Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases
Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases
Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases
lqm q ,qruoucaon
wluro'.tt t ol tlre
Gorr$crfl o, .ttr,
ho!f,,Ty Codo
euurl' E
@NSnTUTrf,{ Lt-AW
N.0ond T.rrltor{
Petilionss quectioned tho comtitLfimaliU of Republic Act No. 9522, wtridr amended the defirftion ol the ts.ritory of ho Philipilnos to m*s it complbrt with tle t nited Nations Coweodm o0 lhe Law of Uro S. Ttry ar$.rd Ulat tho larv discndd tho dtinitim of trribry in th6 Treary d Parb in rslabd boaths , o(c&rded the lGlayaan lslends &d fio r lhe Sce.bdor.(g Shodr torn uE Phafpph. ardrD.hCc bs!lil. nd corryeried Hsmd wd.rt Phthpho atdlhrtedo xrd.r., f,Id.d It Ela dlff ol irnocart p6s.gD Lra nA.e Fbrt t r*b(l Naliqtl
violated Aflide 47(3) of UNCLOS lll tEt tl. &arhg ol barahc ahorrd not dopg t to any appreciable oderit fuorn O|o g$erd oortrgre0dt d ttp scfipehgo ard Artide 47(2) of UNCLOS lll lhat the longth c, the basolins sflal not oxcsd 100 nautical milss, ssve for 3% of the totd n mbar cf bso{n6. Third, u,ha(hor r*fid to as intemal wEters or as dttripslagic Deters, lho Pfranppirles wrtrsos rorrigr*y ovs tto body of watsr lying landri ard of th6 baslines. (M@looa w. Ermita. 655 SCRA 476)
df. h paqea llr !a 'ld d ulc So trr nfifD b & wit! th. cpdton 6 lo.r d Cfivrrilion gl rh. lru tdlio.y. I b r'm{il*fiJ tlcy eil.fte x rt dgha. lr mslGmo 4le+ coriigior3 zonq xchdt. &atrlie ara, ad codirfi ff|u. EcCtl h$! .orH c, mritlmo ara and cmlinotal dre 6tdlory flrocrra'tlJtr! ro d.ltre& shelves. Socond, had Rpltlic A.r t{o.'t 9@ ncfo{Fd lh! lqayran lsland3 snd ths Scarbororrgh Shoalr as pert o( tE Ptilpfie A,t rapd{p, th. PtfiPlrns *ould hMr,
Blll of Rght
.A l.
Paitioner *ar surdvHrE Pslorrd SpoO* Ofiw.il ChrgF d th. Rrbftc As{ddmca .rd LLrdr Oivuon d ole ClvI Sgvhr Carmb'bn An utden.d ldor d*$.d b [l. Odm- d th. Ctvl Sertuc Com*rion.a.e.d !H pdqrt hd bcn hohhg 6la.rlti mrty cmpbrclE xlr h lh. Ciyf, Srvlcc Comntrdon The Chrirman of the CM Seoicc Curfl{c.ion otdecd m iryedlon of Cl llls'h lh co.rlplnors h the offce ot pctitioner. frod d fi9 fl. rbrrd wir araU of deaArry lor perties tacing r&I nlcMye charges. A a reult pddorlq wat d*nhsad. Petuonr argued lhet the fileo in |ir compxer vrheo hb p.sonal frlee and vorB ill6ge[y taken. HELD: The fiollarlng guesllon! should be addessed (f ) Did PoU0oncr tlevo ,eesonablo axpec[atkxrs of prlvacy ln his oflics dd computr files? and (2) vras tho srch and th copying d h6 cootents of tr hard divo resonable in its lrrcoilkm ard scop6?
The rdast ciqrutmcos to cdrsidor kr.lrde thc of tho r$qy6o lo itomr rebed;
e)trstb Xmw h th.lnmo(k conhol of the srplq/ec uilrn h wa :eizcq end (3) *o0lI thc enploytr looh adkxrE to
mrintr$n th. Fivac, h
th. rsLlionship
Petitionr did not provc het he had gn orpocfdlon of p.,r.cy in hi8 offce or governmentissuod compner ufiidt contahd hls personal llles. Hc did nol allogo that
Any turn
td b,
he h8 a sopeab sd6od offce, thst hb offios w dEya lodGd, tlt h6 used pa$iodr a adoFd rty rneans to pIavri dt r ilDlqEa fiofit Ecdng tle ql?(tor fi.a orr lhc catry, he allord dtd p.ea, b ur hb alF{er.
'Iionllor Tho search ot tho comp,uter f os of petiuoner wes candrdod kr ornettion wiur the investigElion d 'rDdcrl8lod miscorxin promilod by e coltlrlaff. A srch by lovarilngnt emplryr d tle doG of an efipbl|eo b Inilled $ln thas arc oasonabls ground! lu'lulpodlng ulal it wil tun rp .vidqrcc lhat the efiphps ia grdlty d rlod({dald mlsoond$|. (Pollo vs. K{inacon6{.dfro, G.R No. 18188'1, Gobor lE,2011).
ruarox a fic ppertydthc Civil Scrror Cmrardrrr riC rW b. rnd oi, lbr Lgit,rtdo hrhr. pupa-, lhc Ls! h.rt rp A.ddar d M. u.rl dy. h thc drprner, rdtr Clrl Emro. Oomnlrdon mry {ly ddf to Fly*y h 'lytfrg use d itB compullr raiot.rces.
d N2
brvdd cxcrclrc on tho lround thd il yloLbd a.ra p.ooos& HELD: pe.fd Co'[ fE eir\rralk lor polbo poiEr. The arcarhc pwioe sato rld con pdest i*rs. (csrEa!,@ vr. City Governrsi of Ou@r Clty,05E sCRA E53).
frr cqrnfdd Odnrrca tlo. 2$4 o, Or@r Cky r!$H tl. cill-udon d r* bufl*rp b b. cfidu*dh hrdrpo ar( Ptrrr qr.doo.d b qctidindty
B. 1.
Rospondent leasd e parcal d l8|d and tle dot! dtldng on it to,n tunidpdily. A firE razed the nearby p{Slb marl(( h, thB $qe rm.&td Tho"rnrfdpC rnayor atltEdzd the dmolition of the stds tc dre way tha sntlc0on d a rlox, m kd. R6pondrt erd for darnages. HELD: Thero ua! a vioaatiqn ca lh. rigit b p,n ats p.oporty of rcpondnt Sh stlodd have bn .h.E proc.t i, b\r. (An o vc. . Feople, 645 SCRA 41).
fr @r*d
!*o tD dllre d tp (InDttntSr rdtg n6ry h cor*brafim d glvhg qrpr r Ciwla lcan Inah fr.flql h$r mrffin"
Ofiq, rsc c|rrpd
rd 8ldl
not frrnbrtd copbr of the col5ttr.Gind.trtr dtd dl*h.ila. Ofic. o, Olo Ornbudlrnen found him $ri,V m fle bacls d ha cqrlordl(b,t ,ld Elo frdavite. HELD: The dodeion ms rrndrd.on tho basis d e\dddrc. tH mt dldood to rsponM. lt was rfder.d wihout Ale Bga.d b tu tldir d Epmdent to <rue procgss. (Omco of tho Ombrdsnlan v3. RE os, 658 SCRA 646)
.|d tltmitbdfh.
Ttn corporadorr: of tho Siochi Farliv filed a. peiit'rcn br orpmb ruh$ilit8lrdl lhe Reglfid Tdal Co(rt i.3r.d Il or&r Cvi'[ dw coqre to tr pdon md ry.o\rkp th th.dttilon plIt HELD: tha R.glora Trid @ut cofli.r&d a gbhe poe*rd tfiitffy. (Sloctt FLtEy gruOO*q hG. Ul Brr( calh. PtFphr Hrxb, G.R No.
pt*fippfne AntJ3otlront O"mfng CorpaaOon vs. Cqrt of Appeh, G.R I{o. tE5668, Decsmber 13, 2otl nld lhat the disIr$ssd ot gr erployec rritlnU iruec0gdrt Yiolat"s dqe procass.
Atlrl ,ura, v, ,qrl,t .,auvra 7s.1'{... ty.l. rr..a-.. ptohtbllad urd k a ol An fr/dier,AN Prclnlly
AD..nc. o, Vloldo.r
Th asCdgloe of 6m.d b not rs}.od h an lnv.dodon b brrntnslion by tho emphyar. (Lop! va Altrs. Gtup d Corpotea 647 SCRA.568)
Nstqd Asloddon d
Petlfiona rfiJgod b lrnpl..nena nc pomliaral appdrfms*a d gfvac comPlalnants. He was charged witl violslion of Sdion 3(o) of the Andrdt std Cofit pt Pradlc6! Act fior causru mduo irsfy !o th3 fiEto dnphklr[r. He $r8 oon lrd. on appeal h6 argud t|at lhe r3li,rd of $ cdrt to Hroduco h et ldsrce iho dcislon ln tho adminisffi ra caso flod acElnd il.o fhldr wa. in tds fa,u vidtbd dJo pnooa3!. HELD: Bocaueo of the diftrsrrce in the quantum of addgtce, aB urell as the proaedrs in aimind end prooo&tes, tte lh*tg h orc stiould not no6Ea.fy be un&lg mlhoo0Er. (C$o"ilan\r& Proplc, 656 SCRA52a1
a nr0on lor
yr. Go\r.rrffiia
s-rrb lrrrp q*of 65S SCRAf,t, n .d trt raplcb.*on o.E lE ffi d.riCd dr po.
c. Eq{mcEqr
PetiUmc $edo.ted tle aordrfrealfry of he latra xit t coltrlert.ed 3bd5n m,rniipdtbs lo cofipomna cfr.. ctlqJllt th6l hcil{E rsa t6 t,dl 10o ml[on p6so3. on the gr[.(rd that trsy vidabd oqtd prdocdolr. HEt& Thc irpositkn d a v6ry Hgh ircom. roquimal G rrEde !ftnpv to ttdo X oC,emely dfncrdt hr
rnunkipalitios b bocome oomponnt dts. Sincs it is atlbty rount, it cannd bo said to bo the only amoqnt bscd on acce@le dmdirl., to provido lbr all ossefilial govennnnt iadlilies dxt !rvlcas and lpdal ft.Ildcflt ocrurrensurate wi[t th sizo of tha poprildon. Sorno D&ffng dli havo ilconroE rtadr do mt comdy wi$r lOO millim p|olo ttCrrlrtncnt Ttrc citic.rernain viffi- CorEtr.. merely took ihe sixtn munidplilii fidn. tho ddvarilagd po*[ar broqnf ebo.f .by lh abrupt incraaa in tho incomo rssritnt (Loague hc Ptrilipdnec \r& Ci[e3 Commission on Eldions, e4:t SCRA 149)
Pr3iln$al DE ib. 1(E7 ancrpted tlo Pt{lgplne An'remanl *xt GrnirE Caporfon fon ih. p.yrrlnt drt fEdr. tE(, .ropt r trda. lu, Rapuuic Aa ib. Bl7 rd. go\flflttina,ourrd rd.ertpIcd Epa.hr fHa b. p.yta.nt.d Lr.rE t (, OG+f Qc Goyrrrnrf Sqnb. herrp ffi, fr. Sodd eorfy Stiti..I| .nd h Pfflpphr llc*t }r.rrp CoOc*a ilr Ptlehe Amrcori ard Grnng CoOcdon tllr.d hd rdfie f Id. ftr p.yltrf d tsnc ta vlolebd qrral ptoMo.r HELD: lhc c*Ior olomedon d Phlfphc Annnrrf 8x, Gllth0 Cirporaton tom paymern of hcdm tq wa3 not basod on a dasiifioston ba..d on sSstBndal.dt{inctlons but rvr grficd rtpo.r ite rcqued b fte Cooioitlae on Weyr srd MoanE. (Phllipdno &n lement fid. @ming Corporaim vr. Burir of lntsnal Revenue, el(i SCRA 338) '
E tll vuf.d qd p.d.dbn b6D I Jlord Efitfts3 l5l, : F.doqrr E granbd an ox.millon. Ha b nd t prlgar pa.lon b $!&t lh ofi3r.ra. on tl.
![orrrd d qual proioctm. (G$c.t!o v!. Gty o, Ou@n Cly. 06E SCnA 863).
OdinsncE No. 29O4 d Ouozm City roquired tha consdrnirrr of scader for commercial glrordd to gr6lt builArgls to bo conltuci6d h hCoesa aoNBs. Llr q\ it grrtb., mmftonr. Pttluqli ri.mmpdar Pamoner d.itn d tE ordnficc
Ptitior, an mplo'r was arrged wlth viole0m of tho Sodel Seqrdty A.f for ta[$o hiE efiphyoes. Dudng the pondency of his cases.
lsavlolaflon of dphtbltec/l,nl
RoPtrblic Ad $(}3 cddonad lhs liaba$ty of Glin$rerl gnployoer utro rcutO remlt th aontibXrdr !o lho Sodd Soourfiy Wn uirln dI mon0p. Pell0onrr r3flrnod the contfunim .lb t rbc{oofilh pstod Hs d!u.d trd ffr orldon fro.n lho corrlondon vilt d aqnl pfol.{on }lH-& fhe flttgrcc h thc dC.. d paynd of dclncl.sra dffirdon Eot d... r.o.lrtd d.lhcddl bctrrn tr trc es d emtoyrt. (lh.h vt P.od.. G.R ib. ilB&rl. Oclobor lq 2Ol f l 2Ol
BLrau of Cu.iqrlr Ettpbyo.3 As.oddm yr. ToE G.R No. I reibratad lhc n"dhg lha[ thc Aiflton A.t b oorffnixld.
l817ot DccorScr 6,
The acoJqd Ho helrcbd the
Vdld Ancdr
hlltapFd a maru end akd br a rsporn ior the ,baso d tF vldim. lr. f*! d Ui. vLfrn b F b. qiln rdd c.(frr. b pil flo.rpmy h tlr*dli.c. bbo,..lr.lflrl( rrlod4 rd b rd( r[y foa !.o rril,lh.. Th. lur rlpofidh l ln b U. gcaor rl!o5-. Uo. oil6t ilh...d t p.yd. th.t t n.t9qld b rdr aitr d polo. dlat b md,fi! &r] porlicr r thr Tlt t sr.nprd E h..frie h lhct <t*ilor' flt.alr Dlodd lhc crdl! r!4 accocttd and hmdalhd t*ll. ThEy d(.d lin b opon lh. ttr* dtrc-'ld hrd th mone), krUe. The aco.aod $aldon dfFy#ycf l$ amat rd h. teath in hls r. HEt!: Tlp rsrantlocl arsa w brdl Po[o. fficar aff ltr s*od bke the monoy froin fp ttr* d Oto s. Thof fnowlctlgs w tibyod b thr dlor Flics o,fficaf! stdqFd ruholr the eco.se<l wra 0pecr.d to pala by. Yha tordl @ndjcted inslde lha ca, rer vCid'rs a !qrdr hddrn lo a Et',U fiott (PooPL vt Ultoco. 640
A.iing on a tip. po$ce oltier. iofbrcd ho mrsed.On cf illgn doppd hs favolling b6g. lt fll open dd the polbe oflic*g gan died mgilnnr Lavo h ranlpesnt pla$ic bags lr3id tho bag, The acoreed wgs nrrst d, srld tLit falr.alkb bag! *gt6 seized The ail3od allNjed td the xrsr rus. ilrst tnd losth ur lboel. HELD: Sinca 8 ctino wa! tst baittg adJa0y dlrdtlod by lhc mse<t, heir warrantlss'rrc* w legal ard lhe warsfles8 s..,tfi d thof nnrlng bagg uas allo\ rabb a imits.iC io lhir rrelt (Pode w. Doqtrita 640 SCRA f f l).
ry pdho oh,l urp .aw lrxn be(trB iilo . van .frllp-ol bl|'cralhfto r r*5 ra.ha.. *tdr trn d qt b b. mftarrptr.ai*r. lutodEltb l. vd4 br.D tt rl..d rs crdr h t{rrt
}tYI(&.r1639SCR A)
srrecl' One Actine on a tip liom m hhmant, pofico otro{s\6i lo tl true d of ftrn popd thr-u.tgh snoll op.rdng h the qJttainve(td ulrdor 8nd sw .lhe accu!d tnininO a66ot! contdring .h*.r. ]b rFri .rilsld lho holla ard arl3dod the acciEod. ftre aceseO uas chargred with illoC pocsesdm of mettpmphot6mine hy*ochlorire rnd coovlded. The accusod aQud hd tho wErrtdoot toizre was illbgal. HELq The uused was car{ht kr ftigra,{e dllclo. The pollce ad}otitied (Midatw. Poopb056 SCRAAIo). made a valld r,ararilccc
A po.ton furrC h
o dScto il pmetion d tn Olr lphe,tlla ttyOodllqiOe (P*pbrr' 60 SCfiA bc ad bo r*rrrdwfnuf 455. Podc vt. Cnz, 652 SCRA 2S: Fcopb va &ranavgirl GR |tlo. l8/m7' No\rfl5or 13.201t)
hv.lld Arrosts
Bccajla of a iurpbtt rrmd mgl Utir *irt(ltel liq|.br ard fiiiro grrr ixlsaimindely, a tean of polha oftoan wa 3.ril to the ara Upon lh.i. fihral, flne poflon! scallpred h dfiared *eo[ons. Iho bdlr saw fie acqJ8d hol&rg ff,o pidola He JlLrd a trqr$. ftc FIca o{fior oor&ricd tha llrsd .ffi.r Ea p*. ca[crt
p.irn6ts of lha
thaL wnantolr riarc was flleopl. HE|D: Tho rsceiveo may be P.osented a3 evldencE urder the pldn vle\, doatin6. Flrrt the prnce cf lha polico fficers $q,ld Urit the accusecl wa8 eilia rest holdne e Pllol the plambor vvas iJstlfigd by lh3 bsfore nnnlng lrxc(b ! hdrso. Tha circritnstancas engpndeled a ,!ason$b gruJnd fur th polics fficg! b bdfr6 lhaa a crims was beirp committed. Secondly, a Polb offioer sarr tho mr..d .ltpQle t{ia. m toP of Ole tnJlo ard tlgr, ltJtpidqu8 oQied.. acort d hoadrE r t|. polb. ofrolr Tlfrd,
'ld !E a. A poftc olllr ru lh. E .d rrr.Ot nrhc ql b9 d lll hol'|.. end trow lomct*tC Pot6 ffin rt@r,ird lhc <rbcrdcd.oqra+ *i$ tmad od b b. recoh,qr 6r nrc gLhh Ar tr erced codd nd rtro qy girllit b po.t .. ft ,cehrers, he yrac'dralpd wi[r ilegal pGlorsim of thal. fir mled arlnrd tta
phl br-dh..-LrdeHf8drlc td lrrordr gqrd b b.L,c &t tro tdrE tElrn nt,ra bc aftetu of trc c,fi.rE tq rm rgctrC d colmtrlgt Aktol{h tr tuvcy d llp rec*no mtil itn. btr drlr,ta, h.affl d!@\rryw Ht.b.t (Fel.rdo v.' P.oeb.
dic.r! !izad f rritE f knodrE.*rtc swl ttc oorilanb of thc bot The a nrod *qo irbt cftr!4 u,ith iflegd pc.6!ion cf sh&u }IELD ltst w no coeg{ H.or dnumstsrc. u,H.fi $auki hari rsonery made the pollce ffirb a.Epcl thai lhc accrl'd re. ect ally h!,ohrad h $ mgld dW deal. (Pood. Y!. Dc lo! Royet, 65e
wtib ptalic
boS wilh
oxpropdetion ca3o.
An actlon Io. s ,igfi-oa{,ry for tho insialHim o, fallrnbslon lirlc! (tlstmal Pour Corpora0on w. Ttmn, 650 SCRA e4)
Tho csntucdon d a t rEl dl!ftttos Eki]tg fur Plrpo.c of oqropriadon (t{donil Fotrtr Co.pordon va }l*r d }lacab*pld( 656 SCnAG)
?- htrlr..
Mar la vr. Tan To,
ptilb lEe.
(City o,
3. .. F. h E(fE
The ownor can rgurchasa a parcol of land whkh was eproprlated fo. an aitport the if airpod txss eb6rdon6d (Vda de Ouano vs. Ropuulq 6.12 SCRA 3&4)
ProafiUoorgrl.t thpdrm.ntoilOulgdo.lofoootrrci3
rfi S..fro 31 d lho Cfltpdtrtdro AoiE R6rm tt'r. ttldt rdlEts d th..drttllhn d $G ol rto* b Erl..! b, . dla.5 Eldown . b @op|y Ullh !! ColtEt*.olirr Agtb.t Rtrfln l.tt, PffitL..dopLd a 3bd( dl*Du0qr plr\ dtldr r.. !pp.ov.d by the Prertdedal Ae'r,i.n R&m Couldl. Latc m, a pdffon w tiLd rot tluoc.thn d lho !bc* dstr&u0dl dm Ior le0t o of
potilloner to coriply with its obliga0ons. The Pr$idntid
oltn atflw b
pdtdr Poiitmcr alrrod ttrd t[c virrtod tle prohlHton ffaillst tlo lmp.krnfit d th. otr$gdioot o( confacf. HELD A lau aJholthg haarlb.Eirc. h tho co,rf.ctrd ltHqr bctrcen thc prdl. ir drmed ]r d Ho fa coa{rad (Hdcnde Luirfib, hc, w. Prdd.rfid Aeilisr R.tbrm Col,lcfl, 053 SCRA 1S4)
graniod tho
A cdrb!.lon
AdrdrdHc Confc$lor[
116b.p.h,t pr.lcr ul]st il**Iro. d qnd lo d*ddo h tt 6aO 8CRA2il ) Thr mse<l E.rrrld wth hoc*rlla Ttr anr4 logdE uilr L corlr. a pr6aro., $,ert b tE pollo. rtcion ar.t vduiarly made a rtsbrni ttt Op vlcdfir iurp.d oln d ti! Ehide. On e|, ho g!u.d tEl tfE h. r[ leclr.dy l,l<hr iusto<ila irileefigdim lir d.trnnf B hadrir.Uo h oibrra. }ELD Tho
ct,ldtr6. (Pood.va
statglrefit vve3
vs. P6ople,6aO SCRA2*D
Rlgltto B.lnfomtd
Eld!6rc. dvloLson
An inforrnation b. rape allogEd Utat tho accusd cdnml[ed adt d bsciyiotrsne8s Lpon lhe p6r3qt ot a rnlu. x,tp wt3 sr&Fcfed b .sld abu.a. HELD: Iho avermenE of The idotndlon do6 ,|ot @rldar th acts corur*tbd by O|o ersed e,r lrcfici the lsgltid lbdr cordih.fiIle Op frnso hr e cmdusbn d lnx. lt vfrafied tb car.o d lh. con thdood deil d th..ac.u..d b bo ifrmod o, tl9 (Pcelcrr. agfffan ilq Prrgifrl G.R t{ortter f4. Anf } @r.dion
nd't rd
was nol usd in tha elegetions hJt apposrd in tho prBrrbb d tho hbmslbn. HELD: Petltioner wa3 rydsd Urat tre was Ostr drargr(t with violatim of Scriimr, 9(e) o, the Accals Dvico3 R.guldi6n Act (Sole<hd va Popl. 644 SCRA 5E).
Ptfilons ws cmvklad d vbHion ol Scilon 9(o) d t,r AE DYi6. RaOIdo,l Ari; wtricfi perdiEd polsCon dsl aooBls det ice ferdllenty *plld fur, bsJls ha qbeined a crd cafi, by apptyino lbr it with tho uso d thc nrnc d roorbody else. He arpud ttat tis ahh[ to b ffiormd was virCated, bcaBo tto urord 'posseeriorf
An rjsed drlpd wilh uilhd malussslion cstt bo convirod c, toal\Grrdori Omugh ndaeletac, becue ltr t.lrx ofienr oarnh,..diqt b in,oh,td (fqr.c w- Pople. 855SCRA72o)
EgmbGowr l
vs co.xi($d by tto R.iqd Ttial Cqrl ,0. Et{cel Stand.rUt h PuDnc O{frosa! .,td hi! of tl3 srxt Codc d Cordrct vlohuan coll'ral oroncq,3ty appded to lho Colrt a 6ppealr ln$6ad o, lhc Srn<Igara.yan'
\,l,tsE lh6 col,l3ol of lho aco.Ead
,ur, ,grrt,
Dmhtbr|ad urd lc
ha shordd be alloil.d to ryed to thc Sandganbryan, bacarse of hls corntol. Mlarueve \ra Poodc, eil SCRA 356)
y{oHqr d tha Ditmila Dnf. A.t Ho . PCilirr, e Cf*ro. wr st\ricLd ofyldtrl drhe lr. q, !Gr- trtw no .rsEd td HE dCf b corffion E marprotr r,trn $o ptmdon po!.ed }tr 6rbno. IEB Fdtfi.r dd noa oqed to th. pr.orndon dtp o*rgrcc dil. F!.Gl0on da.pL il! h,tc. d m
lntorprotr. His coi'llol res ablo to cror4rcatr*ro lifiy Pang v s. People, G.R l.lo, 1716229, Ociob.19,2011)
't ovk.,rc. be aamltld lo fp ildmd Bl,rl ot ht..dg.0gl lo. srhdat Hl. rEdon ss d.d.d. llE-E The soti6on acrfcd pdar h. oPgort Sy b b. h.rd rd b 9ldr o*hra d H. chda. h fft tlrrn (lltllE vt Sadga.$.yr1 eaf SCRA'l7g
Pgtitioner ures chargBd wlth violation d ths Antiraft L.l il3 c.re. he filod . mo$on sl&e thc pror6oJtioo
L l. 2.
ot J.op.fity
Tcmr&rdon of Jcopardy
A motion for recondGrdim d an aoquittd is bard by the pohibitim 4aind dotbl itopardy. (Lejeno w. Pople, 639 SCRA 760).
A,r ordff grsntino a
der Jnrr to evidsFa B ar ac$ittel and ghr.t ,Le b hB plo.tt'bilim 19, agsir|3t doru jopsdy. (Barcayon w. BanlbyorL G.R flo. fitlT|, z)11; Godand Ccrpary, lrr. w. Co, G.R. No. f 96685, Dorr*r6 t8, 2Of1)
Pedionr., a ality Ofoer Ot E D.p.trEnl ot Sood $&Iar frd Oodoprrr. war ctEg.d x,fth nr*ar&n b.carlc of tr tardirrt u r|frrif d r* fuin e tdef eretisi c.ntr. rt!.r lra Foc.aiibt hd rt ld lb ca-, p-tbrr iad a -mffi fo.Go cyidm.. th. &ldrd Trtrl Col,t grrf.d i ftr qn d h. Fo..qftn b proro lhei pcdtorEr lrd r &oct pa,tohdm h tp rffirrd d tl mll( Th. proscrltct que*onea Ulc qd* grerrthg ths ds|irtr to itr. o,\rl&nco by trrP a intnion for cdtaat h f'lo Court d Appods. The Cqn of Appo.lt ganiod lh6 pot'0oi! on the gro|rld thet pefftloner cqjd bc liable for mohersatiott thspite the absarrca of her ac{ive porthipetion! becaus malvorsation can bo cfimittad passivdy fmugh noglignco. Petitiond ddmed tho dedsion daced her undat danUe lrpardy. HELD: t Vhon tho order of a tid court in grarthg a domrrr to ltf, ovir.nco is tainted with Or\re sbuse d dscrdoG ite irdgsrnont is void dld do63 nd lltlt in <Iouttle jeopardy. (lfpas va Podc, G.R No. t8qt65, ocbbor 142ollt.
r td edr
(Poplo v3.
Any lorm ol reproduc{on wl0touttho wltlen corpcttt and ls a vlolilon olthe ln/c/ler,lual PrcNrfi Cod/c;
t 6i
Pelilkxors rslited the oomplalnart to Urt * a walbsoe h lr*yde Sh w8s actdy fuEod ilo fctlUual MUo.r6.. *s! chslFd wih tagaa rtc'ul&r.rrt rtd f6d&rg h pd!{r HEL& Wrh.rr rt d violrbd nro afir.,sthrr rdqreile irc difrrent dhrpe., a ptoE{on unlr qr ,i,il nd b.r . p,o!.qeo ud.r fi. o0t-. (PoopL ya bf, c.R ib. 185{19 OcO..le 20tr}
applk d as s prolude to crlminal dfo3oolto.r or iro6er$rps and can mly bo +plid !o (lotflnlno uf|o st lh. ard has the duty to addr$ disappaar$cos sd harasslrlerlts to nable tl oout doviso th apprQriata rern<fial flloa!..re8. (Boac vs. Cadapan, G.R No 186050, Docomber 13,
Ei Sdrcfod md bftred tt tt rdky anC w ,tb.rd h.rgh fE ri hc Comsardo orr ffdn R5ilr H. fl..r. gd|atf tridi d arpro ad hdtd ttr paaarf s lt.pqd.r* ql lh. D* d qIIt rd rGearclny. IELD: Th. ffufle Ucomru rqo.lrtry n yffi l9ficicr h p.ti[al3 lq tp sfl d rqlo h @r r h lp fEoDor{qt.Ir d [r. cordit im, boca'l3o it mw cmdluH e findpb d hEadod h a or.btn-y lntm$dEl law. l{owevor, it .hald b6 sppld orfy b dabm*r Il!. d tle ltril ingtmce is aocorilabb for thc d:rppearrs {ld h-ssnaalr co.mBt6d ol b enau court to &vire ro.n di.rl mo.nrE. to p.*ct th. tigHa ot fld by lho Y'it d ampso. Th dobminatk n lhould not be Fr&od io [b( clllrtind Hy plrpardory to
int rclslbo
To hold somefio liablo rrndr tt docf.rF d c'ininal responaSamy. lhe ftllosing olernent3 musi be prSdlt a) the qid.Eo d a a.pqirq.to.*r.b relationship behreen fre rspondsnl s3 Br.pshr and the peipeffir! r' ]it ator&Eto: b) knorrldgp of sre &parior or nrron.ba thc supd6 to lslof,, ttd a q*no wE! about to be committed or had bo.n snrrtLq and c) fahrr of lha. ryrlor to tak lhe ncsls{y and rossonaua rypaarls b prEtrtnt the crimkd acar a purlstr Ol prpcrdo.E. Iho dda b.adty d po.gm inclrdo! lhe oDlbdsr d lho gpvtllIrl3nt to oorduct sfiodivo heaigdloo& (Rodieue v. Mqaeatkoyq eR ib. l91Gi,
].lorrat rlq2fi1)
ue. -drcbd 8d b.hrod b, t oflry- tb E r5.d lrq{h lhc hrdqdon d lh. Co.tlll..h.r m ltrr:r Rldrar. ll. frd r gftr k. rt d rnpeo rd drad br a lanpcry pifrdin otf. tlE-& Thr Fu,.lanJ mlcll rc intanded to B3dd fro arl bob.e I deddo lhc rryro prttor Ifry o.r orty b. lfariled b6o.s lLtal aqudd$fi of Ul3 care. Once thc pdvilegrc dlhcrrft ol gnpero is gral e4 it nsserily entaila polecdm of fro aggtb\d p.rty. (Rodiguz v.
d tha llooso d Rens.dativeg. A cai wo n d.eeH he sr lhe erornd td Jta E rd a Filpho dE4 bccan h.w bqn b*lo tF m0r&don d rr Cl*D iltr bcc-to t{o lr tttrri.ea b tE ChltFCe find ard hs trEtEr qrd Ctiruc ffirh
$,p bgranb
turb.td. HEUI An en d( m ttrc rdr&hn d0r ilt rdlrn'thn b mf albrred I it rcr-dd condbrc. coiM #( on tir dtlanat{p. 15 o,llqrce *ar ofrerd to pro. thd lhc rlld.r of r.Pondeoa loc ls Flthfhe clEm*ap &oordttg to chineso law. Mlanclc v. Houso cf Rpfes$tdves Ebcltrd Ttemd, 656 SCRA r4
Arrrt ,lrrrn V, at'rra|,,ad.Ulc/[t trat rVv,a e., .r. L/Nr. rh,rr-ts... ,, ,,,ran a..e.e. N and lt tvlqtuUon ol the ftfci/t*if, ptoorly Cod,e;
O.lagtr0on of
tfub{aftlng Powrr:
d0tTlril lrd Gr.Sm Cod., ft Ccnrnl..loncr d O.rdorm coryrfrbp.rtroo.rtmprydlfioyrr dtre &rrcr of Crr!ilono by lta*le C*.rll Afirhbmr Odcr No 7e itdi.2me fhc Cqrt d Afp.Cr h.ld t. 8..tot 35C dt! TrIt -d Atn Codr olS.td fl udr d.hsdo.rdlolabh.pil.r. fE-U Ih. truhl?L-. l rrst!.. lhr Cd..br Ot Ctr.iofir. b aoalen qerr .nploy.a lo (b oyqfir x,ork fhc Conrnlssh[ d cqdom! rbo! the fab. Ttr papent cra[ b. r'* by t,r pcrE r .$rod. socdsr 38Ol fixe. tha drrldrd lo bc toilo\ red by Ote. Cdnntircbnr of Cuotorns, uf,ren il prodd! fiat he r&! *d rpt be less tl8n trat frcrcnbed by lalx to bo fid the gldgy!ry ot privae .ilorfu. (Ca.bonifla v. Bodd
ordsrd 0tc *Irr
knokhg Socdon 35G scRA775)
OL$!.fi fi cruoo
d L.gl.lator!.
Potlum frlod a a i*hg lh. Supr.fi. Col,t !o nI. thrf ,.pon b.i had ffi hl! !.d rn tps.n* brD h..Gtr d (,trntnfi d Orr pr{hohc ,lrford Rd Cro.r md h. E pllftrd bt s.cfdl rq, Artd. Vt d tia Cc,iatudsr tut mpfi! r.rdr pdat*tnr gf,le t$ *C h tr sst Ha.D ftc pifgfic ilctad Rd Cro.. bnc. privtb @rporddr wp*i tr corhpldon d S.ctd 1q, Artlde Xll oltlo Cmditfioc lt ir.r.i genrir. fho mippfr ilA<rC R.d Cr6. ha. a lpcia, st8frl3 t,rlr ilq?Etond trnmiHan h, ard b, a a.ntkry cf tle Slat3 de.lgnded to ssdi f h d..fi6.ghe it8 obligefdl3 m(k tr Ccnerir Cmraertcr. .Alhough it is rDCrtod O Oe mapenOent rr* ttr trxhrnaal phdplec. ardt tnO+enOence is hdrshp of tu dny to bo lho fusriHsr prfrr3 of lhe gowrrnent. (Lucban v. Gorlorl 639 SCRA 709)
Rule. of Proc.durr
Tho Snale pacsed a rao&^ddt for the inyesdiFdon ot the inserting la Op Gqrel Appfwdedon Arf Ure mrwidon
E)(Dressvva,y loadlng
SiS rr. tr cdrtaqrl rui bprqnlgne bour nlerdgocrd,3. (ffi| Cqrrr$rr d !! nftoa. 6+t SCR^ 74,!) Th! Sn te p.sod. ncdibn ftr thc hwodgdon ot ih Srr.b Pn frrf. n. b tho acqsdlo{r tlat lh. Ethlc. Committoe could not act f.tty oo.lho ca!o, the Senete approvod a t olu0on pro,vldng br th. l.ilestto.tirr fo !. unddd(dr by the S6n le !s a Committee of th Urhola Petitimr3 argued thd lho R.Is d the Senae as a Cornmittee cf th6 l/l/hole sfiodd ffi be pubtistred. HEL& Slnc6 lhe rules a mrly
v. Scnac
b H! p.Ao{ty. Howevr, dlle b fp acor.lirt ftC.lhe EUic. Commi[o qid not act fEirly on the ca3e d tE Sido praktert, tE SirEte lppilvd a Reldrdon uftldr prorddod that thc lnvtdgdon lrurd bo mCer*m Oy trrc sgl.re s a Cq*nfrc of O[ Whoto. fh. Sia. pr!.kldi $F3to.f, lL con th^donsny tu b*rg $ffr,. d H. riglf b dD Foc* p,ol.dlo,L' Hg.B fhe
lnt6mal b tho Sanst , rudt rules ned riot be pLbll$cd. unlosc thc nrlea epressly pmvld ior theif prSicstim (Pimontel v. Senate Committee as a Committeo of tha l/\,hol,644 SCRAT4r)
ttd lt it ho Houle d
O. ELcdonco.t t Oro r erffi tr ooqlxncr ha. b.t prodaenad aLabd ard h8 6rmd oatloc. fr Corirrion o Eldiql lco juiedictor ovr tr pemor b dlqrafy fast,
upon hls digibtity. (Gortralec v. Commhsim
y roril, o, rryoducflon rrrfilrlut vrtltan cor'l,fiolttlf authot ls and k a vlolatw ot the //f,/clt*frd Code
A.t ]lo. lOlSO
,oadn$ oo rGparrb <lpyr ir lo irturm leeistdors of Orc mgtb'r lh.y uil rroto m and to ghre ttldn rlolice lhai a blll la ln Fogrss trough Uro .rla(tmnt pI!oo*. Both tD dvoc.bc Itd tho opFnonls trad stfident oppoftrffba to pracrt thet vienr. 65sg
Kida v. Sorde of lhc Ptilipphes, G.R No. 19@71, Odob. 18, 2011)
r6d hc obdid: br thc.A,ilmom(t. R.{im h tifi.nlim mon&y d llby 2Ol3 rd n.ry ,rr ],rt llr.dLr b cohddrrtl0r hc nafrndora adlooJ.Lcddr. P.ttdlrlqadal.d h. rrddry of 0tr clcdoa clhr Pn*5 b hr ugrq d lb rdrrl *r ttrr gcrdA rtl ra g.Sfcc-t*ycrlrti.rry. llB.B Ttrtto..dRrgrcrfrSmrdt ln !t orriro d cr* Ldddtr. d|cr'dorf e.l,. ir.ltco$Iqr n f ptdOold c.ftfrcen arxl promp0y r.l.drd R4r$fc Ad t{o. lolSq h thc trend d gr&r abu!. of dircr!0on rl ha prt of ho tvo tnE sof Co'trlel., nofilp erlrtiff tte e)(ordse o( thc porr o, jnd[dal rEylty. Tho nrpocr d thr roqlhmol for thre
E*l.6[c lllfikD b hr srd
F. Psps6|lppogidon
Drpctrsf d RtXc V\ffia.r.l tlhlrryr frh!., b drn l, Cdgo, 't.pooffi dsl rd Co ,|. ,trr rVrfm rftcfO by lle crdot C lhna PHao. Ar thoy rrft not pCq |trynd-L fl.d.r dn.e.h.t tr D.giill d ArIcIYod(. ad Ht rrEya lhr n gisr., TrH Ccrrt orbcd trc Wn Jf o, Pralc firork sd HigltwaF bpry tllpodo.n..rl ako ord$d tho payrlfit d &rrryrb8 ard st of suilr b rspond.n0e HEL& Ihe aEd of aftane/r br lld cot d suit sho|rld bo d6lied. Ih. Condilfion gwideo thd rp rttorly $.[ be pald oa d tra tsaaf,y ercopl h tr $afEe of r appoprialion nad6 by lsr,,s. Alb.nfa b6 aod costs d sLil
Ttre wero nd indudod h the qpropriaim fq tp prc**L (t epqtnen[ Hlgfruqp v. Ol{dno. G.R. No. 188444, &ober 12, 2otl)
d Relic Worts
Repr5llc Ad llo. lol6tl rB.ot lhe hcfiorE for th6 tubnofiDua Redm ln lhlsllm Mirxklao b tle ..oo.rd ltlondry of May 2013 and every trce ,yrcr lhrosftar b coindo ylth tp rs0dr m[md and lgcsl elecJorl.' ]t a.fio.ts d fE P'rsldolrt to appom cficsf!&rdrslo unfl thos oloctd trl fho rynctrfihad .locfonE asslllle otrca. Pelrti]nss rF doned itt conslihXkrElity. HELD: E @opt ar Imltad by tha .Cm0dtilon eer!.ly c hpllady, l(i.ltiw 9o,wr embraor e{l allccia std edandr . to.l fitr ! d Fncrd oooorn or o nxrn hEsi. the coarafitdild provisbil sl albrsty con dtub qrrss Iofletidl! on legidatrre poFr.
e) eid the tenn of fhe incurDberrt b)end tho perlod 13 nrnfiad b!, [n Concdu.tton lf tle hddof priod i3 nothr term, the rBsrlt is for Cmg'o$ s rE\fl tnn . end to
did$ b !.n*1 6c. h . hots ovor c.p..f$ (2) b hdd r9.d.l ddt, md (3) b a.trE!. llr Pnoa<trf b Tpoif dfcerr+'ctrp. Ib ftf oilor riohbo tp Co*don so.ilon q Addo X cl thc Oordihffon povido lhat thr bnrtr o, dfc. ol electiro locd didds b thre yess. Th3 ledslatre carnol by po.&onh0 tl. dccto.l
b dd lrE CeCh,.
Arry lolm
ol rcFuolrq/aoa ,all[,,ut at,(, lr,raaet, t v.,Eatt. r|,r .rrNr 3.,..r,yr. .. tind ls a vtoffio/, ol thc'lnlall3f,,twl Pro!f,fdiy We
lct'Edr.d b.c{J.a of ufqrron a rrup.d.d .Grta, t c.fd b. gfrgd 6 Hnrb congrfrrl polcr. Efi f tr $ryfir. Cqri c,l @rTdth. Csmb.aon ql ElctL, b hoad rp.dal *dat . n flr lh. Irr.snc Cout ru Co.trtil ctr $orien fp tgrm of hoo. otfidaL b bo dlodd.
Appoinhnt by tlo Presldont ls th orXy meaar.ne thd Congras car makc. Thc poner to +pcrht B essittdly. e)(6orliw h netrc. Urils Sodlon 16, Artde Vll d the Con$itJ0orL th Prddont shall epoff o{fce'! ot the gornrnorl ufiom they msy bo autrodzed by larr b appolnt (Abar Ktda v. Sanate d the Phifipdnor, OR. No. t96a7t, Odober 18, 2oll)
appoint fie ocorpanl br ItE nsw t6rm. Seoord, tha Cqlrmbslo.r m Ele<lionr ha no auhority to ordr sFdd .lccdo& Tho pounc to rlx dato o( C.clidra ir l0irldw. By posFodng thc r<fied.derl dectmq CorE.o.. rbdded the[ lt wtl noa cal Acdal olcdon Ih. p.iF. of ttc Cqrnbckr dr EL.{sl. b poatsql. .Lctoot rrior t , . Scction 5 of thc Omibur Eloolio Co& ,ai.rl b it*rcea .loc0orE
afpr.!! d
cif the
As. r&t d. ma.crr, A. Pr!d(:f ilua.l . Pldiddrpafie ll Prod,r d i.Letrixhm d &iatm lqtrtrd Orc CU d Cdfr trlfir. drb d.nE lmq, rld (rldirg tr t rn d F(lq d hr PhFIir rd f, Pffrrrl }ldora Fdo b
Socretary of
horcnsr of lorlo vidsrca Tt Pi.d.kf & drg$d b tl hrio. lnd Locd Gotanment the rlprrlcol ovw tra AImqEut Rogddr dftudtnliln<kro. ffire3 d*rled thif tho ord.rt fiH.d the a.lonomy
AJlmomlr R.elon ,0. l/tdm fffndrm, HELD ltr. d horb ard Loc.l GovBmmrt dld rlot trl ovs tho opeabn of h..fubnorsr Region d MudHr Mirdanao. the cdllne o, c, the Armod Forcsa of the Phmpjineo b a4pfr! larlcss violence is a porrr thd the Concdtrriort ws s in the P.{ridnt (&rpatran v. Ptfio,
Trrdy{rldng Powff
An execuliw rortsrl3nt nod not.b sr.6mi[ed to tho Sonate rttfication, (Bsya frftrE v. Roflr.do,641 SCRA 2.04)
fq cornrence
in its
Pd,titiond qrsdiorEd 8r tr$dvo, lhe erctrrrge * votoi b.h.!.n tt3 PHlipfrner and UE tk*bd $4.. h u,tidr tley 8gr.d lomEr prro,rrnrt o[ma.3, srTloyoqrl
H r*try pctune. fld rdffi d oar prt, tif not bc rrllt.bnd b rtf hfsn liad tlrna rtlnt lr qt.. caffit dtl dFr prfy ul.. tbrffimC whih hB boeo rffiird R tto S.o$y Courf. Pct5or rglrd hEa frc ryr ltn[ tsdtfr t! F,ladcton cf tho hndqr{ Ctlniil Ccrt urdcr fio RorE $ftno. HELD lhc jubddori of trc hmetqnl &Hrd Cotrt b conptrrniry b
nauooal cdminal irirdcdon" The Rorne StetL(e proyi&s tha[ it b qte dfry of .rrery Stete to exerdse ll, crinhd iJ'l.dc on 0\16 thosa respoBlblc foa lrilgmational crfuna. (Beyan Muna v. Roflmlo, 641 SCm 2.l4)
Judlclal Dcpartmont
&rdd.l RnLve
Priium.r filod ar acton b.rioin hc afirr*on d th riturilercntial ,od b cdn ct he Sdr{h tr.Er EJp.airey rd rho llorfi hzm Epnaamy, b.car.c tte rqlodldl u,Hcfi ulppv vdor to M.fopolilgr WAer would be da6d d rcd riC( lld ttrst I batbr aliemativri \r8 lo u3a th aroa localed in Beran6sy Uttvonlty d ho PhllpPfrs
dGEmhdon Dobnet b lrr EmIhr brgrdl Wllgrrcrlc rtO Sonorao Sprn OaO SCRA {&l)
HELD: Petitionr lod(! lrddd ,qriou of s que3tion of cxeadrrr polcy. Tho ilarr ,s dopand.rt tPon erbdom ard hg.llv O a JlE, Sncfi
fioarclpo v.
p*lhrr llr
2. Rffrgolbir|.
Ttb Sr.pnll|o Canr crrd dcdrr tlD hr ogkrg th. n*pefr fisl R.d unconstitutional lf lt ms nd rd!d tor i&q.E (Ubetv. Godoq630SCRA709)
Logd Strndang
ttls lh. tibuC rr D{r dur.d by t t ScrU Cqnoe. nF qstqld fi. l{a rrfro d D.rfi:n b a. tr a. l.& Pdtion* corpledrih thc nCffi d Ld ffire. frr{Lr n aS pold.q dd depIJIIneld dc prltcriCI, ba,frrliltreg,rrrrf pltcoc.c rfddledm. Drfie ar ll oHgd.n b ta srtrut C rJqL (Bry..r
o0rar p{ty.
blliron hc Ptrllipdnee offidal!, efilployeos, military peflornol or naiiodr d trd dler party h tt bnibry o, th3 o0lor p.rty w{ll rEt b. srr!.xr.rtd b aU if'lddr.l fh.nC ui0Ef tt qrta. ryllont of
ard the Unitd Stat.. ln whkfi trey 9.d EEt lbflIlfr govqrrncr* Gg:rd
SCRA 244)
Petition6r, wtx, wr3 lar pr$cloaq br stderilr, sd e hehhbr $,.diond Ote of the.t d Ropr&ilc Aa llo. eeg *$dr.n o(l.d of tho PhilippiDs in Ron&lio Acr No. 3046 h rrC(6 lt con$lff ylh Lhlbd ],ldonr gnaadctad thalr darxfim lo Conrlention qr lhe Law of fio Sa T]r. go\(rfll6 qustion he vdidly d tho la\fl. BELO: A8 r*Uzens. pdltqE lray. hbrest in $o ftdsoi ir.ub of rdiorrl dgt*fcmca. rasolufion of tte mrits o, the celo (Magallona v. ErmltB, 655 SCRA 476)
ln eccordmca wilh Scuon 31 d tho Collprhslsir,o Afsfan br. pelixtor adodod a lbck disbihrtim pl.n lbr lbfin *ul(..L Sdne fatn urql.t r!ll.( trt lhe proddon bld. violala Ssdioo 4. Artcb Xlll c, [E Corduion. b.cu.| ta, n5 not yt r It IIELD: Thehrnlod(Jt rrq*ydli* l,t&rlh. ph hr*rrr(fg) 'rcohn (irsdst b ordroa* fl rdb.pd l,ar l,S.. f br-.al r ta..b.t oppo.ttrfty.' (lfdqr6 trlrta v. Pn*trSd Aerdrt Ren Coucf. G'R lb. 17t 1Ol,
Novirt .2"2o1ll
The court will not decide a constit tbnal issu if tt| cass hst b@rrE moot. (Sana v. Career Executive Sorvica Boad, G.R. No. 194926, Novolrter lq 2011) Th court wiI rpt docide a consiMknd irer if it is not nece*nry b decido tho cesa. (Hadonda L<a. lrr. v. Presider$d Agrri'l Refom Co|r1dl, G.R. No. 171101, l{otrnber22, 2O'll)
the acquhium by r t.!i$ ol. xrton lt\frs added bllojrr*racndoh'rlotdgfr, ht5''Iqrdd 40 pcrst lknit qr trc *ramh**lgldlbrigro hr F.*ttry. IGLD! HilixDr has ths rigf( b quoldon lhe sanr. I tho .lo viols0ts lh. Csdtdon, tlpr3 lt a possiuliry ird tra'fanc*fso of FtitHrE Lono Dilttao Coil"..ry agqd be mrc*od' This willefid his intaBst a! a sbdddde.. (GaII$oa Y. ToYs,062 SCRA 6S0).
lxdtE T.Lpts.
Arrrl ,|xrrr.v, tQru,tt ubul,t, r'rurvt,. w,{. ,rrBgc. uur,-lrrra 9. ,rr r--.-. Ls a vloladon of tt,tr rnteilr,,/,', Code-
Fa*y tnestcr artnltbd b 0lo St+rlmr Ccrri r r$etned oonffite .[.o.ilon d plegMflr ad mircpltror*lcr h hr de*hndh. Stflllrcod h tr ao o( Vttn v. Emlvc SqtV. 619 SCRA 5g3' Th. $frsn Carl hud e tsoLlbon !!tdm Gcn b -w crrr rtl, h.t is# tEa b. .Irh5l- I tn}lrbft ., tp br
Et mo$,t noad tr Co d Pr*rriod R!?o.ffar. Er po,tlda D-t T?r ot tta .bbt na fu.dodt HE faOom d .p..idr fid rffi whlcrr tley rUr.CGd to exddn ctnot be srd&ed ar l* a Gotdlrc{Yq ardl .t' 'an exriol*rry .d of lniusdcC, t plthm3lrao .cf of dlhono$y ard misrepresentatcr- by lh Hdrfo Cart d tlo lrn4' 'OettloraUf ddaytuE tlo
lbr vifaixr
cornircr aniuc cdilrsr.LsEt. !t ten hy bdt lar. laqtra fr.ngaepd h thc pre.ric. d hr. Thel rctonr a hrr p.raerct mld D. merd a*ll thc lrne trrnr C proltobne lt?pn Df, +n**ot 6 of rslsrt d fr b. r}tay h.Y!tutiLdHdfybCEd,-.9..f b hea P.cc..-.Jdi. ant md b anoid dldld $ra lrO-o f*go G. cqnl (h r l-fr d nr (,P b, FeJty. 6{4 SRA543'
resolulion d tlo ca!4.' 'dlmilsal on tho bart d pound soucQ..' ad 'alarmlng lad( of concem d the meribcrs d the Corrt for aron ore mod badc vEh.E of tbcency and respcl' Jrrilpndsr has r9catdy 8ffimed tho authoaity o, thc S{rp(rno Courl- to tt boitrt tCit*to ola cotrtr have cxcoeded tre limite of fair dislplrne lawydn
GlrcrErccu0vr Ssvlce
Only peddentid appo?rts ae covsed by fle carer ore.utiv sen ico and aB reqJird to poss* galr execudro sgvbe rgbility. (Agye v. Civil Sfvica
Commbsion, 639 SCRA 781)
B. tr
Respondfit, a casrd flployEo, was teaminfrd wiUDUt lfinal inveaigauon for utterlno dlcouta$ runelq on thc grqrld thd ltE h.d m a.qrty d bruc. HELO: Carual erplqpa at.ril[edb dl.lc p.or! f lhsy wll be unovrd hr rorlour canec pqlod d tHr qnplqmlf S.c{o,t 2(3) Ardd. d b&r ..rd.d &d ba lllEvtd .uPf tor Canrftudon po*br llld m rmpbyr dr,l-rdca Ofrc. Eor(l d Dl'.crt v. causc ao*hdby {Phheh Chrty
tr fr.
hrd Hdorrs
Rospond6r wes Spoffied ctrief ,rdici6l stafr ffioar of the Sccurtty Uvtrtqr" Ouing the courso ol hi8 uro.tq it sri dsco\rsrd lhd he urar *t adlvo m.lrtor ., tho Phmpplno National Polic., HELB Secilon 7, Arude X of tro Cmdhdon plohlttitt olovemmer{ employees trom comrrantly holding another otrca in the glorn nent (ln rr Eduardo Escah,653 SCRA 141)
Vlll. Gonrr{rlon
or A.rdt
r bHdrE b tr grttse d .qdpilrrt [ .*rd.d tll con}lcl b Tdo Ooryc*cr dttE(,eh I datrIfi.d th. hae|[.t tid. Pcd0qli w [p oc.Oyt &t ior d tr. Coop..dve Oswtofmea Afrort. Ttr Cqndecion qr Aldl dralorrd tt prhe dib,nc.
betvJaen the bid of
anrqr* Paitms
fotlo Cdpordoo srd th. lorilf Ud ond h.ld podtlqrr llsble ft. ths algtrod t|[ the iaffc[ evCualbn of lhe perfoflnsnca
thsf tha dnputor cq+n rf d Tch Co.paiim E tha llEl l-rlor h qjty. Pdilionr .cbd !r b.d ffir 15 h.d lh. ;u* d tro bdtacJ .I*don flEdff.d !o fava T.{ro Corpc*on Ct . tr. Ud. hd b.en Afrd (t arm y. Crdm, 6.fa sCRA67s)
the corputer eqrlgnent strq.{<l dso bo conBitorqL HELB Tho firC tocfrdcd ewhJation rEport wa nrdF.arl,rd b hr,tr Tsfo Corpaalion An a-Lr rport dail.d
The Corrnitrlm on Ardt bared a die)ldon Ofecfig lhc trrxiC audt d Bqf Saout3 d Olg Phfrppims. Ihe 8oy S@d! of Uto Pttafipftt . .f.e.d lhd it ula! nct a government-contro[d co0orstion. The Presk onl i! m lonlr tho ctfef boy scout Qnly ths Socrotary of Edarcation ii a men$er of he Ndidld Eqlhro Board, HELD:The Boy Scouts o, thc Phitlpph.8 i. . p|.blic co.po.don, and b t n& re el{cl to audil by the Commiarim on Ardit I ia a corporatho br Ftlic 5ilelgd o. plrpos. (Boy Scouts ot tho Phlllppheq v. Cdrnlll$ion on Ard[, e51 SCRA t4O)
mfi, r ornH ftr imrad;sf 16 fl.d ql-t p.ttoor, tp rrilrl D.t ItJnd Onradsnru On A'{ld3, 2010 rareqhlrfakfan pddors. On A{fd ll. Anq, fi }hr.. d Wrifdu- rhrf-6dy r*rrd bdt corPl*st3 b lhc Cmflbe cr ldic.. On S.rm- f . zOtQ lhc Cqrdnro
On Jdy i,2.
on JusticE issued a ,soludon bcft oqtplai !.!.ficftil h o't Seflcr$e 7, 2010, lhe Committoo on Judioo irancd a ,loMim nlllng bo& ecphhtr llfident prtfffidr h he Sl.Donc in substance. Petitqrer filod a peli[on for edioral 'rd Gfrlot ba hitiatod wiotin cout orl tho gMrrd rhat a rccond corpkdnt ior impoct'Ilrr HELO: Th. a year forn tfr date d the iridalion d the frtt onplalrf ftr trrn 'initiatd moans to tlb tho ooplalnfl sd t8k3 iri0d acffm m hitiaton tals placa by tlo flir d tho fr$odrrErt oofipbkf g,ld f*ma b lhc Coflrtttoo on Jusiico. Th6 rerErral to lho Commltb on.Latice ls lho acton lhd td. th. comdaar( nloving (Gutienez v. Committee oo &rt{ce, el3 SCRA tS)
fip.dna.t [.
Of[ceodtlp Or&sdrnrn
An omq d Radio Ptrifrppfl. ildlrslq kE crnot b. crEelr.&fi.mhrly b6(o &. mud.man a prEGLd lor fiSon dlh. Ar{rrrd Comfa Pr.do Ad, tln Ri.fo PhUFh.. }lnm.l(. Ir. b nof t goilrtlltosrtd a coriroLd corpcatirn, aril lc a minuity dodffiar. (Crar:tv. Oorarb. Gf 8CRA 2g,) A cornplairil ior ov{prkir I corEqr.rtion wt fled uih fto Of,lc. d the Omhrdssl
A,lti-eran Conmission corrcl.dd an tuesligstion tr, mcfir.Iterdod lhe dismi$al of pet'tficners. The Office of the Prealrtenf sppto\rd the rccotrrrrnhton. Poiitiotlss brgJo mat onty tlo Ofico d the On$udsman had i.lirdodon ov.r tlc care. HELD: Tho adhodty of the ffildsnen !o ln.ar$gd. ollsrn fidutto Fb[a ffirsL L cmcurrt uith oolor rmilv effi<l eeprdca (LEr v. E aoriv. SdEy,
6a9 SC,RA 142)
agattst ptltknsB, ufio rmr . .lfid! d lho Pt{Ffinc EdEb Arttdity. The Pr{ri&ntid Anliraft Cdildsdon a.kd lt frr al0Eo:V to cadld the adninigfatirc frocaedirBs. Th O'mca of th3 o'fiudgr*r rePliad lht it a.rtho.ity wr not nocalsary, becau8o lho oa6 fild agEiffit it wss c,lmhal h rmr!. Tho Prosidontial
Th. Niional Centdnad Commtsdon td iho Bs Canrdon lladopmet a,illcty ottLd tlE Philippln Cs.ilsrrial ErPo 8 CorPa*on ftroCy' tp Bser @nversion Develogner{ adroCv om6d only fi. b.utd $.E. of slod( of tho corporation. Later in, Globl CHi Assets Corforaton s5.qibed b 8[ tle lJrli3sud and unsubscribed shars d siod( and became lhe mffiy enod<holder d the
Atrrl tlrrrn v, tatttvlNauvtt a"l,l.,' otlb tat.,uu.,' vrv'-E" -' -'e ---'" o'drnwtgd ani k a vtdaflon oJ tln ffiopf,ral ptopqty C@-
corDordion A crimind.caee wa! fld qnin* petiUone 8i ad,ttg prooitbtt d the *m fne S.txfes6ayan br vmtain A goemO*-gld Cqnfn.Pracilces ca'e' "or;,o.xon AEi Petitio.Er agued Otat tto Sttdggtayalt hd m irl*Idion oY$ tledlic'rnor . $t rd tE prlvo-cspti*ot w a FalE ;*;-tr"';r6il"n HELB Th. orlbtdion w nol c.laid bv r9.dd bu bl.t w TPqpCIr{.Fl'.P ComaeliIt Coic. I b CD rd s govfirdilff.d r oaio[.d oo.Da$qi. rho capqdm--Iho ct ir D'yotd tho ;;-b b"yond-0t FLdctotl ciardcd eO SC'RA 1@) (P.o9lo tlbrh., Y. iurisaicton if fp Sgilgrtayan
The Departnert of tublc r Jb.kr and Higfrwsyt ffod levfd crtnlrd co|ttpldr*s agalne[ The Ofrce of Ste ii" .rn,itwcos Iotr brrcfitins fonr aiomdtour ranaacddtl' b r.porxbn1"' iinmuhitv ptitimr 5.,t fr.'td b;iff,ffi-frd-;.rA';4, "sairut In arctranoe fu. thoir to3tlmonis ln tlo car. Pedfiote algued tlrat lha omEudtman cotnt lo dlcttrgp thom ;h*td;fr ilvoG-le"pcnded" in tra cas! ard tt6tt a{tho S.fiort t7 of RoPt q lic HE!D,^ 11c'Ru16" on irimi d Ptoc.dtrs. il ilp;darr aqv plboee&E being ln "itr iilrudtv omu.rasmst-q,cfa! 58xr) 658 SCRA (ilrlrt v' irlarcdo, , conadod by iL
Th. m*opolEr
dlha lrrib Dodogltrf A.fE fr. drmlhtr' lhe xi[r* thy !'cat' qr or*'ur4-rll*a gorrtd 0t lii !r. , b,it*to a'riiirin lilrm ad-propeavFd0dl- wa' ;ffity ;{ilira-nj rmy-c penqr -HELD: dimlhhod tllc oO not std&r dTdrg 6cmn to con&ua a ur.mriirg. Uro cty t{*tila "ir"" proportv. rh.-r,*opoerl " p.!dE au il;;-6;';-urd-b dte sfive
r,iri- u'" p-# r d:aae a urnd a ir.&rrco. qS poif to (bbarnim u,tledlef a thing E e rf,ftalog. (Gacavco Y' City cfwrmnr o[
Quzon City, 658 SCRA 85:l)
walb d--the }l{ih Daveloptnnt A.(fp.ity &tnolishd he wingDca$o lnay a-ruilanco gfdrnd lhay corEtiMsd thal pliliqrEr m tre d building -.6id.Jirv'rf;"aid'fu a{tfety & p.rsorB ttd ptoPertv' HELB t ndq. sctiott 205 ot tre N;ti6n- a.trcm Coao,-rre'arhorily b ord; trE dsnoiltor of qr $ufra tleg ;ih'01ohjtfu-&c|d..' Ttto polvis .a the lrdopoHm lrg*tls De\loP|nen[ ar" 6ibd to th6 ,oni{ation, coordnauoq t lPlqanailS
flnhq mmilqinq" !oitc of poliid6. Udkrg a sy3ttrl effl qigt cfv' 658 SCRA853) tcircayco v. Clty Gorenm*l a
Roprrblic AEi No. '10158, lost tho ddbn ,or lho AJbnomoris Regrfon h }tusllm Mddanao trom Arfi.Et a. Zotf to th. secqd liloilhy of Msy 2013 trd ovry $ree vear3 threie, b coanade with tho regda. nationd sd local olediona Ptilbngrt o tri con"ttt rtm"lity d ReprSlc Act No. 10153. HELD: Ihe Condtttionel iu""t dommission a4.rsted in g. i'" reitoh, Pro&ims of th. Constihjgon the tnns d Bto ino,,n6!na aficna! b da6 ryCrmnizaim d a[ electims, rvhetpr natimal d local, ;""a ten/ h, yors. Ttte ,icton h tie tutaurpur Rsg[on in tih,'fm Mlndmao is a Oca eieclon' fu0ommqlt cgkmr se oaEidild ma of lhc tofit3 local (lb* rooo scod a tro Pttilipper!' G.R No. t96frl, octber 18,
o"*n#in a)il)
Re{ialic A.t lb. lOtS! lrcet lhe ebain io. lh. tuEtornout R.ein h ftudim Mlnd*tao to Go rccod ilmrbv ot l,by 2013 rd rr..y th,- Fe' thrE&' lo ooinOOe wr,Ui rSjar nEtiord ard- locel didins. I &lhoriad thc PrsCdeil, io srppoitn ofrilrs.indlaftF ,.rrU frose eteaeO in U'e s,ncfrorfzod elecdono aslrrne offico.
the wdfrl,,
@,,,,fil s, OE a,frDr
HELq Th. ccnlrlisr ol dcofor ir k Congtt , nd 0! P!.ert b .dd'.r.. Arono[r, drpt br irvolnd b dff nddd FIaa.. Slro Ur rynffion d cL.tot b . ndd polq. e.lbnmy cild b.l.rd b ol[la It ArErttlrr3 Rcgbn h ,tlu*n iftrfio Fom L (ADs fido v. 8*r* of lhr n{lppfrq O.R ffo. 19&171, Oddcr 18,201r) .,
Pelitioners qJostionod ib valldity on Ulo grol,td that !o uphdd the lg\r souE aut rorize the Prliront b de.{dlr rl!^rfioro {x, Idlo. Lc0y ofioialrwlh cfli&r*r crEreo rd sqld violdt h. rtnony ot the A&rmoElI. Rceim h ff.rlior ltllndrm.
$t!rf d R.Fr-filv.. rd tf t.Fr*ly i.s,nldon b . phbhclb. lg.B htlc Ad lh 1014, dd trt .trmt rly goYHon d hc (}gric Aet Tll OgtS A.r dd rd fi( h. d.b d h ttelth ddqr. rqtmar b h Rsgf{c Aa ilo. tot59 rs*f fl.d h $c Oe. nr qfmffi acE of x,ig tr Cofifion nq(ller on tr pa!.tp d bf d - ucomtldad. Tho OrlBnic A.f ftc\xirc.Dofibd tlo pHacif h Soodon 18, Artdo X 't(liunonb lt vid$. the. of the ConstLlio.r for tp creslim ol lho altorurErs 1E, lb. l$tl7l, @ Consutr0on. (Abs Krdo v. Senate d fl9 Philippines, G.R 'tokrr.
Republic Act No. 10153 ,o3ol Ulo elec{ion for tho AJfonomow Rogirn in Muslim Mindanao to tha second llorxby of May 2013 and orcry ttree ye{! lhe.rsaor to. coindde with lho regul- nailkmal gd bcal dgcom& Pdtmer d!.ilongod its validity on lhe groud lh.t il .nrltcd the egar$c AC tur the Au0onolEr. Raoim h ltu lim ttro.$lid. d lho Mlndanao .qrlPlyhe ul0r tra rlCilfittta of a vd. ftd na merber d o].'Flqi.a d S.nrL vdrg
N.tlon l Econotny
Pubtlc Udttiiec
Petilionr, a minority stodfioldsr d Philippha Long Distenco Tdphme Cortpany, qJestioned f|e ffllrilion by a bdgn coeoration of 37 por cort ol ltB cormton sfiarss, fo(riglert. lha tolal 'mrdd bcarrso whn it was addod b tl shareholdings of oced tha 40 per c.nt [rnit oo the strretEldines d EotOef. h . pl$Ic ntflity. On th othe hard, ii i! ddmed lh. .O pr cont [mit $ould bc bsd qr tp bld of cormon 3irs.B sd prdlrn d .v'm f th.y HE& Ih.40 per c.nl m lbdgn s5.d fho Corrfirfio b .ility.Ft by hnltalioo rvi{cfi a b vdc, rhor lt b trcr{i vdre bdr crrrmr To coodtJb a*ha lh. kfd of q,ti.rydng c.paha
tart qmsl jtlrsr tacstld b.rrca.d r! tr dr stt ed( r anO nql.\lotitE prli.,rtd !fiat., cort.lr.rE tr. H-t d tr 'l.lrcg Condlort (Grr&or
v. Tevca, 652 SCRA 690)
r! IuHd9.
Th repoal of tha sxernption fronr income tax grantd by Prscittonlid Docre No. 1067- " B to Philippin Arnusemet and Gatning CoOoratim dos nd vblate the proltbluon aga&rst tre .trpalmnt of oblloEtbns of oonracts, becawe undsr sedion t r, Arlide xu cf ue Constir-tim a f*rclrLe is subjcl to arEndm.rl wtlrn lho commm gpd (F,hupp|te Atruemnt srd Gining Cdporatlon v. B,!ql of ln0tnal rrqjr"s Rasrr,615 SCRA EIE)
Xn- Aer.rlmR.fofii
Soma ,am urort f3 alluod that Sectim 13 of tlo ConPrott tltiue lgTrian Rchm fio Attcb Xlll L6w, whlch a&ptd dock tIstrihltim pleq violatd Scdm Cm$ftnion. HELD: Sctim 4, Artide Xlll of lhe Conotitudon b ncn t.f-do(rrory. Besides, CongrBss ctros a rnthod of colldive orrnership undEr Sdion 3l of Ole
Any lqn, q TePf,ooBc&9lt, itut{ ut t n, t rtaat t. t rrrr.rrrr. v. ir- -elyrr!. ad vlc/afiotr of the lnl/ /tcr,nn Pto,E,lv
Corprehenchc Arr{an Rolbflr Lar. ftlatIonda Ldtite, krc. v. P,r.&ddrtial Agra.isn Ro,iofm Cd.ndl,65it SCRA ltO
b &.d fa nm{rlrrlrnt.a.a
Ae,*lo, drS
The orvner o,f e p{cal c, trd uhk r war takon tor u.6 ar pct d lh. rurway C air airport can a,o fur pqmod, b6car!6 the stat immrnity trofit suit ig deemed wahed. (Air Transpo(tation Olfco v. RamG,644 SCRA 36)
. cqt'lrct for tha cucEuctlon srd remvdqr of thc rporG orfiex Pda* 8an c. d nnrcrour cftrto. orda(t tld a0.!. wt ordd. tha csrtd glor hsaoA 'Tlr oseacb pr6.d.d #l tla Uqt (I.P.L d aCldty dt tt lh. dltgt thc dlcrcr dfr qtWtao aa r clffi rJod rd dffrd . ttqau. ficadort on ir rd ocr Uqt, l{br lh. ctffi Ttp atb thc dty candoc .pPllgl-d i,rd. b ley oE fitd lttrs* dicapgoved n lle ,uied fiit pt0o.r6 lfrq*l bo pst ondy li*lc lo pey thc oanr*br. HELO: ird of thadrariF ordi! drd ndlll tqt ord.6 I! tll d. to a.ldcs. fculty
end saroty rE(l.irofltent3 dJrlng trc lDl*lo d fl3 otqntd. Th. llpLqr.fhg rul8 u.ld rogi.ilaiioG d ftosid.{C Osae t{o. 159{ prwido thai a applanedd 8{fsnnl by change od6rs ard odra sork o.dors mq b. nEod.in0o it fE btgl snqlnf qcoeds 25% of the escaHed qltinal corilract prics. fhe AV ea,et,meril tdfy apprutsd the ordaG. The Arnrds Cqrrnittea approvod fio or(bf3. Trio cqmqloI3 were pr8ent drnino ure delberadons. Tho ardtora ne3 also pr$ent. Ndro voioed arqy Aioctorr (Osmsna v. Commbslon on Audit, 649 SCRA 6tl)
Yil.ft, Revgr.c negldd. tlo. 't7S, rdfdr p,oYidd lhai tF t!( Ar ol dgrt rld Agr$a rtrlllg dr.fr:y l, 2m ltd llt b. lffi !t.r O. b d'. dr Od&r I,
h rEi vdd. (Cfirrr.don 6s8 SCRA289)
Soction 143 of, lhc
rd hhmd Raar.r
Ndgltt Hrnd Re\roru. Code, ae afilendd. lfiposd an ercb m ismnled liqua. lt proi,ided Ot th rats Bould spply liorn Janjary l, ,997 to Decarber 31, 1909. h.f tho rate! should not bo loilr than lhe tu lrpoaed on Ociobe. 1, ,996. Oo Jmay l, 2000, Ule qtar would bo incrBa!d W 12 N coflt. Tho Seqstry of Filanc. baiod a rodilion uhhh ploviffi hd 0 rdo3 lhoirld no( bo lolrcr Orsr the rabr prior b Jgury l, 20@. HELD: There ir no0rlm h UE bv rhlch artro.ia ltr S.crtafy oa Firilc. b p.ollr. tlat U.tc now E raar dUr Jgrcy I, 2000 dro.ld rd b. la lr(l tlo r!a. bdoo Jirry f , 2m. Iho ttgr.fdqr b ttElld. (Cormiarh of hmC Rogrr v. S{r ifigu.l Cqpaaton, G:R. t{o. 18a,128, Nonr&cr23,2otl)
- B.
bfidb {I. l. rldn u,hkh dri.d edl*r bodllr b nFlolF- xi0r p.fiftg dt*rahlh. oE R.Qottdd! ,llled rr'lho Reod.Jon i5.t tc, an 97i, rtr rEt 0.d Uilr lr. Lrnlvr*ydho Pi*fhl lrw Cil0.r E g.lffir }E B nf:thhr{rldr f. ffirprf$r..d.uch r. rrsly HerC h rdr.,!.d lrd brtr d. (8o.d d
RespondnE .arl(d tlrt Oly bo grantd cortah cfiidoyeer of tle Gorrnnrna S*vb Syltfir!. Ihof .!qr.lcd war dqdod on lha beda of Rarolrdon fh 374 rmCr fercmeO e rru raby ihrct rldon ){o. 1$I,
Truata cr lhc
The dodrinos d rer irdicda applie3 to admini8udiv pr@4nga. (Hio of Madrno Drh v. Hirs cil Catdin Ddla VdE de Hipolilo, 64E SCRA 638)
Adrdnlrtdlva Remrdbr.
A AFfc-If, TfF L{III l.drc lhdOmrr Arfrqfy bqrod .r ff itfo-E a *r lIorr tf, ffirqreld Ptmon rE t3l7 dqt ddr.,lrCng pofdv. mfr *. ordr by lkrg a pdqt F oiffi h lh. Cort d AF.*. lG.& tE tsoo,trc mor No. 1sa, tE Cillc. d fr Secrcfy of Erlksrrsrl nd t{rtrl Rr.qrur bok otrr the po*fs of t! NdolIl Po[u0on Conbd Cdrlli.daa f ffad b srPt, uilh
lhe rub on ordr..dori d arlnHsfiahp rmdle.. (thhrrd Launa Ld(. q.volopilEal Asthorify, 619 SCRA 5(F)
Cqpore0on v.
The Sarfgrmiam 8{rEey lge.Ed a roMion drccetg a. hmwnor a$odatio,l b Tho nddSqhod .tDddim fld open-two !troE lo rdiorb rd pd6bi.t,r a pditftn to enjoin th. lmplem.ntatim d tre rssohnion HELO: Seclion C, d fE Local Gor.rmoht Code proviJec tlat tha city'or mrli@lity trlu{h he itayor sha[ e:<ercisa qrp.viqim ovr cornpononil brangEF. Tho casa attdd bo darfssd ror failre of the nolghbahood as$dstim to erdleJst adl*itfi{rt l.nadc. (!,! q4 Valloy tlomolvn6r8' Assoddim, lnc. v. Sanggnniarp B*stgay Sm Vdlby, 654 SGRA 436)
B, grcrilon The<hctirc dort:dondffiirrdno l.r.da.. &- rd?Flyuflrtli tb..n rrlErdb*rlorbn r.gt hp{,t! rcdctr. (lftlrv. AO,,E,CI9
Potitlong applid for e pdr* ovr Lot 322. Reepondorfi opd!d m the gumd th.t thy had ac$ikod it by $c6.don. The Rgiond picfor of thc OoPstn.il of Envtmnmer* of Ndnd Resanrcas ruhd that tlo spplicstotl d pt[tors utrqoadly indrbd Lot @. ftD Sc(fy oil E whomtont atd N80.rd RaGrrE o dumod ho order. Iho Cfii ot lp9o.b rinrnea tre dd3lm qr ha b.lh d Up docttto d glmrv f*Ooon lClb: Ih. lrluo of id.dBlg ol t m rq.troatectrical d.irr{ndo.r bt tr BrI, d Plitrc Lttd.. (B{t.nr Y, lega.q G65 SCRA 413)
Arry tqrn va tqr9i,',9uvra t,at,tlrl,. ar.? nrr..e.' ee.rerE and b a vlole{on. ol Ab tndlr*Ata, Pmpgnr
Potldon6s, uilo wo'r. hoalth vrorl(sF in UE Prot inco ot 8ilFgt, fpro tqmhded beca.ntl a noqndzdon d Ur. Fot,frdC gp\rfDr|ent Po$tlqs. d*md lhat theh
w il.g.L HELD Tha srcval d a ggtorfisf ooEhr..rrna{da boil fd. trcg-izdct b \nld. fh. rimL, d trpby.- t fr Bflr H'o,{rdC tlorltr OGco n ltc.E.d tom 12I, b mry S. (9drEco V. proii:r d Bfa.r' GR ttb. t5r1a, OcEtr lq 2011)
, B. ADrdorlllnt
A p(blb cficer v,ho vacder Hg polition drd is rBpl.c.d canrEl ad( br reimtatmont. (Rey?s v. Cdrt of ApFals, G.R. No. 1670@, Decfi$or 6, 2o1 1)
An t,|.E
rd httr ddr...d to th. Citdmar d th Clvll SevA.Cbrnirsbn s,t eod tht p!&r!r. fl rtployr. hd brlh+hg.a hy.r rsry oifofcllt| ffi kr tr CfrI 8irb Cqtlnhdon th. Cilr:r ord.cd hr ffr&r dd trr lr tr. cor"r5r htrGfio dpdqr, hdf-fii.ri.dradrgDb t tlbdrp rffifr0r ArD.i Ihr Cfra o<frrd pdqrrb Jilril.. xtry h. ltrodd. rEt bo do.[ x,{fr a(ll*irffirly. Pdtionr dllrd thC tla rEoyfltor.rs compbff Ctould nol be on[.rtaim4 bocar.a it yvas not indor od. HEU] Th6 compbm ls daomd to hare ben ffid by the Civil Sotlcc Cbm*rchn ufien. petilbn* wes dl*d to fib lia qilnent dor an inspoctql ot [r. fdcr h tle had
drlt, d Ele csnputrs.. A cqnpldn rtay be ini$ebd aoFinEt a ciyil r't lce ofirployae withod b6ing a,t c,ib6d and swn to. (Pollo v. lGrina-O6,id, G.R l{o. 181881, October 18, 2011)
R6lgn 0on
R..Dard.rf n cfrg.d .dttffiird, fa tp iLea frrd.f d b( cr!.n 6.fli*. htrd hfn lllfydgrarreacol ddft RrpU irrtgt a lfi TIF mffir allirld hd fd. rtdgrdon .rtff tr c. flEot HCI& S.aton 2o(O d tt OrSulm'l LtU, $lcft prorcr5.. $c rfrffrndvo h!,.dgdoo.r.r .d I tp @(rpla?il E fr.d dlr onc y'oc to.n llr ocqrrsrca o, lh. d colt?Lincd d i! mraly dhecbry. Hgl,ra\,r. rBlEndon &os rEt warrmt lhc ffirsal ol st admir$sffihE ce3o qdnrt a pttficfficar if il wa3 fild agahtt Hm u,ilL ho wss dlfi in th6 rervico. Relpqldont dd slot ruign to prBfirpt the tlling d ao idrH!ffiive ce!6 againd him. He uras brcod to reCgn. (Ofiico d th Omhdsrnan v. Andutan, 631 scRA539)
Amrdof &ct(Y!r.06
lt not A F.5fc cfiGo. uiD ua. plEd l.rg FsifrriYr arapsrstn ntiu6d lo uEg! cqlr+ondng b trc pdlod c, thc. pratatavc aEd d a$pelrlim (Ovf S*nlcc Ccm$rdon v. (her 665 SCRA 2t4)
htw Ellild
tut Ciagfr,ilAoreffiE
The bodd of tulioo. of the Gorcnrrsl Seruho frensrco Spbm erbgtecl- et arfOyos Baty incf,rtuo drt wtfdr gilf.d.rDlolr-. itHr lID frn llLv b.r.d m th.t yCr d !.n ic. h tr golrqlrilnf ftd ffi lt]t A nrodl{y tJ.t HEL& Th. ptst b a fonn d ruuzd botrl or bafr d rrrto. -f - r rmfilrtri tdttn na pbq rufth b pidfff.d by $. ndUrlf Lr. (Coc|IrUf Srrii lr}trrsrc. Syd.or v. Cornrnbbn qr fudG 5E 8CR 1.4)
B. C.
Back fireoor
Tha maximum peiiod fof wtricll an illgally dismissod p|.t ic ffiosr can rooivs back urage! ir fivo yors. (Galang v. Land 8ar* of lho Phillppit s, e,|9 ECRA 6/4)
Retund of
lleg.l Conpon.etlon
City Co(.rxi of Msr0. porred.}an orlrxa oftnhg.r 6.lpby pqt lc aflao il,sd b.lcliv! locrl dl*b dM..{.r,tD tr*l b6o.lddtrtno (3} csreolve tgnrr. Ihc Conunadar qrArd <Idornd f qrno clriirltf o Llirffid L HEI.D lhc ard E.qn *rl b fr bd dmaon rffi !, dr dcll ,or,$. y.-!. Iti. btrt.5Erf b.hld. oor"srdol. Hqrar. tr t*,rd da. dirdond annrt mod not b. r*r.r.4 bar.ahpibddhgpodfll. (Veloeo v. C,onmissidt on
Frlngs B.n
Fdngp bndts d inombent gwerrnent Oeirp ,cr*ved boh3 Jrdy 1, 1$9 "ir,pfy*" should @nti.r.f to be alopd t,ro0lor or not Oroy E r l"blrtod $4tt frof standardized salaies. (AOra v. Cdnmissio{| m Axl( G.R. ib. 16ru7. Mr 6,
A Frulc offcr vvho slgnad s conrad wihor^( dr .pprpaiciot'r aard . cstifd of aveilability of firldr ir pcronaty [abb ior payflEnt dl l.rldr tr. aortact (Pmippne Natimal Railuayr v. l(8nlsr Confruclion Ene.pri*s Cqnprry, lE, Ea7 SCRA4OT)
CrdCry PeotiorEr and rspoodnt rvo(r oppodng candidatel tbr n.Iidd tnalor. Iho bst dsy for filirE certficate of crxldry war No\rqhbr 30, 20G. Or Aprf 13, 2fiq
P.OUon ror
CrrlIlcr0r d
r$pondont fild a petiton to d3gudiry petitioner on hc grqnd lhd ho war not a. rogisterd voter of tho.rx.nhlpalny. HELo: Th.gor,ld rtat d h thc pUtlon l. not i'lcftrded in lhe gro(Ilds for diqualificaton, prohlbibd edl d rrddsto! and p.,ffiFnt ro8idence in anotler counfy. fho gromd should havo bn rCte.l Lt a pd0m !o cericol tl3 csiifrcah d aerddacy d poli{slr. s|dr a petton m.rt be fH not hr Ulrr 25 da:F lisn thc fho d thc cadnede ol ca&hcf lqdf bD. cms.d lho pc.fod b fib tho p.mon lld rLr.dy .xplrd rtlrr rr patd.rt [d H. pdio]I (ltndor v. Corrrirdon m Elccdanq G.R No fg{orq Ocbbr it, 20ff)
rcproof.,ioon maI]l{/4
vt, u.1.
ttcpondrf ry.rr oppocelo oadl&loc lbr mayr. Reponrbnt filed a dFqdlt'ptluon r on &c grol,ld thC hl. c.rtficab d ceidi@ wes nd valld, bscanp h..ur6d Ha @rrn *y tE o.rtfrcab uh.o ha trd I not.rtzed. Petludror w. podgltcd trc Ulru. Iho Comlrrlqt gl ELc0qr rt bmo boed e rc&hlon drqdryse }llr HELD Thc ac$on cl rgalorf b nd brrd gr eny d ttc atundr ol drqj*lcton rnrl, f. goirhaqta d fr Omtl Erfrr Codo rrd.t (ArE v. Oo,nt LncnELcJon |0aOSCRA473)
' B. &rLffiorl
Th Commission on Et dlrnr .daln j(rlsdiotion oyer a pedtt t b disqL6lity a -nr crdidate lbr bs.engay chlrrrtn wtlo ran Oe tUrrtr oonrccrltvc bno ov.n if ne-trar
Nonrter t6.
' A
an clccdon
Radrrof hrdoorbryOdn
A petXar fur
Gelqtno, A
A potition
cstqrl qrcdairo filrlqibry odirr dlrE R.glrd Trld Cdrt h odta b *ilrlr ,rjulrdcddt 'r d lho Gomrarbn qr EhcJqr (Grbe v.
fq csruorrl quodk rfno *t lfibd'lory ord.. i$ued by lh. mnfdpea Cinrit Trid. Courf h an dcdon coilest i3 xritin thE itrdrdc{on .of lho ComrSssim an Eledions. (Brrilb v. t{u6a eils SCRA 241}
P6ti6onr arxl rapondont tIo opponirg srdidabs lU maygr, Pdilionr was prodairned ebd6d R.spqrdont fled dl slodion P,,otost Pfr'Umar dcd Ior the dFrtssal d lh caso ar tho grolnd lhat lhc pfotod wEs not .(rficlnt h fgrm ard si.tdarlco. The Divialon d he Co.nmbsbn on Elocdon ilorrad ttrc modolt She flod a rDliori for incondddton lho Cdnmbsixr m Elcdons dr bdrc OcricO U Petitionr fild a petton frf co.fbrart h the SupneflE ColIt HELD Tho qDltm. Co.rt har rE pdwr to lrt e\, by oordora.l m htedonory ordi. (Csyem v. Gommlseon sr Eledions, 648 SCRA 561)
B. Dlttrr...l
Potitol*.nC tupdrd.rf sur oppoti[ ilrd&ae. fu cfy rlltDr, hdrddf B proaamcO .Lcbd. Motl f,.d rrffingrdd. ftr. Cf,llta.lmq! ELclqr eot the car ftr plir{nay cdfrsE rrl rDCrfcd tt ortr b tc Hp.tlltry conBrsr b,B Clddt dryb*.rL Thr qml cl pda: iad h UIC qt tll. dey of the ccfrrao $d d.d fEr Xr Do.&fifirr( bsro hr dd not rtcC}t arv tpti{ro and losrnd of n orfy the P'ct io.rr d.y wfEn ha n .5 al hqtlry. Ihc Cofirml$ion m Elctioos dsmllscd tho prest HELB Th6s i! rD judilido-rEson why Op Commilllon on Eledion! d.miss6d th olocdon pmid. Molaep v.
Commission on Eleclk ns, 656 SCRA 516)
Forty-{rix dryr b{lore lhe deotom, tho city olayo. Fofitold rfondo.f ss asdsffi cily r*c rtd tarfir.rrd hlrl TD. h..d il Up ClvI Slnloc Coorduhn FirE O{fco *.d tlc Clvt Sgvb Cqmbdon,ffir 0r mohfrm fit ffir d Flpondsrt vloH.d Sdm 261 of the Orm&ut Elcc0on Codc. Tb rrw cly nator appdnbd lh. oo{.?dd..f to tho poduor d rapad.ft }ilslrfilc. tp hcd dlle CMI Sott i6 ComflJci.m Flld Omcc canoalod tp rpfinM d acpondcrf an the grofid oli il virefted Sedion 261 of Ero Omnib.Js Elcdon Co(b. IfE Civil. Srt { Commission issr.lod e ,solubn dodrrlg tt appoirfuont d rlpondg.{ vt[d, becal3
urlltrpn anlg,q,[
d tlr
pslod rd th. t flGr ua. t'xady i.tddod4 b tito w mirOe bebrr lhc prot$ilod gomdm d ro.pqn gt dtl tEf Hl uil*l tt htt 'fvr d.y oromoton ngfO: li tt ttdrfl r1*r[r prclffid f20fr, f.iod ib*rE Uo rrCo.r Ln t*r d o*r fp d-ul Hrr, h TPorEgr d fr coryffi b fr P.r.-o 6, rc.po.dira w v&. (nrnr v. 6,t d Apr.dl G'R lh f67@' DretItrr