Armoured Fury Issue 1
Armoured Fury Issue 1
Armoured Fury Issue 1
In this rst issue, we cover a short step by I hope everyone nds this short journal step guide on the hairspray useful and interesting. I technique, from Sven Frisch, Click currently plan to try and for simulating a worn paint here to visit produce an issue once a look. I know I have been fortnight at this stage. Of very curious as to how this is course, for all the exhaustive done. and complete information, builds Other possible regular sections, in no and nished kits, become a member and hang particular order, will be out around Tanks & Things. Real stuff - A reference section showing images of real tanks and things; Work in Progress - A section on some kits in their build stages;
Our Supreme Commander previews the all new Tamiya Tilly Click here to go to Tanks & Things for all the information
By Sven Frisch
Click to see the full size pictures
Step 1 : First we apply the base color. In this case I used Model Air Colour, but any other paint will be a good base for the hairspray technique. Step 2 : Next we apply a thin, but even layer of hairspray. Some modellers apply the hairspray through the airbrush to get better control. I usually mist the hairspray from a good distance straight out of the can. The brand is not important, so far any brand worked ne. Step 3 : Then we airbrush a random coat of white, depending on the effect you
would like to achive. In this case I was after a rather worn off nish. Step 4 : Now we can remove the white paint again, by using a brush and water. You might want to try out all the effects that can be achieved with different brushes, toothpicks etc. The water will dissolve the hairspray and the acrylic paint will start to lift after a few seconds. Step 5 : Since the effect of the chips can be a bit harsh, drybrushing in the base coulor will further blend the effect a little more.
Just some of the models recently produced by the members. Check out the forums and galleries for more kits and pictures.
Click to see the build log
Tiger I by Adam
T-55 by Bucket
Just some of the kits currently under construction by the members. Check out the forums for more kits and pictures.
Click to see the build log
LionRoar #LAS35014 - 1/35 scale - WWII German King Tiger Porsche Turret with metal barrel.
Oh my... Its 1:1 scale! Sal Garca
Special thanks to Sal Garca and Cheyenne for these great pictures. Dont forget to check out the Trusty and Rusty section of the Tanks & Things website and various threads in the forums like the Reference pic build for many more great pictures.
Well, thats it for the rst issue...
... and I hope it has been an interesting and useful exercise for all. I really think that the Tanks & Things forum is a great place to visit and a big thank you goes out to all those involved in creating it. I regularly visit other modeling forums but dont nd them anywhere near as friendly and helpful as Tanks & Things. This little digest is my meagre attempt at giving something back to the T&T community. For me, well Ive committed myself to the Xtremely Huge & Heavy! and the USMC builds - if only to try and force me to actually build some of the kits that I have in my stash. A special thanks goes out to Tony Lee for some very useful advice with some issues Ive had with my Sturmtiger build. Hopefully, Ill have some time to continue work on it soon. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, Tanktrax is my Xbox Live name and the picture on the right is my Xbox Live avatar. Until next time readers, have fun and keep modeling.... Tanktrax
About Me Name : John Marcus Age : 44 Occupation : IT Manager Location : Canberra, Australia Hobby : 1/35 armour kits... but I sometimes build other types of kits as well.
John Marcus
The content of this journal remains the property of the author and Tanks & Things. All images, references, and guides remain the property of the respective photographers, modelers, manufacturers and members. The author accepts no responsibility for the information provided.
Many thanks to
Jenny Croft and all the crew at Tanks & Things; All the Moderators and Admins on Tanks & Things for keeping the forums a friendly place; The members and all their great model kits.
Issue # 1.05 Produced with Apple Pages Copyright 2010