Medium-Chain Triglycerides: An: Andr# (233) C Bach, SCD and Vigen K Babayan, PHD

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Medium-chain triglycerides: an 2

Andr#{233}C Bach, ScD and Vigen K Babayan, PhD

ABSTRACT A review of the literature on the medical and nutritional use of medium-chain
triglycerides (MCTs) since 1970 is presented with additional discussions on the various modifica-
tions and applications of the MCTs in the synthesis of certain structured lipids. The metabolism of
MCTs in the liver and extrahepatic tissues is discussed along with further documentation of the use
of MCTs in malabsorption and hyperlipidemia cases. Recent applications of MCTs and modified
MCTs in hyperahimentation, deficiency in the carnitine system, epilepsy, obesity, and other special
areas of application are cited. The use of medium-chain monodiglycendes for dissolving cholesterol
gallstones is presented. The contraindications for the use of MCTs in ketosis, acidosis, and cirrhosis
are also discussed. Suggestions for use of MCTs in a variety of medical and nutritional applications
are presented. Am J Clin Nutr 1982;36:950-962.

KEY WORDS Medium-chain triglycerides, hong-chain triglycerides, medium-chain fatty acid

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(C6:0-Cl2:0), long-chain fatty acid (C 14:0 and longer), medium-chain monodiglycerides (mono-
diglycerides of caprylic and capric acids)

Introduction C8:0 versus 0.72 mg for C 16:0. The fact that

MCFAs are weak electrolytes and are highly
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) were ionized at neutral pH, increases even more
first introduced in 1950 for the treatment of their solubility in biological fluids. As we
disorders of lipid absorption. Since then a shall see, the greater water solubility and the
great deal has been learned about the metab- smaller molecular size of the MCFAs have
olism and clinical use of MCTs and of their consequences in all levels of their metabo-
fatty acids. lism.
Herein, we have tried to evaluate the cur-
rent state of the art of MCTs emphasizing, Absorption and metabolism
particularly, what has been learned since
1970. References 1 to 4 supply earlier biblio- Absorption
graphical information.
The molecular weight of MCTs is smaller
than the molecular size of long-chain triglyc-
Physicochemical properties
erides (LCTs). This facilitates the action of
MCTs are made up of a mixture of C6:0 pancreatic lipase. Consequently, MCTs are
(1 to 2%), C8:0 (65 to 75%), ClO:0 (25 to hydrolyzed both faster and more completely
35%), and C12:0 (1 to 2%) medium-chain than LCTs. In the case of mixed triacylglyc-
fatty acids (MCFAs) obtained by the hydrol- erols the MCFAs are liberated preferentially.
ysis of coconut oil followed by the fractiona- Mott et a! (6) showed that in man, MCTs did
tion of the fatty acids. The MCFAs are ester- not produce any change in pancreatic secre-
ified with glycerol with or without a catalyst tion, whereas with LCTs, there was a signifi-
cant overall increase.
to form the triacylglycerols (5). The melting
point of the MCFAs is much lower (C8:0, I From the Laboratoire de Pathologic G#{233}n#{232}rahe,
16.7#{176}C;C 10:0, 31.3#{176}C)than that of the long- vice de M#{233}decine Interne A, Clinique M#{233}dicale A, Hos-
chain fatty acids (LCFAs) (C 16:0, 63.1#{176}C). pices Civils, Strasbourg, France; and Nutritional Labo-
Thus MCFAs, but also medium-chain triac- ratories, Stokely-Van Camp, Inc, Indianapolis, IN.
2 Address reprint requests to: Vigen K Babayan, PhD
ylglycerols, are liquid at room temperature.
Stokehy-Van Camp, Inc, 941 N Meridian St, Indianap-
By virtue of their smaller molecular size olis, IN 46206.
MCFAs are relatively soluble in water: the Received December 4, 1981.
water solubility at 20#{176}C is 68 mg/lOO ml for Accepted for publication May 4, 1982.

950 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 36: NOVEMBER 1982, pp 950-962. Printed in USA
© 1982 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

The products of MCTs hydrolysis are ab- LCFAs are easily bound to this protein and
sorbed faster than those of LCTs, and as fast incorporated abundantly into lipids.
as glucose (7). Since their intraluminal hy- MCFAs follow the portal venous system
drolysis is rapid and relatively complete, the (Fig 1), whereas LCFAs follow the lymphatic
MCTs-unlike LCTs- are absorbed mainly system. Thus, MCTs do not stimulate the
as free fatty acids, and only rarely as mono- flow of lymph, while LCTs stimulate it sig-
diacylglycerols (Fig 1). In cases where bile nificantly. The LCFAs are transported as
salts or pancreatic lipase deficiency or both chylomicrons, which are insoluble particles.
occur (8), a large fraction of MCTs can be The MCFAs, however, are transported in the
absorbed as triacylglycerols, whereas LCTs soluble form of fatty acids, bound to serum
cannot be absorbed. In enterocytes, these albumin. This bond between MCFAs and
MCTs are then hydrolyzed by an intestinal albumin, however, is not as easily formed as
lipase. that between LCFAs and albumin (1 1).
In the mucosa, LCFA are converted into Because MCFAs leave the intestinal mu-
acyl-CoAs in the presence of an acyl-CoA cosa by the portal venous system, they reach
synthetase. The acyl-CoAs are then incorpo- the liver more rapidly than the longer mole-
rated into triacylglycerols, which are a major cules. The latter move via the extrahepatic
component of chylomicrons. Since this en- tissues, where they may be partially retained.
zyme is specific for fatty acids with more than Thus, MCFAs reachthe liver in greater abun-

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12 carbon atoms, the MCFAs are not signifi- dance than do exogenous LCFAs. The ma-
cantly incorporated into chylomicrons; there- jority of the MCFAs is retained in the liver,
fore, MCFAs leave the intestine faster than and only a small amount appears in the pe-
the LCFAs. The tendency of fatty acids to be ripheral blood for a short period of time.
esterified is directly proportional to their abil- When LCTs and MCTs are ingested si-
ity to bind to fatty-acid-binding protein (9, multaneously, the latter partially inhibit the
10). MCFAs are not easily bound to this absorption of the former. Nevertheless, the
protein and are not easily esterified, while total number of calories absorbed in this sit-

FIG. 1. Digestion, absorption, and transport of fats. MG, monoacylglycerol: C/ni. chylomicrons: gp, ca-glycero-
phosphate; G’CIRC, general circulation.

uation is greater than the calories absorbed not bind easily to the fatty-acid-binding pro-
when either fat is ingested alone (12). tein (19), and the acyl-CoA synthetase spe-
The mode of transport of MCFAs results cific for these fatty acids is located in the
in reduced sterol absorption (13). To be ab- mitochondrial matrix, MCFAs are almost
sorbed, sterols must be incorporated into mi- never activated in the extramitochondrial
celles; and to be transported they must be space. Consequently, MCFAs are not signifi-
bound to LCFAs, and incorporated into chy- cantly incorporated into the lipids synthe-
lomicrons (14). These two processes do not sized by the hepatic tissue (20).
take place with MCFAs and consequently MCFAs cross the double mitochondrial
the absorption of sterols is diminished. membrane very rapidly and, unlike the
The absorption of calcium (15) and mag- LCFAs, they do not require the presence of
nesium appears to be enhanced when the diet carnitine (Fig 2) (21). In the mitochondrial
contains MCTs, particularly in infants (16). matrix MCFAs are acylated by means of
The absorption of amino acids also appears an octanoyl-CoA synthetase. In contrast,
to be improved (17, 18). LCFAs or their acyl-CoA derivatives cannot
cross the mitochondrial wall. In the presence
Hepatic metabolism of a carnitine palmityl transferase-I, LCFAs
In the endoplasmic reticulum of the hepa- are transformed into acyl-carnitines that cross
tocyte, the LCFAs are actively fixed on the the membrane and regenerate long-chain-

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fatty-acid-binding protein (9) and activated acyl-CoAs in the matrix, by the action of a
into acyl-CoAs under the influence of a long- carnitine palmityl transferase-Il.
chain-acyl-CoA synthetase (Fig 2). These The mitochondrial acyl-CoAs, of whatever
acyl-CoAs then preferentially esterify a-glyc- chain length, then undergo fl-oxidation, with
erophosphate to give triacylglycerols and production of acetyl-CoA. In a healthy, well-
phospholipids; and esterify cholesterol, to nourished organism, relatively few LCFAs
give cholesterol esters. Because MCFAs do reach this stage at the same time, since these

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FIG. 2. Hepatic metabolism of fatty acids. TG, triacylglycerols; PL, phospholipids; CE, esterified cholesterol:
CPT, carnitine palmityl transferase.

fatty acids tend to be incorporated into the By complicated transfer mechanisms in-
lipids synthesized by the liver. The carnitine volving citrate and acetylcarnitine, acetyl-
palmityl transferase complex is rather mac- CoA is transported to the cytosol and can be
tive under these conditions. The MCTs, how- used in the production of fatty acids and
ever, are available and are rapidly oxidized. cholesterol. A carbohydrate-rich diet in-
The result is an excess of acetyl-CoA (22), creases the de novo synthesis of fatty acids
which then follows various metabolic path- and cholesterol by the liver. The synthesis
ways, both in the mitochondria (Krebs cycle, decreases when some of the carbohydrate is
ketogenesis, elongation of fatty acids) and in replaced by fats. The decrease is even smaller
the cytosol (de novo synthesis of fatty acids when MCTs, rather than LCTs, are provided
and cholesterol). During this accelerated /9- in the diet (33-35). The slight cholesterol-
oxidation of MCFAs, many hydrogen atoms lowering effect of MCTs identified by many
are released, and thus the cell medium is investigators can be accounted for by a de-
noticeably reduced (22). Recently, it has been crease in the intestinal absorption of choles-
demonstrated that fatty acids can also un- terol and a slowing of its synthesis from ace-
dergo fl-oxidation in the peroxisomes. But tyl-CoA in the liver (34, 36). Less cholesterol
the amount of peroxisomal oxidation of is synthesized because the acetyl-CoA is used
MCFAs is negligible, because the key enzyme in the de novo synthesis of fatty acids (37);
in this metabolic pathway, acyl-CoA oxidase, and because the activity of fi-hydroxy-fi-

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is not very active with acyl-CoAs that have methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, the key en-
fewer than 12 carbon atoms (23). zyme in cholesterol synthesis, is reduced (34).
A fraction of the acetyl-CoA supplied en- After a single oral dose of MCTs a slight
ters into the Krebs cycle and is oxidized into hypoglycemia develops (27, 38). It is caused,
CO2. The liver produces about 10 times more apparently, by a decrease in the hepatic out-
CO2 from C8:0 than from Cl6:0 (24); but the put of glucose and not by an increase in the
capacity of the Krebs cycle is limited (25). peripheral utilization ofglucose. Interestingly
Furthermore, because of both the excess of enough, the concentration of insulin in the
acetyl-CoA produced from MCTs and the blood increases at the same time, because the
reduction in the cell medium, oxaloacetate islets of Langerhans are stimulated either by
will be in short supply (26) (Fig 2). A large the ketone bodies or by the MCFAs them-
part of the acetyl-CoA is then redirected to- selves or by both. But, in general, it appears
ward the synthesis of ketone bodies. that MCTs improve carbohydrate tolerance
MCTs are ketogenic (27, 28), much more (39, 40).
so than LCTs. Wieland and Matschinsky (29)
Extrahepatic metabolism
and McGarry and Foster (25, 30) found that
the classic antiketogenic substances-fruc- Given the magnitude ofthe hepatic uptake
tose, glucose plus insulin, glycerol, and lac- ofMCFAs, the role ofthe extrahepatic tissues
tate-had little effect on the ketogenesis in- in the metabolism of MCTs is small, except
duced in the rat by octanoic acid. Freund and for the utilization of ketone bodies. The
Weinsier (3 1 ), however, found that sucrose MCFAs, however, play an important role in
greatly decreased the amount of acetone in the human fetus. Pilz (41) reported that 15 to
the air exhaled by subjects who had ingested 20% of the fatty acids in cord blood have
MCTs. The simultaneous administration of eight or fewer carbon atoms.
MCTs and oxaloacetic acid donors noticeably As in the liver, the extrahepatic tissues do
reduces the production of ketone bodies from not incorporate much MCFAs in the lipids
MCTs in the rat (26). they synthesize (24). In addition, LCFAs di-
The mitochondria have a system that don- minish the capacity of fat cells to esterify
gates fatty acids that have 12 or more carbon C8:0 (42). As in the liver, it appears that
atoms. A small fraction of the acetyl-CoA MCFAs do not need carnitine to cross the
produced during the oxidation of MCFAs mitochondrial membrane of extrahepatic tis-
serves to lengthen endogenous fatty acids. sues. This, however, has been questioned by
The relative importance of this metabolic Groot and H#{252}lsmann (43). MCFAs are oxi-
pathway increases when LCTs are replaced dized into CO2 in the extrahepatic tissues
by MCTs in the diet (32). more rapidly than are LCFAs (24). Also, as

in the liver, MCFAs inhibit, only slightly, the MCTs are a fat and thus can be used in
de novo synthesis of fatty acids in adipose cooking. In addition, MCTs are a concen-
tissue (35). trated source ofcalories (8.3 kcal/g compared
to 3 to 4 kcal/g for carbohydrates and pro-
Clinical use teins), and a good source of acetyl groups
which are useful in lipid synthesis.
Fat malabsorption The ingestion of labeled fats followed by
For 30 yr the special properties of MCTs the detection of the tracer in the expired CO2
have been applied in human therapy, partic- is a method often used to measure the amount
ularly in cases where the digestion, absorp- of fat absorbed. Since MCTs are oxidized
tion, or transport of usual dietary fats are much more rapidly than LCTs, labeled trioc-
disturbed. In such cases steatorrhea is present tanoylglycerol has been preferred to triolein
and is often followed by a progressive 5cc- by Schwabe et a! (56) (‘4C tracer) and by
ondary malnutrition caused by the loss of Watkins et a! (57) (‘3C tracer) to detect ma!-
nitrogen, water, and electrolytes in the feces. absorption of fats.
In general, the steatorrhea subsides when di-
Gallbladder disease
etary LCTs are replaced by MCTs, and the
number and weight of the stools are reduced. The medium-chain monodiglycerides of
The low concentration of lipids in the serum caprylic and capric acid can be solubilized in

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remains unchanged, but the dyspepsia and aqueous solutions, oils, and other organic
the nutritional state improves. Patients gain compounds. The medium-chain monodigly-
weight and children start to grow again. Thus cerides have been investigated in in vitro (58)
MCTs have been used successfully in adults, and in vivo studies for their use in dissolution
children, and newborns with the following of gallstones. A product containing these me-
disorders: dium-chain monodiglycerides is under an in-
1 ) In disorders of lipid digestion, as with vestigational new drug status in the USA
major or total resection of the esophagus or (Capmul 8210, Stokely-Van Camp, Inc, In-
of the stomach; biliary atresia, obstructive dianapolis, IN; US patent 4,205,086, May 27,
jaundice, primary biliary cirrhosis (44), and 1980). It has been used successfully in the
blind-loop syndrome; and pancreatitis (45), treatment of cholesterol-related choleithiasis
cystic fibrosis (46-48), and pancreatectomy. (59, 60) by perfusing it into the common bile
2) In disorders oflipid absorption, as when duct. Recently, further advances have been
there is massive resection of the small intes- reported in both percutaneous and endo-
tine (49, 50), ceiac disease, Whipple’s disease, scopic entry techniques confirming the safety,
Crohn’s disease, enteritis, gluten enteropathy, efficacy, and rapid dissolution of gallstones
tropical or idiopathic sprues, and malabsorp- with this product (61, 62).
tion in neonates (18, 51).
3) In disorders of lipid transport, as in Application of the energy-providing and
deficiency of chylomicron synthesis (eg, con- ketogenic properties of MCTs
genital /9-lipoprotein deficiency); and in lym- When MCTs are supplied in the diet, they
phatic disorder due to engorgement (eg, in- are rapidly oxidized, rendering many ketone
testinal lymphangiectasia) or leakage [eg, bodies and supplying a quick source of en-
chyluria (52, 53), chylous ascites, and chylo- ergy. The energy is delivered to the whole
thorax (54, 55)]. In the case of an abnormal body, both the liver (during the oxidation of
exchange between the lymphatic system and fatty acids), and the extrahepatic tissues
another system or a cavity, MCTs decreases (mainly during the utilization of ketone bod-
lipid and protein losses. Since MCTs, unlike ies). A modest elevation of the concentration
LCTs, do not stimulate the flow of lymph, of ketone bodies in the blood is known not to
they favor the healing of fistulas. be dangerous: all the extrahepatic tissues can
In cases of maldigestion and/or malab- use the ketone bodies supplied by the blood.
sorption where LCTs are not well tolerated, When the blood level of fi-hydroxybutyrate
MCT-containing diets have a great advantage and acetoacetate increases, the utilization of
over low-fat diets. The advantage is that ketone bodies is enhanced (63). These tissues

are enzymatically equipped to produce ace- plete success by some authors (7 1-73). The
tyl-CoA from ketone bodies. The activated diet provides 70% of the calories from MCTs,
acetate is then used according to local needs, as compared to 87% calories from fat in the
either as a source of energy, or as a basic LCT-based ketogenic diet. However, some
ingredient in the de novo synthesis of lipids. setbacks in the treatment of epilepsy with
MCTs have recently been reported (74-77).
Sources of energy
The MCTs are, therefore, a food of choice
for any organism that has increased energy MCTs arc a preferable food for any orga-
needs, as after major surgery (64), or during nism that has increased energy needs, such as
normal or retarded growth (16, 18, 65). It is undernourished patients after major surgery
generally believed that MCTs should be in- (64) or children during normal or retarded
cluded in the nutritional management of the growth (16, 18, 65).
severe undernourished patient. The metabolism of MCFAs by the extra-
Another major consumer of ketone bodies hepatic tissues is increased considerably when
is the fetus. Rubaltelli et al (66) have sug- MCTs are supplied intravenously. MCTs are,
gested that the perfusion of LCTs into cx- consequently, supplied in abundance to the
pectant mothers could help the treatment of various tissues where they are hydrolyzed. In
the fetus with slow intrauterine growth. From these tissues, part of the released fatty acids

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what is known about MCTs, it allows us to are incorporated into lipids (42), but most of
think that in this instance, it would be pref- them are oxidized. The resulting acetyl-CoA
erable to use MCTs rather than LCTs. generates energy in situ and contributes to
lipid synthesis. The caloric demands of the
Lipid precursors stressed patient are difficult to meet without
The acetyl-CoA produced in the peripheral incorporating fat into the parenteral regimen.
tissues from MCTs can also enter into ana- Lipid emulsions containing LCFAs, which
bolic pathways. In the brain, large synthesis for the most part are stored in the hepatic
of lipids-mainly phospholipids-from ke- and adipose tissues, are not capable of sup-
tone bodies have been demonstrated (67). plying quick energy in large quantities.
This synthesis appears to be very effective Therefore, replacement of LCTs with MCTs
during the period of myclinization of the could be valuable. Sailer and Berg (64)
brain. The use of MCTs as a source of energy showed that emulsions of LCTs containing
and lipid precursors in complicated pregnan- 25 or 50% MCTs were very useful in patients
cies should be further explored. requiring intensive nutritional therapy. The
MCTs were rapidly removed from the circu-
A nticonvulsive properties
lation, the increase in ketonemia was within
Ketone bodies also have a narcotic and acceptable levels, and the tolerance to these
anticonvulsive property that has not yet been fats was excellent, even in protracted therapy.
explained (68). This property has long been In chronically ill patients in critical condition,
used in the treatment of epilepsy. Although MCTs not only cover the energy needs, but
many drugs are now available, a ketogenic also contribute a sparing action for the low-
diet (69) remains a valuable alternative in ered muscular carnitine levels (78) and cor-
anticonvulsive therapy in at least two cases: rect the depression in ketonemia (79) related
when there is resistance to the usual drugs to septicemia or trauma.
(eg, epileptic myoclonia of childhood) and in In recent years with the introduction of
intolerance to the medication, or both. structured lipids based on the MCTs as the
In addition to providing an insufficient main backbone of the lipid, we are seeing
amount of carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet modifications of MCTs which improve their
has the disadvantages of being unpalatable utility and nutritional suitability in hyperali-
and difficult to prepare and administer. These mentation. Although physical mixtures of
disadvantages are partially overcome with the MCTs and LCTs have been tried in paren-
MCT-based ketogenic diet introduced by teral nutrition (64, 80, 81), such mixes dem-
Huttenlocher et al (70) and used with com- onstrate the dual pattern of clearance and

energy utilization of MCTs and LCTs. With genic. 4) The life span is longer when the
the advent of structured lipids of MCTs and diet is richer in MCTs than in LCTs (92).
LCTs at random distribution in the same
triglyceride molecule, there is now the poten- Deficiency of the carnitine system
tial for tailor-making of lipids to meet the In skeletal muscle, the transport of LCFAs
physical and nutritional needs of patients from the sarcoplasm into the mitochondria is
receiving parenteral or enteral nutrition. Ba- dependent on the carnitine system. Therefore,
bayan (82) has projected the types of struc- a deficiency of carnitine or carnitine palmityl
tured lipids that are available for clinical transferase (I or II, or both) results in a
investigations. Such structured lipids promise diminished capacity to oxidize LCFAs (93).
real progress in the hyperalimentation field The lowering of this energy catabolism,
where lipids and high-density calorie require- which is essential for the working muscle, is
ments are sought by the physician. manifested by various symptoms: muscular
weakness, pain after exertion, myoglobinuria,
Hyperhpidemias lipid-filled vacuoles within muscle fibers, and
Because MCFAs are incorporated into lip- episodes of metabolic encephalopathy. As the
ids only in small amounts, many studies have fatty acids continue to reach the muscle, they
been performed to find out whether MCTs are incorporated into triacylglycerols, which
can be useful in the treatment of hyperlipi- accumulate. In the myopathic form of carni-

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demias. tine deficiency, the pathology is limited to the
Although some authors (32, 34, 36, 83, 84) skeletal muscles, but in the systemic form the
have reported their observations on the de- heart, liver, and kidneys are affected.
crease in blood and liver cholesterol levels In view of the particular intramitochon-
with an MCT diet, we do not have a clear drial transfer of the MCFAs, patients suffer-
picture of the role MCT can play in the ing from a deficiency of muscular carnitine
treatment of hypercholesterolemia. This area have been treated rather successfully with an
deserves further study. MCT-based diet (93-97). In some instances,
In view of present knowledge of the causes carnitine was added. However, the disorders
ofhyperlipidemias, it is clear that MCTs have observed in patients with carnitine palmityl
no role in their treatment, except in type I transferase deficiency did not always regress
(lipoprotein lipase deficiency, mast-cell defi- when treated with a diet providing MCTs
ciency) and in type V (diminished activity of (98, 99). The more or less marked success of
lipoprotein lipase) hyperlipoproteinemias. treatment with MCTs is probably due to the
Since in these cases the clearing enzyme, or fact that only a small amount of MCFAs
its coenzyme are absent or insufficient, the reach the muscle. Undoubtedly, more studies
replacement ofdietary LCTs with MCTs (85) in this area are necessary. Studies on the
has been very useful in the treatment of these effect of intravenous MCT infusion would be
disorders. In studies done in rats, MCTs, of special interest in this regard.
unlike LCTs, slowed down the appearance of
alcoholic steatosis (86) and speeded up the Obesity
regression of established atherosclerotic le- Animal studies on the effect of the incor-
sions, when alcohol was withdrawn from the poration MCFAs into the adipose tissue have
diet (87). shown that MCTs can produce a slight re-
Malmros et a! (88) found that an MCT- duction (not always statistically significant)
based diet fed to rabbits induced atheroma- in body weight, and in the weight of the
tous changes in the aorta and coronary arter- adipose tissues (33, 35, 100- 105, Geliebter A,
ies. The diet, however, was probably deficient Torbay N, Bracco EF, Van Itallie TB,
in polyunsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, Hashim SA, unpublished data). The food
the following observations have been made efficiency ratio is diminished in rats fed
in the rat. 1) The aorta almost completely MCTs (104, 107): the animals need to con-
oxidizes MCFAs into Co2 (89). 2) MCTs sume 20.3 kcal/g of weight gain when fed
limit the deposition of cholesterol in all tissues MCTs as compared to 16.6 kcal/g of weight
(84, 90). 3) MCFAs are not thrombogenic, gain with LCTs. The reason for the lowered
while saturated LCFAs are (91) thrombo- food efficiency ratio seems to be an enhanced

thermogenesis induced by MCTs (105). the capacity of the extrahepatic tissues to use
Kaunitz et al (108) found that the weight of ketone bodies is saturated. Therefore, the
normal and obese subjects diminished when additional supply of such substrates is not
LCTs were replaced with MCTs in their diet. only wasted as an energy source, but it also
The value of MCTs in obesity is not as yet aggravates the metabolic acidosis and accel-
well understood. The results of Rath et a! crates the breakdown of the homeostatic
(83) failed to provide any evidence in favor mechanisms. The solution to this problem
of MCTs. In their study, obese women given may be using MCTs with odd carbon chain
a 550 kcal diet containing 30 g of MCTs lost fatty acids instead of the even carbon chain
as much weight as when MCTs were replaced fatty acids. Indeed Guy and Tuley (118)
by sugars. Kaunitz et al (109) found that showed that tripelargonin is less ketogenic
obese subjects consuming a 1200 kcal diet than usual MCTs in rats.
lost the same amount of weight whether the
dietary fat was olive oil or MCTs. In the Cirrhosis
genetically obese Zucker rat (1 10) and the Since MCFAs are metabolized mostly in
BHE rat (1 1 1), an MCT diet did not reduce the liver, the intestinal perfusion of octanoate
body weight. in healthy subjects results in the appearance
Nevertheless, several reports indicate that of only small amounts of this fatty acid in the
MCTs may be a useful tool in the control of circulating blood (1 19). However, when the

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obesity. Lavau and Hashim (35), Schemmel functional cell mass of the liver is reduced, as
(104), Travis et a! (105), Turkenkopf et a! in cirrhosis, the C8:0 concentration in the
(1 12), Geliebter et al (106), Baba et a! (1 13), blood increases due to the reduced hepatic
Bray et a! ( 1 14), and Bach et a! ( 1 15) indicate clearance. In the case of a portacaval shunt,
a reduction of carcass mass with the use of for example, C8:0 reaches very high amounts
MCTs. In view of these conflicting results in (1 19). It is generally believed that fatty acids
the literature, additional studies are needed are somewhat toxic when given in large
to understand the role of MCTs in the treat- amounts. Intravenous infusion of C8:0, for
ment of obesity. One explanation for these example, results in a syndrome resembling
results could be that the nonincorporation of hepatic encephalopathy: hyperventilation,
MCFAs into the adipose tissue is more or less hyperammoniemia, hyperlactacidemia, and
compensated for by the weak inhibition of de disturbed electroencephalogram ( 120, 121).
novo synthesis of fatty acids by the liver and In healthy subjects, the binding of fatty acids
adipose tissue (35). to albumin in the serum relieves this toxicity.
The monoesters and diesters of polyglycer- But, in cirrhosis, the albuminemia drops. In
ols containing MCFAs can be considered as addition, the affinity of MCFAs for albumin
replacements for natural fats. These polygly- is weak, because LCFAs and MCFAs com-
cerol esters appear to have the ability to Pete for the albumin binding sites (122). Un-
impart a feeling of satiety while eliminating der these circumstances, free fatty acids, not
and/or reducing the lipid level in a food bound to protein, diffuse passively across the
product, while still maintaining the desired capillary membranes. Thus, free octanoic
appearance and physical form. Their energy acid has been found, not only in the blood,
value is only 6 to 8.5 kcal/g. The use of these but also in the ascitic fluid, and the cerebro-
esters in foods will be a convenient way to spinal fluid of persons with cirrhosis who
reduce calories, particularly fat calories (116). were given this fatty acid by intestinal per-
fusion (123). It appears that, in cirrhosis, there
Contraindications is the danger that the energy metabolism of
the brain may be altered.
Ketosis and acidosis
MCTs are ketogenic in the normal subject Availability and suggestions for use
and even more in the patient with hyperos-
molar diabetic syndrome (117). Hence, MCTs Initially, MCTs were available only in the
should not be given to patients with diabetes. form of oil or margarine. MCTs are now
They should also not be given to patients available in liquid or solid preparations and
with ketosis or acidosis. In these conditions, in simple or complex combinations with pro-

teins, sugars, vitamins, essential fatty acids, In total parenteral nutrition, the essential
and minerals. These various forms make it fatty acids should be included in the regimen.
possible to provide the infant or the adult While Kaunitz et a! (126) showed in the rat
with the amounts of MCTs needed for par- that MCTs lowered the need for linoleic acid
enteral, oral, or tube feeding (124). more than LCTs, Hirono et a! (127) reported
It is indispensable to determine for each that the need for this fatty acid was increased
patient the threshold dose that must not be in newborn babies given an MCT-based milk.
exceeded if problems are to be prevented Williams and Oski (128) found no change in
from arising, eg, osmotic diarrhea in ileitis the vitamin E status of newborn babies fed
and in extensive resection of the small intes- MCT-based milk. It is, therefore, important
tine, or in dumping syndrome in patients with that when MCTs are given intravenously or
gastrectomy. enterally as the sole source of fat, that the
In enteral feeding, MCTs should first be needs for essential fatty acids are met. There
introduced in small amounts and gradually are now available tailor-made MCTs with
increased to the prescribed dose. In general, varying amounts oflinoleic acid (Captex 810,
MCTs are well tolerated when the daily dose Stokely-Van Camp, Inc) These products are
is divided proportionally into meals of a well- facilitating the design of regimens that meet
balanced diet. MCTs diets seem to be better the essential fatty acid requirements of pa-
tolerated by children than by adults (90). A tients.

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nutritionally balanced diet is the best way of When MCTs are used for cooking or
avoiding ketosis. A daily supply of 50 or even frying, they should not be heated to temper-
100 g is easily tolerated. Obviously, when atures above 150 to 160#{176}C.Above this tem-
MCTs are given for their ketogenic properties perature, it will result in oxidation and ther-
the procedure will be different (68, 75). ma! breakdown which will affect the palata-
MCTs are not a panacea. Only rarely do bility and acceptability of the product.
MCTs alone provide the best therapeutic so-
lution. Very often, it is advisable to combine Conclusions
MCTs with the standard therapy of the par-
ticular illness: a reduction in the supply of The particular physicochemical properties
LCTs, or the provision of bile salts (in biliary of MCFAs make MCTs a valuable tool in the
deficiency), enzyme therapy (in pancreatic dietetic management ofa number of disorders
deficiency), a gluten-free diet (in celiac dis- of lipid metabolism. Most fat maldigestion
ease), antibiotics (in tropical sprue), or car- and malabsorption conditions, and some dis-
nitine (in carnitine deficiency). orders of the lymphatic fat transport and of
It must be remembered that when the the fat removal from the blood, can be com-
digestion or absorption of LCTs is perturbed, pletely or partially corrected by replacing
a smaller amount of MCTs is absorbed than dietary LCTs with MCTs. The crucial needs
in the healthy organism; but in any case more for energy or for acetyl-CoA as precursors of
MCTs are absorbed than LCTs. As discussed lipids, can be met by a supply of MCTs,
previously, the ingestion of large amounts of whether the need is transient or long lasting.
MCTs decreases the absorption of LCTs, and Although MCTs are fats, they tend some-
increases the losses of LCFAs in the feces. times, to behave like carbohydrates. Al-
Nevertheless, extrapolating the results ob- though MCTs are oxidized rapidly and have
tained in rats to patients with reduced lipid low tendency to be stored in the adipose
absorption, Clark and Holt (12) suggested tissue, MCTs are not hyperlipidemic, but they
that the amount of LCTs normally tolerated are ketogenic. Although MCTs are not hy-
could be doubled, by means of an MCT perglycemic, they slightly stimulate insulin
supplement, without inducing steatorrhea. production, but do not lower lipogenesis sig-
When MCTs are infused parenterally, the nificantly. MCTs are not drugs-they have
dose should be carefully calculated and the no pharmacological effect.
patient closely monitored. If the dose is in In summary, the beneficial effects of MCTs
excess, there is danger of acidosis due to are: 1) MCTs are digested, absorbed, and
hyperketonemia and hyperlacticacidemia transported easily and rapidly in disorders
(125). where the digestion, absorption, or transport

of LCTs are not optimal. 2) MCTs are oxi- I Chin Invest 1969;48:2235-43.
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pFad v3 Proxy

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