Modern Idolatry
Modern Idolatry
Modern Idolatry
An id.ol in the Bible is always a
representalion of something
reallhatpeopJe take for God,
They may offer it love, wor.hip,
prayers, offerings; they may
hope to prayer or
... In other word.,
idolatry i. the tendency in
humanit}' 10 assign
or sacred value and power 10
some th in gnatu rat:
I t is not V'JlGng to make a
statue of fl perSOll or an animal.
any more than itiswrongto
nave a ]wY' for things, or for
animals, or for natllre. What is
evil, the Bible lel1s us, i. to
cOilfuse Iwo different realities.
lsaiah us th.t an ico!;s
only" piece of wood, But for
the on e who worships iI .n idol
is nol prized for itself. It i. the
symbol of ueligious reality, of
a god
Poopie today are generally of
Ihe OpmlOJl tha I these
ida181ro"j s. pFlgcm C'J Its ),.flve
SOll8 Lrom our Iiv-es. No longer
do we \.",()rship animal images.
and in the Catholic Church they
draw a careful distinction
bet",,,en what isof!ered to a
saini Ihe Virgin and
WOJship given to God,
Yet, \A'i th()ut being aware of
it. our developed world is filled
wit h ida 1s. They are not the
same Clsl.r.ose in, African
reli.gions, W have Ollr(Jwn. A
le,\ from Ihe Bible rna,' be a
poinl<r to what the: are. Paul
[hu. 'CcJ\'eto'Jsll:.$sis
ido]a1n/, it1 ether 'Nords, Jove of
the desi:-e to have more
artd lIloreof it '.rust in rnoner-
this is idelill)'=--"
UI1imate securi.ty
\A.Je ne ed 10 ask f'ome precise
qL1esi io]'l So:
Jacques Ellul
In whom. or in what, do we
place our trust [our faith)?
Where do we look for
security and happiness?
Whom do we expect to
guarantee OUf future?
'. What do we think can
guard our liberty?
Viham do we believe on
the subject of truth?
How do we explain our
origi nsF?
If we are honest we will see
very quickly that. even if we are
Christians. even if we pray, in
reality we are looking to other
certainties and other truths.
And this is where our idolatry
We believe that money is
our best guarantee, It is this
which gives us confidence for
our latter years. or allows us to
be happ: - money together wilh
We believe tha t the state is
the agent of our securit\f. From
i I we -expect justice, good
organization, even truth, This is
true of various Iypes of state:
there is an idolatry of liberal
democracies as well as of com-
munist states. But it must be
said that communism is a whole
system of idolatry. Many
studies have shown how com-
munism is a real religi9n. with
ils holv books (Marx]; its clergy.
[lbepartYl; its paradise [the
promise of world communism
coming soon}: its crilerla for
orthodox,,' and heres\' "nd its
worship, 'Ithe cu)1 of'
personalily. as of Sial in. Mao,
THo ... }. We are looking at a
highi,' effective idolatry-
although capitalism makes a
stronf2 rival.
Again we :llake an idol of
science. Here is the :-oEld to
truth, we believe. And we look
to science to resolve all our
problems. We expect it to lead
us to our destiny, to accounl for
our origins, and to explain
everything else. And this
idolatry [the attitude of the
man-in-the-streel rather than of
most scientists} !'eplaces love
for the God of Jesus Christ.
These are, I believe. the three
great. modern idolalries'
money. the stale. science. None
of them, of course. is evil in
itself. any more Ihan were the
bulls and ea.les of earlier
times. What them idols is
our idolatrous attitude towards
them, which renders them
lotally opposed to Cod,
radically evil.
Alongside these three funda-
menIal idolatries there are
plenty of others. People idolize
race (racialism did nol
disappear wilh the Nazis). We
have an idolatry of homeland or
nation, a very fierce one which
can lei .\oose \"'ars. as well as
economic confrontation and
hatred of foreigners, There is
an idolatry of social class
(especially,in fhe working class
under the influence of
. Finallv we must include some
popular 'modern beliefs; the
idolatry of the guru, the
prophet. Ihe modern myth-
maker, all mushrooming in an
a.mazing \<\'ay. It has to be
cle;;."h staled thrll all these
.without. exception fall under
God's condenlnation on all
idolatry and false religion.
There cannot be room in the
human heart bolh for the God
of Jesus Christ and for the love
of any of these power.