The No Free Lunch Theorem Does Not Apply To Continuous Optimization

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ICSI 2011: International conference on swarm intelligence id-1

Cergy, France, June 14-15, 2011

The No Free Lunch Theorem
Does Not Apply to Continuous Optimization
George I. Evers
Independent Consultant
After deriving the particle swarm equations from basic physics, this paper shows by
contradiction that NFL Theorem 1, and consequently Theorems 2 and 3, are irrelevant to
continuous optimization. As the discrete nature of matter at its most fundamental level is
generally irrelevant from the broader classical perspective, so to is the discrete nature of an
optimization problem at its most fundamental level generally irrelevant from the broader
continuous perspective.

Key words
No free lunch, NFL, disproof
1 Introduction
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is derived from the kinematic equation for translational particle
motion to shed light on the conceptual underpinnings of the algorithm. The derivation supports the
counterexample of the second section by clarifying that if the static value of 1/ 2 from the position
update equation of physics is utilized in lieu of stochastic numbers, the counterexample maintains its
integrity, which shows that the counterargument applies equally well to the static case.
1.1 Derivation of the PSO Equations
University students of the mathematics and physics are familiar with the kinematic equation by which
a particles final position vector can be calculated from its initial position and velocity if acceleration
is constant over the time period:

0 0
x x v t at = + + . (1)
For PSO, the time between position updates is 1 iteration; hence, t and the corresponding
dimensional analysis can be dropped to simplify iterative computations. Instead, authors generally use
k to denote values of the current iteration and 1 k + for values of the ensuing iteration. Using this
notation, the basic position update equation of physics can be rewritten for iterative computation as
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
x k x k v k a k + = + + . (2)
Since PSO was jointly created by a social psychologist and an electrical engineer, it incorporates
very simple concepts from both disciplines. Via shared computer memory, particles model social
communication by iteratively accelerating toward the global best, which is the best solution found by
the swarm through the current iteration, k . Modeling cognition, each particle also iteratively
accelerates toward its personal best, which is the best solution that it personally has found.
The cognitive and social acceleration constants,
c and
c respectively, determine how
aggressively particles accelerate based on the cognitive and social information available to them: these
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can be set identically, or a preference can be given to either acceleration type [1]. The subtraction in
Expression (3) ensures that any particle which is distant from the social best will accelerate toward it
more strongly than a particle nearby. Similarly, the subtraction in Expression (4) ensures that any
particle that is distant from its cognitive best will accelerate toward it more strongly than were it
nearby. As a conceptual example, one could imagine children playing both indoors and out when their
mother announces that dinner is ready: those farther away might be expected to run more quickly
toward the dinner table.

( )
Social acceleration : ( ) ( )
is thesocial accelerationconstant,
( )is theposition vector of particle" "
at iteration" ",
( )is theglobal best of all particlesat
iteration " "
c g k x k
x k i
g k


( )
Cognitiveacceleration : ( ) ( )
is thecognitiveaccelerationconstant,
( )is theposition vector of particle" "
at iteration" ",
( )is thepersonal best of particle" "
at iteration " "
i i
c p k x k
x k i
p k i

Expression (3) defines the social acceleration of Global Best (Gbest) PSO. Local Best (Lbest)
PSO limits each particles social sphere to knowledge of the best solution found by its neighbors
instead of immediately granting each particle knowledge of the best solution found so far by the entire
search team.
Substituting the sum of these two acceleration terms for ( ) a k in Equation (2), while applying the
subscript i adopted in (3) and (4), produces Equation (5).
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 2
1 1
1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 2
i i i i i i
x k x k v k c p k x k c g k x k + = + + + (5)
Having replaced physical acceleration in the position update equation of physics with social and
cognitive modeling, the next step toward producing a stochastic search algorithm is the replacement of
1/ 2 with a pseudo-random number sampled per dimension from the uniform distribution between 0
and 1, (0,1) U . Note that the expected or mean value of the distribution is still1/ 2. Designating the
first vector of pseudo-random numbers as
r and the second as
r produces Equation (6).

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1, 2 2,
1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
where " " denotes theHadamardor"element-wise"product
i i i i i i i i
x k x k v k c r p k x k c r g k x k + = + + +
For convenience, the rather long Equation (6) is separated into a velocity update equation (7) and a
position update equation (8). This primarily helps with record keeping since each value can be stored
separately for post-simulation analysis. Substituting Equation (7) into (8) shows equivalency to (6).
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1, 2 2,
1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
i i i i i i i
v k v k c r p k x k c r g k x k + = + + (7)
( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1
i i i
x k x k v k + = + + (8)
Since its conception, Equation (7) has developed two mechanisms by which to improve search
behavior. The inertia weight, e, roughly simulates friction in a computationally inexpensive manner
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by carrying over to the next iteration only a user-specified percentage of the current iterations
velocity. This is done by multiplying the velocity of the current iteration by
( ) 1,1 ee
as shown in
the first term of Equation (9) [2]. The constriction models use a constriction coefficient instead [3],
but the popular Type 1 parameters can be converted to Clercs Equivalents for use in Equation (9) [4].

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1, 2 2,
1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
i i i i i i i
v k v k c r p k x k c r g k x k e + = + + (9)
The other restriction imposed on velocity is essentially a speed limit [5]. Rather than limiting the
vector magnitude itself, the computationally simpler approach of limiting each component is
implemented as shown in Equation (10), which limits the magnitude indirectly.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
, , ,
1 sign 1 max 1 ,
where {1, 2,..., 1, }, and
denotes the problem dimensionality
i j i j i j j
v k v k v k v
j n n
+ = + +
e (10)
This limits the maximum step size on dimension j by clamping: (i) values greater than
v to a
maximum value of
v , and (ii) values less than
v to a minimum of
v . From a physical
perspective, particles with clamped velocities are analogous to birds with limited flying speeds.
Considering the psychological aspects of the algorithm, clamped velocities could also be considered
analogous to self-limited emotive responses.
Concerning the calculation of
v , suppose the feasible candidates for an application problem are
[12, 20] on some dimension to be optimized. Clamping velocities to 50%, for example, of
x would
allow particles to take excessively large steps relative to the range of the search space on that
dimension; in this case, the maximum step size would be 0.5 20 10 = . But stepping 10 units in any
direction when the search space is only 8 units wide would be nonsensical. Since real-world
applications are not necessarily centered at the origin of Euclidean space, it is preferable to clamp
velocities based on the range of the search space per dimension in order to remove dependence on the
frame of reference [10]; hence, subscript j is included in Equation (10) for sake of generality; but it
can be dropped for applications with the same range of values per dimension.
1.2 Swarm Initialization
The optimization process begins by randomly initializing positions between a minimum and maximum
per dimension as per Relation (11). The most common benchmarks use the same minimum and
maximum per dimension. For application problems, however, these might differ depending on the
characteristics being optimized; hence, the general formula is provided, which uses subscript j to
indicate the dimension.
( ) ( )
min max
0 ,
i j j j
x k U x x = e (11)
Velocities are similarly initialized according to Relation (12). For application problems with a
different range of feasible values on one dimension than on another, different step sizes per dimension
would make sense; hence, the general form is presented, which avoids unnecessarily imposing the
same range of feasible values on all characteristics to be optimized.
( ) ( )
max max
0 ,
i j j j
v k U v v = e (12)
Each particles personal best is initialized to its starting position as shown in Equation (13).
( ) ( ) 0 0
i i
p k x k = = = (13)

1 eis often selected to lie within (0, 1), but a small negative value models trust and distrust quite effectively [4].
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The global best is always the best of all personal bests as shown in Equation (14).
( ) ( )
( )
( ) argmin
p k
g k f p k

= (14)
1.3 Iterative Optimization Routine
Once the swarm has been initialized, particles iteratively: (i) accelerate (i.e. adjust their velocity
vectors) toward the global best and their own personal bests, (ii) update and clamp their velocities, (iii)
update their positions, and (iv) update their personal bests and the global best. This routine is repeated
until reaching a user-specified termination criterion.
For convenience, the relevant equations are restated below as needed in order of implementation.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1, 2 2,
1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
i i i i i i i
v k v k c r p k x k c r g k x k e + = + + (9)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
, , ,
1 sign 1 max 1 ,
i j i j i j j
v k v k v k v + = + + (10)
( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1
i i i
x k x k v k + = + + (8)
A particles personal best is only updated when the new position offers a better function value:
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
1 if 1
1 .
i i i
x k f x k f p k
p k
p k
+ + <

+ =

The global best is always the best of all personal bests:
( ) ( )
( )
( 1) argmin 1 .
p k
g k f p k

+ = + (14)
Rather than accelerating due to external physical forces, particles adjust toward solutions of
relative quality. Each position encountered as particles swarm is evaluated and compared to existing
bests. Though the behavior of each individual is simple, the collective result is an optimization
algorithm capable of maximizing or minimizing problems that would be difficult to tackle with
straightforward mathematical analyses, either because the problem is not well understood in advance
or simply because the problem is quite complicated.
1.4 The No Free Lunch (NFL) Theorems
The NFL Theorems [6, 7, 8] essentially state that any pair of optimizers must perform equivalently
across the set of all problems, which implies that the attempt to design a general purpose optimizer is
necessarily futile. The theorems are well established and have even become the basis for a book that
attempts to draw biological inferences from them [9]; consequently, it becomes useful for the validity
of the theorems to be closely scrutinized.
One could hardly question the productivity of designing for a particular purpose and clearly
communicating the intended problem class, yet the assertion that no algorithm can outperform any
other on the whole is disconcerting since it implies that no true general purpose optimizer can exist. If
physical tools are analogous to algorithmic tools, then for Algorithm A to be no more effective across
the set of all problems than Algorithm B would imply that no rope, wheel, or pulley could be more
effective across the set of all problems than a shoe horn; yet pulleys clearly have more applications
than shoe horns, which draws the No Free Lunch concept into question. Even comparing shoe horns
to shoe horns, to design one of such width as to be practically useless would be a trivial matter; this
too is incongruous with the No Free Lunch concept since the mean performance of a shoe horn that is
20 cm wide could hardly match the mean performance of a shoe horn that is 5 cm wide.
Disproof is often simpler than proof since a counterexample suffices. Subsection 2.2 demonstrates
via counterexample that the first NFL Theorem is too strong to be true, which also invalidates the
corollary that only via problem-specific knowledge can an algorithm outperform randomness [8].
Were algorithms only written for specific problem types, each problem would need to be
classifiable in advance unless multiple algorithms were to be randomly applied in series until
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producing a quality solution, which would be quite an inefficient approach. Since modern
optimization algorithms can operate on systems capable of mapping inputs to output(s) black box
style, a quality general purpose optimizer, were such a thing possible, would offer an increased
probability of solving problems that are not classifiable in advance.
Furthermore, accidental misclassification of a problem would likely produce a relatively low-
quality solution. A quality general purpose optimizer would therefore also be useful for checking
answers produced by more problem-specific tools. So the question is, Can one optimizer produce
better mean performance than another in the long run?
2 The NFL Theorems Do not Pertain to Continuous Optimization
The first NFL Theorem is arguably the most important to address since its notion of a-independence
is the seed from which the tree of NFL Theorems has sprung. It is quoted below for convenience.
Theorem 1: For any pair of algorithms
a and

( ) ( )
2 1
1 2
, , , , ."
: is an element of , which denotes
the space of all possible problems,
and are the algorithms being compared,
is the number of iterations allotted
to t
y y
m m
f f
P d f m P d f m a a
f X Y F
a a

( )
he comparison, assuming no revisitation
(i.e. the number of unique cost evaluations
divided by the population size)
denotes the "ordered set of cost values"
, , measures "the performance of

P d f m a
an algorithm, a, iterated times on a cost
function, "
[7] (16)
Theorem 1 only asserts to be true for deterministic algorithms. While PSO is stochastic in the
sense that it uses pseudo-random numbers, the counterexample of Subsection 2.2 works equally well
with the static 1/ 2 of the traditional physics formula replacing the stochastic random number vectors,
r and
r . Following this substitution, only the randomized starting locations would be stochastic;
however, initial positions can be set identically for both algorithms either via any non-stochastic
initialization scheme or via identical seeding of the randomizer. Consequently, the pseudo-stochastic
nature of particle swarm does not exempt it from the NFL Theorems. Since the pair of algorithms
presented as a counterexample to NFL Theorem 1 in Subsection 2.2 presumes the seed of the
randomizer to be set identically as a practical matter, all starting positions are identical; hence,
removal of the stochasm is unnecessary, though it would be straightforward to accomplish.
This perspective is consistent with Wolperts statement, A search algorithm is deterministic;
every sample maps to a unique new point. Of course, essentially, all algorithms implemented on
computers are deterministic, and in this our definition is not restrictive [7]. In a footnote, Wolpert
further clarifies, In particular, note that pseudorandom number generators are deterministic given a
seed [7]. For purposes of the counterexample, the pseudo randomness employed is deterministic as
evidenced by: (i) the full repeatability of any particular computer simulation, and (ii) the ability to give
multiple algorithms the same starting positions via identical seeding of the randomizer.
Theorem 1 essentially states that for any performance measure selected (e.g. the best function
value returned over m iterations), the sum of an algorithms performance over all possible functions
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is identical to the sum of any other algorithms performance. This is equivalent to stating that the
mean performances of all algorithms are equal across the set of all problems. Quoting Wolpert and
Macready, This theorem explicitly demonstrates that what an algorithm gains in performance on one
class of problems is necessarily offset by its performance on the remaining problems.
Perhaps it is common sense that an algorithm specially designed for one problem type should be
expected to perform worse on another problem type than an algorithm specially designed for the latter
type; however, asserting that all algorithms should be expected to perform equivalently across the set
of all problems is tantamount to stating that a shoe horn should be expected to perform as well across
the set of all problems as a rope, wheel, pulley, or Swiss army knife. Since some tools are more
widely applicable than others, the notion that all tools must produce precisely the same mean
performance across the same large set of problems seems counterintuitive.
2.1 One Optimizer Can Outperform Another if Re-visitations Count
This example shows that one algorithm can outperform another across the set of all static, continuous
S , if any possible re-visitations producing repeated evaluation of the same locations are
counted for comparison purposes. While the NFL Theorems do not claim to apply to the case
considered in Subsection 2.1, the demonstration provides an intuitive basis for the counterexample of
Subsection 2.2, which counts evaluations of approximately the same locations for comparison: a case
to which the NFL Theorems are thought to apply. In practice, continuous optimizers generally do not
attempt to prevent re-visitation since modern optimization software can generate
distinct points to
model continuous search spaces such that the probability of any location being revisited is essentially
zero if the number of iterations is consistent with values used in practice, as discussed further in
Subsection 2.2.
Let Gbest PSO as described in Section 1 be algorithm
a . To fully define the algorithm, let the
velocities of
a be clamped to 15% of the range of the search space per dimension using Formula (10).
Let the inertia weight be set to 0.72984379, and let both acceleration constants be set to 1.49617977:
this parameter selection produces the same search behavior as the Type 1 constriction model of PSO
[3] when 1 K = , 4.1 u= , and
c and
c of Equations (2.14) and (2.16) of [4] are both 2.05. These
parameters define Gbest PSO throughout this paper and were used to generate the swarm trajectory
snapshots of Figure 1 on the following page. More important than defining a particular swarm size is
using the same population size for both algorithms to produce a straightforward comparison;
nevertheless, Figure 1 was generated using a swarm size of 10 particles.
a as a simple algorithm that uses the same population size as
a but never updates
positions: its initial positions are simply preserved. Let the initial positions be set identically for both
algorithms, which can be accomplished either by seeding the randomizer identically or by utilizing
any non-stochastic initialization scheme, such as the maximum possible equidistant spacing of
particles per dimension.
Except for m and F , whose definitions would not necessarily apply to Subsection 2.1, the
symbology of [7] is utilized to avoid symbolic clutter. Let
k denote the number of iterations
allotted to the comparison. Let the performance measure be the lowest Y value in sample
d .
( ) ( ) { }
max max max
min : 1...
y y
k i k
d d i i k u = = ; for Gbest PSO, this equates to the function value of the
global best when the search concludes at iteration
k .
Since algorithms
a and
a are initialized identically for sake of a controlled experiment, and
since the global best of Gbest PSO updates only when a better position is discovered (i.e. only when
the lowest Y value improves), Gbest PSO can never perform worse than
a on any static problem.
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Consequently, proving that
a produces better mean performance than
a only requires that Gbest
PSO be demonstrated to improve upon its initial positions for any one problem.
Figure 1 shows the swarm migrating from a poorly initialized state to premature convergence at a
local minimizer offering the best function value of all positions occupied during the course of the
search, which is what attracts all particles to it via the social component [4]. Even in the worst-case
scenario that for all other problems in
S , Gbest PSO should somehow fail to improve upon the best
position of the initialization phase in all successive iterations,
a would still outperform
a on set
a can perform no worse than
a on any static problem for which positions are identically
initialized by definition of the global best in Equation (14). In other words, since
a improves
performance over
a on at least one problem, and since
a performs at least as well as
a on all other
problems, algorithm
a achieves better mean performance than algorithm
a across the set of all
problems; hence, what algorithm
a gains in performance on one problem is never offset by its
performance on the remaining problems.

Figure 1
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The snapshots of Figure 1 were generated from data produced by an actual simulation on the
Rastrigin benchmark [10]. They illustrate that Gbest PSO improves upon its initial positions on at
least one problem; since algorithm
a cannot outperform algorithm
a on any static problem by
definition of the global best of
a , algorithm
a outperforms algorithm
a on the set of all static
problems when precise re-visitations are counted for comparison purposes. Section 2.2 extends this
concept by proving that one algorithm can outperform another across the set of all problems if
approximate re-visitations are counted for comparison purposes, which in turn disproves the
applicability of the NFL Theorems to continuous optimization.
2.2 One Optimizer Can Outperform Another if Approximate Re-visitations Count
To demonstrate that one continuous optimizer can outperform another across the set of all possible
problems, F , even if the outperformed algorithm never revisits any precise location, let Gbest PSO as
defined in Subsection 2.1 be algorithm
a . Let
P denote the percentage of trials written as a decimal
for which
a successfully approximates a global minimizer across set F within a user-specified
tolerance for error (e.g.
0.5 P = if algorithm
a successfully approximates the global minimizer on 50
attempts out of 100).
Let each dimension be linearly normalized to lie between 0 and 1 prior to the optimization
process, which both simplifies the ensuing calculations and ensures that each significant figure used
by the software assumes all 10 integer values from 0 to 9, thereby generating the maximum number of
discrete points within the search space. If MATLABs format is set appropriately, 16 significant
figures are reliably stored per variable; hence,
10 feasible values exist per dimension, constituting an
n-dimensional search space of precisely
locations. Though the search space is literally discrete
from a microscopic perspective, with
points, it is certainly continuous from the macroscopic
perspective. The following counterexample demonstrates the NFL Theorems to be irrelevant to
optimization that is continuous from a macroscopic perspective, regardless of whether it becomes
discrete at a microscopic level or not.
k be a reasonable number of iterations over which to optimize a system. Reasonable in
this context means that the number is consistent with values used in practice. The first benefit of this
selection is that velocity vectors will have nonzero magnitudes throughout the simulation such that no
precise n-dimensional location will be revisited due to absolute immobility: in practice, continuing the
optimization process once the swarm has literally stopped moving from even the most microscopic of
perspectives would expend computational time and energy without any chance of improving solution
quality, which is why the situation is avoided. Let S denote both the swarm size of Gbest PSO and
the population size of the comparison algorithm, which are set identically for sake of a controlled
experiment: the second benefit of using a reasonable value for
k is that step size
S k

be large enough for the software to distinguish it from 0; for example, step sizes larger than

reliably distinguished from 0 by MATLAB.
Since NFL Theorem 1 claims to be true for any pair of algorithms, define
a as a population-based
optimizer that, following any given initialization, iteratively updates each particles position vector by
stepping to the right (i.e. in the positive direction) per dimension via increments of user-specified
S k

. If a particle ever reaches the rightmost edge of the search space on any
dimension, its subsequent position update will move it to the leftmost point on that dimension, from
which it will continue stepping to the right. Since
a searches uni-directionally and step
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S k

, each particle will step across precisely

of each dimension in
iterations. Since
< , neither any initial location nor any subsequently visited location will be
revisited; since no re-visitation occurs,
k is equivalent to the m of [7] from the perspective of
a . Whether algorithm
a revisits any location or not is irrelevant since it will be shown to
outperform algorithm
a regardless.
Linearly normalizing each dimensions range of feasible values to lie between 0 and 1 produces
10 locations per dimension since each of the 16 significant figures maintained by the software is
allowed to assume the full range of 10 potential values (i.e. 0 through 9). The distance between
locations is then
( )
16 16
1/ 10 1 10

~ per dimension. Provided that step size


A , the discrete
nature of the search space at a microscopic level does not become a limiting factor; rather, it becomes
irrelevant to the large-scale continuous nature of the problem as proved in the following paragraph.
Even if the first algorithm,
a , only successfully approximates a global minimizer once per one
million simulations with a population size of 100 (i.e.
10 P

= ,
10 S = ), the resulting value of
iterations for
would still be larger than the number of iterations used in practice by a
factor of thousands. Since the number of iterations can reasonably be selected such that
16 1
, it follows that the step size can reasonably be selected such that

A ; hence,
the computational requirements for this counterexample are satisfied. Since the number of iterations is
not set nearly as large as
10 in practice, the microscopic level at which the search space produces
discrete limitations is not reached so that the optimization process is continuous rather than discrete
from the perspective of the optimization algorithm.
For problems that are continuous from the large-scale perspective, an optimizer can be designed to
search such a small fraction of the search space that it will necessarily perform worse than a
comparison algorithm. The following counterexample considers two mutually exclusive and mutually
exhaustive cases, both of which lead to the same conclusion: one algorithm can produce better overall
performance than another across the set of all problems.
Case I: Suppose that over the set of all relevant problems, F , global minimizers are uniformly
distributed relative to the search spaces containing them. In this case, dividing each dimension of each
problems search space into 100 equidistant regions and counting the frequency with which the global
minimizers of F occur within each region would produce a histogram showing precisely a 1%
probability of occurrence per region. In other words, suppose that all relative regions of the search
space are equally likely to contain a global minimizer for any problem chosen at random.
Continuous optimization algorithms sample locations within the search space and compare their
qualities to propose the best location visited as a solution. Such an algorithm can only locate a global
minimizer within the portion of the search space from which it successfully samples locations;
consequently, if
a searches within a region comprising less than
100% P of the entire search
space, its success rate,
P , will necessarily be less than
P across set F due to the supposed uniform
distribution of global minimizers. Since step size
S k

, each particle of algorithm

a will
search precisely
of each dimension of the search space in
k iterations. The entire swarm
will then search
100% P of each dimension; therefore,
a will search precisely
P of the n-
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dimensional search space in
k iterations. Since
1 P < , it must be true that
1 1
P P < ; hence, due to the
supposed uniform distribution of global minimizers across set F , algorithm
a with its actual success
rate of
P will necessarily outperform algorithm
a with its maximum success rate of
P . Hence,
Gbest PSO is a better general purpose optimizer than the comparison algorithm if global minimizers
are distributed uniformly within their containing search spaces.
Case II: Suppose that over the set of all possible problems, F , global minimizers are not
uniformly distributed relative to the search spaces containing them. In this case, at least one
dimension of each problems search space could be divided into some number of equidistant regions
for which a histogram plotting the frequency with which the global minimizers of F occur per region
would show at least one region to have a greater probability of producing a global minimizer than at
least one other region. In other words, suppose that not all relative regions of the search space are
equally likely to contain a global minimizer for a problem chosen at random.
Different algorithms can favor different regions across the search spaces of F as a result of their
characteristic search behaviors. To exemplify this, consider the following two options by which the
PSO Research Toolbox confines particles to the search space [10]. The position clamping option
works analogously to velocity clamping by instituting a minimum and maximum position per
dimension, which places a particle flush against an edge of the feasible search space every time a
particle attempts to exit. The velocity reset option sets to zero each dimension of a particles velocity
vector that would cause it to leave the search space, thus pulling it back into the interior of the search
space in the same iteration [11, 12].
Whereas velocity reset pulls each exiting particle back into the search space, position clamping
puts each straying particle at an edge location, which necessarily increases the number of edge
locations sampled across set F . Since position clamping increases the amount of edge searching
relative to velocity reset, the two algorithms favor different regions of the search space. Since each
algorithm favors different regions, any notion that all algorithms search identically across set F is
invalidated; hence, some algorithm should be expected to favor a region or regions more likely than
others to produce a global minimizer, thereby outperforming some other algorithm on set F . In other
words, some algorithm would, by its unique search behavior, surely favor a region or regions of the
search space less likely than others to produce a global minimizer, thereby causing it to be
outperformed by some other algorithm on set F (e.g. an algorithm using position clamping if the
edges of the search space are less likely to contain a global minimizer than the interior).
As a second counterexample, the uni-directional search algorithm of Subsection 2.2 could
incorporate an initialization scheme that would initialize particles to the left of the least promising
regions of width
k A per dimension. Exactly which scheme would accomplish this is irrelevant:
only the existence of such a scheme is important from this perspective, and there is certainly nothing
to prevent any particular starting positions from being used by some particular initialization scheme.
The algorithm would then have a lower probability of finding a global minimizer for any problem
selected from F at random than would Gbest PSO using the same initialization scheme if initial
velocities were set large enough to ensure that particles would be perturbed from their starting
locations in case they should happen to be initialized near each other. For that matter, searching the
regions that are the least likely across set F to produce global minimizers would probabilistically
cause the uni-directional search algorithm to be outperformed by other optimization algorithms in
As a thought experiment, if search spaces that are defined at least partly by a priori knowledge,
rather than wholly by physical constraints, are cautiously defined so as to avoid excluding quality
solutions as a matter of intuition, this expert judgment could easily produce a somewhat normal
distribution of global minimizers relative to the search space per dimension since at the very least,
such expert judgment would be expected to put quality solutions well within the search space. In this
ICSI 2011: International conference on swarm intelligence id-11
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case, random search sampling from a normal distribution would be expected to outperform random
search sampling from a uniform distribution since each region would be searched in proportion to its
probability of producing a global minimizer. The same logic applies equally well for any other non-
uniform distribution, which alone suffices to demonstrate that if global minimizers are not distributed
uniformly within their containing search spaces, there must exist at least one algorithm that would
outperform at least one other algorithm across the set of all relevant problems, F .
Any algorithm that produces better mean performance than another does so not by exploiting
knowledge of any particular problem, but essentially by exploiting statistics concerning the set of all
problems. This statistical knowledge is not programmed into the algorithm since the programmer
possesses no such knowledge in advance; rather, the seeming knowledge merely results from the fact
that different algorithms can favor different regions of the search space characteristically.
Since an algorithm can favor particular regions of the search space as a result of its characteristic
search behavior, it follows that if global minimizers are not uniformly distributed across the set of all
search spaces, some algorithm will spend valuable computation time favoring less promi sing regions,
thus producing worse mean performance across the set of all possible problems. Regardless of which
case is considered, what an algorithm gains or loses in performance on one class of problems is not
necessarily offset by its performance on the remaining problems in contradiction to NFL Theorem 1.
3 Conclusions
This paper demonstrates that when either precise or approximate re-visitations count toward
performance comparisons, NFL Theorem 1 is irrelevant. While the NFL Theorems do not claim to
apply when precise re-visitations are counted for comparison purposes, they are thought to apply when
approximate re-visitations from the large-scale continuous perspective are counted. This stems from
the fact that the derivation of the NFL Theorems assumed a discrete search space in which all
positions were simply regarded as distinct [7] rather than accounting for the fact that so many discrete
points exist via modern software that approximate re-visitation has a similar effect as precise re-
visitation for simulations of reasonable length, as evidenced specifically by the counterexample of
Subsection 2.2. This renders the NFL Theorems inapplicable to continuous optimization, for which
positions that are approximately the same must be compared in order to refine solution quality;
otherwise, proposed solutions would unnecessarily be of lower quality than the algorithm is capable of
producing. In addition to refining the quality of the final solution, approximate re-visitation is
necessary to reliably ascertain the relative qualities of various potential solutions; otherwise,
continuous optimizers such as RegPSO [4] would not be able to reliably distinguish local minimizers
from global minimizers in order to select and propose the best solution.
The counterexample of Subsection 2.2 considers two mutually exclusive and mutually exhaustive
cases that both produce the same conclusion: regardless of whether global minimizers are distributed
uniformly or non-uniformly within their search spaces, NFL Theorem 1 is incorrect in asserting that
all pairs of algorithms produce identical performance across the set of all problems. The
counterexample demonstrates that the theorem does not apply to problems that are continuous from
the macroscopic perspective, regardless of whether they become discrete at a microscopic level or not.
The counterexample of Subsection 2.2 casts doubt on the other NFL Theorems as well. Since it
does not depend on any position to repeatedly produce the same function value or otherwise make any
assumption about function values with respect to time, the counterexample is not restricted to the static
case. NFL Theorem 2 for the time-varying case was justified similarly to Theorem 1: specifically,
the proof for the time-dependent case proceeds by establishing the a-independence of the sum
( ) , , ,
P c f T m a

[7]; yet the counterexample of Section 2.2 shows a-independence to be a false

conjecture with respect to continuous optimization. Furthermore, Theorem 2 is based on the
assumption of bijectivity: We impose bijectivity because if it did not hold, the evolution of cost
ICSI 2011: International conference on swarm intelligence id-12
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functions could narrow in on a region of f s for which some algorithms may perform better than
others. This would constitute an a priori bias in favor of those algorithms, a bias whose analysis we
wish to defer to future work [7]. Yet the deferred analysis has not been published in more than a
decade since the promise was made, which alone renders the theorem unfounded.
Theorem 3 also built on the irrelevant notion of a-independence: At first glance this seems to be
an intractable question, but the NFL theorem provides a way to answer it. This is because according
to the NFL Theorem the answer must be independent of the algorithm used to generate c [7].
In summary, at least in the continuous case, an algorithm can be designed to perform worse than a
comparison algorithm across the set of all relevant problems; consequently, the notion that what an
algorithm gains in performance on one class of problems is necessarily offset by its performance on
the remaining problems [7] does not apply to continuous optimization. Hence, the development of
quality general-purpose optimizers is a valid pursuit. The irrelevance of NFL Theorem 1 and its
foundational concept of a-independence furthermore render Theorems 2 and 3 irrelevant to continuous
optimization, which might also cast doubt on the relevance of the remaining theorems.
The goal of this paper is not to clarify to which cases the NFL Theorems apply since the author is
not fully convinced of the validity of the concept; rather, the idea is simply to show by counterexample
that the No Free Lunch concept definitely does not apply to continuous optimization.
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