings regularly since I moved to Vermont. Each month we meet for four hours to study and dialog about an upcoming scripture from the lectionary, have a simple lunch provided by the hosting pastor, and end the meeting, with worship and communion as a community of pastors.
The format is the same and is led by a retired pastor from New Hampshire. It is an inspiring meeting and one we all look forward to each month. As we move into summer with all of its exciting times in the beautiful, warm and sunny weather. Take time to remember the Lord and all of the blessings we enjoy by Gods goodness. Blessings, Pastor Pat
6/2 Matt Harvey 6/9 Nicha McCuin 6/16 Rishi Connelly 6/23 Chuck McCuin 6/30 Dorothy Terwilliger
6/2 Sandy Gagnon 6/9 Christian Education 6/16 Jocelyn Frost 6/236/30-
Call Stephanie Grimes if you would like to sign up for a time to do coffee hour.
Mission Committee
We are working on the Pittsford Children Breakfast & Lunch Program and will need your help this summer. As Jane was unable to fundraise, so our funds are limited. Most items are purchased through the VT Food Bank because their prices are more reasonable, and they also have a lot of free items. This shipment would come directly to the Pittsford Food Shelf the first Wednesday of every month. We have 21 families signed up with 33 children to feed 5 days a week during the summer vacation when they lose their FREE breakfast and lunch when school is closed. There is a box in the entryway to Fellowship Hall, and labeled for the Summer Program. A list of items is also posted there; anyone wishing to help can select what they would like to give. Briefly, some items needed are cereals, applesauce cups, pudding cups and jelly. All items are packed into a bag weekly and put in a bag for the family to pick up at the Food Shelf Mondays 9-11 or Thursdays 4-6 p.m. The program starts June l8th and ends the week of August 19th. The children thank you for keeping hunger away from Pittsford, and Florence, and families who come to the Pittsford Food Shelf. Proctor is running a similar program for the children of Proctor and funded by a special fund set aside for that purpose. Thanking you in advance for your help, and if you have questions please call Jane 483-9539.
Knit Wits
"The Knit Wits are working on preemie caps and receiving blankets and leg warmers to donate to Rutland Regional Medical Center and other locations. We are also making lapghans for the Veterans. If you would like to join us, please feel free to come, learn new techniques, have a laugh or two, and work for the good of all in a tangible way: Wednesdays at 7:00pm
The Sunday school children will be taking a Joyful Noise collection the first Sunday of every month. The money collected will be used for the childrens mission projects. Please bring your loose change for the children to collect in their little metal buckets!!!!
3rd Pam Berry 5th Robin Rowe 6th John Cadwell 11th Jessica Anderson 16th Jocelyn Frost 16th Emma Rowe 18th Sarah Grimes 23rd Mark Winslow 28th Kelley Lyon
2nd Norma & Ralph Hathaway 11th Angel & Keith Bishop 11th Pamela & Todd Fuller 14th Mary & John Cadwell 26th Kelly & Ray Tabor
June 2013
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1
UCC VT Conference Mtg
UCC VT Conference Mtg Communion
No B.B
B.B 10-11am AA 6pm (Nursery)
Chicken BBQ Yard Sale
4:30 Deacons
Childrens Sunday
Bowen Walker Meeting 7pm
B.B 10-11am
B.B 10-11am
Flag Day
AA 6pm
Trustees 7pm
B.B 10-11am
20 Newsletter Deadline
Choir 6:30
B.B 10-11am
Council 7pm
AA 6pm
Music Comm. Mtg
B.B 10-11am
B.B 10-11am
PRC 7pm
Choir 6:30
AA 6pm