Departments: Administration
Departments: Administration
Departments: Administration
Provides support and service for the activities of the Board of Directors Coordination of Bank branch activities and provision of interaction between branches and the main office. Expanding and reorganization of Bank market network. To create appropriate condition for efficient operation of structural Bank subdivisions. Currency control of Bank branches. Control of money transfer in foreign currency.
Coordination of construction, maintenance, rent and keeping buildings issues. Coordination of issues as logistical support of Bank activities.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities
also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part- or fulltime help. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees have.
provision of financial information for managers. The main areas covered by the financial department include: Preparation of budget, appropriation of accounts, reappropriations, surrender and savings Control of expenditure and ways & means position. Audit Treasury administration Administration of Taxes i.e. Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax and Entry Tax etc. Service Conditions including Freedom Fighters Pensions. Resource mobilization through loans, Institutional Finance, Small Savings, Credit and Investment and public debt.
Financial concurrence and advice. Compilation of Codes, Rules and procedures concerning financial transactions and having bearing on State finance and their implementation. Safety and investment of funds from consolidated funds, contingency fund and public account. Contract, recovery and refund of revenue etc
Purchase Department
The Purchasing Department is responsible for coordinating the
acquisition raw materials and other needs of the company and ensuring
that they are bought at the minimum cost and offer value for the money
purchasing all the goods and raw materials needed for Oushadhi; hence
The procedure for purchase starts when the purchase department receives
a request from any department for purchase of goods. Then the purchase
product. After careful analysis of the received quotations they select the
quotation which has the minimum price and place order to them mentioning
When the goods are received they are examined by set of doctors to check
whether the goods are up to the quality ordered. If the goods are not up to
the required quality they will be sent back. Good quality raw materials will
be received and stored in the stores and will be issued to the concerned
basis. Finally after receiving the goods the purchase department initiates
Purchase more than 600 varieties of raw materials through open tender.
Produces 450 Ayurvedic formulations - both classical and proprietary.
Qualified and experienced doctors to supervise productions.
1. The production and planning department will setstandards and targets for each section of the production process. The quantity and quality of products coming off a production line will be closely monitored. In businesses focusing on lean production, quality will be monitored by allemployees at every stage of production, rather than at the end as is the case for businesses using a quality control approach.
2. The purchasing department will be responsible for providing the materials, components and equipment required to keep the
production process running smoothly. A vital aspect of this role is ensuring stocks arrive on time and to the right quality.
3. The stores department will be responsible for stocking all the necessary tools, spares, raw materials and equipment required to service the manufacturing process. Where sourcing is unreliable, buffer stocks will need to be kept and the use of computerised stock control systems helps keep stcoks at a minimal but necessary level for production to continue unhindered.
responsible for researching new products or modifications to existing ones, estimating costs for producing in different quantities and by using different methods. It will also be responsible for the design and testing of new product processes and product types, together with the development of prototypes through to the final product. The technical support department may also be responsible for work study and suggestions as to how working practicescan be improved.
5. The works department will be concerned with the manufacture of products. This will include the maintenance of the production
line and other necessary repairs. The works department may also have responsibility for quality control and inspection.
Marketing involves a range of processes concerned with finding out what consumers want, and then providing it for them. There are two main types of market research:Quantitative research involves collecting a lot of information by using techniques such as questionnaires and other
forms of survey. Qualitative research involves working with smaller samples of consumers, often asking them to discuss products and serviceswhile researchers take notes about what they have to say. The marketing department will usually combine both forms of research.
The marketing department will seek to make sure that the company has a marketing focus in everything that it does. It will work very closely with production to make sure that new and existing product development is tied in closely with the needs and expectations ofcustomers.
R&D is the key for any pharmaceutical industry. Although there is lot of knowledge in the ancient text of Ayurveda R&D is necessary to make it suitable in todays context. Every product of Oushadhi that is manufactured is preliminarly tested and developed here . R & D department has miniaturized forms of all sorts of commercialized equipments . They have recently published a magazine called Oushadhi Sandesh. It has constructive articles and also contains Articles about Quality Control like Instant Checks for adulteration . The magazine also contains various information about other departments also. R&D has a special economic significance apart from its conventional association with scientific and technological
development. R&D investment generally reflects a government's or organization's willingness to forgo current operations or profit to improve future performance or returns, and its abilities to conduct research and development. Although R&D department had been existing in the company a separate existence was formed only in 2008.
Maintenance department
Procurement of plant and machinery. Up keep and maintenance of all plant and machinery. Construction of civil work. Power and water supply.
Effluent treatment.
Maintenance of campus.
Located at Shornur Road, Thrissur. Started functioning on 18.10.2004. Both in patient and out-patient section. 30 bedded modern hospital. Round the clock service of 4 Ayurvedic Doctors. Average number of patients per year-2000. Average turnover from Hospitals, Rs. 18 lakhs/year. Average turnover from pharmacy Rs. 6 lakhs. Clinical trial cell. Famous for Panchakarma therapy.
Annual distribution of 3 Lakh seedlings of 20 leading species. Cultivated 15 acres of land at Kuttanellur with 20 species of medicinal trees species.
Raised medicinal plant gardens in 150 selected schools in Thrissur and Kannur Districts of Kerala.
Established brand image
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The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness. For example, each of the following may be considered weaknesses:
Strikes by trade unions, even though strikes are less they hinder production.
Monopoly of medicine supplier to governmentAyurveda Hospitals and
dispensaries in Kerala
Difficulty in standardization, and validation of Ayurvedic medicine as per
the modern trials for selling larger market outside Usually people do not prefer Ayurveda for serious diseases. Presence of fraud Ayurveda doctors caused a black mark for this industry.