SC21 Business Excellence Process Overview v6 PDF
SC21 Business Excellence Process Overview v6 PDF
SC21 Business Excellence Process Overview v6 PDF
Process Overview
Prepared by:- The SC21 Development and Performance Special Interest Group
Section 1 2 3 Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................... 3 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................ 3 ASSESSMENT APPROACH .............................................................................................. 3
3.1 Determining Excellence ....................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Excellence Model assessment ...3 3.3 SC21 approach 4 DETERMINING EXCELLENCE PROCESS OVERVIEW.................................................... 4
4.1 Process Flow ....................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Launch meeting ................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Determining Excellence Questionnaire given to Organisation ............................................. 5 4.4 Organisation completes Questionnaire................................................................................ 5 4.5 Questionnaire returned to Assessment Team Leader ......................................................... 5 4.6 Assessment Team analyses Questionnaire......................................................................... 6 4.7 Workshop at Organisation facility ........................................................................................ 6 4.8 Feedback ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.9 Comparable Excellence Score ............................................................................................ 7 5 SCORING............................................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Scoring guidelines ............................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Scoring Rationale ................................................................................................................ 9 5.3 6 Final Score PRACTITIONERS ............................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A Determining Excellence questions versus Excellence Model sub-criteria ....................10 APPENDIX B Determining Excellence assessment v Full Excellence Model assessment.................11 APPENDIX C Practitioner Capability Profile .......................................................................................13
The methodology used in the SC21 Business Excellence Assessment is based on the EFQM Excellence Model. A|D|S acknowledges the EFQM copyright and is grateful for the permission granted to reproduce the EFQM Model within this document. The general approach that has been agreed with EFQM is that if one copy only of the questionnaire is provided, the maximum number of people working from this single copy to be 3 persons in total. Further copies to be provided based on maximum of 3 people sharing one copy.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and awareness to individuals involved in the deployment of Determining Excellence. It is applicable to either Practitioners delivering the assessment or to organisation representatives receiving the assessment.
Determining Excellence
The Determining Excellence Questionnaire was developed by the EFQM as a means for an organisation to perform a self assessment against the Excellence Model. This will provide an organisation with a view of its strengths and areas for improvement. The Questionnaire consists of 49 questions which may not give a complete picture of an organisations positioning against the Excellence Model but does provide a useful starting point and indicator for subsequent activities. Participating companies should be provided with a copy of EFQM brochure:EFQM Determining Excellence: ISBN: 978- 90-5236-542-8 3.2 Excellence Model assessment
An assessment against the Excellence Model with the associated RADAR logic and Fundamental Concepts, ensures that all the management practices used by an organisation form a coherent system that is continually improved and delivers the intended strategy for the organisation. Participating companies to be provided with a copy of EFQM brochure:EFQM Excellence Model: ISBN 978-90-5236-501-5 3.3 SC21 approach
Determining Excellence completed as self-assessment by the organisation with a workshop facilitated by SC21 accredited Practitioners is the recommended SC21 approach to assess an organisation against the EFQM Excellence Model, ref figure 1. Further guidance on when to conduct a full Excellence Model assessment in preference to Determining Excellence is given in Appendix B.
Figure 1.
Launch meeting
The Assessment Team Leader will give a presentation to the organisations management team. The presentation should cover: Note: The Assessment Team must include a qualified Lead Practitioner as recognised by the SC21 Development and Performance Special Interest Group. Determining Excellence Questionnaire given to Organisation An overview of the EFQM Excellence Model. SC21 use of the Determining Excellence questionnaire. Suggestions for self assessment number of people to be involved, how to develop a consensus position against the 49 questions. Explanation of the scoring. Agree date to return the self-assessment scoring to Assessment Team Leader. Agree a date for the facilitated workshop where the Assessment Team will to review the scoring with the management team. Delivery of the Feedback report of Strengths and Areas for Improvement and a comparable Excellence score. The Organisation is given the questionnaire as a booklet.
This will typically occur at the Launch/Positioning meeting at the organisations facility. Note: There is a copyright clause prohibiting reproduction electronically through photocopy or otherwise of the Questionnaire. The Determining Excellence Questionnaire can be purchased via the EFQM, reference: ISBN 978-90-5236-542-8. 4.4 Organisation completes Questionnaire
It is recommended that a minimum of 3 from the organisations management team complete the questionnaire, either together or individually and then through consensus agree a final view. This is important to ensure that managers have a common view of the organisations position against the Excellence Model and their strengths and areas for improvement. 4.5 Questionnaire returned to Assessment Team Leader
The Organisation is requested to return the completed questionnaire (or to state scoring per individual question) by the agreed date.
The Assessment team will review the scoring against each question and identify areas for further discussion during the assessment visit. E.g. for a score of A in Leadership question 1, one would expect enablers to be in place to demonstrate how Leaders: Set and communicate a clear direction and strategic focus of the organisations core purpose and objectives. Define and communicate the overall vision, values, ethics and corporate behaviour. Champion the organisations values and are role models for integrity, social responsibility and ethical behaviour. Foster organisational development through shared values, ethics and a culture of trust. Develop a shared leadership culture for the organisation and review and improve the effectiveness of leadership behaviours.
The above bullets are what an experienced Practitioner would expect to be clearly demonstrated in a Fully Achieved approach for RADAR score of >75% and hence aligned to a score A. A score of A indicates an outstanding approach, deployment and assessment & review for which there is little or no scope for improvement. 4.7 Workshop at Organisation facility
The assessment at the Organisation facility is essentially a discussion to understand the background to the scoring. It is recommended that, at minimum, 2 Practitioners attend the workshop to provide a consensus view. The discussion will be in a meeting room ideally with access to the Organisations intranet, as this can be used by the Organisation to describe the approaches. It is recommended that a brief tour of the facility is arranged check for notice boards with relevant Organisation and people information and up to date metrics. Get a feel for the culture of the business by chatting to employees met during the tour. Go through the questions by Criteria one-by-one checking for evidence or confidence that the enablers and results are in place. In some cases the Organisation will have scored themselves higher than that merited, the example above in 4.6 regarding an A score in Leadership Q1 may need the Practitioner to align the score to the Excellence Model and RADAR , i.e. clear evidence or evidence rather than comprehensive evidence and hence a score of B or C. Of course, the Organisation may also underplay the score and need to be scored higher. The important point is that the Practitioners are the experts on the Excellence Model and will use their experience effectively through deployment of the Determining Excellence Questionnaire. The Enabler questions in Determining Excellence mainly address the Approach so the Practitioner will need to consider how Deployment, Assessment and Review are addressed. In Results the questions do address trends, targets, comparisons and scope and to a lesser extent causes.
With 5 Enabler criteria comprising 25 questions and Results comprising 24 questions time will need to be well managed to get a good understanding on strengths and opportunities, particularly if the assessment is to be completed in one day. As in a full assessment Results should be relatively quick to assess scope, trends, targets, comparisons and cause are easily verified. It is recommended that Practitioners refer to the EFQM Excellence Model to ratify scores and to base Strengths and Areas for Improvement for feedback to the organisation. Note: Appendix A has a cross reference table of Determining Excellence Questions versus Excellence Model sub-criteria, e.g. Leadership Q3 relates to sub-criteria 1c. 4.8 Feedback
Feedback will be an Overview Presentation and Score and a Detailed report. Overview Presentation and Score Feedback timing will be agreed by the Lead Practitioner and the Organisation on the day, the next day or at another agreed date. The Assessment team will prepare a PowerPoint presentation as feedback of Strengths and Areas for Improvement as Key Themes and the comparable Excellence Model Score. As a guide scores of A or B are indicators of strengths, scores of C can be developed or deployed further and scores of D and E are indicators of Areas for Improvement which can be summarised under their Criteria. The information within the feedback will provide input for the Organisations Continuous Sustainable Improvement Plan (CSIP). Detail Report The detailed assessment report will be prepared by the Assessment Team, the Lead Practitioner will collate the final version for transmission to the Organisation. The report should be segmented by criterion and contain the agreed scoring (A, B, C, D or E) of each question together with Strengths, Comments (to address scores of C) and Areas for Improvement by criterion. The Report will finish with the summary of scores by criterion and the comparable Excellence Model Score. The Feedback Report should be sent to the Organisation within two weeks of the workshop. 4.9 Comparable Excellence Model Score
The Organisation must be advised that this score is derived and used under the SC21 supply chain development framework and is indicative of a score against the Excellence Model. A score for Industry benchmarking and recognition by EFQM would need to have been derived by a full assessment against the EFQM Excellence Model.
Scoring Guidelines
Scoring the questionnaire is a challenging task. EFQM have defined 5 scoring levels for each question. This encourages a speedy assessment due to the increment between each level. The scoring is shown below as noted in the EFQM Determining Excellence booklet with some additional guidelines for an SC21 Practitioner. Enablers
Level Factor EFQM A 75 Approaches being fully deployed and embedded SC21 guidelines An outstanding approach that can be considered to be best practice. Is clearly demonstrated as part of the improvement culture. Has been in place across the organisation for greater than 3 years. Regular proactive reviews of the approach and its deployment. Evidence that this approach is well addressed. Has been in place for a minimum of 2 years. Perhaps not deployed in all areas to the same extent. Periodic reviews and actions taken for further enhancement. Evidence that this approach is addressed. Improvement activity in place for a minimum of 12 months. Random reviews with specific actions for improvement. An approach is being prepared. Some evidence of improvement activity. No real activity but some good ideas which can be developed and progressed.
Approaches deployed in most areas Approaches partially deployed Ad hoc Approaches implemented No Approach
10 0
Level Factor EFQM A 75 Results comparing favourably against best-in-class organisations SC21 guidelines Results presented and relevant for all key areas for greater than 3 years. Performance of results clearly demonstrate the benefits of the enablers. Targets achieved for all key results. Results compare favourably with best-in-class organisations. Key results are identified and measured for a minimum of 2 years. Positive trends or sustained performance on most key results. Achievement of targets and favourable comparisons for most key results. Key results are identified and measured over the last 12 months. Positive trends on some key results. Targets and comparisons achieved for some key results. Some results are identified and measured. Trends, targets and comparisons are being established. No real activity, perhaps some data but not gathered or analysed in a structured way.
10 0
Scoring rationale
The scoring increments in the Determining Excellence booklet and those agreed for SC21 use are defined in the table below :A 100 75 B 75 50 C 50 25 D 25 10 E 0 0
It was found to be necessary to use a reduced scoring system in order to align to scores achieved from a full assessment against the Excellence Model using the RADAR scoring logic and to maintain benchmarking against existing scores. It is considered that this reduced scoring better supports the expected SC21 thresholds or guidelines for each level. Note: Determining Excellence is used as an indicator for improvement activity, accordingly scores of A should be rare. Businesses that do score A would be advised to deploy a full Excellence Model assessment as noted in 3.2.
Final Score
Once the scores in each Category have been multiplied by the Factoring (0, 10, 25, 50, 75) and summed the total is divided by 49 (the number of questions) to give a percentage achievement. This achievement figure multiplied by 1000 (Maximum Excellence Score) is the comparable Excellence Model Score. See the example below.
Criterion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E Leadership Policy & Strategy People Partnerships & Resources Processes Customer Results People Results Society Results Key Performance Results Number of ticks Factor Value Total Divided by 49 = % achievement Which is a comparable Excellence Model Score of D C 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 20 25 500 1300 0.265 265 B 3 2 2 2 2 1 A
1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 10 10 100
2 14 50 700 0 75 0
5 0 0
The term Practitioner is used in preference to the traditional term Assessor. The SC21 approach is that Practitioner better describes those who will provide support and guidance to an organisation in developing or supplementing their CSIP. Lead Practitioners and Practitioners must be accredited by SC21 Performance and Toolkits SIG (Special Interest Group). Information on Practitioner accreditation is shown in Appendix C.
RESULTS Sub-criterion
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2b 2d 2d 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 4a 4e 4b 4c 4d 5a 5b 5a 5d 5e
Customer Results 1 Customer Results 2 Customer Results 3 Customer Results 4 Customer Results 5 Customer Results 6 Customer Results 7 People Results 1 People Results 2 People Results 3 People Results 4 People Results 5 Society Results 1 Society Results 2 Society Results 3 Society Results 4 Society Results 5 Key Results 1 Key Results 2 Key Results 3 Key Results 4 Key Results 5 Key Results 6 Key Results 7
6a scope 6a trends 6b scope 6b trends / targets 6a/6b comparisons 6a/6b segmentation 6a causes 7a scope 7a causes 7a trends / targets 7b scope / trends / targets 7a/7b comparisons 8a scope 8b targets / causes / scope 8b targets / causes / scope 8a/8b trends / targets 8a/8b comparisons 9a scope / trends 9a comparisons 9a segmentation 9b scope 9a/9b trends / targets 9a/9b comparisons 9b scope / trends / comparisons
Dependencies or disadvantages Needs commitment and consensus from those completing the self assessment on behalf of the Organisation. May not represent shop floor views. Does not fully address Deployment, Assessment and Review or Cause within the RADAR Scoring Matrix. Does not allow direct comparison with scoring profiles of Award applicants.
Guidance for full Excellence Model assessment Organisations scoring 400 or above may get limited benefit from the Determining Excellence approach and would be encouraged to complete a full assessment against the EFQM Excellence Model. This will better highlight strengths and identify areas for improvement through an in depth deployment of the RADAR Scoring Matrix applied to all 32 Model subcriteria. Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SME, less than 250 employees) to be recognised for Silver SC21 award would be encouraged to complete a full EFQM Excellence Model assessment. An organisation of greater than 250 employees to be recognised for Silver SC21 award must complete a full EFQM Excellence Model assessment.
All organisations to be recognised for Gold SC21 award must complete a full EFQM Excellence Model assessment. Gold SC21 award winners will be role models for Excellence, accordingly an in depth assessment against the Excellence Model is required to validate this level of recognition.
If it has been agreed to conduct a full Excellence Model assessment, the Lead Practitioner will describe how a submission can be prepared by the organisation. This submission is used for initial assessment against the Excellence Model and is supported by a facilitated workshop.
Experience EFQM Assessor level training either: Having undergone and passed an EFQM European Assessor Training Competency Assessment. Has completed EFQM Assessor level training through either a) a European Assessor training course, b) EFQM licensed trainers and consultants, c) SC21 Development & Performance SIG approved course. Typically this involves assessing a case study against the Excellence Model and participating in a 2/3 day workshop of:o advanced understanding of the EFQM Excellence Model o scoring using the RADAR matrix o understanding the organisation being assessed o identifying key themes o reaching consensus o the basis of site visits and o preparing and delivering feedback reports and presentation
Practical experience in the deployment of the EFQM Excellence Model. Fully understand the EFQM Excellence Model and score consistently. Assessment experience, having participated as a BEM assessor with demonstrated application. Managerial experience, ideally in more than one operational area (e.g. Production, Support, Technical, Quality). Several years experience associated with suppliers and their management and development to provide an understanding of underlying process issues and their improvement. In addition, it is of paramount importance that the individual has a practical understanding of the problems which poor delivery and equipment serviceability causes in both the technical and commercial sense.
Qualifications Educated to degree standard in science, engineering, or a related discipline or/ Educated to HND, HNC or equivalent standard or/ Completed an apprenticeship in a manufacturing / engineering / service industry.
Additional Qualities Become capable in the deployment of other SC21 Workstreams (eg Manufacturing Excellence, Relationship Management) to support fellow Practitioners. A broad knowledge and experience of management processes. Written and verbal fluency in the English language. An achiever in respect of business objectives. Self-motivated, flexible professional. Can gather, assimilate and analyse evidence to make insightful judgements. Can produce and give clear, accurate and relevant feedback. The identification of improvement opportunities in respect of short, medium and long term requirements.
Lead Practitioner In addition to the above. Co-ordinate against SC21 National Status Report the Launch and deployment of the Business Excellence diagnostic assessment, using the trained multi-functional resources from the SC21 Community. As team leader, is responsible for ensuring the multi-functional team drawn from across the SC21 community operate efficiently and perform to realise the agreed objectives. Ensure that motivation, team spirit and focus on objectives are applied consistently in order to maximise team contribution to the SC21 Programme and benefit to the organisation being assessed. Provide appropriate training and mentoring for assessment personnel and accreditation as Practitioner or Lead Practitioner. Ensure the process remains current and in line with EFQM best practice and recommend changes accordingly.
Accreditation The SC21 approach is that Assessors may be better described as Practitioners who will provide support and guidance to a Company in developing or supplementing their CSIP. Lead Practitioners and Practitioners must be accredited by SC21 Development and Performance SIG. The Practitioner Capability Matrix is shown below. Lead Practitioner must be all High. Practitioner can be a mix of High and Medium as determined by the sponsoring Lead Practitioner. It is important that Practitioners are active in conducting assessments. Accordingly, Practitioners who have not conducted assessments for say 3 years would be required to undergo a shadow assessment to ensure they continue to meet the standard and are able to provide valued feedback to the organisation.
EFQM Awareness
Shadow Assessment
Lead Assessment
Assessments conducted
Date Detail Lead Practitioner/Trainer Guidelines Limited knowledge or understanding Has an awareness of the Criteria and process Low Familiar with some criteria but not able to articulate or present any material No or little experience in deployment Supervision required when deploying the process Guidelines Would be recognised as subject specialist Role model in demonstrating the Criteria and process Can coach, train and develop others in use of the process Medium Proven experience in deployment Leads deployment of the process linking with other assessments and associated activities Guidelines Can discuss at reasonable level of detail Attended recognised training course, good understanding of Criteria and process Can provide support and present on Criteria and process Some experience in application and deployment Some supervision required when deploying the process
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