FPDS-NG Crosswalk of Reports Business Objects To Informatica

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FPDS-NG Crosswalk of Reports Business Objects to Informatica

Prepared by:

Global Computer Enterprises, Inc. 10780 Parkridge Blvd., Suite 300 Reston, VA 20191

November 30, 2006


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Version History Date 03/16/2006 03/26/2006 11/30/2007 Version Number 1.0 1.0 1.1 Change Summary Initial Version General edits and revisions Completed the crosswalk between Informatica and Business objects Changed By Padma Parakala Nancy Gunsauls Deborah Blackwell

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................2 2 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................2 3 LIST OF BUSINESS OBJECTS (BO) REPORTS..................................................................2 4 CROSSWALK FROM NEW INFORMATICA REPORTS TO EXISTING BUSINESS OBJECT REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................10

List of Tables
TABLE 1 - LIST OF BUSINESS OBJECTS REPORTS..........................................................2 TABLE 2 INFORMATICA TO BUSINESS OBJECTS REPORT MAPPING.....................10

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports


FPDS-NG is pleased to announce that the conversion of standard report to Informatica is complete. Currently, FPDS-NG has both Business Objects (BO) reports and Informatica reports. Informatica is the reporting tool that will replace the Business Objects reporting tool starting from November 30, 2007. The enhanced functionality of the Informatica reporting tool will reduce the number of reports required in FPDS-NG. The drill down functionality allows users to start with a government wide report, drill down to the Department, Agency, Region, Contracting office and more until the lowest detail level is reached. The additional capability of being able to drill down in multiple dimensions will further reduce the number of reports required. 2 SCOPE

This document describes the crosswalk from Business objects (BO) reports and Informatica deployed on FPDS-NG. 3 LIST OF BUSINESS OBJECTS (BO) REPORTS
Table 1 - List of Business Objects Reports

Table 1 lists the standard Business Objects reports in FPDS-NG.

Business Object (BO) reports 1. All Categories of Small Business Awards by Agency 2. All Categories of Small Business Awards by Department 3. Awards to HUBZone Small Business by Agency

Description of BO Reports This report displays the various categories of small business awards in an approved status for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and date signed range This report displays the various categories of small business awards for a given Department. This report displays details of all Awards and IDVs in an approved state given to contractors that are classified as HUBZone Small Business contractors for the given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays details of all Awards and IDVs in an approved state given to contractors that are classified as HUBZone Small Business contractors for the given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays the awards for contractors that are designated as Veteran Owned Small Businesses or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, as determined by CCR data, for a given department, agency and date range This report displays the details of Awards and IDVs in the approved status and given to contractors that are classified

4. Awards to HUBZone Small Business by Department 5. List Of Awards With Veteran Owned Contractors Report

6. Awards to 8(a) Contractors by Agency

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Business Object (BO) reports

7. Awards to 8(a) Contractors by Department

Description of BO Reports as 8(a) contractors for the given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays the details of Awards and IDVs in the approved status and given to contractors that are classified as 8(a) contractors for the given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays awards funded by the same or other agencies for a given Contracting Agency and Effective Date range. This report displays the awards under the different manufacturing categories by department for a given time frame (based on effective date). This report displays actions and total dollar amounts for different extent competed categories for a given agency and specified date range. This report displays actions and total dollar amounts for different extent competed categories for a given department and a specified date range. This report displays extent competed, solicitation procedures, type set asides, evaluated preferences, research types; statutory exceptions to fair opportunity and reason not competed types and their award types for a specified date range and Agency. This report displays extent competed, solicitation procedures, type set asides, evaluated preferences, research types, statutory exceptions to fair opportunity and reason not competed types and their award types for a specified date range and Department This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars for a selected state or country by date signed Report displays key information about Awards in an approved status for the selected Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays key information about Awards in an approved status for the selected Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report lists all transactions for one contract number and is displayed by organization.

8. Awards Funded by Agencies

9. Buy American Report 10. Competition Summary Report by Agency - Action Dollars Over $25,000 11. Competition Summary Report by Dept-Action Dollars over $25,000 12. Competitive Procurement Activity Report by Agency

13. Competitive Procurement Activity Report by Department.

14. Summary Statistics for Entire StateCountry 14.Contract High Dollar Report by Agency 15. Contract High Dollar Report by Department 16. Contract Life Cycle Report by Number

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Business Object (BO) reports 17. Register Report by Agency

18. Register Report by Department

19. Record Entry Summary Report by Agency 20. Record Entry Summary Report by Department 21. Purchase Card Report by Agency

22. Purchase Card Report by Department

23. Contracting Office Report by Agency 24. Contracting Office Report by Department 25. Vendor Socio-Economic Categories by Agency

26. Vendor Summary by State and Congressional District

27. List Of Users Never Logged In

Description of BO Reports This report lists information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected agency, region and contracting office within a specified date range. The detail information is sorted by vendor name. This report lists information about Awards and IDV's in an approved status for the selected department within the specified date range. The detail information is sorted by vendor name. This report displays summary information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected agency, region and contracting office within specified date range. This report displays summary information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected Department and date range. The report displays only actions that have Modification Number "0". This report displays the contract details based on the user's selection for "Purchase Card used as a Method of Payment" for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office and date range. The date range is based on Effective Date This report displays the contract details based on the user's selection for "Purchase Card used as a Method of Payment" for all agencies for a given Department and date range. The date range is based on Effective Date This report displays contracting offices for a given agency grouped by end date. This report displays contracting offices for a given department grouped by agency and end date. This report displays the contract details for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office and date range. The date range is based on Effective Date. Both Awards and IDVs are displayed. Only contracts where one or more of the vendor socio economic indicator is set to Y are displayed. Total Actions and Total Dollars Obligated does not include contracts where all socio economic indicators are set to 'N' This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for Vendors under the two groups of Socio Economic Categories, for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, State, Congressional District, and date range. This Report displays the list of users who have never logged into the system. A blank field indicates that data hasn't been entered into the system.

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Description of BO Reports 28. List of Users by Agency This Report displays the list of users who are in the system for the given Agency as active or inactive users 29. List of Users by Department This Report displays the list of users who are in the system for the given Department as active or inactive users. 30. Last Login Date For Users This Report displays the last login date for each user under the given agency. A blank login date indicates that the user has never logged into the system. 31. Draft-Error Status Report This report displays the Draft Awards/IDVs, Error Awards/IDVs for a given Agency. 32. Quality Assurance Report Non This report displays all Awards with missing sequential Sequential Modifications modification numbers by Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. 33. Performance Statistics for Agencies This report lists performance statistics for all agencies and sub-agencies in a department. "Actions" is the total of unique identifiers reported. 34. Performance Statistics for Contracting This report lists performance statistics for all agencies and Office sub-agencies in a department. "Actions" is the total of unique identifiers reported. 35. Potential Duplicate Awards - Audit This report displays all potential duplicate awards for the Report selected agency and date signed range using the following columns to calculate if there is a possible match: -Agency ID -Contracting Office Code -Contracting Office Agency ID -Date Signed -Effective Date -Dollars Obligated -Current Contract Value -Ultimate Contract Value -Award Type -DUNS Number 36. Performance Based Service This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for Acquisition Report the performance based service acquisitions for a given date range. This report displays figures for the data before FY2005. 37. Performance Based Service This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for Acquisition Report - FY2005 the performance based service acquisitions for a given date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above 38. Performance Based Service This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for Acquisition Report by Agency the performance based service acquisitions for a given Agency and date range. This report displays figures for the data before FY2005.

Business Object (BO) reports

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Business Object (BO) reports 39. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Agency - FY2005 40. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Department 41. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Department FY2005 42. NAICS Summary 43. NAICS by State-Country Report by Agency 44. NAICS by State-Country Report by Department 45. Other Services and Construction-By Service Category 46. Product or Service Search by Department 47. Product or Service Search by Agency

48. Products And Services Purchased In The State-Country 49. Top 25 NAICS by Agency

50. Top 25 NAICS by Department

Description of BO Reports This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Agency and date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Department and date range. This report displays figures for the data before FY2005. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Department and date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above This report displays the actions (number of records) and total dollars obligated by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for a given Agency, Region, and Contracting Office, Country, State, and NAICS. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for a given Department, Agency, Country, State, and NAICS This Report Lists the Actions and Dollars for Other Services and Construction, for a given Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. This report displays Award and IDV details based on the Product or Service Codes (PSC Codes) for a given Department, PSC Code, and date range. This report displays Award and IDV details based on the Product or Service Codes (PSC Codes) for a given Contracting Agency, Region, Contracting Office Code, PSC Code, and date range. This report displays all of the products and services purchased in the selected state, ordered by the Dollars Obligated. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated of awards in an approved status for the Top 25 NAICS Codes based on the Contracting Agency Code. This report also displays several categories of socio-economic data for a selected Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and date signed range. The data is displayed at the Agency, Region, and Contracting Office levels. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated of awards in an approved status for the Top 25 NAICS Codes based on the Department ID. This report also

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Description of BO Reports displays several categories of socio-economic data for a selected department within a specified date range. 51. Research and Development Report by This report displays the Actions and Dollars for various R Agency & D categories (PSC Codes starting with A) for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). 52. Research and Development Report by This report displays the Actions and Dollars for various R Department & D categories (PSC Codes starting with A) for a given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). 53. Supplies and Equipment This report lists the actions and dollars for Supplies and Equipments, for a given Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. 54. List of Agencies Awarding Work in This report lists all the agencies awarding work in the State-Country selected state for a given date range. 55. List Of Counties In The State Where This report displays the list of counties where work was Work Performed performed for a given state and date range. 56. SF 279 - SF 281 Comparison This report displays data exclusively for SF281 data, grouped by Department ID. 57. SCAR Report by Department This report displays the SF279/SF281 comparison data for the specified Department and fiscal year, quarter range. 58. Socio-Economic Accomplishments by This report displays the various categories of small Agency business awards in an approved status for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office and date signed range. 59. Socio-Economic Accomplishments by This report displays the various categories of small Department business awards in an approved status for a given department and date signed range. 60. Socio-Economic Accomplishments This report provides total actions and dollar amounts for for National Interest Contracts the federal government departments for awards in final status for the selected "National Interest Action" name and date signed range for various socio economic categories. 61. Socio-Economic Categories by State- This report displays the total actions and total dollars Country by Agency obligated for each socioeconomic indicator for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, Country and State. 62. Socio-Economic Categories by State- This report displays the total actions and total dollars Country by Department obligated for each socioeconomic indicator for a given Department, Agency, Country, and State. 63. Type of Business by Agency The report displays awards and IDVs in final status for the specified agency, region code, contracting office id and specified date range. The total actions and dollars obligated correspond to the following vendor socio economic categories and business size determination:

Business Object (BO) reports

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Business Object (BO) reports

64. Type of Business by Department

65. Contractor Report 66. Place of Performance Report

67. Federal Contract Actions and Dollars By Executive Department Report

68. Federal Procurement Report by Agency

69. Federal Procurement Report by Department

70. Federal Procurement State Summary by Agency 71. Federal Procurement State Summary by Department

Description of BO Reports Other Than Small Business Concerns, All Small Business Concerns, Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns, Historically Black Colleges or Universities, Minority Institutions, 8 (a) Concerns, Women Owned Business Concerns, HUBZone Concerns, Service Disabled Veterans Small Businesses Concerns, Veteran Owned Small Businesses Concerns, JWOD Non-profit Concerns. Small Business Set Asides: Awards with contractors that have Type of Set Aside selected as -Small Business Set-Aside -Small Business Set-Aside Partial The report displays awards and IDVs in final status for all agencies under the specified department and specified date range. The total actions and dollars obligated correspond to the vendor socio economic categories and business size determination mentioned in #33: This report displays the place of performance and dollars obligated information for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office range. This report displays the vendor and Place of Performance Information for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office. Awards in the final status are displayed. This report displays the number of federal contract actions and sum of dollars obligated for a specified executive department and fiscal year quarter date range. Both SF279 and SF281 data are consolidated in this report. This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars for all Contracting Offices in a selected Agency and selected date signed range. This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars by Department for the selected Department and date signed range. This report displays the Federal Procurement State Summary Data for a given Agency within a specified date range. This report displays the Federal Procurement State Summary Data for a given Department within a specified date range.

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Business Object (BO) reports 72. National Interest Actions and Dollars 73. Contract Originator Report by Agency 74. Contract Originator Report by Department 75. Small Business Goaling Report by Department (funding office)

Description of BO Reports This report displays the actions and the dollar amount of awards and IDVs in an approved state for the selected date range for all Federal departments. This report displays the awards and IDVs created during the specified date range (based on the prepared date) by users who belong to the given agency. This report displays the awards and IDVs created during the specified date range (based on the prepared date) by users who belong to the given department. This report displays the Goaling data for Small Businesses by Department. This report will also display the data at the Agency and Region levels

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

4 CROSSWALK FROM NEW INFORMATICA REPORTS TO EXISTING BUSINESS OBJECT REPORTS Table 2 shows the mapping of the new Informatica reports to the existing Business Objects reports.
Table 2 Informatica to Business Objects Report Mapping

Description of BO Reports SBA Small Business Goaling Report 6. Awards to 8(a) Contractors by Agency This report displays the details of Awards by Funding Office and IDVs in the approved status and given to contractors that are classified as 8(a) contractors for the given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). 7. Awards to 8(a) Contractors by This report displays the details of Awards Department and IDVs in the approved status and given to contractors that are classified as 8(a) contractors for the given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). 1. All Categories of Small Business Awards by Agency 2. All Categories of Small Business Awards by Department 3. Awards to HUBZone Small Business by Agency This report displays the various categories of small business awards in an approved status for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and date signed range This report displays the various categories of small business awards for a given Department. This report displays details of all Awards and IDVs in an approved state given to contractors that are classified as HUBZone Small Business contractors for the given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports

Description of BO Reports Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays details of all Awards and IDVs in an approved state given to contractors that are classified as HUBZone Small Business contractors for the given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays the Goaling data for Small Businesses by Department. This report will also display the data at the Agency and Region levels The report displays awards and IDVs in final status for the specified agency, region code, contracting office id and specified date range. The total actions and dollars obligated correspond to the following vendor socio economic categories and business size determination: Other Than Small Business Concerns, All Small Business Concerns, Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns, Historically Black Colleges or Universities, Minority Institutions, 8 (a) Concerns, Women Owned Business Concerns, HUBZone Concerns, Service Disabled Veterans Small Businesses Concerns, Veteran Owned Small Businesses Concerns, JWOD Non-profit Concerns. Small Business Set Asides: Awards with contractors that have Type of Set Aside selected as

4. Awards to HUBZone Small Business by Department

75. Small Business Goaling Report by Department (funding office) 63. Type of Business by Agency


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports

64. Type of Business by Department

Description of BO Reports -Small Business Set-Aside -Small Business Set-Aside Partial The report displays awards and IDVs in final status for all agencies under the specified department and specified date range. The total actions and dollars obligated correspond to the vendor socio economic categories and business size determination mentioned in #33: This report displays the place of performance and dollars obligated information for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office range. This report displays actions and total dollar amounts for different extent competed categories for a given agency and specified date range. This report displays actions and total dollar amounts for different extent competed categories for a given department and a specified date range. This report displays extent competed, solicitation procedures, type set asides, evaluated preferences, research types; statutory exceptions to fair opportunity and reason not competed types and their award types for a specified date range and Agency. This report displays extent competed, solicitation procedures, type set asides,

Contractor Search

Vendor Socio-Economic Categories by Agency 65. Contractor Report

Competition Report

10. Competition Summary Report by Agency - Action Dollars Over $25,000 11. Competition Summary Report by Dept-Action Dollars over $25,000 12. Competitive Procurement Activity Report by Agency

13. Competitive Procurement Activity Report by Department.


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports

Socio Economic Achievements by Awarding Organization

58. Socio-Economic Accomplishments by Agency 59. Socio-Economic Accomplishments by Department 61. Socio-Economic Categories by StateCountry by Agency

62. Socio-Economic Categories by StateCountry by Department 5. List Of Awards With Veteran Owned Contractors Report

25. Vendor Socio-Economic Categories by Agency

Description of BO Reports evaluated preferences, research types, statutory exceptions to fair opportunity and reason not competed types and their award types for a specified date range and Department This report displays the various categories of small business awards in an approved status for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office and date signed range. This report displays the various categories of small business awards in an approved status for a given department and date signed range. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for each socioeconomic indicator for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, Country and State. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for each socioeconomic indicator for a given Department, Agency, Country, and State. This report displays the awards for contractors that are designated as Veteran Owned Small Businesses or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, as determined by CCR data, for a given department, agency and date range This report displays the contract details for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office and date range. The date range is


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

National Interest Action Report

Status of Actions Report

List of Users Report

Description of BO Reports based on Effective Date. Both Awards and IDVs are displayed. Only contracts where one or more of the vendor socio economic indicator is set to Y are displayed. Total Actions and Total Dollars Obligated does not include contracts where all socio economic indicators are set to 'N' 60. Socio-Economic Accomplishments for This report provides total actions and dollar National Interest Contracts amounts for the federal government departments for awards in final status for the selected "National Interest Action" name and date signed range for various socio economic categories. 72. National Interest Actions and Dollars This report displays the actions and the dollar amount of awards and IDVs in an approved state for the selected date range for all Federal departments. 31. Draft-Error Status Report This report displays the Draft Awards/IDVs, Error Awards/IDVs for a given Agency. 33. Performance Statistics for Agencies This report lists performance statistics for all agencies and sub-agencies in a department. "Actions" is the total of unique identifiers reported. 34. Performance Statistics for Contracting This report lists performance statistics for all Office agencies and sub-agencies in a department. "Actions" is the total of unique identifiers reported. 27. List Of Users Never Logged In This Report displays the list of users who have never logged into the system. A blank field indicates that data hasn't been entered into the system.

Business Object (BO) reports

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports 28. List of Users by Agency 29. List of Users by Department 30. Last Login Date For Users

Federal Actions & Dollars Report

32. Quality Assurance Report Non Sequential Modifications 14.Contract High Dollar Report by Agency

15. Contract High Dollar Report by Department 16. Contract Life Cycle Report by Number 67. Federal Contract Actions and Dollars By Executive Department Report

Description of BO Reports This Report displays the list of users who are in the system for the given Agency as active or inactive users This Report displays the list of users who are in the system for the given Department as active or inactive users. This Report displays the last login date for each user under the given agency. A blank login date indicates that the user has never logged into the system. This report displays all Awards with missing sequential modification numbers by Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. Report displays key information about Awards in an approved status for the selected Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays key information about Awards in an approved status for the selected Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report lists all transactions for one contract number and is displayed by organization. This report displays the number of federal contract actions and sum of dollars obligated for a specified executive department and fiscal year quarter date range. Both SF279 and SF281 data are consolidated in this


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports 68. Federal Procurement Report by Agency

Description of BO Reports report. This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars for all Contracting Offices in a selected Agency and selected date signed range. This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars by Department for the selected Department and date signed range. This report displays summary information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected agency, region and contracting office within specified date range. This report displays summary information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected Department and date range. The report displays only actions that have Modification Number "0". This report lists information about Awards and IDVs in an approved status for the selected agency, region and contracting office within a specified date range. The detail information is sorted by vendor name. This report lists information about Awards and IDV's in an approved status for the selected department within the specified

69. Federal Procurement Report by Department

19. Record Entry Summary Report by Agency

20. Record Entry Summary Report by Department

17. Register Report by Agency

18. Register Report by Department


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports

Total Actions by NAICS Report

42. NAICS Summary

49. Top 25 NAICS by Agency

50. Top 25 NAICS by Department

43. NAICS by State-Country Report by Agency 44. NAICS by State-Country Report by Department Total Actions by PSC Report 45. Other Services and Construction-By

Description of BO Reports date range. The detail information is sorted by vendor name. This report displays the actions (number of records) and total dollars obligated by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated of awards in an approved status for the Top 25 NAICS Codes based on the Contracting Agency Code. This report also displays several categories of socioeconomic data for a selected Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and date signed range. The data is displayed at the Agency, Region, and Contracting Office levels. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated of awards in an approved status for the Top 25 NAICS Codes based on the Department ID. This report also displays several categories of socio-economic data for a selected department within a specified date range. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for a given Agency, Region, and Contracting Office, Country, State, and NAICS. This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for a given Department, Agency, Country, State, and NAICS This Report Lists the Actions and Dollars

FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports Service Category 46. Product or Service Search by Department 47. Product or Service Search by Agency

51. Research and Development Report by Agency

52. Research and Development Report by Department 53. Supplies and Equipment

48. Products And Services Purchased In The State-Country Funding Report 8. Awards Funded by Agencies

Description of BO Reports for Other Services and Construction, for a given Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. This report displays Award and IDV details based on the Product or Service Codes (PSC Codes) for a given Department, PSC Code, and date range. This report displays Award and IDV details based on the Product or Service Codes (PSC Codes) for a given Contracting Agency, Region, Contracting Office Code, PSC Code, and date range. This report displays the Actions and Dollars for various R & D categories (PSC Codes starting with A) for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report displays the Actions and Dollars for various R & D categories (PSC Codes starting with A) for a given Department and Date range (based on the Date Signed). This report lists the actions and dollars for Supplies and Equipments, for a given Department, Agency, Contracting Office and date range. This report displays all of the products and services purchased in the selected state, ordered by the Dollars Obligated. This report displays awards funded by the same or other agencies for a given Contracting Agency and Effective Date


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports range.

Description of BO Reports This report displays the awards and IDVs created during the specified date range (based on the prepared date) by users who belong to the given agency. This report displays the awards and IDVs created during the specified date range (based on the prepared date) by users who belong to the given department. This report displays the Federal Procurement State Summary Data for a given Agency within a specified date range. This report displays the Federal Procurement State Summary Data for a given Department within a specified date range. This report displays the list of counties where work was performed for a given state and date range. This report lists all the agencies awarding work in the selected state for a given date range. This report displays the vendor and Place of Performance Information for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office. Awards in the final status are displayed. This report provides a wide range of summary data information for awards in an approved state as well as the total actions (number of records) and dollars for a

Individual Data Item Oversight Tracker Report

73. Contract Originator Report by Agency

74. Contract Originator Report by Department Geographical Report by Place of Performance 70. Federal Procurement State Summary by Agency 71. Federal Procurement State Summary by Department 55. List Of Counties In The State Where Work Performed 54. List of Agencies Awarding Work in State-Country 66. Place of Performance Report

14. Summary Statistics for Entire StateCountry


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports 26. Vendor Summary by State and Congressional District

Performance Based Acquisition Report

36. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report

37. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report - FY2005

38. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Agency

39. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Agency - FY2005

40. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Department

Description of BO Reports selected state or country by date signed This report displays the total actions and total dollars obligated for Vendors under the two groups of Socio Economic Categories, for a given Agency, Region, Contracting Office, State, Congressional District, and date range. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given date range. This report displays figures for the data before FY2005. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Agency and date range. This report displays figures for the data before FY2005. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Agency and date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Department and date range. This report displays figures for the


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports 41. Performance Based Service Acquisition Report by Department FY2005

Buy American Report Place of Manufacture Report (This report is not deployed yet but will be deployed by March 1, 2007) Purchase Card as Payment Method Report

9. Buy American Report

21. Purchase Card Report by Agency

22. Purchase Card Report by Department

Contracting Office Report

23. Contracting Office Report by Agency 24. Contracting Office Report by Department

No Informatica report mapping because these reports are obsolete.

35. Potential Duplicate Awards - Audit Report

Description of BO Reports data before FY2005. This report displays the actions and dollars obligated for the performance based service acquisitions for a given Department and date range. This report applies to date ranges for FY2005 and above This report displays the awards under the different manufacturing categories by department for a given time frame (based on effective date). This report displays the contract details based on the user's selection for "Purchase Card used as a Method of Payment" for a given Agency, Region and Contracting Office and date range. The date range is based on Effective Date This report displays the contract details based on the user's selection for "Purchase Card used as a Method of Payment" for all agencies for a given Department and date range. The date range is based on Effective Date This report displays contracting offices for a given agency grouped by end date. This report displays contracting offices for a given department grouped by agency and end date. This report displays all potential duplicate awards for the selected agency and date signed range using the following columns to calculate if there is a possible match:


FPDS-NG Crosswalk-Business object reports to Informatica Reports

Informatica Report Name

Business Object (BO) reports

Description of BO Reports -Agency ID -Contracting Office Code -Contracting Office Agency ID -Date Signed -Effective Date -Dollars Obligated -Current Contract Value -Ultimate Contract Value -Award Type -DUNS Number This report displays data exclusively for SF281 data, grouped by Department ID. This report displays the SF279/SF281 comparison data for the specified Department and fiscal year, quarter range.

56. SF 279 - SF 281 Comparison 57. SCAR Report by Department


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