Oncology Ward Teaching - Assessed Clinical Clerking: How The Session Works
Oncology Ward Teaching - Assessed Clinical Clerking: How The Session Works
Oncology Ward Teaching - Assessed Clinical Clerking: How The Session Works
How the session works 9.30 Meet your tutor outside the Oncology Seminar Room and you will each be given the name and a few basic facts about a patient. Then, without the aid of the medical notes, you have 60 minutes to take a history and perform a full examination of the patient.
10.30 Meet back at the seminar room and each of you will formally present your case to the tutor 11.30 The group will go with the tutor, to each of the patients, and the student who clerked that patient will perform a system examination with abnormal findings e.g. respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculo-skeletal or neurological.
This session will be assessed by the tutor and by yourself to try and allow you to identify areas of your clinical clerking, which require further practice . The marking scheme is an adaptation of the Structured Clinical Examination Exercise form and a marking proforma, which is now used in Finals. This is a formative assessment, not summative and does not count towards your examination mark. In order to investigate the best methods of tutor and student assessment we will be collecting in the forms at the end of this session. So we can match the two assessments, we would like you to write your matriculation number on the forms. The information will solely be used for this purpose, and of course kept confidential. If you would like to keep a hard copy of the form please ask your tutor to arrange a photocopy.
Comprehensive Clearly presented in logical order Clearly presented with exacerbating/ relieving factors
Comprehensive Important negatives noted All drugs noted including indications and potential problems Home situation Social services Potential problems Comprehensive
Social history
Presented clearly and in logical sequence Delivered in clear concise manner, with all relevant facts
Information gathering:
greets patient, describes comprehensive plan introduces self and role, emphasis on safe practice obtains takes all consent findings and other given information into consideration examines in logical sequence seeks all appropriate signs uses standard techniques can list further relevant clinical examination shows genuine interest and concern responds sensitively to patients feelings and situation Gives clear logical summary of clinical findings
Matric. No. ______________________ What was strongest element of the casepresentation / examination?
What mark would you give the student? Poor Pass Good Very Good Excellent
Overall comment _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Do you have any feedback on this session you would like to give to the organisers? _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
STUDENT SELF-APPRAISAL FORM FOR ONCOLOGY ASSESSED CLERKING Matric. No. ______________________ This is for you to complete at the end of the session before you have seen the tutors comments. We would like to collect these at the end of the session so that we can analyse staff versus student appraisal to try and improve our procedures so that they are most informative to both parties. Obviously this information will be kept confidential. If you are concerns please discuss with Dr Erridge. If you would like to retain a copy of this feedback please ask you tutor who will arrange a photocopy for you. How do you think you did today? Poor Pass Good Very good Excellent
Overall comment
______________________________________________________________ Do you have any feedback youd like to give to the organisers of this session? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________