Evaporator S
Evaporator S
Evaporator S
Evaporation is the removal of solvent as vapor from a solution, slurry or suspension of solid in a liquid. The aim is to concentrate a non-volatile solute, such as organic compounds, inorganic salts, acids or bases from a solvent . Common solutes are caustic soda, caustic potash, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, phosphoric acid, and urea. The most common solvent in most of the evaporation systems is water. Evaporation defers from the other mass transfer operations such as distillation, drying, and crystallization. In distillation, the components of a solution are separated depending upon their distribution between vapor and liquid phases based on the difference of relative volatility of the substances . Removal of moisture from a substance in presence of a hot gas stream to carry away the moisture leaving a solid residue as the product is generally called drying. Evaporation is normally stopped before the solute starts to precipitate in the operation of an evaporator.
Short-tube vertical evaporators are the oldest but still widely used in sugar industry in evaporation of cane-sugar juice. This is also known as calandria or Robert evaporators. This evaporator first was built by Robert . It became so common in process industry that this evaporator is sometimes known as standard evaporator . Short-tube vertical evaporators consist of a short tube bundle (about 4 to 10 ft in length) is enclosed in a cylindrical shell. This is called a calandria. This type of evaporator is shown in Figure 1 . The feed is introduced above the upper tube sheet and steam is introduced to the shell or steam chest of the calandria. The solution is heated and party vaporized in the tubes. The central downcomer area is taken as 40 to 70% of the total cross sectional area of tubes. The circulation rate through the downtake is many times the feed rate. The flow area of the downtake is normally approximately equal to the total tubular flow area.
Figure 1 . Calandria type evaporator. 2.2. Basket-type Vertical Evaporators The construction and operational features of basket-type evaporators are very similar to those of the standard evaporator except that the downtake is annular. The tube bundle with fixed tube sheets forms a basket hung in the centre of the evaporator through internal brackets. The diameter of the tube bundle is smaller than the diameter of evaporator vessel thus forming an annular space for circulation of liquid. The tube bundle can be removed for the purpose of cleaning and maintenance and thus basket evaporators are more suitable than standard evaporators for scale forming solutions. The vapor generated strikes a deflector plate fixed to the steam pipe reduces entrained liquid droplets from the vapor. 2.3. Long-Tube Vertical Evaporators (LTV) This is another most widely employed natural circulation evaporator because it is often the cheapest per unit of capacity. The long vertical tube bundle fixed with a shell which is extended into a larger diameter vapor chamber at the top ( Figure 2 ). The LTV evaporator consists of one pass shell and tube heat exchanger. In this type evaporator, the liquid flows as a thin film on the wall of a long (from 12 to 30 feet in length) and vertical heated tube. Both rising film and falling types are used. Tube length usually varies from 20 to 65 ft. The main advantage of this type of evaporators is higher heat transfer rate. The feed enters at the bottom and the liquid starts boiling at lower part of the tube. The LTV evaporators are commonly used in concentrating black liquors in the paper and pulp industries.
Figure 2 . Long-Tube Vertical Evaporators. 2.4. Falling Film Evaporators In a falling film evaporator, the liquid is fed at the top of tubes in a vertical tube bundle. The liquid is allowed to flow down through the inner wall of the tubes as a film. As the liquid travels down the tubes the solvent vaporizes and the concentration gradually increases. Vapor and liquid are usually separated at the bottom of the tubes and the thick liquor is taken out. Evaporator liquid is recirculated through the tubes by a pump below the vapor-liquid separator. This type of evaporator is illustrated in Figure 3 . The distribution of liquid through the inner wall of the tubes greatly affects the performance of this type of evaporator. The falling film evaporator is largely used for concentration of fruit juices and heat sensitive materials because of the low holdup time. The device is suitable for scaleforming solution because boiling occurs on the surface of the film.
2.5. Rising or Climbing Film Evaporators The LTV evaporator is frequently called a rising or climbing film evaporator. The liquid starts boiling at the lower part of the tube and the liquid and vapor flow upward through the tube . If the heat transfer rate is significantly higher, the ascending force generated due to higher specific volume of the vapor-liquid mixture, causes liquid and vapors to flow upwards in parallel flow. T he liquid flows as a thin film along the tube wall. This cocurrent upward movement against gravity has the advantageous effect of creating a high degree of turbulence in the liquid. This is useful during evaporation of highly viscous and fouling solutions. 2.6. Forced Circulation Evaporators Forced circulation evaporators are usually more costly than natural circulation evaporators. However the natural circulation evaporators are not suitable under some situations such as: highly viscous solutions due to low heat transfer coefficient solution containing suspended particles for heat sensitive materials All these problems may be overcome when the liquid is circulated at high velocity through the heat exchanger tubes to enhance the heat transfer rate and inhibit particle
deposition. Any evaporator that uses pump to ensure higher circulation velocity is called a forced circulation evaporator. The main components of a forced circulation evaporator are a tubular shell and tube heat exchanger (either horizontal or vertical), a flash chamber (separator) mounted above the heat exchanger and a circulating pump ( Figure 4 ). The solution is heated in the heat exchanger without boiling and the superheated solution is flashed off (partially evaporated) when pressure is reduced in the flash chamber. The pump withdraws feed liquor from the flash chamber and forces it through the heat exchanger tubes back to the flash chamber. Forced circulation evaporator is mainly used for concentration of caustic and brine solutions and also in evaporation of corrosive solution.
2.7 Agitated Thin Film Evaporator Agitated thin film evaporator consists of a vertical steam-jacketed cylinder and the feed solution flows down as a film along the inner surface of large diameter jacketed cylinder or tube ( Figure 5 ). Liquid is distributed on the tube wall by a rotating assembly of blades mounted on shaft placed coaxially with the inner tube. The blades maintain a close clearance of around 1.5 mm or less from the inner tube wall. The main advantage is that high rotating speed of blades permits handling of extremely viscous solutions. The devices can suitable concentrate the solution having a viscosity as high as upto 100 P.
The gasketed-plate evaporator is also called the plate evaporator because the design is similar that of a plate heat exchanger. A number of embossed plates with four corner openings are mounted by an upper and a bottom carrying bar. The gasket is placed at the periphery of the plates. The interfering gaskets of two adjacent plates prevent the
mixing of the fluids and lead the fluid to the respective flow path through the corner opening ( Figure 6 ). The fluids may either flow in series or parallel depending on the gasket arrangement. The heat transfer coefficient is greatly enhanced due to high turbulent flow through narrow passages. This evaporator is suitable for high viscous, fouling, foaming and heat sensitive solutions. This type of evaporators is mainly used for concentration of food products, pharmaceuticals, emulsions, glue, etc.
Figure 6 . Plate-evaporator.
3.2. Backward feed In backward feed operation, the raw feed enters at the last effect (coldest effect) and then pumped through the successive effects. The product is withdrawn from the first effect
(hottest) where the steam is introduced ( Figure 7b ). This method of feeding requires pump between each pair of effects to transfer thick liquid from lower pressure effects to higher pressure effects. It is advantageous when cold feed entering needs to be heated to a lower temperature than in forward feed operation. Backward feed is also used when products are viscous and higher temperature increases the rate of heat transfer.
3.3. Mixed feed In mixed feed operation the dilute liquid enters an intermediate effect, flows in the next higher effect till it reaches the last effect of the series. In this section, liquid flows in the forward feed mode. Partly concentrated liquor is then pumped back to the effect before the one to which the raw feed was introduces for further concentration as shown in Figure 7c . Mixed feed arrangement eliminates some of the pumps needed in backward.
3.4. Parallel feed The raw feed is introduced to each effect and also the product is withdrawn of from the same effect in parallel feed operation ( Figure 7d ). In parallel feeding, there is no transfer of liquid from one effect to another effect. It is used primarily when the feed is saturated and the product is a solid. This is most common in crystallizing evaporators.
4. PERFORMANCE OF EVAPORATORS (CAPACITY AND ECONOMY) The performance of a steam-heated evaporator is measured in terms of its capacity and economy. Capacity is defined as the number of kilogram of water vaporized per hour. Economy (or steam economy) is the number kilogram water vaporized from all the effects per kilogram of steam fed. For single effect evaporator, the steam economy is about 0.8 (<1). The capacity is about n -times that of a single effect evaporator and the economy is about 0.8 n for a n -effect evaporators. However, pumps, interconnecting pipes and valves are required for transfer of liquid from one effect to another effect that increases the cost of construction.
exchangers ( module # 3). If the pressure drop is more than the allowable pressure drop further adjustments in tube diameter, tube length and tube-layout is required. A variety of materials including low carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, copper, cupronickel etc. are used. However the selection of tube materials depends on the corrosiveness of the solution and working conditions. 5.2. Heat transfer coefficients The heat transfer coefficient of steam in shell side is normally very high. Therefore tube side (liquid side) heat transfer coefficient practically controls the rate of heat transfer. The overall heat transfer coefficient is should be either known/ calculated from the performance data of an operating evaporator of the same type and processing the same solution. Typical values of overall heat transfer coefficient are given in Table 1 . Table 1. Typical overall heat transfer coefficients in evaporators.
5.3. Boiling point elevation (BPE) Most evaporators produce concentrated liquor having a boiling point considerably higher than of pure solvent (or water). This phenomenon is called boiling point elevation (BPE). BPE occurs as the vapor pressure of a solution (usually aqueous solution) is less than that of pure solvent at the same temperature. The boiling point of a solution is a colligative property . It depends on the concentration of solute in the solution, but not on the solute and solvent. BPE of the thick liquor reduces the effective temperature driving force compared to the boiling of pure solvent. Equilibrium vapor generated from a solution exhibiting boiling point elevation is superheated with respect to vapor generated during boiling of pure solvent. The vapor generated is at the solution boiling point, elevated with respect to the pure component boiling point. The vapor, however, is solute free, so it won't condense until the
extra heat corresponding to the elevation is removed, thus it is superheated. Therefore the BPE of the thick liquor must be known before calculation for evaporator design. Determination of BPE : For strong solutions, the BPE data is found from an empirical rule known as Duhring rule . This states that the boiling point of a given solution is a linear function of the boiling point of pure water at the same pressure. Thus if the boiling point of the solution is plotted against the corresponding boiling point of pure water at the same pressure, a straight line is generated. Different lines are obtained if such plots made for solution of different concentrations. The main advantage is that a Duhring line can be drawn if boiling points of a solution and water (read from steam table) at two different pressures are known. This line can be used to predict boiling point of a solution at any pressure. A Duhring plot for the NaOH-water system can be found in heat transfer text books ( [1] (page 472) and [2] (page 386).
5.4. Selection of suitable evaporator The selection of the most suitable evaporator type depends on number of factors. These are mainly: (i) throughput required, (ii) viscosity of the solution (increases during evaporation), (iii) nature of the product and solvent (such as heat sensitivity and corrosiveness), (iv) fouling characteristics and, (v) foaming characteristics. A selection guidelines based on these factors is given in Figure 8 .
the flow of non-condensable is negligible heat loss from the evaporator system is negligible From the enthalpy data of the solutions, steam and condensate, the rate of heat input or the rate of steam flow can be calculated. The overall heat transfer coefficient UD (including dirt factor) is should be either known from the performance data of an operating evaporator of the same type and processing the same solution or a reasonable value can be selected from the standard text books ([1] Table 16.1 page 475; [2] Table 9.2 page 388) . With this information the area of heat transfer can be calculated. Calculate the tube-side and shell-side pressure drop using the method discussed during design of shell & tube exchanger from specified values of the tube length, diameter and the tube layout (refer module #3 for detail calculations). If the pressure drop value is more than the corresponding allowable pressure drop, further adjustments in the heat exchanger configuration will be required. 7.2. Multiple effect calculations Typically, multiple effect evaporator calculations require trial-and-error approach because many of the necessary properties depend on unknown intermediate temperatures. Usually, the heat transfer areas in all effects are considered to be equal. Use of equal size evaporator in all effects, reduces the cost of equipment significantly. In a typical evaporator problem, you are provided the supply pressure of steam, the operating pressure of the final effect, values for the overall heat transfer coefficient in each effect, feed and product compositions. The overall strategy is to estimate intermediate temperatures. The energy and material balance equations are solved sequentially to determine the heat transferred in each effect and the heat transfer area. If the areas are not equal, the calculation is repeated to revise the intermediate temperatures and the procedure is repeated till the heat transfer area in all effects are equal. The arrangement of a forward feed triple effect evaporator is shown in Figure 9 . The energy balance equations in all effects are given below:
Figure 9. Flow rates and pressure in a triple effect evaporator ([2] page 399) .
Effect I :
...................................... (1)
If the sensible heat of the steam is neglected this equation can be rewritten as-
................................................................. (2)
Effect II : Effect III : where, is the rate of vapor generated in the kth effect mf and ms are the feed and steam flow rate Hk is the enthalpy of the solution leaving the kth effect is the enthalpy of vapor generated in the kth effect s is latent heat of steam introduced in the 1st effect.
If UD1 , UD2 and UD3 are the corresponding overall heat transfer coefficients and A1 , A2 and A3 are the heat transfer area required, then it may be written as Effect I: Effect II : Effect III : where, is the quantity of heat transferred in kth effect is the boiling point of the solution in kth effect at the prevailing pressure Ts is the steam temperature entered to the 1st effect is the boiling point elevation in the kth effect, where pure solvent (water) in kth effect at the prevailing pressure is the boiling point of
Eqs. 2 to 7 are solved to calculate the heat transfer area by trial-and-error calculations. The calculation steps can be summarized as follows: 1. Initially temperature in each effect is estimated. To make this estimation, it is assumed that the heat transfer area in all effects is equal. This leads to:
............................................ (8)
Determine the overall temperature drop between the steam in the 1st effect and the saturation temperature of the last effect (don't forget to consider the boiling point elevation (BPE) in all effects).
.............................(9) where,
............... (10)
calculate the total amount of solvent vaporized from the feed and product concentration and feed flow rate. It is assumed that heat transfer rate in each effect is roughly equal that means that the rate of vaporization in each effect is also roughly equal. Calculate the approximate vaporization rate in each effect (it is one-third of total amount of solvent vaporized in one effect in case triple effect system). 2. Calculate the concentration in each effect and find out the BPE in each effect. Then calculate the overall temperature drop ( ). ) among the all the effects. Since the
areas are the same ( ), the temperature difference in each effect is roughly proportional to the overall transfer coefficients.
...................... (11)
Thus, calculate , and .
4. Use the calculated value of , and and composition estimated to calculate the enthalpy values. Be sure to use the same reference temperatures for all streams, including those taken from steam tables, etc. Solve the enthalpy balance equation sequentially to find out , and .
5. Use heat transfer equations to calculate the heat transfer area for each effect.
........................... (12)
6. Compare the areas calculated. If they are not equal, repeat the calculation. Using the areas obtained to revise the temperature estimates. The recommended approach is to use the ratio of the calculated heat transfer area for an effect to the arithmetic mean of the calculated areas as shown:
........................................................... (13)
Repeat the calculations until the area of each effect is equal.
The procedure above discussed is applicable for forward feed evaporators. The energy balance equation can developed accordingly for backward feed system. Here also the area for each effect is considered to be equal. The heat transfer area required to obtain the product purity from a specified feed is illustrated in the next example for forward feed evaporator system.
Design problem
A 5% aqueous solution of a high molecular weight solute has to be concentrated to 40% in a forward-feed double effect evaporator at the rate of 8000 kg.h -1. The feed temperature is 40C. Saturated steam at 3.5 kg.cm-2 is available. A vacuum 0f 600 mm Hg is maintained in the second effect. Calculate the design area requirements, if calandrias of equal areas are used. The overall heat transfer coefficients are 550 and 370 kcal.h-1 m-2 C-1 in the first and the last effect respectively. The specific heat of the concentrated liquor is 0.87 kcal.kg -1 C-1 . SOLUTION : Part 1. Thermal design: Pressure in effect I to be decided. Pressure in effect II = 760 - 600 = 160 mm Hg Boiling point at this pressure = 60C (from steam table) (high molecular wt. solute, BPE is neglected) Latent heat vapor generated in effect II at 160 mm Hg (0.2133bar) = 563 kcal.kg-1 (s2) Heat steam is at 3.5 kg.cm-2 gauge; temp ( Ts)=148C; Latent heat( s)= 506 kcal.kg-1 Feed rate = 8000 kg.h-1 , Solute content = 5% Final concentration = 40% Solid in = 8000 0. 05 = 400 kg.h-1 , water in = 8000-400= 7600 kg.h-1 Product out (40% solid) = (400)/(0.40) kg.h-1 = 1000 kg.h-1 Water out the product = 1000 (1-0.40) kg.h-1 = 600 kg.h-1 Total evaporation rate in two effects ( ........................ (A) Allow equal areas to two effects, i.e.,
-1 -2 -1
UD1 = 550, UD2 = 370 kcal.h m C = 35.4C & = 52.6C (Eq. 11) Temperature of the vapor leaving effect I ( Tb1 ) = 148 35.4 = 112.6C Latent heat vapor generated in effect I at 112.6C = 531 kcal.kg-1 ( s2) Energy balance for effect I (Eq. 2):
Enthalpy values: reference temperature = 112.6C (temp of solution leaving effect I) Hf = (40 - 112.6)(1 kcal/ kgC)= -72.6 kcal/ kg H1 = 0 kcal/ kg (w.r.t. the reference temperature of 112.6C) s = 506 kcal/ kg; s1 = 531 kcal/ kg (8000)(-72.6) + m s (506) = (8000- ms1 ) (0) + ms1 (531) m s = 1.05 ms1 + 1148 ................................................................................................... (B)
Energy balance for effect II (Eq. 3):
Enthalpy values: reference temperature = 60C (temp of solution leaving effect II) H1 = (112.6 - 60) (0.94 kcal/ kgC) = 49.4 kcal/ kg (sp. heat of the solution leaving the 1st effect is taken as the mean value of the sp. heat of feed and the concentrated liquor, i.e., 0.94) H2 = 0 kcal/ kg (w.r.t. the reference temperature of 60C) s1 = 531 kcal/ kg; s2 = 563 kcal/ kg (8000 - ms1) (49.4) + ms1 (531) = (8000- ms1 - ms2) (0) + ms2 (563) ms2 = 0.855 ms1 + 702.6 (C) Solving Eqs. (A), (B) and (C) for ms, ms1 and ms2: ms = 4713; ms1 = 3395 and ms2 = 3605 kg/ h
The areas in the two effects are not equal. Revised calculation is required.
The revised temperature difference in 1st effect, calculation (you may also continue the calculation with this revised value , Eq. 13) Temperature of the saturated vapor from the 1st effect = 148 -60= 108 C Corresponding evaporator drum pressure = 1.2116 bar Latent heat of the vapor leaving the 1st effect at 108 C 530 kcal/ kg ( s1) Corresponding pressure in the vapor drum = 1.3317 bar
Revised calculation: Energy balance for effect I (Eq. 2) (ref. temperature 108 C):
(8000)(-72.6) + ms (506) = (8000- ms1 )(0) + ms1 (530) ms = 1.047 ms1 + 1075 ............................................................................................(D) Revised calculation: Energy balance for effect II (Eq. 3) (ref. temperature 60 C): (8000 - ms1 )(0.94)(108-60) + ms1 (530) = (8000- ms1 - ms2 )(0) + ms2 (563) ms2 = 0.8612 ms1 +641 (E) Solving (A), (D) and (E), ms = 4652; ms1 = 3417 and ms2 = 3583 kg/ h
These areas are fairly close, use A1 = A2 = 104 m2 plus overdesign. About 10% excess area will provide a reasonable overdesign. Tube details: Let us select 5/4 inch nominal diameter, 80 schedule, and brass tubes of 12 ft in length Outer tube diameter ( do) = 42.16 mm Inner tube diameter ( di) = 32.46 mm
Tube length ( L ) = 12 ft = 3.6576 m Surface area of each tube ( a ) = p do L = p 42.16410-3 3.6576 = 0.4845 m2 Number of tubes required providing 10% overdesign ( Nt) = A / a = (115/0.4845) Tube pitch (triangular), PT = 1.25 do = 1.25 42.164 = 52.71 mm Total area occupied by tubes = Nt (1/2) PT PT sin (where, = 60) = 238 0.5 (52.71 10-3 ) 2 0.866 = 0.2863 m2 This area is generally divided by a factor which varies from 0.8 to 1 to find out the actual area. Actual area required = 0.2863/ 0.9 (0.9 is selected) = 0.318 m2 The central downcomer generally area is taken as 40 to 70% of the total cross sectional area of tubes. Consider 50% of the total tube cross sectional area. Therefore, downcomer area = 0.5 [ Nt (p /4) do2 ] = 0.5 [238 (p /4) (0.04216)2 ] = 0.1661 m2 Downcomer diameter = [(4 0.1661)/p] = 0.460 m Total area of tube sheet in evaporator = downcomer area + area occupied by tubes = 0.1661+ 0.318 = 0.4841 m2 Tube sheet diameter = [(4 0.4841)/p] = 0.785 m 238
Part 2. Mechanical design: A few basic parts of mechanical design of evaporator are shown below. The systematic approach of mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchanger is discussed in module #3 . Process design parameters and materials of construction : Consider a standard vertical short tube evaporator (calendria type) for this service Evaporator drum operated at 1.3317 bar pressure Amount of water to be evaporated = 7000 kg/hr Heating surface required A =115 m2 Steam is available to first effect at 3.433 bar pressure Density of 5% feed liquid (assumed) = 1050 kg/m3
Density of water vapor = = (1.331718) / (8.314 10 -5 381) = 0.757 kg/m3 Design pressure (P) = 5% more than the maximum working pressure is taken = 1.053.433 = 3.605 bar = 3.6749 kgf/cm2 Evaporator shell: low carbon steel Tube material: brass Permissible stress for low carbon steel = 980 kg/cm2 Modulus of elasticity for low carbon steel = 1910 5 kg/cm2 Modulus of elasticity for brass = 9.510 5 kg/cm2 Conical head at bottom: cone angle =120
Conical head at top: cone angle= 120 1. Check for tube thickness
The tube thickness is given by The permissible stress of brass (f) = 538 kg/cm2 ; Welding or joint efficiency, J = 1 is used for seamless tube Therefore, t t = (3.6749 32.46) / [(2 538 1) 3.6749] = 0.111 mm The specified thickness is 4.85 mm. Therefore, the selected tube is suitable for this service. 2. Calendria sheet thickness calculation
Thickness is given by: = (3.6749 785) /[(29800.85) +3.6749] = 1.73 mm Normally, the corrosion allowance of 3 mm is used for carbon steel. It may be taken as ts = 10 mm
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