Although He Is Called
Although He Is Called
Although He Is Called
toward eastern religions and new age occultism, relegating the "Christian" emphasis into the hands of Jesus Sananda Immanuel, Ashtar, and a host of others. Among the fallen angels, demons who masquerade as "the departed dead" are also included within the inner circle. The strange rational is that the term "ascended" similarly applies to deceased human beings who new agers believe have excelled in spiritual wisdom through several reincarnations on earth. Among the top on the list of the deceased are "Mother Mary," Mary Magdelene and even a 20th century demon who claims to be the ascended "Mother Theresa." Likewise the "ascended ones",--- both human and angelic--- have formed a demonic fellowship known among occultists and mystics as "the Great White Brotherhood." The Great White Brotherhood even claims Jesus the Christ, Gautama Buddha, and other World Teachers as their leaders, with Maitreya as "the Master of Masters." So within the White Brotherhood, the Lord Jesus Christ whom we, the elect worship, is portrayed as merely an ascended master who reports to Maitreya. The blasphemy of such a teaching is so outrageous that I now see why the Lord waited 3 decades before assigning me to this particular "occult investigation." Our God is an awesome God. First, I was a student of the occult, then a participant and an observer within the organized church, then involved in a study on setting people free from demons. These three spiritual paths within experiential learning definitely were required "courses" that took all of 34 years to complete. To enter into this, the fourth course, I realize today that the first 3 courses were MANDATORY and not a drop of my time has been wasted. The Holy Ghost is never off track. The ole folk spoke true. "He may not come when you want Him, but He is always 'right on time!!!" There is a fifth and final course. Believe me---I haven't a clue. Alleged to be a spiritual order from every culture and race that includes both western saints and eastern adepts,fallen angels among the so called White Brotherhood boast of having inspired human creativity and achievements in education, the arts and sciences, politics and religion--in other words, every worldly system and subsystem. For example, Sananda claims that he inspired Michaelangelo's portrait of himself that the churches have accepted as the picture of "Jesus." Most churches today have pictures of Sananda hanging in them somewhere. Unsuspecting believers correlate the picture of Jesus that they observe on church walls as the real Jesus when it is really Sananda. A very good deception. The church was groomed for hundreds of years by this one painted image. Although it is alleged that the word "white"in the Great "White" Brotherhood refers not to race, but to the aura (halo) of the White Light that surrounds the saints and the sages, I have only found one "ascended master" of African descent. It should not be surprising that there is only one black man among them, since racism itself is certainly inspired by demons. I find it
interesting that the nation of Islam aka "the Black Muslims" were correct about that picture of "the white Jesus." He is a fake. Not the devil himself but he is certainly "a demon.". The white race is not "the devil" as the Muslims have preached because the devil is NOT a man. However, the blue eyed, light and long haired, white skinned one is an imposter---a top general among Satan's army. He is Sananda---a fallen angel---who telepathically inspired artists to draw him in the image of a white man. The demons wisely knew that Christians would be more inclined to hang his picture on church walls if he was white as opposed to a man of color. Clearly, Sananda is well acquainted with all facets of racism. Sananda took advantage of the ignorance of racists and has successfully had a picture that represents himself====a demon on its walls for centuries. Most significantly, the Great White Brotherhood consistently and periodically release its false doctrine by the spoken word through conferences, seminars, writings, books, and through personal discipleship and training. In fact, Sananda's "prophetic leanings" are a strong indication that he may be the second beast in the book of Revelation, known as the false prophet. As an example, here is a prophecy that I would like you to take a look at, below in red. So be it I have appointed thee Mine spokesman; I've given unto thee the power and authority to speak for being that which I AM. And I say unto thee Mine child whom I have called forth and anointed thee with the Holy Spirit, thy name shall be as it is now called, Thedra - that name I spoke unto thee from out the ethers, and thou heard Me and accepted that which I gave unto thee; and wherein have I deceived thee? Wherein have I forgotten thee, or left thee alone? ' 'I say unto thee, Mine hand is upon thee and I shall sustain thee and you shall come to know that which I have kept for thee. So be it that I have kept thy reward and at no time shall it be dissipated of scattered, for it is intact. So let this Mine Word suffice them which question thee - let them question, and I shall bear witness for thee. For do I not know Mine servants from the traitor? Do I not reward Mine servants according unto their works or merits? I speak that they might know that I am mindful of Mine servants, that I am not a poor puny priest who has forgotten his servants.' 'I say unto them, Mine servants shall be glorified above the crowned heads of the nations which have set themselves apart, and denied Me Mine part of Mine word - for they have turned from Me in their conceit and forgetfulness.' 'Now let this go on record as Mine Word, and I shall give unto them proof, which are of a mind to follow Me. So be it as I have spoken and I am not finished; I shall speak again and again, and I shall rise Mine Voice against them which set foot against Mine servants, and they shall be as ones cast out. So let them ask of Me and I shall enlighten
them. So be it I know where of I speak. Be ye as ones blest to accept Me and know Me for that which I AM. For those of you who are familiar with word of faith and pentecostal prophecies that are routinely uttered in their worship services and meetings, you will note a very similar phraseology and tone to this utterance. In fact, if someone stood up in your church and uttered these very same words, practically no one would suspect that this particular prophetic utterance emanated from Sananda. With this "word,", a fallen, cosmic demon gave "his prophetess", Sister Thedra, the authority to use the name "Sananda." The remainder of this "prophecy" is as follows: 'Now it is come when ones which have the will to follow Me shall come to know Me by that name which I commanded thee to give unto the world as Mine 'New name.' There are many that shall call upon the name of Jesus, yet they will deny the new name as they are want to do. While unto thee I give assurance that I am the One sent that there be Light in the world of men. Now let this be understood, that they that deny Mine New Name deny Me by any name. 'Sori Sori: Mine hand I have placed upon thine head, and I have given unto thee the authority to use Mine name. Give unto them the name Sananda, by which they shall know Me as the Lord thy God - the Son of God sent that ye be made to know Me, the One sent from out the inner temple that there be Light in the world of men.' Born in 1900 in Mount Shasta California and formerly known as Dorothy Martin, she was renamed "Sister Thedra." A new age channeler, Thedra was appointed by the referenced prophecy in red as Sananda's prophetess, just as Benjamin Creme is the prophet for Maitreya. Thedra herself was duped and remained deceived until her death. While in her 50's in 1954, Thedra became terminally ill with cancer when a being who called himself "Jesus" suddenly materialized at her deathbed and instantly healed her by the laying on of hands. He then sent her forth with "Go, feed my sheep and I will give you the food." Deathbed visitations are common with Sananda. In particular, those out of body death experiences that have become so well known in our generation are orchestrated by Sananda and the religious demons under his command. I in no way marvel at Thedra's alleged healing. Since Sananda or one of his demons who specializes in inflicting sickness and disease put the cancer on Dorothy Martin in the first place, a simple withdrawal of his hand from the sickness cleverly caused Thedra to assume that Sananda healed her when all he did was stop "making her sick!". No wonder Thedra was a faithful follower of Sananda until she died at the ripe ole age of 92. What a shock it must have been for Thedra to realize that she had been duped by a master magician, the fake Jesus himself when she opened up her eyes in hell. With the word above in red, Sananda "anointed" Thedra and drew her into full scale blasphemy. He gave Thedra the authority to use what he referred to as "his rightful name." As the fake Jesus, this imposter demon pointedly
emphasized that he was of the Kumara line. One of Satan's names is Sunat Kumara. Therefore, referring to himself as Sananda Kumara,is another way of saying that he is in the family of Satan. As to his main channel, Thedra worked hard for Sananda. In 1961, she founded the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. At that time, Thedra received a series of lessons from Sananda, as well as founded a newsletter to advise and assist their followers through what occultists call "Earth's coming tranformation." Ironically, I have a similar purpose for my newsletter, "Try the Spirits"----to advise and assist the elect NOT to be deceived prior to "the earth's coming transformation", the return of the true Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! It seems that the year 1900 as well as the decade of the 1950's were significant for the fallen angels to stabilize their last work. The Sananda influence even permeated Hollywood by the release of a science fiction movie in 1951 entitled "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Inspired by a short story authored by a science fiction writer by the name of Harry Bates, this movie cleverly embraced the Maitreya-Sananda message, namely that the cosmic beings that surround the earth are benefic and wise, with better character than any of earth's human sinners. In the movie, an alien lands on this planet and warns the rebellious people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed. A robot and what I call "a demon posing as a man from outer space" hold the world spellbound with startling and miraculous powers. Sounds like the anti-christ to me!!! Since ascended masters claim to inspire the arts, I suspect that Sananda telepathically inspired this very provocative movie of the early 50's to subliminally prepare the hearts of men for what lies ahead. While Sananda was inspiring Hollywood and simultaneously recruiting Thedra, yet another channel "was anointed" in the 50's---George King--- a male counterpart to Thedra, also born in 1900. George King, an avid yoga practitioner and British occultist for 10 years at the time of his visitation, was sent a messenger , a demon called Aetherius. Through the assistance of this demon, the Aetherius Society was begun in London in 1954. King was told to prepare himself to become the voice of the Interplanetary Parliment, so in 1955, King was named as the "primary terrestrial mental channel." Until his death in 1982, King regularly channeled messages from Aetherius as well as Sananda. It is very significant to note that George King was consecrated as an archbishop ofthe Independent Liberal Catholic Church. The Liberal Catholic Church is one of thirty or more Catholic Churches in the world which are independent of Rome, such as the Greek Orthodox, Coptic, Old Catholic, etc. The strange beliefs of various catholic sects are so bizarre that it would take too many issues to present them. Suffice it to say that just as you will find perhaps billions of innocent people who are extremely devoted to Allah, Buddha, and other gods-- sincere people, faithful followers of the wrong god,--- Sananda and other fallen angels have used the same tactics within organized churches that call themselves "Christian."
The strategy to obtain channels and other followers is relatively routine among the masquarading demons. First of all, religious demons never tell their human targets the dirty, down and dark side of their real mission and purpose. Nor do they reveal that they actually serve Satan. Yet, not denying their god, they just switched a few letters around and refer to Satan as "Sanat" Kamura. These so called "ascended masters" lure and entice people to follow them either directly or indirectly-----authoring books through them and prospering their lives in material and soulish ways. Channels are attracted to and lured by the positive side of the message based upon the desires of their own hearts. And since the human heart is deceitfully or secretively wicked, these human channels have not been difficult targets for deception by high level fallen angels whose commander in chief is Satan. Clearly, with professing Christians who serve and worship the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, Sananda and his demon and human helpers use deception through infiltration into the minds of professing Christians with false practices, false doctrine and deceived and/or false prophets. Even though Sananda is the chief demon that imitate the Son of God, other demons play a part in what they refer to as "the Christ consciousness." Imitation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by Sananda and the others is either with or without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without BOTH. Through several channels, Sananda basically reports that at the cross, he was not dead but comatose and that the other Ascended Masters revived him and he fled to India. No surprise. The Fake Jesus was NOT resurrected. In that, he does not lie. Surely Sananda was at the cross with the rest of the demons---the ones whom King David prophesied as "the bulls of Bashan," (Psalm 22) but at the cross, Sananda was merely a disembodied demon. The results of my inquiry have shed light on why so many churchgoers have not understood the bodily resurrection of the Only Begotten Son of God. They have been unknowingly worshipping the fake Jesus, Sananda Kumara--the one who denies the Lord's bodily resurrection. Certainly the fake Jesus is more apparent among the Mormons, Roman and Independent Catholics, the Christian Scientists, the 7th Day Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses, and other so called Christians that have changed the word of God, some of them "ever so slightly." Each of these allegedly Christian sects have perverted the gospel in one way or another. However, the "imposter god" is also drawing out followers through the preaching of the prosperity message, "a millionnaire Jesus." "Name it and claim it" is also a Sananda influence. We are gods with a small "g" is straight up Sananda. Kingdom theology. Peace and unity. Let's take the kingdom and put our foot on the devil. In other words, word of faith, non-denominational, charismatic and pentecostals have more subtlely changed the nature and character of Jesus Christ of Nazereth with their "new doctrines" and their neglecting to preach the meaning ofthe cross and the Lord's bodily resurrection.
Consequently, I suspect that there are very few bonafide Christians who have not come under Sananda's influence, more or less. Those who came to know Jesus Christ through the organized church have come to know the Jesus of their understanding, embraced him, fallen in love with his compassion, his suffering, his goodness, his mercy, his peace, his power to heal etc. Countless of them became devoted followers of the Jesus of their understanding. However, without an understanding of the Lord's bodily resurrection and the true meaning of the cross, neither the devoted believer nor the hypocrit is saved. The expression "He rose from the dead" has become meaningless, religious verbage,--a lifeless "tag on" to the cross. In spite of the fact that the devoted followers are initially deceived by the attack they have received from the hands of Christian hypocrits , the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth uses the attack to His own advantage by calling out those that He has chosen from the beginning of time to be genuinely saved. Here are a few recent examples of some seminars and training programs with a subtle Sananda influence. I am on the mailing list of various ministries and so I routinely receive notices by email regarding upcoming events around the nation. Those who sent out these announcements are "up and coming mega wannabees," pretty well known even without national television exposure. I have removed identifying names. If any of you want to be personally warned with specifics and details, you will have to send me an email and I will answer your requests confidentially. Example #1 This is a telephone conference, offering degrees from the associates to the doctoral level in intercessory prayer. Think of it. You can become Dr. So and So, a Phd by in prayer. The title of these teachings is called: Manning the Witching Hour. Here are the course subjects: Territorial Warfare Prayer Gap Warfare Warfare on the Wall Intercession through Praise & Worship Listening Prayer Targeting Warfare Prayer Strategic Intercession Prophetic Intercession Apostolic Authority in Prayer Foundational Prayer Principles Dealing with High Places in Intercession Participating Students may receive Associate thru Doctorate Degrees in Intercessory Prayer. Tuition Cost: $150.00 per month We are presently living in the Hebraic Year 5768 and the Roman year 2008. Since the Hebraic alphabet is pictorial in origin, the number eight is actually depicted by the letter chet. This character pictures a wall, fenceThis is a
Example #2 This is yet another out of context teaching which is intended to appear to be based on new and fresh revelation, taken out of the old year to open the gates. We will be Read convening major conferences around testament. I don't have to explain. it for six yourself. the United States to open up various regional gates in our nation. We have carefully chosen the places to go, and are looking forward to you joining with us. In times of great transition, one must be willing to allow the Lord to redirect your steps. If He asks you to let go of one thing to embrace another, then you can believe the Lord will open the new gate He directs you to pass through! Although we had planned to begin our 2008 Conference schedule in Atlanta , the Lord has redirected our steps and instead led us to begin in Ohio. So we want to invite each of you to join us in Middletown, Ohio for Opening the Gates of Revelation: A Time to Prophesy to All Dry Bones!
The first of these gatherings will be in Middletown, Ohio as we open up the gates of revelation - personally, corporately, territorially and generationally. The dates of this conference actually fall within the Hebraic month of Nissan, which is biblically understood to be a time to decree (by speech) your future. So whether your home, family, workplace, church, city or nation is contending to pass through a new gate of opportunity, this will be a time when your faith will be stirred so that your mouth aligns with and declares the purposes of Heaven. Prophetic Prophetic ministry teams will be available, so each registrant will also havean opportunity to receive personal ministry.
Prior to my explanation as to why I have a problem with both of these kinds of seminars, allow me to impart that I take the Lord's warnings very seriously. Before I attempt to take the mote out of anyone's eyes, I continue to remove the beam in my own. If you have been spending time reading each of the issues thus far, you will be able to agree with me that I have spent little time discussing errors in others, concentrating almost solely on my own. As it now stands, I choose not to reveal to the public WHO is teaching these seminars, because warning you about the teachings is more fruitful than giving you a name. If you recognize the doctrine then you will stay away from ALL who teach what may be dangerous error and not just focus on a person or two. If you have an ear, you will hear and your spiritual antenna will go up. You need to also know that I don't forget the Lord's warning to His disciples about what the last days shall be like for the elect. Brother shall give up brother and literally become spies for the anti-christ once he is revealed and "descends" from the air to assume power on earth. For this reason and several others, I remain both wise and harmless. Believe me, as I warn others, I fear no one. Yet, I am not trying to create enemies needlessly. I prefer to remain "a voice, crying in the wilderness" only serving those who have "an ear to hear." As such, I am not trying to start any movements or attract any disciples. Several well meaning ministers have offered to teach me and my
fellowship what they know. I have been respectful and simply not taken them up on their generous offers. In reverse, I do not offer myself to teach anyone unless I am invited by them to do so. As I myself have been sincere but "sincerely wrong" on various spiritual matters over the years, so are countless others in the same situation---people who even have large crowds supporting and defending them. A little correction here and there would be of great value to many, yet there are some so called Christians who are so spiritually proud that they can't conceive even the possibility of admitting to even ONE error---especially if it is pointed out to them by someone whom they do not deem to be "noteworthy.". These are the deluded to the "nth" degree. For them, my feet don't even touch the dust as I "keep it movin." There is just too much confusion in the land. Consequently, I do not attempt to either persuade or convince those who are too proud to admit to error. It doesn't matter to me whether they are "mega" or "tiny." Error is error regardless of who the perpetrator may be. So, here goes!!! The reason why I have some serious reservations about seminars that call themselves "spiritual warfare," "intercessory prayer," and use terms like "opening the gates" is because those who teach such subjects are like the blind leading the blind. Even if they have the gift of discernment and can actually SEE into the spirit realm, they do not know that their vision is merely a mirage, for fallen angels are like skillful magicians. They will open up the veil and let us peak, and then stand back and laugh at us. Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth never gave us a specific "spiritual warfare" or "intercessory prayer" assignment. All he commanded us to do is " cast out devils." In other words, occupy until the Lord returns. Even though the Lord instructs us to pray, "thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven," the Lord's teaching on prayer was a subtle way of saying to His followers, "Pray for My Return." Why? Because the Lord knew that God's will would NOT be done on earth as it is in heaven, until He comes back to reign and rule earth Himself!!!! We can certainly ask for God's will to be done in our lives and the lives of people we pray for. When we know His will, then we pray it. When we don't, then we pray, "Lord, teach me your will in this situation." We pray nothing else about it until He reveals His will. If He doesn't reveal His will, then "we leave the issue alone." Prayer is simple. Example #1 complicates prayer. Consider Daniel. When Daniel prayed, his prayers caused an angelic battle that Daniel himself was completely unaware of in the spiritual realm. When prayer is in accord with God's will, we do, in a sense, affect angelic battles. However, to take prayer to a level of actually attempting to control what goes on between angels---when we try to "bring down principalities and powers"---I believe that we are stretching our self-created teaching on spiritual warfare beyond the limits and boundaries of our actual authority. God Himself have given Satan and his army "the go ahead." Its a challenge where the Lord mocks the demons in derision with, "Hey Satan. You will have no lasting success in your attempt to rule the world--- but have a go!!! Take your best shot. I am counting on My Son and I am counting on the elect to stay loyal to Me and they
will spit in the face of the anti-Christ, the False Prophet----- and you, devil!!!." So what the angels do is God's business and the devil's business. We can't stop with prayer what the Lord Himself has decreed as "being His will." For Satan to "have a go" is a part of the Lord's will. Satan's time is real short, a blink in God's eye. Simply put, Jesus does not need us to mess with cosmic demons. Even Michael, God's top angel did not mess with Satan over the dispute over the body of Moses and simply said, "the Lord rebuke thee." (Jude:9) Other than for Satan himself, even Sananda can't mess with Michael!!! Do we have the power, the authority and the might of Michael? No---we do not!. We have the authority to cast out demons here on earth. But the heavens? Well, THATS yet another story!! We do NOT have the authority to "MAN THE WITCHING HOUR!!!! That's the job of God's angels and they are "on the job." Simply put, the Lord has his own troops of angels to contend with Satan and his army. While on earth, Jesus was rather casual about it when he stated, "I can call on 12 legions of angels." He is even more powerful since His Resurrection and Ascension. Actually, the triune God has at least 2/3 more angels than Satan has demons and He can create more angels, if He chooses to. Satan has all the demons he is ever going to get. In truth , we should have nothing to say to angels or about angels---PERIOD!!!!! Leave them to the Lord. So you wonder, "why am I so cautious?" Well, my strategy of research into the Ascended Masters is to look to the messages they impart through and to their faithful channels and followers, in other words, their human "inner circle." Clearly, all demons lie. Yet I find that the ascended masters' primary weakness is pride. In their love for boasting, they not only lie, but they exaggerate and sometimes, they let the truth slip out. Along these lines, I learned that Sananda has a military general, an ascended master called Ashtar. Ashtar serves on behalf of what these demons refer to as the Galactic Christ, Sananda. An ascended master himself, Ashtar entered our solar system in the early 50's also---July 18, 1952. As in the cited science fiction movie of 1951, Ashtar sent messages to his channel, Col. George Van Tassel, to warn this country about the misuse of atomic energy. A warrior demon, Ashtar boasts that he has surround the earth with a legion of light numbering in the millions of allegedly benefic "guardians" who are supposed to be "looking out for" the earth and its inhabitants. Certainly I realize that these beings are too jealous of humans to mean us any real good. They lust after the very bodies that we have. However, they have proven that they DO prosper those who help them promote their blasphemous, idolatrous agenda. Another promise Ashtar makes to his occult followers is that he and his command are prepared to evacuate and relocate our entire earth's population,if necessary, should our planet's viability be jeopardized by a geophysical or astrophysical catastrophe. Now you and I both know that this is nonsense. Earth has had some huge castastrophes already and no one has been evacuated YET! I'm sure that the inhabitants of Noah and Sodom and Gommorah would have been glad to see Ashtar!!! Even so, there are religious
cults who believe this false promise, with cult leader,the late David Koresh and his Christian cult followers as the most well known example in our times. Moreover, it is my belief that seminars like these two examples are dealing in areas that "are not common to man." Yes, we have the authority to cast out demons from humans in the name of our Lord. However, even though we may find ourselves wrestling with these beings to set ourselves or someone else free, we have no power to "pull them out of their place in the heavenlies" and if we think we do, then we are walking on some very dangerous ground. I repeat. What the brethren need to know is that Satan WILL have his day. Though his day will be short, we will not be able to stop him because God Himself has given Satan the opportunity to prove whether or not he can bring peace to the world and also be worshipped "as god" by the world and the apostate church. Then the real Jesus comes out of the clouds and shows both the wicked trinity of the the two beasts and the dragon "whose the Boss!!!" As I indicated, Maitreya and some of the higher level cosmic demons are very zealous to maintain a stance of brotherhood and they avoid like the plague to be perceived as evil. Their rebellion is "different"from rank and file demons. These "higher level" beings desire to be pleasing to man. Nevertheless, their sin is even worst than those evil, low level demons who actually acknowledge that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Lord-- as a biblical example, consider the python demons of divination that Paul cast out from the female psychic. They recognized both the Lord and His disciples. (Acts16:1618) Actually, the sin of the ascended masters is worst then that of lower level demons because they deny our Lord's divinity as "the ONLY begotten Son of God, claiming that they themselves are the Christ. Their blasphemy will earn them the hottest jail cell in the lake of fire. Consequently, in the meantime, it is imperative that the ascended masters maintain an "air of peace." Well, apparently some of their own occultist channels and followers were attacked by demons who claim they too are a part of Ashtar's Command. It bares repeating that Satan's kingdom is divided on the astral level. So Ashtar sent out a defensive word of caution to his followers, and for all the gobblygook, allow me to paraphrase Ashtar's defense, in my own words:. "Look you guys. If any of you have been tormented, it was not from us. There is a fake Ashtar Command that is imitating us. Renigade demon cadets who were trained in the Ashtar command who did not measure up were expelled. Resentful and envious, they formed their own batallion, a duplicate of us but operated by demons who are assigned to the lower planes closest to Earth . These renigades have formed alliances with other rebellious demons who have sided against me. This rebellious group tells its channels that it is me, --Ashtar-- and they even imitate Sananda. This imposter of the Ashtar Command is very dangerous, so be careful. They are fear based. They threaten, chastize, promote paranoia, prophesy fearful scenarios of Earth' devastation---real horrific, terrifying stuff. They also incite racial and religious discrimination. They will pressure those they are able to
"channel with" to commit suicide, take drugs, become irresponsible by deserting their families, dropout of society or live an unbalanced life. They also encourage people to give over their money to charlatans and deceivers. They cause their captives to give their personal and spiritual authority to another." They also cause mental illness." Wow!!! Readers, take some time and think over this warning. This is a warning from a high level cosmic demon, Sananda's right hand demon,---Ashtar---addressed to occult, new age practitioners, mediums and channels about some renigade demons who are imitating his squad, no less!!!!! Now, when we "try the spirits on this, we need to ask 2 questions: "Is Ashtar telling the truth or has he and his troops been attacking their own followers?" Even though all demons are liars, I myself tend to believe the former. From my studies, high level cosmic demons do not appear to torment those whom they have recruited. Consider their goals. Ascended Masters are charged with "winning the world" for their master Sanat Kamura through humanitarian acts. In fact, high level channels like Creme, Blavatsky, Bailey, Thedra, King and their present day counterparts all prospered, had longevity and were not tormented throughout their lives. Surely when they died, they opened their eyes in the tormenting flames of hell, but like the rich man in the Lord's parable,"they had it good while they were alive." (Luke 16) Moreover, the ascended demons encourage humans to find their own divinity. They preach what you have heard from Kenneth Copeland et al----ie. that we are gods with a little "g." They consistently declare "let your own soul be your guru, for you too are divine!" In addition, these demons show no interest in the personal life of human beings. I myself can relate. When I was recruited to be a channel for an ascended master back in the 70's, the higher level demons showed absolutely no interest in my questions about my career or my love life as did the lower level demons. Lower level demons were involved in my life with every dumb detail like, "the food you ate last night was too salty, Dearie!" Not so with the higher ranking demons. As I was bored with religion, they looked down on my carnal concerns. Cosmic demons will offer advice but they tend not to set themselves up to control every aspect their channels' lives as do demons who monitor our every move. Ascended demons are also known to lift up, honor and respect man's free will. Their byword is "we are already divine. We are here to encourage you in your own spiritual walk toward godhood, for you are divine also!!!" Reminds me of Al Pacino's movie "the Devil's Advocate." They work on man's primary weaknesses: ego, vanity and pride. Some deep stuff. The more mature we become in our Christian walk, the more sophisticated demons are assigned to us. In truth, when I myself reviewed Ashtar's warning to "his people,"I was astounded. Ashtar has provided a classic profile of those cases that have come before me either for deliverance counseling, or people who consistently email or call me for advice or prayer. In Faces of the Religious Demon, I present several cases that perfectly fit every facet of Ashtar's description of demonic torment. Although they may have rebelled against Ashtar, the renigade demons are also under Sananda's command. Furthermore, even
though every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Lord, there are no demons in the Lord's army. On the contrary, Sananda, the Fake Jesus has a rebellious, tainted army of demons who torment those who have been duped into worshipping the Fake Jesus---demonic thorns in Sananda's own side. Today--- when I cast out a religious demon from a professing Christian , I NOW have a name to work with, which I didn't have before. I call the demon---- "Sananda." So I say all of this to issue a clear warning. Example #1 is entering into "manning the witching hour" which the teacher claims to be midnight. This particular course also deals with territorial prayer assignments as if we can bring these demons down. This particular teacher who is issuing degrees to people is among the blind leading the blind into either the true Ashtar Command or the imposter. Both troops are extremely dangerous. The "open the gates" thing is smeared with the Sananda influence that suggests that you can control your own destiny by the words of your mouth. Dangerous stuff. In example #2, there is also a clever, subtle euphemistic statement of "personal ministry offered by a prophetic team"---aka "psychic readings are available for everyone. Our mediums are there to serve you." Readings that call themselves "prophetic" will certainly "open your gates." They will open the gates of your soul to the wrong spirit and you will be in serious trouble. So to the reader who very "carefully" and respectfully enquired by email more than a week ago if I am taking pleasure in "looking for the wrong" in other ministries, I ask you a rhetorical question. After reading this issue, "What do YOU think is the answer to your own question?" Pam
THIS IS THE PHOTO THAT SANANDA IDENTIFIES WITH (click here to view) Let it be known that I do not agree with Sherry Shriner, particularly concerning her assessment of the Apostle Paul. At times, I find her interpretation of scripture to be absolutely outrageous. Yet where it comes to the Ascended Masters and last days, beside myself, Sherry Shriner is one of a very few Christians who even addresses this subject. On one her many websites, you will see some of the photographs of Sananda once you click the title link above. Below is a video clip of Ashtar. I have seen several pictures of this demon and they all resemble how he looks in this video. Though handsome, a very fierce looking demon indeed. If you scroll down the page, you will see pictures of other Ascended Masters as well as photos of professing Christians that Sherry Shriner believe are under the Sananda influence. I don't disagree with her. Pam Strange Tongue by Sherry Shriner I was seeking the Lord on the whole issue of speaking in tongues because although it was an area I didn't even want to deal with, I had been asked to seek Him on it. As He spoke to me I just casually jotted down notes of what He was saying and I will list those here. Then He gave me a more formal word on it and I have that also. Again, this is an area I didn't even want to go into because years ago I had gone into it and He led me out of it. And those who are in it, are adamant of their beliefs in it. To me it was like, "great, more enemies." But the Lord knows I will do as He asks even though I don't want to. My life is His. I serve the King. If you don't like what He reveals below don't come to me about it, rather, seek HIM for the truth and as He says, He will reveal it to you Himself. I wrote this down as He spoke to me: -Speaking in tongue is a demonic manifestation of the ghost of the spirit, not MY Holy Ghost. - The cloven tongues of fire (Acts) was a mimickry of the tongues of fire I used in Egypt. - The Scriptures were manipulated, watered down, then misunderstood. I do not speak in strange tongue to My people. I speak so they can understand Me and My Words. I do not know their strange tongue, it comes from within their own spirit, it is not of Me but of witchcraft and guile. - I don't require a strange language to speak to Me. In their own foolishness they bring forth words against Me to mock and defile their own spirits. - Meditate on and in Me does not require a prayer language concocted and conceived by the treacherous to blaspheme Me. - Great delusion is upon those who seek after 'signs' other than Me. Did I not say a foolish generation would seek after signs? This manifestation is their "sign" that they
have reached My throne room but I say unto you no one has been to My throne room and seen Me. Delusion is guile and they call upon the devil in their strange tongue and chants and who serve a false angel of light and of My righteousness. Do not be deceived. I am not mocked. But I am patient for them to come to Me and seek the truth as it is in Me. His Word to me: "My child, I have given you much knowledge. Those who will listen will find life. There's truth in freedom, when they set themselves free of deception, they will find truth in Me. Hallowed by MY Name, MY Kingdom come, MY will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yet many call upon another Name and are living in torment and deception. The false light gives them largeness of life, grandiose appearances and deceptions and they discern not that it is not of Me. They will scorn you and rebuke you, they will mock you and degrade you. Stand tall my child. It is Me they scorn and rebuke. It is Me they mock and degrade. You are My mouthpiece and have been appointed even before your time to walk and serve Me in these days. Does not My Word say to test the spirits? They refuse to accept My warning and they carry on in their delusions. Tell them to repent! To repent for not listening to My words and for following after man's. Listen to the Prophets of the Beast as they "call unto Me" in their strange tongue yet it is not I who answers it. They serve their father the devil. And now how is this strange tongue different than what My own people speak? Curses and vanity comes from their lips and they think they are worshipping Me. Did not I teach this to you years ago? To stop cursing My Name? Yes, child, because you sought My heart and I revealed it to you. Now tell them! Do not hide or keep this from the hearers because I know you want to. I love you child, and I know your heart. And I know you are burdened by yet even more enemies in My camp that will arise against you. They will call you false because they want to cling to their own deceptions. Tell them to seek My heart for truth and I will reveal it to them. And I WILL reveal it to them. If they seek Me they won't have a leg to stand on to persecute you. For you are My mouthpiece and messenger. Stand against the giants daughter, stand against those who mock you because they will see you standing beside Me in glory and they will know that you are of Me. Whoa! To those who refuse to hear or seek Me and come against you. Whoa! I will be your strength. Let them come against ME and do not fret child, do not fret. I am with you and they will know this. The day of visitation is coming. The day of invitation when I will invite My Bride to share in My Glory.
Many will be left behind because guile has been found among and within them. Tell them to repent or be left behind. And when they are left, the time to repent is still open for them. They must be found without guile to share in My Kingdom or they will be tested as martyrs. Do you see in the Scriptures that those martyrs for My Name are without number? Does not My book say that white robes are given to those who come out of great persecution? What is termed as tribulation? Watered down, My Word has been watered down so the people cannot understand the simple truths. They need to Seek Me. When I speak to My children their own ghost spirit arises to counter and mimmick Me. Tell them to put to death the works of the flesh. To rebuke the flesh and strive only with Me daily. I do not speak in strange tongue. And their spirits are speaking strangeness to Me. Tell them. Be not afraid, whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps. If they sow unto Me it will be eternal. If they sow unto the flesh, it will lead to destruction. Tell Them! Stay in Me and reveal My Words to the world. I will lead them to you. I will see and know who comes against My servant and I will deal with them. I know your weary of the attacks and maliciousness from your brethren, but I tell you this, MY people have ears to hear and those who don't are Not MY Bride. Tell them to come to ME and enquire of this strange tongue and I Myself will reveal it to them. I love you child, be faithful in Me and don't fret. I am the Lord your God whom you serve and whom has reserved much glory and abundance in My Kingdom for you. Tell them! Thus saith the Lord your God.
And why is Benny working with Templar organizations that promote the ordination of homosexuals? The following report confirms our suspicions that the Knights Templar are conducting the present crusade in the Middle East to establish a base for their planned invasion of Israel. These modern-day knights are also forming a religious coalition to mollify Israel with a phony peace treaty and to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, from which venue the Bible states the Antichrist will rule over a Masonic one-world religion and government. The report also reveals that Charismatic healer, Benny Hinn, is involved in this religiopolitical initiative and working closely with an Anglican Templar/Jesuit organization that promotes the ordination of homosexuals. It seems that Benny Hinn's assignment in the Templars current Crusade is "to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in favour of the Middle East Peace Process." The ICR Middle East Update from Knight Templar Andrew White dated 13th February 2004 stated: "Benny had phoned me whilst in the US last week stating that he wanted to meet me soon. It just so happened we were both in Dubai the same day. This was in relation to our need to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in favour of the Middle East Peace Process. We met at his hotel for breakfast on Thursday morning. He explained that he had heard much about our work and wanted to support it. He has also said that he will come to Israel with us ASAP. Both the Israelis and Palestinians are very keen that he should come on board with the Alexandria Process." So Benny Hinn is participating in the deceptive peace process which will mislead the Jews to receive a false Christ, who will drive them from the Holy Land which will then become the headquarters of said Antichrist who will place the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple (Matt. 24:16) and proclaim himself to be God. "...that man of sin...the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (II Thes.2:3-4) Evangelical Christians seem strangely ignorant of these end-time prophecies, judging from their support for the Antichrist's program with millions of dollars in donations to ministries like Benny Hinns -- $$$$$$ that will be spent rebuilding the Masonic Temple of Solomon. The Anglican Templar organization with Jesuit leadership that Benny works with also promotes Christian reconciliation with homosexuals and the ordination of homosexuals as ministers, priests and bishops. The Knights Templar were the powerful medieval chivalric order from which the present orders of Freemasonry evolved. They claim to be working to restore traditional values, however, the evidence of history presents a rather different testimony as to moral values of the Templars. Dr. Cathy Burns wrote of the homosexual proclivities of the medieval Templars in her book, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star: "In the book entitled The Guilt of the Templars, we are told that 'the Knights Templars' confessions show them to have been basically homosexual warrior order...' Other chargers were that the Knights Templar participated in black magic and pederasty (anal intercourse, usually with a boy). They practiced 'phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and
venerated 'The Baphomet,' the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation." (p.104) Documentation of Benny Hinn's collaboration with this Antichrist organization with links to the UN, CFR and the Jesuits has been submitted by Dennis Rhodes of Australia. BENNY HINN: AGENT FOR THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR By Dennis Rhodes On the morning of 5/24/2004 in Perth Western Australia on "This Is Your Day", Benny Hinn hosted Canon Andrew White, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury's representative in the Middle East. White was spruking off about getting Benny into Iraq for a crusade in which he (White) says many thousands of Iraqis will be saved. On searching White in Google I found that he is a major tool in the devil's hands to unite all faiths. Added to this, White is a regular speaker for Mahesh Chavda's conferences in the U.K. "In 1998, Andrew was installed as Director of International Ministry for the Diocese and Cathedral of Coventry. Since then he has headed up Coventrys International Ministry of Reconciliation, more recently with Canon Justin Welby, which includes conflict resolution and the Community of the Cross of Nails, with centres in over 50 countries." Also, White is linked with Lord George Carey who was the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury but is now partners with James Wolfenson (CFR) of the World Bank organisation, whose aims are to unite the three faiths in the Middle East. Benny Hinn on his T.V. show, "This Is Your Day," had Canon White as a guest during this last week (end of May 04). Hinn repeatedly said to the camera and his studio audience that, 'This is a Man of God people, filled with the Spirit." Hinn commented that it is amazing how God has White in the Middle East with all of his connections... White, for his part on the show, said that Benny should come to the Middle East and that White would arrange it, that thousands would be saved. Hinn said that he met White in the Dubai airport previously and that he wanted him to come on his show. If you read White's website on his involvement with Hinn it is a bit different. "Benny had phoned me whilst in the US last week stating that he wanted to meet me soon. It just so happened we were both in Dubai the same day... This was in relation to our need to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in favour of the Middle East Peace Process....he had heard much about our work and wanted to support it." Both White and Benny have "a need to get the US Evangelicals to be in favour."..... That is why Benny had him on his show I think. He is selling White AS A MAN OF GOD and thus selling what White stands for and believes to the Evangelicals of USA. I assume that Hinn does not join himself to any ministry without first checking it out?? ANDREW WHITE IS AN ASSOCIATE OF MAHESH CHAVDA AND TODD BENTLEY
Andrew White was one of the main speakers at this Mahesh Chavda Conference "Ushering in the Glory" - 22-25 April 2004. Andrew White was a speaker at another conference put on by Chavda, with Todd Bentley: 18-21 September 2003 "Signs and Wonders Conference." Todd Bentley claims that the Lord told him an angel named "Healing Revival" has now come to Bentley to bring miracles of healing in his ministry. Bentley said that the Lord told him that this angel is the same one that was with William Branham in the Latter Rain revival in the late 40's /early 50's!!! This is Todd telling how Branham and himself operate through the agency of an angel and not the the Holy Spirit... Living in the Supernatural & Opening Our Eyes to the Angelic Realm SO CANON ANDREW IS A CONFERENCE SPEAKER ON A PAR WITH TODD BENTLEY. HINN AND CHAVDA KNOW ONE ANOTHER WELL AS SUZANNE HINN ALSO SPEAKS AT HIS CONFERENCES. SO IT IS REASONABLE TO ASSUME CHAVDA OR SUZANNE HINN PUT WHITE ONTO BENNY HINN. WHY?? WHITE IS FOLLOWING ORDERS FROM CAREY AND WOLFENSON AND THE PENTAGON TO USE RELIGION (HINN) TO BRING "TRANSFORMATION" IN THE MIDDLE EAST. THE TYPE OF RELIGION THAT BRINGS A FALSE PEACE INDUCED BY REPETITIVE WORSHIP AND THAT RELIES ON THE PARTICIPANTS BEING PASSIVE IN THEIR MINDS! FALSE HEALINGS AND MIRACLES IN THE MIDDLE EAST WORKED BY A FALSE TEACHER/PROPHET. HINN IS SKILLED IN BRINGING THE MASS CROWD TO A PLACE OF PASSIVITY AS THEY ALL FOCUS ON THEIR GNOSTIC "JESUS" WANTING DESPERATELY TO SEE HIM, BE TOUCHED BY HIM AND OTHER NON-BIBLICAL EXPERIENCES. WATCHMAN NEE SAID IT WELL WHEN HE STATED IN THE SPIRITUAL MAN: " order for evil spirits to work on man, it is necessary that man's mind and will be completely empty
Todd Bentley recently said of the Revival and Emerging Apostolic Movement... "Somebody emailed our ministry and asked a valid question. He said, 'Todd, you are going to have all these men prophets and apostles - get together and talk about the emerging apostolic movement. My fear would be that there wouldn't be a representation of the Goths, the Punks and the Ravers the whole underground world that God is moving in today - the movement that offends and scares most people in the church. You know - the punked and colored hair with all the earrings and piercings in
and passive. Evil spirits rejoice exceedingly at all who fulfill this condition and immediately go to work. When a 'heathen' fulfills this condition, evil spirits will possess him; when a believer fulfills this condition, evil spirits will also come into him without any reservation." THE SHOFAR IS BLOWING
every part of the body. Is there not room for true apostle and prophets in that subculture?' From that question I realized that we need to be very careful in the whole new emerging (apostolic) movement, not to just package it how we think it should look. I am going to make some statements now: There are punk apostles; there are biker prophets; there are ravers that are apostles; there are skinheads that are part of this prophetic movement...I don't have any here right now. I'd be the closest thing. We must not forget that these (subcultures) have a voice in this whole prophetic movement too. The teenage
apostles and the teenage prophets are being raised up, and it's also happening in other spheres of life too." [Revival Now] Editor: If you don't know what the Goths, the Punks and the Ravers are, you can read up on these teenage death cults at: The Graveyard Scene. Another prayer link for White. The prophetic word below was for White. "HES RIDING A WHITE HORSE" - (A "prophetic prayer" from a misguided "brother" for Andrew White the Templar!-Ed) "Iraq was ancient Babylon. Saddams main purpose was to restore ancient Babylon. In one of Saddams palaces, there is a room called the throne room. It was the seat of Saddams power. After the fighting in Iraq, allied forces turned that throne room into a chapel. Today, prayer is offered three times a day, and there are Bibles all over the place. Canon Andrew White is the personal ambassador of the archbishop of Canterbury to the Middle East. Andrew White told us of his trip to Baghdad that he made after the May conference here at watch headquarters. He said he knew that he needed the glory that was at the conference, especially on Saturday night, to go with him on that trip. Bonnie gave him our live worship watch CD. He played two songs all the way on that 14 hour journey, but primarily the song, We Will Ride. Andrew calls it the white horse song from one line that says, He has fire in His eyes and a sword in His hand; Hes riding a white horse across that land. He told us that the first song played in that chapel was the white horse song. Then he noticed on the ceiling theres a dome, and painted all around the dome are beautiful white horses that Saddam had ordered be painted there. Amazing story" Remember that a Knights Templar symbol is 2 riders on a horse with a sword/lance. (right)
Also, the logo of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a rider on a white horse. (below)
James D. Wolfenson, President of the World Bank, who partners with former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, and works with Knight Templar, Canon Andrew White, to bring about Reconciliation in the Mideast, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE OF THE KINGHTS TEMPLAR White himself was awarded the medal of merit "Canon Andrew White has been awarded two major awards for his inter-faith work in the Middle East. "The first was presented on Saturday 7th September in Germany by the Knights Templar of Jerusalem. Canon White was admitted as a Companion of Honour the orders highest award in recognition of his services to Jerusalem. The Grand Magisterial Council of Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani dates back to the time of the Crusades though the endeavours of the order today are very different from the original aims of the crusaders." Simon Le Fevre Grand Prior of England & Wales The Autumn Magistral Council Meetings in Bdingen 7 - 9 November 2003 seem to have been a great success with a record attendance. Read the report on this too! Budingen 2003: A Personal Recollection Post Bdingen The meetings of the Magistral Grand Council of OSMTH - Knights Templar International took place in the autumn of 2003, under the auspices of the Grand Priory of the USA, in the medieval town of Budingen, a few tens of miles north east of Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany. ..." The Reverend Canon Andrew White, the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative in the Holy Land & the Middle East, told movingly of his work in helping children,..." SO ANDREW WHITE SPOKE AT THE MAHESH CHAVDA "SIGNS AND WONDERS CONFERENCE" 18-21 SEPTEMBER 2003 AND THEN AT THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR INTERNATIONAL GRAND COUNCIL IN BDINGEN, GERMANY FROM 7-9 NOVEMBER 2003. News Flash! As the Archbishop of Canterburys Special Representative to the Middle East, Canon Andrew White co-ordinates the religious track of the Middle East "peace process." Heading up the work of reconciliation at White's Coventry Cathedral for the past several years has been Georges Sada, a former Air Vice Marshall in the army of Saddam Hussein. Recently, however, Sada was chosen to be chief advisor and spokesman for the new Prime Minister of Iraq, Iyad Allawi!
Iyad Allawi is a former CIA operative who formed a terrorist organization which conducted a bombing campaign and sabotage operations in Iraq in the early 1990s. As disclosed in a recent New York Times article, the bombing campaign was reported to have caused civilian casualties but never threatened the rule of Saddam Hussein. Ironically, Saddam Hussein was also put into power in 1968 by the CIA. See Update below. WHITE IS NOT A MAN OF GOD
White saw nothing wrong with accepting an award from a Knights Templar group. White's CCN counterpart in USA, Rev. James A Diamond is an Jesuittrained Ignatius Director, whose church in Cincinnati are wanting to bring Reconciliation with the homosexual community and who believe in the ordination of Homosexual priest Gene Robinson. White is still involved with Dr George Carey and with Diamond in the Middle East to bring so called Reconciliation (another word for the joining of religions) between the three monotheistic religions. White's church choir led worship in a Buddhist meeting place to "god". White is called "Templar Knight Canon Andrew White of the British Anglican Church (Second Row, Gray Suit)." [Knightgraphs: Iraq Photo Journal shows the major role played by Canon White and the Knights Templar in the conquest of Iraq and the Mideast "peace process."]
White's U.S.A. Community of the Cross Nails man, James Diamond said, "I will be joining Canon White and Lord Carey (the former Archbishop of Canterbury) in Jerusalem later this week for another effort in the Alexandria accord." April 2004. (Website of President of CCN USA James Diamond) So Benny Hinn has joined to this man White, and by association to Carey (World Bank involvement) and to Diamond (Occultic Ignatius Loyola exercises) Also added to this is the disturbing involvement of the U.N. and the World Bank and the Pentagon and Rumsfeld etc etc. These groups are loyal to the age old plan to establish a New World Order with it's accompanying one world HARLOT church. The stated aim of the World Bank and the U.N. is to have DIALOGUE between the 3 monotheistic faiths in the Middle East. This will bring the false peace that the Scriptures speak of 1 Thess 5:3. Not just words though but words that lead to action. They are painting the picture that Muslims and Jews and Christians all worship the same God. There will be a constant push to forget differences and join together. Lord Carey's site, The World Faith Development Dialogue site accessed through the World Bank site. .....This is Lord Carey's site in association with James D. Wolfenson, the President of the World Bank (Bilderberger, CFR, Tri Lateral Commission) Read what Wolfenson and Carey have to say on the manipulation of religion....
President World Bank. James D. Wolfensohn FAITH AND DEVELOPMENT "The World Bank's engagement with the religious community involves three key areas:" "Dialogue" entails a willingness to listen and learn, and to be transformed by the exchange. " has increasingly been recognized that the religious community can play a pivotal role in building bridges, contributing to change and continuity among communities, and addressing today's central development challenges. Through dialogue and engagement, many have come to see that religious institutions and actors have an important contribution to make to the critical debates about the broad global agenda for the new millennium." The globalists or Illuminati have come to see that they can use religion for their goals. Hinn is just another important "actor" in this process. The ecumenical movement is making room for the entry of the Charismatics through Hinn's direct involvement! "Yet, many western societies have followed a model where there was a distinct separation between "church" and "state"..... "Today's events and challenges present new questions about these divides and walls, and call for a new series of bridges." From the above quote from the World Bank we can see that their agenda is to join the state and religion together through dialogue designed to bring transformation and change. We know from scripture that Antichrist will rule a religious kingdom with the false Harlot church riding the political beast. This dialogue the World Bank has CAREY AND WHITE AND DIAMOND AND NOW POSSIBLY HINN INVOLVED IN is to form this Harlot church in the Middle East! "Mr. Wolfensohn believes that September 11, 2001 may well have marked the start of an important paradigm shift in thinking about the links between globalization, international relations, and religion. We have witnessed in the post 9/11 period an extraordinary outpouring of thinking in all areas of endeavor. This has brought the links between religion and development into much sharper focus, brought the dialogue to the mainstream, and given new impetus to the global development agenda. Above all, questions about social justice - what it means, how it can be achieved, how it is tied to peace and stability, and who is responsible - are central in global debate and dialogue." (from the World Bank site) From the quote above, this paradigm shift is exactly what is happening. The shift they have always planned for. "Let's forget about our differences and join together in one big family." "a brotherhood of man.".... Today I received a video from the States and it was wrapped in newspaper. The South Carolina paper "The State" from 5/25/04 carried the Bush speech to the Army War College. In it he said,
"We believe that when all Middle Eastern peoples are finally allowed to live and think and work and worship as free men and women, they will reclaim the greatness of their own heritage. And when that day comes, the bitterness and burning hatreds that feed terrorism will fade and die away." p.A5 Reading between the lines, what the administration is saying, I believe, is that they intend to "liberate" ALL the peoples of the Middle East! Iraq is their launching pad into the entire region. For what? To bring so called "democracy" to ALL the peoples of the Middle East. The Templars and the Freemasons want Jerusalem. Antichrist (Satan) wants it too. The U.N. was set up for this very thing! Andrew White has meetings with the Pentagon top brass and is actively trying to get the Evangelical leaders on board his agenda for "peace and safety" in the Middle East. Funny that one of those leaders is Tim La Haye who used a Knights Templar Rosy Cross on his book cover and a Masonic symbol on another.. The following link explains what Cross of Nails is, from a member's viewpoint: THE US PRESIDENT OF CROSS OF NAILS-- An IGNATIUS (Loyola) DIRECTOR!! Chapel of the Cross Center of the Cross of Nails Interfaith Award to Canon White US President of the Community of the Cross of Nails - James Diamond "Diamond concluded the commissioning service, 'Will you be guided on the journey of reconciliation by prayer and hospitality as inspired by the Rule of Benedict?' The congregation's response resounded through the great cathedral: 'We will with God's help.' "St. Benedict's sixth-century 'rules' for a way of living are the heart of the Community of the Cross of Nails program at St. Mark's and at 240 other centers located in 60 countries. At the core of the program are 'Hospitality and Reconciliation Circles' which are small groups that meet monthly to pursue the Benedictine Way. Over 130 persons in the St. Mark's congregation are currently participating in this in-depth journey into reconciliation and more join each month." [Monasteries were/are fronts for occult activity, sexual perversion, the promotion of asceticism and Merovingian infiltration of the Church. See: Heeding Bible Prophecy: Monastic Communities] HOMOSEXUAL PRIEST SPEAKS AT THEIR CONFERENCE. Good one BENNY!!! "It was also announced that St. Mark's will host a national Cross of Nails conference in June on the topic of sexual orientation reconciliation. One of the speakers will be the Right Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop Coadjutor of New Hampshire, whose election and confirmation as the first openly-gay bishop in the Christian church, has caused international controversy. Bishop Robinson will also be the preacher at St. Mark's on June 20, 2004."
U.S. President of "cross of nails" gives consent for ordination of a Homosexual - a snip from Rev Diamond's sermon. "You and I know that we can quote various disconnected verses from Genesis, Leviticus and Romans and we can find in those parts of the Hebrew text and in the Epistles uncompromising words that condemn homosexual acts. Taking verses out of context and out of history is not a responsible use of Scripture. I suggest to you that there are two things that balance against this use of scripture. First, Jesus commentary on homosexual activity in the gospels; it does not exist. There is not a word about homosexuality either because he forgot it, not likely; he did not think it was important, probably untrue; or perhaps he felt that we could come to understand sexual orientation on our own since it was not a matter of sin." CAN YOU BELIEVE BENNY IS LINKING WITH THIS ORGANISATION?! Reconciliation Ministry - Christ Church Cathedral Alexandria Declaration Reconciliation is not a static, rule-driven endeavor, but a dynamic, living practice of relationships that allows people to know we are all within the human family, which is God's family. No one is outside," said Beverly Jones. (I thought only those in Christ were in God's Family?!) This is all linked with Andrew White. And now Benny Hinn. Promoting Homosexual ordination. Bishops with opposing views on sexuality to headline reconciliation conference Saturday, May 15, 2004 [Minnesota] When St. Mark's Cathedral, Minneapolis, officially became a center for the Community of the Cross of Nails on January 11, 2004, its Dean, the Very Rev. Spenser D. Simrill, told the congregation, "If asked to help, there is no issue we will shy away from." On June 18 and 19, St. Mark's will host a national conference, sponsored by the Community of the Cross of Nails-USA, entitled "Reconciliation and Sexuality: Youth, Families and Children." On the homosexual conference an Episcopal bishop said, "Nothing is resolved by avoidance," said Johnson. "This conference is a God-given opportunity to listen and share with one another. Whatever the outcome, these steps are necessary if we are to stay in contact, live in hope and strive for faithfulness. Gathered in Christ's name, we are assured of his presence among us. I pray we will hear and heed his voice." The Very Rev. James A. Diamond, dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio and president of the Community of the Cross of Nails-USA, reports that the conference has been two years in the planning and predates the actions of the 2003 General
Convention of the Episcopal Church, which thrust the issue of human sexuality to the forefront. "The Community of the Cross of Nails in the United States is dedicated to projects in international and domestic reconciliation. In January of 2002, the CCN board chose reconciliation on the issue of sexual orientation as one of three domestic projects for the coming four years. Teaching the skills of reconciliation is one of the goals of the CCN especially regarding sexual orientation which is a potentially divisive issue for several Protestant denominations," Diamond said. "St. Mark's Cathedral, through the hosting of historic gatherings, such as the first World Anglican Congress, in 1954, and the Presiding Bishops Forum on Global Reconciliation, in 2003, has given the larger church significant gifts of hospitality and healing," said Simrill. "It is our fervent hope that we may give such a gift again this summer." Considering that Benny " had heard much about our work and wanted to support it." I wonder why he supports their openly gay inclinations? Sermon quote by US Pres. of Community of Cross of Nails - Rev. James A Diamond. "The Community of the Cross of Nails in the United States focuses on domestic reconciliation. The board of CCN-USA has selected three priorities for the next triennium: racial reconciliation, inter-faith reconciliation, and the reconciliation necessary around sexual orientation. The scope of these three areas of domestic reconciliation allow for individuals and congregations to participate in the national committees by email as all three groups plan national conferences in the next year and a half." CONCLUSION False Prophet Kim Clement prophesied before 9/11/01 that the Lord's blood would spiritually flow through the Middle East and millions of Muslims would be saved. He foresaw the WTC disaster and said America would take revenge and invade the Middle East and that the kings of the east would fall...etc. I believe he hears what the 'guiding spirits' who are behind all this mess are planning to do. So rather than a revival or harvest brought about by God and the faithful preaching of the True Gospel we will see another spirit and another Jesus and another gospel preached in the Middle East. Oh, the Charismatics and Pentecostals will rejoice! ' Look what God is doing in Iraq' they will say. When in fact it will not be God at all but the work of evil spirits acting upon passive willed and passive minded, desperate people. That's why Canon Andrew White has approached Hinn, or why Hinn has approached White, it makes no difference who initiated it. It worries me that Chavda is very focused on praying for those in charge in Iraq and in the US government. None of these so called prophets can see that the Skull and Bones leadership in the White House are not Christians at all but wolves in sheep's clothing! Hyper patriotism in the church has blinded the people to what is happening under their noses. Apart from the Templar involvement, the main thing I see is that Hinn is being recruited to go to the Middle East to bring millions (maybe) into the Harlot one world church.
When I saw that White spoke at the Chavda conference in September 2003 and then went to the Knights Templar conference in November 2003, I was amazed. Like chalk and cheese! Chavda's conference would have the usual manifestations of the 'presence' of god while Bdingen Germany would have been the opposite. When one reads Wolfenson's paper on Religion and Dialogue it is sinister isn't it? Using religion to bring peace. Using dialogue to bring transformation and change and eventually one religion. I wonder what Wolfenson was told at the latest Bilderberg meeting on the 6/6/(2+4) =6? It certainly seems that Hinn is being used, I hope unknowingly, by White (Carey and Wolfenson) to grow/plant the false church in the Mid East as the White House moves from nation to nation to 'liberate' ALL Middle Eastern people. Isn't that what the Templars did years ago? They claim to have a different agenda now, peace and good will...etc. Yet on their site, the same one White is on, they talk about possibly finding the 'mummified head of Christ.'!!! It is supposed to be buried under the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland along with the 'Holy Grail....doesn't sound to me like they have changed at all!" Dennis Rhodes 06/15/04 Recommended Reading: HEEDING BIBLE PROPHECY: New Military Modern-Day Knights Templar in the Holy Land UPDATE ON CANON ANDREW WHITE 6/29/04 Dennis Rhodes Here is the latest on Canon Andrew White: Iraq and the return to sovereignty By Canon Andrew White June 24, 2004 "Ten days ago I was informed that I was to be one of the few westerners to attend the ceremony of the presentation of the new Iraqi Government.... "Already the Governing Council had made an announcement three days earlier that they had chosen the new Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, a doctor from Wimbledon... "In talking to the Prime Minister during the reception, I assured him that I had forgiven him for taking the most trusted member of my team to be his chief advisor and spokesman. Georges Sada who for the past six years has headed up Coventry Cathedrals work in Iraq is now running the Prime Minister and his office... "In the past week I have had several meetings with the Prime Minister from Wimbledon... ""The Iraqi people deserve such a leader and we need to support him and pray for him in the coming months. Who knows what the coming weeks will hold for this great civilisation in chaos and pain? With Georges Sada behind him, the former Air Vice Marshall [of Saddam Hussein's army] and head of the Protestant Church in Iraq, now a member of the Anglican Church in Baghdad, who knows what the Prime Minister can achieve? He only has seven months to prove himself, because then must come real elections and real democracy. It will be the next few months that will show us if this will work or not."
Does Andrew expect us to believe that Mr Allawi just took his most trusted man? More than likely Georges Sada was suggested to Allawi as the man the Pentagon wants. We already know that Andrew White has regular meeting with the Pentagon and with Carey. Now through his man Sada, White is effectively in charge of Iraq!! That being the case, and knowing that White has invited Benny Hinn to come to Iraq, then we should see Benny making the trip soon. With Georges Sada in the ear of the P.M., this will open the door for Hinn. The implications are that a false gospel with false wonders will be spread through the Middle East via Hinn. This is the "liberty" that GW Bush wants to bring the Muslim people into! A false liberty! Also, Benny is now going to be part of a special 24hr a day telecast of the gospel into the Middle East. Benny does preach that Jesus is the Son of God, that he came and died for our sins and rose again.....TRUE...BUT he is attended by another spirit not the Holy Spirit. How do I dare say that? Because the real Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth! He does not witness to twisted out of context theology... He will lead into all truth... He doesn't lead people into unbiblical passive-minded worship where they visualize their own jesus.... He will not speak of Himself... He doesn't draw attention to Himself as does the spirit in Hinn's ministry. [See a few of Benny's false teachings below.] Perhaps Sada, instructed by White, will get Hinn to come to Iraq in the next 7 months so as to have "revival". The "annointing" that accompanies Hinn's meetings would bring the Globalists' dream of (False) peace in the Middle East into fruition as the people "come under" it... This will prepare the people of the Middle East for the arrival of the Antichrist and the ecumenical False Church. The sad thing is that Benny believes it is God who is leading and orchestrating his ministry. When in fact he is a trump card in the enemy's hand, having been prepared for such a time as this! The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan.....with all lying signs and deceive. (2 Thess 2:10) * * * BENNY HINN OR BEN HINNOM? June 02, 2004, 08:07:00 AM Jeremiah 32:35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molech, though I never... BENNY'S IDEAS (Quotes) "Had the Holy Spirit not been with Jesus, He would have sinned" (Good Morning Holy Spirit, first edition, 1990, p135); "Jesus knew the only way He would stop Satan is by becoming one in nature with him" (Benny Hinn, TBN, 15th December 1990). "Before He died, I should say, on that cross, something happened to Him which began the wheels of the New Creation moving that was this: He died spiritually! Jesus Christ understood that spiritual death is union with the satanic nature. What is spiritual death? Separation from God" (New Creation in Christ sermon, late 1988).
The Trinity- 3 or 9? "Each one of them is a triune being by Himself...there's nine of them" (Benny Hinn, TBN, 3rd October 1990). "God the Father is a person separate from the Holy Ghost. Totally separate. ...Do you know that the Holy Spirit has a soul and a body separate from that of Jesus and the Father? ...God the Father then is a triune being within Himself. He's a person, He has His own Spirit, He has a soul. A soul is my intellect. God thinks. separate from the Son and separate from the Holy Ghost. God the Father is a separate individual from the Son and the Holy Ghost, who is a triune being who walks in a spirit body and He has hairhas eyeshas a mouthhas hands" (Orlando Christian Centre, Oct 13th 1990). "Adam was a super-being when God created him. ...The Scriptures declare clearly that he had dominion over the fowls of the air...which means he used to fly. ...Adam not only flew, he flew to space. He was - with one thought he would be on the moon" (Praise the Lord, TBN, 26th December 1991). "You say, 'Benny, am I a little God?' You're a son of God, aren't you?...What else are you? Quit your nonsense!...If you say, 'I am,' you're saying you're part of Him, right? Is He God? Are you His offspring? Are you His children? You can't be human! You can't! You can't!" (Our Position in Christ #2, 1990, audiotape, sd 2) "When you were born again the Word was made flesh in you. And you became flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. Don't tell me you have Jesus. You are everything He was and everything He is and ever shall be... Don't say, 'I have.' Say, 'I am, I am, I am, I am, I am'" (ibid.) "When you say, 'I am a Christian,' you are saying, 'I am mashiach,' in the Hebrew. I am a little messiah walking on earth, in other words. That is a shocking revelation. ...May I say it like this? You are a little god on earth running around" (Praise-a-Thon, TBN, 6th November '90) "In my case, I know I have lost complete desire for anything to do with the world. My worldly desires are gone....I no longer have any rebellion in me." (The Anointing, p1778.) "SO, I'M BENNY JEHOVAH!" (Spiritual warfare seminar, May 2 1990). "Say after me: 'Within me is a God-Man.' Say it again. 'Within me is a God-Man.' [Congregation repeats.] Now, let's say even better than that. Let's say, 'I AM A GODMAN.' This spirit man within me is a God-Man. Say 'I'm born-of-heaven-God-Man. I'm a God-Man. I'm a sample of Jesus. I'm a super being'" (Praise the Lord, TBN, Dec 6 1990). "God came to earth and touched a piece of dust and turned it into a God. Are you a child of God? Then you're divine! Are you a child of God? Then you're not human!" (TBN, Dec 1, 1990).
"When I stand in Christ - I am one with Him; united to Him; one spirit with Him. I am not, hear me, I AM NOT PART OF HIM, I AM HIM! THE WORD HAS BECOME FLESH IN ME!. When my hand touches someone, it's the hand of Jesus touching somebody" (Our Position in Christ). "I [Jesus] loved you enough to become one of ya! And I love you enough to make you one of me!" (TBN, Dec 1 '90). "God told Abram He could touch this earth till a man gave it back to Him" (World Charismatic Conference, 7th August 1992); "Never, ever, ever go the Lord and say, 'If it be thy will....' Don't allow such faith-destroying words to be spoken from your mouth" (Rise and Be Healed!, 1991, p47-48). "Jesus was born again [in hell]" (Our Position in Christ #1, 1991, audio-tape). "The Holy Spirit says, 'God's original plan is that the woman was to bring forth children out of her side" (Our Position in Christ #5,1990, audiotape, side 2)