KP For Ram
KP For Ram
KP For Ram
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Sex Date of birth Time of Birth Day of birth Ishtkaal Place of Birth Country Time Zone Latitude Longitude Local Time War Time Correction LMT at Birth GMT at Birth Tithi Hindu Week Day Paksha Yoga Karan Sunrise Sunset Day Duration Male 15 : 1 : 1986 0 : 15 : 0 cq/kokj 044&04&16 jahanabad(bihar) 5.5 25 : 13 : N 84 : 59 : E 00 : 09 : 56 00 : 00 : 00 8:-474:-55 18:45:0 Z iapeh Tuesday 'kqdy Ojh;ku Ckkyo 06 : 37 : 17 17 : 21 : 28 10 : 44 : 10
Avkahada Chakra
Paya (RasiBased) Varna Yoni Gana Vasya Nadi Balance Of Dasha Lagna Lagna Lord Rasi Rasi Lord Nakshatra-Pada Nakshatra Lord Julian Day SunSign(Indian) SunSign(Western) Ayanamsa Ayanamsa Name Obliquity Sideral Time Jtr Sudra Simha Manushya Manav Adi xq: 9 Y 9 M 25 D Rqyk 'kq Dqahk 'kfu Iwokzhkknzin-2 Xq: 2446446 edj edj 023&34&18 KP Ayan 023&26&28 08 : 00 : 39
Ghatak (Malefics)
Bad Day Bad Karan Bad Lagna Bad Month Bad Nakshatra Bad Prahar Bad Rasi Bad Tithi Bad Yoga Evil Planets Thursday Kimstughna Kanya Chaitra Aridra 3 Dhanu 3, 8, 13 Vyaghat Jupiter, Mars
Favourable Points
Lucky Numbers Good Numbers Evil Numbers Good Years Lucky Days Good Planets Friendly Signs Good Lagna Lucky Metal Lucky Stone 6 1, 3, 7, 9 5, 8 15,24,33,42,51 Sat, Wed, Suni Sat, Merc, Sun Vir, Cap, Aqua Leo, Sco, Cap, Pis Silver Diamond, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 1
Ram raushan
Name: Gender: Date: Day: Time: SID: RAM RAUSHAN Male 15 : 1 : 1986 cq/kokj 0 : 15 : 0 08 + 00 + 39 Latitude: Longitude: Place: Ayanamsa Val: Bal. Dasa:
Lagna Chart
Ur Sa Ne Me Ve
8 9
Navamsa Chart
Sa Ke
7 6
Pl Ju
Su Ke
9 10
10 1
8 11 5 2
Ma Ur
12 1
Ra Ne
3 2
Planetary Positions Planets Sign Yxu Rqyk Lw;z Edj Panz Dqahk Eaxy Rqyk Cq/k /kuq Xq: Edj 'kq /kuq 'kfu O`f'pd Jkgq [R] Es"k Dsrq [R] Rqyk V:.k O`f'pd O:.k /kuq ;e Rqyk Ashtakvarga Table Sign No 1 2 3 lw;Z 4 5 4 panz 5 0 4 eaxy 3 5 3 cq/k 3 6 4 xq: 7 3 2 'kq 3 4 4 'kfu 3 3 1 Total 28 26 22 Chalit Table Bhav 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Vimshottari Dasha
xq: -16 o"kZ From 15/ 1/86 To 10/11/95 xq: 00/00/00 'kf u 00/00/00 cq/ k 16/10/86 dsr q 22/ 9/87 'kq dzz 22/ 5/90 lw; Z 10/ 3/91 pan z 10/ 7/92 eax y 16/ 6/93 jkg q 10/11/95 dsrq -7 o"kZ From 10/11/31 To 10/11/38 dsr q 7/ 4/32 'kq dzz 7/ 6/33 lw; Z 13/10/33 pan z 13/ 5/34 eax y 10/10/34 jkg q 28/10/35 xq: 4/10/36 'kf u 13/11/37 cq/ k 10/11/38 panz -10 o"kZ From 10/11/64 To 10/11/74 pan z 10/ 9/65 eax y 10/ 4/66 jkg q 10/10/67 xq: 10/ 2/69 'kf u 10/ 9/70 cq/ k 10/ 2/72 dsr q 10/ 9/72 'kq dzz 10/ 5/74 lw; Z 10/11/74 'kfu -19 o"kZ From 10/11/95 To 10/11/14 'kf u 13/11/98 cq/ k 22/ 7/01 dsr q 1/ 9/02 'kq dzz 1/11/05 lw; Z 13/10/06 pan z 13/ 5/08 eax y 22/ 6/09 jkg q 28/ 4/12 xq: 10/11/14 'kqdzz -20 o"kZ From 10/11/38 To 10/11/58 'kq dzz 10/ 3/42 lw; Z 10/ 3/43 pan z 10/11/44 eax y 10/ 1/46 jkg q 10/ 1/49 xq: 10/ 9/51 'kf u 10/11/54 cq/ k 10/ 9/57 dsr q 10/11/58 eaxy -7 o"kZ From 10/11/74 To 10/11/81 eax y 7/ 4/75 jkg q 25/ 4/76 xq: 1/ 4/77 'kf u 10/ 5/78 cq/ k 7/ 5/79 dsr q 4/10/79 'kq dzz 4/12/80 lw; Z 10/ 4/81 pan z 10/11/81 cq/k -17 o"kZ From 10/11/14 To 10/11/31 cq/ k 7/ 4/17 dsr q 4/ 4/18 'kq dzz 4/ 2/21 lw; Z 10/12/21 pan z 10/ 5/23 eax y 7/ 5/24 jkg q 25/11/26 xq: 1/ 3/29 'kf u 10/11/31 lw;Z -6 o"kZ From 10/11/58 To 10/11/64 lw; Z 28/ 2/59 pan z 28/ 8/59 eax y 4/ 1/60 jkg q 28/11/60 xq: 16/ 9/61 'kf u 28/ 8/62 cq/ k 4/ 7/63 dsr q 10/11/63 'kq dzz 10/11/64 jkgq -18 o"kZ From 10/11/81 To 10/11/99 jkg q 22/ 7/84 xq: 16/12/86 'kf u 22/10/89 cq/ k 10/ 5/92 dsr q 28/ 5/93 'kq dzz 28/ 5/96 lw; Z 22/ 4/97 pan z 22/10/98 eax y 10/11/99
Longitude 003&33&35 000&45&12 025&09&05 025&23&37 020&01&35 027&45&23 029&35&19 012-57-50 011-31-06 011-31-06 026-44-26 010-29-08 013-34-26
Nakshatra Fp=k M0"kk<k Iwokzhkknzin Fo'kk[kk Iwokz"kk<k /kfu"bk M0"kk<k Vuqjk/kk Vf'ouh Lokrh T;s"bk Ewy Lokrh
Pada 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 3
4 5 6 5 5 4 2 5 32
5 5 6 3 6 7 7 4 38
6 5 3 1 4 3 5 3 24
7 3 4 6 4 8 5 4 34
8 7 4 5 7 4 3 4 34
9 3 5 3 6 2 5 4 28
10 3 2 1 3 7 4 3 23
11 3 4 2 3 3 6 2 23
12 1 6 2 3 6 4 3 25
Sign Du;k Rqyk O`f'pd /kuq Edj Dqahk Ehu Es"k O`"khk Fefkqu Ddz Flag
Bhav Begin 18.42.56 18.42.56 19.01.37 19.20.19 19.20.19 19.01.37 18.42.56 18.42.56 19.01.37 19.20.19 19.20.19 19.01.37
Sign Rqyk O`f'pd /kuq Edj Dqahk Ehu Es"k O`"khk Fefkqu Ddz Flag Du;k
Mid Bhav 03.33.35 03.52.16 04.10.58 04.29.40 04.10.58 03.52.16 03.33.35 03.52.16 04.10.58 04.29.40 04.10.58 03.52.16, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 2
Ram raushan
You are a sensitive and emotional person. The hard knocks of this world have more effects on you than they have on most other people, and you lose some of the enjoyment of life in consequence. What other people say and think of you is taken by you to heart. Thus, there are a certain number of things which cause you unhappiness which, after all, are not worth troubling about.Your manner is quiet, as a rule, and this quality gives you the appearance of being strong and determined in the eyes of your fellow-men and women. It enables you to get your own way when you want it.You do not say as much as you think and while you are thinking, you are reasoning. It follows that your judgement is worth having and people will flock to you for advice.You have several excellent qualities. You are highly sympathetic, which makes you a good friend. You are loyal and patriotic and are thus a first class citizen. You are, or would be a most lovable parent. You are, or would be, everything that your partner could desire. Clearly, the good qualities of yours far outweigh the others.
Life Style
Children will give you tremendous motivation to set goals and accomplish them. You feel a responsibility to them and must not let them down. Use this motivating factor to its fullest, but be sure that your are doing what you want to do and not directing your efforts in an area which you do not like just because of your sense of responsibility.
Because you are sensitive to any happenings in your career life, you prefer to have jobs which require little hassle and pressure. Aiming your vocational directions with this in mind will result in a career of performance.
Almost any work that requires steady, intelligent plodding will give you satisfaction, especially in middle life or later. Your judgement is sound and you are thorough in all you do. You want to be left in peace and quiet to get on with your duties. You resent being hurried. Your methodical nature fits you or being placed in authority over others and, as you are placid and not fiery-tempered, you will secure the loyalty of those you have to direct. You possess a head for finance, which suggest that you would do well in the banking word, in the office of a finance company or a stock-broker. But most office work should suit to your temperament.
Your health need not cause you any worry, but it must not be neglected. Your chief danger lies in submitting yourself to excesses of heat and cold, particularly the former. Either are bad for you. Beware of sunstroke especially if you have to travel in the Cold regions, and avoid anything that might tend to send up your temperature. Apoplexy, in later life, must be guarded against. It is highly important that you get plenty of sleep and do not keep late hours. This is imperative because, in your waking hours, you are excessively energetic and never still - all of which use up your vitality very rapidly. It is only with the aid of ample sleep that the loss can be repaired.
You will take up many hobbies. You will become very much wrapped-up in them. Then, suddenly you will lose patience and cast them aside. Another will be chosen and it will suffer the same fate in due course. You will proceed through life in this manner. On the whole, your hobbies will afford you considerable pleasure. You will learn much from them, seeing that you will sample so many., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 3
Ram raushan
Love Matters
You need love as much as food. You are capable of deep affection and make excellent partner. You must guard against marrying someone with a lower status than yours because you lack just the toleration required for making such a union success. You are a true charmer, have excellent taste and tend to seek contact with artistic people.
In matter concerning money you will be prudent and cautious and in small things may get a reputation for being close-fisted (don't want to spend money). You will be rather inclined to be over-anxious about the future and for this reason you will endeavour to make good provision for your advanced years. If a businessman, you will be likely to retire early in life from active work. You will have remarkable vision as to the stocks, shares and industry. You will be strongly inclined to speculate in shares. You are likely to be successful in such things if you can follow your own ideas and intuition. If you depend upon other's advise or on rumours, it will be disastrous for you., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 4
Ram raushan
Generally Manglik Dosha is considered from the position of Lagna and Moon in the birth chart. In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in First house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in Ninth house.
Hence Mangal Dosha is present in Lagna Chart but not in Moon Chart.
Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha results in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s). It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets cancelled and has no effect.
Some Remedies (in case Mangal Dosha is present) Remedies (needs to be performed before marriage)
Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah are the most popular remedies for Mangal Dosha. Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the tree after that. Kumbha Vivah, also called Ghata Vivaha, means marriage with a pot and breaking it after that.
We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 5
Ram raushan
Get free chart (kundli) at || Current Transit Report (As on 30-01-2013) ||, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 6
Ram raushan
Ketu is in Aries in your 7th house
This is a period of mixed results for you. In this period you will suffer due to mental stress and strain. You may face problem in your business partnerships. Financially the period is not so good. Journeys will not be fruitful. Risk taking tendencies could be curbed totally. You can get into conflicts with your dear ones so better try to avoid these kinds of situations. However, this is not a good period for love and romance. You should be very careful in love and relationship as it can bring disrespect and loss of honor to you., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 7
Ram raushan
Jupiter Mahadasha Phal (birth - 10/11/95)
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Jupiter is in Capricorn in your 4th house. You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the ideas you have learned from your parents. Harmony in family life is assured. Having high personal values, and being very idealistic, are just some of the reasons why you attract so many gifts and blessing from others. So much of your energy will be giving more to your personal relationships and partnerships. The changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. You will come into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be on an increase. You may trade your vehicle for a better one or for the profit., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 8
Ram raushan, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 9
Ram raushan
Name: Ram raushan Gender: Male
S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Get free chart (kundli) at || Sadesati Report || Birth Date: 15 : 1 : 1986 Birth Time: 0 : 15 : 0 Tithi: Panchami Rasi: Aquarius
Sani Rashi Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aquarius Pisces Taurus Taurus Virgo Virgo Capricorn Aquarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Pisces Taurus Taurus Virgo Virgo Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aquarius Pisces Taurus Taurus Virgo Capricorn Aquarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Pisces Taurus Start Date 3/21/1990 12/15/1990 3/6/1993 10/16/1993 11/10/1993 6/2/1995 8/10/1995 2/17/1996 6/7/2000 1/9/2003 9/10/2009 5/16/2012 1/24/2020 4/29/2022 7/13/2022 1/18/2023 3/30/2025 10/20/2027 8/8/2029 4/17/2030 10/23/2038 7/13/2039 2/6/2041 3/7/2049 12/4/2049 2/25/2052 5/15/2054 9/2/2054 2/6/2055 5/28/2059 2/14/2062 8/30/2068 1/15/2079 4/12/2081 8/3/2081 1/7/2082 3/20/2084 11/10/2086 7/18/2088
Sade Sati / Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 10
Ram raushan
40 41 42 43 44 Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Taurus Taurus Virgo Virgo Virgo
Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Any conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt, consult a good astrologer., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 11
Ram raushan
Kalsarpa Yoga/ Dosha
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh. Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.
Lagna Chart
Ur Sa Ne Me Ve
8 9
Pl Ju
10 1
3 2
Your Horoscope is afflicted with Takshak
Kalsarpa Yoga, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 12
Ram raushan
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Capricorn sign which is a Enemy sign for Sun . Sun is Lord of 11 and situated in 4 house. Sun aspects on 10th house and aspected by Mars, Saturn One who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives, fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak, will lose everything due to conflicts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater. Should the Sun be in 4th, the native will be devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king. If the Sun be in 4th house, the native will be bereft of happiness and comfort, relations, lands, friends and house. He will be in Government service and will squander away his ancestral property.
Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Aquarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Moon . Moon is Lord of 10 and situated in 5 house. Moon aspects on 11th house and aspected by Ketu If the Moon is in Aquarius at birth, the person will have elevated nose, rough, or uneven body and stout hands and legs, will be addicted to intoxicants, will be averse to the virtuous, be not himself virtuous, will obtain illegal sons, will have stout head, ugly/diseased eyes, bright face and prominent waist, be an artisan, will have bad mentality, be miserable and will be very poor. Should the Moon be in 5th, the native will be timid in disposition, will earn learning, clothes and food, will have many sons and friends, be a scholar and be passionate. If the Moon be in the 5th house at birth the person will walk gently, will be brilliant and will have good sons. Such a person becomes Minister of a king.
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Libra sign which is a Neutral sign for Mars . Mars is Lord of 7 , 2 and situated in 1 house. Mars aspects on 4th, 7th, 8th house and aspected by Rahu If Mars occupies Libra in a nativity, the person will be liable to wandering, will indulge in bad business, be an able speaker, be fortunate, deformed in respect of some limb, will have few relatives, be fond of wars, will lose his first wife, will deal in liquors and will earn through prostitutes to only lose. If Mars occupies the Ascendant, the native will be cruel, adventurous, dull-witted, short-lived, honourable, courageous, will have an injured physique, be attractive in appearance and fickle-minded. If Mars occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the native will be very cruel but valourous. He will be short lived and his body will get bruised., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 13
Ram raushan
Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Mercury . Mercury is Lord of 9 , 12 and situated in 3 house. Mercury aspects on 9th house and aspected by Rahu Should Mercury be in Sagittarius, the native will be famous, liberal, will have knowledge of Vedas and Sastras, be valorous, will practice abstract meditation, be a minister, or family priest, be chief among his race-men, will be very rich, be interested in performing Yajnas and teaching (Vedas etc.), be a skillful speaker, be charitable and be an expert in writing and fine arts. If Mercury occupies the 3rd, the native will always toil hard, be devoid of near and dear, skillful, endowed with co-born, very cunning and fickle-minded. If Mercury be in the 3rd house, the person born will be brave but will have a medium span of life. He will have good brothers and sisters, but he will suffer from fatigue and be dejected.
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Capricorn sign which is a Debilitated sign for Jupiter . Jupiter is Lord of 3 , 6 and situated in 4 house. Jupiter aspects on 8th, 10th, 12th house and aspected by Mars, Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn denotes, that the native will be less virile, will experience much grief and difficulties, will be mean in conduct, be a dunce, will meet a bad end, will suffer from penury, will serve others, will be bereft of auspiciousness, mercy, purity, affection to his relatives and of religion, will have an emaciated body, be timid, interested in living in other countries and be depressed of spirits. If Jupiter occupies the 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia, conveyance, happiness, intelligence, pleasures and wealth, be great and be a source of misery to his enemies. With Jupiter posited in the 4th, person will be happy and will live with mother, friends, sons and servants. He will have plenty of grains.
Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Venus . Venus is Lord of 8 , 1 and situated in 3 house. Venus aspects on 9th house and aspected by Rahu One, who has Venus in Sagittarius will be endowed with good results accruing out of virtues, dutifulness and wealth, be dear to all people, be splendourous, be an excellent personage, will shine like the Sun before his family members, be a scholar, will be endowed with cows, be fond of decoration, will enjoy wealth, wife and fortunes, be a king's minister, be skillful, will have a stout and long physique and be respected by all. If Venus occupies the 3rd, the native will be happy, rich, conquered by women, be vile, little enthusiastic and will be bereft of luck and paraphernalia. If Venus be In the 3rd house at birth, the native will be miserly, unpopular, devoid of wealth, happiness and wife., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 14
Ram raushan
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Scorpion sign which is a Enemy sign for Saturn . Saturn is Lord of 4 , 5 and situated in 2 house. Saturn aspects on 4th, 8th, 11th house and aspected by If Saturn occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be hostile, be crooked, affected by poison and weapons, very ill-tempered, miserly, egoistic, rich, capable of stealing other's money, averse to instruments played on festive occasions, malicious, very miserable and will face destruction, misery and diseases. If Saturn occupies the 2nd, the native will have an ugly face, will enjoy worldly prosperity, be devoid of his own men, will render justice, will later on (in the course of his life) go to other countries and will earn money and conveyances. Should Saturn be in the 2nd house at birth, the face of the native will be unattractive. He will not take the righteous path and will be devoid of wealth but in the latter part of his life he will quit his native place and will then possess wealth, conveyance and all enjoyments of life.
Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Aries sign which is a - sign for Rahu . Rahu is Lord of 11th, 1st, 3rd house and aspected by Mars, Ketu and situated in 7 house. Rahu aspects on
Rahu in the 7th house at birth makes the person concerned independent, but without intelligence. He squanders away his money by associating with women. He will become a widower and also impotent.
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Libra sign which is a - sign for Ketu . Ketu is Lord of and situated in 1 house. Ketu aspects on 5th, 7th, 9th house and aspected by Rahu When Ketu occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the person born will be ungrateful, unhappy and tale bearer, will associate with unsociable elements, deformed in his body, fallen from position and outcaste., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 15
Ram raushan
What is Ascendant?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas, the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign.Your Ascendant is Libra., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 16
Ram raushan
Sun in your 4th house
If benefic: (1) The native will be wise, kind and a good administrator. He will have constant source of income. He will leave a legacy of great riches for his off springs after death. (2) If the Moon is with the Sun in the 4th house, the native will earn great profit through certain new researches. (3) The Mercury in the 10th or 4th house will make such a native a renowned trader. (4) If Jupiter is also with the Sun in the 4th house, the native will make good profits through gold and silver trade. If malefic: (1) The native becomes greedy, inclined to commit theft and likes to harm others. This tendency ultimately produces very bad results. (2) If the Saturn is placed in the 7th house he becomes victimised by night blindness. (3) If the Sun is inauspicious in the 7th house and mars is placed in the 10th house, the native's eye will become seriously defective, but his fortunes will not dwindle. (4) The native will become impotent if the Sun in the 4th is inauspicious and the Moon is placed in the 1st or 2nd house, the Venus is in the 5th and Saturn is in the 7th house. Remedial Measures : (1) Distribute alms and food to the needy people. (2) Do not take up business associated with iron and wood. (3) Business associated with gold, silver, cloth will give very good results., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 17
Ram raushan
Remedies (1) Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity. (2) Avoid evil deeds and telling lies. (3) Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful. (4) Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 18
Ram raushan
Rahu in your 7th house
Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious over his enemies. If the marriage takes place before twenty one years, it would be inauspicious. He would have good relations with the government. But if he engages in business connected with Rahu, like electrical equipments, then he will have losses. Native would suffer from head ache and if Mercury, Venus or Ketu is in 11th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the native. Remedies (1) Never marry before 21st year of age. (2) Offer six coconuts in river., E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 19
Ram raushan
AstroSage Varshphal or Annual Horoscope Report is based on ancient Tajik System of Vedic Astrology. It uses solar return technique and is considered very accurate in predicting good and bad events going to happen in a year. You will get summary of whole year as well as month-wise predictions in this report. This excellent report helps you planning a year and take important decisions at right time. It also helps you preparing yourself for unforeseen upcoming events. In nutshell, it is an excellent year planning tool that you should always keep with you for youself and your family.
Varshphal Year
Janam Male 15/1/1986 0:15:0 Tuesday jahanabad(bihar) 25 84 00.09.56 00.00.00 00.05.03 06.37.17 17.21.28 Libra Ven Aquarius Sat Purvabhadra Jup Variyan Baalav Capricorn 023-34-18 Sex Date of Birth Time of Birth Day of Birth Place of Birth Country Latitude Longitude Local Time War Time Correction LMT at Birth Sunrise Sunset Lagna LagnaLord Rasi Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord Yoga Karan Sun Sign(Western) Ayanamsa AyanamsaName 25 84 00.09.56 00.00.00 22.12.33 06.37.14 17.20.59 Virgo MER Aquarius SAT Satabhisa Rah Vyatipata Vanij Capricorn 024-02-19 Varshphal Male 14/1/2013 22:22:30 Monday jahanabad(bihar), E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 20
Ram raushan
Planetary Position
Planets Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto
Rashi Virgo Capricorn Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Taurus Sagittarius Libra Libra Aries Pisces Aquarius Sagittarius
Longitude 08-08-52 00-39-38 09-28-41 21-26-29 28-20-44 12-40-20 12-53-41 16-25-11 28-49-27 28-49-27 11-06-18 07-22-18 15-38-16
Varshphal Kundli
Ra Sa
7 8 5 4
9 12
Su Ma Mo
10 11
Ke, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 21
Ram raushan, E-mail:, Phone: +91 99118 40093, Printing Date: 30-01-2013, Page No. 22
Ram raushan
12/09/2013-30/09/2013 (Dasha Sun)
Sun is in 5th house You will be enthusiastic towards life. Youll be courageous and have a violent temper. There will be lack of mental control and loos of discremination. Your popularity with public will decrease and there can be trouble due to disputes. This period is unfavorable for love and romance. Children and life partner may suffer from ill health. In case of benefic aspects, this period may result in child birth and gain from higher authorities.
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