May 7 2013
May 7 2013
May 7 2013
May 9, 2013
Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth. ~Susan Taylor~ Our Schools Mission Our mission is to create a climate of respect, responsibility and consistency through the building of partnerships between school and home, so that students can reach their potential and make educated decisions in their lives School Achievement Goals:
Goal 1: To improve the performance level for reading and writing of all students. Goal 2: To improve student achievement in Numeracy. Goal 3: To enhance and develop Social Responsibility Skills for all students.
Thursday, June 13th Casual Camo Day and Ducks Unlimited at McQueens Slough.
Jump Rope For Heart Pledges must be in by the day of the event in order to receive our prizes for the Year End Assembly. Our event will take place on Jump Rope for Heart will be held on Thursday, May 16th from 1112 pm. Message From Northern Health:
Parent Reminder! Vaccines are safe and prevent serious illness, much like other types of protective equipment (e.g. helmets and seatbelts) help prevent serious injuries. Students in Grade 6 are offered immunizations, if not previously immunized, to protect them against: Meningococcal C Hepatitis B, Chickenpox, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for girls only.
Please, note: School immunization consent forms will be sent home through the school in the fall; please, sign and return to the school promptly. Immunizations will be given at the school. If you have any questions about these immunizations that your child may be eligible for, please, contact your school nurse, or visit Immunize BC at
Green Report
Thank you, Everyone! Our continued efforts in recycling and returning deposit items, turning out the lights, and conserving water the best we can have been noticed! Also, on May 15 th , Mrs. Chmelyk and Mr. Fitch and a small group of students will be attending Destination Conservation at the McLeod School. They will be there to share in the green celebrations of all the schools! Caribou Road Services Highway Clean Up Traditionally, we clean a 10km stretch of the highway. Gloves and safety vests will be provided for everyone. Please, contact Mrs. Dueck if you can help us out on this day (TBA). I havent heard from CRS on a date for this yet.
Student Vote 2013! th On Monday, May 13 , our students will have the opportunity to participate in Student Vote 2013. On that day students will cast their ballots in voters boxes just like the adults around them in their lives! Older students will take the role of scrutineers and count and submit our schools results. Later, province wide results will be shared. Math Fair and Fun Science Day: The teachers have had the support of a couple of really terrific helping teachers in the district to have some fun and learning with the students involving math and th science. On May 8 Karen Fredrickson came with some engaging science experiments for the students and we spent an afternoon in science centers. Ask your child what they remember of the experiences! Lots of laughs and fun that afternoon! Also, Mrs. Weninger has been helping inspire our students with some ideas for Math Fair. The Fair will be on Tuesday, th June 4 in the afternoon. Parents are welcome to come and check out the games, activities, and displays the students come up with. We have one parent judge already and we would dearly love to have more. Please, let us know if youd like to help us. Weve been searching up fun games that have mathematical principles and concepts behind them. Some examples are card games, strategy games (NIM), Elizabethan Math, and the Frog Game, so far. A great place to look is, but also if you google Math Fair Games tons of websites with fun ideas come up. On Wednesday, June 5 two classes from Pouce School are going to come and have a chance to play our games with us also.
the school. The PAC had a tiny discussion about it at the last meeting. Let us know if theres something youd like to see it go towards. Giant Tractor Tire Planters: Val has a donation of tractor tires coming to the school for use as planters. We are going to clean them up, paint them, and fill them with soil and plants. Perhaps, some of the chicken bake sale $ could go towards certain plants etc. Again, share your thoughts and plans. Deposit Bottle Drive: As a fund raiser, the PAC parents would love to see everyone send all of their deposit recycling to school for collection, sorting and return. If you can, please, send your recycling. Thanks! Swimming: Tentative dates are the second half of June TBA as soon as booked. Husky Cards: Contact Val (, please, if youre a regular Husky customer and are interested in receiving a Husky Points Card. The points translate to donations for the school when you make your regular purchases and swipe your card. Volunteers are Needed: Volunteers are needed for several upcoming events: Primary Fun Day (Pouce), Intermediate Track Meet (were hosting and we need lots of extra hands with everything from hot dogs to helping with stations), highway clean up, and McQueens Slough, and Aboriginal Day celebration. Ive heard from a few people who will help with hot dogs and a concession at the Intermediate Track meet. Updated Criminal Record Checks Forms: In order to volunteer to work with groups of students and accompany us on special trips, the School District requires a returned Criminal Record Check update. A cleared check is good for 3 years on file with us. Please, check to see that you are up to date with us. Lisa or I should be able to tell you this over the phone if youre unsure about when yours expires. Ive attached the new form here with the newsletter for your convenience. You should fill these in and get them into the RCMP ASAP. 10 business days are usually required. Year End Assembly and BBQ: th On Wendesday, June 26 , please join us for our Year End Awards Assembly and BBQ. We need parents to bring some salads and veggies for our celebration lunch. We have BBQs coming, but some expert chefs may come in handy working the grill. M and M Fundraiser: Attached is a fundraising form from M and M Meats for the school. Thank you for participating! Every little bit helps a great deal!
Welcome to Kindergarten Our Welcome to Kindergarten and our Ready Set Learn celebration event will be happening on Tuesday, May 14th from 1-2:30 pm. SPECIAL THANK YOU! All the students and staff would like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has helped with our HOT LUNCH programJ Look for Hot Lunch Parents on Facebook. We appreciate your time, care, and attention!
Chicks Will Be Hatching Soon! Thanks, Liz, for the eggs! Thanks, Stacy, for the use of the incubator! Thanks, Mrs. Chmelyk, for all of the nesting supplies! The $162.28 raised in the bake sale will be used for a sack of feed! J That should be a HUGE sack of feed! The leftover proceeds can be used for a variety of projects around